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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1934, p. 8

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PAGE FPOUR1 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1934 W- -- l export of fruit. The Board will se-j are Out ai tise way, wbich at the gulate the movement of ail apples moment looks like next Februas-y or a and pears exported frain CanadaJ Mas-ch. It is my undesstanding that m&g pay prohibit durlng any perlodî most of the Ontario siippers as-e Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is ýýtk6tZ,1 anxious ta sei their pack, but 1 arn without a rival. Stops bleeding in- saie af the bigh quota- stantly. Cauterizes wounds and ps-e- -âgonaitre- vents blaod polsoning. VOTE ENUMERATORS PREPARE LISTS FOR FEDERAL ELECTIONS Enumerators Are Appointed - New Departure Divides Work Between Liberals and Conservatives Work af the enumerators on the preparation of the voters list for this electoral district commencing on Monday under the new Dominion Franchise Act, the folhowing section of the Act defining the persons who are entitled to have their naines on the list is of general interest. The section is No. 4 of the Act and is publisbed in full as foliows: 1) Save as hereinaiter provided every persan, man or womnan, shall be entitled to be registered as an elector on the list af electors for the polling division in which he or she resides at the time of the prepara- tion of the iist of electors theref are if he or she (a) is 0f the full age of twenty-1 cnie years; and1 (b) is a British subject by birth1 or naturalization; and4 (c) has been ordinarily resident in Canada for at. least twelve mon- ths. and in the electoral district MO NEY IN TH E BAN K wherein lie or she seeks registration as an eector for three months afi Many women on the farm, who manage that period, irnmediately preceding to aemre rmpoultry or vegetable the date ai bis or her application tomakmonefromto be sa registered: garden, keep their own Bank Accounts. Provided that the faiiowing per- Savings grow af compound interest and suns are disqualified froin voting at helpfa rovde he ttleextas f dessan election and incapable of being helpta rovde te lttl extas f dessregîstered as electors and shah flot and pleasure which make life enjoyobIe. be s0 registered, that is ta say i) the Chief Electoral Officer; t T HE (ii) the Franchise Commissioner; (iii) the Assistant Chief Electoral RO0 Y AL B AN K (ie)rthe Secretary cfth rn chisc Commissioner; 0 F CA N D A(v) every judge appointed by the Governor in Council; (vi) e\very Esquimau persan. whe- BOWMANVIILE BRANCH 1. G. HEFKEY, Moncger ther boru in Canada or elsewhere; (vii) every Indian person ordinar- - ily resident on an Indian reservation _______________________________________________ wha dld not serve in the mllitary, __________________________naval or air forces of Canada in the exported, sucb assessment ta be used .var of 1914-1918; N,,vf r he tpay the Boardjs expenses. No iviiîn every prisoner udron N ew fo th prsc shllexportfo Canada punishinent for the commission of any fruit in contravention of the any aiffence; r'Board's regulations nor until he has (ix) every persan who is restrain- Busy t arm er otie license. ed of his liberty of movement or de- obtaied aprived ai the management of his Keep the Pullets WeIl Fed property by reason of mental dis- ease; Cernent Wash Helps The time is at hand when pulets xýý every person who is an in- The increased use of wal-board should be confined ta their winter mate af an institution which is In the construction and iig0 quarters, but the pens sbouid iirst rnaintained by any goveriment or Pouitry bouses shows hbrs be thoroughly cleaned and disin- municipality for the housing and sometimes peck at the wali-board fected. Birds wihi not do their best maintenance of the poor; mates-tai and do considerable dam- work if iniested with lice or mites. (xi) subject to subsection two of age. An effective way to overcorne It is during the winter months that this section. every persan who is dis- this difficulty is to use a