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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1933, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN PII ANArSTAN STATESMA1N BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1933 LOCAL & PERSONAM' Mrs. H. A. Farrow i. \iýiing r.1j tives ini St. Catharine.., Ont. Major and F. H. Monîly, Walker- ville, were in town \\ call-' ing on old friend.. Mr. and Mrs. Waillace Ronilston, Ha- gersville, are holidaying wtlî Mrs. E. Armistead and fricîîd. in Oshîawa. Mrs. A. W. Pickard and son How-udx attended the funeral of Mfrs..Ma (Rushbrook) Allen, Toronto, on Tu...- day. Saturday, Dec. 23rd, the Salvation Army ill have tlîeir Chîristmas, Cher collecting at the usual stand in ajd(A c relief work. Clild's rubber and mit picked up on the street after the visit of Santa C.laus~ on Saturday, Dec. 9. Caîl at States- man office. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Dowson, Provýi - dence, spent a few days last week w_ Il their dauglter and son-in-law, 'Mr. id Mrs. \Veldon Neal, Victoria Road. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mortlock and joan, spent Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. George Gibbs, Oshawa. Mr. %Iortlock was guest speaker at thc Young Men's Bible Class at St. George's Anglican -~Church on Suinday afternoon. Mr. George E. Pritchard who has been conflned to Chîristie Street Hos- pital for somne weeks is reported somne- what better this week. His condition was quite serions reccntly and it is rot expected hec ill bc home for a few weeks. The Sunday School of Trinity Un- ited Church hceld a WVhite Gift service on Sunday nîornîng when a nice iot of gifts were contribnted for tliose les favored. Misses Helen 'Mason ald jean Morris reccived the parcels on behaîf of the school. Miss Dempsey, Principal of the Con- tinuation Schrool, M.\ and \Iis. Marion Wardcr of the University of Toronto, spent thîe week-end %vith NI r Service ir Our assortmenti Your last mini FOR LADIES Perf urne 25e te $6.00 Toilet Sets 90e to $10.00 (Yardley - Woodbury Houbigant) Bath Saits 50c; 65c; $1.10 <Bath Powder 85c; $1.65 Compacts 60C to S3.50 (Coty, Houbigant, Hudnutt Yardley & the new Flapjack) Cutex Sets 35e te S4.50 and MI\rs. R. H-. Warder. Mfi.s Dei'>,- OFFICERS ELECTED sey also visited lier siter, N.Irs. ýI)r) BY DURHAM COUNTY M\cArtlîur, Blackstock.I SHORTHORN BREEDERS At Kings.ton Road United Clitircli - P.îrsoîage ini Toronto, un uciiur Present year's officers returned at lst, Helciî Elizaict!i. datîgltcr of '\I!. annual meeting. Arrangements made and NIrs. O. C. Laîîder, Harnioîîv, toi for Sale in March Donald Eu-el Hairri-, lde..î 'sonî(À .\r. Harvey Harris, and the l.te \Irs.. A nmeeting of tlîe Durhian iinty H-arvey Harris., Eîîtiskilleni. Sliortliori i lrceder<s' soiation w a.. Mdrs. \V. -. lagnell, Kinîg Street, re- held at tlîe Bownian Hotîse on Satur- ceîved a siirprised but vury welcoie day afternoon %vith Pre..ident Earl Os- Chiristmas gift tlîi. week, wvlien she re- borne presiding. Minutes of the last Ccive fa cck fo r . Bfro i F. l]annual and special meetings were rcad Coca mnufctuer. Nî...Bagulland approved, and the report of t!