THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1936 PAGE P[VE means to existence, were its end! But, in order tbat this marvel- - i - ous change may corne about, al Soci l an Per onalmankind must follow the example ____________________________________________________jo! the artist, or, better yet, be- corne artists tbcmselves; for the Mr. W. L. Paterson is In Stra- ural Society scheduled for Mon- Wtord mArts tc, itect ancet- throy and Sarnia. day niglit was postponed wben anatnsmestoetemnwh Mrs. Leslie McGcc, Orono, is a insufficient number were present tkspodin ei wa h oe. guest of Mrs. W. L. Paterson. ta hold a meeting. Meeting will At the annual meeting a! the Mr. and Mrs. Orval Boe and be held at a later date. Women's Auxiliary to the Mis- f amily visited Mr. and Mrs. AI- George A. Kingston. editor and sionary Society o! the Church ai bert Martin, Seagrave. Publisher o! the Campbellford England of St. John's Church on Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Dowson vis-Wcckly Herald since 1904, and Friday, these officers wcre elect- lted their daughtcr, Mrs. Weldon former Mayor of the town, died cd for 1936: President-Mrs. C. R. Neal, Victoria Road. suddenly at bis home late Friday Spencer; Vice Prsident-M rs. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McDon- night. He was 64 ycars old. John Spencer; Treas.-Miss M. aid visited bis sister, Mrs.- Chas. The engagement is announced Rayncs; Secretary-Mrs. J. A. Wright, Toronto, who is quite a! May C. A., daugliter o! Mr. Living; Dorcas Secrtaris-Mrs. poorly. and Mrs. John Fourid o! South Wm. Cunningham and Mrs. Os- Books tbat you may carry ta Darlingtan, ta William M. Alun, car LaBelle. the fire, and hoid rcadiiy in yaur son af the late Mr. and Mrs. A. Those f rom Bowmanvilic and liand, are the Most use! ul aiter W. Aluin o! Bowmanville. The district wbo bave passed the Na- ai.-Samuel Johinsan. marriage will take place early in vember examinations foar nurse Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MeReynolds February. i registratian in the Province of are spending the winter wth Mrs. Wm. Cunningham was re-!Ontaria as required by the De- their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Wiliis, elected President of the Ladies', partmcnt o! Health are: Winana Toronto. Guild af St. Johns Cburch at the Geraline Caverly, Bowmanville: General abstract trutb is the annual meeting in the Parish Jennie Blanche Goyne. Oshawa; most preciaus af ail blcssings; Hall on Monday. Other officers Jean Isabel McCulioch, Clum- without it man is blind: it is the eiected wcre: Vice Presidents-. bus: Verna Rosena Niddery. Osh- eye o! rcason.-Rausçseau. Mrs. A. A. Emmett. Mrs. R. B. j awa: Wilma Elizabeth Werry. R. Mrs. A. S. Wbattamn, Mrs. Arkwrigbt: Treasurer-Mrs. G. c. IR. 1. Osbawa; Agnes Mary Whit- Knight and Mrs. W. J. Haycraft, Bonnycastie; Secretary-Mrs. R., taker. Osbawa.. Oshawa, were guests a! the form-i W. Clark.i Mr. Ed. H. Devitt af the Hîgh er's mother. Mrs. J. Westaway.1 Mr. C. G. Marris was in Tor~- Schcol staff was gucat speaker at Annual meeting of the North- onta tbis week att.ending the On- St. Johns A.Y.P.A. on Manday umberland and Durham Apple taria Funerai Directors' Associa- night, whcn be deiivcred an ad- .eGrowcrs' Assaciation wiii bo beld tion annual convention and alsa 1 drcss and led in a healtby dis- Cobourg. January 28tb and the Natianal FPurniture Exhibi-I cussian on "Peace and War.- Mrs. 29th. tion, rcpresenting F. F. 