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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1935, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAILIo. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1935PAESVI Mrs. W. Clapp, Corbyville. is i the funeral o! their cousin, Mr. visiting Mn. and Mrs. C. F. Rice. M.A. James. BertWarwck. innieg, Mr. and Mrs. R. Kyle Squ air Mfi-and Mrs. Clno uney. wek a December, afterlioon and Morgan àfld Roy., visited f iencLs evening, at their home, Lot 3, in Gravenhurst an Sunday. ;Broken Front. Dalinigton. Miss Mabel Sis, wZio bas spent Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Day, a very pleasant holiday with Mrs. Portsmouth, Mn. and Mrs. George Chas. Rice. bas returaèd ta Tan- Huycke. Mn. Alex Williams, Mr~. onto. and Mrs. Morley Williams, Mn. and Mrs. Oea. McTaggart Bloomfield, were guests a! their attended the funeral an Friday o! aunt. Mns. W. C. Wasington. bis cousin, Mr. Arthur Camplin Mn. and Mns. John Ronald at Unionville. Standen o! Eden Ladge, Pentic- Rev. Canon Marsb, Rector of ton, B. C., are spending the win- St. Paul's Anglican Cburcb. Lind- ter visiting ber rnatber, Mrs. W. say, is retining a!ter 48 years' C. Washington, and many other service in that parish. relatives in Ontario. Rev. and The lag \vas flying at bal!- Mrs. C. C. Washington accomp- mast an Manday at the Post Of- anied tbem bhere from Toronto. fice in hanor o! the anniversary Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Truscatt a!f the deatb a! Lord Jellica. bave returned ta Lansdowne a!- ý Among the successful exhibit- ter visiting Mn. and Mrs. Chas. ns at the Royal Winter Fair s P. Rice. Rev. Truscatt pneacbed Chas. F. Rice wbo won 4 erst.s ar the Jubilee evening service at and 3 seconds on bis White Faced Albert St. Chuncb, Osbawa, Sun- Black Spanish and Bu!! Rock day evening, and also enjayed the fowls. opening exercises at the Royal Mn. nd rs.Fre Le. M. IWinter Fair Wednesday evening. Mand Mrs. oss Lee. aubtr. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard Kedron, wene Sunday viitors 0 were called ta Mytle an Manday Mns. J. E. L. Cale and attended owing ta the sudden death o! ber niece. Mrs. G. Houston R nee Car- ie Beacack wbo died very sud- __________________denly Sunday evening wbile vis- - iting ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Beacock., The funenal took place on Wednesday in Toronto. Amang those attending were: Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard. Messns. ' ~~James and Howard Piekard, Mrs. Stuart R. James, Mn. and Mr,, W. C. Fergusan and Rev. Clan- t p,, ence Fergusan, Natbport. 131I 31S A RELIABLE FLORAL SERVICE With our many years of ex- perience, we are ready at al times to, meet the needs of a disciminating taste in flowers. Right now rose-Pink Snap- dragons are very attractive at 75e and 81.00 dozen. iMarigolds - 35e, 50c, 75e buneh Cyclamen, ail colors and sizes, fromn 50c each to $3.00 Sweet Peas, 35c and 50 bunch Mums - 50e Per bunch. S. J. Jackman &Sons PHONE 80 Bowmanville's *,O1dest Florists COMING EVENTS Friday, Nov ember 29th, Ennis- killen Young People will present their play "Civil Service' in Eb- enezer Cburcb at 8 p.m. Admis- sion 15e and 25c. On Friday, December 6tb, the ladies o! St. Andrew's Cburch Auxiliary are having a bazaar. Watcb for particulars. Mrs. (Dr.) Bell will open the Salvation Army's Sale o! Work and Home Caoking, in the Cita- del. on Saturday. Nav. 3tb. at 3 p.m. Afternoon tea served. Sbaw's Christmas Concert on Tbursday, Dec. 19tb. Watcb for particulars. 48-2 Don't forget tbe Junior W. A. Sale o! Work and Mfternoan Tea at St. John's Parisb Hall an Sat- urday, Nov. 30th. at 3.30 p.m. The Ladies of St. Josephs Cburcb will bold a Bazaar, sale l o! home made cooking. and a!