With Which Is InCorporated The Bowmanville News viry~. itfDfl* oi - i 'i' ~NUMBER 5 I I i i I Mr. Justice McEvoy Dismisses Action Brought by Brannigan Against Town In making public reserved judgment, Judge finds SI that Town was flot negli- gent and tha.t man was well treated. Flnding that there was no negli--------followed gence oni the part o! the defend-0 ant corporation, Mr. Justice Mc- Evoy in the Supreme Court at Whit- Unf olding a vivid picture o! the o by on Saturday dismissed the action chaotic conditions within the world n brought by Clifford Brannigan, o! at the present time , and at the samne t Bowmanville, an unernployed man on time portraying Canada's relation- relief, against the Municipal Cor- ship to these world aff airs, Prof essor t poration o! the Town of Bowman- Norman Mackenzie, Associate Pro-1v ville, for damages alleged to have fessor o! Law at Toronto University, been sustained while he was at addressed the Men's Canadian Club - work on a wood lot owned by the at the Bowman House on Thursday town. His Lordship in his judg-I night. ment reviewed the evidence at Professor Mackenzie having trav- length, but cid not determine whe- elled throughout the Orient and ther or flot the plaintif!,wo a Europe and having been a member on reief and working wth arelif o the Pacifie Relations Coiiferenee, gang at the time o! thé accident, hie was able to give an accurate pic- was an employee of the town. This turization o! conditions and foretell it wlll be remembered, was one o! with some degree o! ecrtainty what the main points in the de! ense. these conditions will lead to. Brannigan was out o! work and He was introduced by President art relief, and clained that while Dave Morrison, who had previouslyy on rébruary 1, 1932. he was work- given his inaugural address. M r.'D inglitith four other men who were Morrison welcorned several new also on relie! on a wood lot owned members brought to the club throughî by the Town o! Bowmanville cutting the endeavours o! Mr. A. M. Hardy 1 down trees te inake posts used by and his Membership Comrittee. the town, he. while wielding an axe Last year's membership was 45 and trnmmlng trees. slipped on the icy this has been increased to 64 with Incline on which the lot was located others still to loin at the next meet- and as he fell his le! t leg carne in ing. contact with a cross-eut saw which 'Canada's position in the Inter- had been laid down, teeth up, in national Affairs o! Today" was theG the bush by his f ellow workmen. He title o! Prof. Mackenzie's address. l clalmed that he had a!ter same Canada's position in international V .'b ratment e local doctors to go toafaf airs hias been of little concern toC teTbnnto General Hospital where the average Canadian, hie said, who a L o peration was performed, and was lnclined rather ta think in t ~that he was still suffering from the terns o! local, provincial or dorin- injury and found it a handicap ini ion af airs. This situation is due ta t0 .worklng at odd jobs in the sumnier Canada's history. Until 1914 Can-a and also on relie! work provided bY ada had not international relations a the town. as such. Then she becarne involved I The evidence discosed that Bran- in the war and faof the first tme bera nigan like other men on relief had relationship within the empire took I ta performi 16 hours work each week a definite formi and due ta the Bor-P as a condition that hie obtained a den Union Governrnent's insistence relief voucher for a weck's gracel-ies Canada took ils place in world a!-t and fuel. It was optional wit5i him fairs as a signatory o! the Treatyt and other men as ta when thie 16 of Versailles which brought the wart m~hurs was put In. as no tirne sheets t n nd were kept by the town forernan as Then as an independent and1 in the case o! regular town em- automanous nation it became.