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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1936, p. 1

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'j, ~m~btan 60 With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME 82 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1936 NME YTown's First. Amateur Show Attracts Monster Audience Maple Crove Lad is Winner Sam Castie, Yodeling Ho-! DURHAM COUNTY bo, Takes Firat Place- CLUB GUESTS 0F Hundreds Turnedj MR. -R.TULLI Away as Huge Throng Hears Nearly F o r t y Rev. R. J. Irwin Deilvered Fine Fine Numbers going t do about it" w Sam Castie, the Yodeling Hobo The Durham County Club of ýrom Maple Grove, was the wifl Toronto met on Thursday even- ner in Bowmanville's first ama- ing, Jan. 3th, when the members teur show held in the Town Hall were entertaineci by Mr. and Mrs. en Thursday. It would require Lorne Truli of 1111 Danforth the use of many adjectives ta fui- Ave. at the Sherbourne House ly describe this f irst venture into Club, 439 Sherbourne St. the realm of Major Bowes' activ- ities by local people. 'There's an Mr. Walter H. Clemes. Presi- old phrase which says somethingident, i n opening the meeting re- about laying them out in the ferred ta the great loss the Club aisies" and that iteraîîy wa jut had sustained by the death of one what the first amateur night did of our oldest members in the per- The Town Hall was packed ÏÏ son of Dr. D. J. Goggin, one of capacity. Every available seat the leading educationists of bis was filled, and scores stood in the day aisies at the back of the hall, and Mr. and Mrs. Truil welcomed on the stairways. Before the pro- the guests and the refreshment gram started hundreds were turn- tables were ably presided over by1 ed away. Mrs. Veeks and Miss Kathleen1 The program itself was just McGill.1 about ail that could be wished. The musical part of the pro- The program lacked in gram was supplied by Miss Alice variety, good music, fun and en- Keffer, soprano, accompanied by thusiasm. The audience was real Dr. Harvey Robb. Mr. Malcolm appreciative. and the younger ele- Wood delighted the audience with ment in the audience even got a selections f rom a piano accord- littie too appreciative at times1 ion. Mr. 0. A. Gamsby, Orono, and stamped their f eet.. whistied gave a short addxess. fand generally upset things. How-1 The speaker of the evening was ever, one wamning from Mr. Cot- Rev. R. J. Irwin. pastor of Don- ton sllenced them. lands United Church. His lect- Reg. Harding made a very cap-. ure on "What are we going to do able Master of Ceremonies, and about it?" was very thoughtful through the splendid co-operat- and intelligent and brought out ion of the performers the pro- many points worthy of consider-1 gram of nearly f orty numbers ation.4 \Wwas through in two hours fiat. Mr. Clemes thanked the artists While one or two of the ama- and speaker for their a-ssIstance teurs let their nerves get the bet- in the evening's entertainmnent. ter of them, the majority were After the visitors had a sociable weil compased and presented time. Mr. T. E. Washington mov- their numbers splendidly. The ed a vote o! thanks to the host singing, the musical numbers, and and hostess. which was graciousiy the novelties ail combined ta pro- acknowledged by Mrs. Truli. vide an evening of entertainment Next meeting wlll be on Frlday, that the crowd just revelled in. February 28th, at Malloney's Gai- At the end of this story we pub- lery, 66 Grenville St., when Dr.i lish the names of the 20 winners L. B. Wiliams will give a soreen Vh will appear in the finals. A production of Durham County w i .w cf rom Friday, on Feb. l4th,i and other features of Ontario, In- 7> cluding the fruit beit of the Niag- j(continued on page 7) ara district. Million Dollar Fruit Market Planned For Toronto, Fruit Growers Told' Two Hundred Attend An- nual Fruit Growers Convention cf United Counties in Cobourg- Hear Splendid Addres- ses1 Successful Euchre A, a euchre sponsored by the Catbolic Women's League at the Bowman House on Tijesday nigbt, the prize winners were: Ladies, Mrs. Stan Corden, Mrs. C. Mut- ton, Miss M. Bottreil; gents, Mr. Well over two hundred fruitiPh'rair. ±Frank 'Taylor and Ernie growers from Nortbumb e r i a n d Battreil. 