îe was one of ten prize wiîîners wlio tîed auditors show cd a balance of $33.51. for fir..t place, tie Prize tîioîteY bing ýTîte niatter of a sale to be lheld on divîded ci enly beýctwe leti i. Mardi 7th, 1934, ivas discussed aînd a Tlhe District Hockey Leaguie coln-icanvass of tlhe mniîbers made certain prîsîng Oslimawa, Eowtîîanvilic, Xciv- tlie securing of 16 animaIs to place on castle and Orono opcns un Wecdne..dav sale. Thec cattle will be inspected be- tiext, Decemnber 27t1î witli a doublle fore the sale. hcader at Oroîîo. Oshiawva will tieet As satisfactory arrangemîents Nvere Orono. The first garnte sel start at Beith Wavcrly Stables tlîe President, 8 p.nî. Thîis is the îicw Icague fornied Vice -Presidetîit, Secretary and A\.sist- recctîtly by; Orme Gatîî1sby. ant Secretary -were appoitîted to look after tlîat matter. On Friday anîd Saturday, Dccetîsh)er An liotiorituni of $1000 was granted the eiglitlî atîd inittl, Nr. atnd Nir.. S. tîte secretary, and arrangemenits wr Chas. Allin were "At Honiie" to tlîeîr also made to secure the services of friends at 'Crest .\llitî'. A'bout eiglît.s Duncan Brown as Auctioneer. guests seere reccived and after being Appreciation for tlîe use of a roont sliown th rouglî the tiew hiomie vere es was extended to Mr. Fisiier, proprie- cortcd to thîe diting rooni sîliere a to f tlîe lotel. dainty lunclîcon ivas served. _i,. Au nie Allin acted as lostess by po)t-.t9 tea atnd tiiose wlio as..istcd lier ivere: PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTES Misses Ada Allîti, Annjie Alliti, Mar- garet Armstrong, Greta Pollard and A splendid lot of nese books have MNrs. J. V. 'tarks. been reccivcd at thie Public Library We wre peasd torecive ~uincuding the latcst of Dr. Oliver, Con- on WednesdaY f romtMrs. L. M. Beorleoy, BalioleandrriandeiAru Rosenthal of Chicago, Ill., who, with ^)lyNclosadJae rhu her husband, were motoring tlirougîi Deacon, and others, also somte splendid town and stopped to cail on a few rtew juveniles - Ted Scott and Garry old friends here. Mrs. RLosenthal Grayson series, as ivell as others of will be remembered by many f riend.s adventuîre and travel. It is not too as Miss Jennie Merchants, a sweet ate to include aniong youir Chîistm,,as little singer, whose voîce was always igifts a ycar's subscription to t07e Pub- heart with pleasure at the variou.s ic Library. entertainments. She stili uses her Rcad 'Cry Havoc,'I by Belcrley musical talents and hopes sometime L\iclîols - tic book of whvlîi ail Can- when in Canada to corne to her ida is spcaking at present. home town and give a recital. 1 iSta Hurry I istili good for iueselection.9 FOR MEN Milibary Brushes. Ivory or Ebony $1.50 to $4.00 Lather Brushes 25e te $5,00 Safety Razors 3.00 te 6.50 (Rolls, Autostrop, Gilett) Bill Folds Shaving Sets Yardley Bowls 65c, 85e, $2.00 98c, $4.50 Fresh and delicious Fanny Parker Chocolates We wish you ail a Very Merry Xmas KERSLAKE'S Phone49 THE DEPENDABLE NYAL STORE Christmas Greetings From The Evlyii Shop Perbzps yôu will be in our store before Christmas, and if so we N wiil take the opportunity of wishing you the Season's Greetmngs. But i case you have completed your Christmas shopping we fwant to pass on to you at this time our slncerest wishes for a most Merry Chr-istmas. Your Christmas Goose Dont forget that for every 50e you spend i this store you get a chance on the three Christmas geese, the draw for which ifl be madIe on December 23rd, at 10.30 p. m. 0f course, employees and immediate relatives