9AGE 8r~THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1933 f A' GIVE QUCI<RtLEF -ECZM~ ~ î1i'.r<~~~ ~ 7greater influence than Paul? o KIC REX "The Wonder H,.iîn, ' ,of l. it0-... I. aid strongîben Paul? IN& SO mIUtittod. Lh rythego, a. eaphîwu.. .1 11- r ii it i 3itO What did Paul owe 10 bis N & S NRin:wormand other skin sim.n. hH. r.- , , " , ~ H e owe 10 bi et Bownianville 1.00 82-00 :86601b. ASui~Duu - XIri~io.~~~.<, .WyddPu pa omc 19t.. Toonto.Ortari O.. IitOYfllkt 3 uîabout the resurrection? OSCAR L. MORROw. 6. Wbat kept Paul from becorn- 1:1 Treasurer.Iling self-satlsfled? L1933 Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED Bowmanville tNway lei ~. Ai-s, 11, tny tùickle 'o' '9331S ~sift. thrOugh time's hour In »,bin g a geat New - ndwih t our ap- preciation of the wonderful support you have given us - and our very best wishes for the future. May 1934 be a year of complote happiness for you and may our pleasant business relationships continue unbroken i the months that are ahead. J. W. JewelI BOOKS & STATIONERY PAINTS & WALLPAPER CHINA & GLASS BIG 20 BOWMANVILLE A rosI man doos a littIe more than lie promises. A real man Is dependable HIs simple word is as good as bis Bible oatb. ZERO Weather PROTECT AGAINST WINTER Motorists, the weather man says that a zero wave is on the way and that's reason enougis for driving into our garage to- day if you want to keep your car running without trouble. And another good reason is this: IVo have everything to keep cars running right in the cold our service is quick and our prices are low. Clemens' Garage OPPOSITE A. & P. STORES BOWMANVILLE ~c ~ So pleasa effective1 Equafly g De I STARK VILLE OBITUARY MMES0FLG1 oeowedou as wek j Jon ermaEat hib ATTEND MEMORIAL Sunday Sehool (rweou atwe)Mrs. Jon ___aEstWib SERVICE ON SUNDAY L s o Miss Dorothy iilver has returned _____n home from visiting in Toronto. A resident of East Wbitby for over Tribute paid to Guncral Sir Arthuîr Mrs. Ross Hallowell spent a few seveflty years, Mrs. John T. Pereman Currie at Mrrnorial servic in SSt days with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. passed away at her home on Mon- Johîn's Church. Newcastle 1Rector %vas THE LIFE 0F PAUL Ed. White, Elizabethville. day, December 18th. Mrs. Pereman, preacher. Mrs. Thos. McMullen of Belleville. who was formerly Emma Mountjoy, Aot*lfymnbr fteIov visited her sister, Mrs. Wm. Savery.1 daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. bu it ebr fHeBw A very pleasant time was spenti James Mountioy, was born in Dar-ýavleBncofteCadn g 1GdnTx:«4hveouta at Mrs. H. B. Gilnier's, when a quilt liflgton Township 78 Years ago. onl attended Divine Service in St.I good. fight, I have finisbed my was quilteci for relief in Saskatche- About 56 years ago she married Johîn',; Anglican Clînrel ou Sunday course, I have kept the faith." 2 wan. John Pereman and for the past mrnmnng %v'ien tile service took di Timothy 4:7. Shiloh Ladies' Association held forty-n;ne years Mr. and Mrs. Pere- form of a .\Iemorial Service to tie Lesson Passage: Philiipians 3: their annual meeting at the home of mari have resided in the samne house late Canadian Corps Coiiliiîiler, Gen- 1-14. Mrs. S. G. Hallowell. A goodly numn- on Lot 5, concession 6, East Whit.by. cral Sir Arthîur Currie. This service "Sturdy of Limb, witb bounding ber were presenit, and election of Immediate surviving relatives tin- was in deference to the wi>lies of tile health, new officers took place. clude Mr. Pereman, one daughter, Dominion Presiderît of the Legion. Tlie Eager to play the hero's part, Glad to report improvement in the Mrs. R. Niddery of Manchester, and Legion Padres, R'vv. C. R Spencer, Grant to us each that greater health