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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1934, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST l6th, 1934 PAGE EIGHT ISaverY and John Stark, Who in - Igraceful speech and action present- KENDALI BIRTHS Ied the following gîfts, a long buffet, ý The N wcasle Idepe cien mirror, a fern stand, and two c- Tle N w ste Id p de tcasional chairs. In receiving these Miss Edith Claytofl is home for a FISHER-On Saturday, ust4h IIhandsome gift.s, the bride and groom holiday.1 1934, at Newcastle, to Mr. and responded gracefully. Then follow- Mr. Neil Stewart is home f rom Mrs. Emerson W. Fisher, a son. Mr. Eric Gray is home for a short here and manage the property, the ed short speeches, bristling with taking an art course in Toronto. William James Warfield. holiday with his mnother. hoe o Mrs. Dickinh's, grand- humor, redolent with friendship and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bryson, -_ Mis Trmee, Okwod, as paens, the late Mr. and Mrs. Rd. carrying much good advice, t>y A- Grafton, visited at his father's.MA RAE weekend guest of Mrs. W. N. Buck- Warren and memibers of their f am- bert Morton, Allan Martin, B. A.. Rcntstosa rs. Wesley El- A R GE ley. ily for over haîf a century.. Win. Savery, George Morton, W. A. liott's were her brother, Mr. George <- Miss Doris White, Toronto, is vis- Mrs. Howard Keyser, Sarnia, in Hallowell, Llewellyn Hallowell and Car5cadden and wif e and f amily, GIMBLE'T-BROWN-At the Par- iting at Mr. and Mrs. John Robin- company with hier cousin, Mrs. Mc- Arthur McKay. The excellent en- Collingwood; Mrs. Milton Dunbar scngCrteo Thrdy son's. Ta ggart. Oshawa, visited Mrs. R. B. tertainment which followed consist- and son Maurice, Perrytown; and oAgst 2nd. 193, oby hRev. . C Mrs. John Scott returned home on Alun, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rinch and cdoAednsfrmMruelrMrgn r.Js Tmln rn. StGndol93, yn Lyla, daghte Saturday fromn a visit with f riends other relatives in the villagelatMdHaoelanAeeMrtn Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Quantrill and ofMr. RGeobrtn LBownadgte at Blacktock. Suday. Mr.and Mrs.Keyser aso vocal duet by Gwen Gilmer and Ha: family, Elizabethville, and Mrs. Mil- lt r.Bon oCr er Friends were sorry to learn that visited their relatives here during zel Falls: mouth organ solo by ton Plunkett and sons, Toronto, Gimett, y Bonestsono! r.aendy Mrs.. aseriS. ufeeBastrketerwe. illenFaro;sinoufferedr areviitrsastroGogeQune Gmthe, ongstseeokM..n last Sunday morning. 1Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Whittle, ot- Bren ndrow;piaosdus y a r- wel;re isitr tMr ere un Mrs. Thomas Gimblett, all o! Miss Louise Foley and ittîe sister, tawa, are continuing their visit with inGenadMsRo Hîoel-4 BwaE lY-OT'Oe A.h Maple Grove, visited their uncle hier parents, Rev. and Mrs. S. Mac- 'vocal solo by Mrs. Arthur Dunn; trio BL________________-_Atthe an ant Ms.MakBlck Lanad elin ten o etse-by three boys, Gordon Whittaker, CADMUS United Church Parsonage, Peter- bunIldi h asng.Te r omnBuo n etFikr borough, August 6th, 1934, by Rev. Mrs. J. Poole, Toronto, has been also meeting many new f riends in piano solo by Enid Cobbledick. Af- bride, assis ftyhs sotRe visiting Mrs. J. Cunningham, and the village and surrounding country- ter a social hour and refreshments Miss Helen Fowler visited Miss Mrr, isWttono! yrs on, eFor with her hostess called on Mrs. W. side. Mr. Whittle, B. A., of Queen's the happy group broke up echoing Elva Capstick, Janetville.MorsW tonf yneFl- 1-1. Parce.University, has been on the staff of best wishes to the bride and