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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1934, p. 10

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THE CANADIA.N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEàMER 6, 1934 who are connected with The PeoPles' e IChurch, Toronto, took charge. Rev. NEWTON VILLE 1 Bel ranedi teUnte huc and Rev. Walker took the service in Mr. J. T. Pearce, London, was STA J ~ .... ____________________________________ the Pres byterian Church in the ev- home. A 1 -ening.. Miss Bertha Thomprson visited in Ci Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Wight, ed the repairs, alterations and dec- Mrl. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin, Toronto. ME7 Bowmanville, visited Mrs. Ueo. Sta- orating executed during the holidays MM',. McLaughlin and Mrs. Lamb- Mr. Melville McClement, Hamil- ta ples.unethdietoo!tepory kiui vislted Mr. Richard Harper, Ut- ton. callcd on Mr. John Couch. Mr. and Mrs. Fred TamblYn, Or-, committee. Mr. H. Brereton, jani- ica Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jones, Tom- c ono. were Sunday guests of Mr. and to, had the whole school looking Ieague was held on Tuesday night onto, visited at Mrs, S. R. Joncs. VA Mrs. J. H. Jose. spic and span and a new at the United Church, and took the Mr. Wmn. Couch, Newcastle, visit- VI Miss Berruce BeUlman, Bwa-dla.f ormi of a social evening and elect- ed with his son, Mr. John Couch. ville, was a weekend guest of Miss The finishing touch to ahl this was ion o! officers. Mr. George Payne is undergoing Evelyn Rickard.1 supplied by Mrs. M. Brown o! Glen- Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Campbell treatment in a Toronto Hospital. Mr. Wilbert Grahami, Belleville, is wood Cottage, who had thoughtfully and Miss Evelyn Grant were Sun- Miss Marguerite Bell, Kendal, vis- .ý- holidiaying with lis parents, M. and placed a lovcly bouquet o! hem prize day guests of Mm. and Mrs. j. R. Mc- ited with hem aunt, Mrs. Thos. Stap- Mm. Fred Graham. dahlias in every class room in the Laughlin, Oshawa. leton. Miss Ruth Holmes was taken to school. Teachers, pupils, and mem- Mr and Mrs. Stanford VanCamp Miss Coma McMillan, Bancroft, is. hospital on Monday suffering fr011' bers of the Board alike adinired and and children and MissLauma Proutt, visiting hem sister. Mrs. Raymond LA an attack o! appendicitis. appreciated theni. Standing in their1 Toronto, spent Sunday with Mm. and Bruce.A M. and Mms. Allan Howard, Mex- rich beauty they seemed to nodalMs. George Poutt.1 Congratulations to Mm. and Mrs. A ico City, Mex., are vîsiting his par- cheerful welcome back to school Mm. and Mrs. McDowl and daugh- Cecil Stapleton upon the arrival o!ý ents, Rev. and Mms. J. Scott Howard. Aftem Principal Ward of the High Item, Tomonto, and Mr. Bruce Free- a baby boy.e. Miss Beatrice Bragg, who has School had instructcd the students love Millbmook, werc Sunday guets Miss Pearce. Montreal, has A been engaged as teacher at Norham, in their courses of study and text of Mm. Arthur Hlulbemt. been holidaying with hem mother. T cntered upon hem duties on Tues- book requiements and before dis- Hcarty congratulations arc cx- Mrs. J. Pearce.M day. missing theni, mm so h or tendied to Mr. Will Armstrong who Mms. John Couch, Helen and Billy SM M. Luther Argaîl and daughtem, present at the school joined the won 2nd prizc in the Old Tume Fid- have mturncd from a pleasant hol- u Mme. McTaggart, Oshawa, visitcd staff and students in Miss Switzcr's étiers' clase at the