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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1934, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 1934PAENE vîsited ber mother. Mrs. Roberi Wifes Delight at ike 11$ Glad te swe Mis. George Fallis ablE Ifusband's Loss te rcnîrn to ber daughter's. Mrs NI Wi GeeeFergu-sn of ont 30 Pounds of Fat ! :s visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mns Here s sethîng ail wive ocf fat MIiss Florence Faihis and Mr. and men vill be glad te know. It is the Mis. Wlfrcd Jackson and family, exPerience of a woman whose bus- iitdM. George Nesbitt. baud reccntly weighed 230 lbs. She i.and Mrs. Herman Samelis "I really f ccl I must write and tel you that. afteî taking Kruscben Saits foi neaniy 3 montbs, my bus- baud bas get his weigbt dow-n f rom 230 lbs. to 200 Ibs. bas been achieved by notbing cisc but Krus- chen. I arn too heavy aise, and I started takîng Kruschen only thîe weeks ago. Alreacly I bave got down frors 153 lbs. te 144 lbs. We aie de- ligted."-Mm.> c. Kiuschen combats tbe cause cf fat by assisting tbe internai organs te perform their functions pîoperly - te throw off eacb day those waste preducts and poisons wbich, if allow- cd teO accurnulate. wçill be converted bY tbe bodys chemistry into fatty tissue. NESTLETON Mi. Athur Hyiand visitcd fîiends in Manvers iateîy. Mm. Fred Hyland enteitauncd the Play group last week. .Mi. and Mis. Len Jeblin visitedi Mis. Ethel Taylor on Sunday. Mi. Lloyd Fallis, Toronto, is visit- ing lis sister, Mms. Wm. Beacock. Mn. sud Mrs. Russel Spinks, Black- stock, visited Mis. Richard Edgerton. Mn. Harold Nesbitt visited at the home o! Mi. and Mms. Harold Port- cous. Miss Ruth Proutt was gucst cf beri aunt. Mis. James Malcolm, Port Peiry.1 Mis. Bert McMuIlen, Janetvilie,! iu. ana mrs . tV >.wlison ana. .151 ily. were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. John Hooey. Burketon. L CADMUS Miss Gladys Cobbleclick spent, Sat- urday in Toronto. Mr. W. B. Ferguson visited at Mr. Percy Edgertons' on Sunday. Gad te report that Mms. John Mc Kee is able te be out again. Mr. and M1's. James McKee spent Tuesday at, Mr. Lorne McKees'. Mi. and Mms. George Fowier vis- ited at Mr. Sidney McQuades' on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Everard Sandersox spent Sunday cvening at Mr. Edgar Gibsons'. *League was beld Tbuîsday even- ing. Mms. E. Sandemson had charge of the worsbip period and the pro gram was in charge of Mr. Stewart Thompson. It censisted of readings by Lloyd Tbompsen and Merlin Pbilp and a mouthorgan solo by Hector Thompson. Asthma Can be Cuîcd. Its suffer. ing is as needless as it is terrible to endure. Mfter its many years of re- lie! of the most, subborn cases no sufferer can doubt the perfect cf. fectivencss of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's As. tbma Remedy. Comfort of body and peace of mind return with its use and nights cf scund sIeep come bacli for good. Ask your druggist; he can supply you. Easter Food Values at the Corner Grocery VANSTONE'S BREAD OR PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb. bag - 65c (Anna Lee Scott Cook Books Free) Pienie Hams .................... lb. 20c COTTAGE ROLLS............... lb. 15c Choice Tomatoes............ 3 tins for 25c Chateau and Velveeta Cheese, 1 '/ lb. pkg. lic PICAKE SHORTENING........... lb. loc Pure Strawberry or Raspberry Jam, 40 oz. jar ....................... 