PAGE TWO ± TAIO, HU D, ÂNOcu x. £IV MBER 28th, 1935 Dbe %anabin 5b§mamn Established 1854 A Weekly Newspap2r devoted to the interest.s of the eow9e of Bowmanville and siiiroundinig country, issued nt King Street, Bowmanville, every Thursday. by M. A. James & Sons, owners and publishers. The Canadian Stateanian Is a memnber of the Canadian Weekly News. papers Association. also the Class "A" Weeklies of Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada. $200 a year; in the United States. $2.50 s year, payable In advance. Single copies, 5 cents. THURLSDAY. NOVEMBER 28th. 1935 "I FoIlow a Famous Father" Editar's Note-The follawing verses by Edgar A. Guest are particularhy expressive of aur thoughts at this time: I fallow a famous father, His honor is mine te wear: He gave me a name that was free f ram shame, A name he was praud ta bear. He lived in the marning sunlight, And marched in the ranks of right. He was always true ta the best he knew. And the shiehd that he ware was bright. I falaow a famous father, And neyer a day goes by, But I feel that he lookcs dawn ta me sadness of his passing that the fountain of Uis success in if e was bis earnestness as a Christian and a gentleman. The source. of his capabilities could hav-e come f ram nowhere else than the gift of an ail seeing divinity. This final parting ef the earthly ways leaves us wvith but ane resolv*e. that we carry on the high standard, and fine traditions he adbered ta. that we take from bis if e ail the fine tbings which made hini respected in the cornmunity, and carry them forward in The Statesman and in the com- munity as a memorial ta a man wha> loved them bath very greatly. The Life of Mr. M. A. James (Taronto Daîly Star) A man who linked this generatian to the early histary of Ontario and wbo did much mare than his share in molding the character of the prov- ince in il.s mast impressianable period. passeci away yesterday in the persan of Mr. M. A. James o! Bowmanville. For more than fifty years he was chief editor of the Canadian Statesman. a well-manageij weelcly that absocbed eight other local papers in the Bawmanville district. Prev- iausly he bad been a public schaal teacher and principal for ten years. Before that. again, lie had warked on a farm. after coming from Devon. England, where he was born. He iived ta see his 86th year and bis death beceaves a large family circle and brings a feeling of regret ta thousands of Canadians wbo knew bis sterling worth. Mem- Ta carry stndard hgb. necai tne rourta istate, mn partcular, ana ce--""" s"l I Sel mon .H. effery Tocryhi tnar ih m so teFuthEtt, npriclr vilt-and give yau the assurance of By David Wslliams dtro h Me steod ta the sternest trials. member with gratitude thie serices he gave to that "sure and certain hope" Collingwood Bulin-nepse Asol rv a ai nwpprascainad i otiuint h that is yet before us. Your fa- The Port Ferry Star. and Publishe h As nlya bavemancan nwspperassciaionan Usconribtio tath ther was -a good man full of Port Perry. Ont. Fourth Ett Thougis the way be long, I must neyer wrong. standards a! Canadian journalismn. !years and o! thse Maly Ghost." sa Dear Mr. James.-Wam Asin mye! m Thse name a! sa good a man. M.Jmscudrcî b asa alwcn for him we do not soccow as men I note the passing o! your f a- own question mythuhtunsa dles, when anhy mansions passessed bathraanis. without hope. ther yesterday. and wish to ex- one, venerable, ripc.d n h I !ailow a famous f ather, Mis "Edtors Talks- a widely-read feature a! bis A. L. Fleming press to you my sympathy in your ways surrounded b red h Weil known ta thse printed page. paper, were filled with neminiscences of the past. ,Bso fts rtic los. e. ys o wlh reandz that ever enjay his rfnd infe