PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTILE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1936 ponding Indian proverb speaks off PIONEER PASSES S the sieve tellingth ed ha ~un 1av ~ it lhad a hole in it. It is a fc Lesson others the faults off which we are ourselves guilty, only we see large the ffaults off others and sec small 7 the identical failings in ourselves. JESUS INSISTS ON Christ met many people wbose RIGHTEOUSNESS judgments were out off aUl pro- portion depending upon whether Sunday, February 9th they were criticising others or themselves. It is only when we, Golden Text: "Wby cali ye me, overcome the fault in ourselves' Lord, Lord, and do noV the things that we can have proportion and' which I say?" - Luke 6:46. cbarity in Our judgments off oth- Lesson Passage: Luke 6: '39-49. ers. Accurate self -criticismn is ra- anges kcp heirancentther rare. A psychiatrist will f re- The pages ke-p heir acietreveal in others charact- i rsisthat they might easily Turn but a stone and start a!i have discovered for hemselves. wing!1 As long as we give preferential 'Tis ye, 'tis your estranged 1 treatment to ourselves and main- faces,i tain prejudiced attitudes owards That miss the many-splendor- otes1ecnotsctetuh cd hing.1 We need to recail the proverb off Teacixers and Taught, 39, 40i the splinter and the plank. As a rule pupils do not risc Tree and Fruit, 43-45 higher than their teachers. A Jesus was able to express deep teacher can bardly take a pupil trutbs by simple analogies. When farther than hee bas gone himself, hie wished Vo show the relation W. A. Tom, Collingwood. and may quite probably not take between character and conduct, the pupil even that f ar. Great hie spoke off a good tree bringing is the rcsponsibility off teachers forth good fruit. "Every tree is ance Vo hearing bis sayings. The because in large measure the des- known by bis own fruit. For off hearing, however, was prelimin- tiny off the pupils is being decided thorns men do not gather f igs, ai'y, o the doing. He noted thee by the teachers. People now in nor off a bramble bush gather progressive stages, coming. bear- middle life can look back totir they grapes." Much effort has ing anld doing. The man w ho teachers in youth and say that gone into the teaching off eti- cornes to Christ. hears bis teach- one teacher helped and another quette, but right conduct depends îngs and puts them into practice hlndercd. Especially is it import- upon inner nature more than up- is like a man who built bis bouse ant that religlous teachers be in- on superficial social codes. A wild upon a rock foundation that telligent and off bigh character tree bears wild fruit and a bad vitbstood the floods. - again an because, othcrwise, the vecr y man will in the long run act ac- illustration f romn the building foi.tains of f 1f may be poisoned. cording to his nature. Conduct trade. On the contrary, the man Jesus likened the scribes and depends upon character - the who bears and does not do is like Pharisees o blind leaders of the heart must be made rigbt f irst off a man building a bouse witbout bllnd. Instead of getting sure ahl. For instance, speech cannot a2 foundation, onily Vo be swýept direction, leaders and followers be disciplined by courtesy alone; away by the f loods. In religil on, would stumble and fail. Both in speech reveals the disposition and as ini alI hif e, no amount off theor public schoois and Sunday sebools xnrotntr.Mn cati take the place off dees increasing attention is being giv-1 would like o be considered nice Tere f ryrmyb hr en to teacher traiing. One wbo, are not so eager Vo be good, but oughly tbougbt out but tbey are understands how the h u mi a n according Vo Jesus, there isn useless unless wc actually pray. mind works can tcach far morei way off doing right other than We may ehapsodize about love than one who hinks off pupils as,'f irst bccoming good at heart. Out but love is only a sentiment or 'littie bottles with small necks" off the abundance off the hcart ideal until translated into deeds. to be filled judiciously. Educa- the mouth speakctb. Our speech Fine words butter no parsnîps. tion is best interpreted as a pro- should indicate our real selves. but actions count. cess off grovrth: the eacher's task Verbal Affirmatives, 46 Questions for Discussion is noV only to transmit knowledge 1 soeoftewanse f 1. How may we