of Evlyn Shop employees are not eligible. TIie Evlyn Ladies' Specialty Skop Phone 594 - Miss T. Murphy - Mrs. F. Oke UseFul GlUts in Hardware You'11 f ind gifts f or every member of the f amily at Mason and DaIe's... Our store is just f ull of Christmas Suggestions j Meni Chrtstmas1 To our friends, in grateful appreciation for the many kindnesses throughout the year, may we express hearty good wishes for a most Merry Christmas. Masn UDale HARDWARE AND SPORTING GOODS De Forest Crossley Radios Phone 145 I CHURCHES St. Jo.,cph's Rornam Cailiolic Clîsîrcli. Rev. Fatiier J. F. Ic Gui r, '.îr Sunday Services., 9 .îî. ia. .Ild niglît Nia... at 12 nidniglî i. Clri..ttî.., Day, Nionday. 8 atî Ia.. St. Paîtîs United Clinreli - Rev. .. S. Kerr, NIA., Niîi.ter; NMrs. C. H. Dudley, Orgati.. t and L.eader. Christ- nisMessages atid NMusic. Il aunî "XVlicn thîe Bell of thie \ges Struck' 2.30 panî. - Sunday Sclîool atid Bible Class. 7 panî. - -Thîe Adorationî" - A Christmîas Cantata %vil] be given by the Choir. The first Clîristma.. Hymns IV Nunc Diiîittis. A Cordial ,%-elconic to aIl. St. Jolhn5 Angelicanu Cliuirchi. - Revs C. R. Spencer, N'I.A., Rectur. Suinday îîext before Clîristina... Holv Conu- muntotu atd sermion Il a.m. Cliildreti's Service, 2.30 p.tu.; Evening Praver, 7 Cliristmias Day, Nionday, Decenii- ler 25t1u. - Holy Conmnuunion, 8 amn, Holy Communiionu and Serinon, 10.30t atm. Special Cliri,.tias NiMusic and1 Niessages.s jTrinity United Chîîirclî Cliristnua.. Services -- hl a.m. Subjeet, "The Hut- miatizing Chirist." 2.30 Sunday School. 6.45 p.m. Song Service; 7 Subjeet "Clirist Crosvded Outt or Lett In - Whicli Special Clîristia. Mlusic wili bc retîdercd. You are cor- dially invitcd 10 tiiese Chiristmnas Ser- vices. A 'Merry Chiristîuuas to al. COMING EVENTS St. Pauls Sunday School will hold its Christmas entertainment on Fr1- day, Dec. 22nd, at 8 p. m. You are1 cordially invited. Silver collection.i DELI VERS VALEDICTORY AT COUNCIL SESSIONI (Continued f rom page 1 though niot quite as large. It lias iiot becn urncominion to sec belIts weiglîing 2, 4 and 6 tons gning throughi produc- tion. Mr, I 1.rd, stated that lhis 9 ton helt il bei I l ic iipped froin tliepIlaint durn n January. OBITUARY i of AI ýA tw Cc of th, a en eV de tie tel re fo th th le A 'Nc ~I. AUL~W. vi. . jcontinue to oppose the installation St. Pauls WN..Christnuas meut- Of wig-wag signais and will sendC ng %vas lieîd at the honme Of Nrý..j. 1-1 plans to Ottawa and ask for a hear- jury, Silver Street otu Tuesday aftvr- ing before the Board licuDec 1, ithth president, Ms Council was authorized to place A Koor, Dec.he9,haitr.tîeMr.notice in The Statesman of the - Te, er oie in t heîe chair. Weight Scales bylaw carrymng out1 histmes oi ed iti te beautiflthe suggestion of the Ontario A cr olyCristmîsSorratgsponsi-,vas.1Municipal Board.V A vryIoul Curstiua Sor ias A mort.gage for $5000 against the 'I given by Nir.. Wnîî. Adanu., "Whiy thîe McGill Building in Washington,F Ciiinies Ranîg Out." Nî\rs. Jury took D. C., was ordeded renewed .f or 3 chîarge of thie buisiness. and pres.ented, Years at 5i,ý c interest. thie fullositg .latc of officer. foir 1934,1 Legion Band was grante permis- ,vhiiehu \vas accep)ted sion to use opera House free one At the close of the mîeeting lundi Sunday night for a concert. wsas servcd and a s.ociaîlihalf-liour Oscar Hudson Co. were appointed spetît. auditors for the Pubilc Utilities t Officers 1934 Commission. saîary to be set by thed Pre..ident, Nirs. A. S. Kerr; 1t iice- commission. pre..., Nirs. Chas. Carriitlicr..; 2îîul vice- Fire Department was authorized < pres., NIrs.. T. Percy; 3rd vice-pre., to purchase new battery for Fire Mrs. J. T. Fee; Reeording Secretary Trutck at a cost not to exeeed $20.00.