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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1934, p. 1

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(__ ____ lit an tattr With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmnanville News UTT TTTPffF BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 1934 NUMBER]1 Z\ e PERCY R. COWLING Stirrina Aei FoC ScilReForm s1W RRRO ulcUite Cm sio Rciv V ATNLSEIE ASSUMES CONTROL -pe.or.oaus ,,P liUiiteComsonR eis GROUP CONDUCTS 0F KERSLAKE STORE M acle y Retail Merchants Executive Credit oF $600 in I 3th Power Bill SPLENDID PROGRAM FTan B.KersakeRetres romAc-Fred Crydeman, Ernie Rohder an tive Business Af er SuccessfulW.E ovsSeknSric 35 Year (Jareer - WHI Con- MINISTER FAREWELI4S George S. Hougham, Star Refund from Ontario Hydro UTILITIES MANAGER Rotarians Should Bender In tmnue Optical Work Witness at the Stevens' Increases Profits of Sys- Their Chosen Vocation intetit it er fbsns nurDeiesIpe-tmAt rFu lo ac The Vocational Service Comrittee intem aUleaasak'sDrgunder Chairman Fred Cryderman inor BanvillceKershange'sf Dnrgs- drs o inf-for Reserve and Debent- ha4 charge of Friday's meeting Storec c aofouStevaensng o! orier the Rotary Club, over which Pn~ ship and management in this issuecac of teesEq ryrsIsMd ien . Vj of The Stat.esman. Mr. Percy R. PRotin crydermat raed e or Cowling, PIim. B., who bas been con- Strongly urging the people to awake Tetitenhpwrbh !teimo! aional Servie lu R> the nectd wth hisstoe sice 925 isThethiteenh pwerbil oftheisnorf, oating erctetintRot- necew i tbftll ssoresnc 92,I f rom the letbargy o! the past and - Bowmanvile Publiç* Utilities Com- HtolrvPie ain ots ra o l nMr.u uerl c ontol. ninil maklng astriking appeal for tthehmya oa e rule at io!ts eaGoden Melhr. erslaewonbasbeeil cn- Ubirtb of a nwsocial conscience, - miion for the yar1933, has been tefruaino h odnI heathforsoe mflhsofl cn-heougil m, ratsAsecrexve y Manger C ommi i e, nd inNew Testament times. Rotaria tinue in charge o! the optical work Oeo. S. Huhm Toronto, secre-sertr fheCmiioadrne ber.nter eubr! and truss fltting and will be avail-socaatio!theCanealera nAs unie many municipalities in the EneReeaohrmme sociationtho!bCanadaedetheeredionof1akthe Committee, spoke o! the nmea hi nthi rg eureet.o! the most brilliant addresses heard credit note for $607.97 for the year's o oai lSrie on Mrbesaehsbenoeo h ere for somne time on Tuesday night, operations. out that many o! the Ethics o!fh mos r eaKinbaSreetone o!he Mr. Hougbam, coming to Bowman- In heU1 . n acýmpnyn Rotary Code, are based on this. B at froient KmgqSrtmer cn- ville under the auspices o! the local l the ttennt aownmpat the1 strongîy urged that Rotarians mak ury. In bis younger days be was branch o! the Retail Merchants cs !oeainfrteya 8S- 'ia c l ew te puttthing iodepratie active in soccer football circles. Mr. Ascain pk nteOeaw.o prto o h erwswt iwt utn nopa Kerslake bas been among the most Hous.e on "The Social Significarice Perey R. Cowling $62,646.54 wbile the revenue de- the ideals o! service containd inutiu lye.o riiyUi-ofteSees'Eqiy"rived f rom the sale o! power was therein. ed Cburcb, wbere bis opinions and President W. C. Caverly presided Sînce 1925 connected with F. R. $63254,51. The effect o! this cei h rnia pae etesb l d u t r i o u s l a y e n 0 f T ro i n i o y n i t - p i c p l p a e t h counisel are bigbly regarded. and after a vocal number by St. Kerslake's Drug Store, who has