C. N. E. iday in Hamilton.u Mme. Richard Alun and Mm. and Mrs. room for about haîf an hour when Mr. Clarence Hoocy, Lindsay, has Miss Marguerite McKay has gone E J. L. Cryderman. Chairman H. J. Toms, Rev. S. Mac- been cngaged as teacher at Cedar- to Brighton to Inspector A. A. Mar- y, Mr. and Mms. H. J. Rodgcms, Jack- Lean, Principal E. M. H. Ward, H. R. dale. His gmat-gandfathei' was one tins to attend High School.a sonville, Ill., have been visiting hem Pearce and Irwin Colwill, Chairman o! Catwight's early pioncers. We welcome Mm. and Mrs. Wmn. J sister. Mrs. S. Mason, and niece, o! the propcrty committcc, spoke Mr. Hamry Sandcson's, Mr. and Todd Starkvîllc to our village. They l Miss Hattie Mason. brie! ly to the studente and wished Mme. Lawrence Oliver, Peterbomo. arc taking Up their abodc with their L Mr n r.Go oeCiao hmahpyand scesu er and Misses Ethel and Alice Dodd.(claughtem, Mme. McGahey. Mm. ~Mrs. Re.Jns hcgteia ap n ucflya. Port Permy,vitdMman Mrs. M. and Mrs. Lawrence Savcry, - visitcd his gandmnother, Mrs.R. _____Mr.__and________ Prealso his parents, Mm. and T ET NfCecil Wilson. Miss Leone Bumkcll. Mr. Clland ParkeWmJ oe, Toronto. N SLT . and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy Lane, Miss Helen Darlington, and ~ The W. M. S. will meet in the S. and Mm. Arthur Stapleton wcre in Mm. Jack Glover attended C.N.E. 5. allon hursday, Sept. 6th, at MsFoec amadMs ee Toronto to hear the 2,000 voice cho.r Mm. and Mms. W. A. Lockhart, Rt 3. Ha.lm.oMissDummond will take iscailoatened thir Cn. is Ee and the Knellcd Band of England, et Bruce and Florence, have returncd S the topic f rom the study book. Miss Helen Kincaid is holidaying the C. N. E.hoetNigrFal,.Ya s United Church - Rev. Samuel with hem parents at Tyrone. 1Ms ' homwc ndcidrn ist e o aaeaFats, M. Yand eM Macbean, B. A., Pastor. 10 a. ni.- Miss Mymtle Beacock, Toronto, 1hMer Js. SdgwicToranchildrn, visitincsemprensMmFui me Sunday &chool; il a. .-Morning visited her parente. spending the summer with her par- Chmontuhton oMs E.A c Worship; 7 p. m,-Evening Service. M. Bert Edwards visited fiends' ents. Mm. and Mme. George McLaugh- Topo h quietly clebrated her 3 D. and Mrs. Bruce Blackburn and at William's Point, lin at their cottage, Caesamca. 9lst bithday on Friday. She receiv- i children. Maietta, Ohio,. have e- Mr. and Mms. Roy McGill wcrc Evelyn Campbell of Cedardale i d a number of guets and a great BU turnd hme acomanie byhisSundy gestsof rs Mirhad. School. daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. many beautiful flowcrs.1S aunt. Mme. Omier Cole who bas been Messrs Donald, Rose, and Edgar Wesley Campbell, is in line for the Our sympathy is extcncled te the k visiting hem sisters, the Misses Emerson are holidaying at Barrie. hatetcnrtltoso aigfinso r rmnTfodih Blackburn,. for over a year Misa Jean Campbell was in Toron- paesed with honore into the junior was cut off s0 prcmaturely when the n Mise Helen Lycett,asitdb to on Saturday and attcnded the C.tid bo.Ms Campbell bac a ewsdiin undoe n Misses Ruby Shaw and Doothy N. E. bought a distinct honor to Cedar- killed him. The accident occurred Quantrill. teated bher clase of girls Mr. and Mrs. Knapp Hamilton, dale School by this accomplishment in the Muekoka district. A number o! of the United Church Sunday Schoo1 have been visiting Mm. Andrew Mal- as wcll as to hem teacher, Miss Jean friends f rom heme attcnded the funi- toa iei a te ae riayate- ol.Stinson o! Janetville. cral in Port Hope on Friday. 1 to pinicat helak Frdayaftm olm __ __~.