And writtendown in th wtise'lifeownashcompveete, ands tfbateaWd hresouccefulancaananesonscep. A n d r it e n d w n n t h w a l d 's r e n w n T e y a v e h e i e w s 0 f n e w o b d c r s s e C a n * ' ills id e , " H a m ilt o n t h e e n d w a s in e v it a b le ; y e t . b e - H e is M o s e s A . J e, f r h l As a prince o! a giorious age. ada' and the Atlantic many times with the keen THE LATE X. A. JAMES My Dear George: cause af your constant cane. and century or mre- n e, s But neyer a stain attacbed bim eye o! a trained aobserver and Who interpreted I waà surprised and greatîy because o! the memories of a sociated vitb he owavi And neyer bie stoaped to shame; events from the viewpoint o! the reformer. Me * Igiieved to see in thse *Spectator 1og1n apycopnon -p Statesman. last night notice o! the passing your bereavernent will be keenly It was in 1899,ath wnd- Me was bold and brave. and ta me lie gave vias a born crusader and deligbted to work for lib- of a! rvnrbî ater ndm feit. Your consolation is thse fine fui transcontinena Th rd fa oetnm.eralism in politics and for moral and temperance '..-tzens in A ll W alks higbly esteemed friend wbose inheritance of lite and ser-vice, the Canadîan Pes soiain I falow afamos faherreform. He was a devoted member of tbe Metbodist kîndness to me as a boy. youtb swhich your father gave. and theI that we first cmntocoecn 1Andbim I fmus th nmd ebis oryaht ofth ied Churca.d Frmo r et1ife and man wili not be forgotten conviction that if e somehow is 'tact witb Mr. Jms«M a ChucdsformosIo!bisday an moe LinPIIminci: iI~whilst 111e lasts. Mow wehl I ce- eternal. Mrs. Farmer joins nme in younger then, and u brl e gaebi oyly oth nie Cuch ormreO L f a y3 AAAbu Le member thse coming to town o! kindhy wisises. Yours truly. fore had came fca iedsca Thaugh bis form is gone. I must carry on ta ot ei i a raue fhshm the former scisoolmaster to take Samnuel Fariner- the schooh teachert hto h Tise namne tisat be left bebmnd. chrb eitnse iiefmnams vr-T L t ~ 1~ is seat in the editorial chair o!f editor. In thateetu he It was mine on tise day hie gave it. tsn htcudbecnîee"ioesm-i v. *~The Canadian Statesman." I Charles Bush Limited. week.s or mare. vihte ude It shane as a monarch's ccawn. v:as thirteen then - nw I'm 105-111 Davcnport Rd .1tWhio ciossed Westraaai And as fair to see as it came to me rsat.tecliain0 lwr.faenlsceysvny Toronto. 1 state, in a speciatriwta 1wark. agricultural iniprovernenl. civic governiment Tise T. Eatcn Co. Ld. ary in the afternDon. but Mn. Wbenever I returned ta Bow- Dear George: Otwloea vr ttow e It must be when I pass it downi and the welfare of young people. IDesir M ae: Toronto. Oný Tapson Sr. died and the funeral 'nanville îmy birtbiplace) no The notice of your fatber f am orgtacqtuan hs 0 h ;'.as on thatoda Such a man. tisinking ever o! tise good of others J a idec regretstha the aau t s Sunday aind Mn. band shake was warmer than bisideath in this inornnz*\ paper, Party Whso yet ceanem br sehf-ggi'ndizment gaied n t Prsdnt deepiregrethosaitise wa, set outneeded at homne. I and no one could bave sbaxvn a brought back-tond nmenionies ofi -"Mr n. Rsn t The SSenior dtoEditor s Passesr tOnnofather- tgrandofmentasgasupplDy.reand. as _nd maietokînfdthyinteenestt in thelyaandta e meearsnwbenntrbetwiatha omembe yeno wOenthewacaontracy beim aspMaays In isedeai f ar cvecd ftisr. nd dio nhy tise esteeni 0f the community. wicb is a ýComoany have lea:'ned of tise vas a strangen to Enfiehd. YOur boy" who went out into the warld a! the Book Room Board. I did 1t o. nthe en ie.itmc Inth dat o or evre fthran eitrpricehess asset and source o! satisfaction, but some- i passing o! yaur esteemed father. fathier went along to my