- a ployees. member o! the League o! Nations. One o! the main points on the1 Previous to these developrnents Can- ,e!ense was that Brannigan beingi an relief was not a regular emplovee (Contlnued on page 5) of the tawn. and another was thas ___-_--------_ if ho was injured as he claimed he was the author o! his own injuries. The District Hockey League con-i plaintif!. it will be recalled. dlaim- prising Oshaiwa, Bowrnanville, New-4 ed that he was a tawn ernployee and castle and Orono opens on Wednes- that bis injuries were due to the day next, December 27th. with a1 negligence o! other men who like double header at Orono. The f irst1 hiniseif were employed by the town. game will start at 8 p4xi. This is1 in bis judgment Justice McEvoy the new league forrned recently by fauud that the plaintif! while on Or-me Gamsby. reRef had been generousiy dealt _______________ wltti by the town prior to) and a! er ui. eirpnt irh evdene. is 1cesf,,11, ipfendecI the suit for the, As thé old year nears its end and the joyous Yule- tide season. draws daily nearer, we gaze in retrospect at the events of the past twelve months, and despite the inroads of the depression, and the difficulties with which we have been faced, we feel we have a, genuifle reason to be grateful. We are grateful that we have been able, through the loyal support of the community we serve, to complete the year, buffetted perhaps by the storms of adversity, but nevertheless stili riding the crest of an active business life. Neyer in the long and eventful 80 years history of The Sta.tesrnan have we had so many expressions of appreciation of our efforts in making a better newspaper than have corne our way during the past twelve months. To those who have thus expressed their f altii in us, and in our efforts to, place Bowmafl- vile on the map as an outstariding cornmunity, we ti ai ti w a ti ci 0: 0 Rotary Club Has OFficiai Visit OF District Governorý Dr. Grant L. Bird, Governor of the 27th District of Ro- tary International gives splendid inspirational ad- -dress here. * Our Chiristmas Greeting to You + Toprethoursemerhatiue with their home tový days of the past tw us through tLheir su better newspaper, v thanks. And lastlY to that who have been oui have made, our hei you. We sincerely f ull measure of CO- have done in the pi To ail our f riendç in the United StatE world. The Statesr veys to you ail, goo9 joy, and a New Yei WILL YOU SPOIL A KIDDY'S CHRISTMAS? This a! terncon you will have the opportunity o! sending in yaur donation towards the Christrnas Cheer baskets. In Bowrnrille there are scores o! children drearning o! a Merry ChristmTas. They drearn the sarne dreamis as the child- ren o! the rich, and rnany a mother sits awake at night wondering whether a generous Bowrnanville wlll see that her children's drearns came true. You may bring a child's drean fU friUlfiUS!UJ v t SS'b J" sare Dr. Grant L. Bird o! Oshawa, If you had not planned ta give Governar o! the 27th District o! Ro- today, won't you delîver some- fo tary International, paid bis officiai thing ta the Town Hall on Fi- nE visit ta, the Bowmianviiie Rotary day in lime to catch the dis- W Club on Fniday, when he delivered tributors o! hag'pine&s? Your n( an inspirationai address on the bis- gif t, however small, may brîng of tory and work a! Rot.ary. bappiness ta some cbild, May S Governor Bird, who was President make their Chrisîmias bright- bi o! the Oshawa Club in 1932, bas bad er. Will you spoil a kiddy's a distfiguished career as a Rotanian Christmas by turning a deaf tl aud bis election