as- note for $607,9'7 is te increase the ject was Rotarian W. E. Groveswh The new proprietor is a cousin o! Paul's Quartette. composed o! Alex sumned the control and management earnings on the electrical depart- . spoke on the application o e!Vc- Mr. Kerslake. He is a son o! Mr. MeGregor. Don Williams, Eric Co- o! the business frem Mr. Kerslake, ment for the year 1933 by a cor- - ional Service as between Buyersd sud WIlredCarrthers sudwho announices bis retirement after responding amount. The earnings, . . Seller. A Retarian, Mr. Gravessad adMsJonCwigoHapoombes anderprts the Rtaryupricipleand and Msa ra. John ofingo Hampton a brie! add.ress by Mayor Ross Strike, 35 yeas lu business. alter ailowing for depreciation, and neptsth Roay rnclg andh isco a da otheOnarvioeMr._________________________certain reserves that have te be set George E. Chame bis own particular classification. h Hilg of h.andals fom th OutarlRev. W. 1 ToddMr. Hougam was rn dt heu im- up under the statutes amount te speaker briefly took up the s«e graduated lu 1930. He served hi5 Retiriug minister o! St. Andrew's plications o! the Stevens' conimittee St. PauI's Evening $note.5o! $607.97 wi akethe cet CMmissiro uher whosecareulide jst from thebvlewpsolt !is appreuticeship with Mr. Kerslake. Presbyterian Churcli, wbo with hisud endeavoured te show tbat tbeh etneriosfor60 933, maete e omison nerwoe aeuls2O5Otfrmte iwoto Mr. Cowling is a member o! Trinity !amily bave been honored by several average man did flot realize the vast AuxiliaryMe Monday erig o 93 62.0 management the Hydre departmeIit buying his stock and selllng tobs Unted Cburcb. fareelmeing s week. Pe scope aud amazing f ield tbat was Teetmtdpwrrt hre sal eso adoe surplus custemers. Be also spoke of hons fh reweofll meengtan oeedu fr nesigtonb this to the local commission by the Hy- in lis 1933 operatiolla. In addition labelling of produots, e! the vau Th plly ! Quliy irt ndsentations have been made by the pndu o netgto te The regular meeting o! the Even- dr lcrePwe omsin o this surplus a favorable l3th bill o! guarantees on merchandisesu Service Always" on wich tbis store congregatiori, the Young People's resolution which was passed somne ing Auxiliary o! St. Paul's Church dron tari was eratCommispsrio-se bas been received frein the OntarlO compared wlth a set prie for ail be cntined i th futre, nd M. itioeeksoidagforluthe Houeato omon hs ws% Held outhMondtay evendi ipower at the beginnlug o! 1933 and Hydro, with a refuud o! over $600 He also touched on the subjecto basin ben oeratd lute paswiloceyadeMniterionagepovdg o r the creation o! Th evthi isr ihas p en o the average load for the year bas to the local system. service, aud wondered just how muc of he ubicwil ahee __s__ o Mnybelevd, ieadd_-tht tteas n cTh e votional . p'erinod been 1516 horse power. This wouldsevca rhnthol S othepuinc, ill dhreclsey o a ny tve, meadedi, and a cag ! r.F Ptîsnwork eut te produce a revenue of with bis business, and should ta thes pricipes. elaed oly a mas bying an whogav an astr pryer MIS R. 62 14.0 bt owug gaivrevanlu I e sevic lucudedrlieMiss snR. '____bcUse o! this, public opinion was iPercy read the Palm Sunday Scrlp- $294' 0bt- n oimrvd in- serv ich wuldeprve a osso H A T NU S Smittee and its f unctioris. tr.Raigfloe iha revenue was somewhat higlier than e « the dealer. Easter thouglit by Mrs. F. Williams. this figure. Ou the other baud theMrGrvssmedubisuet WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Mr. Hougbam