33c Pure Cherry Jam, 40 oz. jar........... 29c FRY'S COCQA............. 1/2 lb. tin 21c Hawes Wax, 1 lb. tin ...........43c Hawes Floor Gloss, 1 pint tin.......... 59c PINK SALMON, 1 lb. tin .............10c FISH FOR GOOD FRIDAY White Fillets - Smoked Fillets - Haddie - Oysters Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter - Ful-O-Pep Chick Grain Blatchford's Chick Grain - Grit and Oyster Shel Hgarry Allits, Grocer Phones 121 and 186 Bowmanville TaeC. C. & B. Tonlc Tablets For Kealth--Strength--Vigor HAVE YOU STOMACH TROUBLE? Hav, c ou&tH:Chý" M,,Vt,, G-tburn Bloutint, OuaLu sr "ta, Gi EFi Lum lo tomch Fod tuie p m 01or MC.tC..E& à .u' onMouhinditgeion? Wben causeJ br a u-encnitio n oune.d C .&à oi Tbea n tonce. They Ull b jd " t _ yssmad thu reileve you quickly end perunaently, Improve appetite, THE BLOD III'=dw~eUttoWa fbitonlc affects.u o ter=e stre md ire te ii o L I t urah neurlashment te the whole b1:. . C. Tonic Tabiota cental Yout. Imn and ExractetfCed Liver-ubue. groat tonlcein Ont.. WC<.NrvusDbiilty, Weakne. JerÏkinj, Jumping.CErdImblo VL ~ . Wrn utFou LieFa. rrMWemoryelcholy.114 THE NERVES dTeet or Iht. Deor et b, Lack egy. Strer h miinYun O.ic Tabetz PM> b r o!tetnlc .5 cts, blpte rester. nerve tissue te normal condition ît.y the=res ban"ihei blues. ~e yeu fee ulIll e, . viger, ambition, and uMn YMrsu<.Uder Weiht. Hoiiow Cheeke. Fat Chest Serawny Nock. Dy*- eolTaBlond C C. & B. Tonic Tablets heip te build yeu THINpEin .very way. WiI theraby lmprove your appesranco. REGAIN LOST PEP AND VITALITY ac ict h bloou, building up the. nervous system, generate vitait. ote nerve terce, reotees luli trength, pop and rigor-se yeu câenennjoy II lgues""tei.fuUst.' are lot suie et mi Drut Stores. Go te l'a ~~ yeu duTt today an1er=r C. C. & B. IUrNLIC DLLEbTShtet werd andhpier istnce aupp.. l .meosUicbgoige new lite for you-opening the door te a rgt wldadhpe xien.Te tabiets are leexpenwive. The prices are 50c and $1. Three $100 bioxea for 82.50. For Sale in BOWMALNVILLE at MctqGREGOR'S DRUG STOIRE PHONE 92 rHospital Coming to OF Age MarIced ýd by Birtliday Parti S, The members of the Womens Hos L_ pital Auxiliary held a very deiightf t n Birtbday Party on Thursclay lasi The occasion was the twenty-flrs anniversary of the opening of th, DHospital, and the interest of tih residents of Bowmanville and dis trîct was shown by the attendanc, of many guests bringing gifts. Mrs. J. O'Neill, President. an( Mrs. V. H. Storey received the guest rat the door. Mrs. A. L. Nichoîl Mrs. E. R. Beunsali and Mrs. E W .c Cralwford were in attendance in thi donation room. Mrs. L. A. Tole, thi it first president of the Auxiiary, cu the birthday cake and presided a -the table, which was beautifully decý " orated. The centre piece was c, fiowers in purpie and gold, and tbi " birtbday cake was decorated with 2: r candies in the same colours. Mrs W. C. Washington poured tea durini the first bal! o! the afterno-on. an. eMrs. A. E. McCready for the secon. -hall. Mrs. J. Spencer and Mrs. C. A t Cawker showe,1 the guests into thq Sdining room. and Mrs. F. J. Man. ning presided over the registratior yof guests. The guest book used wa the original one used at "the open- ing of the residence. The other lad. ies of the Auxiiiary assisted in th( -dining room and in the living roorn 0in arranging transportation, etc. - Rev. Geo. Mason was present ai 03.30 and