'Morris F.A. Dilling. president. liad Bowmanville friends wili be Ca. Mr. Marris purchased a con- charge o! the meeting, and Wal- sarry ta learn that Mrs. I. G. Hef- siderabie quantity o! the turni- ter Goode provided an instru- key, Belleville, feul and fractured turc an display far the local mental number. United Caunties lier rigbt ankie and is contined ta trade. dcbating contest. wbich was to ber home. A party a! Bowmanvilie yaung bave been heid that evening. was Master Harvey Darling a! the people %iil be in Port Hope on pastponed whcn anc af the Per- Boys' Training Schooi, Bawman- Jan. lth. and wili put on a demn- rytown debaters was taken ill. ville, spent tbe holiday week with onstration in the Saivation Armny Election and installation af ai- bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hall: There wiil be dialosguvps. ticers af Contederation Lodge Na. Darling, CliiffQrd. singing and recitations. wi t h 474. witb Mrs. Failis, Past D. Mrs. Edith Ormistan. Enniskii- Lieutenant Arnald Brown. oficer iD. of Ontario. present. resuited len, is spendin the winter injin charge af the BowllmanvililIas follows: W. Master-A. Fet- town accupying an apartment at Corps, as chairman tor the even- 1 cber; D. Mistress-Mrs. E. Mit- the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Ex er- ing.* cheli: Rec. Sec.-Mrs. L. Braund: ist mit, Qeenst.Dr. L. B. Williams. Toronta.1 Fin. Sec-Miss Edîth Joint; D. aof Oshawa Preshyterial a! the W. Iand bis cousin, Mr. Melvin Knapp! C-Mrs. G. Sammerscales: Con- M. S. of the United Churcb of of Las Angeles. Cal., gave The! ductor-E. Byam: Treas.-Mrs. Canada are holding tbe 8tb an- Statesman a f riendly cail on IFP. Lyle: Committees-M e s s r s . nual meeting in Whitby United Wcdnesday. Mr. Knapp is a son, Mitchell. Wakeiin, Jones. Mrs. Churcb today (Thursdayh a!f Mr. Jos. Knapp. a former resi Sommerscales. Mrs. R. Mutton:i Mrs. W. Oscar LaBele and det !Haptnani:wan ylr-Mrs. R. Mutton and Mr. Miss Laura LaBeile. Beech Ave. ville, havîng been an empicye a! E, Joncs. A daînty supper was wiii reccive for~ the first time the milis now awncd by Edgar servcd at the close af the mcdt- since caming to Bowmanvillc, on Horn and F. C. Vanstane. ing. Tucsday, January 2lst. f rom 3 to The Onward. published by the 6 o'clack: United Churcli Publishing House, Annual meeting af Harticult- in its issue of Jan. 4th. cantains 1 AM THE SCHOOL TAX a photo af Mrs. Gea. Wright, Go- van. Sask., wbo is 78 ycars of I dispel the tcmpests o! ignor- age and bas been a regular at- ance which threatcn calamity ta itendant at Sunday scbool for the community and nation. past 70 ycars. She was born in I build temples wbcrcin the 'DANCING Clarke township but bas resided wisdam o! ages is passcd on ta in Govan for ncarly thirty years. , citizens o! the future. L S O S Wek of Prayer services, which I amftemans of bringing the Sclose an Friday. The Ministeriai ren of ail the people tbat demo- Doris' Dancing Sehool 1 Associatian was well satisfied cracy may thrive. Ballet, acrobat, toc and tap witb the intcrcst taken in these Igv aby n il fpo classes being formed in B<>w- annua servs.the adrces wes and rich alike the services of by ministersFo! hgichurcndsboyretrained teachers wbo show tbcm mavle o il n osail o! a higli order, and deait with the wa osl-idpnecad of ait ages. I primary Christian beliefs a n d sl ray ztifndeednc n I their application ta present daysefraitin PHONE 402 living. m1hhpirbmnt pravide laoorataries, libraries J How uhhpirhmnt and class-rooms wberc the scien- ________________________ Iwould be if work, instead o! a tists. the statesmen, the ministers. the teachers of tomnorraw find their streng. COMPARE PRICES We invite you to compare our prices with those of any other drug organization. You will find in every instance that ours are the saine or lower. Buy,.at your I.D.A. Store and save money. A - __ Abbey's Sait 29c - 49c - 79c .Agarol 69c 93c $1 .29 Aiphamettes $1. - $2. - $3.50 B - Bayer Aspirin 22c - 39ec- 98c Beef, Wine, Iron, 89c Buckley's Mixture 40c - 75c C - Colgate's -- Rapid - Shave 4 Cream i Ne w Carter's Liver Pis 22c - 69c 60c Chase's Nerve Food - 49c D- D. & R. Creams 29c - 49c E- Eno's Sait 20c - 47c - 79c F - Face-Elle, 400's 23c PGis 390 H- Hînd's H. &A. Cream - 23c - 43c Hygeol -----35c- 60c 1 -Idasai Tabiets 100's - 49c J- Jergen's Lotion 23c - 43c K - Keplemait & C.L.O. 95C - $1.50 Kolynos Tooth Paste 32c - 43c 1 L -Lux Soap - - - 5c Lifebuoy Shave Cream 29c M - Mecca 22c, 39c, 79c Minty's Tooth Paste 19c Mason's 49 - 40c - 75c N - Nujol -- --49c, 69c 83c Noxzema --59c Salve and plasters. Apply amount suitable to your oan case. Convenient, conomical. One treat. ao 'n Positi e r f ment usually removes or mon.