great tc fîgbt its baltes just bah! a lske your father. and so dîd ev- whîcb ges its isneter. o Mr.eMoseuA.o!amTisendStatesatancM.onA.whJamess Tise etaesman osesTe St 'bo for More.tJanmlsaI!ha thing yet more preciaus. the love of a happy fai- M.MssA ae.adte aifcin century aga. erYone else who met hini. He va- by tise weekly menadtese Wish nc, on tbeïr bebaif. te as- A-other plea._ant memory: The I .iain witb a hast o! others in a true friend. and bis kind]iness is known by the goo ay ae Statsma loes ne ho fr mre hanliaf a ihy. A touching feature a! tise fiftietis anniver- sure you o! their sincere sym- yeac before tise above. my loto- expressing ta the family o! tise and ýood judcn'ent made hîmIii century wiseiy dicecte.d its energies ta tise upbuild- sany o! bis editorial lite was the public tribute to patby. tiser and bis wif e sisited aur departed jaurnalist my deepest sta and sse iha-, no cuet ea valued asta the Book Roomi. ibamer ai tise asscain ing a! a community o! wiich its editor was justly the integrity o! bis ile paid by bis sans, ta wisom M,%. James was well known for home aven the 24tb of May. Yaur sympathy in their bass and ta ne- I stihi remerno>er wh wat ai - But I knew EdtMJae a proud. Tise community bas lest one Who bas hie had turned oveî' the business. i outstar.d4ng ability in tise fatheir and I botis bad invitations cord nîy respect for his memory. tec tion Dr. Briggs lsvays regard- ta learn more ar.n ae !Bw newspapec profession and bis tram Rev. Dr. Hare to the May Faithfully youcs. ýed him. manville. If ther vn a ,served as its mayor, and Who was activehy inter- Pi-ide in a wel-counded, useful liiie. rather than Passing v-Il be keenhy moucnedi Queen celebration at WJîitby and Charles R. McCullougisIM sdalngfiîflltan oa iie1! on ony ested for more than 50 years in ail tise wathwiie glaomy sarrowing, shouid be uppermost at this by ail %,,-o bad tise pleasuce of was ta go up witb bim. Me 'Founder o! Canadian Clubs" Ibhis path %%as tbickhy stnewn vvitisý indeed a home istittwsM endeavaurs in the community lite. timie in tise minda a! Canadians who knew o! tise knawviighgim. .,ioanned it sa that Mn. and Mrs. -kînd acts. He leas'es many sweet' A. James. He spak n woeo Wbiie bis deatis was preceded by a long period quaity and influence of tise lite o! M. A. James ai Yours stnrerely, I JamFes, my brother and bis wife. Renfcew, Ont.imemories beind bîm. One can the combinationnyrn o!ilnes dnigwbchhechiqusse al civ Bwavhh.T. A. McCrea, I[and I ail went ta Wisitby in tise Mr. George W. James: In. missituil t ofiles urn hc ierlnusedalatv Bwail.Director. 'James carniage. and we srl:Yu ahr a asdt syeacs bas passed on ta tise'lood o! tise hometwnadc - Interest in Tise Statesman and tise community. ,sch ou htsrba asdt isfotepsseretata an!an pptuiyasysmehg bad a deligbtfuh day. My bro- rest. Me ived ta an age wbicis Great Beyond. One rather teels mnunity. He ha(lafrmble nevr-he-es hs dat wil ak frntthecon-An dior ases682 William St.. London, Ont. tiser and bis wite neyer forget is not permitted ta many, still1 grateful for having been permit- itisat tise way ta ato lc munity one wbom we beieve played an impatant Dt as ae ysrgyplan the 1niness of 'aur' tather and bis taking off will came as ai ted. at least ta a smali extent. to good place in wbibt hv a paxt in îft.s develapment and growth. twsaay n pln h0mhe that dy thougbt af shock ta î'ou. Sa we ar 1wiing h ave, camre within the orbi !bs abl tt eago lc._ Comig t Tis Sttesian s us ne owerLindsay Daily Wander when your father passed away I'dl1the Wiitby trip as I attended theeta ofer houtsbiatof t yau.1peconahityif Coming, a ttd tan' wihot nyprviusnesapcxpninc. . . Tise Fourtb Estate bas hast a ceal persanage