PAGE TEN ,irHE CANADIAN ST-ATESMAN, BOWMANVILLU. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1935 - _________________________________ * WisCo medtin happy oung man. Tod Hunter.I Lost or WinsCom endaio Mr. Ferry Hamilton. a solemn nand sedate dancing-master, belied his --N profession, but gave quite a happy ili O-TAN AN T e N w ate Id p n e tjrendering o! an unhappy hus-A Phone 38J. band. -Otis Hammerhead". Roy !Marshall,. Grandpa's Grandson's Lv.Stc a Mr. Murray Eilbeck is home Mr. ad Mis.Ia F. Pearce. Grandpa, who. in real if e might .. f rmBn utweeh a Bowxnanvîie. and Mis.W. J. S. Lave been Grand.pas Gmandsons FRSL- Rickrd. haws. vsitd Mr. iLloyd Richards. Mrs.okigfrth eealpb grandipere. though his agility and ay arngfrt.Feealpu-Amas McMullefl Kendal, on Sun freedam from the rheum a t i c1 avlet Micraksoflgevmad on dobt Apartmnrts to Rent FOR SALE - JE È a as:~~ wed est c~i rant. eprtofth pble r olhis senility. Hegave asprightl yIT S etad ahom 1 e a 7rs . Ap pef nnead what yers ld.Aa ciommencement______ FOR RENT-4 OMAP T ersan, Bowmai nuhich at times paftrl er--tEnikle, nF month. Apply ta Muriel L. castle Arms. chorus of over fifty voîces, dir- ly worthed drsan headed reatno- Md.aynodmbsEr 2d13 aDnest DvA.i S. Phfle 56. O SALiE -N United Church - Rev. S. Mac- ected by Miss Hattie Mason, sang ___________ficier__ ______ason. c BA.ata. unaD.Robin Hoodl as a 17th century bs a aeU VINE-At Bowmanville Hospital, Used Cars esli nw ist il a.m.-Morniflg Worship: melody and -Night Fancies- î'ýyifainwa elce inonWdeay vmbr2tBw nil 1 2.0pm-udySho:7 p.m. two parts. Tempo and harinonY! what hees. e lakei oneddnesda5,Yo M . av mbs erge hCARS FOR SALE - 1935 CHEV- Bwavle1 p.m.Sundy ShoolsWe issd th 193,dttMr.andors.meoreoIralet Master Deluxe Sedan, -EeigService. ThXe annual feesleddad h oum !, soemnity of the real P. O. uc Vine, a son. I pacicaîyneOR xclletLon Sunday School Christmas tree s.:) nmany 3oung voices rhrilled the Hn*r*,Mrjre oinonPoo-CHN-ASowaniFORs rctcll SALeclln cn r exercises wll be held on Monday audience intent on harkeniflg ta ajreRbnon 0k HN-t omni opi- dition. notiadeins consideîed, shire white pig Dec. themes. Laer on the led-very set but got too ittier tal, on Saturday, November 23., odru u frcs ut Geore James,. evening, . 23rd. the tee.Ltro h r-t do. -Darathy May*'. Isabel 1935. ta Mr. and Mis. Thkodore ton. St. Gerges-Church - Rev. F. grain a boys* chorus. herdfr îInnes. wa.s too výague-.-,she! Chant. Hampton, a son. ae.W .Jms hn ___ H. Mason. MA., B.D.. R e ctor. the fîrst tîmie in these annual ex- i akdcenctcaatrzto, 37,Ohw.4-ISL < Sunday. Dec. lst. First Sunday in ercîses. rendered a hiking song. lce lanctcaaceiain CROWE-In Bawmnanville Hos-Isîiebr.ei C dvnt i am.Manig ra- Pu o yursrongest boots m% u h î e wr eiul n pital. on Sunday, November 17. FO5R SALE-1925 -STUDEBAKER Olive Jackett. was cheerful.Put and.ouC sie.lla son. Hostoc. AplyS.-. Rndi. e 11r er and Holy Commnunion: 2 p.m. boys .. Tra la la! The boys comn- à 13.___M.an____rnk Sda,__lselorta o E -Sun dlay School: 7 p.i .