>. refunded. 0 - Odorono-- 35c - 59c Ovaltine -- 38c, 58c, 98c P - Pinex - ---39c Pertussin ----57c -$1.35 Pepsodent Paste --39c Palmolive Soap 5 - 23c R - Rem Cough Syrup 57c Rumacaps - 50c - $1.00 Radio Malt - 85c - $1.50 Sybilla Spahr's Remedy S JTry this medicine for coug, tonsi) and throat rC4 aliments. WEC DRIIVEN I shape the key of intelligent public opinion whicb unlocks the doors to economic, political and social stability. I yield returns more priceless than gold. more lasting than steel -more patent than sword or pen -the returns of intelligently thinking minds. I am at once the guardian ruler, and the servant of the world's great power and hope-education. I amn the School Tax. -Nebraska Educational Journal. CHURCHES ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CHURCH Rev. Father J. F. McGuire, Pastor Sunday, Jan. 19th: Mass at Bowmanville 9 a.m.; Mass at Newcastle at 10.30 ar. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. C. R. Spencer, M.A., Rector Mrs. J. A. Gunn, Organist Second Sunday a! ter Epipliany: Holy Communion il a.m.;* Sun- day School and Bible Classes 2.30 p.m.; Evening Prayer 7 p.m. ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. S. Kerr, M.A.,. Minister Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Organist and Leader. Sunday, Jan. l9th: il ar.-0 "Is Our Gad Our Giory?"; 2.30r p.m.-Sunday Sehool and Aduit1 Bible Class; 7 p.m.-'Di!ffrent3 Ways Home." A cordial welcome. TRINITY UNITED CHURCIH Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Pastor t Francis Sutan, Mus.Bac. r Organist and Choir Director. f Sunday, Jan. l9th: Il a.m.-t "TeTests a! Vital Religion"; the final appeau for the M. & M. Fund for 1935; 2.30 p.m.-Suinday Scliooi; 7 pin.-'Security." Yau arc cordially invited to these ser-Ir vices. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN1t CHURCH Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister Miss Louise Osborne, Organist Sunday, Jan. l9th: i1 a.-I "God the Father"; 7 p.m.-"Seek Wisdom"; 2.30 p.m.-Sunday Scbool. 1 THE SALVATION ARMY Bowmanville Corps Lieutenants Brown and Siaan Sunday, Jan. l9th: il a.m.- Hoiiness Meeting; 7 p.m.-Sýalva- Ition Meeting. Services ta be con- ducted by the Corps Cadets un-1 der the direction o! Lieut. Sioan. Perslan Balm is a truc cixir o! youtli. Refreshes and rejuvenates. Adds a youth!ul charm to the complexion. So!tens and beauti- fies the skin. Makes hands fiaw-< lcssly white. Indispensable ta the1 woman who appreciates subtie distinction. Dellght!ul to u se. Delicately fragrant. Soothes dry and irrltated skin. Corrects and preserves. A flawless tollet re- qulsite for every discerning wom- an. A truc aid to beauty. ARE FOR 9RCEIU ...c9ME FMR MLU ýDONIT ORGETIl Cýaq dI~Iw PHONE 80 S. J. Jackman & Sons Bowmanville'sI Oldest Florists WEDDING Wallace-Valleau The home of Mr. James K. Valleau. 68 Brock street east, Oshawa, was the scene of a pret- ty wedding on Friday evening, January 3rd. when his younger daughter, Ila Burdetta, became the bride of Ivan M. Wallace, B.A.Sc.. younger son of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wallace, Port Perry. Rev. W. R. Tanton, pastor of Simcoe Street United C h urc b, performed the ceremony. The bride wore a navy taffeta suit with corsage of roses and lily cf the vaUley. Miss Enid Wallace of Port Perry, sister of the bride- groom, was a charming brides- maid in a gown of powder blue crepe, with a corsage of roses. Mr. Beverley N. Smallman of Port Perry was groomsman, and Mrs. Elmer Wallace, of Salntfield, Ont. played the wedding mardi. Following a wedding sup r Mr. and Mrs. Wallace lpft. un a wedding trip. They wiil live in1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Toms, Ignace, Ontario, a tawn on the ita a !arm in Cobourg. Af ter the main line o! the C.P.R.. about 170 death a! bis Mother they moved miles west o!fPort William. wherc te, Purpie Hill to the f arm now Mr. Wallace is employed as a owned by bis son Fred. On Fe1b. civil engineer. 