'me winner o! the draw and Durham counties were in at- for a quilt was Mr. T. J. Conway tendance January 29tb a the o! tbe Cnd u oTrno annual meigofFutGrowers Cnd u oTrna Association held at Cobourg. OffIcers elected are: Past Presi- Canadiait Legkuz Band Concert dent. R. Riarry Crews. Trenton; President. R. K. Squair. Bowman- Hoîders o! tickets for the Can- ville; Vice President. J. G. Find- adian Legion Band Concert scbe- lay, Coîborne; Secretary Treasur- duled for Jan. 2th and postpon- er. E. A. Summers. Port Hope, ed on account o! the death o! Ris Directors. Harold Gibson, J. A. late Majesty, King George V. wil Wilson, Russell Osborne, W. E. 1hav the opportunlty o! enjoylng Rare. H. W. Sirett, W. F. R1ick- this musical treat on Monday. ard, M.P.. F. R. Currelley. Grant Feb. 17th, in the Town Hall. Broach.. Band items o! interest are the After reports f rom the officiais "Thunderer" March. e x c e r p t s had been adopted the f irst speak- f rom "Faust". the "Triumph"' and er was Prof. Caesar o! Guelph ".Silver Cord" overtures. M r s. Agricultural Coliege, who deait (Dr) Bell. pianist. will play the generally with the care o! orch- "Itrmzo f rom "C a v a i e r a ards and in particular the care of Rusticana"and Lieut. Brown will Young trees. be heard in the cornet solos, Dr. W. H. Upsball, Vineland 'Emmet's Lullaby" and "Pount- Station, gave an exceptionaily in- ain o! Lif e." A vlslting artist wlil structive address on the develoP- be "Mel" Smith. harmonica wlz- ment o! Young apple trocs, using ard and Canadian champion. A specimens to illustrate bis meet- n) idqattefo h ings. The speaker dlscussed the wood wlndalprtform thes various types o! trees being %old n iias eir.Ams bthe nurseries and sbowed in siofl 25c. Al iînpmniloyed men can by rec'eive comnlimentary tickets up- what respects they were good. bad Ir. Piplcation to the Saivatlon or indîfferent. He also spo k e Army. briPflY on budding and grafting. Over 150 attended the banquet, catered for by the ladies o! the ' . U Presbyterian Church. A! ter the Rev. A. S. Kterr D, toast to The King, the f irst speaker itroduced was W. Frank Inspirational Rickard. M.P., a prominent fruit_____ grower o! Durham cuthe diMr. "A head ta contrive, a tongue to Rickard touched uDon tedfl cuities attendlng fruit growing, persuade, and a band to execute partictiiariY in recent years. and good." was the quotation chosen mentioned that proposed federal by Rev. A. S. Kerr, minister o! legisiation would. he feit sure, St. Paul's Uiîted Church, as the bring about more stable condi- title o! bis fine address before tions in the marketing o! agri- the Rotary Club at the Balmoral cultural products and be reflect- Hotel. on Frldav. Mr. Kerr, who cd in improved conditions on the was lntroduccd by Past President farmis. He wouid aiways have fleo. E. Chase recalled that this the welf are o! tbe fruit growers phrsebad been uscd in connect- everin mnd.ion wlth a weIl known character Paul PISher, Burlington. ex- In blstary. and that wben dis- plined the function o! the Can- se-ted and studied it provided adian Horticultural Council in plenty o! thought and contem- whlch be was the representative pation. !rom Ontario. 'mis was the most All three phrases or actions efficient advlsory body in Canad- could be used for both good and Ian agriculture as ail branches evil, the speaker pointed out, but încluding growers, dealers, pro- he deait oniy wlth the good that cessors, transportation and every tbey couid accomplish. branch o! the lndustry was re- A bead to colitrive, Mr. Kerr presented. 