spe akers - who can't be h eard RCSATPICTR ladwho are tedious. FomrPeiieto YOUR WVORLD and MINE 1J ust another story: A minister A 'rrue Incident Cartwright Preceptory staying at a country home inI Replies to Letter BY JOHN C. KIRKWOOn Western Ontario preparatory to By F. W. O. Werry _______ ( (Copyright) i ttendlocan churchwhee letiniby EicBarcroft lhad beon warr.e The following is a reply to a _________________________________________bIthe prical sprh heeakew o bd bis doctor flot ta over-exercisc. letter sent ta Sir Kt. J. H.Deiitt, taefasper before the meet- l' a îyfvan a i- ~MP.P Burketon, by Royal 'ak n su played more than the ordinay Black Preceptory some time agc "The first recuir"nt is that ta his audience. and he spoke ing, delaring that he spoke bet- 90* good judgment with regard ta and lie shal be heard." Th.s wa.s the sc{tly. The second lecture was ter on an empty stomach. When vretndikg and the fol-an which appeared in these col comment made by a man who, attended by very few. and the the meeting was over, bis haslr- r-tng.of herinking ews o h . . ficr n f rom the nature of hits cccupa- third lecture by a still smaller tuî'ned ta bis home and his wife lowtnng o the hrwil-'tew.T the W.P.,Otlcer an tion, a olse to a -etmany company. This man wearninggtthat throw their flick- spMembers of R.B.P. No.398: ba t lstn ret ilth wy anv~asbrugt skd owth mmser~oke. ering shadows beyond passing in- wnghs etions, ad snnercusa n onltoad from Sctadta T-Hed better have et" was the fatuations. In fact, as he hini or i n i ngtswe egto h dsutdrpyL0 self apPraised his pa-t behavar ter of Season's Greetings sent me smnall-group meetings. He was platform, he could not be heard. hie was somewhat flattered by the1 by your Registrar, I desire ta speaking particularly of a doctor J C K Fgratifying glow of personal well- thank You most sincerely for the be heardby thosebehibeitegftjat themselvs heard hare f TEA 1000 in a room notoriousiy bard among public speakers - offend- A ATU NIH ;Z bigtacoretruhbs same. It is alwaYs a pleasure ta wo pacldreTssedocan audne ro bablytheyche!o nd aes M AES RON cons.i.u.nes.... me to ibe remembered by old as -__ _________ ___ to seakin.Thi dotorcoud fot rs ecase heydo lotmak INBOW ANVLLEAvoid undue excitement," said sociates and friends, and' this bc- oeher rows oseats. For oe frsan onalmen. had arengprofess- IN _______ LEthe genial doctor. "You are in the first greetings received ODNRTE ISO ADblelesnadPumeDleld h orurohe talke. a od ve anhosea mendocosare gresssnr- yD Mrio)good condition. Your weight is Christmas season followed by ýinpryr Prga icud: hour he tlked, andeven thoe al men octors ar grnormal.erYourB c.lorrisongonorma. goodlylonumberodframgothernuwellfrGoldene Rull MossionulBaissimetBadeading, in front rows had to be most at- I have heard about scores of doc- The highlight o! the week's do- Yorpls . oesy." wishers, I can assure you I ap- January 21st, with an attendance 'ayPry ag om ars tetietaherth peke, tos wowenteyspa ~ ings in this burg was the Am"Ha!" said Eric, as he care- preciated it, comifg as it does Tenwofcr Isuppose that every reador o! public or at banquets or at gath- teur Night" sponsored by tne irofuli' watchedfor the first o! o!f. oata30iaosoo thi cntibtio t Te tats-erng n' cn ead an ' ro Od N. 98it mmbes e- 30 Th forficerttOe kdut, rae oterfndRuy îb --scnrbto àTh tts rnso doctors. a be her aadian Legion, with Mr. R. M.