make the but Vo guide and cnrich experi- I sourf'h wanssso ence. u human nature Vo try to make teaching profession stand higb in Spliterand lan, 41 42 verbal affirmatives excuse moralpulcoion Spliterand lan, 41 42 negatives. Of course we only de- 2. How may we avoid the dan- One who had worked for years ceive ourselves if we Vink that gers off introspection? in a carpenter shop made current anything matters but reality. We 3. What determines our con- this proverb about seeing the are wbat we are, and though we duct? niote in another's eye and not may tey Vo hoodwink others and 4, Wbat are our not al nega- sccîng the beamn in one's own eye. ourselves. we cannot deceive God. tives? Dr. Moffatt heightens the con- Wbat we say can neyer atone for 5. Wby do 'ýskyscrapers' bave trast by translating the words as wbat we do. Actions spcahc lotid- jdeep foundations? spllnter and plank. A ýcorres- e than words. Jesus found some!~CTU il ertr ____________________people ready to flatter hi m. but vvW.CTUFil erty they would not live according- to, SI s n Temperance f is standards. Very bluntly lie Sek -7removed their masks askin- "Wycaîl me. Lord. Lord. andI lor ew ep nd n er ;d no th thigs hic I ay?.oyîng, a visit ffrom Miss Rosa- One off the chief troubles off mod- mond Duf f. Provincial Field Sec- Sen religion is that verbal pro- retary off the W.C.T.U. fession is oo often sufficient and Tusa onn.Jn 3d the Christian way off hf e is ce- she addressed nearly 200 boys at garded as secondary. Christ ai-teTring cooonhevi ways laid great emphasis upon effects off alcohiol and obacco on action., "This do"; "~This ougbt the buman system. Thursday ye obavedn" "Inasmuch as evening at a unlion prayer mieet- re dîd it." There is, off course, aininTiyUitdCucsh place for public profession off spoke on temperatice t o p i c S, f aîtb. We must be rcady at any stressing the importance ofcu Vîm Vowincs V ou f it, bt ating the youth on the import the most effective witness is our ance off total abstinence. She re- quaîtyoffhf exresed n at-ferred Vo the tremendous decrease ions. in the drinking off cofffee in U. S. Hearng ad Do~, 4~49 since the beer regime and a de- Hearng nd Ding 47-9 dine in the consumption off 37,-t Jesus spent mucb off his ime 360.000 quarts off milk in New * *in eaching. He knew bow im- York City in 1934. Dr Cdse Nere fod portant it ;;as that people should Miss Dufff also visited the pub- hear the rutb and hie did noV lic schoois and the high scbool hesitate Vo attach great imPOet- and taught the pupils a wondei'- ___fui lesson on temperance. on Tuesday afternoon M i Sss Dufff met wiVh the W. C. T. U. members at the home off Mes. W. NOW THEY ASK FOR MORE C. Washington and delivered an address wbicb was most inspir- ing and educational. She related CH DOSAR -NO OE SUER W>,N YOuKIW wa O 110 aIDMY many offlber experiences as Field T AE OKEEP T1wn.I sN Secretary. She also traced the TWO HELPINGS 0F MY CAKE. N EE USINO MAGIC -Kitchen Garden Work" under IWNORWI'.055 IL B1UGO0~ the instruction off the W.C.T.U. ASKSU WMTMKE in Toronto in 1886 as the fore- E - CAWT BEAT . runner off our domestic science -E M GC_ tcacbing. The beginning off our K .'r oERTAJNaY Scientific Temperance work was S C OvEs 6000 in 1881 when petitions wvere sent LRES4JLTS hy the W.C.T.U. Vo Hon. Adam A Crooks Vo introduce emperance T teaching with text books in the public scbools off Onaro E ~The W.C.T.U. is taso respons- ible for the introduction of the jQuarterly Temperance Day in In- ternational Sunday Scbool les- sons and the awaeding off prizes à for the annual National Temper- ance Study Course. DO'TRIK AIURS utl dpedale I asue She said these are just some off ...Good baking powder is perfect leavening . . . dcli-I the many achievements off the ecally imporwty ana od c's Magie oss s litime ! And ' W.C.T.U. and made an earnest caeding cookcry experts se M .agecotaîîy, leto seappeal for increased membership leadng ookry xpets se . acualy, esstha lewitb the resuit that six new andrecommend Magie. They worth makes a fine cake! Ask '"'" membees were added Vo our un- have found Magic is abso- your grocer for Magie! l lCnaa ion.E _______________________________________________ Mis s Duff is a veey plcsn 1EASY LGUUD HEALTII For the Whole Family NO. 3 - FOR WOMEN Ail women want to be beautiful, which is to say ail womcn want te be healtby. More Important than anything