groom. Mrs. C. Rundle. Toronto, is visit- ence Ruth (Frances) Wootton to Th ee ae .A ulrand the Lisgar Coîlegiate Institute, Ot- J ing lher sister, Mrs. Jas. Ginn. Harold Clealan Blakely. son of W. F. Rickard f amil ies picnicked last tawa, since 1932, where his bride, NESTLETON Mrs. Creigton evitt for a few PictMr.nd r.H .Baeyo weekend at Presqu'ile Pt. with Dr. formerly Miss Marion S. MacLean. das. CegtnDvt o e itn and Mrs. H. C. Rundie and f amily, B. A., Toronto, has also been a _________________ Brigton teche ofEnglsh nd istry ur- Mrs. Marshall is visitingMran manville. visited friends on Sunday DEATHS Mrs. E. L. Marjerrison and bro- ing the past two years. Mrs. J. Paul at Cavanville for a f ew in the vicinity. thers, Frank and David Gray. spent _____________ weeks. Mse uie ienadMre theweeen atSubur ad wxeMr. and Mrs. W. Cread, Barrie, Hyland are visiting their aunt, Miss TOWNS-In Oshawa, on Saturday, aceiompne.oeMnay y M iddle SckoolspnSudywtMradMs Emerson. Irene Hyland ip Toronto. August llth. 1934, Joseph William United Church - Rev. S. Mac- Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Trewin and Towns, aged 76 years. Native of Lean. B. A.. Pastor. Sunday, Aug- 1~Lwsarcn ueto isRs family, Ottawa, were Sunday guests Orono. ut1t: 10.45 a. m.-S Exam un0o. f Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McQuade. EVER-SON-In Bowmanville on Fni- School; 11.30 a. m -Suon day ,- Ex m esults Mun te eaoy. . an-1Mn. and Mrs. George Fowler and day, August lth. 1934, Franklin sti 89th. m.- orning Wrv r-. iss atGen Deaonvsie Miss Helen Fowler visited at Mn. I. Everson, Darlington, aged 62 W. A . of the United Church meets NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL John Hooey. 1.lvnM illiam octor and M. etery. nerdiEbez C this Thunsday afternoon at the JMr. and Mrs. Robt. Dickey slpent MCha lesaHend rotorond, wr.e KENNEY -A otHpe n home of Mrs. Percy Bnown, Beaver, Following are the candidates and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Me-ChalsHnesn ootwr END -tPr oe nS St. Mrs. F. B. Lovekins group is subjects on which they were suc- Mullen, Janetville.- guests last week o! Mr. Gondon urday, August llth. 1934. Amelia providing the program and menu. cessful in passing the Middle School Mrs. Ingles and family, Toronto, r.adMsGrdnBown. Mr lmRobrtKennfed, bagoed 66yearsf Miss Trenbeth and hier aunt, Miss Examination, eithen on the teach-' were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. . and Mns . Fishrd o ron. ere RnbertmennatdyJoh's em6 etery. Roseberry, and Mrs. S. C. Scul- ers' recommendation for the year or Stanley r.WFihTontwe Itrmta S.Jn'Cmtry thorpe, Port Hope, accompanied by by trying the Deparimental Exam- Miss Ferga Johnston and Mr. Les- Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. O~~~nS. hms nMn Mr. and Mns. Stone, Toronto, visit- mnations. Figure after the names lie Gibson. Toronto, were Sunday Brown. dayERAuguSt.3Thom193, oMi n-fi ed Mrs. W. H. Peance and family on indicatstenme 0 ujcso guesis of Miss Marion Taylor. Mrs. Wm. Vincent, who has been Por day ug3hr934f the s lateMr Tuesday. which the candidate wrote or was M.Hnl rhm e York hareundthnhoei and Mrs. Wm. Porter, Bowman- Mrs. Alfred Ganrod, recent bride, recommended. (lst) indicates a City, N. Y., is spending vacation withfilhsrtne oirhmen ville. Intenned in Bowmanviîle was tendered a shower o! linen by pnoficiency mark beîween 75 and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beacock. Toronto. Cemetery on Wednesday. her girlniend andtheldirnmoiers 60; 2d ewen6 o7;( Nd) Mr.. oa ndMsMaore r.IsaacforWPitedAeftuon Sun-SINCLAIR-At Wellesley Hospital, at an.vnngprt el n _eà6-5: C:edit (C), 50-59: .Nesbiit, Toronto, have been occupy- dyngtfrPr rhrwee Tuesday. August î4th, 1934, Maud honor at the home of Mrs. H. Evelyn Allin 5-Eng. Comp, ing a cottage at Lake Scugog. hie will attend the Sons o! England Vodn beodwieo Dad Britton on Monday. 