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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1934, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THIJPSDAY SEPTEM~ER 6. 1934 ! - $ Young, Oshawa. Mr. Will E I SALEM Bowmanville, visted at Mr. CI e>Blanchard's. Weddings bells are sounding from Remnember the Institute meel the f ar east. W PrsMr. in the S. S. rooni next Thurs Mr. and Mi-s. W.Ptr, r.P afternoon, Sept. l3th. Program. Colin and daugliter of Oshawa, were charge of group 5. Sunday vistors wth Mr. and Mrs. Our Pastor, Rev. Rackham. pr E. Doidge. ched a very inspiring sermon. ' Mr. E. Chisnall, Jr., Ottawa, was choir gave an anthemn and Miss;M a Tuesday caller at The Maples en- iel Baker favoured wth at.oal route home after a few days at the which was much enjayed. Exhibition. We were pleased to have Mr. and Mrs. F. Honey in con- church service in the church pany with Mr. and Mrs. G. Honey Sunday morning after meeting of Newcastle attended the Exhibit- the Sunday School rooa *for ion last week. weeks while our churcli was bE Miss Gladys Cann, Toronto, has re-decorated through the klndnes- returned to resunie duties on the the Women's Institute. Toronto teaching staff after spend- ing a pleasant holiday with hier par-HA T N ents. HAMPTON___________ Master Douglas Pollard has re- turned f romn Boston Creek wliere lie Miss Nancy Johns returned ta spent the holidays with his parents, city on Monday. to attend school here. Douglas made Mrs. H Hurlbert, Kemble, recei the long trip by motor stopping off visited Mrs. J. Colwill. at Toronto to attend the Exhibition Mrs. Thos. Woodley, Peterboro for a day. visiting Mrs. James Curtis. Mrs. Chas. Seholl and children Miss L. Mackenzie, Toronto, y: have returned to their home in ed at Mr. S T. Mountjoy's. Charlctte, North Carolina, after Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Salter several weeks' visit with hier par- ited Tcronto friends recently. ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Stephens Mr. Wallace Mcçubbin, Nc andi other relatives and friends. Mr. Bay. visited Mr. Wallace Horn. Scholl motored over last week and Mrs. H. Wilcox, Bloyd and Mad spent a few days here before re- attended Toronto Fair on La turning with his wife and family. Day. Tyrone Harvest Home services on1 Miss Laura Virtue, Toronto. vi Sunday last attracted many of our' ed at Mr. A. E. Billett's over comniunity people to attend. they weekend being anxious to avail themselves Misses R. John and Florei of the opportunity of hearing again Burns visited 'Toronto friends o Dr. Hincks, noted divine of Toronto Labor Day. who delivered two very fine address- School opened on Tuesday w es. On Monday many of our people: Miss Grace Cawker, and principal journeyed back again to enjoy the: E. Staples agU in in their place. festivities of the day. Salem soft- Mr. and rS. wart J. Creer ball teain were successful in carrying Owen Sound, visited at Mrs. Jî off the prize. Colwill's over Sunday and Monc Mr. and Mrs. Milton Avery,u iSOLINA daughter, Donna Kay, Buffalo. w Sunday guests of Mm. and Mrs. WW. Horn. Miss Fanny Smales is visiting Tor- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Tom onto friends . to, visited relatives on Sunday, IV. Miss Evelyn Milison lias been vis- J. Burns returned with them af iting Misses Helen and Muriel Bak- visiting in the city for a few days. er. About 35 young people had a v Miss Isobel Yellowlees has been enjoyable time playing games ahý visiting Miss Susie Thonipson. TY- a campfire. over- which corna rone. weiners were cooked, on Fmic Mrs. Elwood Lick and Miss Evelyn night. o! Oshawa, visiteâ at Mr. lThos. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Baileya Baker's. son Douglas, and two daugit( Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmnaid and Carrine and Patsy. Kitchener, vi, family at Mr. Geo. A. Stephens, ed Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn.a Salemi. other relatives, over Sundaya Mrs. Mack Penfound and Miss Monday. Hlazel, Oshawa, visited at Mr. W. Mr. and Mrs C. E. Horna T. Bakem's. daughter. Acy. were in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds and Saturday. Miss Minnie Horn e family spent the weekend with Tor- companied theni and remained onto friends. a few% days visit anud attended1 Miss Jean Yellowlees. Columbus, Exhibiticn. lias been visiting hiem cousin. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Lomne Morris Isobel Yellowlaes. Oshawa, Mrs. Jackson and sisl Mrs. R. J. McKessock is spending Mrs Morrison. Collinzwood. Mr.a a week with Misses Jes.sie and El- Mrs. A. Crav-ford and baby Hel eanor Heys, Toonto. and Mrs .Goddard. Toronto, visi Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reynolds, Rev. and Mrs. W. Rackham. Howard and Barbara. Toronto. visit- Nwtonville Woinen's Instituite ed at Mr. Jack Reynolds. to be guests of Hampton branch Mr. and Mrs Walter Bray and Thursciay afterncon. The usual1 Miss Ethel. Pickerinz. were Sunday zaar and lunch couniter is being guests at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's. raneed for by cur Institute. on Mc Miss Eileen Cock. MyrtIe. and day. September 1th at the sdi Miss Arlene Narthcutt. Bowrnanville, f air. mpent a week at Mr. Chas. Blan- The report of the W. M. S. 1 chard's. week was erroneous in that Mr. and Mms. H. E. Tnk were re- should have read Mrs. Salter gF cent guests at Mr. Jas. Hortop's, the treasurer's report; Miss Kat4 Pcrt Permy, and Mr. Ernest Webbem's, son gave a tempemance talk, a Columbus. Miss Elinor Sykes sang a solo "C Misses Gladys and Isobel Yellow- Thing 1 o! the Lord Dessire."l lees entertained a number o! friends Sunday services were well atter at a Party last week when ail had a ed. Rev. W. Rackham, preadhed jolly time. splendid sermon in the evenir Mr. anct Mrs. Alec MclCess;ock, touching on the Tempemance Que New Dunidee. Mr. Norman McKes- tion. Mr. Douglas Rackham assist sock, Meaford. suent the weekend at the choir with a vocal solo. Mr Mrs. R. J. McKessock's. J. Groat conducted the adult Bit Dr and Mrs. Allison Chisholmn class in the afternoon, mucli to tl andc son Gordon. Kalamazoo, Mich.. pleassure of those present, lie ha- spent the weekend with Miss Mary ing been absent for a few Sunda: Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pascoe. owing ta il] health. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Stevens and Hnpo otclua oi Miseos Margaet an Janrt ea- met at the home of the Presider tord t Sothapto fo th wek-Miss Vera Baker. Solina, on We( end. Miss Jean Scott remained at nesday, August 29th. During ti lier home there- business discussion il was decided1 Misses Helen and Muriel Baker hold a meeting in the Sunday Schc entertained a number of their fri- roorniof the churcli. on Wednesda ends at a corn and weiner roast on Sentember 12tli. when the pubJ Saturday evening when al liad a Ivill b. welcome to view the flowe: very enjoyable time. 9rnd Plants which will be on displa A number froni here attended the Svecial prograni is being arrangE Field Day and Chieken Pie Supper for. Rev. Rackham gave a very ir at Tymone on Monday a! ternooný tereFting liteî ary nuinber entitje when SaUina boys were the winers Ini "A Saint in a Garden," and Mrs< the football tournament. 