of our esteemed pastor, Rev. one son Merwin, who resides on the Rector of St. John', Clînrel, and Rev. wealth, T. Wallace. farmn adjacent to bis parents. F. H. Mason, Rector of St. George's An undefiled and loyal heart, Mr. Gordon HaUlowell. Mt. Forest, The funeral was held f rom the Cliumclh at Newcas.tle, liad charge of God of our Youth, be thou our spent a few days at home. family residence on Thursday after- the service with 'Mr. Mia'on as theTod might, Mr. W. Todd is in very poor i1floon. Interment was made in the special preacluer. od the right."1 health. Union Cemetery. For the occasion the lecturn, prayer An Internationalîst, 1-3 Mrs. R. Hallowell and family vis- desks and pulpit %veme i!raped in black, This is a review lesson upon the ited at Mrs. Ernest Debarr's, Colum- John Holmes, Newcastle whlile the sitar and altar rails wvere life of Paul. seeking 1.0 suritUp the I bus, recently. hung with Britishi flags. lInnedîately qualities which macle him great B e-; Mr. S. I. Reld of Toronto, visited O Tuesday morning, Dec. î9th, in front of the altar %vas a linge wreatlî cause of birth and experience,p his mother. Mrs. Robt. Reid, Stark- O u vill Staion.there passed peacefully away aI bis of laumrels and poppie.,, wlile poppies had a broad international outlook. Our sehool Christmas concert Is residence on the Lake Shore Road, were used instead of the custonîamv By blood ho was a Jew. His native' IbsTusa.one of Clarke Township's oldest and Rlowers on the altar. During the service city was Greek. He beld Roman Mhs rs FakBnet.Tro a most highly respected citizens in the two minutes of silence wa.. obscrved citizenship, and travelled in many rsrankhenaferonstin a he person of John Holmes. in memory of Sir Arthuîr Curmie and different countries. This experience reu dhm ad Mr siJak Hllo- The deceased was born in Ross- the Last Post was sounded. dfrom Pbar i aicdclivees hem parents, M.adMs aeHlo shire, Scotland, in 1855, and when _______________________________The well. two years of age crossed the At- depth.s 0f bis religious nature had -ilantic in a sailing vessel along with been stirred by worship in the temp- IORONO his parents, who landed at Bow- C urli A tvte le at Jerusalem. Ho had thrilled with _4__________________ Harbour. His boyhood was C uc ti es the glory of Athens, as he viewed spent in S. S. No. 9, Clarke, but for the buildings and statues there. To- 1 (Front The News, Dec. 7th) the past 55 years he bas lived on ________________ wards the end of bis lufe he beheîd Mr. Victor Phasey spent the past the farm overlooking the lake near teipra iYo oe rvl nweek in Toronto visiting friends, al- Newcastle. TRINITY EVENING AUXILIARY ling along the Roman roads, speak- so taking in tbe Royal Winter Fair. A tribute fromn one who had been ing in1 Aramaie in Jewish synago- S Col. R. J. Stewart, a one-time a friend of tbe decoased for msny Tinfity United Cburch Evening gues, wriîing bis lettors in Groek, he resident of Orono, would appear to years, sun15 Up bis character in a Auxillary of the W.M.S. held its felt the unity of humanity, and ebe the popular candidate for reeve few words: "His genuino kindliness regular meeting in the school room realized tbat aUl mankînct formed - in the York municipal elections. and courtesy, bis sturdy independ- on Tuesday evening witb tbe Vice one family. His porsonal experi- Mr. Victor Stewart of Toronto was ence, and general bearing marked President, Mrs. Muriel Symons. ence was ,strengthened by his a vîsitor in town Monday and spent him as one of nature's gentlemen." presiding. Meeting openied witýCrsinfih eke htthe' an boum or Iwo witb bis old friond A vory largely attended funeral quiet Music with Mrs. Nellie Gar- i eart of