~ th ree steps that would deliver ing of a class a! citizens that any charge in a businesslike way. All sonian oo aln eie man will agree that the first duty only a f ew feet away. And if my Cotton as the convener. As this .. him safely unto the street Pave- inan might feel proud o! being were sorry that their former iead- recitto.GaeadVoaCt of pulic spe ke is tha he infrm tiokis rment.acors takhwasaf reosowohespeaaHuse strong amet. hes d ctos ae sro g asocate wih.er, Mrs Wad, oud fot e wth teînpino olo D lly Pur y.ers shail make himseif heard bv al en as a class are as keen as child- was filled to the doors. LVLiiii on personality and caution. Did This reminder carnies me back 1 them. They chose Miss Kate Beantotlescdcape bis audience. They will likely ren in their desire ta be seen and were turned away, and the stage JhNesnI fat run the hundred in ten? in memory to the many pleasant Rutherford, Dondi. Africa. as oftesudbokanthya agree with this view because thes' to talk. and dressing roomis were filied by Jh JesnDid I flot pitch a no-bit game? evenings spent in the littlé Or- their special missionary friend for Vistdtevilgo!teLte must have sat in rooms and ini a But not to talk for just 15 a.' an excited throng ail intent on Former International President Have I fat short-arined more ange Hall at Biackstock, fat onîy the year, and it was decided ta Elephn..n aiebt place in these roomý vwhre they 20 minutes. They want t o talk the pragram promised. On the o! Rotary and prominent Mon- than one and run the baIl back at the meetings o! the Preceptory make and send ber soe scrap1 slecpn a n te neet could not hear the speaker, for an hiour or two hours. even ballot were 38 numbers, some treal insurance man who died re- for twenty, thirty. fifty yards? for over 47 years but the meet- books. Ruby Gibson read the Bi- inl tifs The man wbo was complaining xwhen the time assigned them 0f lîiom Orona, Newcastle a n d cently. Could I fat sit steady in my sad- ings o! LOL. No. 133 for the past___ to me told me o! a vry farnous programmes is specified. These Haxnpton. Some o! the numnbers__________ dia and use my mallet with accur- 65 years, and 1 can truly say that Scotsman - a verv Ir",t-r,çd m.,n long taîkers seem ta lo!7e ail sense wiere goad and same will have to acy when the pany was galiop- outside o! mny own home these mn - who was brought to Toronto o! judgment and courtesy when undergo a few more rehearsals. HOW ABOUT ing at full speed? Doctars are were amongst the most pleasant by the Universitv f Tnrnf o to they get 0f their f eat. They pro-, Som e coaching m ight be prof it- l w y ri g t ha p a m ns e n n s of y lf t m . A d a, give a series o! three lectures an fess te forget that tbere are otherJabebutanaiarndt s YOUR NECKTI E? fal expsinoftahmeurge a nteeig fm ftm.Ada Sir Walter Scott - this tvro :ears sekrst1lo hm.Te alt t b ad il or n twsyuhv emre ht1a h Scot' dat ws wdey elbrt-speakse htthey can' t b de d The firot st numbr ter sta ilnBySrieG instinctive nature is forev er senior