__ __On Sunday evenirig a large con-Pl noon. Mr. and Mme. Edgar Millory and gEgtc abre nteUie Mm.Ueo C Wrgb wh mcenlYfamiîy, Blenheim, visited Mme. J. COULD YOU PAY S20,000 Church to witnes-s Baptismal ser- spent a three-day holiday with his poutt. son and daughter-in-law, M. and Mrs. H. Samells and Gwen Wilson FOR $700 CAR? yice which was both beautiful and Mrs. Donald Wright, Sudbury, is visitcd the formers sister, Mme. John Ta stesuiyu a ightfuIseonToh ar aenbyMre. J now enjoying a return visit from hie Hooey Ta stesmyu a ih hs alc olwdb odr daughter-ifl-law. Mm.. Marwood Dickey, Toronto, cotYou if you had an accident and fulMemor. Tohe churchnts beauti-. M Alderman Robert Allen, M. P. P.. visited hie parents, Mr. and Mms. no automobile liability insurance. orJ.Mlo Tecuhwabati c Mme. Allen and son Douglas. Mm. Robt. Dickey. an adequate amount of it. In view fully dccorated with flowere for the I and Mrs. A. E. Atkinson and son1 M. and Mme. Gordon Hudson and o! thejdgete for increaeingly occasion and singing bîrde provîded Gordon. and Miss Vema Brown, Tor- son Roy, Petembomo, called on Mise large sume now being rcndemcd in attctaingpr t. heswercfol Mar-h onto, were weekend visitome with Mm. Rose Mountjoy. damage actions, a motorist cannot wr aigpr.Teewr:Mr and Mme. Jas. Brown, Newcastle Mrs. John Powers and son, Lind- afford to drive hie car on the streete gamet Ann ,daughter o! Mm. and Mrs. Beach. say~~I. hveben i***ghe ss*r or highways without the protection Frank Ovens; Loreen Mary Adda, Mreach, s RssDicbnonarnMr.vvaisiutine sseo! a substantial amount of auto daughtem of Mm. and Mme. George rcnovating and redecorating their Mm. and Mme. H. Tormance and liability ineumance, whajcvem ec heI McCullough; Robert Arnold, son o! hoefmncrythe Warren home, son Bruce, Lindsay, visitcd Mm. and may have to economize on. ey soAn o!d Mm. and e. < both inside and out. MisO. Wam- Mme. Ivan Poutt. - enry Reichmatb. Apparently real- en is emaining for a while to as- Mme. H. Tinncy and daughter SH O ARD TS iing the importance o! the occasion S sist Mrs. Dickinson in her home Mary. Cavan, were Sunday gueste cach0f thsFAImRl !ok waeon hi plnig o m os1odr IN DURHAM COUNTY1 or hem best behavioum. St. George s Church - Rev. F. H. Mm. and Mms. Russel Spinks andI Mason. M. A.. Rector. Sunday. Sept. Mr. Cuthmie. Toronto, spent Sunday 9th. lth Sunday a! ber Trinity: 81 with Mme. Richard Edgerton. Orono. Friday. September 7th. OFFICE CLOSED Hi a. .Hl Communion; 9.45 a. m. 1 Mise Hazel McKce andi Miss Rhoda Marle Grove, Saturday, Sept. 8th.H -Sunday School; il a. m.-MorIi- McKee arc home from New York Hampton, MCnday. Sept. 1th r le . Ofc il eclsdW ing Prayer; 7 p. m.-Evening F7rayer City and are visiting their parents. 1 Enniskillen. Tuesday Sept. llth froni Sept. 3rd to Sept. l7th, in- Or and Sermon. MisEn-Kinsman, Toronto, is' Blackstock, Wedneeday, Sept. l2th. clusive. 35-3 H M. Mcrklcy Clark was brought; viiting hem parents. Mr. and Mrs. Newtonville. Thursday. Sept. 13th. home f rom the Toronto Genemal Kineman. at their cottage. Cae-sarea. Ballyduf f. Fridiay, September l4tb.MU I Hospital Satumday, since when many Mm. W. J. Platten, Kingsville, vie- Fleetwoodl, Monday. Sept. 17th. m scG friende and neîghboms have called1 ited bis *sister. Mme. G. Proutt, and Welcome. Tueeday, Sept. 18th. MISS JEAN RAMSAY, A.T.C.M. Tc on hini and were pleascd te find called on old friends in Port Perry. Garden Hill, Thursday. Sept. 20th is pmepamed to take pupils in Piano, him now on the road to complete A chumch service was beld in Cae- M'ilbrook, Friday, Sept. 21et. VieadToy;utccmmnc- reovryfrnibb ijuy hih me Uitd hucbonSuda ighsi IdIa. Satumday. September 22nd. ing Sept. 4. Phone 401. 