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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1934, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER l8th, 1934 PHONE 5 3 Mrs. J. Westaway spent the week- Mis. Dippeli, Walkerton, is visit- end with her daugliter in Hamilton. ing ber son, Principal L. W. Dippell. Mr. Walter Clemnence, Stayner, is Mrs. Thos. Hoar, Toronto, was in visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Piclcard. town Tuesday calling on old friends. Miss Jean Cartwright, London, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baskerville, spent Thanksgiviflg with Mrs. Maria Toronto, are visitiflg aid friends Jewell, Carlisle Ave. here. Mrs. Harry Drew, Cannington, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Sparling, Tor- was guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. onto, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. N. Werry over the weekend. Lawrie. Mrs. Wesley Douglas o! Markdale Mrs. E. Crossey, Toronto, is vist- recently visited her cousin, Mrs. J. ing ber daughter, Mrs W. J. Culley, E. Elliott, Concession St. Welington Street. Misses Molly Barker and Ivy Mr. G. W. Taylor, Bobcaygeo1ýi, Jackson, Toronto, visited Miss Mar- visited bis daughter-in-law, Mrs. garet Wightmafl on Saturd.ay. Reg. Taylor, at Mr. G. F. Purdys. Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Rice and Coe Hill, spent the weekend with daughter Betty. Stratfoîd, spent the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allin, B.T.S. weekend wih Mr, and Mis. C. F. Mr. and Mis. Harvey Hardy, Rus- Rice. sell and Doreen, Solina, recently vis- Mr. and Mis. L. D. Sykes, Miss ited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughes. Elinor Sykes and Miss Mary Jewell Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Addinall attended tbc fair at Roseneatb on and Dorothy, London, Mr. and Mis. Friday. J. D. Fluker and Joan. Brockville, Miss Marion Pickard entertained recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Gus the "Graduation Class" on Satur- Bounsaîl and other relatives. day night of B.H.S. in bonor of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Toppin, Keitb F. Merrili Ferguson and bride. and Mary, Toronto, Miss Wigg, Osh- Mrs. A. Clarke, Oakville. Mis. awa, Mis. D. C. Wigg, Gravenhurst, Nettie Wells, Toronto, were recent and Mrs. Bert Bentham, Enniskil- guests of the former's brotber, Mr. len, were weekend guests of Mis. L. Geo. A. McTaggart. J. Barton. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Hooper and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morris, son Donald, Mrs. Carter and Mr. Hy Toronto, visited f rends here over Harris, Toronto, visited Mr. and the weekend. In future tbey will Mrs. J. T. Hooper and other friends. reside in Montreal, Mr. Morris bav- Mrs. E. L. Woodley, Santa Monica, ing been promoted and îemnoved Cal.; who bas been spending tbe there by bis company, the Caniadian eummer with relatives in Oshawa industries Limited. and district, gave Tbe Statesmnan a Dr. E. W. Sisson showed usta is friendly caîl on Tuesday. week a raspberry cane bearing thir, Mr. Tommy Dustan, Jr., Miss Hil- ty bernles, tbe second crop this year. da Simanick, Miss Rose Bates. Miss The berrnes weîe nearly ripe, but Mary Wallace, Mrs. F. A. Dilling, were caugbt in tbe f rost and the Mr. Roland Bate and Mr. and Mrs. anticipated big feed of fresh fruit B. H. Mortlock are in Ottawa at- will not mnaterialize. tending tbe annual Provincial Con- Mr. and Mis. F. J. Manning, ac- ference of tbe A. Y. P. A. repre- compaiiied by their daughter and j senting St. John's Branch. husband, Mi. and Mis. W. I. Mc- A very successful afternoon tea Tavisb, Toronto, motored ta Exeter1 and rumnmage sale was staged by St. and spent the Tbanksgiving holi- Jobn's A. Y. P. A. in the Parish days witb Mr. and Mis. J. A. Stew- Hall