read the original Mrs. Pattinson read "An Easter oMrrn.catinluGgrhaataves s t Yqut u rmehe receutsuch is Eulogized at resolution te show that ibis comn- Msae"wih aadal a e n costs pwer ere ndete - e yu ing hich l e ld"ee! ir mittee o!EAKERl1members was created lution 50 beautifufly expressed.miss etimaestfpower ,ii engr te MONTHLY SPEAKERntombtte large spread in siaestfr13,ti enr-esinwchlead Woa Srthenprcuie btenta hc Huichison thauked Ms Pattinsefi sponsible for the credit o $607.97. D....:... figures in histery is most flieto Miss . R. raha Delihts udi- any rarewell aithe pricebetwe nd bat which sand Miss Jewell read a most inter- The 13tb Bill for this year is much Pasion Ser~vice echu hewyoflvng h Miss thSpE. R.Gra A delhssAuo-n was Ypaid ytbeeprodu ,an d ht wcbesting secretary's report. After a more saiisfactery than it was a year ra tach uih way eflivi.the re enc Wlh SledidAddes onwaspai b th cosuersudmoe short business session Miss Hutchi- ago when it took the form o! a debit ofmai rt . euld rly h Crpete «'How to Keep Fit" - Meeting oua B w anil Min- atclryteefc ms u- son gave a very splendid synopsis o! $182491, whicb was largely duet n't we examine the economei u at Mrs. F. C. Colmer's Home n upon the regular retail trade, as o! the lst chapter o! "Lady Fut to an allowance beiug made ou .H odPo ie oia reso hitads I ister Receives Presenta- well as the manufacture sud co- Daugbter o! China." bonds payable MonteahemanUnsDe-edonSnuates. 1 Bowmanville Womeu's Institute sumptiori o! goods in Canada. In1_____________e-_Cntnud n ue1 hel a eryintresingmeeingon tions from Congregation, other words the committee's work Lord's Prayer repeated lu unison 1 For the year 1932 the operating Fridy aternon t th hoe ofthewas to secure Jusi sud f air pract- closed a mostiniteresting meeting. costs including power, amounted to livering les of Fine Prsdet Ms P . omeWel Yug eplana Minis- (otne npg 0 Refreshments were served sud the1 $61,661.96, while the revenue for the Addresses at Trinity Un- SPANISIH MUSIC IS ington Street, wben a good turnouit terial Association uulsca afhu noe. ya a 5,3.5 o! members sd their riends en- ie hSc E TUDY CL U EE jeyed a splendid pregram prepared A large gatberlug numberùng wellT DYC UBM byMr. F. J. Jacknman, convener o! ou to one hundred assembled at the Ui~ ' o m sint ,~Characterized by the theme o! group 4. home o! Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Cordon, Utiities C m iso Replies to its Criftics onl C ontentious "Fellowship" a sertes o! inspiring Mis arartAUJUl ArrangeM z Mrs. Colmer presided sud meeting Churcli Street. on Monday everting Passion Week services are being cletPoriFaulgVcl oee thcmuiysnging le o prtcpie na Its tfreel oShe ld rshtyipto!dW.H. Gooudln, lltPo, Vin, Feallg opened J.Thicksoli at the piano, totaRev. W. J. Todd, minister o! St. W ater Rae ncreases a d M akes ru6ic r ropoa s the lde rshiip ofltWd Hurcloineinorili u sa sud the Lord's prayer lu unison. The Audrew's Presbyterian Churcli, Mrs. proinifent montreal biisiim man Dancingl opening number was a piano duet Todd, sud daugliters. Af ter sîl werean ym . "Poet sud Peasant" by Mrs. J. Al- comfortably seated Mr. Corden cfl.. Fellowslp holds the light O! A splendid progrsm, featrn bert Cale sud Mrs. H. D. Wigbtmnan; ed the company te order sud state<l Full Statement ls Prepared by Commissioners So That Citizens May Judge for Them- hope for the world sud its pressing Spauish Music