2ndi: Eng. Lit. i2nd); Algebra Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mountioy convention. odnbevdwf fDai Mr. . . ilnan Rth ad 2nd î; French Comp. (2nd). and Mr. Arthur Stapleton spent Mr. and Mrs. Millard Fallis and, Toronto, in her 57th year. Inter- Mrs. Allins sisters. Mrs. Lawrence Hubert Anderson (6i-ETig. Comp. Sunday at Oshawa-on-the-Lake. family left for their home in Preece- ment Pine Hilîs Cemetery. Kerr and Miss Ethel Webber, are C>: Pdg. (2nd î; Geometry i 2nd i. Mrs. S. McLaughlinb received the ville. Sask., on Tuesday after visit-ROSnOsaaHpiaoF- spending a week's vacation at Lake Bessie Blackburn (7) - Ancient news lately of the death o! her sis- ing friends in the township. day,-Augstawa Hhsp193, on i Scugog. nean Janetville, at Mr. H-istory tCi: Geom. (2nd>; Physics ten-in-law, Mns. L. Pollan, in Daf 0e, Mr n .AvnBuea dJames Ros, beloved 4husbano MadsonHal'scotag. 2nd>: Chemistry (C); Latin Auth- Saskatc2hewan. f amily, Seagrave. Mr. and Mrs. J. Esther Roberts, Whitby, aged 38 Mr. Allan Martyn. Brighton, and ors (2nd>: Fr. Auth. i isti; Fr., Miss Bleatrice Jobb, Mt. Clemens, Thompson, and Miss Fern Thomp- yer.ntmntGosieC - fathen. Mn. Robt. Matyn, visited Comp. î2ndî. Michigan, and Mr. Henry Sheffield, son. were Sunday guests of Mr. and yeery, Bntrookl. roter o!CMr. f nens a Dndak astwek aci Donothy Bonathan (2) - Latin Detroit, wene weekend guests o! Mns. Mrs. Marwood McKee. C. T. Ross, Bowmanvîlle. also called on Rev. E. B. Cooke at Auith. iC): Fr. Comp. (C). Robent Jackson.Re.D.ame o!PrHp, ______________ Cannington and Rev. and Mrs. S. June Brown (7-Geom. (2ncii; ITMn. and Mns. Frank Undenhill. we nonD r acer afndrt sper, G.McomakatThrto. Chem. i2ndî: Latin Auth. (2nd) *Toronto, Mn. Arthur Rowan, Whit- will pneach in Cadmus United IN MEMORIAM Summer resorters. picnickens and Latin Comp. i2ndi; Fn. Auth. (lst) * by, were weekend guests o! Mn. and ____________________________the Sunday visitons at the lake gneatly Fr. Comp. 12nd>. Mrs. W. Campbell.ChchnxSudy igtoth aprcae h eerlipovmns William Brunt (4) - Eng. Lit. Mrs. J. Hoody. Mn. Burney HooeyOagmnothdirc. KING-In loving memory o! Pte. G. and the new accommodations pro- i2nd);~ Alg. (2nd). Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson anil An unfortunate accident occurred L. King, (Tommie), No. 2498023, vided by the present progressive and Jack Hare 4-Anc. Hist. (2nd); daughters. were Sunday guests o! last week when the teamn which Mn. C.F.C.C.E.F.. who died ai Christie !onwand looking Municipal Council. Physics (2ndi: Fr. Comp. (lstî. Mn. and Mrs. H. Sameils. Elmer Nesbitt was driving, ran Street Hospital, on August l9th, St. George's Chunch - Rev. F. H. Alexander Hendry (6)-Anc. Hist.~ A miscellaneous showen was giveni away, broke a new binden. and left 1925. age 25 years, 3 months. Mason. M. A., Recton. Sunday. Aug- î2nd); Chem. (2nd); Latin Auih. for Mrs. Frederick Todd, fonmerlyi M. Nesbitt with several injuries. Beautiful memonies of one so dean, ust 19th, l2th Sunday after Tinity. 2ndi: Latin Comp. (3rd>; Fr. Auth. Mss Inez Williams, in the basement1 He is recovering slowly. We cherish still wiih love sincene; 9.45 a. m.--Sunday School: 11 a.m. (2nd): Fr. Comp. (Cr). o! the United Chunch Priday even- A day thai comes with sad regret, -Morning Prayer and HolyCm Bessie Law 5î-Eng. Comp. (2nd i ig. An intenesting pnogramn was And one ihat we will neyer forget. munion; 7 p.m.