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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1934, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANvILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER l8th, 1934 ITHE SPOTLIGHT ON SPORT ROTH B.H.S. TEAMS tire vistng team for bis third scor WIN ON SATURDAY of the quarter. Colmer added a Seniors Defeat Port Hope in League Fixture - Juniors Beat Port Ferry in Exhibition By Y. Duzzy Wright Two easy victories! Two nice one-hour workouts in which the two Bowmanville High School rugby tearns had an opportunity of trysng out their various plays against act- ual competiticfl. and with their 6z plays working well enough for the- Juniors t~o defeat Port Perry 29-7 in an exhibition game. and the Sen- Another history making photo- iors to coast to a 54-5 win over Port graph. showing Bill "Borsey" Bag- Hope High School. neli startrng out on the spectacular In the States the big college teams rua which started at his own goal play several small teams in prepar- uine and finished at the other end ation for their big game. Weil, the of the f ield, after crashing througb two games on Saturday were a lot the entire Port Hope team. like that._______________ Cobourg and Bowmanville are grouped together in the Junior lea- ovresceanwiheodst gue. consequently theY play home co ntte orsnd with seoft and home games witb points to tgo BHnt, thea o e tarhie 0f counit. A week ago B.H.S. eked out tohd- he ...tacounted thcoett a 7-5 win ini Cobourg. The return todowlwihws locaet game is for this Saturday. B.H.S.ed needed a practice game to keep on Ames, Captain 0*f the Juniors, who edge for their big game, and Port mvdu oteSno opn o befre. consednte ofrmthyedrugbyone game, was directly responsible befoe, onsnte to ormtheop-for one of Colmer's two touchdowns position. wben he took the Port end com- Tbhe Senior case is slightly differ- pletely out of the play with the best ent. There are four teams in their interference of the day. league but to, compare Cobourg and Bowmanville to Whitby and Port "Bob" McIlveen'and "Pean" Jack- Hope is like comparing Equipoise to man of the Seniors. and Kimble of the horse that draws our garbage. teJnos uk iee h But Cobourg and Bowmanville- have been out witb injuries, will be There is a different comparison. back ready for service for the al They are as much alike and as ev- imotn obuggms eniy matched as the Dionne quin -mportantCobourg ______ tuplets. Both have an experienced C captain. Both have fast-nning. Six Day Bicycle Race Starts Again Sunday A. popular favorite in the past will * agai.n be one of the f ield wben the semi-annual six-day bicycle race gets under way at the Maple Leaf Gardens. Toronto, one minute after mùdight on the night of October 20 when William *'Torchy" Peden will attempt to repeat his victory of last spring. Peden is leading contender today for Piet Van Kempen's titie of world's six-day rider. Van Kempen has scored 27 victories over a period O of 15 years. Peden is now riding in his sixtb year. but in that time he A wonderful action picture snap- 1bas ridcien in 45 races and won 23. ped by The Statesman pbotograpb- No other rider la the bistory of the er of Y. Duzzy Wright, unofficial, but sport bas such a record and it is none the lets enthusiastic Cheer Peder's ambition to pass Van Kem- Leader for B.H.S. Duzzy is seen in total number of victories this exitting the last Rah. Rab, Rab of winter. the scbool yeli. Torcby gets bis cognoinen from a ______________- - thatch of red hair wb:cb tops off six feet and three inches of mani- hard-plunging backfields, and bothlbood. A freak arnong bike riders have lunes that are bard to crack. on account of bis size. Pedoîl weighs Ail indications point to one of those1 almost 250 pounds. He is perfectiy games where extension runs and proportioned and possesses tremen- forward pasârng will reiga supreme. dous power in bis muscular legs. That rneans that a f umble or bad1 And despite his buik be can sprint pass may decide the game. with the best of tbem, and when it That is tbe set-up for Saturday. cornes to "mowiag them down," he One championsbip game, wbile in rates as tbe best since that grand the other game if B.H.S. win they old man of cycling., Reggie MeNa- wll be champions for the second mara. was at bis best. year and if they lose they will be In addition to tbe percentage o! deadiocked witb Cobourg for the victories won. Peden holds anotber lead. The prices are 25e and 15c wrdsrcr.H htee h and booster tickets are on sale by worlstgmrc for Hesatred tble the students. Those with beart a few. years ago wben be rode be- trouble please stay home. The ac- bind an automobile at a speed of 76 tivities, start at 1.45 p. m.. and per- miles per bour. Some day be is go- sonally we wouldn't miss it for our ing to try and boost that figure to own wedding. 