< ir.. \V. H. Carrthers; Sec. Finance The temPorary appointment of atîd Stewýýardsliuîp, Trea..., Ni[r.. George Fred Pattinson as administrator for Chiase; Corr. Sec., Nir... F. J. NMitchiell; the Welfare board at $3.00 per week Strangers Sec'y., Nî\r..A. S. Kerr; was approved by council. I're..., Sec'v., Niri. R. D. Davidson: Tax Collector was empowered toc Tetup. Sec., Nî\r.. T. Tod; lucacc ec., keep roll and continue the collection Mrs.J. . Fe; Ltertur Sec, Ms.0f taxes until the end of the year.s Mrs JT.dFe; MLsierare Secili., r. was reported that about $1800 \Vn. ~\daîs;Nlisioîar Nlntll1 more was collected in taxes this year1 Nrs. J. H. H. jury; Associate Sec., than last. Miss Ida Stephens; Mission Band Vîce drs GoLeaders, '%rs. Lunney, M s1'%rs. ae Mayor Oeo. W. James brought the Group Lads, irs. arrhie N. meeting to a close with a brief vale-1 Wnî.AdaîsNir. Prcy Nis. ee. dieîOrY add.ress. bringrng to a close ___________his two years as chief magistrate1 X,3and confirrning his previous an- ROTARY CLUB HA nounicement of his retirement from1 OFFIIAL iSITPublie office. He expressed his ap- OFFICAL 1ISIT preciation of the help, tolerance and cri ticlsm received during the past1 (Contliuatficom page 1) 'yar. As he Iooked back over the forbeter ntenatona reatinshpsten years he had spent in CuI, wef o bete itrtionarsethepshe said, he recalled many happyl Chreafo ude. Treeers fte the c-days Inivi ccwork. Public office is a Chi cglub was rgied hea sec- I ife of sacrifice, he added, and one cod clbWhe teartRontanracn- is forever open to criticlsm, most of ceion Wahe th flst Rarwy con- which was small town sbuff. and of aentixRtaryhel us wfew ers eimmaterial tli.ngs. He saw another late s otar Clubs were repre- strenuous year aîiead. and to every senteas nomparedlubsit the repre- member who intended staying in the stton c sf610nclsoa th e Boaar municipal arena, he wished a suc- to ng netion dthyear ndceSisful. year. In my years of office, Having trac the oztinr iad he said, I have avoided anything turned his remarks to the develop- ta Igtdouotfeiv party poli- ment of a good Rotarian, outlinimg beau a placnt ei mnipal plie the course that should be taken intish apcenmucpllf. his selection, his admission and bis C Inrr to what is belleved by early years as a member of the Club., many, because of my background, Lack of care in this selection, he I ~amrn ot a Party man. and amn far warned, might wreck a club.' They more interested in municipal affairs mutbe taught f riendship and fel- that 1 am n Ipiolltlcs. otaiand te become successful And, as Jack Benny would say, must arry this"That was the last number of the friendsh.ip and f ellowsh.lp back into ls etn fte13 elso their own business. They must learn council meetings." to give service to their own voc a- HM N COLCU tion. the speaker added, and lasbly HM N COLCU must give international service Thue Home anud Selucul Cili ieul it.. which entails tolerance