mixture of the birds make their best profits. qualified by reason of race fsrn equai parts of lime and cernent mix- and for this reason they should be voting at an eection of a member ed wtb water to the cansistency of housed and ied in a manner that aof th e Legisiative Assembly of the a tbick paste, and appiy with a wîi ke'ýp them healthy and vigarous. province in which he or she resides brush. This mixture forms a bard, They wihh requis-e a full ration af and wha did not serve in the miii- durable surface on which the birds suitabie f eed, besides pienty of cdean tas-y, naval or air forces of Canada can malie no impression. water. green ieed, shell and grit. in the war of 1914-1918; The change irom the gsowing ra- I xii) in the province af British Good Care Essential tion ta the Iaring mash shouid be Columbia, every Doukhobas- perscn The s-oeri baancd rtio ai made gradualhv. Hcme-grown grains. and every descendant of any such Tophes oderfui anedrautsion -icannot be said for rnuch on the persan. whethes- born in that pro- compishe woderfi rsult w nmarket. and while they rnay forin a vince or elsewhere. who is by the fdto stock that is rightly bs-ed, well large proportioni ai the birds' ra-ia 0fhtprvnedqaiid manaed nd orretlyhoued. tion they do nat supply ail neces- fsrn voting at an election ai a mein- Houses and equiprnent, sucb as sary ingredients for the production ber oi the Legisiative Assembly oi brooders, feed hoppers, dsinking'0f eggs. Thse use af a high protein ta rvne Pans, etc., that are sufficient toa c-comrilas xewthhp-htpovn; commodate 100 chicks will not take ce omerl agrinsd wih chop- <xiii) every persan who is dis- cas-e of 500. Satisfactos-y p agrown ranswii iv qualiîied irorn voting under the law cannot be made undersuhcni much bettes- resuits than the grains ai Canada s-ating ta the disquali- tions. Growing stock needs lots oflaae fication af electors or vaters for feed; provide a good grain feed and 1- ----carrupt or iliegal practices. a good gsowing rnash in hoppers solI >2) Notwithstanding anything in the birds can get it. APPLE GRO'WERS ARE this section contained an Indian The condition af a carcass when shahl not be incapable af being reg- ht is marketed depends aîmost en- ADVISED AGAINST istered as an elector or be disquai- tireiy an the way the bird is cared îfîed frain vating at an election, ex- for up to the time it is kilied. This GLUTTING MARKET cept pursuant ta the seventh para-1 means the wvav in which it is graw;n graPh ai subsection one af this sec- and the way it is fattened for mas-- Andrew Fulton Urges. Growers To tion. ket. Ke .e xotTilBmr In Durhamn County Oea. W. Gar- A pooriy grown bird wiih not take Egisnroeisoed0 t o or. t Hoh h efnumerr on weight satisfactoriiy; its digest- EgihCo ipsdO tr hog i nmrtr ive organs have not deveiaped suf- have been appointed for every sub- ficiently ta handie the more or iess Andrew Fulton, Ontario Fruit division. and tisey bave been sehect- cancentrated feed that is fed during Growers' Representative in tise Oid ed accarding ta thse method adaPted tise iattening period, nos- does theg Land, strongly advises apple grawers by tise Federai Government, balf on bird have the vitality ta stand up af Durhsam ta withald shipinents aof tise recammendation ai the Libes-al under this fattening process. apples ta Enghand until eariy next Association and balf on the recoin- year, in view af a iseavy Engiish mendation of the Conservative As- c rap and consequent iow prices. 0w- sociatian. The full list of Enumes-- Planting of Evergreens ing ta tise clasing af tise Ontario ators appaînted for the CountY, and The nurserymans slogan, "It is 1 Government office in London, Ms-. who are now busiiy engaged in flot a borne until it is planted," slIMulton ia now located in Siseli-Mex tiseir task, foibaw: very true; and thse farrnhouse which I ouse, Strand. London. His letter Bawmianville - Gardon Mooscrait, bas to stand on its own merits, and ai advice toaPaale grawes-s on his re- Melbourne Hooper, Kenneth Luxton, is aiten set among unsightly out-j cent return ta Eng]and follows: J. P. Laphen, Gea. McMuhlen, Wm. buildings, wauld seem ta be more In Since arriving in England tWO Fergusan, Afred Reid, A. W. Few- need af background and foundatian weeks ago I have cavered tise ps-m- ster, Fhoyd Oke, Ms-s. Howard Hall- plantîng than thse town or city cipai mar-kets and, without except- man, Tis. Hamilton, Ms-s. F. O. bouse whiicis, in many cases, gains in ion, I have found tiseinail heavily Baker. value and appearance fsrn tise'loaded with cbeap English apples. Clar-ke - W. Laing, Clar-ke; How- plantings onnho-n groundts. witb the recuit as-dinas-y quaiity ehl Rowland, Newcastle R. R. 3; Eves-greens are being extensively! Canadian apples as-e making coim- Howard Bowen, Clar-ke R. R. 3; J. A. used for foundation planting n-ow: paratively low prices. On the othes- Giiroy, Kendall; J. Mafiatt, Os-ana; and wbes-e circumstances permit as-e'hand, Ontario des-sert apples ai Out- Ross Robbins, Leskard; O. Baninan, unquestianabiy the rnost satisfact- standing quality and colour, rang- Os-ana; L. Hallaweil, Stas-iihe; L. os-y. Once established. evesgreens ing in sizes fsrn 2 'i" - 21 ' "as- Lows-y Os-ana. requis-e a minimum af attention and 2" - 2ý4", as-e meeting a go2d de- Newýcastie- Hars-y C. Dudley, are attractive at ahi seasons. rnand in Glasgow and a satisfactory Fred F]igg. Dwarf Mountain Pine, Japanese reception in Liverpool and the South MiIlbrook- Ed. Bail, C. Tisorn- Yew, and certain varieties af junipes- of Enghand. To give sorne idea af dyke. and cedas- are most suitable for values, early Ontas-io Wealthy fetch- Dariingtan - m. Wight, Bow- faundation planting: and, while the ed fsrn 24s ta 26s a bars-el for Na. manvilie R. R. 4: Walter- Park, Ty- cost 15 greater than for many atises i quality, and this week a nice par- rane; S. Snowden, Bowmanvîihe R. sissubs, they are warth the diffes-- cel ai Mclntosis made 2&s, with R. 3 A. Bilhett, Hampton; W. Tre- ence. fScaslet Pippins 25s, tise lattes- not .1,Enikhe; rn W'es be lanedtis 'vs-kcanbe cconp-vasiet. I soui beremrnbredtonnyan esbtt.Ennskile THE EDITOR'S BEATITUIJES *'Biessed are the merchants who advertise because they believe in it and in their business; for their prosperity shail increase rnany fold. 'Biessed are the country corres- pondents who send in their well- written items every week; for faine of their friendly neighbours shall go abroad in the land. "Biessed is the woman who sends in a written account of a party, or wedding, for she shall see the details of the function and the naines of ber guests correctly reported. "Blessed are those who, do flot ex- pect the editor to know everything but who cali up and tell hlm when- ever an interesting event occurs, to them for they shail have a newsy Paper in their town. 'Blessed are they wbo get their copy in early; for they shahl occupy a warma place in the editor's heart. "Blessed are ail those who co-op- erate with the editor in his efforts in behalf of the community; for their county shail be known far and wide as a good place in which to iive."-CherryvaIe <Kan.) Republi- can. Persistent Asthma. A rnost dis- tressing cbaracteristic of this debil- itating disease, is the persistence with which recurring attacks corne ta IaP away strength and beave the sufferer in a state cf almost contin- uai exhaustion. No wiser precaution can be taken than that of keeping at hand a supply of Dr. J. D. Kel- iogg's Asthma Remedy. famous as the most potent rene-dy for eradi- cating the disease fromn the tender air passages. AND sAvinGMONET!Y 0>4 CHEVROLET l1lýf a#I FULLY ENCLOSED KNEE-ACTION CABLE-CONTROLLED BRAKES BLUE-FLAME CYLINDER HEAD BODY BY FISHER SHOCK-PROOF STEERING T M in the habit of buying a car "on urne", 'like most other people. When I decided ta buy, 1 sbopped a round in the Iow-price field-.