PAGE TENTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l3th, 1936 B. Mainwaring, director of the REPORT PROGRESS correcting his master's grammar, JA IIVLII he N'ewcastle IndependentATS'is swggey prso. A j lrigWithi both mother and AT ST. GEORGE'S ____ daugliter and bragging about his ____ social connections and his Cam- *~ ~ adHwr isn United Church - Rev. S. Mac- St. George's Choir Hold brig edncatiov. And i- ain- Are Re-elected Cuc Lean, B.A., Pastor. Sunday, Feb. wrngsiniivrngih cenn bue 16th: 11 a.m.-Morning Worship; Sleigh Ride and Social is a great aid to lis characteriz-WresI -C.G.I.T. special service; Speak- St. George's Church choir held Te ongr agherrstl e Annual vestry eig febSt. er, Miss Alice Arnold, Brooklin: its annual social function in the is ar yong sviola cn-eld erge's Cwihroli wPsHld Febru-sto e special music by Bowmanville vo- Parish Hall on Friday evening. frmbarrgscolan o-i iy3rwthRv F .Mso. ___-__________ calists. Jan. 3lst. but previous to their cocting a fake telegram with the M.A.,BD.. presiding. Thr1a -iue aRn Gode RleMisin an wîlgathering at the hall all the chauffeur to f001 her f ather,i a good attendance despite unfav- i IBIRTHS t GolenRue isio Bad il payd ithnaurl ngnuty by rable weathe___conditions.___The FOR RENT - NINE ROOMED meet in the Board Room at 2.30 youager members and their f ri- 1lydwt aua neu ue odtos h os nCneso tet i p.m. on Feb. 15th.ends were taken for a mer-y bob- Winnifred Rickard, whose brother meeting opened with prayers and osonC ceinSteal W. . o th UntedChuc igh ride by William Lake Ji-. Stanley plays the rather dissol singing of a hynin and a minute ELLIQIT - At Oshawa Genoral conveniences, furnace, 1 a r g e W. A.of te Unted hurc uteson erey Maron Alin oOf silence was observed in a r Hosital, on WdnedayFebiu gai-den. garage. Apply A.Hf met e.1ta r.Pryand Larue Martin with a team uesnPry a-o li ossip n acu metsFb.lth a rs eryand sleigh each down the lake- the unobti-usive i-oIe of the ser- rowful memory of the Empire's ai-y Sth, 1936, to Mr-. and Mrs. Clemens. Phone 237r3. 7-tf Brown's. Mrs. F. Grahams gi-oup shore way and by Mi-. and Mrs. vant-giri; Ernest Gilbank, the ef- late king. 1Ev erett L. Elliott (nee Mai-gai-et: O ET5ROE RC will have charge of pi-ogrami and Frank Bone's and Devil's Gulch. ifective police inspecter: and Vida Harold Gibson, re-appointed McKessock), a daughter (Mary!ottageonT-LibOert DS.,BRnaCe, menu. olwn hi ria ak it M. Br-own furnishes the unmoral etylrk read the- minutes. Yvne.ctaeoIiet tfrae Rev. S. MacLean and Mi-. A. 0. rosy cheeks and hearty appetites climax as "the strange lady." The Rector in lis report referred HUNT-In St. JosepposseHssitaa. 173.Apyt .E icc,t Par-ker are attending the Presby- they and their seniors sat down Money-Grabbing Finale feelingly to the passing of two London. on Friday. February 7 o 7,Coor.1t tery meeting at Oshawa on to a substantial and satisfyiag The finale comes to a focus in prominent members Of the churcli 1936, to Mi-. and Mrs. J. E. Box__79,_Cobourg.______ Thursday. lunch served by members of the eli3oytyn oge oe ntepras of Mi-s. Alfred Hunt, Bowmanville. a daughter-. Mi-. J. H. Jose, with other memn- Pai-ochial Comitee. f rom Clugston: the chauffeur, Farncomb and Miss Elizabeth _________________t bers of the Horticultural Society. Rev. J. Scott Howard made the £500 ($2.500) a year for mari-y- Wilmot. The former had been r . A atet aRn were in Toronito attending the presentation of his choir prizes of îng the daughter and disposing of the faithful organist Of St. Geai--ÏORN - OYSIEO