'me Council advised said. was a head that could tblnk, the Minister in ail horticulturai one biessed wltb an imagination mnatters.antol dator an inventive mind. The secret The mantpi e lwth by o! aIl progress down thraugb the Mr. Plsher was an Informai syn- ages was the contrlving mmnd opsis o! bis Investigation o! mar- whlcb was not satisfled wlth the kets and marketing systems that "'status quo" but always dcsired to do better thlng8. It was the (Coninfued on page 5) contrlvlng mmnd that brought a- SOUTH MONAGRAN RLEEVE ELECTED COUNTIES WARDEN Reeve Fred Waterman of South Monaghan was elected warden of Northumberland and Durham counties Tues- day nlght. He was elected on the first ballot by a majorlty of six over Reeve A. R. Me- Kenzie of Haldlmand town- ship. The vote was: Water- man 22, McKenzle 16, Reeve W. Morrow, Murray town- ship, 3. In his inaugural address, the new warden asked the co-operation of the county council in an economical ad- ministration. Merchants Object P" . LN lg Council Takes Allegiance Oath To His Ma/est y King Edwardi Members of the Town Council took their oath of allegiance to King Edward VIII when they met for the February meeting on Monday. Commencing with the Mayor, the members one by one took the following solemn oath, as follows: "I1 do sincereiy promise and swear, that I will be f aithful and bear true allegiance to Ris Ma- jesty King Edward VIII, as law- fui sovereign of Great Britain, Ireland and the Dominions be- yond the seas, and that I willl defend hlm to the utmost of mY power against ail traitorous con- spiracies or attempts whatever, which may be made against bis person, crown and dignity, and that I will do my utmost en- deavour to disclose and make known to His Mai esty. Ris Heirs and Successors, ail treasons or t.gaitorous conspiracies and at- *§npts3 which I may know to be ,anst him or any of them. .A1l this I swear without equivo- cation, mental evasion or secret reservation: so help me God." To this oath was affixed the linature of the members and the ,wnC erk. It is understood that e rcv i odiesare epected to fect ha in g been issued f rom t» arliament Buiildings in Tor- dflto. COMMUNITY ASSET Ex-Governor F ran c is o f Missouri is quotedl as baving said: "Each year the local paper gives from $500 to $1,000 in free lines to the commnunity in which it ls located. No other agent cau or willi do "The editor, in proportion to bis means, doca more for bis own town than any other ten men, and in ail falrness he ought to be supportedl, riot because you lie hlm or ad- mire his writlngs, but because the local paper 15 the best in- vestment a conuninty can make. "Today the editors of the local .papers do the most for the ieast money of any peo- pie on earth." ',I'. e_-ur1-1aiip-pe -..u To Factory Sales coeainadn te ______medium will travel as far to Complain to Goo d y e a r a _________i Comnpany of Selling to LengtyMetn M na Employees in Competi- N wateTop ants Cornes on Apo te earn~tlHeplanedtt he n1cas esTo Do Clever Play _____ Apointnent ductions of three years ago were Bowmanville RLetail Merchants to Higb School Board possibly necessary at the time, "The Rotters," Sparkling Asocatonwil e trngy e-App it to but h believed that an effort Arsociatnwih e srohngyar- -ttpoi tme tcf d0ebe made to gradually re- Character Cornedy, at prl eseno the Proina- Caretaker la Held Over store them. A resolution asking Hart House This Week Association in Toronto on Febru- ,ta n hr fteslr e ary l9th and 2th. At a meeting Town officiais, civic empboyees ductions be restored each year for heid Thursday night at tle Bow- and the various boards were ap- a period o! three years was turn- (Toronto Daily Star) manHoue PesientW. . Cv-pointed by byiaw at Monday's e over ta the Finance Commit- H. F. Maltby's play, "The Rot- many House Preiden W. tC. metCav-heTwnCu i. tee for consideration. ters," to be Presented next Friday G. Morris and Gea. W. James was during the discussion o! these 1 and atr Tron to.Hbyt he he-si were appointed to represent the appointments that the first div- CE1,G E CE laeTrs, tois ac eeciaton local branch at the convention. ision in the council for 1936 was oILG. fC R Parce. acm ey amnd erous Treasurer Len Elliott in pr2- registered. The division came NA%'ED RECEIV.R.1 fcharcer.pscoioyanWhen it senting the financiai report for, when the name o! Dr. J. C. Dev- IND R A O N y cI a on i e w castie iWn oem the year showed a balance on itt was brought forward for re- INDURHAMber. 