asked a blessing in ver3 -appropriate words before tea waý -served. Durmng the afternoon therE 1 was a continucus stream o! guests eand a happy feeling pervaded thE crooms, sbowing how keeniy thE 'guests appreciated the work being donc in the hespitai for the com- munity. Mr. J. H. H. Jury donated the cut fiowers for Uic table, andt aise the plants decorating the rooms. whlcl were adniired by ail who came. The Birthday Cake was made by Mms. A. E. McCrcady and dccorated by the Mayor's wife, Mrs. w. R. Strike. They receivcd many favor- able comments which were wcil de- served. The ladies of the Auxiliary are very grateful te ail who by thcir Presence and gifts muade the party such a success. The list of guests and donors are given below: Mms. E. P. Bradt, Mms W. C. Caverly. Miss Ethel Morris, Mms. Cec. W. James, Miss M. Hutch- inson. Rev. G. Masen, Miss M. Ray- nes. Mrs. L. S. Dumas, Mrs. Chas. Bounsall. Mrs. J.H. Johnston. Mrs H. D. Wightman. Mrs. E. V. Hoar, Miss W. B. Morris. Mms. I. G. Hef.- key. Mms J. E. Dilling, Mrs. Harry Foster. Mms. E. Strike. Mms. E. E Westawray. Miss Mac Bottreil, Mms J. H. H. Jury. Mr, J. H. H. Jury, Belle Allen. Mrs. G. C. Morris, Mrs. H. Allun, Mrs. Roy Wcbber, Mrs. W. C. Allun. Mr. C. A. John- ston. ers. L. W. Dippeli, Mrs. F. Knox, Mms. G. C. Bonnycastle, Miss A. Bleakley. Miss G. L. Allport, Mms R. E. Logan. Mis. W. J. Pound. Mrs G. Bounsail, Mrs. C. W. E. Meath, Capt. C. W. E. Meath, Mrs F P Morris. Mr. F. F. Morris, Mrs. T. H. Ciemence, Miss F. E. Rickard. Mms Geo. E. Chase, Mms. D. R. Morrison, Mrs. Gec. Weekes, Mms. F. J. Pattin- son, Mms. E. R. Valuiant, Mrs. B. M. Warnica, Mms Allan Freeman. Mms N. S.B. James. Miss M. Trebiicock, Mis. M. S. Dale, Mrs. E. C. Seuthey, Mis. A. J. Whalen, Mrs D Davis. Mms. A. R. Virgin. Mrs. F. C. Van- stone, Mms. C. B. Kent, Miss E R Graham, Miss Clara Allen, Miss Margaret Allen, Miss F. M. Gai- braith. Miss Belle Galbraith, Mr. R. R. Stevens. Mms. W. F. Dale. Mms. J. W. Jewell, Dr. V. H. Stoîcy, A Priend, Woznen's Institute, Mrs. L. Caverly. Mms. W. F. Ward, Mrs. A. Wrenn. Mrs. J. T. Fée. Mms. M. G. V. Gould, Mrs. C. A. Johnston, Miss Cawker. Mrs. James, Belleville, Mms. McGulre. Belleville. Mr. and Mms. H. H. Todgham, Walkerville, Mrs. W. C. Washington, Mms. J. Spencer, Mm .M.H. Minore. Mms. J. O'Neill, ,Mis.J.C. Cairns, Mms. A. M. Hardy, Mm F P J. Manning, Mrs. L. T. Mc- Laughlin, Mrs. W. H. Birks, Mrs. L. A. W. Tole, Mrs. E. R.. Bounsali. Mms. A. L. Nicholis, Mrs. V H Storey, Mrs. E. W. Crawford. Mms. W. R. 1Strike, Mms. M. A. Neai, Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Mrs. F. W. Goddard, Mms C. A. Cawkcr. Mms. A. S. Kerr, Mms. Alan Williamis, Mms. J. H. Bateman. Mrs. F. O. Mcllveen, Mms. A. E. Mc- Crcady, Mms. C. D. Searle. Mis. W. J. Dudlecy, Mms. J. R. Stutt, Mrs. W. J. E. Ormiston. IF YOUR EARS RING WITH HEAD NOISES If you have rearing, buzzlng noises in your eams, are getting hard of hearing and fear Catarrh- 1 (Continued frcm page 8) ui make the sauce exactly Uie samE >t. way with either o! these starchy st materials. le 1. Mix flour or cornstarch wcll je with sugar. s- 2. Stir in boiling liquid and cook, estirring constantly until smootbly tbickened; cover and cook over bol. kd ing water until taste cf starch dis- ts appears. 3.