mn attend tise funeral. Now he istunecal 0f my sister-in-haw tise Yauc father lived long 'and Yaurs sincerely. noie ai a schoolmatrn b witoutanypreiou nespperexprieceM. .gone and tise way does not seemi week o! younr Centenany celebra- usetuiiy and wvas an example ta Wilfrid C. Kettlew,,ellh iad taught with ucsh Jamies injected into tisis newspapec tise enecgy tise deatis o! Moses A. James. a! Bowmanvihe. and clear ton me ta go. For one rea- tion. I arntise onhy one left of ahi af us in isonesty and upcigbt- aame ietî'1ruh a i eky esae newspaperdom bas hast one of its ablest and best son, I bave been doing emiergency thiat party af five. neas. Iiwas awaecs asaur-e0f and to weely nws pcoI andi enthusiasm o! bis personality. As tise yeans qaiidEitn.Da1 emsdEio amssph Or noea is îyiVc snee yus.stregtb inar newspapeor hi!oefta;gnt eraeditinexelneo rolled by The Statesman gcew in populan favon wbihe lhe was in biis 57tis year as an active news- colegiates ahi week and I feel likeJ John Elliott bercop n sa rn ie eeaeuiir with tise cammunity. It grew in size and influence. 1nesting.Frmr ricialaiB.M.S.yor atisr, W E. m lfed.M.LeterF'om writing, diversificaine!,bogs a.nd tbrough Us effots it secured an enviable paper editor. Mc. James was a gentleman offao 1I1aîways tbougbt o! bim as one Frm -PrniplofBPH . o nte an otW. mlfed . A L te oand interest, sucis sgv ati place in Canadian .oucnaiism.manaiiyadne 'belte aswhrodd good. tcue inan. He bad an in- 3253 Yonige St. Toronto. Witb sincere regards, LtS ectin o! Cnianiornhim out. H conduted anewspaer, wiTo ha a dhigh, digni!iedll and possladbIly M. A. James haved bis town, laved bis wack, hove anoutyMe conutedainie.spaer.wisich d qil a ead idait y rahi b ison and I arMY Dear George: E. Roy Syes A FaLler T enviable standing i nos e and stylequite distinctivehMe wieided a quihioinua gav d o tha th eleios ai hîm The Durham County Club a!, Editor Rentrew Mercury If js i cea ~hset a in s asin nigsincecepctbe sorrechtiu tahave ta do watds tise years before Toronto baving note-i witismucis1 sDaughters îsevngan dea ne wsaP sh clise* home, and loved b ns icn Totosecot s oeha nmialemneradbi anug 1W jillness began ta tell on im. I . regreîtishe deati of your illus- lEnterpnise -Bulletin Presses Ltd. est neWsPapers lbewotcaeuiy frte our eyes tise bappy bomelif e af aur yaul. We undrectabdt yet 50 simple that al Who nead cauid tbink lie bad a genius for friend- 1 tious faîben. we isasten ta con- ColnaoOt ete .vaigteI n alwd tisstyl !"is r undertand Edior Jmes aso hd th habt ofship nd 1shal alwys b than- Colingoodont.andetalwaveasngwithInauthoiowe tyestMe hink ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d aln agin a!tie o nd adic h psed aîngtaE itr Jm esicialo d is a denb ta!s bi a df ha1hw ys b t an -ey ta yu and toa lal sorraving Dear George: Thoughts of The Statesnan's h n e d o deahing editeoiathy witb municipal topics and events uIthat he caunted me among his rlatives a sense o! aur sympathy Sorry indeed ta cead in today's, Senior Editon During Latter <non EgnTieTes us, and we just as bappily look back upon tise oc- a! tise day that wece of common interest, in a fniends. I dont know wbh' ie land condohence in tise deaîbot pprha ie asngo ou bndered' ai hnahesi casional chastisemenîs lbe meted out ta us. posa- did. but I was glad o! it. and Ioe1 io a0inmayyeîs e-patier. Accte par arteîtoyf -Years of H is Life %vbere unless a str a evr ibly realising now as we f ailed to realise tisen. tisat amanteo rgeog and intellig e Mbiies w iwthe eteiamm.onac vereciand bonored member o! pathy. Yau wene tuaei Lorn Villa. ifed * or suPported ytscdtr he was incuhcating inte us many o! the attnibutes a an is uredsnsohesiteiionb hmand i~Who