Ontario Horticultural convention a hyma book and money ta Ethel lis fi-st wif e - and ail the others ge's for over 40 years. Her death IW'EDDING TOomRgENT-A grCOSY: U oI F1 Feb. l3th. lSpencer who stood f i-st in regular in proportion, down to the plian- was deeply moui-ned. Miss Wil- house on Wellington StI, with Mi-. J. R. Fisher has been cnit- lattendance al choir practice and tom lady who demands arrearage mot was the last survivor of thosei ALLIN-FOUND-At the Parson- garage, electric light and waterr ically ill, but everyone is pleased al] Sunday services, and. of hyma 0f alimony from the self-riglit- who wei-e pi-esent at the laying I age, Courtice, Febi-uary 1, 1936, service: Store on King St. atr to lea-n lie is now considei-ably books and lesser cash prizes to eous pillai- of domestic morblity. of the corner stone of the pres- i by Rev. W. C. Smith, M a iy present occupied by N. Gilmore John Clugston. J.?. ent churcli building 68 years ago. 1 Charlotte Alice, youngest dau- as barber shop. central location. improed.issheinuseWirrattn-Ai-hi e Martin d rTeodB lereon Such a pack of peculiar people The Wîlmot and, the Farncomb! ghter of Mr-. and Mrs. John Possession of ah0of above Mai-. ane oor.i i not an easy conti-act for the f amilies had both been geaeroiîs Found, South Darlington, and lst. 19361. J. B. Martyn. Bow- r. .Sct owid Mrs. Howard was given a rous-1 players. The Newcastle trouve benefactors of the church. William M. Allin. son of the mnanville. 6-21 have losed their house for the ing cheer for all lier many kind- malyicomplimnt te cme es, not SundadSchoe w. di spn late Mi-. and Mrs. A. W. Allin.-_______________ remainder of winter and gone ta nesses to the choir as Choir Mo- ly nmkn h oeytedi okadtemme-hp Bowaianville..Wane Toot.ther. Rev. F. H. Mason c ompli- thing that "gets" the audience. had considei-ably increased which Iate meteohechinottereern but in a graphic delineation of was most encoui-aging and a je----~ __ Mrs. Clarence Allin accompan- demeanor of ail the members the characters and a sympathetic cause for rejoicing. WANTED - SMALL HOUSE, 5r ied herrhusband to TorontorFi-i "EAT ' or 6 mooms, modern conven- ldy ta witnsteTpresntti duriag services of divine woiship. itrrtto fapea-os The Rector congratulated the ___<_____ The o ttes"t H rnttousof Mrs. M. Brown, an older member play. congregation enn again having * --4 iences. for small family. Applya "Theaotre s lHr o of the choir. and Mrs. John Gai-met its nussionary allotment in!BYERS-At the residenlze of his O. W. 7-1B Bwavilt Thanie asantrees.t f onteet orgaial~SUNLFER PO Tf ull, although it was the lareest Ison Norman, soraui-en Avenue.,-Ont. _7-1___ Mi-. Wm. Parnall, because Ofcnributed interesting rmrs'U IER P R in the histoi-y of the parish. New Toronto. Sunday morning, Feb.e fdirties as tend ei-e in-Mi-. Geo. Crowther in a neat SHOWS DEFINITE secretary-treasurer of M i ssi Cni 9th, 1936, Joseph Byers, Boix- Fairm Help Wanted a firmties hastendred i esig- speech expressed the thanks of ail Fn sM.CclHrok.mnilhsado h ae nation as sexton of the United ta the ladies of the Parochiall RECOLVERY SIGNS dudi i.CclHr-çs avle ubn ftelt,____________ Chucl. H las el th psitonComitee ndta ises . ndDur'n- the year the Rector had Mary Devitt, aged 81 years; f a- SINGLE OR MARRIED MAN - i ChorcmanyHeares bein lwahe s- Audriey anorosMorstesrfrs-N. rnthanampnvdntSh officiatedat five baptisms. pi-e- ther of Jim, Norman and Mi-5.I Experienced in farm work. to sioted a isdteas, b is induysst- Amdets. ac membr ofthe echirengthannlmprt of Company sented ten candidates, four of W. G. Penny. Toronto; also woi-k on farm. Apply George o nsiswdife.His dlias becom a ins- mwas.pi-ivileged ta invte oi f nn- PulshepothofCompany whom were f rom Newcastle, at Percy of Bowmanville. Inter James, R. R. 1, Hampton. 