Christ hold love for Gen -' IMr. Robert Tbompson, Clarke Un-j was held at the family residence on butt at tbe piano. The program was tule as well as Jew. ion section.i Thursday, Dec. 21st, with Rev. W. p. in charge of Mrs. W. Found and ber Mrs. Winter, Mrs. John J. Corn- Rogers of tbe United Churcb offc- group. Mrs. Symons, PeaceSere A Religions Devotee, 4- 6 lsh, and Mrs. and Mms. 0. Cooper iating. The floral Iributes were tary, gave a fine review suitab-.,t- It may bie that living in Tarsusi spent Sunday with Mr. Isaac Win- beautiful and numerous. the season wbich proved very inter- strengthenecl Paul's Jewish enthusi- ter at St. Michael's Hospital, Toron- Those lef t to mourn are two esting. Delegates appointed to, the asm. The Jews of the Disprsioni ta, where he is undergoing treat- daughters, Mrs. Howell Rowland, Presbyterial in St. Andrew's United were sometimes more faithful tha n jment, Newcastle, and Miss Etta Holansa. Church, Oshawa, on January l7th, the Jews living in Jerusalem. Pauli Clarke Township Counicil will 1 Oshawa; and two sons, E. A. Holmes, were Mrs. C. A. Wight and Mrs. T. was named ai ter Saul, the f irst kingi hold its final meeting to wind up Toronto, and Wallace on tbe home- W. Cawker. of îsraoî who bad belonged to the th-e business for the current year on stosd; and one sister, Mrs. H. C. Mrs. H. M. Foster sang a solo and tribe of Benjamin, and he was: Friday. Decomber fif teenth. Nom- Bowen, Orono.I Miss Lena Haddy gave the prologue brougbt up a Phamisee. He studied' ination meeting for candidates for; The paîl bearers were Messrs. W.i 1 the new Study book, *~Lady in Tarsus and he was sent to Je Council for the year 1934 bas been 'C. Lake, Frank Bone, John HendrylFourtb Daughtor of China" and under the great toacher Gamaliel. set for Friday, Dec. 22nd. 'Fred Fligg, Fred Graham and Merk- Mrs. A. - L. Nicholls gave a very in- rusalem to finish his education The funemal of the late Frank Og- ley Clarke. Interment at Bowman- formative address on Conditions in He developed such Pharisaic oarn- dn h5edeath took place in; ville Cometery. China, past and present, which estnes.s that he became a public derntwo ls ee Iok lc Sn every one greatly appreciated. Mrs. persecutor of the Christians. Paul's day ai lernoon to Orono Cernetry I W. C. Ives presented the report of nature was so intense that he woul Deceased was a native of ClarkeI Mrs. W. J. Osborne, Winnipeg the nominating committee which on have been a great man whateve r township, son of the laIe Jake Og-I motion was adopted.I vocation be chose, but his training don of Cowanville section. 1 Mrs. W. J. Osborne, pioneer resi- New officers are: Honomary Presi- litedr.He wato a trou l ioe A numnber of friends and neigb- 1 dent of Winnipeg, Man., and wife Of dent-Mrs. E. F. Armstrong; Presi- la. eh aws and radgyios, ad bors gathered at the home of Mm. W. J. Osborne, of the Winnipeg El- 1 dent-Mrs. W. A. Shane; lst Vice hnocoul notahelprim iinsmeanf and Mrs. S. D. Soucb. it being the'ectrie Company, died early Sunday iPresident-Mrs. B. E. Ingham; 2nd heolamnnot heRmabngsoand th occasion of tht' 20*,h anniversary of mornîng, DecEmber 17tb, at hem Vice-Mrs. J. W. Jewell; Secretary- te eks. gfthe nfluens anf he, their wedded lufe. re.-id£nce, 6 Wsuneta aparîments. Mrs. W. C. Ives; Assistant-Mrs. D. Grseh Theand lu esîl obin>ed 1 The address was ead by Miss following a brief illfless. J. Chambers; Treasurer-Mrs. C. H. coladhuhaicmbn t 'Dorothv M. Souch. and signed by i Mrs. Osborne was a native of 'd- Mason; Peace Secy.