-Evensong aE Sn Eng. Lit. '2ndî: Alg. (C). given, and thnýe taking part in il Not just today but eveny day, mon. ~Marjony Lycet isî-Gcom. 2nd); , :M.Wlia rsrn U In silence we nemnember. Mn. Ross and Miss Mildred Munro pligmsc r.R .Mro Inl eebrdb ohr and Miss Nora Hunier, Radio Art- Chem. (2ndi. p1 imscnMs .W MnO Fndynmmeedb ohn it o-Jean Richard (7) - Anc. Hist. with a neading; Mrs. S. Cawker and Fathen, Sisters and Brothers. is, oonto, spent lasi Monday an, <lti> Geom. 12ndi; Chem. (2ndi; Miss Norma Amstrong who sang a "& Tuesday week ai Mr. and Mrs. Perey Latin Auth. (isi): Latin Comp (lsî duet; Mr. Leonard Joblin favorn-ig YL TOMLINSON-In loving memory o! Hane's. Mn. Jack Hane accompaniedFrAuh st;n.Cm.(sî with a vocal solo; and Miss Nora our darling daughter. Marjonie them backrorntos. i r Mn Margaret Toms 6-Anc. Hisi. Porteous and Mn. Hanny Atkinson olnnw dprethsif ro's. Tronto. ti> Chem. (2ndi; Latin Auth. Who sang a duet. The choir present- ~ Augusi l9th, 1933. Members o! the Mens Bowling lsîl; Latin Comp. 2ndi; Fr. Auth. ed the bride with a beautiful !ern- A HEALrH SEPVICE OF One precious to oun hearis is gone, Club paid a neiunn visit to the O- îstî; Fr. Comp. (lsi. ery and footsiool. and the Chunch i 'rH CANADIAN MEOICAL. The voice we loved is stilled, ooClub Friday evening and Mn. Doroihy Tnenwith (6)-Anc. Hist. and Sund.ay School gave silverware. ANSURtATNC AN IEST hpae m aanti u H. W. Dudley and Mn. C. R. Car- :Chmi2d;LtnCm.() Refreshments wene senved. Mn. and &NS CANECAN veth bnoughi back pizes, t ther ; C Em 2d ; a tinM. H. Wa C).Mrs. Todd will live at Clarke. I ANC taeyrmre ild pizes for highest points scored.i.n Pincipal..isions romth nie SaesOER ICTUSJstwen y oryears erebei mixed inks during the cvenîngnipl go-SLIITU Jusi when youn if e was brightest, ing to Orono playens.I - are amazed ai the scope and magni- utweyoreaseebs. Mr. eo. rigt an sonDou- NE TONVLLEtude o! the Canadian National Ex- It would be a surprise for many You were called from this wonld of las, Mn. A. W. Glenney, Mn. Chas. . .. hibition. No annual exposition in parents, particulanly moihers, to sorrow Gleney an MisesPhylisCle-ihe United States on elsewhene in leam ihat the cane and attention To a home o! eternal rest. Glene, ad ises hylisClm- Glad to see Mrs. Mitchell Zealand th1ondcoprehii t n e h they lavish on their chilcîren -Sadly missed by Father, Mothen, ence and Marion Rickard spent the ol omaeKit ti hic o nyudsrbe u culySse n rtes Sunday ai Williams Point. Lake Scu- 1 home !rom the hospital. malter o! size and cuversity. i o nyudsrbe u culySse n rtes gog, whenc Mns. A. W. Glenney ha 1Mn. Ernest Walkcy is quite ilI in ___ hanmful to the children._________________ ShadWeseth rulsinohr a- AUCTION SALES been olidaing or a eek.Port Hope Hospital. es tefusinohrp- burenhomdayigfoh t e he ne- y.Mn. and Mrs. S. Glover, Mrs. Hen- SIX POINTERS ON HOW TO ents, we understand why other peo -_______________ tunne hom ectiih the Ne - ry, Miss Helen Darlington, and Mn. DRIVE SO AS TO ARRIVE ples children act as they do, but, OfiesadDncoso h e-Jack Glover. visitcd Mn. and Mrs. ______sekn, eaebln o Saudy Ags 5t-h n castle Horticultural Society and Howard Glover, Trenton, nlly speaing w ndaredl to saturd a August 2ith-reucins floer nd egtabe gowrs mon M. MlvileJons mtoedlys b enkins, the man who holds find satisfactony explanationS for !romn Mrs. Robent Holmes 10 sell by theowead egpetablegous pamning M evil oesmird hi more Ameican Automobile Associa- ouheown havotomings awn d redl esgedhsrciedisncin the membeship are bAuusy plawnngmother, Mns. G. W. Joncs, 10 Lind- tion records