7-1* i rios ife Hs hs ecoe v r a ________ivteoe r- PulshdTisWe Orono for the layiag cn of hands. ment Bethesda Cemetery. famiiar and unique fiur a iend and thus there wei-e abo0ut hdslmie n arae n seen in and about the churcl i forty-five present including little Montreal, February ll.-Defin- handucle¶ed f ne ai-ag, n GAUDIN-At Stlettler. Alberta, on A ets Wanted 1 buildings. Bath Mi-. and M-s. [ Mai-gai-et Mason who enjoyed the ite signas of an improvement in dce fiebias February 5th, 1936. Jamies Al-: ~ e Panl okmc rd nke-oedi n on he I sbecas i-eeai business conditions can H o w a r d Gibson read the exander Gaudin, beloved lus- AGENTS WNTD- WE WANT W cause hrh lanad ai-1chur'ch wardens' financial state- bd o CtherneArguWeNEDe-eEWA W pnîuelofp- ioer ns one e e be gathered f rom the 65th Annual an fCeîe rge . a local salesman ta retail 200 in h hudidanadsn- fhr ot.IReport of the Sun Life Asur- ment whicl slowed a n et gain, n rd inSetr eeey.V tary and properly lighted and aneCmay01aad utie famotS0.0 ihai c ne- nStte eei3 uaranteed necessity productsW heated and have shown by their neCmayoCaaaus eoflot$100,whaiar wors tat heywold athr b YungWorhiperslesedforpubictio byArturcounts paid.I HUGHAN-.Suddealy, at Vancou- ta over 1000 consumers in your works tht they ould raher be YungElechiionssandseApfropubliativer. ArtCur eon Tuesday.Tu Feb., 1e. .1t.wa andi district.t. Everyhohome doorkeepers in the house of the Receive Their Awards B. Wood, Pi-esident and Managing lctosan ppitens 1936, Clowes William M il1es a sure sale. Unusual opportun- Lord than dwell in the tents of ___ Director. The statement reflects W. C. Lake and Howard Gibson Huglian. Interred ait Vancou- ity to establisl a good paying wickedness. More recently they1 M b-oteWr the sti-ength and stability of if e wei-e re-appointed churcli ward- ver B.C. Brother-inq-law 0f Mr. business for yourself. Special have been assisted by Mr. Par- Mmes fteYoung Wr insurance, a voluntary co-opera- ens. and D. J. Gibsan and W. H. Tlios. Jackson and Mi-. W. J off eys, free products for cust- nal's nephew, Nelson Parnal, son shippers' League were pi-esented tive movement whicl for genera- Anderson were nameti lay dehe- Bag ... onavleaes ors.Ecuietri of a former- Newcastle boy, the with attendance awards at the tions lias stood every test. gates te o d. BragSE-In R oester. N. Y, ont tr, bio ris, xcusilvmtedi lat Gorg Prna. ornagseric 0fth Unte Lie nsuane cmpnis' an- Sidesmen ehected are: Walterl Tuesday. Feb. 4th. 1.936. Eliza- earnings for riglit man. Write Woishp priti t he niedChurcli on Sunday. February 2Tid.1 nual statements, always consider- Crowther, Cecil Horrocks, Cyn'l bt .fosoria aes li details and catalogue. Fam- Boos y ev Arhe Wilceed barometers of general business1 Rutland. Lawrence Gaines. the Moyse, of Dewey Ave. She is ilex Products Ca. 570 St. Clem- -Curci Iast Sunday took the wrere preseated by Mr-. J. W.coitnsn the territories tley Rector reserving the appointment srie ytresnCclo ent Street, Montreal. 