PAGE SIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 1934 -a fair-sized bouse, which ail Present, CtUre leSson; a vocal nuniber was EBENEZER enjoyeia very much.1 HAYDON rendered bY Mrs. Rackham. Mrs. W. MMr. and Mrs. F. J. Anderson and 1 W. Horn, Mrs. Theo Salter and Mrs. I daughter. Oshawa, were Sunday A. Peters; Mrs. Salter reported or Soi-iy to report Mrs. Jiml Short guests with Mr. and Mi-s. L. J. Par- Mi-. and Mi-s Eugene L. Beech, Indian and Oriental work: Mrs. El- quite indisposed. Ail hope for ai sns.O0hawa. viited at Mr. A. Beech's. mina Johns favoi-ed with a vocal speedy iecovery. Misses Luella Wh-ite, Yelvei-îon. Mrs. Elmer Bradley is spending a solo, singing with much feeling Miss Allie Worden. nui-se in ti-ain- and Marie White, Bet.hesda, were i-e- week wth her daughter, Mrs. Fried -Close to You': the chapter 'n the ing. Bo,;%manv*ille Hospital. was a cent visitox-s at the home of Mi-. and Ashton. Torornto. Study Book was ably taken by Mrs. Sunday visitor at home. Mi-s. Esli Oke. Mr. and Mi-s. R. McNeil visited at W. Rackham; piano solo was nicely Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bragg, Sbaw's, Our young people pi-esented their Mr. C. Soper's. Harmony. iendered by Miss Vera Kersiake. were Sunday visitors at the borne of play Az o Account of PoUly" inMi-. Roland Thoffipson, Cadmnus, Mi-s. Hor-n urged tbe members te lx Mr-. and Mrs. Chas. Osborne. the Kox Presbyterian Church on visited at Mi-. W. Thompson's. friendly to the strangers within oui Mr. Lloyd Mont.gomery, Scarboro, busay evening. Mrs. J. Greenwood, Bowmanville, gates. Meeting closed with singing Js bolidaying with bis giandiparents. Ladies' Berean Class concei-t, April lis visiting at Mi-. E. Bradley's. ýBlest Be the Tie That Binds- and Mr-. and Mrs. W. H. Niebols. . th. Debate and skits, pwit.h music A large number were entertamned tbe benediction. Next meeting at Mi-s. W. R. Courtice. Toronto, vis5- and singing by the juniors. Lunch at the borne of Mi-. and Mrs. Cectil the home of Mrs. Rackham at the ited in t.he village and also attended, served at t.he close. Ci-ossman last Thui-sday evening. Parsonage. the 3rd Tuesday in April. the bee at the cburcb on Wednesday. 1ruxis Boys held their meeting on Eastei- service next Sunday at 7.30 AIl ladies welcomie. Yelverton Young People pi-esented Monday evening at the home of Don- ~P. m.. under the auspices of the their play "The Family Upstaix-s" in aid Courtice. Af ter business session, Rainbow Girls Class. The speaker<- the chui-cb hei-e on Friday night toigmswieidle n n is will be Mr-. Ross Pooley, Tyrone. A SHAW'S _______________________Courtice served a dainty lunch, and pageant -And there was Light" will < a social time was spent together. be given by a nuinber of the girls. The regular monthily meeting of Mission Cii-cie held its meeting on also several musical numbers. SI wsHm n Sho lbwl Tuesday evening at tbe home of Mr. Ti-ewin Scott. orono. Sunday- Sa' oeadSho lbwi e Hot. -nd ookthe orr edat M. Wn. Tewi' held on Wednesday, April 4th, ati 8 p. m. Progria in charge of teach- of a birthday partY. Miss Hoit gave--4 ers, recent pupils of Shaws school W ail Paper i mheiAnnleHsolt.andtook HtNhe o-ls tM- m ~'-wn.