361 necessitated his recent opeation. whcn Mm. Armitage and Mm. Po-ter. Centreville, Monday, Sept. 24th.361N( By actual count theme were *640 came to the hour passing though MRS. J. ALBERT COLE Newcastle Saturday afternoon. This A.T.C.M., A.0.C.M. heavy traffic also kept up during Teacher of Piano and Theory Sunday and Monday and te the - .-- ~ . credit o! Constable Garmod, New- - Faîl terni commences September 17. castle's traffie officer. he handled it t " ,36-1 hoe 6 ail without an accident or misbep. - - -3- A good congregation grected Rt. '- .f Rev. A. L. Fleming, Bishop of thbcISS LSIEne ar NA.T".M.f Arctic, et St. George'e Chumch on oMISSe ELShiE .taffUntaio.CaM- 1 Sunday morning and listened with j .~k o h ecigsafOtmoLd ineseitreta h pke o! the- ies College Whitby, is prepared t re intense nteofetahe spoe anArctic . -ake a limited number o! piano pu- l and hie visits to the far nortbern pile in Bowmanville. Phone 107. C: oupsso h nlcnCucROSE CULTURE real for the person with but a few ait__________ mostlyby aerPlane plants, as for the owner of thous- A The ParsnageiNewcstle, sincedtne W. E. Groves, Bowmanvle ande of plants. To beginners, we MISS PHYLLIS CHALLIS th arrival o! R ewS.adtMe. Mncean thesoyo crs i uIo want to say it is well to know the Teacher of Piano and Tbeory teok place on Seturday evening, Tehsoyo h oei ulo difference between types and varie- Will resume ber clasa this month. Sept. 1e, when Robert Kenntb intereet. There appears to be ample ties, and to regulate planting ac- Charges modemate; most modemn Gordon and Phyllis Winni!red Jones. evidence that several tbousend coidingly. There are about a dozen kindergarben equipment for Young ul both o! Trenton, became husband years ago, in both Northern Africa types, and two or tbree thoueand beginneme. Calet bouse or phoneL and wife . The Young couple, eftem and Western Asie, a powefuî peo- varieties. Eech type is distinct froni 290W. el their honcymoon trip, will take up p tdo hrhS. omnil reiec i hi hm mn. wneful palaces and gardenis in peamance, while the varieties in bbthe ________________ Rev. Samuel MacLean preacbcd al wbicb roses gmcw. Wild wbeet and type vary in colour and type o! 0 splendid sermon on Labour, its val- wild berlcy arc known to have flour- bloomi only. MRS. RETA COLE DUDLEY CE ue, nobility and dignity, in the Un- isbed et that time in bbc sanie1 ihudecbngalteyps A.CMLCCMF.CM f ited Church, Sunday morning. The ares, so that it is not unreasonable Wtobdsrbn i h ye, ATCMLCCMFCCM ver lage ongegaionwer aloýt aceptas orrct hebistomical wc will namne juet a f cw to show Organiet and Choir Conductor 13 ver lageconreetin emealo t acep a coret te wat ie in mmnd. Sbmubroeae St. Paul's United Chumch deligbted te, have with theni a nurn- eatement as to the rose Teechenrose o! ber o! Ncwtonviîle fol1k and to bear existence et that period. 