7-4 for ofa sngserice th temeBrale tatheonehudre pe--operate in, have been accurate in- of lis owa sidesmea to a later Denver, Colorado, Roy and Vic- sining Js the i-st tlem.e rd centers, those who had never dicators during the depression date. toi-, Rochester, and one grand-ckFrSl Thie choir entered. the choir loft missed attending a churcli service and since 1933 have shown, in no Avsr unî i cnstof cid îteednRierside Live StockFo Sl the service, The King 0f Love MY'Tley whe52udasf19. uncertain termis, that general teRcoCirhadnLy Cmtr.iFRSL-PEDD AG Sheler I. Te fi-t lma iser.wer RitaCooeCar buinss s mkig hadwy. Delegates. Mrs. F. H. Mason. S. S. PATERNOSTER'-At Courtice. an! heavy gelding, aine years aid. sung b the caregaion ishar, Harold Hoar and Frank Thc Sun Life's financial state- Supt.; Miss B. Mcîatosh, W. A. Februai-y 5, 1936. Samuel Pat- 1 evcal onexceI Dear Sy he cerd 0f thyople bos ad oe grl adment for 1935 shows still furtlier IPi-es.: Mrs. P. F. LeGi-esley, Par- ernoster, beloved husband of ler, ebl n ad, habits11 any-t sung whrdofTh epe, Tir'ee by n n ilhdstreagtheaiag and improvement, Ioha om:H rrtn ie. Lus aeGocid g 9 whler.nChea tabitsd home H-ear. Other hymfls sn wr attended aver 75e¼ 0f the Sun- just as the report for 1934 show- oMen's Club: C. Hoireo, Prs.' L-yea. jocid ae61whr.Cha ogodhm Sec Israel's gentle Sheplierd days but less than 100c; none ed progress over 1933, the year. jsCu:C orokScy- yer.imdaey.Apyt rn stand, In Heavenly Love Abiding. ess tlian 49 Sundays. They were the depression i-eached its 10w Treas. Missions; and Mrs. J. Scott, PENNINGTON - Ia Whitby, on News, Orono. 7-1 Savlour ike a Shepherd head us. Donald Jose. Francis Jase, Ted po. Howard, Mi-s. D. J. Galbraith. ____________________12,_1936 and The Lord's my Shepherd. l'I Hoar and Margaret Peai-ce. riese Assets of the Sun Life Assur- MsCrow hr. y nd Wler Aes. Jer, ge 8 FR sey a,,... hahf-er- flot want. Aftei- singiag the sec were preseatcd with copies ofacropn fCndasodCote.yas one Jereyan one afJr andi hymnalal stood and iepeated Fi-rn thc Wiaepress, a smaîîbok lan Cotmany f Caadathetoodr Mrs. P. F. LeGreshey was i-e- Funcral private fi-rn the resi- sey and Holstein; and a pair of The Sheplerd Psalm and Rev. S. of boO MrdchChrls tn an aitim e higliatteyear- appointed Envelope Secretary. deace of lis son-in-haw, Mr-. gooti agricultural mares, six MacLean took the 23rd Psaîm as MacKinnon, M.A.. B.D.. by Mi-. million dollars for 1935. and ai-ean D.J is ndLwec r HCyemnosySt the tcxt for his sermon. The Fred Grahiam. Gie h aoha rbnl er l.I adHmtn chor onriutd s avounar. tirdcîss tos ate now over seven hundred and sev - Gie h aoh rbnl o n Fiiday. Feb. l4th, at 3 p.m.j Phone 167r4. 6-1 The Lord is my Shepherd, I shahl 26 Sundays but less than 39, were D n 95th oiybn Ethel Lockhart auditors. 1an o Coi-tec'e to Bowmanvihle Cerne- BABY CHICKS - B A R R E D not want. awardedcoisoThNe a- Drn 195teplylas Mrs. F. H. Mason presented the ey Rocks. S. C. White Leghorns, copies 0fal The New Can- repayments took a decided up- report of Suaday Schaal: Miss SMITH-On Fcbruary 8t1. 1936., New Hamrrshi-e Reds foi- sale aedn y Mna..TJeyC. ere pi-e- ward tura which definitely indi- Horrocks, the Altar Guiid; Cecil at the home of lis son, Row- fi-rn bhoodtested stock. Write at entd b Mis. . C Hacoc tacates a return to better times. Hori-ocks, Mission Fuad: Miss land E. Smith, Orono, Jh foi- price list. Oshawa Hatcl- Officers Installed a EleAlimaJanHarrnis, These cash repayments on loans Trenwith, Women's Auxililari-; Samuel Smith, farmerly 0 eciy, Oshawa, Ont. Phone 1337F. Newcastle W.M.S. Meet1 Grace Powell, Shirley doucli and exceeded any previous year in the Miss Audrey Hori-ocks, Girls Aux- Parkdale (Toronto), in his 8th 1 7-4 lelBiitton, Neil being tic Young iistory 0f tic company and wereiiay Mr.RW.Gbo.P- yeai-, bcloved lusband of the I ______________ genleadlofyte Mi-. aa adtweaty-four per cent greater than olal Cmms R . Oea Mc ao-s la te Mneîia Johns Smith. Ia-i Newcastle Unitedi dlurch W. M.Baly r rhmad13.Ivsmn noesoe cilCm. e.Maos emn rn eeey sdCr M. S. met Januai-y 6th. witl tic Mrs. Hancock caci prefaced tic a noavlestmcea incar1sh34, Me's Club; John Van Dusen. imntOaoCecey prsdn, r.S acen npresentation of tic gifts wtî ap- noal icrae ve 194 Scouts: Rev. F. H. Mason, tie THOMPSON-In Clai-ke, on Pcb. whil exenss wre urthr r- Vn DserFund pontig' jut l3th, 1936. Mary Jane Ehiott, FOR SALE - 1934 M ASTE R the chair. Sof t music was play- propriate remarks and conpli- duccd an.d by aay insurance yard-tata$0gvemntbdldwow flaeCi-sTh p- dvretCcisalmcg. Teb tic piaoite shabmit ted ticreipinon oticgodstick thc report is an excellent been purchased as a special i-e- 1son, -anlier 78t1 ycar. mechanically perfect, paint and Th tem 0 tc etig ashaitthywee oria l out nc and encoui'agiag. for futuresev.unrhfm KadlUtd upholstei-y like new; aise 1934 "The Spirit 0f Racial Brother- 0f attendiag services of divine prospects. Amsteucrsfuead.aron lurci fon Satuda Ub.itd Master Chevrolet DeLuxe Sed- liod."Sc-ipur lesanwa red orsip whle hc latua ie- Payments to palicyholders and lotis meeting concluded with tic at 1 p.m. Intermeat in Orono an, 6 whcels, trunk rack, kae by Mrs. C. darveti, folaowcd witl , eived tic tlanks of the pastor. their beneficiaries siace tic coin- Bcsn oloe 1-freî eee action. Ross, Anies & Gai-t- silent prayer, and Mrs. J. A. But- Rcv. S. MacLean. for ticir ser- pany was orgaaizcd 65 years ago mlessn. owdb efeh emtr.shlioie.Oshawa, plane160 ler offei-ed pi-ayer. Mrs. C. Han- vices. Miss Evelyn Allia [s tic jn.s WRIGHT - Thursday, Febiruary Bowmanviîle 190. 71 cock ably told tic story. "Legend diligent and efficient secretary exceed aine hundi-ed and sixty- Summarizcd beîow ai-e ticeh- 6th, 1936, at St. Joseph's Hos- of te BackMadonna." Rev. S. who keeps the attendance recordcls ciglt million dollars, and durîng even finanelal statements: pital, Toronto, Eupiemia Jane of heBlack1935 paymeats of this nature Chucc Wardcns - Receipts McDonahd, wifc 0f tic late MacLean conducted the installa- thi-ouglout thc year. werc over eighty million dollars. 125;epdius$492; darsA.Witf73Ln- tion of officers. Al annual ri---Carl Fishcer. who is 13 Yeat's of New business paid for durîng $balanc xen di $322.1.Cdorles Ave.ihterment3 Pro- ports were encouraging, siowiag age, lias tic remai-kable record of tic year was over two îunclrcd bMission Fund -32Ba. bowneltesuet dmctcryPro 10% gan in veryting. ot misiag hurcila ti pastand nincteen million dollai-s, and forward $32.36; receipts $344.92: ____________ Tic president. Mrs. MacLean eleven years exccpt la case of tic assurances la force total over rernltted to Synod $369.32: Gaod 4 expressed appreciation of thjý sickness. two billion sevea huadred million Friday collection $4.15; balance CA D 0FT NK j work of caci officci- and extendeti dollars. Total income for tic ycar in baak $381. jANK a welcome ta the lncomiag ofBic- Newcastle Players was moi-c than one hundred and -Sunda Slo$3.Rcce81pt. ers. Mrs. Honey and Miss S . fifty-tlrec million dollars, a de- $53 d exucaditu-Res 4,5;ba- Te iyoftelaeWila Blackburn were namned delegates Commended by Critic ci-case fi-rn 1934. but on tic oti- $34:emniue $15:bl-h ail ftelt ila ta bring reports f rom tic Pi-es- o iyPromnee ad u oasbnild- ance $11.86. O. Herring. Enniskilien, extend byterlal ield la Whitby on Jan. FrCt efra ceai-antuetaa sustaentaitde- Altar Guild - Balance