aýallhaingbim 5 ayyac a al chair, il findsil atais ~hc aebe eesr nlvn citizens and Wbo set a gaod epon sîbaorîiîtaîes hin fr ouahil bavmng td n o aBownianihle. .aste basket. M wsHr(et exampe asMayor Itbieangeat tsingfoc iunwblirnsnmantestd anintecestini~me your tather was aîways a' Feb. 8'i. 19.3'1. boast tiat leadersn cua a! Bowmanvilhe. Me was a scisool teacher and a are heu ta b ave tise memeory oftise aifains a! thase in Toronto wvarm friend. I always enjoyed Mv Dean Daugisters:godWian puhc ntet M. A. James *was a virile writer, and those o! o un chiuciman and many o! bis most widehy copied sucis a father, and you surehy whso bel d allegianre with Durisai meet inghi.Hissncrty Is have been thinkn.-ho readers wba knew iim in bis prime wiih beai' wit- bave the satisfaction o! know -igCounty and ils citizensisip anng m . er is inesn the dbis about tishf.a a Isid be tise outtnigia îes t th curge it wichbeatackd heedîtorials were tisose tisat deaht wilh tise Scisool, tisat evenyting tisat loving cane Who for 57 years was tbe chiel one otawaswsapa-latltest e. Yau expi ef .',e tu:-es ai ail ness'spapc.epcal bhlngs lbe sincerehy believed were strong. Like any hl and hrtae in bis.ews w'as broad-mmnded coulci do for iim was done. exponient o! tise news o! tise ing and impressise. Iso g e ratthîiP oser the great tise e lIes, w hicb ugd an hrtbe nhsvesand sehdom, if ever I join witb tise many who will place lisrough "The Canadiani Yaurs tcuhy. imnirav"ment in MY h"_altb and T' arIv ather brancho!junis. it er is ma b in h w s at ah ay n gb. ut d ppd Us pen in tie m uddy ink of s ander, scorn t n e x r s i n ! s m a h t t s a " c h m a and Who D avid W illiam s amn er v sure yot"* exPress,,on. M ake your w eek j wo t b e nce baving canvinced bimself ai tbe stand bie0 in tisis hour a! sorrow. And yet. cannied on its offices for goad, an w'ere ro st siocere. This impor- %vas tise gospel M. A ae ra ihouhd take on any public malter. lie feanhesshy and sancasm. The Canadian Statesman bas biazed Ilet us be comforted. another gaod bonour ta bimseh.! in dlean edi- Bridgens Liniited. tant tboughL h'xs corne ta ite and rised. We bave iseadiiints ursued bis course irrespective of tise nesults, a wide trail for good in tise nessspapen field and it man gone home! torsbip. 160 West Richmond Street, I tbank my Creato-r ir he mea- dayýs of the Canada PesA- ihics s'erefataîw'ys heasnt.bas now su!fered a distinct loss. Newspapeî' me I i'cal a Sunday outing your' Deatis is a sad and sarrowtul Tocante sure o!fisealtis I arn enJoyýinz at'socatian, w'hen ilt inTo- wihwr o laspesn.tiscougisout tise Domninion join wilh the Daiy War- father and I had if June 1909. event at al l imes and tisere is a Dean George: mny advanced are. I rn'ieibeir ta. befone the Presetfn rc Il was bis friendsisip witb tise late James McGili der in extending regrets and deep smah csyrnpaîabt a t eteterbebak ned he oe Wl yultm ji il yu ovtatYasao v h elatc f .W Rev Jhn G rbutltas aine tise terrilemban cidtedzene somavinîyothet mtheinweteaour boss'tmatyear afothetie peph* tcofa the C. W.N. A a! eram 0 yea s a! age they were o d. I tie continent. i od up y u )ulk o! bis estate te bis native town on bis deatb James. Canadian Statesman, and former 0ao f t Je -. ns. , ut iha mdeaîon ad.aiust ap-, when I retîî'ed fnom active busi- j ith ldeais-he sad ve n ________ reacbed that peniod 13 years ago ideals-if tistIwat is dn nan yersago Itwa duin Mr Jaestenrt, remases one a! grand aid men o! news- preciation a! tise opinions o! othens. Me esche w- nessan d was tisankftuhtiat my os'er a bis felhIow emes. ts mayan a! tise town that tise decision was an- A Fine Citizen Passes paperdorn. Dating back ta tise days beione Con- ed sensationalism but