~~b u tok hageofth evtina laf-SOLINA who ai-e now teaching in outside let. After a good program . lunch pit.Asotpa ila-ob u wasonei-vede0fusandwichesrandfithe- day cae. MrofsanH.wichos'an grup mMi-.and Mi-s. Jack 1Reynolds andiclub. Everybody welcome. daycak. Ms. . Nchos' rou nf amùl*y visited at Mi-. Reg. Somerv"il- Glad to report that Miss Jean charge of meeting, . le's. Cheri-wood. on Sunday. Hanna is i-ecoveiing nicely after ber The anriual quilting and sewingi Mis. A. Williams and Miss Beryl recent operation for mastoids. bee held under auspices of W. M. S. Cook, Port Peri-y. are visiting at Mrs. Mi-. and Mrs. T. C. Bragg spent proved a real success. it being held Chas. Howsam's. Sunday witb Mi-. and Mrs. Chas. on \Vednesday, Mai-ch 2lst. Close bo Miss Aura Rundle. R. N., Bow- Osborne, Ebenezer. fifty ladies were present when two manville, visit-e< at Mr-. J. T. Run- Mi-. Chai-les Clemence, Mion, spent quilts were quilted and a great mn-y dies. the weekend with bIs parents. babies' layettes eut out and made Miss Hazel Penfound. Oshawa. was Sor-y to lose Mi-. and Mrs. C. W. ready to send to neecly onles. The guest of Mrs. W. T. Baker. Sweet and family f romi oui- neigh- men also had a wood bee with about Mi-. and Mrs. Cliff ord Naylor boi-hood. They have moved to a * 25 in attendance. and they enjoyd visi ted Tor-onto fiiends on Sunday. small farm neai- Hampton. a bountif ul dinner provided by te Her niece M\iss Joyce Mayberi-y ac- Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Glenney, New- Sladies and servedi in cafeteria style. companied them home. castle. had tea on Sunday wit.h W. Services on Sunday were well at- Mris. J. J. Brown. Mi-. and Mi-s. J. S. Rickard and family. tended. The pastor. Rev. H. C. WC>l- Livingstone Miller and Clifford. Mi-. Harvey McDougall and Mi-. f raim. continued his series of ser- %-isted at Mrs. Tom Brown's, Bow- Arthur Haas, representing the "New 1934Desgnsmons on Passion Week at the moi-f- manville. Canada Movement-, were guests of 1934Desinsîng service. Misses Sadie Mui- and Misses Olga and Dora Cowling Mi-. and Mi-s. W. J. S. Riekard andi - - - Hazel Rundie contiibuted a vocal land Wanda Clark. Hampton, spent family over the weekend. They ai-e Plain- Plastic ýduet. "The Old Rugged Cross." veri-ythe weekend at Mi-. Sid Hockaday's. scheduled to speak at Newcastle t.bis nicely. The Sunday Scbool sessioný Mr Willis Mathison. Woodstock. Thui-sday evening. - Patterned- was attended by 161.> and was in!and Mr. Harold Ghent. Mount Foi-- Glad to know that Mi-. W. J. charge of the Young mens class with i est. spent the weekend wth Mi-. Clemence is improving after Sunwoî-thy and Semi- Mr. AJ.Gay as teacher. Mi-. John- Maurice Baker. his tonsils rernoved. i ny Gave, Ohawa gae avei-y in- Mr. and Mrs. Fr-ank osnOh- MsBeieGlbki pndg trimedtei-esting talk, and Mi-. M. Gouldbu-n. awa. Mr-. and Mrs. Clarence Tink a few weeks witb her brotber andE trmmdwith twenty of bis boy choristers' and family,. Maple Gi-ove. Mi-. Gor- sistei--in-law, Mi-. and Mrs. Norman7 Pries relowî- from St. Georges Anglican Church. don Law. Zion, were guests at Mi-. Gilbank, Oshawa. Price arelowe Oshawa, contributed some very fine Geo. White's. singing. Ail pi-esent joined in pi-ais- Mi-s. Chas. Langmnaid, Enniskillen. SHAW'S 10c a roll upward ing the very fine p-ogi-am carried has been visiting at Mr-. Roy Lang- out and will welcome coui-shw maid's j Easte report for Shaw's Sho<ol:c Bargains in room lots fiiends again. ___fMi-. and Mrs. Hilton Tink and Sr-. IV-Louise Cox 87 tHon), Isa-E family. Ebenezer. visited ai Mi-. H. bel Clemence 85 <Hon,. Elford Cob-1 ndrm at.EBENEZER E. Tink's. blectick 82 Hon., Brenton Rickard 4 and renants.League meeting Monday