on Saturday afternoon. Dur- art, Mrs. Manniflg's sister. ing the tea bour Mis. A. Colville Mi. . H Prteous, Nes- provided vocal numnbers, Miss PhYl- tleton, announce the engagement of lis Challis, pianosoan Bo their eldest daugbter, Clara Mae, to Lambourne a harmonica solo. Miss- Charles Harold Nesbitt, son of Mis. es Violet McFeeters, Rose Bates Geo Nebit ad te lteMr. Gea. Hlda Simnick and Ruth Haymnar Nesbitt o Nesteton; the wedding to composed the commitel br take place early in Navemnber. of the event. it'Ys The Inde pendent Merchant Who gives you free delivery, courteous service and a f air deal. Redpath Sugar, 100 lb. bag...... .. ..$5.40 20 lb. Pails Maple Leaf Lard........ $2.50 Apex Fancy Pumpkin, large tin........ lOc Figs, 1934 crop, per lb ............... 10c Dates, stoned, per lb................ 15c Potatoes, best quality, 90 lb. bag....... 55c Chocolate Coated Peanuts.......... 25c lb. Hloney, 5 lb. pail.... ..Lght 50c; Daî'k 40c Coconut, finest shredded.. .... ....20c lb. Hand Picked White Beans....... 6 lbs. 25c Bulk Cocoa, per lb ............. o Chase & Sanborn's Coff ee, Special.. .41 c lb. Snap Hand Cleaner......3 tins 25c Fray Bentos Corned Beef, sliced...15c lb. Rice, IRangoon peur lb ................. 5c Japan ..................3 lbs. 25e Brownf.................. 2 lbs. 25c Epsom S aits.........5 bs. 25C Ful-O-Pel) Egg Mash, produces best eggs, 100 Ibs. $2.50 Fresh Fish Thursday and Friday Harry Allia, Grocear Phone 186 or 121 Bowmanville 4I~ W SAYS MR.-IWATSON Mr. and Mis. Watson, proprietois of Watsofl's Bakery, wlsh ta express their very sincere appreciation of the wonderful recept- ian given themn and their new undertakiflg on Friday and Sat- urday. To the hundreds who vlsited us an those days we extend a cordial invitation to visit us otten. We are at your service for Baked Faods, Llght Lunches, and Soda Fountain service. WEEKEND SPECIALS FRIDAY and SATURDAY AT THE Soda Fountain Watch For Our SPECIAL This Week I 1 IN THE Bakeshop N e a po1i t an AND C ho c ola t e Marshbmallow Cakes COO)KIE SPECIAL Oaten Cookies - 15C dos. LIGHT LUNCHES A SPEIiALA z LUNCH ROOM )DA FOUNTAIEN WATSON'S BAKER Y Phone 97 801 RETAIL MERCHANTS TO HOLD ~___________ DINNER MEETING SOONCO IGE NT et c2e vAI qs Dominion Secretary To De Guest Speaker - Early Closing of Announcements of Meetings,- Stores Discussed Concerts or Other Events, under M this heading, are charged, 10 Get the tbrifty habit o! reading Plans for a dinner meeting o! the cents per line, with a minimum M oi tbe advts. before doing your sboP- Retail Merchants Association o! charge for any announcement ping. Bowmanville weîe disussed at the of 50e per insertion. These rates Miss Mable Moulson, Winnipeg, regular monthly meeting o! tbe As- wilI bc strictly observed. Per- ing ta Man., bas been visiting Miss Doro- sociation at the Balmoral Hotel on sons sending in notice must founde tby Humpage. Tuesday nigbt. The attendance was specify to whom iaecount Is to be things Miss Helena Taylor, Lo n don, fot large, but was none the less charged.meto spent the .weekend with Miss For- repiesentative. Presidei1t W. C. Cav- Thursday and Friday, Nov. 29-30, inexpen ence Rickard. erly pîesided, and the treasi1rer's re- Higb School Commencement. 42-7 and $3. port delivered by Mi. Len Elliott Therei Mr. and Mis. W. C. Feiguson, sbowed a nice balance on band. Reseive Wednesday, Nov. 7tb, for in twin Nortbport, Mi. and Mis. Geo. Clemf- It is expected that Mi. Go. S. îoast goose supper at Hampton. ence, Stayner, Mi. and Mis. Roy Haugharn, Toronto, Executive Sec- Fnnt ayMnteswl eet bila Feiguson and famnily, Mis. Ceci' H'11 retary o! the Retail Merchants' As- Thei showdy instrelCommnity setybrle and daugbter Marion, Blackstock, tsociathon o! Ontaria, will bestythe attended the Designation Service on s nfOtask rothi occasJioHall on October 