cisc is milk. Pure, dlean, drinkable millk with a flavor that invites drinking eneugh ta, insure greatest benefits. Try drinking Glen Rae. And make a habit of cooking wth It ! IlGlen Rae Dairy R. R. Stevens & Son, Proprietors PHONE 408J BOWMANILL 1 WONDER I wonder if amid this strif e, That stabs my heart with pain, The lover's perfect bour off life Wili e'cr be mine again. The vine is purpling on the hili And beauty knows no ending: But tbere's a glass I cannot f111 Till God bath done His mend- ing. r looked on beauty cold. austere, And then a maid went by And colored ail my whiriing year With warmer tints off sky; She left me then without a smile. Without a word off sigbing, And now I marcb an endiess mile And watcb the colors dying. Chide me noV if I linger long Beside a hidden brook And dreamn it bath a purer song Wbere one did downward look; For if the Man off Wounded Hands Returncd, would He noV tarey A tender moment in the lands That knew the feet off Mary! I wonder should a maiden risc WiVh all my lost love's charm Would I find light witbin hec cyes And peace witbin ber arms? Or is there none in ail the land To head my ancient sorrow- No lip or eye or gentle hand -Wilson MacDonald. FORMER SOLINA sons of England. Having joined BLACKSMITH DIES conng ta Colllngwood, he soon AT COLLINGWOOD after bis arrivai here, united with 1 the local branch, Canterbury 'Vnu W. A. Tom Was Ooncillor, Reeve, Lodge. Of this he was a past IVur Warden, Fair Directorian president and for somne years Porti an trustee and treasurer. PolitcianMr. Tom married Martilla Wil- Many old Solina friencis will be bur, the ceremony being perform- 'ar of ""To, o et on Machurcth,7, in thlae Eyes interested in the foîlowing obt ethdMa rch t,7, in thelg iaryof Bily" omblacksmith off Hampton. by Rev. C. Wilson, n that village for many years, pastor off the circuit. On the fif- vhich appeared in Collingwood tieth anniversary of the event. in yCH.TkOt 3ulletin Enterprise last week: March 1929, friends extended ByeC. H.tuSpc, t. Prom the lire of Collingwood a very hearty congratulations, theirEysgtSealt good wishes being accompanied .amiliar figure passed out by the by gifts, including a sîlver service YOUR CHILD AND THE EYES death at midnight on Thursday, to Mrs. Tom and a gold headed January 23rd, off ex-Warden Wil- cane to Mr. Tom from the Con- Part 20 liam Angel Tom. Forty years he servative Association. At the saine had been a citizen and during the time the municipal counicil and When we learn to train the greater part off the four decades the G. and N. Exhibition joined eyes, we will learn to study their before the public. He was inter- in the felicitations. function, their limitations as ap- ested in municipal aff airs, in the Mrs. Tom, with one son. Gar- plied to over work with them ev- Great Northern Exhibition, the ffield, survives. A second son, ery day. We will know how %,to Sons off England and the Con- Harry, cied in 1935. One brother work them and at the samne time servative Association. Thomas, lives in Plymouth, Eng- conserve their strength for the Mr. Tom was born in the vil- land, and two sisters, Mrs. James future work they have to do. We lage of Padstow, in Cornwall. and Mjiss Tom. are in Toronto. A do flot, in our every day work England, in 1853, a son off Capt. brother. Mr. Henry Tom, died in train our eyes as they might be Henry Tom, of the British Mer- Toronto îast year.1 trained. lcantile Service. Prom bis native Mr. Tom will be greatly missed. There is much being learned village he was taken to Ply'mouth, tThouglh advanced in yearsadevery day off the year of, for in- ,ewhere he lived until 1869, when living somewhat retired. and 111 stanice, light and its relation to rhe came ta Canada and settled since last April, he always re- vision, glare and its relation to Lin Oshawa, where he was ap- tained an interest in public ev- efflciency, eye hazards in indust- 1prenticed to blacksmithing and ents and especially in the if e of rial work. etc. Most off these ýcarrnage builder. Later he moved the towni. His friends were al- things are in their scientific form 5to the village off Solina, where he ways cordially and cheerfully and perhaps are flot spread sim-'l Lconducted a business off bis own greeted and enjoyed. ply before the general public.! for saime years before moving in- The funeral was held on Mon- Much off the explanation would, to Bowmanville. day afternoon, at two o'clock. at bc, unnecessary detail, meaning. In 1898 he came to Colling- the late residence, Hurontario St. when summed up, that these .wood. where he again turned ta Rev. H. A. Eaton officiated. and things were the means our mod- Ihis former occupation and for interment was made in the Trin- ern civilization was taking to use i )somneyears carried on a business. ity Uinited cemetery. Up our visual energy and use it 'Later he changed to a livery bus- 'Up fast . 