evening 80 (Hon>.t Easter examinations. S. S. No. 4, was in charge of the 4th Vice Presi- Jr. IV-Bernice Wight 76 (Hon).j Darlington: dent. Miss Margaret Scott. Devo- Sr-. III-Jean Pi-out 86 <Hon),r il -IV-Ralpb Found. Eleanor ,Iin pend was taken by Mi-s. ROY Dentzel Anderson 77 (Hon>. aeÈ JeW . vwS w ellm VinsoiV. June Mai-shall. Langmaid. and Mi-. W. R. Westlake Clemence 77 (Hon). Ross Cobble-c PHNE30- BI jSi-. III-Eileen Pickell*. Muriel ,took the topic. A quartette was giv- dick (pF.c PHNE3 -"BG20 Found. Flora Maishall. en by Miss Evelyn Tink. Mu-s. S. E. JrIII -Donald Cox 831 Hon), qi J.IIRbr Rundle*. Louise Wei-iy. Misses Vera Baker and Isobel Gordon Alun (F). i Pare* Yellowlees; readmngs by Miss Doris II-Margaret. Hanris î6 (Hon),« Si-. II-Lucille Wade. Peter Kicb- Milison and Mrs. S. E. Werry: and Helen Cox 74. Arthur Clemence 7 1, ko. Steve Kichko. a vocal duet by Miss Evelyn Tink Jean Hanna <il'. Jr. Il-Eddie Rivett,. ,Annie Kich- and Mrs. Han-y Taylor. Several I-Loi-ne Price 931 Hon>. Douglas V 1 S 1 T ko. Jack Peau-ce. 1wnObu-e games were played and ahl enjoyed a Harris 83 (Ho . Hotece -Honours.1 Regular monthly temperance pro- K ings w ay Gordon E. Osborne, teachier. grin od ienat Sna School on r e e n h o s e s ilor fa v'ored w ith a vocal sol ; Tr a - B AC1T B RKETON ,g -eepvnbMisRt Mc- 1 Mr. a .nd Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson and G reenh ou____Bu_î_ Kessock. is Ileen Balson and Mi-.' littie daughter Betty. lànnuskilen.1 Ou elciosWere Neyer Finer School report for S. S. No. 7: Roscoe Baker. and a chorus b the spent Sunday with Miss Violet Dever Jr. IV-Arland Bailey 61. Bill -ui. f b l . . chc and with Mi-. and Mrs. H. A. GaI- A eyenoae concert as i biaith. 20SED O OVLYLLIS Su-iIIHaod Wrt48.6a.lden la.s:t Wednesday evening in thel Thompson Brozhers. Nestleton. F h vRy ucaE ES.of-HrldWrt 3.HrodS. S. î-oom under the auspices of the' wiheeyprhs fS.0 Wilson 81. Alden Hubbard 60. 1 spent Sunday with their grand- oroe. r11-il das7. eneYoung Peoples Society. Rev. Val- ahrM.AnewDv. Abbott 76J.I-VolathyAdams 7. Janele - hmace a hira Mr. L. Allun and Miss M. Cole. Easter Lle Hydrangeas abthll7. owyArd atc 5.hel The programn opened wîth a poverty Oronio. spent. Sunday with Mu-. and Spireas FUC71.aHowardman Glennie561.chorus by seven girls; the Balson Mrs. H. A. Galbraith. coleus Hyaci.ntbs Si-. I-Audrey Worth 89. Mary Ad-IQatte0 in aesvrlnm On Thursday evening Mai-ch 15th.I ani 87 ErestAndrso 78 -bers; vocal solos wei-e given by Miss Mi-. and Mrs. A. Johnston enter- iris Double Petunias ri87EnetAdso7. Muriel Ada Allin and Mu-. Allan Balson; tmdanme ff-ed n Sna.pdragons NarcissiHbbd5Lw ncA ms : violin music by Mi-. Alex McMaster, neighbors to a St. Patrick's party.j Prices to suit evei-y one. Order BRy cL arbhern72 uyBaly7.acopne by Miss Annie McMas- Mrs Howard Bailey and son Neil early. We wihl keep tbemn until Si-. Pr.-ald Gache3. il er; a humorous darky dialogue by visited Mi-. and Mrs. A. Pritchard, wanted. SP.rl Gatchell ili Mrs. Jas. Pari- and Mrs. A. Pi-escott: Toronto, i-ecently. Jr. Pi.