1934. thn ewcpsayers adn oviea hand o! $50.77. appointment to the Higb School I that in February 1936. they would The major portion of the even- Board. Ater the name had been Succeeds Mlton J. EUott As berd1in4.tinTtoThe player a oie ingwa gve oer o hedicu- inciuded in the byiaw, a further Official R.eceiver Under Farm- was written in 1916, one o! a ser- sion o! a letter !rom Mr. A. M. nomination was made, the name ers' Creditors Arrangement ies o! comedy-character piays Hardy, Superintendent of the o! D. R. Morrison being put for- Act from 1908 tili 1929. Maitby was Goodyear Factory in Bawman- ward. As the second reading had born in Cape Colony but he made ville, rega.rding the seiling of already been completed, a two- Reeve Cecil G. Mercer of Hope his drama reputation in England. merchandise to employees i n thirds vote was necessary to re- Township has been appointed by He was f irst an actar in "Sign o! competition with the mnerchants. open the matter. Council voted A is ! vr oznitems. 5-3 on the matter, and Dr. Dev the Dominion Governmnent to the Cross" with Ben Greet at a wbicb it is claimed the company itt's appointment was maintain- succeed Ex-May'or Milton J. El- Westhrxerecilng199 eno badI bas soid its employees through its ed. liott as officiai receiver for Dur- know how to make a play that purchasing department at whoie- The futll list o! appointments ham County under the Farîners' fits both characters and action on sale costs. was drawn up and will made by byiaw are: be presented to the Goodyear of- 111gh School Board-Dr. J. C. Creditors Arrangement Act. Mr. stage. Few English authors have ficials who have expressed thein- Devitt. Mercer has assumed bis new dut- produced s0 many comedy suc- cesses. "The Rotters" is one of! selves willing to discuss the mat- S up e rinte nd en t o! Roads, les.,I is funniest and Most subtie; ini ter with the Association. Streets and Sewers-A. H. Bick- Under the act Mr. Mercer will reality a ciever satire, as modern This move foiiows a resoiutioa cli, $550. assist farmers in this county in'now as it was in 1916. passed and forwarded to the Board o! Heath-Councilior C. making arrangements with their The Newcastle Players sponsor- Goodyear Company in December G. Morris, J. R. Stutt, B. H. Mort- creditors. A farmer himseif Mr. ing it here are the f irst non-coi- compiaining about this company lock and the Mayor. Mercer has an intimate know- lgaegopee apa nHr seliing goods, other than Good- Town Offciais 1,'&ae o! farm problems. . House from anyr t plae inbu t r year products, to their employees. Chie! o! PolicË--S. V e n t o n, OIe new officiai. receiver, like oto er ucpce bt Tore It ws pintd ot i thedisus-$J~{)L I is predecessor in office, bas been Rotters" led them. under their sion that aver the perlod o! 25 Cierk and Treasurer-A. J. Lyle active in politlcs in Durham for directar, A. B. Mainwaring, to be- years since Goodyear !irst came $140'. some years. For the past few come the nucleus o! a country- ta Bowmanville the company lias Night Constable-Walter Hall, years be bas been bead o! the wide festival whose flrst compet- enjoyed tax exemptions running $11(00 County Liberai Association. In ition was heid in Community into tbousands of dollars. and Cernetery Superintendent - J. the last Dominion cainpaign he Hall, Newcastle, last October. that it was considered un! air t H. Hlgbfield, $960. was manager for the Liberai can- This is Durham county's experi- take legitimate retail business Tax Collector and Assessor-F. didate. . ment in the direction o! county from local merchants. wbC> as J., Pattinson, $700). festivals as feeders for the Do- large taxtiayers contribute very Relief Officer-F. J. Pattinson. îtireîtsWn minion Drama Festival. It was largeiy toward these exemptions. $300. ItreiesWn aiso a further proof that these Weed and Fruit Tree Inspectar players bave caugbt the spirit Gf Dai orsnM rs -S. Venton, $25. Bowxnanvflle Interm e di -a t e s a festival in whicb as yet they1 DaidMorionMaks Constables - S. Glanville, A. journeyed te, Cobourg Wednesday have entered no play. Their ven- Eighty-Seventh Birthday Matthews, Fred Downey. Aln ght and in a burly bruising ture in Hart House la under. the ____ ence Vlewers - Rarry Aln game came out a.head of the aegis o! St. Bartholomew s chur- Bowmanvllle's Best Known Hlst- William Brock, John Elliott. County Towners 5-2. Cobourg bas Ch. orian Haie and Hearty As He Poundkeeper-A. E. Beilman. two games more te play. If th"y Enters 88th Yea The appolntment o! Roger Bird wln both, Bowmanville ls elimin- _____as