-Even- posing this grolp s:nging 50 glee --Oali e la de a ndced epr s a -__________ason. 0ft o a nl leS. T u d e . _ ý o e l l l4 ful3n1eril n ngo rs. Olga Gibson :_____bu________ .latlyte R. 3, Bawmanville, 1 mile west * sang andi Sermon. flyadhatl n ngoil iblte, butyshemtriedgalanlyta p-48-sNtic t Messrs. W. F. Rickard. M.P., tirne and rhythm vvere: Douglas jPiominent Newcastle dramatir carry off a thankless part. 'MarieofBwavle481 Ntieo Gea. H. Joli and H. R. Pearce. Walton. Douglas VanDusen, Har- stai wo sectdbtha-RbauNom SaeywavryM R A E Newcastle. attended the funeral old. Lionel and Chas. Rogerson. .udîcator as the outstanding starcopen.erdmue and tres. Wanted of the late M. A. Jms o-Td rn n aOdHaC~ in îast weeks County Drama jolie. We fancy this young lady - IN THE MAT manvîlle. from Trinity United rfi Meadaws. Geo. Painter. Stan Fesîva1 at Newcastle. jcnralyat lopy.Ee rdy oer 9Th. Fox eat. Pho-E 2FrOR "y- ATE 0F T Churrh. last Sunday afternoofl. Couch, Jimmie Keech, Chas. Bon- ___________'n eJarketat. ws aniiet ILGK-èteUie rch Pa3rsl3.nage. mon. T Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Symons. athan, Donald Jose, FarneomlO!- 1I - itad maur-but theUited________________ron 48-1* BOWMANV î£ Rochester, NY., visited his aunt. LeGresley. Glenn Aluin and Claud pressive trio, with Cecil Dudley 'twelve dayst ad en mesug Bowmanville, by Rev. E. F.! - COUNTY 0F1 ( Mms. Gea. P. Rickard. 1Flood. o ' its5" ad notbeeni Armstrong. Nellie Mary Eliza- Articles For Sale QUIRE, DECEA 0, Diidiay.charactericover1 tethputbeth, youngest daughter of Mr. said. Every tme he came on the sc hrce vrwt Couny D amaFesiva at ewc stl th exrem dificuty f tis art ing, only son of Mr. and Mrs. with blower pipes, ini good con- that ahl creditors t Ida Goddard made a faithful, teeteedfiulyo hspr. G.B. Dilling, bath of lBowman- dition. rheap for quick sale; ing dlaimis or c 1A~~ ~7£w-i T & 1,,e s weL and sml mla"true and gave her an extra word f ville, Petaso-eol r iRange."oW. S. taples. who deon ore »'f 1 W on b Grou . 1 ewcastle P1ayer to the 2haracter of her prototype. praise. The Janetville YouOn aeteo Rae."oWd S.ving cl thoe stten0orh ____________ jinfortunate thiat surh an! Peoples Union would be well ad- Tyrone. Phone 196r11. 48-1 a !Auut a. -iprmesreo jdcilD ATHS FOR SALE - 1 PIANO AND A af Bowrnanville. (Catînedfro pge Isatisfactory and artistically cor- àan'oun. ! eras orbidno i o acndesothsing mr ___ suc Becky tth adincera r't At et teklctofan jinrd rFuture o! Drama Festival 1 -'~Inuniber good chairs. now stared Durham, are ec be in it and a! it. easy stage technique means a liraise.-Bc in Al ok l.idexandria Hall. Newcastle. fore the Ninetee Corniag ~raw and hobble-de-hoy piece o h" n na.lsn the .orki By and large. the first Drama FARRELL-On Sunday, Nov. 24.1 A ly aJ .W h. 4- ember, 1935, ta ofAg o Rra Dam work. No wonaer that the ad- th duîaa ad.IhdgetFsivlhsbe nudaubted 1935. at 760 Caxwell Ave.. Tor-1 paid or deliver The dawning of the dramatic judicator with ail the instinc0s oa! dilficulty in deciding whethcr £ ýurcess. the full measure of which onto. Dr. Harold G. Farrell, be- FOR SALE- SIX HORSE GAS Trust Company, urge in the small