sud prepared by, is MissAlie Mdd anga cupl ofbriflytheobjct f te gtheingproblems, nt nly lu ceooics Margaret Aln, proved ail unusal ss; aniceMes. awrnacouplobrieadclte oectso! theLBgtig selves Whetber Recent Action Was Justified - Salaries of Public Utilities but lu every walk o! human 111e. iuterestlng festureofo the meetngo gavetwaresdngs "Mr. Bodd's rad he flloing ddrss:Mr. Gaodwin points out. Only when the Musc Study Club on Wedes sol os: sudim. Lwrnce Goddy ad tud callo iss aidssL:Bag aEmployees Are Published - Commission Figures Show Non-Metered we liroduce the d.ynamic e! this day lasi held lu St. Paul's Letr Diet" sud 'The Twinis." Ail these Dear Mr. and Mrs. Todd sud Eileeu, numbers received bearty apprecia- i swt eun eln Usera Use More ae and a Less oe Than erdUsa power mbt our human relatlorishlps Roem. The program opened ilh I Water Pay Money Metered Userscan we find is security aud peace part sang by s quintetie coumae tie. m.W. al!reretlht e metbee onithe eteedUsrslotofalirdegInsalaton f etrswnih uragi ned. o MsdmesC.H.Dudey A S which was responded 10 by s uum- M tta bida you goodby nsalatonofMeer we sud geneds OGodspe C H Dddy ber o!Irish okes.b reyou drtre andysLem edThis striking thouglit is bolng Kerr sud M. A. Neal sudMos. be!fIihjks eoeyu eatr rom our midsi Over Entire îutm lustraîed aloug the lunes o! thinklng Alex MeGreger sud Wilfred Cr Miss E. R. Graham. Public Healtb for new f ields o! endeavour in the __________in________l the deeply spiritual messages de- ruthers. Nurse, appesred before the Institute Old Land. Your mninistrations aineng I iee yM. Goodwin. The Foel- An excellent paper on epns for the first time sud made s splen- u uriug the past several years ae First it should béerîebrdi yru etl!o h uii iwo h eyfwi n ie lowship o! the Christian church. a! Music was delivered by MissGrt did impression, giving an excellent been an inspiration sud help te us that the members o! the Public pality whicb is charged in the gen- wbere water was used lu 1933. t he Holy Spirit, o! Christian Exper- Wlckett, sud was !olowed b address on "Keeping Fit.*' She 1k- sud we feel lu your going we are Utilities Commission are citizens o! oral tax levy under fire departiment. To Meter or Not lence and o! the Cross. f orm the splendid plane number, 3pns ened aur bodies ta high powered losing a family o! sincere sud devot- Bow6manville elecied eacli year by This is considered a legitimate The amnount paid by metered users basis o! the talks whicb wil ho Dauce No. 5, by Mm. NoellGaRbu automobiles which required frequent ed f riends. the ratepayers for the specif le pur- charge as flre protection requires the for water lu 1933 was $6,600.73.I concluded ai tonlght's meeting. Allan Kuiglit rendered two finv- checking up sud the right kind o! You Mr. Todd. as minister o! pose o! adxiistering the distribut- maintenance o! a large supply of (Goodyear paid $721.06 e! this am- Wheu greups a! foliewers o! Christ cal nuxubers, while NormanFiol f ood. She considered hier subject our church have been sincere sud ion o! eleciric euergy sud water water ai ail times sud hydrants ount. The anieunt paid by non- will meet togetleer sud share their oexcoled lu twe SpaXllsh violin ols under tbreo beadings: Childhood. have endeavoured to carry out yaur supply ta ithe communiiy. There is must be maintained sud renewed. metere<l usera, $4,285.51. It seenisI experiences and stream orfinrdlu- Mexican souga, whlch have ads Adolescent