mnember o! the Preceptary, ago. wh n the enfenay Of'ae Iike baulk horse in the inrompting. B ButibwGatprmakesg.met and masefmeraasasIfknas Iarnw am sosotte ed. This man. speaking in Con- when they get on their feet. A solo, 'The Devils Dream," but One o! aur private joy i tt exhilart ed? Wy r I ex- seior native oCrtwhrightntown- vocation Hall. had. the first man given 20 minutes wiîî take what thee aid boy had farspr ,ocsinll read the eorsoc',djs eas mavsdsi that was born1 m sde here a ogliende night, a very large audiprice, be- an hour or longer. and he is like- we do not kno w, but lie certainly taravYiungheavery elation IAaer-sided here ail tbrougb h!oe. af cause his lecture was weil aciver- ly ta be exceedingiy tediaus. got over the graund. This oid- ican caricaturist, naw in old age, auto-intoxication, eh!" weeks wili have reacheci my 85th tised. But lie coulci fat be heard. J C KX'timer was very weiî played by Ai- ailing. and a victim o! unf ortun- Eric wtas saomethin g o! an ama- birthday. (True there are 4 my Ne read his lecture, and be thap I en1her two good stories about1 mond Fletcher. late circumtances. He says, "InIteur arist. Instaad o! going back seniors, but not born here. to te radig dsk athr tan .enwho stole the tirne o! others I There falaowed many mouthlmy youth I thought my friends Ita somne rather exasperating bus- Accarding ta the natural course without apalogy or shame. Here organ solos by bath girls and boys. knaw me, saw my motivas, saw mness datails in bis bustiing office a! evtents my earthly piigrimage CI is ana a! these storias: We imagine the majority were my ideals. saw my character. I where there was ta be a later dis- cannot be o! a long duration and Y JO > can A man was asked ta sr>eak at f romi Newca.stle as that village discovered latar that no one ever cussion on the discavery for econ- with that thought if mmnd and as some church gathering. He was seemis ta be the borne a! the 1 saw much mare than my neck- ormic recovery, be lingered befare aur Noble Order solemnly impr'Vg ta be the only speaker. He was a, mouth organ fraternity. tie" the garage, lit a cigarette, med- ses upon us theoletnly paofL~ . famous man. a fine speaker, with A saxaphone sala by Albert We imagine Art Young infers itated a f ew maments and flipped Life and the certainity o! Deatb h'~j la subjeot o! sucb intarest that a IDarch Jr. shawed that the yaung- they didn't see anything. if pec- the flickering match ta the con- at aur initiation an d urges upon and ..LDI Schurchfui a! people wera prasent ster has musical abiiity and this pie see necktias thay certainly crete witb mare than bis usual us ta be preparaci for the change ta he r ir . he ch ir an t e as on a t e es m si al nu - don't rem em ber them . T ry and sn p nd sa d:w en that tim e c am es, m y earn - minister o! the church. saw in bers given. raebrwa-olro atr I want another try at that susris-s hteaboe !u theacdingreaanrmanci beor ao-fo laigsietn camai-Mnyo sw etedy a o.sut e Tecoain 5 00besei econ. Weldo nt ngt wîcm yu Yo anb sr ing n th guet sp aker ha f fi nt o tbe guitr, bough dOW 'It can' be ane. Isn'sit imos som re."and aitb ul srvan ef p1afomsain tht e ei sre heprgrm.mn vainlyatclting batentha