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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1933, p. 3

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PAGETEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, DECEM~BER 28, 1933 f Baking Champion gets- SBETTER FLAVOUR, LASTING FRESHNESS Both of these baking champions are real boosters of the niany outstanding qualities of Five Roses Flour -and thousands of other Canadian women, sbrewd shoppers and thrifty house- * wives, boast of the cconomy and sat- isfaction of using this ONE uniform quality flour fer every home-baking purpese I Rit Mns. J. S. MelrlMb, t Durham, Gry Couab Cake Chamspion. "The quality of Five Roses lour greatly simplifies baking, because it neyer varies," Mrs. Lucas told us. "I have used kt for 15 years and consider kt the very best - for flavour, Iightness, and good keeping qualities, and kt gives more loaves per bag." For CAKE tool1 While Mrs. McIlraicli said :-"I arn one of the nuniber who neyer tried Five Roses Flour for cake until this contest, but can now testify to its merkts for cake as well as bread and roils!" f'Next Urne YOU buy flour, trya f vuuàIIbag of FIVE ROSES - for ali forme of home-baking 1 J Ochet oun Wim in l'iv PosRes BakiLogCo=mt (decided alnce Nov. 2Seh) -.-BRUCB--Cake i Mes. W. B. Craw, 'Cacardine. Bread; Mes. Aiex. (Mcflonald. Riple., R.R.4. HURON--Cake: Mea. W. H. Deanng Exee, R.R.2; Bread. Ma M. Pin. Drucefdeld. Jaur uap îîmeace 1i t 318e. la &ase. Ke Lambwn.,Mdlexm iCon. AIVE ROSES FLOU R Mied by LAKE 0F THE WOODS MILLING CO. Llmited Ojices do Toronto, Ottawa, London, ilamsftoo. brandord. Sudbury. Saule Ste. Marie. Ont.; sud Montreat. P.Q Q These ecipes wifl help you through thse coming season et hos- pltality. Thse retrigerator pumpltin pie la a new variety et the oid holi- day favorite. It is a good recipe te, use during this season when many cooks flnd the oven crowded wth holiday cooking. It requîmes no balt- ing at a i if a cern flake pastry Is ue.Ref rigerator Pumpkin Pie 1 tbsp. gelatin 2 tbs;îs. butter 'cul) cold water 2 tbs;îs. rolasses 1%/ cups rilk 1-3 cul) sugar 11,4 cups purnpkin 1 tsp. ginger (cooked) 1 tsp. cinnamon :Y tsp. Salt Soak thse gelatin ini cld water. Heat tise milk, pumpkin, butter and molasses together in a double bolier. Combine thse sugar, ginger, cinna- mon and saît and add te the liquid mixture. Add sottened gelatin, mlx thoroughly; cool. Pour inte cern f lake pastry crust. Yield: 9-incis pie. Corn Flake Pastry 1 cul) corn flake %4 tel. cinnarnof cruabs (Roll or grin(i 4 eups 1,4 cul) ruelted butter corn flakes to y1eld 144 cul) sugar t cul) fine crumibs) Mix crumbs with butter, sugar and cinnamon. Press the corn flake pastry flrmiy into a 9-inch pie tin. ChilI while thse flling is cooling. Ginger Cup Cakes 1-3 cul) slîorteniîng ittsi,. ginger cu. eîp row n eî,izir Itp. innîanmon Iegg (M ,.i f) tstp. laking 'cul) mola ci. is iowder icul) bra n 1.tep. soda i'1,, ru ps flour 44 u p Iut term 11k 'h tsi). Sait or sour milk Cream shortening and sugar. Add egg, molasses and ah-bran. it t dry ingredients and add alternately with tise milk. Pour into greased smali muffin tins. Bake in a moderate even (375 degrees F.) for about 30 min- utes. Cool and cover with frosting. Orange Butter Frostlng 1 egg yolk (weiI 3 eps powdered sugar beaten> 1 tbsp. butter 3 tbslps. orange juice (mielted) 2 tops. lernon julco Yellow coioring Mlx together beaten egg yolk and tise fruit juices, add sugar graduai- ly. Add melted butter. If a ricis yellow celor Is desired, add vegetable cohorlng drop by drop until the rlght tint la secured. RFArigerator Chocolate Bran CeeUles %~ cup shortening 14 cup Milk 1%, cupa sugar 1 cup bran 1 egg (weli beaten) 2 cups flour %, tsp. sait 2 tsps. baklng 2 squares meited powder chocoate 1 top. vanilla-extract Cream the shartening, add sugar and mlx tisoroughiy. Add thse egg. sait, meited chocelate and milik. Add thse bran whlch bas been rolled fine. SBft tise flour and baklng powder te- gether and add to thse first mixture. Add tise vanila. Shape lnto routa and wap wth waxed paper. Place In refrîgerator overnigist or until firm. Cut lI thin suices and bakeIn a moderate aven (350 degrees P.