0f course, suitable for use in niuch the sainie Ta ro Mie lieWalceo!te eton- tbc variebies wcme not the varieties way as Sbmubs. In thîs clase are Voice Culture, Sight-Singing, Piano ville United Church choir, and goîd o! our day, but just as wheat, forbcRuoa.Atinan Swt- TeyanOgnPlig- medaistat te srin fesiva ofinstance' has developcd to tbc high briere, and practically aIl the kinds Pupils prepared for all grades o! medhit e te prig estvaro commonly known as wild roses. Conservatory m4xaminations. Priv- music, sing 'mr a Piîgrim." In the grade poduct it ie todiay, the rose Clmbing roses o! one sort and an- ae or clase instruction. Long list o! evening Rev. Mm. MacLeen preeched hed to bave its beginning f romCl on Esbe,"an cmbaizd hewhicb aIl the devcîopmcnbs have other are so wcll known that lb is succeseful pupils in Conscrvatory imprtat lssns hatcanbelean- ome Al trouh te ear, fomonly neccssary tb eay bb1 hbito!Examinations. imprtat lssos tat en e îemn coeAl dtm oesthe errom thie type is to gmow branche secv- Available as Soioist or Accompaniat. cd f rom ber character, lifle and ac- ethis eelngrilyn date,,henrosess e-haveSepgrown9t tin sawmnadqfbetter and better until bbc 'qucen ce etln noesao.hne Caar-pn etme t tios s wma ed uen. o! lowers" bas come to be a very the naime 'climbing." Probably bbc Phone 57. COBOURG Office i open SATURDAY of each making e show in bbc garden as is EaiainScess this sccticn. There is a very wide EaiainScess week from 9 a. M. to 9 1). M. Gor~don E. range o! colour and bbc type is First Class Honors-26 Garntt i chage.quite hardy. There arc corne other Honors-27 ~~~types, but for ell practical purposes. as1 NOTE-Where et ail possible kindiy make appointmeuits these we bave named will f111aîîllas1 for examinatiosis. ordinery needs. Studio: Lberty Street L- .(Continued next wcek) Phone 606 BIRTHS 7APLETON-In Clarke. on Friday,I August 24th, 1934, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stapleton. 'a son. ETCALF-At Bowm-ranvillg, Hospi- ta, on Thursday, Audt[st 30th, 1934, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Met- calf, a son. ýN DYKE-At Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Saturday, August 25th, 1934, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Van- Dyke. East Whitby, a daughter. MARRIAGES KEr--POLLARD--In St. George's Anglican Church, Newcastle, on August 25th, 1934. by Rev. borne T'homas, L.Th.. Ruth Doreen. eld- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ai. Pollard, Newcastle, to William T'homas Lake, son of Mr. and Mrs. ,Vm. C. Lake, Newcastle. \ALE-VICKERY-In Queen St. United Church, Lindsay, on Sat- .irday, Sept. lst. 1934, by Roev. A. E~. Jones, Ruth Lydlia Groves. youngest daughter of Mrs. Vickcry and the late J. W. Vickcry, and John Newton Smalc, only son of MIr. and Mrs. Newton Smale, Lindsay. DEATHS JNDL-In Toronto, on Tuesday, September 4th, 1934, Laura E. Mitchell, belovcd wif e of Wm. G. Rundle. uneral service at F. F. Morris Co. Ohapel on Thumsday, Sept. 6th. at 3 p. m. S.T. Interment in Bow- manville Cemctery. JNKER-At Whitby, on Monday, September 3rd, 1934. George Bun- ker, formerly of Orillia, in his 77th yeam. Pather of Mrs. Lang- man, Bowmanville. IN MEMORIAM 1 1PER-In loving memory of Nelson Piper, dicd September 9th. 1932. Not just today, but evcry day, In silence we remember. -Wife and Family. IcLAUGHLIN-In loving memory of a dear husband and f ather, Samuel Mcbaughlin who passed away September 9th, 1933 Peacefully sleeping, resting at last, His wcary trials and troubles are past; In silence tic suffered, in patience he bore. Till God callcd him home to suf fer no more. Sadly missed by Wife and Family. rTRUTT-In loving memory of our dear father and husband, Elias Strutt. who departed this ife Sept. 6th, 1933. uickly and quictly came the caîl. is sudden death surprised us all. Ne have lest, but God has gained Dne of the best the world containcc. Ne love him, oh. no tongue can tell ïow much we lovcd him and how well; :od lQvcd him, too. and thought it best. ro take hlm home with Him to