la Ibis high inter- car ta, their plea? tl national office was a recognition o amoug the clubs o! the 27 District o! E bis abiiity and unique fitness for the MAYOR DELIVERS position. President Tommy Ross presided aI VALEDICTORY AT t the meeting, a feature o! wbich was the presentatioti o! a puP to Ro- COUNCIL SESSION tanian Ross Strike. Another feature i f was two splendid numbers by theFiametnofTw unlhldo Rotary Octette composed a! G. E. o Finalmeetng o!towCouncil helondt Chase, T. S. Hoigate. M. S. Dale., n1 da gt oncltacn F. O. Mcllveen, Dr. C. W. Siemon, tinue fight against Scugog C, H-. J. Knight, W . R. Strike and D. R. I osingwjg-a t Morrison. 1j Dr. Bird. who was accompanied- by Les. McLaugblin and President C. A quiet session featured the sta-h F. Cannon o! the Oshawa Club. wastutory meeting o! the Town Coun- introduced by the latter wha briefly cil on Friday night when the busi- E outiined bis interesting career. ness o! 1933 was completed and the r Iu bis address, whicb was o! mare members o! the council officiall5o than usual interest ta, Rotarians, the severed Ibeir connections in civie Governor traced the origin, 'size, affairs until a new counicil is elected grawth and strength o! the Ratary on Jauuary lis. AUl members wered organization, !rarn the summer in presenî and Mayor Gea. W. James 1901 wbeu Paul Harris, the Young presided. Chicago lawyer, flrst conceivedîbhe Cammunication was received f romn idea o! a social club with represen-; the Caunties Clerk o! the admission tatives o! the era vocations and of patients ta vaniaus bospitals. several wna <jeciied to, make lia excep- ts, too. who have stood loyallY xn paper in the none too bright o years, and who have enabled mmr on ive to Rawmanville a r Loa1od0a.in eele .re For Huge Conveyor Beit From AFrica CANDIDATES IN GOOD Belt when finished will pro- ~7YY £I ITI~ r-MT,1D U IUy um GIu@ * multitude of Statesman readers, HpySca vn ihcniae adodr 0,W fe rinspiration in every effort we Hand fSoinal Eventwth cain s of corded hose. artfelt appreciation goes out to Contest to a close ..Also hope that you will afford us a guests aut Royal Theatre The nicest Christmas present tîtat ý-operation in the future as you eould pnssibly corne to Bowmanville, Candidates in the Statesmnan Good lias arrivcd in tlhe way of two large )ast. \Vill Club Comptition, their escorts, ordcrs for the local plant of the Good- s from coast to coast in Canada, judges, and mcmbers of The States- year Tire and Rubber Company. The es and elsewhere throughout the mari staff werc guests on Monday night orders quite apparently relet the man staff in th.is manner con- at dinner in the Balmoral Hotel bring- trend toîvard better times, evidenced d wishes f or a Christmas of great ing to a close a successful camnpaign. in a story a f ew weeks ago of large ýar of happiness and prosperity. A-lfter a splendid chicken dinner orders recived at the Bowmanville Editor Geo. \V.' James introduced '.\r. Foundry. R. L. Taylor, campig lanager, -wlo Recently, Mr. A .Hry plant spoke briefl, expressing bis apprecia- superintendent, told The Statesman, ton of the fine work, accomplisbied and anr order ivas received f rom Johiannes- 41 oney Lirgently the co-operation received botbi from hurg, South Africa, for a cneo candidates and fromi The Statesman. bel, 1100 feet long, 42 inches ,vide, 10 Editor James, explained that lie biad p1,~4inclh cover, mrade of 36 ounice IN4eedea to Ensure la t one time bcen very mucb opposed dîck, the whole belt to be in one to subscription contests, but 'Mlr. Tay- lerngth. i or's plan and lus lîonet and traiglît- To make îlîis beit, Mr. Hardy added, uf ~orward manner lad appealed to ini il will tak-e 3666 yards of belt duck, Bask ts F r N e dy nd the contest lbad proveui this faith weighing 36 ounces to the yard, and - to bc justified anîd Nortliwhile. 