toak care ta cos'er carefull 3 alh as as go as il w-as thn,%asagoo ting. bterts ved at. 1 ehb od. hnWsa db It s eldm ha a anwhoe ricipl nteess ecalian, bis cannection witb lise newsPaper ife Itise legitîmate news af tise district. Il is notable 1as 1 neyer expected in mny younger' memrbers realized ir; o, ui I is sheh a to hat akan he prcti painterestsnPeterboro Examiner i o! is community was tiai ai th i ee , W o t a u in r w eshp t e C n d n S a e -i lie ta reacb ad age as I liad aof w iat e sad sun n a d 4riculture thal was bis. He was bowever a son CoseatraOtaitoend on vein tspgo .A Jca es. 10w-n ol w in tisheopul g ftise splendid man absanbed no fewer tisatb eigbt atier local tacks o! inlammatory rheumat:sm In bis Dunsam cunytwM r tise fat-m. His parents were hardy' pioneers lseve rears agoie icteiced !r ofMbusinesssbut ilh-odayith p oofBowrnanvihle is iiroud kapers. Thsis in itsehf was a proof a! thie ability and iad been sucis a martyr' te A. James and bis faiyocya rm tise Ohd Land, and Mn. James deanhy lov S' vrlyasag i eied a! bsies uti ody fMn. James as a newspaper man. Natwithstand-j indigesten and acute sick bead- Prominent place-as, syssuc id was ever loyal te tbe Matiser Country w'iichis ta ft possible ta Iiink o!fiim as atisen than M. Allisougis ie retined fror tise newspaper busi- ing the exacting ssork o! editor lie faund lime ta 11,at Ihv enavci a n ms n gemgw ii' hm iris Mi feqen cossng wreprofA. James o!thie Statesman o! Bow'manvihhe. Il ness in 1919. leaving tise management o! it t i vt atis ulirhiiu adsciliteeîteacuthae gas aîaks tiaI tHerand i-d f unvihJ fthis devation, and he even upiseld tiscougis bis svas tbroughi bis newspaper that be îahked with tw'o sons. Mr. James i. wehl remembened by bis of tise camimunity and also to travel exten.siveîy. Itected my' heant for some 30 ta Ras O! tise' Wîiset es ewspaper and inhisperona lie. hties f and ta tise people a! bis district and lhe brougisî colleagues in tise profession as One aftie aId scisool I*..... 35 years. I hîav'eexperienced flic lon. George Perry ws treia kpr eweCaaaadteOdLn.inta, existence a great nevspapen. and bis son, of jaurnalism. a man wbo belîeved in tise power of symiptoma o! dying mare thian a weekly editor, an atesie n e o b ut'een C ana d a rnd tse O d ad. th e G eorge W . Jam es, sa.,con înued th at trad ition , It ie press t e do good in t ie om m uity i t serve . (T h e T oronto G lobe ) once. w ri er be ng am on g t is ot e s I osblt hth neto.FrtrahBwav .hwvr sud in md, i îfirly' d H belteved service 'sbi a- pasbittateuneto.Faenlsoc- i great Canadian. He came imb tise newspaper svent fat' beyond tise use ai bis influene s n j 1maves a weekiy riewspaper publisher and editor ht.ono f If. i 3 gaG land i h ieo ties honored him ' th bush offices, thbc hîurei field firoithme rank.s af scisoal teacbeîrs as many paper editor and pubi.sîîer. estOne usna b sevedbi causn n bscmuît iî eis mna brea i fl'n sas 'sib iselit e bisftonfhecdi *ted in hlm tise of ils funds fat' 40 years. alliera base ooie. He was isusy witb bis own iw'onk. reeve. mayor. countie.s damimioner. and a-da istinction fan mare tisan hall a century. He pur- rn a.9any people experience tram ' svnoiiivn for gaodciinsip id the agricullunal sacîtes gave ta bini thse bard- but lie ahways rnaged ta fiiid timne t10da otset' interested officiai o! agricullural and isorticultural cisased tise Bowmanvihhe St4tesman in 1878, and :bheiimatic ailment or a t h e r Inlsiscsatîtesest tta.skofai al, tisat of ccretary. Me passianately tîîîngs, parîîcuîarîy if tbey caine under tise gen- .'ocieties. ise made a gr'eat contributian la tise ile '0'ninued as its active isead until sorne fifteen troubles. I bave no bad ai' pain- n tis