rest [t's lonely here without you, rhere is such a vacant place, Where we neyer hear your f ootstep mor see your smiling face. --Sadly missed by Wifc and Family AU~ÏCTION SALE Saturday, Sept. Sth - Househo]c furniture and effects of the lai MIrs. James Hunter, compmising pan >r, dining room, kitchen and becý oom fumniture. at 2 p. m. at he lte residence. Main Street South ®rono. This is an exceptional opý portunity te secure goxid furnituri .t your own price. Thos. Cowan Auctioneer. TENDERS, Trenders wilI be received by thi undersigncd Up te 12 noon on Sa' irday, Sept. Bth, 1934. for the in stallation of a heating system i Newcastle United Church. Lowes ®r any tender not neccssarily ac cepted. Specifications may be hai from the undersigned. W. F. Rickard, 35-2 Chairman of Board 96th Anniversary St. Andrew 's Presbyterian Church BOWMANVILLE SUNDAY, SEPT. 9th 11 a. nm. and 7 P. nm. Minister: REV. W. G. BLAKE Special mdsic by bbc choir essisted by Miss Jessie MeDougall, Toronto Everybody Welcome. ANNIVERSARY CONCERT Monday, September 10 8 p. m. Vlsitlng Artists: MISS E. BOULTON, Soprano, Toronto MISS J. McDOUGALL, Contralto. Toronto MR. D. G. M. GALBRAITH Toronto, wil give an His- torical Sketch of Presby- terlanlsm in Dowmanville ADMISSION 25c. * Lost For Sale LOST- IN BOW.MANVIJjLE, ON FOR SALE--SEED FALL WHEAT, Thursday, August 30, Silver ring Dawsofl's Golden Chaff. W. F. with black onyxst gwtIrdtiamond. Rickard, Newcastle. 35-2 Liberal reward-..ev at States- man office, Bowmanville. 36-1- FOR SALE - TRACTOR PLOUGH, -- in good condition. Arthur Wil- _________________ son, Burketon. Phone 195r51. Wanted 36-2* AGENTS-EITHER SEX - AMZ FOR SALE-ON ACCOUNT 0F ILL-. jng guaranteed product supersedes ness, a Pontiac Six, 10w mileage. Javel Water. Retails thirty cents, Dan Burgmaster, Enni.skillen. 3- saves ninety. Big Profits - Fast 3- Seller. Palcoseel Mf g. Co. Ltd. FOR SALE-GOOD FALL WHEAT, Alexandria, Ont. 36-1 at $1.25 per bushel. Chas. How- _____ -sain, Hampton R. R. 1. Phone Wanted To Buy 167r32. 35-2 WANTED-A COOK STOVE, SU IT- FOR SALE -GCOOD CLEAN SEED able for small kitchen, good oven. Faîl Wheat, this year's crop. W. Phone 525. 36-1 J. Leask, Taunton. Phonie 163r13 W 4T DUNG MANS BICY- Ohaa 3- dle. Roy VanCamp, Bowmanville. STOVE FOR SALE - Q UE BE C Phone 183r2. 36-1V cook stove in excellent shape. Ap- ply Mrs. Brough, 24 Liberty St. WiANTED TO BUY-A GIRL'S B1- or phone 348. 36-ï cycle. mpust be in good condition and must be reasonable. Write FOR SALE - BOY'S B IC YC LE, stating price and particulars to English make, in f irst class con- "E.8.." Drawer B, Bowmianville. dition. Fred J. Manning, Bow- 36-1 manville. Phone 158. 35-2 To Let Real Estate For Sale TO LET-3 ROOMS AND BATH- room, Shed, private entrance, FOR SALE - FARM, 100 ACRES, ground floor. Phone 685. 36-2w* five miles east of Blackstock, bank - barn, frame house, driving shed, -HOUSE TO RENT-ALL CONVEN- lien house, gravel pit. Apply A. E. iences, central location, immnediate McGill, Burketon R. R. 1. 36-2 > possession. Sh eppard and G ill L td., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bowmajlville. 29-t. >ROOM WITH BOARD-SUIT BUS- mness girl or student; very central,; u iesL let r home privileges. Apply Mrs. Gli- *christ, Church St., Bowmanville. D sn s ie t r 36-1___________________ *TO LET-FIVE ROOMED HEATEDLE A Apartment. separate entrance, E A hardwood f loors, gas stove and * garr4en slace, immecilate posses- N. G. . GOULD, B.A., Týr. S sion . Ph~one 488. Mrs. Taylor. 