caretaker o! the municipal ated from the playoffs. If tise> Election Expenses of Bowmanville's officialiùhstar- buildings was held over a!ter wln one, they tic Bewmanvlle for Federal Candidates ian, David Morrison, Sr., cele- some discussion. Complaints were second place, ansd if they lobe __ brated bis 87tb birthday on Jans- made o! the caretaker's work. and botis, Bowmanvllle la lIntthe play- uary 30tb. Mr. Morrison is a re- is explanation it was polnted out offs wth Whltby. It ls net likel>' Below are pubiished the eiec- markable man, and at that age that be bad several bosses, which that Cobeurg will win two, and' tion expenses o! the Liberai and retains al bis faculties and a was not f air to hlm. He was ai>- Possible that they wili net wn Conservative candidates for Dur- wonderful memory. We bave pointed ta carry on until next, one, so it looks as theugh %w- ham County is the federal edec- used hlm for years as our final meeting o! Council.1 manvllle wll have a chance at tion a!fi8.5t fail. These are ac- authority on bistoricai matters Councilior C. G. Morris, afteri Whltby hItise playdewns of tils cording to the returns submstted pertaining to Bowmanville. He the passing o! the bylaw, brougbt, group. to Returning Officer W. P. Ward. 1has a vast store of facts about this community. and can iecall with remarkable c]arity happen- ings of three-quarters of a cen- tury ago. Mr. Morrison was born in Rosshlre, Scotiand, but has liv- 1ed in Bowmanville for neariy eighty years. Someone just lean- ed over our shoulder and read ithis item and remarked "say that 1he is the perfect exemplification of perpetual youth" whlch we are glad to add. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. AllUn, Or- Lono, celebrated the 52nd anniver- sary of their marriage on Wed- nesday, Jan. 22nd. Their daugh- 1ter, Mrs. Irwln R. Bragg, Provi- Sdence, and son, Mr. Harper Allin, iPickering. were among the guests on this occasion. )elivered Fine Address at Rotary bout the evolution from the stage coach ta, the airpiane. It was the same mind that kept thc medical profession from sel! satisfaction and ever urgcd them !orward ln the conquest o! disease. Whllc we can have pride in the .chicvements o! the past. we must think for the future, Mr. Kerr said. We must not be satlsfled wlth things as they arc. 'me con- trlvlng mind will thlnk out the better ways o! dolng things to pro- vide a fulier life. Great men o! today have a mmnd ta, contrive a warless worid, a better social or- der wherc poverty and suf!ering cease ta be. At present tbey are only ideas, but they wili progres in time ta, realities. A tangue ta persuade Is also a very valuabie attribute, Mr Kerr added. Tbe new king Is evidence o! the persuasive tangue. He bas travelled the world and bas been named the salesman o! the Em- pire. 11e bas sold the Idea that British goods are better, and more iateiy he là, selllng the idea that (Contlnued an page 5) W. Frank Rickard Contributions. etc ------$1,194.54 Candidate's personal exp. 357.05 Rire o! premises----------- 132.00 Services ----------------- 175.00 Travelling expenses ---- 22.80 Goods supplied -------- 157.62 Advertlsing ----------- - 707.59 Total $1,551.59 C. G. Mercer, Officiai Agent Fred Wellington Bewen Contributions---------- $ 603.55 Candidate's personal exp 475.00 Rire o! premises ------- 129.00 Services ----- ----46.44 Advertising -------------- 427.11 Council Petitions Telephone Company 10 Scrap Outdated Bowmanville PhoneSysten REFRESHMENTS ARE Resolution Asking for Irn- GIVEN AT CLINIC BY mediate Action Passed WOMEN'S INSTITUTE at Monday's Meeting- Richard Hall te Act as Mothers Attending Baby Clinie Ni ght Constable f o r at Town Hall Are Provided Brte With Llght Lunch rte A f airly good attendance was A resoltition requestlng the lm- present at the Women's Institute mediate installation o! the com- mon battery telephone system in meeting un St. John's Parish Hall Bowmanville was unanimously on Friday aftcrnoon. Mrs. J. passcd by the Town Couni on Thickson, President, was is the Monday and will be forwarded to chair. Meeting opened with "O the Bell Telephone Ca. lIn the Canada" and the Institute Ode, discussion ieading upi to the re- Mrs. Rarry Smith