PAGE FOUR TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1935 -0 TheShawSchools provide Eifecti',c Trahiing f<r Ac- oount lng, Secretarial, . xe-Cutive and othe. posidion4 . PIa.i'.ment Service m intainced hog a Special Modél Office is ftrIe 10 graduates and E.mployPrs. In- spectiOn Invted. C urricîu1îm mal- e onreques ls-iId iOflIic-, iBay and Charles It4ldg., Torraito. 41- 5 C.H.Tuck, Opt. Eyesight SpeciaIisý meAuthor o: OptoetlYFeature Service The CIld and t h c hl anoma le, e eih anti glasses for evpin me t 1 01' pp. P. 0. OSc a , vOnt. in but also the new high school. The church anti Suntiayscol building bcing conspîcteti, the op- enirig took place on Suntiay, Dec. 6th anti l3tb, 1890. This i.s the third churcb ta be detiicated on this site (the landt bcing given by Mr. A. Fletcher). The first was operict anti dedi- catet ian 1848, anti the second in 1870. For what now foilows we are indebtedti t The Canadian States- jmars o! December lOth anti l7th. 1890: Bowmanville Methodists w c mee singularly forturiate in the seler- taon o! the days for the opcnirig o! their new chsarch, for the wea- ther on Stinday anti Monday was most propiciaus anti the roatis faii-ly gooti for wheis or run- ners. The ser-vices wcre attend- cd isy. it is estimateti, 1.300, 1.400 anti 1.500 persans in the morn- ing, afternoari anti evcning, me- spectiveiy. Dr. Carman. General Superantenderit, delivereti a grand sermon tin the mamning after reading the dedicatary ceremany, is wbich he was assisteti by Rev. Gea. Wcbber anti Rev. T. W. Jol-j h! ffe, pastor o! the church. Dr. Ca t he after One Hundred Years of Methodism 5 - Cer As Related to Trinity United Church. Bowmanville, which vice Rev. held Centen.ary Services September 29th and Oct. 6th. n uc" ----------T he ec of Hanr A Review of the istory of Meth- 1 give their lives to Jesus Christ Rice, Jr. odism in Bowmanvllle and lwas responded to by many. This appropriî Trinity United Church brought joy to the hearts of the collectior By Rey. W. A. Bunner workers and there was also joy On M~ lin the presence of the Angels of persons (Continued f rom last week) iGod over sinners re pe nt i ng. the schoi Hearts that were long closed to) energies Bef are we record concerning Chrit were now opened to Hlm, ies. A1 the enlargement of the cuc where once sin reigned, now Jesus borly ass and its opening we would noeathe Saviour was enthroned. As of upwar work of special interest and of ta the exact number of those who Salvatior f ar reaching influence which be- accepted of Jesus Christ we have f rom the gan in the closing months of the no record. But many were the headedt conference year o! 1889 and 1890, saved of the Lord. and the and was carried over into the Following are the namnes Of under th new conditions of the two united saine who labored in those mneet- Burden. congregations of 1890 and 1891. ings, Harry Brittain, Thomas A publ We refer to a splendid work car- Kirby, J. W. Bunner, Fred Had- f oîîowed, ried on in the South Ward Tab- dy, Oscar Scott, the minister Rev. sided. C ernacle for severai years. H. S. Matthews. and others who exercises The church's one f oundation lis caie down f rom the town chur- Matthew, Jesus Christ the Lord. T he ches to assist or share in the son. forir church can only expand and be- showers of blessing f rom Cod's and Que( corne permanent as it is true ta hand. D. Frase its evangelistic spirit, message, As an outcome of these soul- wards, and work. In the winter of 1889 saving and reviving s e r v i c e s Sandersoi and 1890 the young men 0f the something had to bie donc to help Carman Evangelistic Band of C h u r c h these people in their Christian and an Street Churcli, wth otiiers, jegaj lives. At the first there was two to the bi, a series o! revival services, îast- meetings each week, Tuesday and lng several weeks at the South Friday nights, for prayer aid Ward Public School. testimony. Then later under the - Here was a section of the tom guidance of Rev. T. W. Jolliff e. where special efforts were need- there was one service on a week ed, for many people were non- night and a preaching service on church goers, and the chldren a Sunday night, supplied by local dld flot attend Sunday School. preachers, John Higglnb ot toam, Froin the first niglit, the meet- James Saunders, Charles Coombe ings