1J. Kerslake played a piano numbe Mr, Harry Blanchiard, Miss Edna A treat of apples and homemaÉ Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Hamry An- canltv was enloyed througli the ho drews and son, and Mr. Arthiur Pitality o! the President. Cet the Best . w/I~i hThe Buy for Less - ~ -_ Sceun_ Fly COUlS 6 for 10e A.B.S.&C. 200 for 25C Seldlitz Powd. 2 boxes 25e 60e Russian Ci] 49c Pond's Creamis 39e The Armiand Creams 29e çiya on OUR SWEET PICKLE MIXTUIRE s Ils Economnical, Quick, and Easy t. Use Half Gallon 25c 1 Gallon 50c We Test Eyes and Fit Trusses KERSLAKE'S Drug Store P. R. COWLING, Phmn.B. Nights and Sunday-Resldence Phone 49 flh, . -- - - CPink lace with large felt hat to Orono, Mm. and Mrs. W. Cann and lias. ENFIELD match, camied a bouquet o! lamk- Mm. and Mrs. Percy Cann and babe, 4 spur and roses. Hem bridesmnaid, Miss Salem, at Mm. Arthiur W. Annis'. t ing Helen Honeyfomd was dressed in pale Mm. and Mrs. T. Findley and Bert, day Wedding beils are ringing.. blue chiffon with felt hat o! the TliornhilJ, Mm. and Mrs. Norman iin Miss Evelyn Stinson, Toronto, vis- samne color, and carried Ophelia Byers and f amily, Toronto, at Mm. ited a t Mrs. H. Stinson 5. roses. Mm. Fmank Hewlett was best Edwamd Vitue's. rea- j îs:E4sie Bowman lias entered In mani. Mrs. Thonipson, mother o! the 1Mm. Win, HamblY, Guelphi, Mm. The trajumxg at Oshawa Hospita.l. bride was attired in a Frenchi bluel and Mms. S. Beckett, Mm. A. SPioW.g lur- Mrs. W. Grey and Billy, Toronto, gowmu o! triple sheer and wore a hat and Miss Ruby Virtue, Bowmanville, solo 'visited at Mm. Edwin Ormiston's. of the sanie o! the colon. Mrs Alex at Mrs. Laura Virtue's. Hoard Ormiston is attending Wolfe was disessect in black and Mm. and Mms. John VanGerewe, on~ kioninuai and black liat. The bride's table was with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Woodley Mr n r.J .mseh oa nni5O h it hfo ihbakvle otNwWbtm .YsetSna in. Mm n r.J .Omso,0harmanged under a marquee on the and attended the Harvest Home ser- twa awa, visited at Mr. and Mms. L. C. îawn, and was decorated with sweet- vices. eing Pascoe's last week. heart roses and lily o! the valley. Mm. and Mms. Wm. Cann and Miss ýs o! Messrs. Fred Cook, Gordon Sizer One hundmed guesis wandemed a- Gladys Cann, Mm. and Mms. Percy and Bill Smithi weme at Wasaga round ta admire the hundreds o! Cann and babe, Salemi, Mms. Clama Beach and also Toronto Ex. last are and beautiful dahlias and other Byam, Bowmanville, at Mm. Luther week f all flawems. Later the bride and Haoper's. Mr., and Mms. M. Hobbs have re- groom left on a motor trip to tUe Dor. and Mms. C. W. Siemon. Miss ---<> tumned to Haydon aftem spending his Lauentian Mountamns, the bride Marion, Boyd and Keith, Miss Mar- tU acation at lis motliem's, Mms. J. wearing a bown and ust ensemble.'ion Staples, Bowmanville, Mr. and teHobbs. On their return they will reside in Mrs. R. S. Virtue and Dorothy, and ntyamiss Ella Tamblyn lies eturned Toronto. "Dahlia Dell" was a bit o!f Miss Richardson, Oshawa, at Mr. mtyfroni Orono ta continue hiem duties fairyland at niglit, when mymîadj W. S. Staples'. 