- ternoan tea in the Paisb Hall o! St. John's Cburcb on Wednesday afternaan, Dec. l4th, froin 3 tai 6 p.m. 48-1 Group Na. 2 o! St. Pauls W. A. are baving a sale o! borne made cooking in the school romr on iStray. Nov'. 30tb. at 3 p.m. Aloatable o! fancy and useful articles. Came and get some bargains. 0kd Tirne Eucbre Party in the 100FO.. Hall on Thursday, Dec. 5tb. Gaad pizes. Admission 25c. Christmas Fare Scores of People eaeh Christmas eat Corbett's Christmas cakes. They came back yean after year, and the reason ls because its eheaper than rnaklng your own, and better, too. Per Lb. - 35c ORDER YOUR CAKE EARLY. Mincemeat Pies ---------- Mincemeat Turnovers - Humbugs, home made Shortbî'eads, delicious --------25c -.-doz. 25c ---- . b. 30c each 10c Christmas Candy of all kinds. Order early. CORBETT'S DAKIERY Phone 3 Distributors Dad's Cookies BowmanvWle The Thrifty Place to Shop Weelk-aend Speclals On Sale Thursday, Friday, and Saturday November 28th, 29th, 3Oth. RED & WHITE COFFEE, P'S RED & WHITE TEA, % 's TIGE R SALMON, % 's CHIPSO LIFEBUOY SOAP Shredded Wheat, Cash CANADA CORN STARCH Conor's HERRINGS in Tomati 5-STRING BROOMS - Speci GILLETT'S LYE HAWES' LEMON fIL-. Plum Jamn, with pectir SHREDDED COCOANUT - ROLLED WHEAT FLAKES GOLD MEDAL CHERRIES MARSHMALLOW ZEBRA BE' S. O. S. - - 1 . .. Supreme Shortening--- WHITE HONEY VALENCIA RAISINS DARK HONEY -- - - 4JHOCOLATE DATES - GOLD MEDAL SARDINES Supremne Chocolates, i1 AYLMER CATSUP -.- - GOLD MEDAL TOMATOES GOLD MEDAL TOMATO JtI HABITANT VEGETABLE OR BLUE BELL COFFEE ..... ORANGES, sweet and Julcy - per lb. 42c per pkg. 30e .per tin 14e Lge. pkg. 21c; Small pkg. 10e 3 cakes 25e i and Carry 2 pkgs. 23c ... pkg. 10e tb Sauce 2 tins 25e ilI. ....each 32e --- per tin 12e per bottle 23c -----n------ jar 25c per lb. 19e ..per bag 23e per tin 15e SCUITS ..... 2 lbs. 27e 4 pad pkg. 14c; 8 pad pkg. 23e ------2 lbs. 27c per tin 45e - -----per lb. 15e -- -- ----------- -- per tin 40e - % lM. 13e .... .. 2 tins 25e IL box 29c, 2 IL box 5ic -------per bottie 15e - ---- ,- *------ large tin 10c JICE, 2 %'s -........t..în 10e P, TOMATO SOUP - - 2 Uns 25e ----------- -------- er lb. 25e -- - -- - -per doz. 19e Fe W. Noules Phone 599 Bowmanville Sale o! Materials Refund on Alcohal Grants. Government Grants, Tawn. a! Bowmanville Grants, United Counties Grants. Township a! Darlington Donations Miscellaneous Bonfowved f rom Savings Cheque written in erar not cashed EXPENDITURLES M eat -- ------- Butter and Eggs- ------------------- B read--- - ------- ----- -- Milk and Cneam ---------- - - Fruit and Vegetables -- ----- --- ------------ House Funnisbings ---- -- -------- ------- Bnaoms, Brushes, Soap -- -------------- --- Drugs and M edicine ---- -------------- ------- Medical and Surgical App. -- ------- ---- G roceries , ---- - - -- --- ---- F u e l - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - W ater - -- - ------- - - ... Cartage and Express -- --------- ----------- Ligbt and Power.------------- G arbage C llection --- ---- - --- ---------- --- --- Ic e -- - - -- - - -- -- - Laundny------ Nurses' Salaries ------------- Help Salaries ---- - --- Secretary-Treasuner ---- - ---- - ------ Pinting, Stationery, etc. - ----- - Telepbane --- -------- Taxes. Insurance, etc. Exchange an cheques -- Wine and Spirits----- Repaira Contingencies Hospital Financial Statement for Hospital October lst, 1934 ta October lst, i9 CURRENT ACCOUNT Oct. îist, 1934, Cash on Hand Oct. ist, 1934, Balance in Bank Total Cash ReceiPts for yean Bornawed !nom Savings Expenditures: Expenditures as per staternent Oct. lst, 1935. Cash on hand Balance in Bank SAVINOS BANK ACCOUNT Oct. lst 1934. Balance in Bank Bank Interest Coupons Deposited Jennie MeNeil adJustment National Trust Tbarnby Payment Palmer Paymnent fExpenditures: iTnansferred ta Cunnent Account dunlng yean Exchange on cheque - ---- -- -- - jBalance in Bank---- d9 COMBINED STATEMENT Oct. lst, 1934, Current Account cash -- --- - -- Cunrent Aceount Bal. in Bank---------- Savings Account Bal. in Bank Recelpts Curnent Account statemnent ----- Savings Receipts ------------ Expenditures: As per Hospital Expenditure ------------------- Savings Expense ------------ ------- ------- - Cash In Bank Cunrent Account...............