for distance, sleed and *Tpumberwhlsioeve oiY-C uc tree t herast Boranile to makey thear'sonAugustshow O tsay recently to visit her brother, Mn. 1 endurance d.iving than any othen Timtheavioun o! ou rodrn. pulch aucEation er aiereiec Tnd the 3rd fth oe!tyhe Chas. Moase, who is su!! ering with drive-and has neyer had an acci- îng about hier child, who can ha.rdly ail hier household ef!ects. Tenms in the histolry th ocic t~hef ulcers o! the stomach. dent-gives six practical suggestions let the child out o! her sighi, who cash. House and lot will be offerec forts o! Mrs. Perey Hane. President, Qîhers present fron a distance for sa! c driving in the current Ro- suts ai the window while he plays 1 for sale at samne time subject to ne- reached the one hundred mark last for Decoration services were: Mn. tanian Magazine. They are: reunof dnom sohol if heds o Wac for p v bd aeat1u3ars.nm.t wee week. and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson and Sidney, 1. Keep boih hands on the wheel. retaioe him.1 n o school h oSuch Wm.JCho ais, uciioner. 33- Mrs. F. W. Cowan and sons, and urtn; is M lligan and Miss **The cnly two people I know who tk i oadfo colsc i.j hliAcine. 3- Mis Ode arrn, replanin t A.BragBowmianville; Mn. and are compet-ent io drive one-handed a mother does not aci in this way MiOie Wrrn.arcthplnningth Mrs. Allan Penfound and !amily. are Eddie Rickenbacker and Ralph because she is over!lowing with mo- Saturday, August 18th-The un- sumer 1 atoron.a iecT!hee l c rs J. Penwarden. and Mn. and ide Palma-and both o the te love, but rather because she densigned has received instructions sumer'~caîon Thy wîîbeMns. Lawrence Whyte and f amily, oftwo handse henself is in an unhealthy mental from the Administrator of the es. mc isdby aIl their fricnds iniOsaw1 n.anwMs.Clnece . ee.te es tre o thesaehat is popularly known as tate o! the laie R. T. Stehn.t mchinsseds onPr rtan rn wel.-erosessclby public auciion on the prem- the illae. ntandeMorsRos Mitchell andJonPntBiin frtwhcs An essential requisite for mental ises, Becch Avenue, Bowmanville, ai: Sunday Vîsitoi's: Mn. and Mn. J. -The !ront-wheel blow-out is by healîh is an ability 10 face lifes the f unniture and effects, including *Payne, Toronto, with Mir. and Mrs. fan the more dangenous. When blow- prblems and difficulties. It is cas- chestenfield suite, parlon suite, din- R Mac ean !W. Smith; Mn. and Mns. Harold outs do happen, danger can bepr PayneMa Le n . Bhany. wiMM. and Mrs. avî ted bsn-whlinig tuly1 te*f mciexcuses. Rathen than write his room suites, reading lamps. f100i WC.Lewane, Mn. andMand" akexaminations, Johnny can have a lamps, rugs, curtains, chairs, garde> is Coch ewatlwih n adMr. 3.Awas entyurbaks headache which will kcep him home tools, and many other articles to, John Couch; Mn. and Mrs. Eagle- 'Duning the f irst hundred yards f rom school. When hie wants some- numerous 10 mention. Terns cash~ son, Orono, wiih Mn. andi Mrs. T. A. o!fdivig, , always test my brakes thng xshich he should not have, in- Sale ai 1 p. m. Daylight Savini Newcastle Pulpit Reidi; Mns. John Reid, Port Hope, ýbypushing down the Dedal. Theado aigun oepant ie hr. Ca.H ao with Mns. Chas. Reid; Mr. and Mns. brýakes may have frozen, ihey may stheacildf her reasosor efual, h CliekShaW . .Chas. sn Sheldon Peihick. Enniskillen. withibc, greasy on need adjustmeni. ithecs ier r teasomoer 10 givein lr;W .Cals utoer Rev. Samuel MacLean w-as offic- Mrs. John Pethick. 