1 a our school with an incmeased at- colored liglits played on lovely sum- 1 _______________ o stendance. ad mrgawns; and illuminated scores !sî Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Omionadof exquisite f lowers. i Ne sfo th ii- Walter and Miss Elaine, and Mm. N w o h vi-Wallace Pascoe. spcn tUe weekend in oroto.ENNSKIIENBusy Farmer Mr. and Mms. G. Leask and fani- -_________ orth ily, Taunton, Mr. and Mms. Hugli M.A er.Trno pn h Amnis, Enniskillcn, visited at MmM m. oliA. Weea. Tmno pn dlyn Frank Gilbert's.hdyhr. A point intcmesting to fammers bor M.adMs .Ncosn Mount Mr. E. C. Ashton spent a week in whose fi'elds are crossed by power Forest. Mm. Lyle Nicholson and Miss Ottawa, ecently.caesitatihnngvlgs ist-Mitchell, Owen Sound, have been Mrs. Elien Hancock. Courtice, vis- caused by the discharge o! a single the visiting ai Mm T. Bawman>s. ited Mms Levi Brunt cloud are estimated ta caver 1,000 Mm.andMrsAI! Prscot tok Mm. Carl Faringer, Toronto, visit- ta 3,000 feet of lune on long cir- ncc Ruth ta the Sick Chulden's Hospi- ed Mm. TUco Sleman's. cuits. Genemally on the urban cir- ver . tal in Toronto lasi Fiday wheme Miss Reva McGill lias eturned ta cuits the voltages are restricted con- îhe was given another transfusion.lier school in Toronto. sideably more by the closely-spaced .ith Mm. and Mrs. L. C. Pascae and Miss M. E. Virtue. Toronto, visit- lightning armesters. l E. Misses Helen and Elizabeth and ed at Mms. P. Mountjoy's. Mms. J. MeCullocli attended tUe fun- Mm. Harry Annis, Detroit, visiied Cleaning the Hen House Per,. eral a! the late Mrs. G. Heatlie on lis brother. Mm. Hugli Annis At this tume of yeam lien houses lin, ndya ik Glad ta see Mrs. Wmn. Oke a hould be tliomoughly clcaned, dis- a M. ad Mrs E. Stacey, Yeîvem- churcli after 1-ier long absence. infeted and whitewashed. At the and on.Mrs D.R. ukesan famuly, Miss Maudd Mm. Orville Ash- Pouîtry Division, Central Experi- emej Peterbomo, Mr. and Mms. GD. Stinson ton spent a few days at East Teni- mental Fanm the folUowing white- W. and familv, Dmnville, Mm. and Mrs. pleton, Quebec. wash mixture lias been used with Luvemne Stinsan and family, Court- Mms. Johnson, son and daugliter. satisf action. o-ice, visited at Mms. J. Stinson's. Ballyduf!, visited the !ormem's sis- Slake '2 bushel o! lime with bail-1 ,!rs. ter. Mms. C. Boyd. ing water; strain and add 1 peck of f ter 9< Dr. and Mrs. H. Fergusan. Aan saît, dissolved in wammn water. Put er:M. A L G O E ~ l g h oliday with 3 pounds of ground rice in boilinig )Ouit Congratulations ta Mm. and Mrs. salve 1/2 pound o! pawdered Spanish and -Mr--G-rafion, Toronto, occupied George Bradley <nee Elva Griffin) whiting and 1 pound o! clear glue ýdayi the pulpit on Sunday. . on their ecent marmiage. mn warm water. Mix aIl these well Mm. R. H Armmstrong ecently vis- Miss Ama Page, Toronto, Mms. tagether and let stand for sevemal and ited fiends at Myrtle. A. C. Branton, Oshawa, spent the days. Keep over a portable furnace er, Maple Grove Sehool Faim will be weekend ai Mrm S. Page's. . and apply liai with brushes. is- held Saturday, Sept. 8th. Mrs. Etla Page. Ross and Alvin1 ad Mm. Elgin Munday, O.A.C., Guel- speni a couple of days in Toronto L5bsshing the Lambs a m adph,. recently visited ai home. and attended the