100 miles per bDur. Juniors 29 - Port Perry 5 Peden should fit in perfectly in Last Saturday "Jobnny" Neal, the aew tbree man teams. It was ianky hall-carrier of (h'ý Junior said of him that as 0f ten as be rode backfield, started the bail rolling with diminutive Jules Audy. the pair witb bis touchdoxa and a safety- neyer made a bad pickup. On these touch added 2 more before Crozier. tbree man teams. only two will be iater-school sprint champ, broke riding at the samne tirne, but witb away for a 60 yard mun and a major th? quick exchanges necessary, and score. B.H.S. secured their eightb the ruling that every pickup must bc point on the kîckoff, and then a toucb relay witb the penalty of a "Cbunky Charley" Mcllveen, who lap lost for each offense. Peden j was plunging for big gains ail af- sbould be a migbty factor. His. ternoon, made it 14-5 with a con- verted toucbdown, and Captain Ames made it 19-5 before baif time. GOODYEAR PLANT AWAIR Ia tbe second haîf the locals eas- 1 ed Up and cantered dowýn the stretch 1 with Siemon and Ames scoring touchdowns, and Port Perry a safe- ty touch to end the game. N T O A A Senior 54 - Port Hope 5 Colmner started Port Hope on the C road to ruin wben he scored the first of B.H.S.'s 10 touchdowns and Dunc Williams kîckcd for a point 1 and followed with another touch- down. Bob Kent, one of the best grounid-gainers out there, thea made bis contribution. Long of Port Hope tallied their only score next wben tbey got a lucky break on the kick- off when the bail bounced off Coi- mer'-s foot into touch giving P.H.HS Possession not far out, and at balf- time the score was 17-5. IN SIX DAY RACE LIVESTOCK JUDGING CONTEST AND GIRLS COMPETITION HELD SHampton Was Scene on Saturday of Keenly Contested Junior Farmers' Contests The annual Live Stock Judging Competition, andi the Girls' Judging Competition la Housebold Science were bath higbly successful events on Saturday at Hampton. In the Girls section. the judges were: Miss H. Baycroft, Aurora. Nutrition; Miss L. Petty, Toronto, la charge of House Furnishiags and Dress Parade; aad Miss Edith Hop- kins, Lindsay, la charge of the Darning la the Clothing section. The Womea's Institutes la Durham - - -have agaîn stepped forward and made the competition o! more in- terest for girls by offeriag two scholarships, one for East, and onej for West Durham. The scholarsbips each valued at $25.00, are for two weeks' course at Guelph. 7 Several new boys were introduced to the competition this year and made striking progress. The re- - -- - 'marks of several .udges stressed the fact that Durham County bas am- ong its Young boys and men com- ig agriculturists and judges. Sev- eral of the more experienccd senior boys this year coacbed teams o! thrce boys who had not previously taken part in the county judgiag. Two classes o! horses, beef cattie, dairy cattle, and one o! hogs and sbeep were amoag tbe classes o! the competition. The lar'ge number o! boys dispiayed their knowledge of good farm stock by their splendid reasoas and placing. Ia the eveninga joint banquet was beld la the cburcb basement witb Mr. E. A. Summers, District Representative, as chairman. Amn- ~ ong those at the bead table were: Miss L. Pe(ty, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Fred Zach Ferguson, Mr. Thos. Baker. Miss H. Baycroft, Mr. and Mrs E. A. Sum- Lcading six day bicycle rider wbo mers and several otbers. Mrs. C. J. will be one of the prominent riderslKersiake presided at the piano for in the renewal of the Six Day Bi- cmuiysnig olwn h cycle Race which starts on October toast to tbe King. Mr. Summers 2tb at Maple Leaf Gardens. Tor- gave an interestiag address touch- onto. ing on the different stages of bis ________ ______________career. Miss L. Petty, wbo is well acquainted witb girls' work la Nor- powerf ul arms enable him to give a (hemn Ontario, spoke o! the ia(erest partner a tremeadous pusb, enough displayed by the young people la (o pusb a ligbt man like Audy twice îsolated sections of the Province. arouad the saucer track. and also congratulated the Durham This great Canadian athlete is a girls in their