---------- Cash in Bank Savings Account.................---------- 23.95 - 114.34 1,336.55 500.00 500.00 50.00 3 12.00 35.00 1,190.00 $16,831.93 --- -- $ 599.38 ------- -. 544.82 -- ----- --- 187.36 ------------- 572.02 -- ----- -- 159.05 ------ 106.64 ------------ 210.18 - --------- 392.82 982.33 - -----987.51 ------- 1,296.75 ------------- 114.*27 ----------- -- 42.16 1 ------------- 809.92 5.65 ----- ------- 30.00 ------------- 133.21 - ------- 4,615.65 - ------ 2,760.85 200.00 ------ --- 119.15 ----- - --- 97.99 - --------- 517.37 :7 5 130.50 760.48 227.97 $16,604.78> Year from 35 $ 29.50I 385.62 15,641.931 1.190.00 $17,247.05 $ 16,604.78 Nil 642.27 $ 17,247.05 $ 315.90 2.38 791.25 26.39 104.55 65.00 $ 1,305.47 $ 1,190.00 .25 ------------- 115.22 $ 1,305.47 -------- $ 29.50 ------------ 385.62 ........315.90 15,641.93 - --------- 989.57 $ 17,362.52 ------ --$16,604.78 ----- - - -- -.2 5 --------- - 642.27 ----- ---- ----_11 22 Host and Hostess of CANADIAN WINS HONORS AT GENEVA Spring Creek Farm_ Return From Scotland i In answer ta the plea '"Will ye nao corne back again" our hast ~ and hostess of Spring Creek Farm ni. arrived, after spending nineteen weeks arnid the glanies of bonnie Scatland. Measuring and sizing them Up after their return, one need not ask, "How are yau?" The hostess confessed to 14 lbs. averweight. the bost, well!, we'll leave him out for weight, anid Miss Norah Brown confessed she neyer felt better, it must be in the Scottish air. "Jimmy" as the hast is affectianately known, oc- cupied bis tirne laoking over the cattle markets. We should say here that hie was President a! one af the maternity hospitals i his earlier days,, the natural interest took him back there, and the youthful matran was explaining ta him, that at a recent date, quadruplets had been barn ta a lady in England. "Ah!" said Jimmy, -You've got to corne1 ta Canada for quintuplets, you've gat nothing on us", ever proud of the country of bis adoption. A very pleasant visit was en- jayed with Mr. and Miss Reit of Scotland, wbo were lnterested visitors to the Goodyear plant "' 4 this summer, wha le! t wonderful impressions on ail wbo met them. Pictured above is Dr. W.A.j sents. He is a former Deputy It is interesting ta note, al- Riddell, Canada's permanent re- Mnister af Labor in Ontario, and thougb invited ta spend a week presentative at the Intentional it was largely through bis efforts witb the Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Labor Office in Geneva, wrhere Drý. that Canada received a penman- Todd, which tbey found impos- Riddell's fine work hai bauh ent seat on the League a! Nat- sible ta do, Rev. Todd chartered honor ta the country berpr-ions International Labor Office. a tender f ram Belfast to meet the S.S. Athenia, wbere hie baarded 1935, Orono lost ane of ber most!brief service at the family resi- the liner and met bis basom fri- highiy esteemed citizens and the dence was conducted by bier pas- ends, Mr. and Mrs. James Brown United Church a generous and tor, Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B.A. and daughter. loyal memiber. B.D., af ter wbich a public service We are more than glad ta have Tbe deceased was born Sept., was held in Park Street United them amongst us again. Their 30th, 1852, in the townsh~ip ofI Cburch. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, genial campany, with their out- Clarke, and bef ore lier marri agel1M.A., B.D., a! Part Perry, bier for- look on bath municipal and gov- was Eleanor Hugbson. third dau- mer pastar, offered. prayer. Rev. ernimental affairs, is samething ghe f the late RLichardd Osterhout taok for bis text Pbill. wihwe cauld not afford ta g2,"Frmehter i hrs Mics. Jerusha Hughson, who were o!f :1 ~a etalv sCrs misU. E. Loyalist descent. She wa and ta die is gain." He paid a united in marriage ta CharleshibtbteahrCrsinlie rJonas Tharnton in the year 1875 she laved ber Saviaur and she OBITUARY by Rev. C. A. Simpson, Metbodist spakd ewrds0fcomfor.Thetatas £' Eiscoal iniser.who mourn a loving mother and Mrs. C. J. Thornton, Orono At the funeral service the sister. Far tbe past fifteen years large attendance of citizens f rom sihe was superintendent af the In the passing a! Mrs. Thorn- Orana and the surrounding dis- Cradie Rail department of the tan. widow of the late Charles1trict was a fine tribute ta ane Sunday scbaal. Her f avoar it e Jonas Thornton, ex-M.P. for Dur- wha tbroughout a lang lufe w8.5 ymns "Jesus Lover of My Soul"' bam,an Saturday, Navember 9th,la kind neigbbor and friend. A and "Rock o! Ages" were sung. By request. Mrs. Roy Pawers sang ~ "I will say goad-night bere but gaod-morning up there." At the FINANCIALSIATLML1NI close of tbe service the cortege _________________left far Orono Cemetery where she was laid ta rest in the family OF B WMAN ILL HOSITA plo beide hier late busband vbo, 0F OWM NVILEOSPTALpleat e bier tbree years and four montbs.1 Receipts and Expenditures for Hospital Year October lst, 1934, Thie paîl bearers were Messrs.1 10, October ist, 1935 Fred Brimacomnbe. Fred Truil, F. Hall, P. C. Brown arnd Wm. Stutt. R.ECEIP'rS Tbe flowers were very beautiful, Frorn Patients, private and semi-private$ 6,624.50 showing the bigh esteemn in From Patients, public roams 4,717.60 jwbicb she was held. Rec'd. an old accaunts duing year.. 1,405.10 Mrs. Tharnton la survived by useý oîiieiuit 17.731- DETTER QUALITYI SETTER VALUE1 24-HOUR SERVICE ON PHONE ORDERS. PHONE 15 HONEST WEIGHT - ALL SIZES - LOWEST PICES S heppard & Ciii Lumber Co. PHONE 15 LIMJTED BOWMJANVILL - ~ 'a ShopingCenti MeGRE GOR'S ~ Your 1. D. A. Drug Store ~For Convenience and Thrifty Buying Select Your .7 Cristmas Gifts from Your I.D.A. Drug Store LENTHERIC SETS For Men $1 .10-$2.25-$2.50-$3.50 Colgate i Dental Cream Remnoves Stains Polîshes Whitens Reular c Double 33 Sybilla' Spahr's Remedy ~' The best treatment for tonsllitls whooplng cough 7e, and ail tbroat troubles 50et UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENCY Christmas Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaecos Llghters, Pipes and Srnokers' Sundries for Glfts LARGER STOCKS - LOWEST PRICES Hot Water Bottles A Practîcal Gift Special Chrlstmas Bottle Guaranteed 3 years - $1 Other Botties - 33c-50e-89c Theminat Heat Pads 97c - $1.25 Electric Pad 3 Heats - $3.69 CHRISTMAS CARDS Complete and Varied stock Lowest Pnices. CARDS, TAGS, SEALS WRAPPINGS - RIRBONS Siendlerize You r Nails *'Mancre-the won- derful new nail prep- aratIon-keepa ::tlci:: from geýtting h.rd a nd hu.Ti oons. 1'reventa hang-nals and rough edgs hs lend"er- them gorgeously long and rie h-looking. Manicare aloo nour- lahte the nalle-prevents brittleness atnd breaklng. Use Manicare dally and have gtucnnng nseIs from now on 1 MalLes manicures lagt longer. No more cutting rutlels.PrieAREw &bslutely sAFE. MANICAR Christmas,; Stationery Boxes - 25c - $5.00 In Cedar Chests $1.25- -2.50 - $2.75 CUTEX SETS 20e - 35c - 65c - $1.25 $2.50 - $4.50 PEARLTONE SETS Brush, Cornb and Mirror $4.99 - $5.45 - $5.99 up to $13.50 Gift Cases Extra Gin Pis 390 r* For Ladies --85e -$10.00 For Men -- $1,00- $6.50 Lavender Fer urne 40e - 75e- $1.10 - $1.65 Bath SaIts- - 55e - $1.10 Shavlng Bowl- - $1.00 Roils Razors, The Ideal Glft for Men Lasts a Ufetime $609 Derny's Three Secrets Sets - 50C - $750 SPECIAL PRICES Antifreeze Alcohol fual strength -- -----89o gallon Epsomn Salts .