Pro;indalan gnea reci al these tisings tise bard watts, tise resiion- Ierai isading o! public service on tise advancensent ovie omntywet s lvdan 'nkdfr en aocemiigioevr priipn flitenItrulsts naoit 'oncisas a ie oa bad >1lity, and tise knosvleIdLe that se s'as phaying bis a! bis cornmunily. He %vas councîlar and lie va~s se long, tise b usiness until recent yeans. During bis ca- tmy tnaiendave'ho seenton-ei ahi dai vhicsbi ea adwb zt In cmmunitylife. nayor; c was ecretar caratenîparal sieseihaver ganeslavetiîo rrciaseideoca iimaAnd.d n 1919 he decided ta laeer eiglît otiser local papers were absarbed, and final cesI. and isere arn I w'îitifgJ andti i voteasieadwt n 4 asedta a TseStteanani an aecand of tise Liberal arganization: be was tI'Casunec even aithough lise bad fat been active for soie îos'ing Meavenîy Fatiser, v ankng, M.An idanto aia floro h tteia n ab vro is cisunch. AIV.ays was bie btlsy. years, h islil be sincei'ely mourned isy tise îown lies. Mr. James serveti as Mayor a! bis town fan I im fon long life crow'ded with' offices incîudîng thtvmar ,t task ta twa sons. One' son. Norman S. B. Tisere are limes w'ien anc ta îempted ta make w'hicb ise seî'ved. To bis bereaveti !arily The to years. and s'as Counicillor and Reese for a blessings and tise many~ pleasures ion tw'a terms-ailieameior mes, !oilowlng bis fatiser i <oniunitîy endea- use af Ibat phrase about anc beîng 'a gentleman Times extentis its sympatisy and regrets, alîbougis egtby peniod. besides contribuîing o! liis timie anti atsantages Ibis worîd ai- ail indeeti, he desird fatit oenmuicialfads, sucis as tise deligis, coin- he sveanied o! wehidig u r, paSSed away ere tise atîgel o! deatis deîgned î eî ad scisool'. and w'e are certain it applies thue regrets must bc tenîpereti by the tisaugist that tamncia ntenests in generai. iforti nij350 huad !feig" eis.tsIh a call tise vetera.n editor ta a better life. Despite îmîîîngîy ta tiseitanie ai M. A. James. Ripe in il is fat ail sannow wben a man Whso bas lived so0 i-etlrement Mr. James î'etaîned lus intenest if age as nluen caunit Yeats, and having gone farîber fine anti full a life as did Mr. James, Passes ta <inrgston Whig-Standard) andi no seniaus misisapa attending this Partictilar spisr.hfiet e etatesm an until ailing hîaltis peventcd hu. alng the oad than îa perm ttedt ta 1051fol k. is eternal rewad. miles ih dme bro t eC na in F urh a Y o ! hetravel s 3a hnd a d ae lgi s a uhi measine îsrie Uxitil lesa thanfilve years ago he accasianally ise leaves behind Ibim a memaory o! a ife s'eu isigiheimmera ie Cnda ari nJyed o!thetru'lsiat Iae aily at isison.i e itnjde iee Lrbuted bis "The editOr Talks' colurnn, tram spent and ai day's prottably invested ini wortsy EioE5sersPsesAt avle. Mn. aes was edîtorA. ad s pubhisiser ainapeanti ofisres of'man elt as ecetntiseunuuaocors [ch newspapet-s from neai' anti fan svere pheased effort. tvsadaknm derpetsoanueng t iuote. tise Bowrnanville Statesman foc fi! ty-seven years. ivsa n t ittn yerpennts O! announding oft tiseebegdnnlng Toot aledEmpire) anti was very favorably know'n anng tise news- dean relatives in England. Oh, fl0fths btrtce lbeWul vtda there 1.5 lttle onean wriwien death sts sGrand Old Man Dies Jurahsrba Milani inti isitirenta viiaso mlanys i eodya.tstte horair alst a sorby representative by paper men o! Canada. In addition ta ulssnoygrs wa yitsa la-and iini urn gîve plactaayu- d(>wso realy ponthefamiy, et n te ltiliste deatis o! Mn. M. A. James. ai Bowmanville. a fîrst-class w'eekly newspaper, tise hale Mc. James ljunes I bave enjoyet ini this gooti er C<' »mari. bis death has braugbt, we cannaI but teel4Osiawa Dail3y Times)lot' 57 yeans editor tise Canadian Statesman. He took an active interestiIn