excellent day's judg- native of Victoria, B. C. He first ing. Addres-es were givea by Ex- came into prominence wbea he was Reeve Thos. Baker, one of Solina's selected for the Olympic team in outstanding and venerable farmers: 1928. On bis retura f r'om Europe and by Mrs. Foster Ferguson, Dis- ha turned (o profeSsional ranks and trict President of the Women's In- became an instant sensation. He stitute in Durbam. Miss H. Bay- h as scored tbree victories in the New croft tod sometbing o! ber work in Yoik ciassic, winning with Freddie the castera section of tbe Province, Spencer. McNamara, and Alfred Le - and Miss Edith Hopkins announced tourneur. Itbe winners in the girls' section. Fcllowing the annouaicemeat of the winnars la the boys' section, Badmnon Cub Oened and a vote of appreciation to the Badmnto Clu Opned farmers o! the district wbo bad ac- For Season on Monday commodated the boys for the live- stock udgiag, the banquet closed by Bowmanvîlle Badminton Club of- sînging the National Antbem. ficially openad its doors on Moaday nigbt inauguratiag the 1934-35 Bad - minton season. Last year the club FVEPNLA E had some 125 members, and while IEPNLA U -orne o! (bese bave passed on, and GETS UNDER WAY others bave moved away, an inten-___ sive membersbip campaiga is ex- înfantine's and Badminton Club pected to bring the curreat year's Te nSno ege-Br membersbîp to an even higber level. Te nSno ege-Br Included in tha regular Badminton Colwell Is Leading High activities will be a number o! soc- Scorer ial events, along original uines, which proved so successful last year. j Maî'tyn's Bowling Alley is once The club rooras bave raccived a again in full swing and everybody ganeral cleanup and bave been seenis to be enjoying themselves. painted and varnished where acces- The Senior League are bitting tbem sary. The courts are in excellent at a merry clip, witb Infantine's condition and tbe club is expected to Club leading the way and closely miaintain its superiority among the followed by the Badminton Club. clubs of Central Ontario. Such The standing: champions as Allan Osborne, Ross Senior League Strike, and the lady champions wiîî Team P. W. L. Score Pts. he on deck to maintain their records Infantine 6 5 1 6189 7 of previous seasons. lerom time to Badminton 6 5 1 5849 7 time the activities of the club, (beir F. Moore 6 3 3 5746 4 tournaments witb outside clubs. and Foundry Co. 6 2 4 5573 3 tbeir owA cbampionsbip tests will be Hately 6 2, 4 5471 2 reported in the sports section o! Dudley W. J. 6 1 5 5848 1 The Statesman. Intermediate RDED SAFETY TROPHY Above is pictured tha National Safety Council Trophy awarded the Boornanvilla îplant( of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Comnpany for its splendid safety work frorn January lst (o Jun,3tb, 1934. The plant, in corrpetition with 23 othersi, was given !irst place in the contest. These plants are situated aIl over Canadla and the Urkited States and %vere in section B of the Rubher Industry Conteýýt. The plant worked a total ut '337,754 houirs in the qix mrnths without a I ttîi' accident. At that tîme tha Bowînanville factory coniletüd threpe and a hiaîf years witbout a lot (une accident. The trc.phy, whicli is now ai. the local plant, is a brnul ifuil bron)ize (oblat, handu-mely mouritvd. Superintend- cnt A. M. Hardy aud the einpioyees of (he plant are (o be congratulated on (beir splendid work in the interests of safety. It is dtoubtful wbetber many plants on thîs continent con aqual (ha work of tha local plant. It will be recallad (bat the Bowmanville tactory bas (wice won the Slusser safety trophy. Knitters 6 5 1 5503 7 BT. Scbool 6 4 2 5174 5 B. Dairy 6 3 3 4883 3 Allin's Groc. 6 2 4 5380 3 Bankers 6 2 4 5120 3 Olympia Cafe 6 2 4 4883 3 Leading Bowlers 1. B. Colwell, average 249 2. A. Osborne 241 3. P. Cancilla 235 4. J. Martyn 231 5. K. Luxton 230 6. H. Cameron 228 7. F. Williams 222 8. J. Coole 216 9. Beckett 215 10. Brestia 215 11. Bowmaa 207 12. A. Densem 207 13. R. McKnigbt 207 15. F. Crydermaa 196 16. Drum 195 17. R. Ives 193 CATARRHAL DEAFNESS MAY BE OVERCOME If you bave Cabarrbal Deafness or bead and car noises or are growiag bard of bearing go to your druggist and get 1 ounce of Parmint (double strengtb), and add to it U4 plat of hot water and a little granulated sugax'. Take 1 tabiespoonful four times a day. This w-ill of ten bring quick relief t rom the distressing bead noises. Clogged nostrils sbould open, breatit- ing become easy and the mucus stop