~ Add fiavoring and butter just before serving. le Foundation Sweet Sauce le 2 tablespoons fleur t or 1 tabiespoon cornstarch t 'ý cup white sugar - Pincb o! sait if cup boiling water le 1 te 3 teaspoons butter U 1 teaspoon vanila 3. Mix sugar and sait. with f lour or Lg cornstarcb; stir in boiling liquid. ýd Cook. stinring constantly, until ýd smoothIy thickened, then cover, and 1allow sauce te continue cooking over Le boillng water, stirrrng occasionaily, t- until ne f laver of raw standh re- ,n mains. The sauce may then be kepi LS over bot water until serving time. at 1- whicb timne the butter and flavoring [- sbould be stirred in before serving. Le For the less expericnced cook, it hs iweil te do the entire cooking in a double boiler over bot water. Lt Variations 'y is . Other Extnact than Vanila- .e Add 1 teaspoon te completed sauce ahnond. mîxed spice, lemon. or- Sange. etc.> ,e 2. Brown Sugar-Substitute 1-3 cup browrn sugar for the white. Choose suitable flavoring <as van- ilia). t3. Caramel--Substitute 4 table- Sspoons caramel for the sugar. Add te the water. Blend the cornstanch or flour te a smooth paste wtth 2 Yitablespoons cold water, wbich have been saved eut. Stir inte, the bot liquid, te tbicken. 4. Fruit--Substitute 1 cup sweet- ened syrup f rom cookcd or canned f ruit for tbe water and sugar i the ebasic recipe: add a few drops lemon riu ice te sharpen the flavor. 5. Lemon-Increase sugar te ' cup; add a pinch of sait and use e P4_ tabespoons emon juicc, ý2 tea- spoon gîated lemon rid and a littie nutmceg as flavoring. Orange Sauce . 2 cup sugar 2 tabiespoons flour 14ý teaspoon sait 3/ cup bolling water 3 tablespoons orange juice 1 tablespoon grated orange rind j2 tablespoons butter Mix together the fleur, sugar and sait; then stir in boiling water. Stir and cook until tbickcned and until ne taste of starch remains. Remove sfnrom heat. add orange j uice and rind and butter. Serve at once. Egg Yolk The second great thickening agent for sa-cet sauces, is egg yolk. There is one very important rule te be ob- served in using it. The sauce is cooked firmt. then cornbined with the egg just befone remeving from heat; the cgg is beaten and the hot sauce is stirred into it very gradualiy. This means that the heat affects the egg slowly, and it is gradually thickened. If we were to pour the egg dircctly int the large bot mass, it would barden in particles at once-with a double fafiune as a resuit; the liquid would net be compieteiy thickened and curdled booking particles cf egg would float in it. If tiiere is consd- erable egg in the sauce; it must be returned te the double boiler andj stirred a f ew moments to thicken the egg. (Custard sauce, wblch we discuss- ed in Lesson 7, depends cbiefly upon egg yolks for tbickcning and ne- cuies speciai trcatment.) We couidn't leave the Cooked Sweet Sauces witbout menticning those very ich, very sweet sauces whlcb we reserve for use with ice cream or with ver1 light batter pud- ding. One great advantage cf this type of sauce is that it may be kept for a long timne, if covered and set in a coid pace. If you wisb te serve these sauces hot, they may then be easily warmed over bot water. stir- ring se that tbey will meit smooth. Butterscotch Sauce 1' 2 cups brown sugar Scup corn yu L4 teaspoon sait 1 cup crcam 1 teaspoon vanilla Combine sugar, corn syrup andj sait and cook. stirring censtantly,' over a 10w heat until sugar is dis-1 solvcd. Then cook, witheut stirr;ng,J until a few drops will form a se! t bail wben drepped in coid Prater (236'FP.) Remove f rom beat. cooli1 sligbtiy, then gradualiy stir in cream. Flavor. Serve hot or celd. 