'Yiess and more recently ta a gar- The average man is dependant: sage. In more recent years he hasASES HO !G I upon his eyesight for seventy per' lived quietly, leaving the manage- p cent off his work. Do bis eyes earn 'ment of his affairs to his sons. ORCA AD LF his living? Yes. If glasses areý iHarry and Garfield, the former 'required. the best is none to! off whom predeceased him last Ana eotSosPors good. Dont endanger the eyes by ý ýyear. Ana eotSosPors trusting their examination to the Mr. Tom was interested and Drn atYa peddler, mail order canvasser. or1 3active in municipal circles and as the bargain couniter. a representative in the municipalof$65039nt and county counicils gave his fel- Showxing a gain o 65059 Miller's Wormn Powders do o elow citizens many years off ser-talsesofCnaLfeA- need the after-help off castor oul vice. He was first elected a couin- surance Co., now total over $240,- or any purgative to complete1 cillor in 1906 and continued for 000.000, according to the financ- their thoroughness. because th ey the years 1907-1908. In 1909 be ial 'statement submitted to the are thorough in themnselves. One advanced to deputy-reeve. an te wllb fice he held until 1915. Alte ýannual meeting recently. iodoe offte and th ile ing out for four years, he return- 1 A. N. Mitchell. vice-president 1Will end the worm trouble bv cd' in 1919 as reeve, an office lie' an eea aaepitdot1mki the stomach and bowcls again held in 1924 and for a third that total incomne îrom ail sourc- untenable to the parasites. Andf time in 1929 and 1930. In 1930 3vrnot nyhi.bttepwrs he was elected Warden of Simcoe. es was over $41,000,000. ( v e r . beonertaista but mthe per following the death of Warden H. $26.000.000 was paid tVo POlicy- efficial influences in the digestiveI H. Creswicke. holders. annuitants or beneficiar- organs. For many years Mr. Tom was a ies. Living policybolders received director off the Great Northern 1$19.000.000 apart from 1 o a n s. ___ Exhibition. In this he was presi- During the past six years Canada _______________ »dent and one year was manager. Lif e has paid to policyholders, At his death he was an honorary annuitants and beneficiaries over president. having been re-elected $158.000.000. During the saine but on January 15th. perioci assets increased by $75,- Politically Mr. Tom had a full 125,435.f belief in the policies and princip- Surplus f unds and special re- Let's C onlso les off the Conservatives. He was serves total $8.331.290 and includeI always enthusiastic about their $2.000.000 provision for special prospects and as a member off the contingencies and $1,810,000 f or executive and president for ten policy dividends payable during years off the Collingwood Conser- the balance off the company's div- vative Association. on different idend year ending June 30. ex- occasions led the forces off the cept on policies re-assuriflg other party. companies, for which the divi- 1 The deceased was president off dends are inciuded for the calen- the Tom Construction Company, dar year. After providing- $5 10,- whicb built a number of tCrmour- 000 for other dividends to PolicY-I ies in the province. The firm also bolders. there remains an un-% erected the exhibition building in assig-ned surplus off $4.011,290, the town park here. the latter being an increase of Another off the activities in $285.022. The company's position which he was promninent was the wa.s further strengthened by the ______writing down off securities by $879,933. Total assurance in force 1%. amounts to $816.848.853. BusiessI.'recory Hldings off governiment, gov- Busin ss D rect rrucnt guaranteed and munici- pal bonds were increased f romn LEGAL $83.36.107 to $92.195.388. CROSS FLOW New assurances issued during M. G. V. GOULD, B-.L, LL.3l. the year. incîucling reinstate- ~ AO Barrister, Solicitor, Not.ary ments. but excluding annuities, Phone 