------ 6 Ibo. 25e Sulphur ---------------6 ibo.250 Kit contains Magic Comt Salve and plasters. Apply &mnou nt suitable to your on case. Convenient, economical. One treat.r~IU ment usually temoves 2 or money refunded. Alex McGregor, Drugs PHONE 92 Prescriptions A Specialty WE DELI VER I. i 6.ý one daugbter Augusta, at home; Mr. A. R. Alloway, Mr. T. L. Wil- I.ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN twa sans. John J. af Manor, Sask. son. Oshawa; Mr. Sam Cuttell CHUPRH and C. Edgar of Millbraak; seven and Mr. J. J. Gilfillan, Orona; Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister grandchildren; tbree sisters. Mrs. Mn. R. M. Glover, Mr. Rassa Db- Miss Louise, Osborne, Organist E. A. Bradley o! Emporia. Kan- bin, Mr. Dan D. Douglas, Peter- Sunday, December lst: il a.m. sas. Mrs. C. J. Moan and Mrs. haro; Miss A. E. Band, Montreal; -"Angels"; 7 p.m.-"Wind, Wat- Robert E. Sherwin; and one bra- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Milîs, St. er and Fine"; 2.30 p.m.-.-Sunday ther. C. J. Hughsan. of Orono. Marys; Mr. G. M. Goadfellow, Sebool. Relatives framn a distance at- Mr. J. H. Ormniston. Dr. Stanley _________ tending the funeral were: Mrs. Montgomery, Mr. Gea. Astley, Mr The vanity of f ools is the w& F. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ash Chas. Tod, Mr. F. J. Mclntyre, and son Clarence. Coboung; Mr. Mr. S. W. Keawn, Wbitby; andIdam a! the wise. and Mrs. B. Hopkins and Miss many others f ram the sunround- There is a nogueny in'ail ,adè4 Hilda Dawsan, Klnmount; Mrs. ing district, but aur own.... W. Abbatt and Miss Gertrude_______________________________ Many Out of Town Friends Attend Last Rites for M. A. James Among the many relatives and ffriends fram a distance attend ing the funeral of Mr. M. A.,I James on Sunday were: Mrs. W.ý A. White and Mrs. jas. A. Phil- lips, New York City, N. Y.; Dr. and Mrs. M. J. A. James and son Mr. Robb W. James, Cleveland, Ohia; Dr. James Bray and grand- son, John Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Keitb. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. VanNest. Mr. Chas. Dickinson, Mr. H-. L. Creeper, Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, Mr. James Man- tan, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. S. Wilson, Mr. J. G. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Haddy, Mr. J. B. E. Sta- rples, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Har- ny James, Mr. John James, Mrs. J . Delve. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hayes, Mrs. L. L. Guy, Mr. Archie James, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Bray, Mr. Samuel Bnay, Misses Owen and Mary Bray, Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilkins. Mr. Theo- dore Wilkins, Mrs. O. Heard. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. J. James, Mr. and Mrs. Frank James, Glendon and Dorathy, Mr. and Mns. W. C. Wer, r adMr.T. H. Ever- BLUE COAL son, Mr. Stanley Eversan, Mrs. E. Bailes, Miss Annie Wright, Miss Yeu cannot makre any wiser choice Hazel Wright, Mr. C. M. Munday, of heatint fuel than Biue Coal. Time and ______________________tirne again it has provedl its ability te heat homes comfortably - and do it far more economxcally than any other fuel. And now Biue Coal adds just one 7 jý >tLmore advantage . .. for. our coal is dust- less! It's specially treated, and cornes te 1 Yeu CLEAN! With it, you can have a 43S cleaner, neater basement - more roomn for winter's work and play. With it, the rest of your home will be easier te dean and keep clean, too! Just be sure te order from Sheppard & Gi - if you want per- Ti fect fuel! 1 PAGE SEVEM

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