42 inclies wide. The total combined ~ The reaoî for the contet vas prinu- weight of the rubber and fabrie used ý14erly 15000 i alradyan!l of course to colleci suh-criptioiî in tlhe nîaking of this belt will be donated by kindly cati- arrears and to get new subscribers and 18,000 pounds or 9 tons. Thîis will be n it as succesfil in botît these efforts. tîhe largest belt order received at the zens but inuch more 1 lt was crncouiraging, the editor said, plant and the largest belt ever made needd t f ii oer 10 kw suhcribrs came f romn Carwight Wlien finished and roied up it vill baskets. Township, a section wbicli The States- be Il feet in diameter and il will flot -man is cideavouring tosev better only be necessary to take doîvu st2>ar A generous respnnse to the appeal and attract to Bowvmanville. pipes and water pipes along the ccil- or funds to provide unemployed and Mr. James thanked the contestants ing in order to roll il along the floor, eedy familles wjth Christmas baskets f or the splendid %vay they lhad taken but brick wvalls and partitions will as brought in up until Wednesday tlieir parts iii the contest, and also ex- have to be knocked out in order to aoofi close to $15000, witb prospects presse(l appréciation to the judges Mr. remove it f rom tbe factory. IJnlike f moe cmin in Whie te son-C. T. Ross, President of the Rotary thre mani who buiît a boat in the cellar for o the in. r ita bse tdson- Club, 'Mr. F. 0. McIlveen, Manager and biad to take il to pieces to get it so arte Crtfis'tmas asedsons of tire Bank of 'Montreal and Mr. W. out, this bell will not bc takeii to beyo hope gotfler oritize s wî realizse P. Corbett, Président of tire Business pieces, but will be taken out in one baty $15000he cieswill fltnal raeaie Mens Association. solid roll, xeighing nine tons. Ih will fha t15e.needs fotis ear. Waelrorer So that tire contestants miglht become (Continued on page 7) of0th basetswfor be s et out elor heully acquainted with members of tire- 1 0 0 b a s e t s w i l b e s e n o u b e o r e t h e S t a t e s n a n s t a f f w~ h o iv e r e p r e s e n t M r . lose of this week, and it will be re- amsitoudMssEE.Hyrft, SPLENDID CONCERT GIVEN ognrie tattbakesseor alodollarste lheoldest member iin point of service, BY CANuinAN LEGION BAND .o rovde baketfora mderteJohin M. James of tire job Printing ized family. Department, B. H. M-\ortlock of tbe Before pnly a fair audiencein In The Ladies' Welfare Board there- Editorial Deparment, Mrs. N. S. B. the Town, Hall on Sunday night, the fore appeal to you, almost on the Eve James, partner in tie firm, and -.Mrs. Canad.lan Legion Band, assisted by f Christmlas, to do your level best for Geo. W. James, if e of the Editor. vocal artists, presented an unusuafli th is pref s eraavte govnenot Also guests .at the dinner wvere the fine musical treat. The band was casont efribllo ie amh on e ot escorts of the candidates, the judges under the direction of Mr. R. conribtins f ikeamuntar foth with Mrs. M.\cllveen and Mrs. Ross. Fountain. the new bandmnaster, coming, but produce is just as accept- Folloîving tire dinner the candidates while Mayor Geo. W. James acted able and gifts o! this nature should be and their friends wvere guests of Mr. as chairman. The marches, over- handed in today or Friday for sure. Ross at the Royal Theatr ere dur- tures and selections by the band Cash donations may be given to Mrs. -n leeeigtersîso îeci were excellent and were a tribute to E. R. Bounsaîl, ehairman o! the Com- test w'ere throw'n on the screen. tehr okta h an a mittee, Mî-s. J. H. H. Jury, secretary In this manner tire 7 weeks' campaign had in constantly lmprovlng ltself. or Reeve T. H. Loekhart, of the Wel- aet ipycoe jheSae- Mrs. Stuart Alger of Osh.awa, with faream Bord apreiativoef th pledid ers-Mrs. C. H. Dudley at the piano, fa e B ar .