'Chop- ped wainuts. pecaris or filbeîts are1 delicious additions), Chocolats Sauce An excellent chocolate sauce may be mnade as a variation o! the But- tenscotch Sauce, by cooking with the sugar and cern syrup 2 squares o! bitter chccinate. wbicb haève been top of double boiler. When choco- late is melted, beat until smooth. e Stir in powdered sugar and cook, Y stlrring occasionaiiy for 10 minutes or until sugar is entireiy dissoived. Il AdcI butter and vanilla and serve at once. Rich Chocolats Sauce y 3/4 cup brown sugar 3 cup white sugar Steaspoon sait %cup grated chocolate 1 cup rich milk 1i 4_tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon vanilla Put sugar, sait, chocolate and mik ini saucepan and stir over Iow heat until sugar is dissolved. Then cook, without stirrmng, to syrup that wiii thread, 224' F. Remove from heat, add butter and vanilia. rTutti Frutti Sauce 1 cup sugar '/2 cup water 12 cup f igs 5,4 cup raisins 1cup candied cherries * cup macaroon crumbs t / cup chopped pecan t or walnut meats Make a syrup of the sugar and water; put fruits through chopper' and add them; cook 3 or 4 minutes, cool sightly. add nutmneats and ma- caroon crunibs. Uncooked Sweet Sauces There is an interesting variety of uncooked sweet sauces. They are of two types -the frothy, so-called "foaniy" sauces, and the very rich Ibard sauces, which are traditionally connectecl with rich f ruited pud- dings. We shall give just two simple foamy sauces and a type of hard sauce, which you may vary as you Llike. 1 Foamy Sauce 1 egg ~teaspoon sait 1-3 cup fruit sugar 'à teaspoon flavoring Separate the white f rom the yolk o! the egg; beat the yolk until very thick, gradualiy beatmng in hall Of the sugar. Beat the white of the egg until stlff and gradually whip in the remainder of the sugar. Con- tinue beating untii the mixture stands Up in peaks. Fold the yalk into the white mixture, add the sait and flavoring. <Suggested flavor- ings: vanilla, almond, vanilla with aimond, rose with almond, etc. Apricot Meringue Sauce 1 white of egg li teaspoon sait 14ý cup fruit sugar V2 cup sleved, cooked apricots 1 teaspoon lemon juice Add sait to egg white; beat until very stiff. Fold in the sugar gradu- ally and beat until the mixture stands up in peaks. fld ini drained apricot pulp and lemon juice. Chili. (This sauce may be varied by us- ing any drained, sleve<l. fruit pulp. Peach is particularly good with a few drops almond essence, replaclng the lemon juice). Bard Sauce 1' cup butter 2-3 cup fruit sugar 3/ teaspoon flavoring i Cream the butter until light and f luf fy; add the sugar gradually and beat vcry thoroughly. (The sugar should dissolve complctely in but- ter.) Add fiavorlng. Chili. Variations-This inay be varied by using brown sugar in place of the white; or by foldlng In a stiffiy- beaten egg white, lust before serv- ing: or by the addition of fminly chopped dried fruits or red and green cherries. nuts or well-drainedi sharp-flavored fruit pulp. A iight dusting of cinnamon over top is an attractive finish. You will find that some of these sauces will werk well into varlous suggestions in "Planning the Party" and you wlll also be interested in the many relatives of our cooky ex- amples which you will fnd i the "Easy-Way Cake Book." KENDAL Miss Beatrloe