sud Adult. She stated wvork following the dictates o! a sin- 1 $71,000 lu the elMctric plant sud Debenture Charges te ho s fair conclusion that approx-1 ence will be sent out into the world tinctly Spanish flavor, were sn b may ! uralmet mgh hveceeconscience, Iu your new work' $170.000 lu the water works plant Pirt 92aot$000e e mtl b mirdcnueaue h1wUvtlz u rtire 11e sud Mrs. D . J. Chamibers sud MissGrt been prevented had our parents wie wish you success beyond your Io! the ratopayers money sud the amni beuturos properly chargeable te 15 million gallons loss than the non- make the Klngdom o! God the trans- Pollard. A Spanlsh dance by Mse known what science had discovered most extravagant dreas. should ho for the mosi efficient waierworks were lncluded lu the metered sud pay $2300 more for !ormlug Brotherhood o! the World. K. Laphen and I. Hailman. ia i aknege, w Ee keep i sud pres Anard o o!thexo- sonabgemcoat apoe adra general rate along witli sewers, ths their water. In other words te ho Mr. Goodwln adds. Be wUll dellver miss Betty Pingle accompanl our knowledg, we keep ging and pres our aeairtionaofsiheeon-heowablrworks mfaairhateseveryheusereswsystfair mo tvrhoUtee addross muttthetheinisterial tAs-Msudtefiur Asr nvocaltnumberal bymthe break every rule o! natur hndru aul uwibyubv The management o! tb.ose Utilit- were esiablisbed the tax payera gen- meiered ilirouglieut or net metered oiaion Service lu rnthrhqittesunisGea olr proper reat sud food would restore assisted your busband lu bis work les tie lu witb oaci other perfecily eraliad been payiug not lesa than a ai sl. onGo9rda onn at 10.30 bought this enjoyabla program t ustegod eli. heewa asos u w psyiatyo wllb 55 andsd the actual cosi o! one des net $3500 every yaar wbicli should have lu Bowmanville uuder presotit The services are conductod by the Mrs.E.P rdreiz teudency o! averworkiug lu the case many yeam ta be bis inspiration sud add materially to the cost o! the been cbargod te waterworks. Wihencodtnsi emthonYlga ptrRvB.PAmtogwl ntecaradexesdà sud sports. The aduit should give And te you Eileen, wha bas wi h xeto !eepr ueoe h aewrsio$000O! thig te do iS te instal Mtters fer a volunteer choir, wlth Mr. Francis latlen te those who hl" takenpr hijusel or bersel! a birthdsy gift by taken such an active intereat lu aur man ai s monthly salary o! $45,' debeutures was iucluded sud' taken eeyn sqlky spsildlh ute ttoognla ie ulgi h rga hyicatexam iiain sud ths cbec ctnd isccea sud nweope h adteu ie eie ndeup ri hegn lrt.oui addiug maierially te preseut tax-. o! the hymus. On MondaY evning. baviug iephiisu give thsceic rcbainud sorganztitlwe w h sdtesnepoisssdoup rm i eea ae ation or raies. The supply e! water mombers o! St. Psul's Choir assîsi- diseaae while lu the bud. She warn- the ideals wbicli have prompted you thet that f ormerly looked a! ter As the actual waterworks revenue is sîrictly liited, under presenit con- ed wibh Mrs. C. H. Dudley sluging A CORRECTION ed againatptn eiie ae a aeyu tn o it w ter electric plant now also 100k did net even psy for the retirenient suniptioni we are teo close te aur s solo sud the male quartette o! pCentu edi staepagae 7) <Contnd o Cha ite '7> no the water works Plant with o! debeutures sud interet, the hy- maximum supply in peak perlods for Messrs. McGregor, Wlllia.s. Car- After the A. & P. StoresSeca (Cotinedon age7)(Cotiuedon ag 7) noincrease lu salary or rouis 10 auy drant rentai o! $3480 o! 1932 was sa!ety. hi bas