4.. Be extremely cane! ul ai. iwi- b tese cohil' e mands. t whati ially inducted as Minister o! the A fie crowd gathered ai the light. time theo!tefurra child'sdmns u wh de I etryon Sna od oor "o aetretmste ci fteftr o hl h e TEARS WERE NEEDED Newaste ad Cank chrchs o Cenetr3 undy 1 dohonur ou avethre *acc -velops, early in hf e, the habit o! ,And when the lawyer began t( flood andi rn. Eli gi ieL flf ha r oma ytec Ithellen !te.Wa' ei Meeting aI the home Of the bride's There is this great and glorious Goci brother, Mn. Arthur McKay. they Ia Oregon, 455 miles o! telephone Whatpe o! ad cutry icntilthe More tha i piz ne0,0 tis aard made world' wth ail 115 misie an diwere made the ecipients of an ad- line have been buili by the Civilian detionpnedsorcuntry un the extanNainaiExhimon itheCa beauties, Wonders and mysteries. dres ead by Miss Ada Falls, and Conservation Corps. generto eed hel pnteainNtoa xiiini Amiong other thlngs that remnin for'*a presentation. Little Miss PhYllis Exhibition Park, home o! the training that the cilîdren O! today agicultural department alone. us to love and enJoy are our friencis Gilmer prcsented the bride with a Canadian National Exhibition, is necelve f nom helr parents.Nomr hlin spcae an or wf ouni', anda. Spin-ibeautiful bouquet o!f flowens. 'Me one o! the most bcautlfully land- Questions concernlng Health, ad- flash, boom, spankle and colon ist ita a lronuns tryna nhn-msero eeols n.T .sae arsi aaa u aml rse the Canadian Medicai be found anywhere than the pyrc itual alue;sstill eid, then intnoduced the beaners o and a al! in length on the shore A.ssociation,18 College Street., To- technic finale to the Canadian Ni cd, GOd StI relgns and <hIt e the communlty gif 18, Miss Norma of Lake Ontario and Covens an anea ronto, wlll b. answered personally tional Exhibition pageant ea( (cntnul!OUplge3) HalloweUl, Miss Gwen Stark, Russel lo 350 acres. by letter. nisht. WE ARE PREPARED TO D ihreshing and silo filling. Davd C Mutton, Bowm-ranville. Phone 317. li 32-2* d HEU' WANTEDMARRIED MANF for !arm wonk, experienced. able 10 r-un a binder. Apply to IH. Fild, R. R. 2, Bowmanville. 3 -2 For Sale FOR SALE-A BEA=~ ELECTRIC Washer, new guarantce for bal- J ance o! payment. Apply Mason - & Dale's Store, Bowçýmanville. 33-1 Real Estate For Sale A FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-490 acres, nean Caesarea. Apply K. E. Deacon. 33-1 PROPERTY FOR SALE-LOCATED on south cast corner in village o f Enfielci-frame bouse andi barnL 17 fruit trees. 4 acres good land. Apply Mrs. Harry James, Colum- bus. 32-2* FOR SALE--FARM 0F 157 ACRES. 11/4 miles norih o! Columbus, ½1 mile west. Gzooci buildings. Run- ning stream. Ful possession, Apil 1, 1935. G. D. Conant, K. C., Osh- awa. 29-7w. FOR SALE-FARM WITH- CRO, comprising 25 acres, not fan fnom Oshawa on Whtby, near school, frame house and small barn, pos- session at once. Apply L. C. Pas- coc. Bunketon. 28-tf Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT- TH R EE, rooms or small cottage, with op- tion o! buying. Apply 10 "Adver- tiser" Box 502, Bowmanviile. 33-1 To Let HOUSE TO RENT-ALL CONVEN- > iences, central location, immediate 1 possession. Sheppard and GilLVd., Bowmaxiville. 29-V. cTO RENT_-QUEEN STREET, FOR- merly occupied by Mn. L. W. Dip- peil, ail conveniences. Apply J. J. Mason & Son, Bowmanville. 21-tf DESIRABLE HOUSE TO LET - 5 rooms and bath, all conveniences, on Elgin Street, opposite public school. Apply Box 67 or phone 42, Bowmanville. 32-tf HOUSE TO RENT- IN BOWMAN- If ville, 7 oomns with modeiM con- e veniences, nice lot with fruit trees, e good location, immediate poss- ession. W . F. Ward, Banrister. Phone 102. 33-tf For Sale or Rent PROPTRTY FOR. SALE OR RENT, 1-Located 5 miles east o! Pont Perry. gooci bu'dings, 100 acres d more or less. A,.xly Fred A. Bail- ey, Blackstock. 