3rd, 1886, be married Ann Va.nce o! Purpie Hill. Mr. and Mrs. ~ ~ John Toms were the parents o! Goicen eclcîng f.our children, o! whom tbrce are Gold n W ddig lving, Mrs. Courtncy Gmhlam, Mr. Fred Toms and Mr. Wilbert <Continued from page 1) Toms, ail o! Purpie Hill. He is cd to your f iends and many a also survivcd by bis widow, two sociable time lias been spent. brothers, William Toms o! Tor- Weyou reaties nd riedsonto, and Abert Toms o! Osh- bae, gatheredliesond this Oc-awa, and two sisters. Mary. Mrs. haveiato sped a littontie tc-jCale of Winn.ipeg, and Sarah, ycusind of er our congatula wt-Mrs. Brown, U.S.A. ions. and oe that ogaulay- The funcrai was held !rom bis haveany yoe ars o apy eresidence on J anuary 9th, with tagetherand yenjso ayou ulieRev. H. J. Bell o! Biackstack of!- noeedrestnde wy ourasmyu ! iciating. The bearers were S. taede acet.the giît as a smaî Swain, Job Graham, James Hen- tokea ov tesaesteem anda our ry, Thomas Stinson, Wm. D'Arcy, great wish for you botli, is good maderinMoore Inte eretew a liealth and happiness. ___ in Pne roe Cmctry Signcd, Winnie Lyle, Myrtle; Wriliis, Addie Trick. Jon'es oot At the proper time the present- 1 Jh ys eol ation o! a purse o! money wa On Thursday afternoon, Jan.1 m.ade by Mildred and Evelyn 2nd the funeral cortege o! the Thompson, grand-nieces, and Mrs late Mr. John Byers. o! Toronto, McReynolds received a lleautiful passed through Biackstock. on the bouquet o! Marîgolds from an- way to the Union Cemetery at other grand-nicce. Miss J une Cadmus where burial took place. Tbompson. At the conclusion The bearers wcre six nephews botb made very apprapriate re- Mesrs. Leith Bycrs. Bert Wanna- plies thanking the many friends maker, William, Cecii and Rus- for the splendid expression o! sell Robin-con and Wilfred Sand- their good wiii on this happy oc- erson. The deceased was a son ~asion. Short speeches werc alsao! the late Robt. Byers and Jane made by Messrs W. J. TrickW. Darcy and was born 66 years ago G. Mutton (oldest man present), at Purpie Hill on the Byers' home- A F. Cox and others. A great stead. For some years after bis niany letters. cards, telegrams and marriage ta Miss Irene Couiter, Phone calls besides loveiy bau- lie stili continued farming. later quets o! !lowers wcre received by mnoving ta Toronto where he bas the worthy couple. since been employed with the Hy- Community singing was engag-j dro Commission. While lie lîved cd in after which ail sat down ta in Cartwright lic was a member a splendid supper wbich the fortv o! the Blackstock Presbyterlan ýpresent tharougbiy cnjoyed. Moreý Churcb. He was aiso a member singing cancluding with Auld Lang o! LOL. No. 399 and R.B.P. 398. Syne marked the closing o! this Besides bis widow, he is survived memarable celebration, by four daughters, Jessie, Irene Helen (Mrs. Vibcrt Craig) and - - Marion, ail o! Ottawa; also threc ICOMING EVENTS sisters, Mrs. Chambers Sander- Î> Hiram Wannarnaker, (Emma), o! Ail civîc officiais bave bccn in- Seagrave; and Mrs. Jas. Frccborn vitcd ta speak at Ratepayers' (Margaret), a! Morden. Man., Meeting, Tucsday, Jan. 2lst, 8 p. and two brothers, James o! Biack- m. Don't miss hcaring them. stock and William o! Burketon. Loya Tre Bue uche, Fr'The late Mr. Byers was stricken Loya Trc Bue Echr, 1- witli a severe iliness neccssitating day, January 24th. Good pnîzes. an Immediate operation duning Extra prize, lucky number, Re.wiu epsc wy h e frehmets.3-2 mains were taken into the United Sale o! home made cooking, Church, Blackstock. to give relat- candy, and noveity table, on Sat- lves and friends the opportunity urday, Jan. 25th, in I.O.O.F. Hall; of vicwing for the last time one aiso bot supper served f rom 5 loved and highly respected. The o'clock at 25c plate. 