36-1 Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 e1TO LET-TWO OR THREE FUR- Royal Bank Building. Bowmanvlle nished rooms for rent, with or e without board, centrally located in good part of town. Apply to J. E. W. R. STRIKE Elliott, Concession St., Bowman- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary ville. 36-1V Solicitor for Bank of Montreal SMAL SORETOMoney to Loan. Phone 91 SML SOE ORENT-NORTH Bowmanville, Ontario side of King Street, formerly oc- ______ [r cupied by F. W. Bateman Restaur- LS ant; large rcom at rear and living L. C.. MASON, B. A. .e quarters if desired; possession at Barrister - Solicitor once. Apply to L. C. Mason, Bar-' Notary Public - Etc. rister. King Street, Bowmanville. Law in ail its branches. 36-1 Office lmmediately east of Royâl -______ - -Theatre. Live Stock For Sale P'hones: Office 688; Home 553,- w FOR SALE-NINE YORKSHIRE D N A it pigs, six w eeks old. F. W . Sm ith, D E N T AL__ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ .t Enniskillen, Phone 197r6. 36-1. D .J .D V T t.HOUSEHOLDEBS' ATTENTION! Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sissn Graduate of Royal Dental College, ýs. Mr. J. H. Vance, Peterboro, is in Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. town and is prepared to attend to Bowmaflville. Office hours 9 a. mi. y.1your doors and windows with Chamn- t.o 6 P. m. daily except Sunday. berlains f amous weather stripping. Phone 90. House phone 283. - Ail orders promptly attended to and X-Ray Equlpment In Office. ,ework guaranteed. Leave orders at Statesman Office. 36-1 FUNERAL DIRECTOR _e Take Notice Id Council of Township of East FUNERAL DIRECTORS ,r Whitby is interested in the purchase Service, any hour. any day ci- of hardwood lots of f ive acres or F. F. MORRIS CO. r more. Those having standing tim- r oo qimn h, ber for sale please communicate Modem oo qlmn P- with the undersigned not later than Ambulance and Invald Car re Sept. llth next. Caîl Phone 10 or 34, ,,P. G. Puvs Assistant, 573 Clerk. Township of East Whitby BOWMANVILLE - Sept. 5th, 1934 36-1 NORTHCUTT & SMITH __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Co miplete Funeral Service t 1 HIGH-CLASS Modern Equipment - Ambulance tn-_______ A. W. G. Northcutt - Aubrey Smith in Phone Days 58 ýst Nlghts. Sundays or Holidiays c-, d I P R IN IN GPhone 523 or 276 Repairs ,d. We can give you prompt R. PAWSON 13001 AND SHOE REPAIRINO and satisfactory service at Soles sewn on by Goodyear Stitching i- Machine. Prices reasonable. following lunes of print P-______na usSato 9t il" -Letterheads -Envelopes -Statements -Bill-heads -Private Cheques -Circulars -Tags -Carda -Tickets -Sale Buis -Dodgers -Menus -Factory Forms -Society Stationery -Blotters -Bookiets -Business Cards -Visiting Carda -Wedding Stationery -Invitations ~TeStatesman has an up «- to « date commercial printlng plant and* we'are equipped to turn out al classes.of job work. Prompt Service. THE STATESMAN Phone 53 RATES FOR Classified A dvertisements i Cent A Word CASH EACH INSERTION (Minimum Charge 25c) 25c extra if not pald by Saturday f ollowlng the f irst Insertion; also 10c extra when replies are ad- dressed to The Statesman Office. Blrth Notices .ý.. 50 cents Marriage Notices 50 cents Death Notices 50 cents In Memoriam Notices 50 cents (10c per line additlonal for poetry). Carda of Thanks. 50 cents LEGAL NOTICES 12e per line. first Insertion 8c per lUne .subsequent Ins. COMING EVENTS 10e per Unimeeeh Insertion (minimum 50c per week) PAC-w- ilp.m

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