Thompson, Newton- ville, is visltlng at Mr. Wm. Mer- cer's. Miss Sciena Thertel. Toronto, is visiting her brother, Mr. Walter Thertell. Mr. Walter Thenteil is i Ponty- Pool sawing lumber and gridlng with his engine. Miss Helen Darllngton and Mr. Jack Glover, Newtonville, spent Sunday with ber mother. Mr. Alex Walker, Bowmanville, .izited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Walkcr, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hallowell and Miss Meta. spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robin- son. League on Thursday night was In charge of Mrs. Evan Quantrill who gave a splendid topic on Indian To.- tem Poles. A good congregation turnied out Sunday mornlng and heard Mn. Mclior's wonderful sermon on the FFI Delight fui Quality TEA the710 TEAFreah from teGaTdens The Canadian Cooking School Use Glen Re 1MILK For Cookingand DrinkhingL FOR BAKING, COOKING, DRINKIG, you, as Weil as Ai-a Lee Scott, Winll md the extra quality ln Gien Ras Mk and Cream lsaua Item you cannot afford te ,verlook - it's this extra quaiity that means savings te you as weil as satisfc- tion and better products for your table and better resuts for your labor. Glen Ras sale milk la paateurlsed and cognes te Yeu f ront a dlean, sanltary plant. Dsllvered Fremh DaUy Glen Rae Dairy IPHONE 408.TR. I. STEVENS & SON, Pregieou Own Anything Valuable ? If se It representa something that you've striven for by hard work or savinjs . a home, a business, Property or household effects semetblng te bc protected f rom lois. la8ltlnsured ? ? ? ? ? ? ? If a lire or soins other disster sboald wige It out are you prepared te replace It or would IL maean a serlous lois or setback te Four progres? insurmce la your only safeguard. ENOUGH ? ?? ?? ?? ? Neat te having ne insuranco la the danger et not baving enough. Why bave te face ANT les. when lire Insurance las s chsap and complets coverage only a matter of a few extra dollars ? J. J. MASON (& SON SpecUalist1[nuAUlTypes of insurance - Phon o BEE HIVE GOLDEN CORN SYRUP A GREAT ENERGY FOOD The ]Easter Paae.. 0 SWAGGER SUITS Yeu slmply bave to have a Swagger Suit if you are going tobe instyle this Sprng. Webhave a varied assortment that are well worth seemng, and priced as 10w as .--...$109 SPRING DRESSES One would bave te go many miles te sec such a gorgeons display of new Easter dresses as we have right in stock. They include everything that's new In ma- teriaIs, everythmng that is new in style, and everything that is new ln low price - Freux.$6 9 SPRING COATS . It's a long tune sauce we have showu sucb a smnart collection of Sprlng coats. The styles are un- nsuafly smart, the materials new and most attractive, and of course we bave somethlng that wil lit YOU$ 0 9 These, too, are prlced very reasonably from ACCESSORIES You need not leave our store te complets yonr outfit wlth accessories. We bave smart new milliney, the new long cuif gloves, new purses ini patent and reai leather, new scarfs, new costnme Jewelry, nsw hosiery, and new lingerie. You'il be up te the minute if yon buy at The EvIyn. The Evlyn Ladies' Specialty Sliop PHONE 594 KING STBEET Watch Our Daily Specials Keep your eyes on our windows evsry day for you wil se a Dally Specials la IMeat that will not only please you but will save you meney. Get the habit. C. M. Cawker &Son Butchers Phone 64 Bewmanvills PAGE NIM

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