presiding at solution it was pointed out that the piano. Mftcr the minutes by the Company had promised this the secretary, Mrs. C. McFeet- greatly necded Improvement sev- ers, business, letters from sick. eral years ago, but had continuai- shut-ins, etc., and roll cal. Mrs. iy put it o)ff. It was further Edwin Woods took charge o! the poînted out that this town was program whicb opened by sing- far behind other nearby tawns in ing "The Mapie Leaf." M iss is telephone system, and tbat the Phyllis Challis gave a weil-rend- town was the laugbing stock o! ered piano solo; Miss E. E. Hay- traveliers and tourists un is tot- craft read a humorous bill sup- aiiy inadequate and obsoîcte tele- posed to have been prescnte-d ta phone system. parliament is 1859 re women's Wilfred Carruthers and Gilbert wearing apparel; Mrs. Alex Col-~ Jones appeared on bebalf o! the ville sang a couple o! selections. Legion Band to request a grant "Dear Old Pal" and an Indian o! $250 for 1936. It was painted love song "Pale Moon." Mrs. out that the band's income is ex- Woods accompanying; Mrs. J tremeiy smali, aisd that this mu- Thickson gave a very interesting sical organization was at the beck historic sketch on the post office and cail o! the municipality and system. The group is cbarge local societies. It was referrcd ta ser'ed refresbments. the Finance Committee wilt h The Institute is furnishing ligbt power to act. refreshments at the Wel!are Cli- C.H. Mason appearcd on be- ic eacb Priday afternoon during liai!o! *the Bowmaisville Hospital, the winter months. rcquesting a grant o! $500 and Opportunity was given girls ta the payment o! indigent patients attend tbe domestic science and fees. Reeve Jones requested that sewing course is Hampton on the Hospital forward copies> o! Pcb. 4tb-28th. Also to members accounts sent out to ail patients to attend W.C.T.U. conventionin i who are said th be indigent pat- Toronto Feb. 21-22. A cookiisg lents, as many dlaims were made sale wiil aiso be held on Pcb. 28. that patients had not received accounts. 'me matter was pass- cd i the f orm o! a motion and Rural Sehools Re:ot I the matter o! the grant rcferred The epatmenai epor o!ru-ta the Finance Commnittee. rai scoiarttendancepfortCol.rE. Mr. Poole presented a plan o! E. cho Snider's nspeoratC o. E. iability insurance for civic cm- DuSnrh an NoraterlaNd. 1ployees wh.lch was referred ta the Durhm ad Nrthuberand isFinance Commlttec. exccptionaliy good. O! 67 schools1 Public Liabillty Policy o! the 44 are grade good, 15 f air, and 8 Town was rcnewed witb Lloyds e! unsatisfactory. The total eisroll - England, tbrough, C. Il. Mason,' ment o! these rural schools is 1370, local agent. and the percentage average is A citizen signlng limseif "Tax- 90 per cent. Total number o! days payer" compîained about the con- was 3068, with an average loss dition o! the sidewalk In front of per month, per pupil o! 2.2,4. The Mr. Jury's garage on Kling Street days lost were: througb iliness. East. The sidewalk was appar- 1100; home heu>, 1244, physicai ently tors Up at this place and osbtacles, 158; parental negleot, neyer replaced, and it was Prov- 75; truancy 1; privation. 7; lrr- îng very difficult. te traverse the egular closing. 53; other reasons. spot un wlnter time. Roads and 430. Darllngton had the lowest Streets Commlttee wIll investi- average loss wlth per pupil bass gate. o! 1.46 per month: Clarke 1.93 Requcat o! Durham Centrai Ag- per month; Cartwright 2.37 per ricultural Society for a grant was month and Manvers 2.93 per re!erred to Finance Commlittee. month. The leading school was Bowmanviile Ratepayers Assoc- No. 14 Darlingtan wlth 1l pupils iation was granted use o! Council and an attendaisce record o! 98.81 per cent. (continued on page 7) Public Sehools Require Less Money From Town in 1936, Surplus Helps FORMER CITIZEN DIIES We learn thîs week o! the death o! Walter R. Porter o! Vancouver, which took place is Englaisd the latter part o! 1935, wbere be bad gone for his bealtb. 1He was the third son o! the late Wm. Porter, the weli known east side foundry man o! this town. The plant was on the corner o! King and Lib- erty Sts. where for many years he conducted a profitable busi- ness i poughs and other fa.rm implements. 