26tb. new th Sudymrigfr e.P erl ues pakro ti ccsoWeldre. Sunaymonig orRe. . eilUwhicb date will be selected by bim. Reserve Oct. 30tb fan the supper ::: Feiguson and Mis. Feiguson, and Mi. Hougham gave some o! the most at St. John's Anglican Cburcb at wearini weîe guests o! Mi. and Mis . A. W. staiiling evidence presented bef oie 5.30 p. m. Admission 40c. Pickaid. the Stevens Mass Buying and Price Jasper Smith, son o! Mn. and Mis. Spie-ads Investigation and be is a The Women's Auxiliary o! St. Duncan A. Smith, Loyers Lane, left convincing speaker. His message will Andrew's Cburcb are serving a Bean taria at last week ta take aver a position as no doubt be eagerly listened ta by Supper, Fiiday, Oct. l9tb, at, 6 p. m. fyled. operatai with Sault Ste Maiie's new every member a! the association. It Pnice 25C. WAndso radio station, CJIC. Jasper bas is also hoped that a meeting for wo- Wnsr been a student o! radio for some men can be arîanged and addressed St. Paul's Evening Auxiliary will Governrr Yeaîs and at the Higb Scboal Ora- by Mi. Hougbam. bold its annual Home Cooking and came ta: torical Contest gave an eilightening Another subject discussed was Rummage Sale in the Lecture Room costs, ai addiess on radio. Mi. Smith ac- that o! eaîller closing, but no de!- on Satuîday, Oct. 27tb. Aternoon ail cost, companied Jasper ta Sault Ste mnite action was taken. It was sug- tea 15c. the cour Mai.gested and practically unanimous in B anie W s waided Thre. annual Conyentiofl o! the opinion that stores should close at the loinS.cul' cho ro Fnn Teachers' Institute o! Northumber- 6 p. m. weekdays and 10.30 p. m. on ilmt fS.Pasicolrm Fui land and Durham Inspectorate No. Satuîdays. Because the Department on Friday, Oct. 26tb, at 2.30 p. m. Councill 1, opened this moining in the Higb o! Labor at Toronto is planning Victorian Branch will be guests and scence School auditorium. The chie! speak- somne legislation along this line, ac- piesent the pîagram. ci today will be Hon. Dr. L. J. Simp- tion will await the move made by Gîoup 2 o! St. Paul's Chuîcb are son, Ontario Minister o! Education. the Govemniment. having a sale o! home made caok- The sessions on Friday will be held Other minai topios were discussed 1 ing on Saturday, Oct. 20, at 3 p. m. in the Town Hall. Pull reports o! during the meeting. It was comn- in the store foîmerly occupied by convention activities will be made plained by one merchant that many Mi. George Mason, Cowan Block. in The Statesman next week. peddlers were still working tbe tawn, _______________ Mi. and Mis. William Williams, and President Caveîly suggested that I who for 59 years bave iesidcd in merchants sbould caîl police wben Acton, bave remaved ta Toronto they see a peddlei wbom they be- ____ ____ ____ Switb their son Heber. They are 86 lieve is woîking without the necess- Ï yeais o! age and if spared ta next aîy license froas tbe town. ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CHURCH Christmas wili celebrate 65 years o! ----- e Rev. Father J. F. McGuire, Pastor maîiied life. Before leaving Actan WILL SHOW MOTION Sunday, October 2lst: Mass at I lie was piesented by tbe I. O. O. F. PCUE FDRA 03 .m o! whicb bie was a charter member PCUE FDRA 03 .m with an address and a pair o! gold , 0W BOYS' CLUB ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN cu!!f links. The neighbns and CHUBCH afriends alsa ipresented them witb an (Cantinued fromn page 1) By .G lkMnse address and a table lamp. Mi. and ed witb "the kitty"-the immense Sunday Services at il a. m. and Mis. Williams are natives o! TY- silo at the faim o! S. E. Werry, 7 P. m.; Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. rone wbere thcy lived until moving Solina, under filling operatiors- eta Acton. Mr. Littlefield's big caterpillar trac- ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH 83 ,b The Alice