> about 15 minutes. Yleld: 50 amail cookies. small. If I serve them for afternoon PORT HOPE PIONEERS tea I like to drop them f rom a cof- CELEBRATE SIXTY-THIRD H ints For ee spoon and make them very tiny. ANNMVRSARY 0F WEDDING For larger ones te be flled with___ whipped cream or a cream flling I Hale and hearty, Mr. and Mrs. H om ebodies make them different sizes te suit the Samuel Yeo, pioneer residents of Writtn fo TheStataman occasion and may use anything fromPrHoe lbatd nMnay Wrtefr e te amron a teaspoon to a tablespoon. To f111 Port Hoe , ceer t on Mod an- By JaaueAlln Brwi make a slit along a natural crease Dcme 8h h it-hr n _______________________ with a sharp knife. By the way, I niversary of their weddiflg and on Tuesday night were tihe guests of NewYeas' esoutins forgot te tell you how to telli f they honor at a gathering helci at the New Yars' esoluions are sufficiently cooked. Remove oehm fterduheMs i Eventhe odem mak reslu-f rom tihe oven if it f ails do flot r oeo!terdagtr Ms l tiontoemd make n rektem lu move the rest, if it does flot z all Wakely. tios. o akeandbrak hemisyour puffs are baked sufficlently. Mr. Yeo, 86, was boni in Cornwall, better than flot to make any as we Era iigsnce coang ts esiCa na oat tHeg have at least thought about them. Cei iUgsneflg., n has Cesid iaPot he This year when you are thinking 7/ cup sugar, 1-3 cup flour, % of six. Mrs. Yeo, born ini Devon- about your resolutions, make con- teaspoon sait, 2 eggs, 2 cups scalded shire, came to Canada wth her par- structive ones. Plan the good things milk, 1 teaspeon vanlla. ents when only fine years old. Their te do instead of the bad ones flot te Mix dry ingredients, add eggs recollections et early days in this do. There are too many 'shaît flots' slightly beaten, and pour on scalded neighborhcod ffiake an interesting and flot enough 'shalls' in the werld. milk gradually. Cook fifteen min- comparison of the presefit. Just at this time there are many utes in double boler stimring con- thsflgs which we can do to help peo- stantly until thickened, afterwards They were marmîed sixty-thmee pIe. Even if we have no money, occasonally. Cool and flaveur. years ago by the Rev. John Tapp of mostof s cn fnd imeto pen ifthe Bible Christian churcis. Mr. moat0f s cn fmd imeto pen if Egg Yolk Sponge Cake Yeo, a veteran of the lakes, retired we really try. There are so many macareens anld twenty years age atter serving on Friends, Fun and iformality little cakes that use egg whites that many vessels as mate. His tales of The days after Christmas are re- it is sometimes a problem te know schooner days are filled with curious laxed ones. We have been keyed up how to use the egg yolks. This incidents. and rusning madly so new we can sponge cake requires 6 egg Yolks The famiiy is composed of three let down both mentally anld physi- and I have neyer made a nicer daughters: Mrs. Andrew Walls, Osh- caliy. Beyond a bit of picking up and sponge cake than the orses made awa; Mrs. J. High.fleld, Bowman- putting away there is flot se, much from this recipe. ville; Mrs. S. Wakely, Port Hope; work to do as we usually have plerity 6 egg yolks, 1 cup sugar, 11/2~ cups and one son, Alian, et Port Hope. et tfoed in the house. Bometimes we cake fleur, 1/ teaspoon sait, 2 tea- have company, family or very best shloons baking powder. 1' cup hot friends but flot guests that it is a water, '/ý teaspoon flavouing. ]rHE LIFE 0F THE PARTY strain to entertaifi. The young peo Beat egg yolks until thick. Add ple are always ready for f un and sugar gradually and continue beat- B y Bar!bar~a B. Brooks Y1 this week is a good time to enter- ing. it t flour and measure. Add tain them informalIy. Christmas baking powder and sait and add ai- The lite of the paty may be thse week is a time for friends and fun tenately with hot water, beating jolly soul who keeps everyone amus- anld informality. Many of us have between each addition. Add fiav- ed anld happy, but even the best en- too much entertaining but flot ouring. Balte in a moderate oven of tertaifler shares honors with the e- enougis fun. We do things we really 320 degrees for 1 hour. freshments. Whether for an atter- dIo fot care about becausie other Chicken Mousse noon visit of old f riends or a formai people are doing themn and we have 1 cup ground white ceoked chick- tea to introduce a new daugiter-in- flot suffîciexit strength et will te get en meat, 1 cup chicken broth, 3 egg law, the flrst thought is pretty sure out oflirne. Let the Christmas f un yolks, 1/2 pmnt cream whipped, 1 tab- te be "What shail I serve?" When be of a different kind. lespoon gelatine,- 14 teaspoon saIt, tisat question is answered the party Oily Hair dash of paprika, plans are well under way. Berne people have great diculty, Beat the egg yolks and stir Ughtly A plate of your favorite cookies with oily hair in winter time. I into the breth, add seasonings anld and a pot of tea will malte a tes heard a very good hairdresser tel cook in double beiler like a custard. party eut et what might otherwise lng one ef his clients how te get rid add tisfe gelatif whic hastbe f st be an heur of visiting, or horrors) of it anîd I stored up the idea to pas d teglti hcihsbensf-just gossiping. If you find