towns is a sîgn, a teacher of dramatir art should shaiild place -Becky Sharp" in the is for the future ta show. The, laved husband of Annie John- Engine. mower. grain drill, 10- 1Toronto. the ExE of the times. It provides a novel'. jm o1h tcnra alîg econd r third position-but wonderfully helpful advice and stn n his 45th year. Son of 20 McDeering trartor, Deerng 1 Wiii and Testan and it may be. disturbing measure: and mark them up as seriauseerti cndedIPaedtritcmo!heAuictrM. the late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick, grain binder. roat p ui 1 p le r, deceased theiri o f the imaginative range. Ther blemishes tird-which wa a pity! Peter Fergusson, must have dane Farrell, near Bradîcys. Dam- cutting box. Apply ta L. R. and descriptions S demure little schoal teacher may' The members o! the Bowman- foi his disciples mare than many lineton Township. Wood. Bawmanville. Phone 597 ulars in writing become a convinring and devas- AdjudiCator and Ris Task ville Dramna Club set thearnelvcs a months of desultary and unin- JIISI amnvle nF-Ior 55. J AEaI ntin g 5l e o F i -4 6 -tf a s t a te m e n t o f t l taigvamp, while an unsuspected; The adjudicator di a notable 'noble but diffi.?tilt task-J play formed strivîng. We. hope that dayhovembrt22.e935,Mase nblty fcarce may sping i bit of work, not in setting out the denafidinz r"al aîtistrv and a nlot only will this year s hed by hein o ieina!tharilateplcea.cot 'tnsin an arbitrary order-r and' anscame fpartîci-u A. James. bld hbnd ofiMiscellaneouS thednaytre 0f Ata li!e inthe trvilgemplceman, contuest 'oichý.They wllgo1again. ut the late Mr .Bay nhs- - _ -AND TAKE Ni Apart f rom the trivial impulse ta- ~o!mnenit, but in expounding so fare quite a lot btter. Good that others may be induced taeayJry nbsjCHRSIsc aimni wards distinction at any cast, much o! the Why and the Where-I luck! 1 jain them in the worthy cause o!1 87th yeSLIGHT HO R IOU -HAE xcu atr wi foeo tg rat tg ethe Rural Drama.2th195Chse Dra er charis. rfesoaavirjcaedangt The complete submergeflde o! the iings. ligbating. arrangemrentis. o-1 - -- _ 2t.195yhetrour fig Pofsina disrcasdaon thee s uc raljo i atilg freofstgeer!t Sag stt N'ewcastle Playes . Group I * Jolirnz.beloved husband o f i houtbigain hn s-teeahvn everyday personality in that o! ition. diction, tempo and ai sucii ecate lyesNoitGop hatlenMrryJon.onhibla83.MdaBatiter.Phaims a! hic a iiu n oeincaatr pre-ente tte first at of *The!atleMuryJhsini Ith loavgr fi ttisa d fa e g h r c e w ere dea t w ith w isely andi g ra e- Roat:'î"-. ire ted by A. B . M ain- 1 E W m year. s f _h c is a seriaus effort of imagination fuly-a eal feast o! wisdoifl and Tî lyscrdfrt -[IFRAIN WANTED-st r n*a and understanding. wv i t h ou t instructicn to be treasumed and i vmiIN I -wl o elal whicb, success is flot passible. But built on. Painstakingiy he deahti place in the Festival as a reahhy Mm. and Mms. Frank Ovens vis- T1NW TEsesoanpr sucesbmng atsfcion and'with eacb indîvidualpromneadpeeofomadThNnc ited in Tronto. CARD 0F THANKS' Names of persans at any tiîne persan or perso: that. to. on bth ides of the! and