Jackson Mission Band toi, gangplow and disc cultivaton ail Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., Rectar G: meeting was beld in the beginners' in barmony-grave-side funeral ser- Mrs. J. A. Gunn, Organist- class room an Wed.nesday, Oct. ltb. vice o! late A. J. Reynolds, esteemed Sunday, October 2lst, 21st Sun- nThe meeting opened witb quiet mu- member a! the ToonoCuth day after Trinity: Holy Communion ýescb MisaMarion edilman, a!ter well rernembered "Guideb Board" il a. m.; Children's Service 2.30 p. ion Hoaper. followed by a prayer îed niskillen, the gif t o! Rev. David m.4vmgPae .m by Miss M. Bellman. Hymn "I Rogers, 1865, andi ienewed 1919- ST. PAULS UNITED CHURCH Would Be True" was sung, f ollowed The Durham Liberal Executive. ai- Rev. A. S. Ker. Minister Cg by the o! fering gathered by June mast good loaking enough ta be Con- Mis. C. H. Dudley, Oiganist Lufman. l'le hymn "We would sc ,îervatives, meeting in the politicai and Director. Jesus" was !ollowed by a story "~The metropalis a! Orano wheie also pic- Sunday, October 2lst: -11 a. m- Life Bearers o! Long Aga' by Miss turcs show the big community swim- "Wbat Christ may mean ta us!"; Belman. The minutes weîe îead by mîng pool, famous nudast cClofly, 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Schoal: 7 p. m. Marion Mabood and approved by but it isn't Orme Gamsby wbo 15 Service withdrawn on account o! Marion Hooper, a!tei which~ the -shaWil swimming, although we have Anniversary o! Tiinity Church. members adjouined ta the graups. bim on dry land-Millbrook's fine Meeting losed with prayer in uni- residences and street scenes speak TRINITY UNITED CHURCH son. well for a good town altbougb Editai Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Pastorr Crowded bouses bave featuicd the Richards was out o! town, and ed- Fr'ancis Sutton, Mus. Bac., Chair f soigo"TeHueoRoh-ucational centre~s thîougbout the Conductor. I sching"aito! RolThea e Rths- County aie flot forgotten. Amusing Thank Of!ering Anniversaiy, S un- cbad' t te Rayai Te haisoe toese cenes o! course make inteispersed day, October 2ist: il a. m.-Rev. pthethîee days. ce show is e o!r spice. If such as these wbet your Dr. George Kiipatrick o! Hamilton tfermncs m aeuic eyaed pGer-e seeing appetite tbey are only an will preacb; 2.30 p. n.-Sunday !rmacss werbhae Nathsan. Gorge- eainest o! a long evenmng's hob-nob Schoal; the Sunday Scbool Thank Ahld n d hs is sup as Natha Rth- with "Good Old D)urham." Offering will be taken; 7 p. m,-Rev. liant cast wba take ane completely ., Dr. George Kilpatrick will preach. away from Bowmanvilie back marei Special music by the choir. Bring - than a century ta the hectic ycans WEDDING your friends ta bear tis eloquent o! Napoieon's domination in Eur- . Divine. A cordial welcome ta alI. ape. The tbrcatrc is sbowing an- other great series a! pictures. "Trea- Wilkins - Blgelow suie Island" starts today and is a Aveyptt auun edng o nc . eq re great adventure picture on Rabert Avr rtyatm edn o iclR q ie Louis Stevensan's baak o! the saine took place in the United Church L h nHo rt namne. Monday and Tucsday "Cath- 'Tyrone, on Saturday, Oct. 6th, t L sT a Ho rt armne the Great" is scheduled, an- 2.30 o'clock when Elizabeth, younger other great bistorical picture fea- daughter o! Mr. Chas. Blgelow anda s c B sn s tured by brilliant acting, and many the late Mrs. Bigelaw, was united T cw a tB sn s great pictures are to follow, nat for-. in marriage with Nelson A. Wilkins, getting the Dianne Quintuplets on ,son o! Mis. Wilkins and the laiteLefotD eIopment November lst, 2nd and 3îd. Mi. Alex WiWkns o! Salem. LkfotDv The ceremony was conducted by Plans Are Submitted to their pastor, Rev. A. Woatton, be- Liberals Organlzlng foie the altar which was tastefully Council - Effort Will Be Liberals o! the County o! Durham decorated witb fiowers and