0f the five sons and two daugliters o! the Porter f ar- iiy there are noise icit except Normais, a jeweiier is St. Thom- as. The famiiy were prominent is social a!! airs some 50> years ago and strong upholders o! the Pres- byrterian Church. Total $1,552.06 Look at the label and see if R. R. Waddell, Offlciai Agent. 'your subscription is pald for 1936. Mr.- and Mrs. James H. Shortridge Burketon, Mark Golden Weddingi Shortridge-Avery - In Bawman- ville, Januar>' 27tb. 1886. by Rcv. Edward Roberts, James Henry Shortridge and M ar y Elizabeth Avery o! Darlington. On Monday cvening, January 2'lth, a famiiy Party was held at the home o! their daughter, Mrs. John Bligbt, Brooklis, wben the f amily sat down to a dainty dis- ner after which tbey presented their parents wlth an Aladdiis iamp and a purse o! money is token o! love, devotiois and ex- ample the parents bad given them thraugh life. There were eight cblidren, f ive being present, Mrs. John Blight, Mrs. Brayiey, Mms. House, Cccli and Louis. Her- bort was kllled is the Great War; Mms. McClcllan and Edwin o! Saskatchcwn were unable to be present. There are 13 grand- chiîdreis and 2 great graisdchlld- reis. Besides the above. others pres- cnt lncluded Mr. and Mrs. WilI Avery, Miss Margaret Bllght. Mrs. Mark. Mr. and Mrs. Danlels, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Moffat, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klng, Mr. and Mm., Geo. Bray, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Avery and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller. On Tuesday eveising about 100 friends and neighbours gatbcred at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Worth, Burketon, ta belp Mr. and Mrs. Shortridge celebrate this golden event. Wesley Hoskin caiied the compaisy to order and the !oliowlng address was read by Adam Sharpe: Dear Mr. and Mms. Shortrldge- We rejpice that you have been spared to see this day. the !i!tl- etb annlversary o! your weddlng. Together we say hearty, sincere congratulations. Many o! us who are tblnklng o! you today cannot look back flfty yeams, but ail o! us can look back over an acquaintaisce o! posslbly five, ten or twenty-five years, is whlch we have growss to estecm you both very hlghiy. We want to thank you today for what your lives teach about marriage-the Christian home and honest toil. Marriage bas not been an expert- ment for you folk, it bas been a (contlnued on page 7) Boaral Will Require Only $18,000 from the Town This Year - Gideons to Purchase Bibles for Schools At the Public School Board meeting on Tuesday, Trustee ce. Mason was acting in the capaclty o! Chairman In the absence of Trustee W. P. Cerbett. Dr. V. H. Storey, Public School Board representative on the Hlgh Sohool Board, was present. It was declded ta reduce the estimates $500 on the amount estimated iast year as there lsaa favourabie balance o! over $800. The grant; this year wlll be $18.- 000. Miss Leta L. Bragg gave an in- teresting and concise report of lier work in connection wlth Pen- ny Bank deposits, the Board and Principal expresslng their ap- Preclation o! the effort expended. Principal J. H. Johston re- ported a decrease lIs attendance during January due te the preval- ence o! contaglous disease. Report of Assistant Principal A. B. Clark and Mrn Purdy re- garding gymnaslum and athletlc equlPment was referred te Pro- pertY and Management CommIt- tees. Reports of varlous committees were adopted. It was dclded to rencW Llabillty Insurance. Board accepted offer of Oid- cons ta asslst ln purchase of Bi- bles for the schools. Penny Bank Depoalte Forty-two Per cent. of the pu- pls attendlng the Bowmanville and No. 6 Darlington Schools de- posited lis the Penny Bank of On- tario lIs November and December according to the current report. The total amount on deposit for these two achools on December 3lst, 1935 was $3,347.08, as com- pared wltb $3.427.45 at the end of 1934. The average percente.qe for the province of Ontario la 37 lier cent., so that the local district la wdil above average. Bowmanvlle's actual percentage la 43, and No. 6 Darlington 35. Ï6 y - Her Majesty Queen Mary ý -- --L à-

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