fi-rn very sincere appreciation taail _______ci-asela ota diburemets.tic1934 $10.25; fees $7,00; grant tiose who sent their sympathy by l6ti. Mrs. MacLean and Mis. J. xcess income for 1935 was forty- A. Butler were chosen a commit- (continueti firn page 1) svnmlindîa- scma-$2500; donations $2.50; total i-e- letter. by word. or by floral token, tee t fin leadrs fr ti Mis-act.Pxiesley'"Dagerou Cor cd llifoty-ou-mllion do il ai-s ceipts $44.75: expeaditures $38,75; and ail otiers wio helped during teetobalanceersfo $h6Mi00.t. theiry's reccats or-sad bereavementilio dolarlbaanc $600 slan Bandi owlng ta Mrs. Wai-d's ner" is of tic same f amily. But lin 1934. Tic surplus cai-nings Va uerFn -Bln ei lss 0f ad beleti husbn ind' resîgnation. Regret was express- "The Rotters" scems ta have beca for 1935 are even better tian ticefia u lnd134 $3223 Bacla$38.efther.s fablve ubn n ed at Ioslng Mrs. Ward and Mrs. tic f i-st Englsi comedy to feat- vci-y satisfactoryferrigsmf1tc34, epen5t32s.273 5; balaace308__f____ Bragg f rom tic executive. Elgit tire everybod.y as a rotter. Previous year and tiecocmpany IS in bank $573.24. Tcrltvs0 i aeMs members 0f oui- Auxiliai-y attend- CGood Portrayal continuing tic wise and coaserv- RcoTshxes un a- ef felatsogte ae Mis cd tc Picsbteril metin at The Newcastle performance of ative policy 0f employing these ance f rom 1934. $7.39; i-cceiptswtîgafuapritinalf - - -- - _ --- po aacnlsetygo a- value a ii+eurtisAra--Wmc'sAxlia-y-Baanei. ns f ynpaland wiip sh n factor is-tliat all tiose indices alcneinedul a- sever, WIEIH b POR H PEOfic i opn I~EDESAY by which bivclness imPravement i age. Apply Albert E. Beliman. Lve andi remembrance lasts of each ekfrm d. .to9 .m.Phn calearlv ind;cate tihat fun- Plane 526.__ __ 7-tf forever. y Smoked Digby 248 or 525J. G. M. Bosnell in charge. 'gradcca-lly having theii- effeet in -____ -Sadhyand Sons. 'COBOURG Office is open. SATURDAY of brl nngen t lboutreacy anrpitMsclaeu HOLMES - Ia iovlng memory of )'FD PULL O'PEP 1 contcin ntmal stondion________ ________ ïeach week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Gordon pocignra odtos Charis Rober-t W. Holmes, who entered inta i-est February 18tli, 1933. E. Garnett in charge. FT F li LOVE SLIGHT OR STOUT - HAVE Not dead ta me wlo hoved i hm, NQTV-Whee stail possible klndly make appoîntments In an antiology of women's vour figure probiem solveti by Not hast, but gone before: ] AR NQE~he f or examainations connem-ora'-v roptry ilcqt pich- C har s. Professionai aivisorl He lives wti me la mcmoi-y, Phone 1 86 or 1 21 for Q lished only 82 warks of tic 1,652 wthout obligation. Phone Osh- And wilh for ever marc. ________________________-~ pocms treat prlmarily of love. awa 863. Madame Biatter. 1 -Ever remembered by Wlfc I r newspapers. books, or else- where. But to find and eong J'hat'syou must diligently search for Lut' t e Use it as for fine gold. BY GRENVILLE KLEISER Technicality May Why poison your mind with 1 Upset Assessment newspaper chronicles of crime., Cniudfo ae1 war, disaster, and evil in disgust- 1 (otne fo ae1 ing and distressing foi-ms? Why be renewed. This association was pollute the mind with mental Pic- spoken of by Reeve Stinson and Reeve Mercer as being particular- tures that cause you pain and ir- ly helpful. ritation? Refund Hall ILicense The daily newspaper is a good T. Mor-ton, Millbrook. paid $100 f riend when it is read selectively. for a peddler's license last Aug- But it is an art to know how to ust, and as lie recently decided to pass quickly over items that are return to Peterboro