-R.oss Aldred. Ross Hub-anieangbyMsRoLnmad Mrs. Clarence Marlow and Miss bard. Miss Margaret Scott, Mi-. B. G. Stev- M ai-gai-et swain spent the weekend Fingsres merd ens and Rev. Rackbam. Each num- ith Rev. and Mrs. Milton Sander- Figues eanber was exceedingly well given and Muriel Henderson. teacher. ucnod. son, Toronto. Murisis Evelyn Tink and Mi-. Bruce Susie VanCamp visited inTont Day Phone 144 - Nigbt 52 is many f riends aur soi-iy to Tink entertained a nuniber of their recently. BOWMALNVILLE learn Mi-. Sewai-d Dowson, Pi-ovid- Young friends Thui-sday eveningi Mrs. A. Jobnston spent Tuesday See other advt. on page 10 ence, is suffering f romt bwo broken when a jolly time was had. week wvith ber biotbei-in-law and 9ribs. _____________ sister. Mi-. and Mrs. Norman Mount- HAMPTONjoy. ________________________________HAMPTON________1IMiss I-ene Graham spent. Sunday SPECIAL NEXT WEEK ited Mi-& Annie Colwill. vis-veiton. Mis. Mahood and Mrs. Arch- Mu-. and Mu-s. S. Baldwin. Oshawa, er spent Sunday with Mrs- John - visited the Jacks family. Mai-low.j W lenter Uvercoats Congiatulations to Miss Mar-y The Lenten service held on Wed- 'Jebson on ber mai-uiage to Mi-. nesday evening ait tbe bomne 0f Mu-. 'George Vine, Bop6manville. and Mrs. Leslie Graham was con- CLEAND and PRESSED Oui- young people visited Ebenezer ducted by the Rev. Dr. Wbittaker. Young Peopfle's Society on Monday W. A. of St.. Johni's Anglican night and report a pleasant time. Church was beld at the bomne of Mi-. Mrs. J. Lang and f amily, Toronto, and Mrs. Campbell on Fuiday with $ 1.000 ea c hl visited the Jacks brothers and at an attendance of 23. Bible edn tenedth fuerl f M. m.was gvnb r.T Smith. and the O sh wa aund y & Dry CleaThgea s3-mpath3 0f their many prayer. The chapter in the Study W. . Bgnei, gen. -- Pone152f riend.s s extende<t the sisters and Book was given by Di-. Wbittakei-. W.___ J._______________Agent. ____Phone ___152_ brothers of Mi-. Will Jacks whose de- Mrs. G. Campbell gave the report. of mise occuri-ed on Friday. the Diocesan Board meeting. Lunch Mi-. W. Simnpson, Bowmanville, is vas servedi. _____________welcomed to oui- village and will oc- Mrs. Wm. Crawford and Mrs.« Les- _______________cupy the farm recenthy vacated by lie Graham were i Pembr-oke hasti Mi-. Grice, who is going to Noithern week attending Grand Lodge. repre- IS CR ONS'IDEFRE.D CORRECiT TO SEI:ND Ontario. senting the laies'lode f Black- ALKIII. M cGREGOR Druga M was handed over to Mi-s. w. W. J bile. Sýtart y,ýour liverpulgted.l - Hou-n. group leader, when the follo%- poYunds of lid h!. lo to your b).ceIq. Get ing pi- yur tomach Cri , .., nneworknzng as they PHONE 92 Prescriptions a Specialty WE DEI'ERogram was presented: Af 1er, o.d. neur "'@ WE DELIV M the singing of a hymn, the devotion- j Carter'a Unie Ln>er Pill wili meon fi, yo,. _________________________________ a prlo wa taen y Ms.A. Pet- up. Purely vecetahle . fe. sure. Qwicà. al prio wa taen b Mr. ,. _ Aàkfor îhem byr nanna. Redumaubtiutm -i ;J 1TYRONE S.. n Mrs. Ronald Scott spent a few -davs with her sister, Mu-s. Wm. Mc- Donald, Cobour-g. Missken Loi-na Hooper spent the Leweedwith ber gi-andmotbe-, Mrs. sClai-aByam, Bowmanville. y Mu-. Brenton McCullougb, Toronto, 4;pent Sunday ai home. le Mrs. (Rev. i A. M. Wotton and -r M.aster John are visiting her par- 9 ns. Mi-. and Mrs. W. Siramons, d elleville. jMi-. and Mu-s. F. L. Byain and e amily visited bis mother, Mu-. Clara Byam, Bowmanville. Mu-. and Mrs. Arthur Smiuth, Rag- han, visited ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott. Mu-s. Scott f eU down several steps of the stairs dislocai- i mg ber shoulder and suffering many painful bruises. We wish ber a speedy lirecove-y. t Mi-. and Mi-s. A. W. Clemens enter- tained tbe members of tbe choir on 1 Friday evening. Af ter a short. prac- i tice, games and music were