3-2 lovcly floral tributes also testi- Reserve Thursday and Friday, 1 !led in a sulent way to tic respect Pcb. 20th and 2lst, for the Oper- l in which thc dcceased was beld. etta "Llawala" by Cadman, to be The deep sympathy o! the com- prcscnted by Trlr±lty Choir in thc munlty it cxtcnded to the sorrow- Town Hall. 3-2 ing ones. O1BITUARY ILittle Known Facts iMrs. Geo. E. Purdy, Bowmianvllle about The deatb occurred on Friday, W eIl KnownPeople January 10, 1936, of An R. Md- j Donald. wdow of Geo. E. Purdy, 19 at the residence oflier soni, Ira, NORMAN JOLLIFFE on Duke St., after an illness of about five montlis. (Toronto Saturday Night) Born i n Cramahe Township, oîancing at a pliotograph of August 26, 1856, the deceased was Nomnan Jolliffe, bass-barritone, the iast survivor of a large fam- one wonders if the humnorous ily and the daugliter of the late mouth and impish eyes belong to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. N. McDonald. Peck's "~Bad Boy," or to a ditin- Her husband pre-deceasedlier use Canadian artist rident twelve years ago. Surviving hier inNe York. Perliaps it is the are tb.ree sons and one daughter, possession af that very Peckish Ira F. of Bowmanville, Hiram A.qaiytt ve ol-shi, of Rochester; Kenneth R. of Pet- qaloity it iesll-seis Freemoando! St. CatharinestR.mous personal popularity. Freean f St Caharies.Fresh framn newspaper work. he The funeral was held on Mon- essayed a f irst solo appearance in day, Jan. l3th. witli a short ser- his native Peterboro, and was con- vice at her son's residence. thenifronted with tlie amazing spec- ta Salem church where service acle of an audience quietly f old- were held and burial took place." ing its programs and stealing a- Services were conducted by Rev.' way, one by one, till scarcely ai W. A. Bunner assisted by Rev. dozen remained. Louder lie sang.'i Roy Rickard of Coîbourne. !and f aster. but to no avail. AI The pail bearers were tb.ree 1 perilausly sagging floar had let sons. Ira, Hiram and Kennetli, tliem down-and bim! and twu grandsons, Francis Purdy Just as he was about ta vocalize of Toronto and Bruce Purdy af bis much practiced "'Piece" at a! Rachester. and son-in-law, Ern- subsequent concert in Clintan, f if- est Freeman af St. Catharines. ten members of a volunteer f ire brigade werc whisked away toaa Nrs. George Vice, Oshawa blistering blaze, riglit f romn under bis nase. Mrs. George Vice, a popular Mare seriaus and mature music- nanagenarian af Oshawa, died aI activity in Toranto, at West- suddenly Manday evening, Jan. minister and Sherbourne St. 6tb. at ber home, 323 Mary St.. Metbodist churches, was fallowed Osbawa. Mrs. Vice had been in by a marriage ta Olive Scoley. poar healtb since Christma.s, but Toranto contralto. and a move ta ber death was unexpected. New Yark. Born in Carnwall.- England. 93 In 1918 be jained tbe Canadian years ago. Catherine S t e v e n s W.M.C.A. for service overseas. A Werry came ta Canada witb ber year a.fter the Armistice, be re- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wer- turned ta New York, and being ry, when fire years of age. The the son of a divine (his fatber was famîhl settled at Eldad, Darling- Rev. W. J. Jollif! e) lived up ta1 ton Township. wbere the Werry bis cburcbly rearing. by being a hamestead still stands. In Febru- successful solaist at four Man- emnized af Miss Werry and Mr. ition at tbe Marble Collegiate bas Gearge Vice and after their mar- been held witli bonor for seven- niage tbey lived in Sauina dis- teen years. trict until about twenty - f i v e Norman Jalliffe's personality. a- years aga wben Mr. and Mrs. lert brain and excellent music- Vice maved ta Osbawa. Mrs. ianship bave made bis name one Vice had dane ber own bause- ta conjure wit.b in tbe teaching work and had been active until a wý*orld of New York. He accom- week aga. plished twelve years of înstruct- ing at Teacbers' Callege. Colum- Mr. and Mrs. Vice were merm- bia University. His interest isi bers af King St. United Church now confined to private classes. and were regular at te n dan