evenings on te those of my readers who migti ened ini a littie cold chiclten broth. duli and long, perhaps your friends need it. He said to shampoe, the Pour this ever the chicken meat. teel thse saine way. Invite thema over chair with a solution of green soap. Let cool stirîng occasionally. When for a game of bridge. Be a:s in- This may be either lquid or solid. it begins te set f old in the whiPPed formal about it as you like, but but dissolve seme of it anld add a cream. Turn into a mould and let make it an occasion by serving re- pmnch of borax. Wash thse hair inse.treshments which can be as simple the usual way, then rub ini a f resh * as a hot beverage and butt.ered nut supply efthtie soap solution anld let WEDDING bread sandwiches. If yeu do net use it stand on the hair for ten min- n- a caffene-tree coffee eguiarly i utes. Rinse thoreughly. Shampoo your home. you may want to keep a the hair weekly or every other week Buss-Pol lard can on hand just for occasions ef until the condition is remedied. this kifld. Thei'e are times when no Cra. PffCaesA quiet but pretty wedding was beverage is quite so, appropriate asi CreamPuff asessolemnized on Baturday afterneen, coffee and if it is caffeine-free, it If you want te serve something a December 16, 1933, at King treet can be served with a clear conscience bit different at your Christmas par- United Church parsonage, Oshawa because it will not cause sleepless- ties instead of the usual sandwiches, when Rev. R. L. McTavish, united in ness. try making cream pufs and f111 marriage Helen Jean, daughtem t Abaktpatoafmn psi them with lobster, tuna or chiclten. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Pollard ef Osh- bskfretrt anin chien E.vii some of the Christmas turkey awa and Walter William, son of Mr. Hav tisefretrnn children da o prnr might be used. To malte thse filling, and Mrs. Norman Buss of Oshawa. orvefor ple n group ffou prnr cut hait as much celery in very The bride was attended by Mrs. Roy sixfr pesn achhildfwihoarbas smal pieces as you have lobster, Lick, sister of the groom, while Mr. i.Peetec hl ihabs tuna or fowl. Mix with boiled salad Lick'was groorosman. Following the kep rfesid smcentsWaxdatiywrap- dressing and about one spoonfuil of ceremony a reception was heid at pred ad pesins. nWxper withde mayonnaise. If the fish is used a thse home ot the bride's parents. M r. prinlte dengnstos w bing maode. littie lemon juice added is an im- and Mrs. Buss lef t later for points Lcltncn trswi rvd provement. To make the Cresm west and upon their return wiîî re- cups, dishes, spoons and paper of Puffs, put 1, u ute n n id tT2nonsCres many designs and uses. Baskets cupboligbutter asacan iea.hrto onr.can be made from colored heavy pa- bring to a boil and add 1 cup o! per and trimmed with cutouts from flour ail at once arnd stir vigorously A Real Astisma Relief. Dr. J. D.old magazines. The children of thse until the mixture leaves the side of Kellogg's Astisma Remedy has neyer family will love to make the baskets the pan. Cool and add 4 eggs. one been adverti.sed by extravagant for their party. ai. a tirne beating- after each addi- statements. Its dlaims are conser- Each basket should isold several tion. Drop by spoonfulis on a but- vative indeed, when judged by the small sandwiches (use brown, white tered sheet. Bake in a hot oven of beneflts which it performs. Expect and rye bread, spread with chopped 450 degrees for 15 minutes, then real relief and permanent benefits vegetables, egg, nuts. cheese or jelly) - lower thse trmperature to 350 degrees when you buy this remedy and you fruit or vegetable salad in waxed for aîsotner 15 to 25 minutes. thse will flot have cause for disappoint- cup; nuts and raisins which may be length of cooking depending on thse ment. It gives permanent relief in wrapped in bight papers and two size of the pufts. For this purpose many cases where other so called or three tiny cup cakes or cookies, thse pufs should be made quite remedies have utterly failed. iced with holiday decoations. New Twelve-Lesson Home Study Course by WHO bas devoted her best efforts to its preparation that everyone may become a good cook in the true sense of the word. Miss Scott believes that the true ambition of every woman prompts ber te reach out for knowledge which extends far beyond mere baking, boiling and frying. She believes that every girl, and every woman of today is eager to learn ail they possibly can about food, provided they can depend upon the avait- able information. She believes you ail are vitally interested in the newer methods, the methods which save time, and save rnoney and which safeguard the bealth of the farnily. And se, we bave the new course that the busy girl or