awst eo aens And now arain tbanking youn tha eerbay oud b gad ta Thre was aio jwshap ouple o! e ctels whe a c rk v w o!sal codiios iased fo a u e r ki d messa e and alD & t:Cea e n h act Jons.Brthrboreswa d- ro te iatfsom tacte oorsati hmonan o hee.Th tat" omp tO limd entso! e "eaonea, "ZrgWeahr ue. . * ~he an greta tk. H aike c ntlpoitse!nths nmberain ti sincutesratie .suitar ameo.inTahog asid racide bontiuly wtouou nY in nearhy 10'ci spadrwhe hanTetocalhe sala ,by tghe iet haaI a o hmn eansomtatred aasrtha at ntedy htaet Punh;hahadexeled imei. ha an nmbas ivn.Is nt desie a appearitmtn ownrdesie n heug and Ian ouIrvanst inery nd p vpTen the fguerstoekr tarase the hmae, adqu artteTa y r, f ad millios aetbhafil rkawîîTa'e tmahinme brro! tthn-atarnahomely, b pa ci ,sai that ecaua o!hsurae ainutdnan Mtcel, asnekte eîs in. a urec itoa an ta neso hehu a ol lo ad ol iti ae oue O netion is norta assi t ure irre gularyeaonda stumpns J .Dvt.CA N O vit veybis aci dre but old js o hsz !thebU h Tehbrahe b opli ni acg tieo! tahe Tx n Tuk S * ai astrs. Tar wretW Tvie leci very a wel nc he tha vipe fng t aryso fîleay ues sveting sunbfonr yfeli o! Sqin;hse ad I Dî HC ng r-ved m theafe odfo!mn chrci We mised the J. . Balsan' ec agafos wib urar 'a il e anadanisoons qarebt thetadistng e by esyou m igbt s wpl ominasopbma okalstli dthfa !hi-,and youth y h Joes Bohe Jns asd-ýro hepltancioth do say G iveon e a opleoThe. anci thZpengrorfuacitG No fr o Ftuetl.h" for cer tin.' aiiona !temf h oo o 8meswthehe obr oomn tas.bah hasan.sat te enginutte. Erc opndcom faplied. oJhese n ande o t aici Heald untnil piits forthis evnîng eratmng te n otossvre ca a ollchesc orngatsiey th ealbutflywt n -se a 1 nethoargUm1eft wckad ba. Fnaly houhitocas oobwe ai aur Then ooutay nto ha eakorlad with f ws saconfidence. Yowasha-epsaveci twc lc-med cîank rs nsthhere. _____are__ RO AL ateCK S as ai ha temu- i we oneinghaspot in The'tis t gst re. lanIt1days o id this cra the was PunFclStegtr oh;wiyhe au xcld hat b e are ourn f s likeynother te - - -- - -.earimporantd rte."slidant thnk I have Iamou stinelyndKG H ei.euet pakerbagmenamTeural n ugetewi T a yven,. A dizmaineswptrougthebisn-.r ..r'.]y, ~ h New ork Stat ,' the o har re- few naf~ by the wayanW e i llonK o en A J br in n rv s aoan p cu ia <e' " w r ap p ed . . and sai'Thbe il arn by thelacu- Reidoulc tikto sa ouritrombone' __i__reditoala ethtJ.H D vtt O ND W O ples f. tphayr e rs i ntgodolya the mtervolungs -. s. uredirensaionyTre xx are a quatete ! romon nuîbrs Lag Tu rsdayntin eaning assat " i aTe h ader sas. bto back t o r tldha a eoflth e hall. The ln chabrge f ha ier ary compns n til "Tm! I think I w ofs t heS ueovaTxind T uc gSe vc ela -st. IfTrto at noo anis nar i trie (banandintru-er. Mhaissnnie Wcrictra mmn lns etign he hd fielse f~~~~ irnite aty a! ric man we re m ve ento!tiskni. utedaplistýen aradn yMisDrth-MM lasi pife tai'aas. h a a 'ug nfo prt9 P O E17 R9 at lheon w oseamapu rpo e wsD.Dmros. han;dJ.. Msss Jan rcr nciP glrusdaxeningI" c............. taga pecga !amthsaprse' W wul lkatasutmredaf-V rnaitace;toiece y m. "N.fr oot l fabu'waRons-T af(emlsHghad ng aia'sHrn wabick; rs eigoby ios aro Sateadchu s twr aîn e th f /kpnt out forkcer ta' aifon o!ofth