ts. Taîl. slim and broad, with Aside tram their church activitiessqaeetholr.le ris their main interest.s were their sqars euthues. lie anes hame and f amîly. Last year Mrs. ab is sllcotrcathes cto adventage. Vice liad received the bouquet of andgbis.scoen a tatyn ledigs flowers given at King St. Churchanl.Winiesnd upt on Mther's Day ta the oldest sing, the audience breathes ex- mother present. This bonar ha citedly, "A personality." been bestawed on Mrs. Vice for' Oratorio upon oratorio. in and many ears cut o! New York (twenty-five ap- many ears.pearances with Columbia Univer- Mr. Vice and three children, sity alane), festivals and syrn- Mrs. T. Sheridan and Mr. Walter pbony orchestras a plenty, re- Vice, bath of Oshawa, and Cccil citais galoreï His rewad?-an Vice o! Brooklin. remain t O insistent demand for r et ur n mourn the loss of a loving wife dates. and mother. A maie quartette ensemble, who The funeral service was held sit Engiish-singer-wise about a on Tbursday in King St. Churcli table, with Jolly as master o! at 2.30 p.m. Burial in Oshawa ceremonies do some laveiy work. Cemetcry. Quartette arrangements and char- ai directing are among bis activ- John Toms, Purple Hill ities. There passed away at bis borne Norman Joilif! e was a student on January 7th, John Toms, in af Bowmanville Higli School in bis 82nd year, one o! Cartwright's 1900-1901 whcn bis father, Rev. oldcst citizens. Deceased W a s W. J. Jolli!!e. was pastor o! Bow- born in Engiand, and while stili ma.nvilc Metliodist Churcli. in, irs outh moed ith his pr- Pacrae 200 Cake 50 Bar 50 HEJNZ KETCHUP 2,11, 350 JELLY POWDER sHRal.14, AYLMEIRSOUPS 3 Tins 230 AmtVd ecept Pu, e Chelemn New Cheese lb. Mec A & P Guaranteed Meats RUA ST S onb. 19 PorkShoulders haklssb.4C Sid eBacon d Pleceor 25 Pork Butts Fcl' l. 1I s le fY15C FISII SPECIALS Salmon S ieim lb. 12c Smoked Fillets Jmon.5 Salmon 5 S<.b l b. 1c IFinnan Haddile s--ked21b..25c Northern Select Oysters, Pint 49e FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TOMATOES Redipe 2 Ibo. 2 5 ORANGES Navels dez. 33o APPLES B. C. Delicous jd-.33o CAULIFLOWERS fresh Crisp M" d190 SPINACH Tex"s 3 A & P OIJALITY FEEDS Egg Mash 100-lb. bag -- 25-lb. bag-- Egg Scratch 100-lb. bag 25-lb. bag Qyster Shelsa 100-lb. bag --- lb23o Dairy Feed -$2.23 20% Protein, 100-lb. $1.73 57e 24% Protein, 100-lb. $1.79 34% Protein, 100-lb. $1.99 ---- 1.79 Feed Measure - ----46e Given with every 100-lb. bag of f eed Plus' 15C tO ---- 1.09 cover handUig 9cost. zj l irE Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's PREm-STOCKTAKI NG QDRESS SALE We have selected about 56 Dresses from our regular stock, ranging in price to $1.1.95 each. These are being placed on sale at ridicuously low prices. They are mostly silk crepes, and out they go at $2095and $395 each Further Dras tic Reductions In Ladies' Coats Here's your chance to get your next Winter's Coat at a big saving. They are Reduced as much as - - $15.00 on the better coats. See them this week-end. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Pre-Stocktaking Sale will save you many dollars. Take advantage of these great dress and coat values immediately while the sel- ection is good. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED Bowmanville PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX MoGREGOR 1P130NE 92 DRUGS mmm__ The correct estimate of a man do flot believe in you, when ev- is about lialfway between what erybody else denounces you even, his wif e thinks of him and what but neyer wlien you do flot; be- his stenograplier knows about lieve in yourself.-Lif e with the him. Lincoln. There is a tremendous creative "'As a man thinketh in bis power in the convictioni that we heart, so is he."--Christ Jesus. can do a thing. 'We make aur fortunes, and You may succeed when others we cali theni fate."-Beaconsfield a Here are Real Money-saving isi -PECIALS il PAGE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1936 RINSO LUX TOILET SOAP SUNLIGHT SA 1 Prince Albert. 1