351 amounted to $56,023.007. The new Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmaniville paid-for assurances. re- vivais and increased policies, but W. R. STRIKE excluding dividend additions and Barrister, Solicitor, Notary annuities totalled $52,602,927. Re- o Solicitor for Bank off Montreal serves beld to, meet liabilities un- Money to Loan. Phone 91. der policies now in force amount PRECISIDN-IUILT Bowmanville, Ontario Ito $223.928.614. Sales off life in- ENGINES. - I surance in Canada increased by L. C. MASON, B.A. aimost 20 per cent. and first year Barrîster - So'icitor premiums f rom annual pem'ium Notary' Public - Etc. jorcinary insurance also sbowed a' Law in ail its branches substantial gain. Lapses last year Office immediately cast of iRoyal i were the lowcst off any year since Theatre 1928, the improvement over 1934 Phones: Office 688: Home 553. being 20 per cent. M r. Mitchell remarked: "It is SLN DENTAL encouraging to note in our mort- SYNCRO-MESN gage accounts the incrcasing TRANSMISSION DR. .C DEVITT number off cases where substant- Assitant Dr E. . Sison ial reductions have been efffectcd Assitant Dr E. . Sison in amounts owing to us and this Graduate off Royal Dental Col- applied to botb farm and city. lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jub- During the last six years It bas TSOPBD TI ilee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office been the policy off the companY toaSF hours 9 a. in. Vo 6 p. m. dally noV only steengthen r es er ve s except Sunday. wbich are made apparent in any thu Phone 90. YHoutsep hone 2. anul eprt-bt ls1- br- g FUNi arEyRL iRECTORavu FUNERAL DIRECTOR Service, any hour, any daj. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car CaUi Phone 10 or 34, Assistant. 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funcral Service Mlodem Ecuipult - Ambulance -A. W. G. Northcutt - -Aubrey Smith - Phone Days bd Nights. Stindays or Holidays Phone 523 or 276. music FRANCIS SUTTON Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O. A.T.C.M. diplomas in Piano, Slnglng, Violin and Organ. Private or class lessons. Pupils prepared for al examinations. Phone 42, Bowmanvllle 39-tf ere jus the same 0 a 0 BDy purcbaslng yeur new Pontiac nov, you conen *noy nov-car, comfort end dendabiMty during the.rie. mainder of te. winter! PRICEO FROFM $995 (Standard Six 2-pass. Coupe) 8-cYlinder Models begin at $1183 DeRvefed ai Factory, Oshaw,.Fuiiy lqulPPd. Frelil and Cormment Rqstraés Fu oI u P-126 UISie th./-Fyac tth a Leighton McCarthy, K.C. President off the Canada Life Assurance Company.I COURTICE Roy Nichols BOWMANVILLE Tune in avery Saturday night nt 9 p.m., E.S.T., fo General Motors Coast-to-Coast Hockey Broadcasi. Royal Theatre. BOWMANVILLE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. - February 6 - 7 - 8 HOOT GIBSON in Powder Smoke Range and LEE TRACY in Two Fisted MATINEE SATURDAY 2.30 p.m. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. - February 10 - il - 12 CLAUDETTE COLBERT in "SheMarried Her Boss" NEWS - - COMEDY MATINEES: MONDAY 4 p.m. - WED.NESDAY 2.30 Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. - February 13 - 14 - 15 BARBARA STANWYK in "The RcdSalute" CARTOON - - NEWS COMING: "MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY" 0TL F TWO CITIES' "BARBARY COAST" "DARK ANGEL" :*ESCAPE ME NIENER" 'THE EAGLE'S BROOD' "NIGHT AT THE OPERA' "ROSE MARIE" F hem a . imany oui of smghî. t T HE 1936 Silver Streak Pontiac is ane cf the biggest values in recent automobile history. From head ight te tail lamp, this smart-looking car is a masterpiece of precision engineering. Why net enjoy a demonstration? Stop into the roomy Turret Top Body by Fisher. Relax comfortably in ricbly appointed interiors. Know that your well-being is protected by a solid walI of steel and safety glass windows, yaur health by scientific insulatian and Fishier No-Draft Ventilation. TbriIl to the smooth, capable performance of this splendid Pontiac as you will to the realization that ne less than 1O1 major advancements contribute te It You can own a Pontiac Six or Eight-easily I Here's why: First cf ail, new lew prices; second, liberal allawance on your car, third, reduced Urne payments cf the .%G M AC Canadian plan. PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVEUE, ONTARIO, TRURSDAY, FUBRUARY 6,1936 Connider the Comnnnv Rci, ýféA. il-,