wornan who bas not, or wbo cannot take, a modern coilege or school course in this greatest of ail sub- jects may, in their bornes, get the actual fiundarnentals in a rernark- ably short urne. Ail ray write the examination if they choose. The handsome Diploma of the Canadian Cooking Scbool should be easily won by ail who master wbat is clearly and simply taugbt in the course. la addition to the Canadian Cooking Scbool Course, there is: THE NEW EASY WAY SERIES 0F THREE MARVELOUS NEW BOOKS by Anna Lee Scott Filled with new ideas for saving tirne and money- ideas for doing the smart thing in the smart new way. Send 2 5 C. to Anna Lee Scott in care of this paper. TheCa nadian Statesman A HEALTH SERVICE 0F T ME CANADI1AN MEOSCAL ASSOCI ATION AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES ON CANADAt NEARLY PERFECT In tisese days, when se muci f auît rs being found with tise werld i wiich we live, It is quite a relief te note that, in spite et social and ec- onomic unrest, there Is one peint upon which we can agree, something which can be descrlbed as "«neariy perfect." There ta one food whlch cames close te perfection, and that ta milk. As tise chlld grows, his diet la eiab- erated until he eats tise same as tise rest of tise famlly, but milk should be tise backbone et bis diet al througis isayears ot grewth, when he Is buld!ng thse body whlch must last hlm tisougisout 111e. Tise child requîmes a mlxed diet ot milk, cereals and potatees, eggs, a lîttIe meat and f tis, fresis vegetab- les salads and fruits. He needs milk because milS provides tise calcium that la required ta bulld strang bones and teetis. He needs milS ce- cause it furnîshes vitamins wich regulate tise growth and develop- ment efthtie body. Added to thîs, mllk is a source of practically ail tise f ood elements wich are essential ta tise body. Thse normal heathy ciild who has been properly trained likes to eat. Theme is something wrong with tise child who dees flot enjoy is meais, or who has to be coaxed te eat. There are several causes for poor ap- petites. Eating between meals, par- ticuiariy candy, means that tise cisild wili have no appetite for regli- lar meals. Tise tlred or excited child is flot interested in food. Thse chiid who has been shut indoors, with ne opportunity te play or to get his iungs filled with f resis air, does net eat well. Many children have what appears te be a peor appetite, but tisis is, li realîty, a bad habit or wrong atti- tude towards f ood. Tise parents et such children are et ten those wiso are ever-axiius about tiseir cild, His tallure te eat gets hlm a great deal of attention. while his parents fusa over hlm and talk about hlm or even threaten hlm. Every child siseuld have at ieast one pint of miik a day. Mllk canl be served in many different ways as part of tise meal. Varlety in tise preparation of f oods preventsaa menotonous diet. Mihk can be used in varieus hot or cold drinks, and in soupa. There Ia an endless variety of cusgrds. Milk goes Into Junkets, rice puddings and ice-cream. Meals whicis are based on mIlk are best, and they can be made more appetiz- lng. For Riseumatic Pans-The pains and aches et Sciatica and Riseuma- tlsm shouid be treated wlth Dr. Thsomas' Eciectrlc Oul. Tise soothlng and isealing propertles of thîs tam- ous remedy have been demonstrated for fltY years. Use it albo for i- flamnmatory -pains, <its, scratches. bruises and aprains, eÉther lInisuman beings or thse îower animais. wm Canadian Cooking ScIîool ..t. - - " Hlappy INew Year As old as that wish is. it best expresses Our thoughts for you as the New Year draws near. May 1934 bring you much bappiness and May its prosperity make you forget the depriassion and adversity of the past. For more than thre. quarters of a century C. M. Cawker & Son have pledged diemselves au.w to service to the public each New Year. Again we pledge ourselves to give you the very best in provisions in the coming year. C. M. Cawker & Son The Twelve FREE LESSONS wiII appear in this paper, one lesson each weelc, beginning THURSDAY, JAN. l8th. Just another example of Tise States- man's policy of making its coluxnns even more lnteresting and instruct- ive for its women readers. Watch for these lessons. Study themn. You will find them both mnteresting and profitable.. Free Examination ancd a Diploma to ah wkho graduate Send in your officiai entry new te the Canadian Cookin g Scboob Examination paper wiil be mailed te you as sean as the last lesson bas appeared. Tbe pass standing cf students is graded according te age. If you successfully pass the examination y ou wili receive a beautifual Canadian Cooking School Diploma, ready for framing.

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