been the experielice ruthers sud Coombes furnished a Easter advt. liad been printedntc one, or sdded office space or equîp- raised by the commission lu 1933 tao!ofailier municipalities 1ha1 the lu- number. On Tuesday the quartette was recoivod !ramn Toronto t]a ti ment. i is true there are costs o! $4650. an incresse o! $1170. The tallation o! meters cuis dawu the froni St. Andrew's. Messrs. Halîmali, price o! Easter Harri as fosturdl maintenance charged ta lie wator-I profit o! the Commission for 1933 iscospto'e!wervycoid MfleuLga sdBrusngbera .on ae 4 shoudh Raiwa C mmisines iveJu gm nt works departMient but sucli costs approximately the amount they erabîy. Our present cousurriptian a selection sud Mr. Halîman a solo, changed te 25e per lb. Patroso R alw y om isia ersGie ucgm nt lower the charges f ormerly against raised the hydrant rentai. If the esiimsted very conservatively il 73 ail o! which have beau greaily ibis store are asked te make ant the lectrie plant whicb mesus the hydrant routai had nat been in- gallons per persan daily. The daily speiae.o! Ibis change. useraO electricity sud wster baveI creased the systern would bave brok- consuniptian o! metered municipal- apeitd Against Town in WXigwag Dispute only one administration sud main- eu even. Unlesa water rates are nia- ities la flot more than 50 gallonspe tenance cost. terlally lncreased there eau be no persnan sd lu the maiarity o! cases Despite the hectlc battle wsged by trsck. The coat o! iustalling the This Hydr Salies frupt nrofil hts excpt by rsig hyramntmh 5fllnswe wl eau aefcul M ayor Strilce is Treated WXit Scat lie Iown of Bowmsnville. witb the signais la of course borne by the Iliat it eau maintain an adequate purchased f rom profits (so-called) present demauds. Even iaking a a!itneo heTwsiso Dar- Rsilway. sud efficient staff at a reiativelY as la lutended by the Commission it long vîew of the situation if Bow- aisgtoanCteTwhitheScugag The full texi o! the judgmni s-' 1w cosi because lie staff aise nman- willnet ho tha meterod cousuruers manville lniends to egai us wator Ca Ls t ae at sD s u Street crassing gaies will ho removed sued by the Board !ollows: age adJoinlng amallor communitias who wlll psy for the meters as la supply f rom eilior apringa or walla ___ an i tei pac il b istlldfor the Provincial Commnission. The contended by some, but oach yoar tlie supply will ho limited sud unlesa s_______ double hlîs sud wig-wags, accord- JUDGMENT actual salaries paid by aur Utilities the amounit for meter purchase will it la preparad te spend iavlsbly sud A teyrssocainileo-trtdwih11ersptutlbs ing to orders issued by the Board o! Commission are as follews:-G. E. came o h eerltxrt. oui e! ail proportion te actual re- came Of the public meeting te dis- mnayoralty epponiolt, W. F.v or Railway CommisslonOl'5 for Canada. Conimissioner Norris: Clisse $1800; Miss Edwards $700; Meter Statisties quiremeuts for uew sources o!fUPs u rath rcntluras n uwater pleaded for a f air hearlngfoth The orders are made !ollowing the This case arises f ramthe appl- miss Milison $500; J. H. Polulon Thore are 936 users o! xater lu ply, nietera will always ho a noe-rtswilsrlyh formed as a Mayar, whlchhea!terwards reevd 1 - - _C# o4-1odt-sub-A.-. Boav An, 2 _ o wîcfte vomi o erangdats il hrtyb " '11 6 f il r ityIfthe ysteni$932.2o5;ana ersuli a! lie appoinimeut of a com Mr. Furber who acted asu bar . . . . . . . . . .

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