were well attended, in fact and others. The recalling o f the roorn was filled every night these services brings back ta our wfth attentive and carncst pea - mind the prayers and testimonies U Pie. The personal appa to of earnest nmen and woinen who change their way o! living and did much ta extend the Kingdomn _____________________of Cod in the coinmunitY. - Then sometime in 1890 or 1891 a Sunday School was organized. Clear, meeting in the public s c h o o 1 a def inite Business L/rectory building îcalled the South adbred Tabernacle). James Sa u n cl e r s pre-dispa was te f irst Superintenclent and the pett LEGAL he had the necessary number of warries, officers and teachers required for crowd th( ~,M. G.V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. the school and classes, is indeed The reý ...ké;rister, Solicitor, Notary The second superintendent and dled thi Phone 351 who continued in office for sev- mental koyal Bank Bldg., BowmanviUle eral years. was Luther Courtice. trainingj W. R. STRIKE Under these two superintendents Ifa e and a staff of faithful officers ampe:n Barrister, Solicitor. Notary and teachers the school succeed- andniittn Solicitor for Bank of Montreal cd. It had its regular anr dicate a Money to Loan. Phone 91. sary and picnic andi paiti its xay. ability t., Bowmanville, Ontario Its last treasurers report is found wauld sa3 L. C. MASON, B.A. on page 19 of church's financial Resolve report for the ycar 1900 and ing. Itit Barrister - Solicitor show~s a balance in hanti Of cultivate Ntary Public - Etc. $1307. take tini Law in all its branches After about ten years of wark reactions. Office. immediately east of Royal in that part of the town and the knack asi Theatre clasing of the Sunday Schol disîikes,1 Phones: Office 688; Home 553. there, the question is o!ten asIc- on public eti, why was the work of the Sun- and parti DENTAL day school discontinued when thc Far bette saine prablerin o! uncared for about mo DR. J. V. DEVITT chiltiren by a Sunday School can- certainy Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson tinues? just right Graduate of Royal Dental Col-. Af ter discontinuing the even- pare you lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jub- ling services in the school house. Second, ilee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office the officers a! the Christian En- 'Mind ir hours 9 a. m. ta, 6 p. mn. daily deavour Society of Church Street 'How We except Su day. pn 8. beume responsible for week- of Thirai PhQne 99. House poe23 night meetings in the homes of thein.rn 1, ,6,-Raý Euipment in Office. t he people, which were held bi- are flote .j,-RaEqweekly at the homes af M. Lock- Third. Sà-UE REPAIRS hart. Win. Norton. and John ail, daret ________________________Richards. Miss M. A. Bunner these ti R. PAWSON (Mrs. H. Balsan>, Miss M. Jon- Then you ess(Mr. ohnJolin wre hethink - Boot and Shoe Repairing ess (rs. of hn oblîy nd were theepf Soles sewn on by Goodyear ofcesI tescitDnAta ke R Stitching Machine. full responsibility. They were of- I D Prices reasonable. ten assisted by Charles Jeffery things Fi King Street East - Bowmanville and a Mr. Davey, bath of wham Pesa el __________________became ministers. rusite Rev. T. W. Jalliffe andi his wife riinan. P FUNE AL IRE TOR gave every assistance possible by camplexioa constantly visiting in the homes charm. 1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS iof the people in that district and freshing. Service, any hour. any day. I to encourage thens to faithful- of stickir( F. F. MORRIS Co. ns-ltintn <~ Mdem Motr Euipent The %ebuilding and Opening of sIcin. Ma 'ýýodrn otr quimet, Church Street Church - texture. 5. »2bulance and Invaliti Car rnt-190vrby a!