tise cîvîc life of Baw- aId worîd in my busy andi profit-_ A aw'eekly rei pprmu -e la a klndred grief araunti us among those Tise pa-sing in Bowmanville early on Friday~ madie it ane ai tise beat weekiy newspapers In On- manville, wiicb isis sof, tise present edutor o! Tise able life. îbrohugisOu tishe yeas eaan W wha knew hlm. We feel happy arîiist the iorfing a! M. A. James, foc 57 years editor of tise 'lanao. is 'ieŽws On public ques.,tions ee xres-Saesa- Sdarln1n Surely I bave mny asos.. anti agaif Met EdR& Jmsa r IP b c ci i ti SI l Il h1 f ati nt iot sound, and sweetness passes are thinkiflg of you and of your for ail the pleasures, joys, bless- !Senior Editor Lays Down Ilis l'en away from our midst. But ail, great lozs. Please accept nv i-ig n advantages I have been that the world knows of best cere sympatby' In your case h emtted to share and in midst sPran from sorrow and ini loss lias some comlpensation in i of angers seen and unseen have strage aysthethigs hatthe satisfaction you ail can have, been spared t my 83rd year. seem the hardest ta bear steadily at the bonored position y.our f a- 1TI'uly I have been blessedi above tend t.o malte us better. ther held in the commiunity and nîany. Vhy should I complai~ if Full of Years he done his work in the profession. Not rnany at I anm tenllorarily laid asic17r and did it weill and Uis life was the close of ie are so widely re- deaf iess now in mY old age ater one of useful endeavour. We cognized by~ sincere tributes f rom 'being priviieged ta have so mucb rnourn his loss and revere bis ail parts of the country. Yuo h elpesr n aifc memory, and for long his life wil] have a fine heritage to carry onl tion in life. remain. and I knowv you will do your part Ten think of the happy 53 ' 'yasI spen ibae0 h That. He who knaweth ail. and worthily. vearst oe f h sends ail things for gooci. may Your aid friend. best women as wife and mather sanctif y ta Yau' and ail the mem- Fred H. Brigden. of my fine family of girls and bers of the family this His dis- President Brigdens Liznitediboys of whom I arn so proud. pensatian is the earnest ivish and- Truly. when i attempt ta sum Toryonh DramCub 62 Eastbourne Ave. 1'up my blessings they are so many Tanain whose behaîf and Toronto, Ont as te be almnost past finding out, name this is sent yau by Dear Mr. James:, and what a joy and blessing they Sincerely yours. Kindly accept our sincere ,sym- have been ta me, and are that Durham Old Boys Club. pathy with you in you.r bereave-I st:ll. and every one merits my Walter H. Clemes. President ment in the death of your father. pi-de and love. W. F. Maas, secretary Since learning- of the passing ofl Sut eh I arn greatly bhessed J. D. Keachie, Treasurer my aId teacher, my mind has1 among men. I am sure, too, that been brooding aver days of long]you wIl with me in mny Bisop's Lodge. ago, particularly at Bradley*s cause for mY great rejoicing. 2 Elmsley Place. Schol, and later. in Bowmanvile This is the only letter of this High School in which your fa-1 tone I have written. Dear Mr. James: Trat ther was always much interested 1 With love and ail gaad wishes, In this morning's issue of the and for which he spent much 1 Father. Taranto Globe I read a! the time and work. His was certainly1 death of Yaur esteemed ft a hife a! wonderful usefulness for; 'Thi isjus a ne a tayh the public, and I fully trust that sorrY I arn ta knaw f this sor- yu may be long spared te per-1 D T R row that has cme ta you and to petuate the legacy which has sYmpathy with yau. May God warthy parents. I H ave MV et expess acyiorny verynce ore bieren hndd awntoyasb PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATES21JA-N. BOWVA-IW7-T.ýé. n7ýýAwm 'rwTTI>Qr-%Aý