-comparing cas-s, camparing cash prices and cornparing time- payment prices. V've got ail the facts. I'm buying a Chevrolet -and saving money! I-es-e is what I found, and wby 1 save: Compa ring cash prices, 1 found that yau can buy a Chevrolet Standard Series Six for less than any aches- car in Canada. And chat the Master Series Chevrolet with Knee- Action Wheels-the qualicy car of the low- price field-wih ail is extra features. cos no more chan the ochers ini its class. Naturally, Iaw cash prices mean chat the cos[ of buying an monrhly payments is go. ing ta be low, too. Sa 1 investigated the GMAC plan, on which Chevrolet cars are sold. 1 f oupid chat GMAC is Genes-al Motors' oivn ime payment plan. The mas-ufac- cures-s of Chevrolet stand scjuarely behind every ime-paymenc sale-keeping rates as low as passible-protecting the buyer fsrnm beginning ta end of the transaction. 1 found that the GMAC financing rates have been secencly reduced - making it cheaper I>an ever Io buy on chis plan. 1 found that every Chevrolet sold under the GMAC plan is fully protecced by' in- surance -Fire, Theft, Accidentai Physical Damnage and $50 Deduccible Collision Insurance. 1 found that under the GMAC plan you can't pay more for financing chan yau should-eve-y charge is scated in the con- tract, ibere are nzo bidden extras. And 1 f ound chat one of the biggesc rea- sons why the G M A C plan costs Iess and gives more is because mos-e people buy on this plan chan on aéjy aches-. l'in buying a Chevrolet-because dsiving it and riding in h tell me it's the bc'sc the Iow-price field has ta offes-. And l'm buy. ing on the GMAC plan, because l've found chat thes-e's a lot of diffes-ence in ime pay. ments - and that you save uben yoit get the f acts. Freigl.nand Goi'erpmnm ,t ice,;se opily extra. n ':Io -Ç6uy CHEVROLET.' ROY NICHOLS COURTICE 80 WMAN VILLE 'J X ~ -. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Master Six tram Standard Six from zN THE PLUGGER He isn't very brilliant, and bis pace ia aiten slow; tbes-e's notbîng y U G M N very flashy in bis style. He bas ta O N G M N dig and labos- for the tisings hie wants ta knaw, and be's busy learn- ing something ail tise wbîle. A too g o rei Tise clever men go by hum in a A too g o rei bus-sy day by day, and tise'"stars" Bt atise patentisneadtuger-ain.Practical Ag1riculture get althe pmtention eadtise fain a tisasougis sort ai way-keeps on November 6thi, 1934 to APuU l 3th, 1935 going. and he gets tises-e just tise saine. He's a quiet sos-t af fellow, and he's backwas-d in bis speech. Yau'IlK E M P T V 1L L E nee fn in lmoigfor ap-K MP VI L phause. He will listen ta anotises-rD e U T I A whis bas anytbing ta teacis, and bie A G R 1C U L l never weasies working for a cause. He may take a little longer with tise 'vias e taent seemtasnt yonu-lS C H O O L wetaentaseta o isntisegenus- iind tise patient piugger at tise fin- ish coining tbrougis and tisese's FREE TUITION menit in bis labos- wien it's d=ne. D. Ha is slow in gettlng stas-ted. He BOARD REDUCED to $3.50 per WEEK must know tise reasons wby cestainCo o pnth itrt etravtgFrfuheifrmin tiigs accus- and in a cestain way. Cnyusec h itrt etravnae o ute nomto Tises-e is notbing in bis metisorita consuit your Agriculturel Representative or write ta attract the Passerby. and at times THE PRINCIPAL yau'd think be's wactEd many a day. KEMPTVILLE AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL But when brilliant men have faded, KEMPTVILLE, ONTARIO and the "stars" have hst their ligbt; whien the cleves- men bave stumbled Also a two montli's course in Hausehold Science for Girls -practical in despair - when tise great bave instru.ctions in cooicing, sewins, millinery, home nursing, etc. carne ta failure with the goal tisey Ferur 4th, ta March 3Oth, 1935 saught in sigbt, you'Il find tise pat- ient plu gger getting there.-Anon. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE Persian Bain -thse deligbt af HON. DUNCAN MARSHALL J. B. FAIRBAIRN dainty iernininity. Imparts a fî'ag- Mnsu Deputy Minister rant chas-m ta tise complexion. Tanes up tiese km and makes it vel- vetY sait in texture. Coaing, se- Ivlai o sns ae n scmnne ncssa -ubeso fresising, it is deigbtfui ta 'use.Ivlal o adfcada'cmeddi ae fruheso Neyer eaves a vestige ai stickiness. a bais- fixative. Wonderf ully sootis- !ciaf ing caused by weatises-candi- i îng and pratective. Especially se-'1 tians. J

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