enjoye<l. j 'The hostess servedl a very dainty ýunch. LeagUe Pu-ogram Thursday even- îng was in charge of Third Vice Pi-es.,, Mi-. Dave Park. Miss Helen Ti-imm led i rayer; Bible reading, Mi-.J Gordyn Bi-ent: Topic, Clarence \Vo- odlev "Getbing Money in a, Christ- ian Way" gave us unany good tbou- gbts: guitar and vocal selections. Mi-. Jack Osborne were much enjoy- ed; Reading Mr-. Clarence Hatherly: Piano Duet, Mrs. H. Brent and Miss' Mae Brent: Reading, Miss Vex-na McCoy; solo was well rendered byj Mu-. Gordyn Brent. Meeting closed with a hymn and the benediction C. G. I. T. meeting was beld in the Sunday School Room on Saturday. Mai-ch 24. opening uçith games andJ the C. G. I. T. purpose. Af ter bus- iness the following prog-am was giv- en. 'Being a Girl" was read by Adelaide An.nis: Piano solo by Susie Thompson, followed by a reading 'Winning on Honou-' by Helen Ti-imnu. Closed with an instructive hall -bour of sewing. W. M. S. wihl hold its Easter Pag-J eant "The Unsbadowed Cross" and Thank-Offering on Easter Sunday. Aprîl lst, at 7pm. SpeciaI music isJ being provided. Wor-ms are encoui-aged by morbidý conditions of the stomach and bow- els. and s0 subsist. Miller's Worm j Powders wiil aller these conditions>i almost imnxediately and will sweep' the woi-ms away. No destructive parasite can hive in contact wtbbi medicine, whlch is not only a Wor destroyer, but a bealtb-giving miedi- cine mosi beneficial to the young, constitution. and as such it bas no superior. a I GI a VE 0 Introducing.. New Styles For Easter Womnen's Tie Shoes are popular in black, brown, grey and blue. These are in high and cuban heels, priced $ 9-6O from .... $.--60 Plain Pumps are always popular, in stock in black, brown, grey and biegem. . -$956.00 priced fo 29 In Men's Shoes we are showing black and brown in new recede toe and medium toe; made by re- liable firins, of best materials $80 priced from ................ $3.00$8O Kayser Hose at ....... 75 cts. KNO-XStore 'IKNOPhone 120 Thanmk You.. Having disPosed Of my business known as -Kerslake's Drug Store", I wish to thank you all for your patronage and support and to solicit for my successor, Mr. Perey R. Cowling, FhmLB. a continuance of your loyalty. Perc. is no stranger, having beeui connected with ibis store since 1925, and is weUl qualjfed to take care of your du-ug store requju-ements. As I expeet te be ait te store, part line, I hope te bave the pleasure of seeim you oflen. Again assuring you of my smncere thanks. I amn truy, F. R. Kersiake Revolutionary Motoring, 1934 Style.: Chevrolet Gives More Power More "Snap"v With Ev.., Greaier Economqy b ADVANCED NEW NGINEDESIN g~ON'T stop at admiring the beauty of the new iNEW ,YK" D1JChevrolet. Take the çwheel and drive it.! h IRDER FRAME gives you 23% greater power! More 'pick-up",! Increased speed! Added length and weight! Yet- >BIGGER, POSITIVE Chevrolet actuaIly uses LESS gasoline than ever CTING BRAKES LESS oil! \Ve urge you to check, and compare. ail cars >STURDIER, ROOMIER before you bu>'. Convince yourself that Chevrole- ISHER BODIES Canada'1s Great Sales Leader-is leader in value too! IMPROVED NO-DRAFT LO\X PRICES AND EASY G MAC TERNIS: Reî,,fl prices ~NTILAION jif.ntor',, ONha%,.a, Ont.. begin ac ENTILAT844 For th Fo 1O IMPROVED ~~Ciq rolei /ý1 ov ~TNESEECORFreigntîand Cn<wrnnient LicenNeOnly fra CTAN SE ECTO Fay GM AC Teris.C.t4C . . . for economical transportation RQY NICHOLS COUIR ICE AND BOWMANVpIE LOI di PAGE SIX