Exhibition. ab hudb enda r Pastar Smith will coccupy the pul- Master John Oke while leaning in- ound fve marths o! age. The pmac-1 and Pit onSunday afier a vcmy pleasant ta the homse's manger on Satumday tice o! letting the lambs wean them-1 Mm hla. adMs akBakun slipped, breaking ilirce ribs. selves is ta, be discouraged since it a- Mr vi s.MlirBrohe rnE. Mm. and Mrs. R. Stephens. Bow- nrevents the mather getting a wcll for Orono, vstdle rteM.E manville, Miss C. Steahens, Hamp- deserved etbfrthmaigs- the W. Foley. ton. spent Sunday at Mr. Burgnias- sn, me s befoeste atingorsea- Miss Iva Faley visited Miss Tois ter's. son. han ich i cesayfo.e on. Pmry Toronto, and took in the Mm. and Mms. Hugli Annis visited Young weaned lambs should have ter. Exhibition. with Mm. and Mms. Fmank Gilbert. the run of seme good fresh Pastume., and Master Bruce Lockhari, Niagara En! ield. and Mm. and Mms. G. Leask. A good after-math or a piece of ape len. Falls~ N. Y., visitcd lis cousin, Mes- Solina.j thai lias been sown in the sp ringI ted t/r Ray Munday. Miss Laverne Orchard. Bowman -f will be geatly enjayed by them. Miss Joan Ayling lias eturncd ville. Mm. and Mrs. Milton Stainton Sc atr sncsayt vi are home aftem a pleasant visit wiih hiem and Dorothy spent Sunday with Mm. a check in their growih as a esuit on aunt in Oshawa. nnd Mrs. G. Reid of the losçs o! their mthers milk: ba- Mm. and Mms. R. R. Stevens are Mm. and Mrs. C. A. Stainton and i t will also lielp ta preveni pamasitic ar- visiting iheir daughter, Mms. Ray Ray and Missc Vera Martin srent infestation so detrimental ta gmow- on- Snowden. Tomante. Sunday with the fermers parents. xng lambs. .001 Mm. and Mrs. Charleton MeBride Mm. and Mms. W. J. Stainton. and son Burton, Petembomo, visited Mm. and Mrs. E. Pcthick and Hlo- Wel rpRpr 1%5t Uer sister, Mrs. Clarence Tink. ward. Mm. and Mms. I. Crenin Erd Wel rpRpr it Mm. and Mms. John Munday are Donald. Mm. Flovd, Taranto. spent Faîl whcai production us consud- ave visiting tlieir broiliers, Steve and tUe holiday at Mr. S. R. Peihick's. eably bclow average duc ta wintem 5er- Will Munday, ai Sarnia, and other Rev. M. Sanderson, Toronto, and killing and drought. Whule the yield nd relatives. his group a! young people who were varies widely, the quality is good. )ne Mms .Macklin, Mr. Amos Macklin, oui for tUe holiday, attended the Balcy and oais are showing average and Miss George, Cobourg, are visit- Sunday evening service licre. in a yields a! gcod grade. Stmaw is short.1 d- ing the farmem's daughter, Mms. Sami body. Camn is in good condition and showsj rg MsNo an inbei and ilirce Mm. and Mms W. Grif fin and f an- satifa mrygowth. Roc cmaops e- chudme, Clumusan Mis Mry lv.Bufal. senttUeholdayatquire more mfoistume. The apple ng, rs.Noran imbettandthre il. Bffao, pen th hoida atcmop will be light, and the y-eld con- es- hilre Coumbu, ad Mss aryMm. D. Burgmaster's. Mrs. BurFe- [slderably below average. The Cod- ed Aldread, Oshawa, visited at Mm. master returned witli theni to Bu!