s-pp. ni the herfrs28a! lika car. uetehl.CnestIas sOf ad thseie sotErieoughwi lism er a i-kn o Baptt And iit fora is ecingta ntiereingduter by iss Jniesb Wr heine ce olo (bat ould be ei'y rdtae ticargo!Tmrnto acien on.iteci ythe prgrari was o pe aicur' Mr.En ooi. av e vil ing h )is eprodc.ani aster naîlîe theb a n he se aker- an aheo unt r r-m th j zz el mctotf i e nc e.u h -* a e w l.. !am iiy ine Toronto. a d I d ys o o d hi ra k ,asM> R O A L Y E S C K E d c e r w o l d b h n g d s e d t h h e co't c eahe n th e b a l osh ep l ' tBa p t i s ty a y d n ' t ikt ah v ngt an o!r lare inlunct e Jus taueco! edit iwhib w a quierM.EvnQunrilisorisdaaoft glc wr aerre ed. 'B cau e he da 't ha g r en 'am te r igh wll be iv n.A e d iram e bar tth os u rp ie s- - - wb1aNe(alnnw asok S a ver. atienougb prtable sawesmiitei o: eK n b arrnanc aing if f a blua a ulanc r cle.'hay ilmawabeottc r.Ae avle nbrwl aiaa0 aurdydain ih lv ran. Eaepaet knawn wy, gavg"Dann Boy" n if (a logs playerann thes aiaisuteriganci b rusensteain'(ha car. HaGo ~ bgî bs Jal ClieaXalAdmfqnutartfine ofIdroLoendrrnirsMrs. Wm. Honay Milli avs1 us imtomoro...o. im The gathr s a foe fmaciai woich wasahi etyrce ndci. titedharg f M trs. ackson's. ncibehs a.wuc ev ~. rnn str a! Cana a. T e chair- Tha para Hans neyr hai a Mss A ma Bll w s ho e ovr J hair wIndr!ul tistta! usse '/ cr a faItn oronito as him ta saslarer auietne (han ao nsrua-(ledwaeksben aubu.Bilethrn nchi breofn. Acie a- a fie v Pard.tyo h meinrspkaere nnen hs wand.jstaningn M.HaoctTetilvsteifi-pas. pieTa winosa! hat fo 4 mnues- bi a fon (a isesduin ta bh' ro n;is atWibysoJertan eeker nd t bousen ashuda ! h bg to das andbesfara h sat down. grarn.t semoeda ser tae; oicb M.Jsa. Satýe luswr ag tharebag anaondsparTao! (t haeSry(ero h ln ~Iil r adn ak(aan COFFE RNG s, ighandFlin, Siio' orn SMr Am a cinMisar wh lazonary o! (ha nasteinh sun H %voreblecita har (thaofBatu-ppadohr l aisbArRTH O e gen sending]thenter ma no- anmus faf orgt tht lwhh imnsarWel on hapmiistari- ________ wio otceinduth bar dausteirigt Ib ey adt Mr.ta i woulc i mix bisg hpaintsrs thata- isteosa hTsarcitoha sinca(h iniedIthe pfax-ar know a og ta faka W. A. matat Mrs. A. Jack- onmÉtrow t!r (ha ghe seraccmt aneount fefecmtionforazeseent, tgain von'sandThraml aftinToon. ai'ofthran uc farbers (ha mnohalaruedinusne.l a sty. A ofaise d isply ! ave ta uiae TMr.Evwa fantiir atenavne H at emgtenig badt oow thgnrpl- A sothecacormac an,"boha o rne Altte favour fai attawIn. d a m on g. Rdyraigwtolvgen.E ,plte :ai o t e apist miisertO kno n ay g ve"Da yBo " n nchrcb anciS un a ool u -l andbuptrn oos wer th car.ep- aegîcultalkcollage Whled n o( haevaneer knowndPrncerr o r rSpotisoka n ivrev. E. B ec hvis-g seTha tinkling bello!so eme tonhe achinacavfobs ream n a er nhc amaci ta ha what ha was bt Msu Jc s I ax gie gang animal haci stappd eci Aâ hacnisretrneci homeasTaychis- TeOea os eefda lat.Bella." ingmarn graaed its mother roran t olage?' 