-m an a p egave f t e p en i ff r stw o bea& ttlul n u nab ers. w h lle Thtis will be the last opportunity of made by tîe candidates and all who 1St. Paul's MaIe Quartette. composed doing something really worthwhile for îielped îliem, and the candidates de- of Alex Moaregor, Donald Wllilams, a needy family this Chistmlas. Do it iglted and satisfied with the rewards Erle Coombes and W1fred, Carru- now and don't regret it later. received for their efforts. thers rendered- two fine Chrstmas Below we publish a list o! cash do- The Statesman takes ths opportun- numbers. It is ta be hoped that iu nations received for baskets up to ity of publicly expressîng its apprecia- future the baud wifl recelve a litte Wednesday noon: tion to the contestants andi aIl subscril- better support than- has been ac- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ve1T.made,', Tcti5,5 e Of .t. .in the,,n av mde ored t u heras to o tre J145 acciUcint. . ,a vczis t:bixUUv - -_---- - - .--- Lj)rdshlp claimed. !alled tadslos Town o! Bowmanville, while A. F. professions, up until the present lu ae'- -1U .,any negligence on the part o! the Annis. B. A. o! the f irm o! Canant & tirne.; tions wlth the Department of Public liowmaiiiViwome-sLntiuLe - c.urs, uuu' e ana oic, .. .- ..-- - ý,ktown. Annis, Oshawa, represented Bran- Dr. Bird gave an intimate hstory Works o! Toronto which asked for Miss F10. Werry............. 1.00 the success of te coîîtest possible. cner. Town Solicitor W. Ross Strike suc- nigan. o! Rotary's founder. who brought1 a reduction in rates for f ire brigade Mrs. C. W. Slemon............ 1.00 thefiatclu itabeng it furattendance at fires at the Ontario Mrs. Ella Strike............... 5.00 members in February 1905. He tld Training School far Boys. On mo- St. AndrW5Cuc..... 50 o! hecarero! au Hari prv-tion a! Deputy Reeve Jonies. the De- C. M. Cawker & Son ........... 2.00Go usta bis law work and o! the flve partment was natif led that regular Good Word Club.................... .J.0 'o d W ll Club is Con Juded and D urham Liberals Endorse W . J. Bragg y"lus h a evtdrvsiigt ateswuld haveto applY. Trinity W. A ................ 25.00 G a d ru e w n e sae~ n o n e thog uoeweehspaso naio L*wege eep f %r.J .Riekard ..........100 G a dP ieW n rs reAou at Largely A ttended O rono Mveeting haghErpe hrebspaso council's resolution with regard ta M.\iss ln. Rieliard.............. 1.00 _______ (Canllnued on page 7) transients. '11- P. C. Trebilcock 1.00 ___________________ _____________Recuest o! Thomnas Sykes for Iss Eva Souch ................ 1.00 Mr.. E. Anderson, Bowmanville wins f irst choiceo Hon. Vincent Massey, originator of Summer School at H W R .WG Tprisonl ut nsoefrOr(ler Eastern Stai ..............00 ries-Mrs. L. S. Dumas a close second-]Lrg HOWARD R WIGHT uildingwall in Rotary Park was Geo. Weelies ................. 5.00 pi ir PortHoewspicplsekr SB.H t wa received and f yied. Miss Ida Moore................ 1.00 oPotHope warinlcidplseaerS. B.Htea ELECTED MEMBER Rev. J. W. Bunner tendered res- -u bro e uciesadd of ortHop reeletedPreidet.OF BOYS' PALIAMENT Ignation rmth Wefe Board st.W............... 10.00nu brone sucbesadd ______continue until the 1934 caunicil ap- Mis.F. C. \'aistttie............. 5.00 Th tesa GodWlCubhepindrslsatie Forcibly entinciating the strfig IlIle work ttf N'. J. Blragg, Dui-hiaii Light vote features eleetion of l3th points a new board. B3. E. Ingani.................00 h taemliGo il lb pei rsultwoan ed. The pndineipr-esP.P-.sin-- 19.an (Ille-o.i.s.