- ling Math la prevalent in some dois- F. Thos. Gimnblet's. f alo on business. tricts. Grapes are sizing well and be Mm. and Mrs. Ivison Munday, sons Mm. and Mrs. J. Stone, Mrs. P. lie Ray and Jackie, and daugliter Joan, Stone and Mrs. Ida Ashton, Coluni-1 y- visted hiem parents, Mm. and Mms. bus, Mr. and Mrs. H. McGilI and ____________ l'- Lancaster, Port Granby. Joyce and Mrs. Leslie Grahami, Mm, Camyle, Miss Doris Mossop, Hravdon. visited ai Mm. Thos. Mc- Miss G aaYsGuld, Coitarn, Essex, Gili's ýt aebeenvidsting their cousinsMm. dt and Mms. R. D. Trimble. Holiday visitors ai Mm. E. C. Ash- he- Mm. Will Moore, Mrs. Stan Capes, ton's: Mr. and Mrs. Stanley May heMms. Jini Smith, Mm. ClainMor and Billv. Toronto; Rev. and Mrs. and Mr. Bill Williams, Bigden, vis- Harold Stainton. Ronald, and Keith >ited Mr. Will Moomc's sisier, Mms. M. Exeter: Mm. and Mrs. Stewart Rod- FL ý1Munday, Sm. man, Port Perry*; Mm. H. Steele, Ott- ýrs rimleSuse Lard nd ubyCornes to y. Bragg hv rus:edRuby TYRONE j 1 edIecieschools afier a pleasant, ______ ___. n- holiday ai home. 1 cd spciaaeritndt hi e C. __ Churdli service nexi Sundayai ~r. CA MUS -10.30 a. ni. _________________ Mrs. H. Wicke, Toronto, hsr- Wl e de-< sumed hiem school duties.I Miss Helen Fowlcm was a guet of Miss. Rornsai oope is visiing ai' Mms. Hemb Galbraithi. M.D.LoeviAs a lies tnedt Miss Florence MeLaughlin Toron- M.Lv ni a eundt ta was guesi o! Mrs. Clarence Parr. Tomanto to liSsehool duties. Mm. nd ms.T. ameîs nd au- Miss Adelaide A.nnls is attending riec visted Mm. and Mrs. G. Fawlcr. tlie Oshawa Collegiate Institute. Mr. and Mms. Levi M Gill weme Mm. Jack Gibbs speni Friday and Sunday guesis o! Miss Flomence ParrStra ihfind iieTm I Mm. and Mrs. Levi McGil isied MExibiiîon Tmnomc O L f riends in Peterbamo and attended cntyviidMs. W. Liho, ootoe and the faim. etyvstdMsW.Ltlan Mr. and Mrs. Ceciu Ferguson and Mms as. Wuloodeyad hs e son Sidney, Mm. Sidney Ferguson, 1Mr. hs.Wennyan Ms ieN w D resses ,Oshawa, spent Sunday in Peterboro Jni Jackson, Petembora, have 1 Miss Thonipson, Haydon, lias been 1heen holidaying ai Mr. Norman visiiing lier brother, Mm1 LydWoadley's.N e iln r Mhm snand Mr ha. PeasaiN W .roM.o TS. ay epinte13.h,.ai Thle ceemony w&s performed by the'lMm, and Mrs. Fred Moore, Provi- Rev. Despard of the Churcli o! h1 dence, Mm. and Mrs. Russell Virtue, Eplpharuy, As the bridai pamiy cross- at Mm. Theodome Down's. l ed the lawn te a natural altar of Mm. and Mrs. W. J. Turner, Green beautiful trees, the wedding mardi; River, and Miss Vera Turner, Tom- AI was played by Mrs. Murmay Me-i onto, ai Mm. Floyd Dudley's. W Carthy; and whlle the register was j Mr. and Mms. W. W. Henderson, PHONE 164 being slgned, Miss Kathlpen Wolfe1 Salemi, Mr. and Mrs. J . Hender- sang "For You Alone." 'The bride son, Toronto, Mrs. C. Curtis, Bow- who was beautlfully gowned ln pale manvilie. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hooper. posedtÎo the sun by a -summer f al--crfae lo.te would die in one da. And the saund o!flier dear, sweet Oat.s and barley are the two spring lullaby. crops which give the perennia 0I thisle chnceta mature at . seed. And all my weaminess fades away, ai hastd in and pasture crops. And my lieart is wammed with a if aresedintime keep the plantl happy glow. froni going ta seed. Faîl cultivation When I travel the paths o! the olden is net so effective as summier cul- day- itvation. The autunin is cooler and In the Land of Long Ago darnper. -The Optrnist. Phone for Food 186 or 121 Aeroxon Fly Catchers .............. 5 for 1lOc McCormick's Dixiana Cookies........ 2 doz. 10c Fancy Chum Salmon, 1 lb. tin ............. loc Aylmer Pork & Beans, il oz. tin............ 5c Canned Pineapple, 19 oz. tin .............11C Fine OId Cheese.................... 