handed out praise or critîr- eMainwahnifr ki-obwa psnt- t Miss Giadys Pearce is visiting espnsiLe Fonetructongoe nce shaîl nca Th D am ti F stvairer iS a r. s a goo-bultu artn e r een. Maie experîenced I ws ocne t al m fr- Stricthy confidential. Liberah distribution. The ida fati Festival Daa not be earsumed -bith arotthan nyo!thoheemettas.A uber o! relatives fmm ends and neigbbors my deep Sp- reward. M. J. Henderson. Nom- DATED at Th Tuihe eaaFtedinalsorm naml.nn a h ako i.adhyaoic h oe vious rît- bere atîended the funeral of the :preciation and 1heartfeht sense of lthem Assurance Ca., 615 Yange, day of Novernb( gratitudtforfai their indiyI'Toronto. 47___HE__Y spired brain. It has taken oot teuito seset wic fîs;wnngfoete nave a te Ln ona"ly onihS.eaaddeeds in assiSting with t h e'_____________ HERY and steady and pembaps luxuriant plaoed Bawmanviiie thirdi in the 1 Coliecti'.eiy cmeetades.o odv ____________ growth an be aoked or. ust have been flot cnîv 1i w pefomances sood outa o Miss Elsie Walace visited. ber threshing, tbe pla'.vng and aterý Woodfo Sae9Yng grw cnightsooer for.acs n . uiavl an the higbet awamds for "Best parents. Rev. and Mrs. Wallace work on the !armn and for their for__Sale_59_______S Frîdlay ngtspromnenw u oe.Lady. and -BestGentleman", at Gi ernbank, Sunday. and found:many kindnesses ta mvrbhiide uedy ecme 0 ae By their Si weetoteei-I Newcastle Players, Group c r.Ov ibst as Mms. Ciug- alh well. rne Osleir. Hoslc weetoconclusive of the e r edbe mr.1,aGboas-s lgaiwe during mv nearly tbree montbs' Simpson will sehl on Lot 25, Con. 68 YongeS tence o! quite a lot o! talent to b Five groups entere theco, ston'. an d A. B. 'Maininal as Mr. and Mrs. Wihfmed MrKay tYi t ibe: optl ~ alnlf.fv ce !sad considemed as a detacbed dispiaylIpetit ion: Newcastle Players. Gmaoup j"Chaies' secuing theze distinc-land faiiyv visîted Inspecter and!Tamonta. Yeu bave ail been fi- I ing bardwaod timber, mostly ma- of play-actinlg. True they shawed i 2, presented, "Ail on accounlt o!fions wIth performances of eali Mrs. A. A. Martin, Brighton,! ends indeed ta, one in need. pie. in 14 acre hots, mare or less. UNPAID upthe lack o! knowledge o! stage'an Aaor. dîrected by Viola 'M. imient. The play is nleyer comiedy Sunday. Milton__Brown,__Toronto. technique, the can v le n t i o n ah ' Brown. The adjudicatol vasi -ne" cm deep or exarting. but ai- iMr.Wiiiis Jones spraîned bei aeo aet eoetme movements and tricks o! speech somewhat critical o! the qtiality ways entertaining. and tbe var- ankie last week. ossfrSl aeo aet eetme. Unpaid ani an gstrean lte ack o! godo! h i u ehaddq ilotis artîsts captumed tbe tone %witl Mi- andMms. FredCt ouch. New-________ T: M imn acine.your ssubscri. ditin.Bu sae ecniuei, ainasr o paie aMm. ro'nfidelîty. Apart from the two per- castle. were Sunday guests o! M.FO SAENW BIK U-j 48-2 year draws after ail, a craft. andi the techni- 1 for hem rendering -of Aunt Elen. mm-rance., whicb so mnuch imi- and Mrs. Jack Couch. galow, 6 roomns, on No. 2 High-, ------- -. cini nartisan. 