- CaU Phone 10 or 34, It has been previously ment- inaparts tl ng Assistant, 53 ioned that the union of the two characteri BOW.MANVILLE Methodiat churches took place mani. -- nder the guidance of Rev. T. W. NORTHCUTT & SMITH Jolliffe. The arrangements for' Complete iruneral Service the enlargement o! Church Street Modern Equipm.ent - Ambulance under the combineti t r u s t e e ~.A. W. G. Northeutt - boards being completed and a a 1' -Aubrey Smith - building cominittee camposeti of Phone Days 58 Paul Trebilcock, Levi Morris and' y. Nights, Sundays or Holitiays C. M. Cawker being appointed. Phone 523 or 276. the cantract was let. This was in March and the work began in k music April. The architect was Wm. Bunney o! this town. R. H. andi FRANCIS SUTTON T. Osborne contracted for the Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O. carlenter wark andi Trenout.h& I A.T.C.M. diplomas In Piano, Brock for the masan work. Many ,\Singing, Violin andi Organ. others were appointed to take Private or class lessons. charge o! the different Phases ai '. ipils prepared for ail the work. The cost of the en- fexaminations. largement and f urnishings was Phone 42, Bowinanville 9t about $20000. 3-f It appears that the combineti congregation during the perioti of RICHARD FOUNTAIN eipnlareme-nt, f rom April to DIec-U1 SIGHT it was in 1470 tlsat William Caxton set up bis first printing- press in Englanti. Vears passeti before any considerable part o! the population were able ta reati. nevertheless, we may consider this date as marking the time when the eyes o! mari. which hati hitherto beeri useti chiefly for distant vision, were diverteti ta close work-reading. No anc discovery bas hati as great an influence upon humari pragress as bas the printing- press. The eye is the wintiow. flot only ta the world o! nature but ta the knowledge o! the ages as convyyct by the printeti word. During aur waking hours, we make almost constant use o! aur eyes. The cyc muscles, calleti mus- cles o! accommodation because their action enables the eye ta focus on things near or f ar. are in steady use. The suggestion that you cari throw away your glasses anti. through exercise a! these muscles o! accommodation correct the errors o! refraction for wbich the glasses are womn. is absurd. Muscles whicb are useti regularly are not strcngth- erict by furtber use untier the naine o! "exercise". Poor eyesight is a real handi- cap. It is surprising how many persons. o! alI ages anti batb sexes suffer in anc way or an- other without suspecting that their poor eyesight is the real cause a! their trouble. The difficulties wbich saine cbildren experience in school arise out of their inability ta sec clear- ly andti t reati or study in coin- fort. Wherever there is a schooi health service, the eyes o! the chiltiren are exainineti froan time ta time. Where there is no such service, parents wauld be well ati- visedti t have their chiltiren o! schaol age examineti by their family doctor. Poor eyesight, whlch means cyestrain, is perhaps the most comaion cause o! headaches. Dizziness, irritability and sleep- arman. preacheti again in-- Brnoon froan Acts 17, verse erttin efellows o! the Y U O LDadMN ýort Attheevening ser-! O R WLD a d M N vGeo. Webber discoursed[ BY JOHN C. KIRKWOOD hrist's Relation ta His (oyrgt hoir under the leadership ________________________________ yr J. Knight anti John ras organist. renderedi If someone said ta you, 'You have pride anti ambition ta at- ýate antheans. S un ia yare clever," would you be pleaseti tempt things within their power. ns $161.00. or offendeti? If your beati is set rin a purpose to excel. Excellence M1onday aftemnoan 1,200 rightly on yottr shoulders, yau is achieveti by patient practising were serveti dinner in woulcI be dispîcaseti by havind j.iined ta the will and purpose ta aio room, which taxeti the some anc say ta you that you are excel. If we will reati books about santi patience o! the lad- clever. distinguisheti men and women - pleasing act anti neigh- Just what is cleverness? The tisose of great achievements -we sistance was the presence dictionaries de! me cleverncss ta will finti that they were, ta begin ards a! 50 members o! the be skilfulness, expertness, adroit- with, quite ordinai-y persons-this n Army wha marcheti ness, high mental ability. Sa one in the great majority o! instan- eir barracks ta the church can be a clever football player, or ces. Probably they hati obscure by Capt. anti Mrs. Steel seamstress, or pianist, or marks- parents, anti lowly bcginnings. abrass bandi of the Corps, .man. or angler. or engineer, or But these circuinstances neeti the leadership o! Charles1 fariner. Indeeti, it is not very neyer bie handicaps. On the con- much ta one's credit if anc is not trary, they may be real aitis to lic meeting in the church clever - flot adroit, skilfull or ativancement, for ambition burns 1Rev. T. W. Jolliffe pre- expert - in saine particular form. more hotly in those to whoin suc- Otbers taking part in the of endeavour. If anc is not cv- ccss is not caming easily than in !includeti. Rev. H. S. er in his own particular line of those wha are rich in this world's ws anti Rev. J. E. Sander- work, does it not argue a dis- gootis anti who have pathways of -er pastors of Church St. creditable duilness? Is anc not case. The truth is that riches ien St. Likewise Rev. R. sclf-accuscd if one is not clever andi case can be anti are hinti- ser, M. Pratt. Oco. Ed- -meaning skilful or adroit.