dropping into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs littie and is picas- ant to take. Anyone who bas ca- tarrhal deafness or bead noises ubould give this prescription a trial. Thin? Rundown? Pimp les? READ THIS. Hundreds bhave added f rom 4 to 16 pounds la a short time witb C. C. & B. Tonic Tablets. Containing Blaud's Iron. Yeast, Extract of Cod Liver, and Calcium, they make ricb red blood, tone up entire system, clear up complexion. steady nerves, give n.ew pep and vitaiity. Feel bet- ter, look more attractive. At al drug stores. Get C. C. & B. Tonie Tablets at ALEX MeGREGOR, DRUGGIST Toronto Critic Lauds The Newcastle Players' Play "The Rotters" I (Contmnued f rom page 1) I be payiag alimony to "the strange woman", and ail the cats are out of tbe bags. A play witb so much masquerad-à ing, so maay surprises and broken uines was neyer meant for any average amateur compaiiv. With a18 few excusable defects of vocalism and ocasional stiffness of acting, it was done wonderfully well by the Newcastle Players, wbo bave been together less than two years. They ail caught the spirit of its comedy. So did the audience, wbo were roused to gales of laughter by some0 0 of the ridiculous situations. Had Clarence Aluin, who played John Clugston, been as good vocally as he was iti acting the audience wouid bave liked it still better. WST-1-110AH Ail the characters but two bad to play practically double parts. One 0f the most precarious was the role of tbe sly Mrs. Clugston, piayed witb splendid bumorous audacity fomE iN and sce this powerful [Law by Olga Gibson, who gave the key- C Willard eèeyubyaybtey note of comedy. Nora Gibson haddbeoeouuya atry a subtler role as the furtive daugh- seilydig dfo ha -trin ter, Winaie. who lcoked like aEseilydig dfo hadtrtn proper Priscilla but was almost motors and cars equipped with radio. anything else.~ Wianifred Rickard Priced surprisinglv Iow. was highly vivacious as the irre- pressible Young scboolgirl cxpelled frons scbool for f lirtiag with choir boys. W. Lorne Thomas bad a tricky part te play as the dissolute son. Audrey Brown was particu- lariy good as the servant. Howard Pearce was effective as police in- De Hi. Jamnieson spector. Viola Brown's part as "the strange lady" was excellent in STATESMAN BLOCK BOWMANVILLE character. In some re&pects most diffic&lt of aIl was the chauffeur played by A. B. Maiawaring. who also di- rected and produced the play. Nes 0f his wife dyiag in bospital gave CITIES SERVICE GAS & OILS and DOMINION TIRES a grim toucb of tragedy to the A S O I YD .JMEO H N 9 comedy and took some 0f the hiiar- A S O D1 .H JMEO H N 9 ity out of the performance of the!________________________________ troupe. But the director skilfully masked bis tragedy, and in spite. 0f Radio Inspectors On The Job 'or-e be advisable for radio users te serious handicaps in stage equip- M.A .Ntn npco fhv hi ai iesst hw ment and ligbting the company suc: r .R aoIspco f aeterrai iesst hw ceeded la making a sort of moral Dept. of Marine, Radio Brancb uvitb henîe at aeapeanc problem play the kind of social R. C. M. P. Officer Wriggleswortb before the inagistrate. If you don't comedy it was intended to be. made a partial inspection in Bw- know who issues the radio licenses Sevralpeplewee rspnsilernanville last week and found ai wel teil you: F. C. Pethick, for mechanical details. Mrs. J. C. surprîsîngly large number of r'adio Barber, or at the Post Office. Bell o! Bowmanville furnished ex- owners witbout 1934 radio licences. ----i cellent entracte music on the con- They intend making a thorougb can- For job printing to suit particu- cert grand piano. Net proceeds were vas here an.d surrounding coun.try ln :ar peDple corne to The Stlatesman donated (o the be-nev-olent fund of the course o! a 'ee . It wvould there- Of:ce Sutns en t nienl Zia. e tePs v , o RM AMO'SNIA c :Ld 5 BEANTBUTTER PREANUT 2 BUTTE92aR-$25 14ILKEVARAE 2 JELLON PLAowdre 5 SWIFT'S PROuiM-kRor CHICKENS SMOKED PICNIC STYLE Pork Shoulders PEAM1EALED-BACK BACON Piece lb.29 Sliced FPRESH B.C. SALMON Piee STEAKS, Il. 20e FRESH SEA Hierrlng lb. 10e FILLETS ilb. 17o t, 5 1 24 lb. Bakr63 STALL22 SBars 30e Pkcgs. 23,e PK. 21~ Jar 28 25 oz.21 Tins 27C pkgs. 25e lb. lb. 2 50 ib. 150 A & P QUL ITY SELECTFD nîqjîF ROASTS Prime R lban olt« SHORT RIB SHOULDER oR lb, CHUCK BLADE__ __ CALIF<>RN 14-ICEBERG LETTUCE2 a CALIFORNIA-VALENCIA ORANGES Do, lbz. 290 T H Ep£T -R A TAT AN I & A7,l1I Co

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