'The stemeo- iI sabel tephenstin as Adelaide pesdteAju1ao.tepatM.Gog MChog1u- a tMpe rv.Raa- Timber Sale-The sinderiined I s aightening typed stage entrances and exits I gave a most creditable portrayal io! 'Winnie and Estelle Clugston" femed severe laceatiaris about the able prite for quick sale. Apphy wihi sehl by auction fan Mm. W.- B. IlI your subsi and ail comings and goinga and! off the chaacter, wbiie Mms. Mary1 taken by Noma Gihison and Win- 1 bead necessitating mnedical aid, i n in.rock. Phone 114W, Baw- MePhersofl. Lot 3, Con. 1. M7an- in the lunpai( roeet an be acquired like 1 Mason, as Mms. Hepzibah Green, nifmed Rcad eedoee!i-amtor accident Sunday. Pheased onnle .I8ace1a tadigtibr o- lssvith coge coat of paint. but the essential dmew mosi tterng ommnta and pîeasantîv. Clarence 10 knaow that. be isnot injur I 1 86-'resansadyngDeceber c7tb inv, itet o g soul o! acting, the art of tutful Vema ONeil as the mnaid. was true Aluin. th e rougli and eady 'Coun- seiously.FO SAE R NT8OM1poeofinadhrwot sbcpin portrayal, and tnuth here includes ta chanacter though as the Ad- i_1ilIo. Johin Clugstomi. J. P.' play- Mrs. George McCuhhaug'b and bouse and 21,- acres land, î'4- be sohd inU acre lots, more or annum, 1 S2.5 the whohe emaotîonah range wich judicator emarked. 'Hem Irish,'ed bis p~art in a buustering. breezy dauglhter were weekend visitars in acre in fruit- trees, o paved lesa. Parties given tihh April lst.I large amouni rings true is of the fabrîc a! the accent was a bit Scotch." The e-1 fashion. wliile ~Perey Cugston" jToronto. oad in centre o! Hamplton.j 1937, ta emove timber. Sale at ual, but in i mmnd. What mnatter if 'Becky maining two parts were taken by i %vas well patrayeti by Stanley jMn. George Stone, son o! Mm. Appîy to Mms. Chas. Langmaid. 1 p.m. sbamp. Terma cash. Elrner the publishei Sharp" commita the technicah e r- Gertrude Bonathafi and Doratby I Rickamd. and Mms. Jas. Stone, is ili in Port c o Roy McGill, Enniakillefi. 1 Wihbur. auctioneer. orlbln ror o! bowing ta bher audience in- Tenwith, who acted twco lave- 1 I eYugPefl' no op optl 6 "u ablr sta o o e saewente ikmaidens charmingly. Gen- i N caeu YKnenepl'sUnin eHpeHositl.463 TheadNewcastie YsagungwheeopîlsickGiad ta see Mrs.KeWaet -__________ po a! ofthe part has beern s rlyspeakîng. tiswas apraise- TeNwateYugPol' oeaften ber r etillness.___________________________ _____________wathy effort.. and this group with Union presented 'The Jewelled Mm. and Mms. Mitcbrii Zealand ouses ta Rent a htthe futhen experiencte. and a Hand", directeti by EmetGl'aetknu eiec nteHOUSE TO LET - SIX LAR phaywhib ,ght bing out their 'bank. This phay wouhd be di! fi- vlaebvn odtenfamt omwreeycne~(~ 'd o b t e t a le n t s . c o u l d d o q u it e c u it t o c a s s if y . P a r t a k in g o ! t h e 1 m o î h o s e l y il e e c , $ 1 3 . A p h . . D r c Bowmanville Draina. Club ;cal drama il, at times. came veryeS.. omFiaevngw n /A iir u a l i The BowmanvileDraina Club I near ta being gaod aid-f ashionedeti S.SB.roWmlFiays evengwhen 8- prsete "ekyShrp.directed; melodrama witb villains and moving pictures o! Dur ha M FOR RENT-S3IX ROOM HOUE Ph by Mi. Ed. H. Devtt. This was maîden.s sevedit at.Ms County. 