-in rances ta success; they are un- Robt. McCullough, R. his own particular fieldi of effort? favorable ta one's exerting one's~ ;o and L. Liddy. Dr. Daca not lack o! clcvcmncss argue best ef forts. 1matie a spiriteti speech that anc is cither mcntally or J C K Sappeal for subscriptians physically lazy-a sluggard? When I rcad in iny newspapcr building funti. J C K about young fariners who have (Ta be continued) What we do not like in clever matie theinselves clever or sIilful persans-unless they are prof es- judges o! livcstock, I anm thrillcti. sioalsis shwig of o thirWhen I reati o! farniers who are sionls-s ashoing ff ! teardistinguisheti for therscssa p~ *,~w~'~x cleverness. But if anc is a pro- bedrso i e tl r chssars fe ssional dancer, or rape-spinner. reeso iectl rhre fr musician, or violinist, or tra- oWas.Ian en I it adioa peze performer, then 've want tion for thean.WhnIra ht<P mnsta show off his cleverness. young women on the farin who ~m'~I~ In the case o! orciinary men anti have inade theaslvssklf-r aomen, we are affendeti if anti clever-as butter-makers, or home gral 0esd bcuetwi x 10 whn thy try ta show of their makers, or as housekeepers. I an exceptional skili or adroitness orgrayplseibcusthrc- ;fD WATE high mental abiiity. Anti o, if cellence is evidence o! sustaincti S~S~r~ ~ia onc says ta you, 'Yau are clever " purpose joinedti t ambition. then it wouîd seens ta suggest i own that I am less dellghted e purpase. in a mind un- son with your cleverness - cither knawn ta bie clever in the fielti )osiion, o prjudces or ion Bu, i eihercas, ifyououtof eadng f ce rso!rtb- ýttymentl dseass o area prsonof ine eelng, ou et i is quittheiright that ian tbiiiki ho r trIlou, -ith iinp oure ee oed thusse ofthse plusaee rsonl toordar ailiy. et ame, orsus uhoe pitrn-T heBut cemptationin othoswot a! o fr onmce nrateti gineer rwae- rcs a b lvrmeaning skilful, rcnrbt otewl e or h hzinkindwold au fiel i aeffort. W uh ob aeYti show off. Onetautn a eieta inprove his Siewî a a o ia c-ta strive for excellence for better caisrutiel. oIeress isnamn- othat clev-motives. One shoulti be clever for tc, hinkconsrucivel, I rnes isinbon-tat i i -satisfaction. not in order ta ; oimprove yaur tbink- heriteti. Wl.paal ta.a impress others or ta win praise. intes.First, tiare to certain way. But what I want ail Clever persans ought ta re- can open mirit. It wiîî iny reatiers to believe is that cv- meniber this: everi the cleverest se. Study your mental emness is an acquirabie quality: persans cannat hope ta holti the s hnstutiiousîy try to anti if this is so. then it is quite public's eye for very long. If anc sd orstrong likes anti unnecessary for orie ta aighan s a balti place i the public's hastily farme inion say, -I can't be clever." One cari attention anti interest for 10 ci questions, o! palicies be clex'er. ineaning akîlful or ad- vears. anc bas donc something .aies, o! races anti creetis. roit, in bis awn special field of ronderful: and anc cari purchase ter ta be in a dilemima wark or play. Intiecti it wouldth le public*s adulation anti atten- ast questions than toble probably offenti you if anc saidtiona o ra rc.I h your particular slartito tayou, -You can neyer be sIcil taon csat tentgroatanprice. Ifthe t. This patc will pre- fui in yaur line a! wark." You puics atenwtion n favour ar ifor the second step.