20c lb. Picnic Bar Cheese, package ..............10c Choice Dates or Cooking Figs...........1Oc lb. Parci Food foi- Dogs and Cats......... 2 tins 25c Star Ammonia.................. 4 pkgs. 25c Wonderful Laundry Soap........... 8 bars 25c Derby Matches ............. 3 large boxes 25c Junket Ice Cream Mix ............... 10c pkg. Honey, 5 lb. pails.......... Dark 40c; Light 50c Fresh Fish for Thursday and Friday Fulllline of Canning Supplies Hgarry Alliai, Grocer Phone 186 or 121 Bowmanville f>4 Couts A wlde selection of lavishly furred Coats ln Tree Bark and Suede materiais. They have Fox, Kolinsky. Wolf, Sable and Seal furs, with the new flare euffs, while others have muffs to match. Large and small collai; also fur llned coot». Priced from $13.75 to $35.00. Dresses Throughout the season we are featuring a lino of Misses' and Women's Dresses In a speclal price group at $7.95. This grouP will be a speclal selection of our very best buys and every dresa wiU b>c an outstanding value. Eacb dresa lu worth conslderable, more. Watcb for thls line at $7.95. MillIui1ery Velvet, Fur FeIt, and Velours are best for Fali. Subtie bita of trlmming that make a bat really à hat. Plenty of black and ail your favor.. lt Uccolore. Velvet Berets, feather trlmmed 98e and $1.59 Fur Feits . ... $1.95 _ $2.25 - $2.95 KIDDJES' HATS -, A very fine range of fur felts ln grown upr tyls, aoh.$14 E R 4,-T0û1PES ILI SI §TE[)BOWMANVILLE all vaieties are pogessifg favour- THE LAND 0F LONG AGO ably. Early peaclies weme a faimr- crop. Elbertas and other standards Often, at close of a weamy day, will be liglit. Pastures and after- In the twilight's wistful glow, grass, while freshened by ecent I travel the path of the yeams away mains, are stili in poor condition and To the Land o! Long Agot recluime additional moisture to stini ulate gowth. Tobacco plants have There are beautiful landscapes I benefited fom mrecent ains, but the knew s0 well; cop j6 spotty due ta drougt and There are dawns and the gloius has suffered cnsideable damage sunset's speUl; from hlal. There are rustlifg trees and the drane o! bees In the floweed lea and the wod- Perennial Sow Thistle Now In land dell. Every Township There are fragments o! sweet ad songs once sung; Perennial sow thisile, - one O! the There's the dear old home where worst weeds witli whicli farmers the ivy liung; have ta contend, lias spread during There are magie ways that we trod the past 25 yeams until now it is e- in days ported in evemy township in Ontario, When life was gay and Our hearts according ta A. R. G. Smith of New weme young; Hambumg, superviser of weed in- There are faces and farns o! long- spectors of Western Ontario. gone fiends; This plant does not preduce ai Theme are smiles and tears wliere bloomi the sanie year that it grows the journey ends; froni seed. If you see a peennial There are lovelit eyes, theme are sow thistie in bloomi you may know laughs and siglis, it was in the field the previaus year. In the vale wheme the rippling river This plant can be controlled by bends. farm practice. The root of the Per- There are deeds o! kindnes.a that ennial sow thistle will net stand cannot die heat. Experiments by Prof. J. E. And words o! cheer when the cleuds Howitt of the O.A.C.. Guelphi, show- were nigli; PAGE POUR TRE CANADIAN STATESNULN. BOWMANVULE. THUIW-tDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1934 Mm-nu4i 8.

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