8 Liberty Street, $15,00, pos- r f s i n lP o a v , 'eix ambitiotis effrt-an excel- Hilda Rowland as 'Ann Andrews"I Mr. and Mrs. A. Redknapp and session lst November; furnace, *UIUuI1~u jut n'isse be and Mr. Emersaon Fisher as 'Ware' Alfred visîted f rientis at Enni- bat. gts. hat vater.sgas ng a comnplete succeas. Certain angsve dy Apply Mms. Thomas Richards, i I n strlctly i dMetenetinnga!wic vm wetan îkahead eI IDIES CONTEST i s ec fa i;ngs in stage technique. ncli te ight? Miss Rowland w ___ ry centey you spendn ue S. 8-'l la ml rus ao hc c setadlkebeadw, and son, Toronto, weme Sunday vrcetyusli Durham Liberal i anc but he wý,as awae7 eeeit could find mna reasan why hem guesta o! Mm. and Mrs. Wmn. TO RENT-i OOME HOsE'oE e gvsyuoevt nph IociteAudctrunhappily, fiance. Bli BurrLs," phayed byWittaker. onEgnSrena coI ta make your littie friend A ssociat on 1-vwitb the esuit tbat BowmnanilliIM -. Ernet Gilbank sahould notl Mm. and M rs. Haoldi W ickett hardwoad floors, bath. furnace, a p t C rs m s ihE l r e TOWN HALL had ta, be content witb a humbler 1 appreniate bis good fortune by anr and Mm. and Mms. Wm. Chester,. and wired for electnin stove ap a hisms wt nlre mrarking than their performance lnunhbesie huhta saa eeetrandb r Apply Miss Hester Brimacombe one of aur valuable prizes eua ORONO melywmatd h otmsjmynet bave been prescibed i ndMsAthnRedknapp Phone 271. 48-1 'in the Rexaîl Contest. Sec eua hene wcee er fine and relectied 'the book. Wae anghd Tuesday aftemnoan and evening. - u idw.CL VIedn sd y great credit on the prodiceis ticklish job. andt l'ere were ifo- Mr and Mrs. L. D. Bell and ouse tOR sEtomy, .R. een- ec m e t. garb and pom'p of a periot-a tre- ~~n b ave coliapsed into, bathas Stapletani and Mm. anti Mms. Ge_ trie anti gas nonveniences. gooti Cooper Blades- Deceinber 4th . lendous Cadcp hc nis u or h' is timeiy succour. "Claire Stapleton. Jr.. Sunday.' ceihar. Possession Dec. Ist. Ap- succýs e.snby Missd f pMary V^Tuxis Square met on Montiay jply ta Mrs. S. Man.Ctr 193, t .30p.. s~'~~ e~ex d lotio!praSe Vn Dusen.took hem phleastiresI'ex enîngwiîh M. J. J. Mello inI St. Phone 266. 43-t 11 ani n t dff ute~ afieunsaichatsaly hoghM Id of each week fromn 9 a. mn. to 9 p. rm. Friuîts whwould have cdonc e rlu ta uuinRuthsoimms. was te eipeilLsr ueuk 248 ou' 525J. G. M. Bosnell in charge. a Morality play. IV be di!!- a! a miscellanelsboaibe wbicb the Exeuos ax nt i 'uit in the extreme ta exilant home o! Mr. anti Mns. Gordon eceiveti notice wilh be barieti asl COBOURG Office is opern SATURDAY of mucb ical wt. or- mich blanioims Martin, Lake Shore. ury&t hen Pach week fromn 9 a. m. to 9 P. rm. Gordon 'Montgomery Ray," Gandpa's Mn. anti Mrs. Ross Dickinson and 26th day o! November, 1935.J r & Lo eI E.G È ~gantson-Rev. H. C. Wol!raim. their frientis are feasling on vei- UEO. W. JAMES anti E antincharg~e. iti bis best by means o! a amil- ison fron a nice deer bougbl STUART R. JAMES. ExecutorsBw anil NOTE-Where at ail posible kIntIy Make appaitmfents i ng counitenance anti a certain a- home by M. Colwili f om Bays- By M. G. V. GOULDBw avleS E for exarnfatlons mount o! agiliîy, ta create the waler ast week. The whole par- Bowmanlhe, Ont., -1impression o! a care-free anti ty of seven secured five deer. Their Solicitor. 