* would feel that this persan was i hnti salrgt u d, tiare ta reati Rabinsan's caîîing you a stupiti persan, anti t hen othseis taipliht. But a the Making.' Dewey's that would not please you. You cuend anctsektinthen ublic sav lThink,' Dimnet's 'Art riyb .tngahrtpsa hawing of f. king,' or. if you've reati architect, a brick-layer, a tennis J C K eati them again. They player, a bridge player. a gartier- Cleverness shoulti neyer be easy ta reati. esr. a motar mechanic. But no0 sougbt or acquireti when its pur- anti most difficuit a! matter wbat you are, woulti you suit means the injuring of an- ta put into practice what laice ta have it said o! or ta you other; anti o! course excellence hree writers teacb you. that cievei-ness--meaning skîlful- achieveti by trickery or by in- ou won't have ta stop ta ness or atiraitness-is b ey ondt justice is nat worth the having. *you won't be able ta your abiiity? One shaulti not be cast dawn bY nthinking. Skiifulness ana adroitness came thinking tbat he or she cannat ýE YOU ta do these f ran patient practice, joinedti t be clever, meaning skilful or ati- ___________ambition. If you want ta become roit. Even high mental abilitY- a Balin-the ideal tailet a clever football player. or violin- wbich is clevernes-is acquirable. for every discemning wa- ist, or jutige af livestock, or play- We may not be able ta mun as rfect in results. Creates er an tbe saxaphone, yau can do fast as the fastest, but we can is o! rare beauty anti so. Saie, it is truc, have special get ta the saine goals that are Delight!ully cool anti me- aptitudes, anti cari leamn faster reacheti by the fastest. This is Neyer leaves a vestige tban athers: and saine have a the thought which I wisb to leave ness. A velvety smaatb very remarkable genius which with my readers. ming anti stimulating the puts thean in the front manIc; but faking it truly rose-leaf ail can become skilful or adrot- All dainty women in- ust by faithfui application ta the bhat subtle distinction so What I amn trying ta do in this 'istic o! the elegant wo- contribution ta, The Statesman asW p i A EALTMSERtVICE or ~ ~ ci NON MEOI CON1q Ny' PAN-ceL s NCN l lessness may arise f rom the saine cause. Those who wcar glasses mnay suffer froin eye-strain if their glasses are old. The cyca alter, and Sa the glasses nccd to be changcd from time to time. Rubbing the eycs is a bad ha- bit. It is just part o! the general bail habit o! putting the hands to the f ace. The hantis shoulti bc Icept' away f rom the face be- cause the fingers are so apt to be soileti. and if, for example, the eyes are rubbed with soileti fin- gers, infection may resuit. For much the saine reason, the use o! individual towels is desirable. The common towel is not as dan- gerous as thc common drinking- cup, but it is a factor in spread- lng disease as its use does en- danger the eyes. The common towel, whcther it be called roller or something else, should be abolisheti. An Oil without Alcohol.-Soine oils anti many medicines have alcohol as a prominent ingreti- ient. A judicious mingling o! six essential oils compose Dr. Thomn- as' Eclcctric Oul, anti there is no alcohol in it, sa that its cffects are lasting. "They are neyer alone that are accompanieti with noble ýthoughts."--Sir Phillp Sidney. Former Bowmanville Man Enlarges Store The many f ricrits o! Mr. H. Lyall Crabb. former manager o! the Walkcr Stores here will be interesteti in this report appear- ingg iri last wcck*s issue o! The Simcoc Reformer. -Announceinlt is mati elcsc- wherc in this issue concerniiig the rc-opcning o! the Lyall Crabb Gracery at 24 Peel Street, Simcoe. Mr. Crabb. progressive young Simcac business man, bas spareti no0 effort ta make his ncw prean- ises attractive andi convenient for the shopping public. The entire interior o! the store has been reriovateti and repainteti. New modemn shelving has been instalîcti, on which the stocks o! groceries will be temptingly placed and aIl priccd for the convenience a! customers. The store front has also been madie more inviting by rearrangement o! window dis- plays. Hantisome new clectric fixtures have alsa been installed and a modemn Kelvinator refrig- eration counter pravideti. In addition to, a large stock a! high quality groccries. Mr Crabb will also carry a full line of meats, fruits anti vegetables His renovateti store inakes an un- portant addition ta the business section and doubtless the changes will result in increaseti patronage. Statesman Classified Ads. paY. BANK 0F MON TREAL Established 1817 cA presentation, in easily understandabie formy of the BIank~s ANNUAL STATEMENT 3lst October, 1935 LIABILITIES LIABILITIES TO THE PUBLIC Deposits Payable on demand and ater notice. Notes of the Bank in Circulation . s Payable on demand. Bis Payable . . . e e * Time drafts i.sued and outstanding. Acceptances and Letters of Credit Outstancling Financiai responsibilities undertaken on bebai of castom Crs (Jee oltjseting amount [x] in "Resource.r"). Other Liahilities ta the Public . 