-Mrs. Ingham; ikhi gveirtpaette Mm. and Mrs. Fred Blackburn, Mr.1 inburgh, Scotland, the daughter of Temperance-Mrs. J. W. Jewell; service of God. and Mrs. Fred Hill. Mm. and Mrs. the' late William and Charlotte Stewardship-Mm.s Roy Webber: A Christian, 7 iHeber Souch. Miss Gwen Stark, and Tbomison, of 27 Leamingtcn Terrace, Ass't Stewardship-Mmas. R. J. Dîl- The lime came wbonPalbdt after con2ra'ul - tory speeches. a Edinburgh. and she came to Winnî- ling; Strangers' Sec'y-Mrs W. R.eiebitnars P ale. toe * 'ery enjoyabih' lime was spent In peg 44 years ago, taking the nurses' Strike; M'ssionary Monthly.-Mrs. hnswihohdprzdnyuhi game.s anc social chat. and abun- taning course at the Winnipeg 1 W. J. Found: Asst.-Mrs. M. Sy- hihho aet ead pveiign y the dance of lunc~h and coffee was serv- General hospital, remaining on the jmons; Literature-Mis. C. A. Wight; famiiy troo. th:e sol_,al order, the *ed. whicb broueht to a close a Most staff foi, two years after hem gradu- Supply-Mrs. M. Wight; Asst-Mrs.à enjoyable evening. anion, until hem marriage toMm. Os- Frec. Allun; Press-Miss E. E. Hay- official positions he had held ail! ________ bone. who bas for the past 38 3'ears craft; Associate Helprs-Mîss Lena christowashischine gan. I, n d~ Bacace. bemate ain gnebeon assoýiated with the Winnipeg Haddy; Baby Band Supt.-Miss F. Chrfunst ahihe finInt Chrai unkae 15miueui umPas. - eElectrie coînpany as a department, Werry; Ass't-Mms. W. P. Corbett; he fMessiahe 0fhiole'softhe i in1 iue sn Rmcp.-manager. jFlowr-Miss Leta Jackson; Pian-the eîigious Teahi e w sho I. h AlexMcG~egr DugsA bighîy esteemed and clevotecl ist--Mrs. Nelle Garbutt; Ass t.- 1 xlie ________ofFort________United Mrs. E. S. Forguson. lie the Son of God who revealecl membr 0fFor Roue Untedthe fatherhood 0f God. Tbough 1bandc, one ldauger Ceidhrte, - *Paul had been oamnest as a rouigi- band onedaugterCharotte atous man, following the Jewish homte, as well as two sisters, Miss ST. PAUL'S EVENING faith, ho found peace and powori teGH S ainTh bosoanillimrs Th.oLe- AUXILIARY ELEUT OFFICERS aftrabis conversion 10 Christ. Paul AND_____ws greal soul t0 begin with and 4 O C L Sson, al of Edinburgh, Scotland. i olgestalysh hrd ant to the taste and so quickly Funemal services were held Wed- The rogular meeting of the Event- thbis sol grewostCaiysh hae that children love to take it. nesday atomnoon at the A. B. Gar- ing Auxiliary of St. Paul's ChurchtefllwhpfCri. good for adults. Of tixneproven dner Funeral Home. following whîcb was held at the home of Miss Helen A Mystic, 8-11j boirial was macle in the family plot Carruthers, Monday evening week. Some people fail 10 undorstand in St. John's cemotery. Rov. A. Miss Percy was in charge of the de- Paul because bis rapturous relîgious (I A S 'SEardley, minîster of Fort Rouge Un- votional exorcises. Christmas hymns moocis sud language are beyond ited Church, was the officiatung cler- wore sung followed by the Lord's them. At limes ho was ocstatic wiîh gyman.1 Prayer. Miss Percy read the Christ- joy. Ho could be caught up into the PMr. Osborne's many old friends iýl mas Story St. Luke. 2nd chapter, third beavens. Emotion oepwr Darlîngr.on and Bowmanville wiîî followed with prayer. Mrs. 000. ed him at limes until ho scarcely ____ _ symîpatbize with him in his bereave- Webster gave a Christmas reading,I knew whether ho was in the body or ment. The Osborne i amiîy former- .Glory 10 God lu the Highesî." Mrs. out of che body. Occasionally bisi ly lived west of Tynone. later mov- A. S. Kerr read "Christmas Sun- language mounu.s up ancl loses itseli j ng to Bowmanville before goingishîne" followed by, a Christmas in passionate ouîpouring of praise West. story read by Mrs. Frank Williams 1.0 Christ. Against the background extend iwarmest i Wallie" by laIe Mrs. Nina Moore of the law ho saw the love and sac-1 - _____ -- Jamieson. This was a real story rifice ai Jesus