-f .d'. Bys' PCompetitiinoow- NoosedwslasIevMon-om secoritdCprizetiowasoswonasbyMn-rsecndeon priiecipnes1ofOlderralisnam1t - 'Coicenued on pagt 7)i1 eDumas, and lber work wasalas ing the Conservative Ldiiiiistl..tions, forts, Ille eld strage lant was estab- maxville - Nelson Osborne Beacock that the Township o! Car--4 aanthreuspovducs-teeq1ofhewnr.S -~ federally anti proviîîeially toi- lte îislied at Brightton.i. lin Br-agg is a dfa y7vtswright had endorsed Bownianville'sfu.Tepvaln codtnsfreevs chmieorir \.1lW eete y7 oe stand with regard ta the Scugog erîîîesd h nna eeting o n otiltd'liht h ie Street crossing gaes and had fn- WHITBY MINSTRELS such an underrtaking were not ai- Much favorable comment mu i s ld inreasiiig debt. '.ari-us speai- ieimber toftIle Private Bills Ctiiiilit tee thAsstîeia-it ib cause. W g tso o r.an togeether ideai, but response fro n a be given M iss Claire Porte oun th uitii Ctuty -iealA sci.ca s. le iwlrotseti Mr. Bragg as the Mrs. '\. H. \Wiglit, Presidet and ini& a er seot o!tta Che!a.inen PRESENT A M U SING ajrity o! old subscibers lu pay- Miss Frances Motntjoy, w fl u -cheleetitncat(iroiatai RnerGou i r-f or teDmninRiwy Bard I iug arrears, and the lange number o! isbed third and fourtb, whll is dion whieii ivas Iteld iin OrîttîtiTowni standtartd bearet toiteiebpnsiiiaioufarilatgrGopi ushe renpoeretaverofaithe-grad pizewinersgMis Hle attue11 treseiti ute, saiî Mn.et!lte uan tteaotis ennt ilci ltehe rDominaion e.clctoitTnit-SHOW FOR WELFARE new subscrlptians recelved, prompts Annile Oke was inciuded i b HalotMoîîî alnoti nibieamttneten ee~- ity United Cîiturcli, %vas. v'ciCOioin with reference ta the Scugog gat-es r aifc rn rz inr.Ms to ty ws reeivdlanawa ver uniao- GondSSlzed Audience Wltnessed tory conclusion. BkrwnIecoc !tecua emaiiatiiig Iront Ottawa. The lîmeseiti wards <if 300 pensons. 0( r l1 dfete( eloi Ohoit-be, t omnil.Tetviwl rs u r-lto rz wrs n h governnie t is a hit anti iss tone. Mni . ingg tiaiked te meeting foi- secreary o! the 'o iî Bo s' WVok Co tnued on page 7) rection of Arthur W . Lynde campe ai l as o n et ts to bat n h t ha ctpize w es A s, ina itl an t the There is no lhinkilig attead îîuî any te confidenice wiiicit Wt )ae i onlatittd oalwot pr nteteatv okisalrcie au IN 1 i-igifnia d od h, natol'aio 3 o 8 W ith a large crowdI atndxce ad and new subscnibers who t'es- prize awai'ds, several contsa s o! ne wiliteLiai ntîie CuTit-bviitsitrs<!bt ettyttte \ppan.iity-no great effort Nv. adeSANTA PAYS ANNIJAL Wbitby Minstrels Presented their MlveC .Rs n .P the competitian. ferene, wtieiw-asîîe Mill iC- n vasrtigitesiswpîî î h lt orfonedtndtatheoudgetreyrs trceiedsp-\apparecgveniuln V I I T T O G O D Y A R M i st ' l h o I I e p eaho u e C o rb e tt . w h o m a d e th e f in a l c o u n t l T e c n i a e r i e i o s o Colegded eholitieîe lu eetîan tI isîti.Retrniîîg Officer jolin NI. J;îities heelast Wed.nesday, bal! o! the adawrs.t a.ngtoewaspotdte aoeu d byii t c l e d n a i e o - T he nm eetin g passed es uutito ns o ! abo t 175 boys îw ere e î i î t u vote S an ta C la ts paid ls an i al v it t u roceeds b ein g d o n ated t a th e R e- an d e w inr o! th e co n eat M r .n h e lu asyp pay ta h ojsts froîtiail îparts o!fte woîld, confidenîce ite leadershiip o! Rt.in te town. thte Goody-erphitut uiavtgltle!Fn. tisudsodnaryJ E. Andersolwre eybr valuable prise awards. e theyat emeslsolant wr o. .b M ig LbîaiCtelan OtFriday- cveiing ast a uîass iiettc- wlitn250-clitIlumier îIll te at o! 12 $2000 was banded aven lu Ibis way. truht teenlire caxnpalgn, The fingl standing o! the ani ea ni graitfying "Peoie ted n nMitchell