autumn are carrying forward their extensive leaves. The bride entereti the church Made to Have Harbour period o! organization in prepara- leaning on the arm o! lier !atbe tion for the foitbcomlng Federal El- and was attractively gowned in lace Opened for Commerce ections. Bowmanville Liberals îast aver egg-sbeil satin, ber veil caugbt wcek orgaizeti thein local commit-Mwtb orange blossoms reacheti the It took less than sixty minutes on tee witb W. C. Caverly as Chairman, hein o!bier gawn. The bride carried Fiiday nigbt ta comrplete the busi- Capt. C. W. E. Meath as Vice-Chair-1 Johanha Hill roses andi maiden bair ness a! the town when the Council man, and Allan W. Knight as Sec- f enn. met for its delayeti session for Oc- retary-Treasurer. The attendant Miss Couch, New- tober. Very little o! importance was castle, Word blue velvet with small an the agenda, perha4ps the most turbin ta match and carnieti sweet- important being the presentatiari ta Model Airpiane Club ta Meet beait roses. The groom was ably counicil o! the plans for the Lake The Model Aipiane Club, wbicb suppaiteti by bis cousin, Mi. John Front improvements. These were was started last ycar by Jim Bow- Wilkinis, Oshawa. The wedding mus- presented by Mi. Guernsey McClel- man, under the auspices o! thet ic was played by Mis. Howard Brent lan On bebaîf o! the Port Darling- - Boys' Woîk Board, is commencing 1 andi during the signing O! the re- ton Harbour Company. Ir its f al seasons woik on Monday' gister Mis. Reta Cale Dudley, Bow- The whole praject apparently de- night with a meeting in the Tuxis manville, sang "Beloveti it is MoiTi", pends upon govcrniment action in Roam at St. Paul's United Cbuîch IThe ushers weîe Mi. R. J. Cassidy, making Bowmanvilic a commercial at 7.30 p. mi. sharp. Piesident Bill Toronto, and Mi. Howard Brent, Ty- port. There is every reasan ta sug- Phillips is anxious that tbe member- rone. Before leaving for Eastern gest that this should be dane bY ship jump by leaps and bounds this Ontario by matai, a neception andi the governinent in vicw o! expendi- year. A big interest was shown in bu! fett luncheon was serveti at the tures made an mucb less important the display made up town earlieri brides home, aften whlcb the riewatcrways this year. this ycar andi it is hoped that many donned a navy ensemble with bat Mi. McClellan's plans, a blue print parents will encourage their sons ta and accessaries ta match and they o! whicb each councillor wssup-r join the club which builds model le!t amndist showers o! confetti and plieti. provide for the dredginga RseiWgtMsA.WClmn Mi. and Mis. F. Aberncthy and application o!frns W. Watson o!0 IMisjFoyd Dudiey, Mis. Warren toolk family bave moveti back ta En! leld the BowmnanvllleBaeyfrp- part n a Pla h egu !N-ta spend the wlnter with ber people, mission ta erect an electîlo sîgu was tions" w Theas ey uhof ap-Mi. anti Mus. Milton Saiis. neferredti tathe Public Pnopert priated.Mis aatnsaga oo Mi. anti Mis. Ewait Evenson, sans Committee wth power toacat. e 'Blue Galile.-" ,jesus I bave Pro- Robert anti Phllp, Mr. and Mis. Neil The sum. o! $25-00 was recelve miseti' was the clasing hynin and McDougftll, Oshawa, vislted Mis. L. an account from. H. W. Sharpe, the meeting was concluded i wth the C. Snowden an Sunday. Miss Mai- owner of Zoralea Faims, Tyrone, Mlzpah benedictiofi. Rd! reshments garet Everson who bas been vlsitlng f or service of the fine truck. werc served anti a social half hour Misses Mldred anti Betty Snowden, An invitation ta ,the Mayor ta M spent. returned i wth them. jolu a meeting o! Mayors o! On- MHE SHOPPER SA YS:I )re New Clotiies at the EvIyn Shop [f you are indulging ln the national pastime of try- look smnat on a very slim budget::: we have some very helpful answers ta the problein > ur M m B :::just ariived. There's a smnart new shlp- f shirts, wbich. with