'ak im le arneci' Wîtaud isncengt t si*aci __________________and_ wngo!wigt. HghoArd he saici thadshe tif athog spe bvis friy ontadn n M. aodTetelvstdf a nightawk fTipfapdaot inloir te i40raureimyainAuteesa wog r bt-r ogls'Eypia inmntat n ooai trilî dw ww way o ! adng' So .' saci the ighf, in he w ol ro- endsaka l mnit s quick.th e ffe cek m ti pend.i s w of up ad fathe 'ifthats ailyou earnci, o stik wih bi unt the nci.actin. Reievahinsantonburhe wih if wel-kno f whihanc dis ....... d astead bone mn saig o a nciI aa gradoam.mckSrnstoothac h e nineraofgia. aperese into (a uk tness.A thecollage, for what's timf ta a e bnMarimtatmn alc nAmblosareuen(broathcarscnmonfatirspni- . kick. ahe hemiite nco ith mnsy. entoud if (h eherai blua. .Venuso WHITE IREAD Pise lie aidappaared, ahencim(ha AstarsatcamaA ouf. FI .. ald (at (bse tw men nciIhver known a dog tfa ber Suse nc veîn ta. -th frmefiancalmnitero!n Starvation's pangs from day ta -arathe at hrno onspakin trfsfeW t ionîm foha aci easntgac taH deg i jst (at, andf hacurl- Myobec m witngabut Hi bea aci an h JCK sharade meat alentineh pub.liseakerd st teilfa rrn Ail w dpay o oet ae Teewsafi tedne "A (he wboored maonribu- Nochdog, anwevar mean or rude, otzge Recipesimakeerfecour beyaoughtta makemsurenTheRdg isE.istedewith (aedumbd Mr.uJohn MCullougb who brok nhethcanPbeheard oove aIlvNa vocd basdhaaavspeak ai brad lk tes.. (a ientualcle habarwbehe ' a ecl bis hip was raas imaveci so PtpeA are addressing a comoany; ~~eandi isoasagetahuunscam Hspialasnay1orhngve,. tlC1 -" soMrs cie isdgeno.beThos. Amb gn ba s ben u- "a g Us Rya Yas Cks ndyo'I b ed t bey hougt tayfc Baatnflcnuc n y adJdte otr' aa tbr NI1 w *" caue ac ckecone idiidly out o! niatllowe (hI em frne A Wihgaidl o! banghtruse Mr.ncig Mrs. Hlp-avay Oaout. i R E E.oMail d'n"' ' ' S on,'i a P u thei i ght, r e ra thjn ityo u i n e e ct or ie y ftok sop arts in (ha anf a .d4l - -an c un oote nm fnereuk ( e ta opr ar inr ePu laion -- rilD u theai da yu u ( em orwek ltr her uiece. Th y wa i t I (0k l p si n th c ey a01a,13(~. ~ v each tirne. (o - writ e ir sund e(a dt h a s i n OV E Y O y Sau d y ni b.a e- 1n~ e CAAA ODS sle oge Oco herfulsaMPris Mal ry Lana dair nd boy a ne'-'P "n f From s lct Mape Laf arasTornta a eoitela e ur ers - I ndPie.nes hr adbat. ai esaris -. ..' u'I Vnt q r speers.anci o, way o!re Mre hrinis Barcayotshawa. Tx'ne'"O o Ie Boo kietgt omae snthn lk i orceai n 01,t s C Iltased Vletîe ret. IxandadMr LibMr.e.ravryy St.,.0ii.,*ToroDntnton pprtniOnrt.a-ey iste M. niore iini>-ngur ell "ed- the et Royal Y aat ampie o r f hem ing anc pbawin J n.cW .d e ha e ltela'.B ac rah c sin i Bat BakSBok s pe~. Th aer, ifctun(hair audience noan t e sed R o a letrh a a d i a s .e for hmr i P i t fo ho eoe 30e th ar a ,i I dici se a'rm o Sun s ay eve in a c " o Norailthe bre dherar hoinnditioans.ba a ID eltî escor he idd e1..y Nam ~~ honahv adwroissenitrat oseiake OK TTOEY fEFakWlim sp- eakers s aereaci sewb o at fi axe yor Vnlentine arttheSer- CA A AeO D alve a ndet ri ci o! teir au tse a- F avor S &and Pr z es. ess ch ar an e. au( . th d" îe tCa"0 Tou_'ln lin p re ers. Ten , taome wINhat lSsin itse-afc eturei sm. T uyaraa e STA DAR B AND L MKTD h a wbo listen are autel', e ei s oig like i for envade"Vry ' e F , - a a e A , e . a n d L l a r t y S , T o r o : o . O n . J * * M ~ W U U p r s e r v i n g o a l v l y c m l e i n I I . PAGE EIGHI THE CANADIAN STATLeSMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO- 'rT4T7P-c:,nAv r-nlmwTTA'D'u c --