to ail peo- regmlar mueeting \Vedtuesdayhe.Iîî pIes and alI views. trying to see other a-hu outu VrdShin . tir. T people's ideas with forbearance. E. Prout t ook charge cf tue prograuu, Don't talit of war, Governor Bird lihictedNourCoouNide advlsed, for it is as bad as prepar- bv issicue:'\oilrGot ide ing for it. He terrned the amount - Ms Pickard's ptpils, vocal anxd of money bein.g spent on armaments Viii solo., huy Mr. Franicis Suittiot, ru- today as pitiful, and he pleaded for citation hyv Heletu Large, dialogute -A. a wider and saner indlvidualismn Sick loîl'011"y Nii.s Bjartutus pu)tpil;, that would play an important part recitatiotu by Wallace Rîiter. N r. in the preservation of peace and GruIves gave a verv itteres;itug îahk out goodwill in the world. theu(-vetst.,leaiditizg up 10 thie ulcîication President Tommy Ross expressed iof ant "Internatiotnal Peace Gardle,," the Clubs thanks to Dr. Bird for his .ittumteul otu thue border lhue of ,NManitobla splendid talk, and Past President andi Northu Dakota. Tomn Holgate added a few words. re- Luntchi aseassrs cd mi huili eonicdedj minding the club that he and the a ery phleasatt mijt District Governor were born within a few miles of each other in Sydney Township, Hastings County, as was GOODYEAR RECEIVES District Governor Emmerson of BGBL RE Winnipeg. BGBL RE The Club was extended an invita- (Contlnîîed from Page 1) tion to attend Trinity Church on on, .uiua, ttualiai iar hîîeauisc lucre January 2lst and supply the music. i.. îlot a box car ini Catu:ola tiat sil II hîuhd it. MONEY IS URGENTLY NI-,,.t Iutlisfas e ..ilt huca îuf att ur- NEEDED FOR BASKETS hîtat y steatul tirt..hîcr h)1.i*di. 1huu av- ____________ erage ahout tIflx fcet intulu mgt l, a ru 7 (Continued from page 1) iticlu i i tadu uof fuîu r 11%.dutek il A. Friend .. .. .... . .. .hi 2;abouuut 77 n . lu utu.. itihis, giut F. C. Vanstone ............. .00lut1that E. iîuiî i îrouttiuutthere W. E. Gi-oses;................ 1.00 iiiil l b i etiuglu mtai nah to matiutfac t utr Mrs. E. C. Southuey............. 5.00 235 stichu thre.shuer hîclts thie suze nei- Mrs. G. Webster............... .00 tiuîtieulabove. 1tu uthuer %vorîls, th--rc Mrts. A. S. Kerr............... 1.0 Ilis eticigli tiatcnîal ini this tu e het lu Mrs. J. A. MeClellan ........... 1.0oi) akc 23,500 fret tuf thresier bulting, F. Swahîow .................. 1.M0shîicll svouîiîhrup)reutt4E1'tile., If Mrs. Worrall................... w)thrc..huer lîeltîîug iveighît un this one Mrs. M. Hl. Minore..... ..... 10 conveyor belt. Mrs. J. Wi. Jewell ............ 1:00 It thue same itiail a% the order for Mrs. F. Snîyth................ 5oo the belt seas aiothier order front Eîg- Miss E. E. Hayeraft........... 2.00 )Ilatuul for 200,00 feet of hraided liu.e, Mr. John Love..............500 ss'iilui represents as tiuchi braided lii05( A Friend .................... l'oolas lias lueen prodîtced iii ihue factory ini Mrs. A. Beacock............... 