Hepbuîn, 0ntri-o iîng o! boys was Iet uS.Pails gaveliii a nuarnîg veconie. Previotis es odW ls aeifwaaditintsuc-being lu a contendixig position aI dates, together wlth their pr1 e eti s Idivduas t clî'iy Ieir leader' anti us wel extendeti birtiîayClinircli len a large iittiiber o!fhîovs te, isi'arrivaI at the sîîipping room csuntfuiYcm u a Ihe -ail limes. We cangratulate hier, for lection , appears beiaw: rnlns, ndteffesulontheas ibalbhi n grtuaitio 0Mr. King, wio tunneti ont t-o tear a splendid prograîti, the Kitidies sanîg iustiiy a numner of vance notices we had read abouti * eie w ." o n S u n d a y lpres b itStirO t h e tS h owcB o a l w a s e x c p t4o a lly 2 M rs . J . E o n d u as , B o w m n tv ille ( C e t r ! e d i j r te ) 1 4 5 0 In, spiitedaddessJ. Jast.ustrophies andt 10listet to Patornts of Searle lin iithe siîging anti Dave good8whilebhisendamen keptup Chsefil Sie lu asplîte adî'es, J J.Dufus, S. B. Hatheway, Porl Hope, presided te two candidates. Considertible en- Mornisoît presidet i athte pianto.Thelvely cross chatter that amused the 3 Miss Clirne PorteouswNestietan <eiomSie ,5,0 of Peterboro, P-esident o! the Centrai oven the session and was re-electeti thusiasiti xas sown at te meîeting shippig room ias liandsomey decor- audience immersely. The worlc of 4 Miss . Mountioy, Biackstadb (Radio)m Su43te) Ontari'T- Tiberal Association, sconed in the office o! President foi' the en. but il apparently failedti t carry over aîed iitit one corner resembiing tle the chorus was like-wise splendid as 5 Miss Aniiie Oke, Ennfikllen (Stave)5,40C tbe Ontario administration for the suing year. Othen officers ai-e: Vice- la the Votiuig on the foliowing day. home fireside. Santa however titi was also that of the Individuel o- 6 Miss Helen Baker, - SolUna (Walnut Chest) .750 huge deilit wblcb was piled up and President, Frank Riekard, Newcastle; The voling on Saturday Nvas iteldin b u arrive in te cuslomary inanner loists. Jack Clark and is Red delared Iat when Rt. Hon R.B. ecetaryTreauer . .MIo, o-the couincil room a i te Town Hall, down the chimney. but in a cutter Wings orchestra provided the mus- 1 Mir. W. H. Taylor, Tyrone (Vanity Dresser)4,3.0 Bennett assuniet office l was on a mnville; Executive. Tom Hoigate anti depuly returi'tifg officers %vere - draNvn by neal horses. Mr. Hardy ical settlng whlch was on a par with 8 Mr. L. Coombes, BowmarifVme (Pair Wool Bianketa) 4.900 plet!onm of promises, and O as owmanviliie R. Philp, Nestletou Preidenlt Bill Phillips oaPrsf the County welcomed the chiltiren and Santa Claus. the rest o! the show for excellence. 9 Miss Lottie H.oru, Hampton (Wist Watch)427,0 worklng ou a pollcy o! deceptin and M. J. Hoiman, Carke; H. Elson, MiIl- Boys' Work Board, Mr. B. E. Ingliam the latter giving an acount of bis trip The sceuery was good, the hu- 10 isE 1erOi .R , Clarke Com!oi'tel' snd Piliow) 2,750 holding on ta power ou a poîlcy o! brook; C. G. Mercer, Campbellcroft, ofth igh School Staff and Mn. J. la Bowflanville. mour good, the music good, a4nSut, the(erpa înlsrept'esehtatioii. sud John Baker, Hamnpton. H. johnston, Principal cf the Public He then distributed handsorne gifts audience showed their apprecli i l Miss 1Dorothy Suh rfo(eoak ,~.0 Frank Rikard of Newcastle told of (Contnued om page 10). Scbos. and candy ta every child pres t. wth generos applause. 12 Muas Ru>»' 0C Newcastle (Bracelet) r VOLUME 79 PROF N. MACKENZIE WAS GUEST SPEAKER AT CANADIAN CLUB Canada's Relationship to world affairs subjeet of most informa- tive address Discussion period o C 10 lo 30 lb 1 DU VV IVI£'I.IN V I.LJýLàl-J, m)WMANVILLE. ONT., THURSDAY, I)LULIVIbLU 7ýISL, 1 1 uni 1 ri 1 lu niNlyp-P 1 bably be iargest manu- 1 . man