a clever little sweater make an tJu1 riSve costume :::Tbey corne as 10w as $2.98 0 .98 for the shirts, and varying pices for sweaters. -__ _ are some charming new wool blouses and saine exceptioflal values ýn sets - You'l be just deligbted with these smart faîl outfits. Far more formaI wear we bave another shipment of exceedIngly mt velvets:.: gorgeous in calai: up ta the minute ln :::and quite easy on youir pocket book::: And with these ;hngs you'll want stylisb hoseîy and we strongly recomxnend the st Crepe Hose at $1.00 a pair::: The shades are slmply grand :and you really need to wear tbem to appreciate their marvelous ng qualities. Our phone number is 594. tHamilton was received and sented a report o! expenditures ta- talling $947.06, o! which $722.75 was resolution f orwarded from general expense and $224.31 was for rasking that the Provincial relief. nient levy a provincial in- Councillor Neil Mutton reported ix, to take care of ail relief that few citizens were prepared ta .nd relieve municipalities of have new sidewalks laid as relief treceived the endaîsation of measures, with the property owners ncîl and a copy will be for- paying a portion o! the cost. tat the Prime Minister and Nothing came of a suggestion that il member. the main street be cleaned a! ter ce Committee, t h r o u g b midnight on Saturdays. Councillai loi L. C. Mason, in the ab- Bettles stated that the street was a of Reeve R. O. Jones, pie-1 disgrace on Sundays. PREPARE FOR WINTER HOT WATER BOTTLIES ÉÏ AT SPECIAL PRICES Rheum tism $1.00 Bottie - - - 69c Rheum tismGuaranteed 1 year RHEUMATISM, SC 1A 1 CA, 1.0Bte---99 LUMB3AGO qluickly relieved bY $1.0Btl 9 FullyGuarateedGuaranteed 2 years FuIIyGuaratee$2.00 Bottie - - $1.29 IRUM CAPS Guaranteed 3 years 3c NOMZMA - - - 59C Vita-RayToiletries rove's Tablets - - - 24c Demonstration Mliss Anne Snyder, Beautr . .. .. Sfte ff frorn New York, wtl ced. Oct. 22nd, 23rd and 24th, to demonstrate the fanions .olgate's Dental Creamn Vita-Eay Toilet Preparations. Cleans teetb safely and Mss Snyder wMl give free fac- effectively ais. Phone us for appoint- 10e -21C - 39ec ments. CIRYSTOL MINERAL WATER illililCRYSTALS WatevImported from Minerai Wells, Texas. IFFOR R.HEUMATISM, NEURITIS EZIDNEY & STOMACH DISORDERS 59C - 89C - $1.25 SKINNY?i There la no need for people ta call you skinny or flatclletd. Give Tlloraxiuml a trial and prove this yourself. Thoraxlum la a new easy treat- ment whlch works whle yau are sleep- ing. Thoraxlum will give you those curvea ( which are wanted today. Thoraxium caki be used on any part of yaur body. For hol- low cheekas, scrawny neck, eh e s t, a r m s - *. and legs. Re- suite guaran- l m -A.----.. ac.. ...I NTD CIA TR Pond'. Creams ......34e Vick's Vapo Rab .....390 Wampole's Extract ...$1.00 INGRAM!S SHAVING CREAM Ou for cool shaves 'Wandi comfortable faces. ~gussiLotions are unuiecessary. Tube 3 or .Tar3 at aur store Montiays 10 a. M. -1P. m. AGENCY ALEX MoGREGOR, Drugs PHONE 92 PRESCRIPTONS A SPECILUTY WB DELIVER TRIANKS For A Great Recepiion We wsh ta thank the hundreda of people who vist- ed ur new show rooss and workshops durng our Grand Opening last Friday and Saturday. We were overwhelmed by the wonderful nterest shown, and we greatly appreclate it. We also appreciate the wonderful and wholehearted ca- operation everyone associated with us gave ln maldng this event such an unquallfied success. Naw that you have vlslted us once, and lcnow how well we are equlpped to serve you, came and sec us again when you need a good auto or radia, radio service, automobile service, gasoline, ail or acess- arles. W. J. CHALLIS - Bdge and DeSoto Cars - Goodyear Tires- Cities Service Gas and 011 Philco, Westinghouse and Sparton Riadios Phone 2903 for our Radio Service car. i hi [Id 1 aÊÊà;â.ýý -* - ý L

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