100 thue past fisc nionthis. Mrs. W. E. Tilley ............. .oo Tîe litige beht metitiouued above Es ___________________'tot lly nycmatis thue only one Iluat A real man does flot want sorne- lias heen prodmîced of recent date. As thlng for nothing, s0 the get-rlch- a mratter of fact several blets of the qulck people cannot use hlm samte type bave been manufacttired, ai- John E. Allun, Bowmanville John Edwvin Allin ivas the third soti )f the late Samuel and Jane Elford Ilin, and ivas borni at tîhe original Idin homcstcad on tihe town line be- veeti Darlington and Clarke in tlhe 3rd ýoncession of Dariington. At 8 years f age hie moved withhi s parents to 1e farm tîow the home of lus brother, ýharles and fatnily. Later they moved io tlîe Lakeshlore farmn called Allindale lîec John lias since resided. Abott iycar ago lie seas taken jîl with liard- ning of the arteries and altlîouglî ýverytliing tiuat nuedical attention cotîld evise and devoted nuursing do to re- cve, lie paýscd aîvay ont Thursday ývenirig. The funeral oti Saturday af- trnoon wias verv largely attenuler and was condttcted by Rev. E. F. Arm- srong, lus pastor, %vîîo spoke from tîhe text, "He %vas a good man" an(l gave ,very comforting message to the bc- reaved ones. Niuclî sympathy is feit for his svidow, nec Olive Hisîop, and the two sons, Samuel and Alfred, also te brothers and sister - Albert, Wes- ly, Charles atnd Norman, and NMiss Annie Allun. The palîbearers were three neighibors, Messrs. Cecil Belînuan, Garnet Symnons, F. Joness andl three rembers of Trinity United Churchi ,Ien's Brothîerhood of îvhich John ivas apast president and very faithfui îîember, 'Messrs. Neil M.\utton, Hubert ;mnalc and John Tabb. Mr. John Allun was a success4ul farmer, good neiglîbour and very fonîd of lus homne and devotcd to his farnily anud will bc mucu misscd by his large circle of friends and acquaintances. Among thue relatives atten(hing from a dt..tancc were: from XVhitbv,l ',fý R. G. Oke atîd son, Emmctt, Nir. and N.Irs. Chas. B3rouiglton; froin Oshs- awa, NMr. and Nir,. Normanu Stokes, .\ir. and N.Irs. H. 1. 1llancock; fronu Columbus, N.Ir. Johnt Hisîop, N.Ir. and \irs. Gordon Scott, NMr. and NIrs. \V. A. Orntiston; froni Kedroti, 'NIr. and \trs. WVilliamn Hepburn, Mr. Arthur H-epbutrn; from Enfield, Nir. Geo. Or- luiston, NMr. Harold Orrini.toi, NMiss Cerna Ornuistou; from Newvcas.tle, N.Ir. andNr. Norman Allin, '.Ir. atîd Mrs. Franklin Allin, and otliers. CARD 0F THANKS Nirs. J. E. .\Iliu and sons desîre to exteiud gratefuul thiank.. to the ineigh- hors anud many kind frîends for tlîeir sympatluy and kindites3 extetuded to îiuem in îlîeir bereavemnent li tlîe death of husband atid fatlier. SCHOOL REPORTS EBENEZER Report of Christmnas Examinations of S. S. No. 4, Darîington: Sr. IV-Raîph Found*, June Mar- shall*, Eleanor Vinson. Sr. III-Eileen Pickell5, Muriel Found*, Flora Marshall*. Jr. III-Robert Rundie, Lou1ise Pearce. Sr. II-Lucille Wade, Peter Kich- ko, Steve Kichko. Sr. 1 to Jr~. I-Eddie Rivett, An- nie Kichko, Jack Pearce (Rec>. Rogers*, Gwen Osborne. *Honours. Gordon E. Osborne, teacher. CLARKE Christmas examinations S. S. No. l, Clarke: pFlth Class-Dorothy Ogden 81.5. Senior Fourth-Billie Hoskin 80.4. Senior Third-Lewis Stone 87.1; Lillian Hale 82.6; Laurence Gilmer 74.2; Sidney Burley 63.4; John Thompson 62.1. Senior Second-Raymnond Gilmner 89.3; Jean Hale 67.2. Junior Second-Jean White 70: Lloyd Burley 67.5. Junior First-Aileen Ogden 85.8: Eileen Farrow 80.4; Lois Turner 75.8; Francis Hale 61.8. Primer-Joyce McArthur 85. Eleanor N. Anderson, teacher. PURPLE HILL Report of Purple Hill sehool Christ- mas exaninations for S.S. No. 4, Cart- wright: Jr. IV.-Haroldl Dentille 72, Nortutan Mahaffy 68. Sr. III.