9 Items twbîch do flot corne under tbe loregoing headings. Total Liabilities to the Public . . LIABILITIES TO THE SHAREHOLDERS Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits and Reserves for Dividends . This amounh rereents tbe sisareholders' interestithte Banik, ove, u'hicb liabilities to the public take precedence. Total Liabilities . . . . . RESOURCES To meet the foregoing Liabiities the Bank bas Cash in its Vaults and Money on Deposit witb Bank of Canada . . . . . Notes of and Cheques on Other Baniks 0 0 a Payable ti cash on prdetnation. Money on Deposit with Other Baniks a a e Available on demand or ai short notice. Governinent and Other Bonds and Debentures Nos exceeding market valse. The greaser prtion consilt of gilt.edge secorities wbicb mature at early aes. Stocks . . . . Railway and Indarstrial and other stocks. Not exceeding market value. Cail Loans outside of Canada . Secured by bonds, stocks and other neqotiable securities o) greater value than the loans and representing moneys quickly avalable with noa disturbing etfect on conditions in Canada. Cail Loans ini Canada . . . Payable on demand and secured by bonds and stocks oi greater value tban the loans. Bankers' Acceptances . . . * Prime drafts accepted by other batiks. [OTAL 0F QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES (e qualIo1 74.48%7 of ail Liabilities to tbe Public) Other Loans . . . . . To manuifacturers, farmers, merchants and others, on condi- tions consistent with sound banking. Banik Premnises . . . . . Three pro peities only are carried in the namnes of holding companies; tbe stock and bonds of thexe companies are en- tire! y ownred by the Bank and appear on the books at $1.00 in eacb case. Ail other of the Bank's promises, the value ai wbcb largely exceeds $14,500,000, appear under Ihis headitig. Real Estate, and Mortgages on Real Estate Sold by the Bank . . . . . Acquired in the course afIboh Bank's business anid in proces of being realized upon. x Customers' Liability under Acceptances and Letters of Credit . . . . Represents liablittes af customers on account ai Leties o>' Credit issued and Drafts accepted by the Batik for Iheir accouni. Other Assets flot inciuded ini the Foregoing Making Total Assets of . . . t, meCS paym cnt ai Liabilities to the Public ai leaving an excess of Assets over Liabilities to the Publie of 0 29,959,128.50 353,011.79 7,066,426.26 1,784,347.07 $7 16,107,779.68 76,665,093.08 $792,772,872.76 $82,711,635.13 27,614,596-16 37,764,631.60 361,769,848.49 103,872.95 18.835.238.07 4,435,736.20 139,2 52.54 533,374,8 11.14 234,461,311.20 14,500,000.00 1,523,432.05 7,066,426.26 1,846,892.11 $792,772,872.76 716,107,779.68 76,665,093.08 PROFIT ansd LOSS ACCOUNT Profits for the year ended 3 lst October. 1935, af ici makirig appropria tians 10 Contingent Reserve Fund, out af which Fund full pravision for Badl and Douhîful Debts bas been made . .$4,007,302 .06 Lma Dominion and Provincial Gaverninent Taxes . 1,002,089.49 $3,005,212.57 Dividends paid or payable ta Shareholders . . . 2,880,000.00 $125,212.57 Balance of Prafit anid Loss Accourr, 31sr October, 1934 1,809,820.79 Balance of Profit aund Ioss carried farwad .. . .....1,935,033.36 CHARLES B. GORDON, President [The tirength of a bank is determined by ils bistory, ils policy, ils management f and the extent of ils resources. For 118 years the Bank of Montreal bas been in the forefront of Cana4ian finance. J, A cold is an internai infection. Coin mon sense dictates vou treat it as such. There is nothing better you can take than Grove's Bronso Quinine. Grove.s does the four necessary things: Opens the bowels, combats cold gerins and fever, relieves headache and 'grippy" feeling. rones up tise systens. Buy GroWes at your nearest cruggist. Tiscyre in a srhile a t. Ca a m . .$676,944,866.06 sure better light, better sight. WI~ON ~LM45 LAM PS MADE ;N CANADA CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Linited W. A. BOG, JACKSON DODDS, loint Getieral Manageri -1- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1935 1 PAGE POUR