48-3 1w ý -h aI au CEarAWAY down b- TER 0F THE e rcis tO efur prIs fornew JOHN HYDE, -oo bued catrs maeit lon- [E TOWN - 0F ouent ariean Aid laz ILLE, IN THE always-in-the-repair shop car! DURHAM, ES- YouR price. YOUR terms. A.SED. YOUR Cars here - but. HUR- RY! HEREBY GIVEN -and others hav- clemands against IRo0y isaid John Hyde about the TenthN CHS 935. at the Town I HL in the County1 of DEALER FOR auired. on or be- enth day of Dec- General Motors Cars send by post pre- *r to The Royali CO0U R TIC E 59 Yonge Street. and Bowmanville (cutor of the last nent of the said _____ _______- namnes, addresses__________________ *s the fulli partie- 0 f their dlaims, MR. FARMER their accounts and Buy Your Disinfectant Now. .e security, if any. Beln bl a u Watkins' Germicide Dip andi Disinfect- ,OTICE that after ant in large drums 1 arn pre- mned date the s&'d paredta t seli at a great saving. proceed ta distri- This is the time of the year ta of the said de- i dean up stables, outhouses and Le parties entitled1 chicken coops. This is six regard onIy to the tîmes as strong as pure car- it shali then have bolic acid when testeti against the said Executor typhoid gerins. le for the said as- RC -S.5PE GALX irt thereof ta any PRE- 15FE GALN ris of whose dlaim ELMER WILBUR nt have been re- Phone 129r24 - - - Hampton the time of such_________________ Toronto. this 18th- er, 1935. AL TRUST A u c4Zr Street, Toronto, tret paidronsto AND PAID ad paid efe"s't ption. As the ta a close, the- gail accounts. ,I-uu, cription remains ~ JUIE ,d class, You are et Into the Paid our thanks. The rate is S2.00 pev the agg-regatet ra.lot. Looa Ehis Christmas tographer Engaged trough the Christ mas rush we have engage-d a yqualifieti professional photographer who Is giv- tionally fine photographs of chiltiren, residences, ,etc.r r75c -- Special 39c AT OUR STORE AND SEE SAMý%PLES. sired he xviii cati at your home and make any sizes. wV pE TE sXTCIA The danger gop in your shoe causes the metatarsal arch to foil-forces ONLY50C th'e toes forward-cromps them. Put §ACH this arch bock into normal pohition. Relieve cramped toes-coIIousos -leg and foot pains with the CAiL 0u E MOVE R 0 ", m d METATA 5AL SUPPORT :IAL OFFER--2 for 79C Found Durham County Club o! or I ontÀo holtis ils annuai meeting DWHITE COL- t anight at the home o! President mrit Camruthers. I anti Mms. W. H. Clemes, 123 48-1 i soulh Drive. Toronto. A college education shows a For Sale man haw-, devilish littlhe*,,,oither )URHAM COW.people know. ' iDec. 4tb, 1935. Prices o! admission at the sR. R. 5, Bow- Rayai Theatre are reeuned, com- 1. 48-1' mencing on Monday, Dec. 2nd. tRSEY BULL. 2 ly W. W. Henti- anvilie. Ph on e 48-1' [E SHoRTHOP.N solti: 100 bushel -galion oak bar- Apply ta J. H. mpton. Phone 33r2. 48-1* Z-ININE YORK- gs, 6 wveeks aid. R. R. 1. HamP- 48-1 ÎO&NG YORK- istereti. Apply W. rd. Bowmaniil oo e e!N w 48-1 okHr!-Nw ý Creditors ts nicely mounted $1.50 dozen