-Effle Henry 75, Helen \Vot- ten 71, Cecil Gibson 70, Mary Ma- haffy 65, Rosie Sibîuack 64, Perey Swain 60, Freddie Cowling 60. Sr. II.-Ernie Swaium 68, Stanley Tay- lor 66. Jr. II.-Janet Swtin 78, Verna Gib- son 69, Billy M.%ahiaffy 67, Henry Wot- ten 58. Sr. .-Doris Ma1-haffy 74. Jr. I-Jean Tonus 78. Prinier: Ross Steele, Grant Ma- liaidy, Jean Gibson, Dorothy Sibluack, Dorothy Wotten. R. MERLE THONIPSON. Teachuer. CLARKE Lake Shiore S.S. 2 Publie Sehiool Re- port for terni Sept. 5 -Nov. 30, 1933: Senior 4-Maurice Powell Ï7, Aud- rey Jaynes 73, Edithu Hendry 64, Jean Hoînues 60. Senior 3--Evelytu lBrown 78, Stanley Brown 73. Senior 2-H-azel Pouwell 80, Audrey Adatis 75, '.ilkhreîh1Brownu 63, Donald Powell 43. Senior 1 - Olive Brown 79, Jack Brown 76. Senior Pr-Jean ]Brown 81. Junior Pr.-Bernie Brownu 77. HILDA J. ROWVLAND, Teaclier. LOYAL ORANGE LOUGE ELECTS NEW MEMBERS Purple Guards Lodge, L.O.L., No. 2384, Bowmanville have elected the followlng off icers for the years: W.M.-Willllam Shotter; D.M. -W. F. Ward; Chapla.n-W. H. Yeo; Rec. Secretary-Earl W. Byam; Financial Secretary-N Heu- nings; Dep. Lecturer-M. Tambyln; Tyler-FYed Lewis; Sentinel- Dave 011f Illan; Audtors-0. Cromble, H. IDadson; Commiutteemen-T. Hayes, IH. Hooey, H. Dadson, 0. Humpage, P. Lewis. Meat and Poultry FOR CHRISTMAS If you order your meats from us either today or Stomorrow we can guarantee to provide you with tender turkeys, ducks and chickens - the best of hams and meats.. S Protect yourself from Disappointmnent Order Immediately Merry Christmas For eighty years the Cawker family bas served the people of Bowmanville, and for the 8Oth time we repeat our very sincere message - A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL. C. M. Cawlker & Sois Phone 64 Bowmanville SPECIAL NEXT WEEK Suits and Light Coats CLEANED AND PRESSED 75e each Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagneil, Agent. - - Phone 152 Say MerryCi with a Rogers Ri Trhis wilI man mort acce mcc ROC SP i PolI ses Model 935 Complete with tubes $99.50 A r BOR els.o The Sensation of the Year Complete $32.50 fe larg dist The New Deal Radio WltI $125-00 Performance for $49.50 Have Your Tubes Tested on Tester. It tells the truth al h ristrnas ýadio AChallengeI le model 935 Rogers Radio 1equal or excel In perfor- nce any natlonally known o listed regulariy at $60.00 ce in price. eChallenge ha. flot been upted because no radio can ja IL.Look at thc superb ider features of this new ube Rogers console, Dynamic -ker, tone control, Super. urodyne circuit, Image sup- -selon, improved sensitiv- Volume control, an the )ERS EXCLUSIVE FULL 'AY SEAL SHIELDED 7 NTr GUARANTrEED -TUBE e ti Monster of the Air... $199050 Not a Toy real radio, with three tubes Iuding the new masterpiece RS tube. Ali the character. ic cf t he big cabinet mod. gus -it hsLortesGiof a me it tscorttes cf ita. aair.. The yearli sensation a sensationai price. Only $32e50 A New Deal In Radio re embodied in this hand. me table model are ail the aturc cf onsoies that moUd it year fforc $125.00. Fîve tube anel model, with as muoh wer as lait yearls 7 tube odels.. Every feature of rer modela In a compact and stînctive cabinet.. Complets th tube. $4905, iThe Rogers Tube Lbout your tubes. gimell 4 For Demonstration 2 J - - - - - - - - - - - imw*w«lýlum - c t IP p a

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