Christ. Instoad 0f alI ÏREETINGSsnd very much enjoyed. The an- religion of fear, ho had entered mbto R EE IN SPersian Balm invesîs every woman nual reports of the secrotary, Mrs. a religion of hope. A sense of eter- for the NEWV YEAR. ýwi:h stîbtle charm. Delicately frag- C. F. Rice andt Treasuror, Miss H. nity had been macle real to hum, and rant. Coolîng and bealing. Dispels Carruthers wero most interesting ho yearned 10 attain unto the re- hai ronage in the past, and trust j ail rotighi:.e-s or chafing. Makes, and shows rosulîs of a successful surrection life. Paul shamrec hebut enjoy your confidence. pckins dclightfully soft-textured. Ev- year. Mrs. Kerr was requested 10ptecf his' rthreuo n i ery woman îbould use this peerless preside. while Miss Pomcy, convener the fellowship of bis sufferungs. Hoe to.let :equisite. Daintness-beauty of the Nominating Committee, road could speak of being cucifîed with i kTHROPIE --reflncnmenî- Pcrs:an Bslm achîev- the officers of the coming year: Christ. It was by dying 10 self thal ios these in every instance. Soften.s Honorary Prosident, Mrs. (Rev.) ho bad atîained the abundant Solvay Coke, AIierta Coal ,and whitens tbe bands. Promo',es A. S. Kerr, Prosidont, Miss M. Hut- Christian life. How surprised at BOWMANVILLE clear~ and youthful laveliness. Ail chiFon. ist Vice-Prosident, Miss M. them.selves conventional Christians ;%omien who came for additional Allen. 2 nd. Vice-President, Mrs. Gea. would be if they cuauld oxperionce lIcharm îuinhesitàtingly choos.e Fers- Webste,. Recording Secret a ry, one quarter of Paul's gladness and _____________ ian Balm. Miss Edna Jewell, Corresponding self -forgoîf ulness by a full surmen- Se retamy, Mrs. C. F. Rice; TirO55- der to the will of Christ. NEWVCASTLE! r, Miss H. Carruthers; Flower AqiiizlMr 9i YOUNG POPLE'SLEAGUE Committee: Mrs. F. Williams: Work ASprtaHeo1-4 To one and ail we SEASON'S C and every good wisb f We have appreciatod your patr that we may continue to HRENIRY Li Reading Anthracite, Semetf PIIONE 520J or 520W We Are Fer the business the pub to handie for them in th( that in the ensuing year these old friends and among those who likeî insurance service. May We Wis HAPPY AND PROSPEI 0J. J. MASO, King Streg Phone 50 ANOTHER MILESTONE This world of ours gaily reels off an endless procession of years. Now it brings us another milestone - 1934 - bringing, we hope, a New Year of real joy and prosperity to ail our friends. And may we, as the old year fades Into thse past, thank you for your cordial help and i- spiration of the past 12 months. NEW YEAR AT THE BADIMINTON CLUB On Monday next a big dance will welcome the New Year at the Badminton Club. Start the New Year off right wlth an Evlyn Shop evening dress. Drop in and see them, and be ready for a shoz-k at the real low prices. T4e Evlyn Ladies' Spec ialty Shop PHONE 594 KIING STREET THANKING YOU FOR THE Generous Patronage EXTENDED TO US WE WISH YOU ONE AND ALL A Prosperous and Happy New Year Knox's Skoe Store Phone 120 Bowxnanville BLUE COAL Offers Dependable, Saf e Heat at Savings You can sleep soundly-be free from ail worries when you burn Blue Coal, for with Blue Coal you don't have to consider mechanical problems or breakdowns and besides Blue coal costs less. It's a sure fuel, a safe way to heat your home and it's more economical in every way. For Blue Coal, the best of coal - the dependable fuel - Phone 15 for quick, courteous service. Sheppard& Ciii Lumber Co. Limited FUEL AND BUILDING SUPPLIES Phone 15 Bowmanville ECeep Douglas' Egyptian Liniment ing, soit corns, warts. scald feet. ndy. A sure, speedy remedy for Invaluable for inflammation and irs, sprains, felons, blood poison-j muscular rheum-atism. Happy Voyagze