33-2 rNotice to, Creditors In the Estate of WilUîain Henry 1 Brown î Take Notice ihat aIl pensons hav- ing claims againsi the Estate o! -William Henry Brown, late o! the 's Township f Dalingion, in he vY County o! Durham, Farmer, de- eceascd, who dicci on or about the e.271h day o! May, 1934, ai the Town- 's ship o! Darlinglon, in the Countý Id o! Duham, intestate, are hereby notified tVo send 10 the unden- Usigned on or befone the 3rd day k.o! September, 1934, full particulans -1 and proof o! thein dlaims, hmmed- I iately after the said 3rd day o! Sept- -ember, 1934, the asseis o! the saici Il Esiate wull be distributed among the 5- parties entilleci theneto, having ne- to gard only to the daims f which the 1- Administrator shaîl at that lime Llhave notice. 19 Daied at Bowmanville this 26th - day o! July. 1934. rI Lancelot Plain, o! m the Township of Darlington, )o in the County o! Durham, h. Administrator ig by his Solicitor, n, Lawrence C, Mason, Bowmanville, Ontariuo. - 1 - _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 1 -3 . to ul le, iur eir xy Ly nrl >2- Dn. ids l'y er- ch. ,on Ln- ra- Notice Applications for the office of Tax ýollector for the Townlship of Dar- ington will be received by the un- lersigned Up to 12 o'clock noon on ýriday, September '?t1, 1934. 3. D. Hogarth, Township Clerk. Eamptofl, August 10, 1934 33-2 OFFICE CLOSED Dr. Storey's office will be closed, July 3Oth tco Sept. lst. 30-4 OFFICE CLOSED Dr. Birk's office will be closed f rom Aug. 16 to 3lst; inclusive. 32-3w. Business Directoryl LEGAL MG.V. GOULD, B.A., ILIB Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, BowmanvlC W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. office immediately east Of Royal Theatre. Phones: office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sinson Graduate of Royal Dental College, roronto. Office: Jury Jubllee Bldg. Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equlpmeflt in Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any da3 F. F. MORRIS CO. Modem Motor Equlpment Ambulance and Invalld Car Call Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funeral Service Modern Equipment -Ambulance A. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Smlth Phone Days 58 Nlghts, Sundays or HolidayS Phone 523 or 276 Music FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O. A.T.C.M. etc. Pupils prepared for ail examlnationU. Private and class lessons at moderate rates. Dowmanville, Ont. 40-lyr Repairs R. PAWSON B001 AND SHOE REPAIRINO Soles sewn on by Goodyear Stitching Machine. Prices reasonable. King Street Esti Bowmanvlll Opposite Garton's Bus Station 9-tf FIR E E SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK * ONLY - AUGUST 17-25 *Chesterfield Suites, Sofas, and ail large pieces of furniture recover- ied like new, for cost of mnaterlas ONLY, priced from $2.50 yd. Up. in fancy siIk repps, etc. Up-to- date coverings. Labor absolutely Free. Phone 536. J. A. FRY Scugog St. - Bowmanville w-' Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN Friday - Saturday - August 17th - ISth LIE MacMAHON, GUY KIBBEE in "TheMerry Frinks" The funniest picture of the year. "1CLANCY 0F TME MOUNTED'" Comedy - - - Cartoon Matinee Saturday ai 2.30 p. m. Monday - Tuesday - August 2Oth - 2lst The Greatest Historical Picture ever produced Chas. Laughton as the King In the Private Life of --H"ENRY VIII PFox News - - - Comedy Matinee Monday at 2.30 p. m. Wednesday - Thursday - August 22nd - 23rd "Many Happy Returns" Wlth Guy Lombardo and Hia Orchestra, George Burns and Gracie Alibi. Matinee Wednes"ilat 2.30 P. m. m ý-

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