lie applied for undesirable and disturbing and a proportionate rebate. He was granted a refund of $50 on Reeve to confine oneseif to subjects of a Lovekin's motion, seconded by helpful and constructive charact- i Reeve W. A. Wood. er.I This item of business prompted The common plea that the gen- a question as to whether the large eral public wants sen s a t i o n a 1 tea companies that do business news is no reason why you should throughout the counties held ped- descend to that level. It is your dler's licences. Two companies, privilege to set up a standard foi Ocean Blend and Daly Tea Comn- ycurself and to exclude f rom your1 pany were mentioned. The coun- reading everything of a contrai-y ties' clerk informed the commit- nature. tee that the license.s of both As you discriminate more and companies had expired apid had more in your newspaper reading. not Since been renewed. The luf e will assume a brighter aspect, committee decided to consuit the and the world will seem to be a solicitor, Col. Boggs. as to whe- better place in which to work and ther action should be taken ag- serve. ainst the tea companies for thi~ alleged failure to comply with th8 The editorial page of a jrst- counties' regulation. class newspaper provides good edUBySo reading. Editors are well-trainedHedUBynw [n English style, paragraphing, W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., was to, and punctuation. which m a y pave conferred with the coundcil through your daily reading be in regard to the use of Highways turned to your own practical ben- Departmeat plows on county ef it.1 roads, but the present prolonged A good aewspaper is important sample of old fashioned wlnter as a purveyor of the -news of the, contributed a note of irony to the day," but of equal importance is announicement that the member .ts educational influence upon the for Durhami was himiself snow- family. One who foi-ms the habit. bound and unable to attend the of reading with care and discrim-: meeting. ination is doing one of the best It was suggested that the coun- possible things in self -improve- ty trucks should be equipped with ment. snow plow blades and used ta Someone has said that if you clear county roads. This proposai w.ant to know all about a subject,I has been made f rom time to time, write a book on it. The next best but with more than 300 miles in way. I venture to say. is to read, the county road system, it was what an experienced editor lias to, recognized that the lob would be say about it. a big one and the cost heavy when roads were fifled as deeply There is no substitute for truth. as they have been of late. Adv ance Spring Sale »» 0f Crisp new PRINTED CREPES These are ail NEW ADVANCE FASHIONS Sizes 14 - 20 And Io on sale at ...$... ..........9......... Values to $6.95 Women's Prints at $4.95 HERES A SCOOP New Spring Dresses in high shades, green, rust, bur. gundy, blue, etc. Sizes 14 -'20 $2.98 On Sale at .................................................. . Su.nday NITES, Values te $10.00 on Sale at ........... A few COATS, sizes 14 - 20, Values te $22.50. ...Take your choice. $3.98 $7.95 SALE BEGINS FRIDAY - FEB. l4th For 1 Week Only GET YOUR NEW SPRING OUMT FOSTER'S LADIIES' WEAIR AND FURRIERS ,Opposite Balmoral Hotel Bowmanville Next Week Is Cherry Pie Week In Ontario Enjoy Dol icious Cherry Pies made with Aylmer Canned CHERRIES 25C Salmon by piece lb. IL30 sliced lb. 17e 29 c Ohioken Haddies 25c 19C Keen'a Mustard 5 1/2lb. tin25 A. Gold. Wax Beans, 2 tins 25o 25c Catelli's Fggweat9< 20c Fry's Cocoa21 /2 lb. tin 2 A MeaI in a Glass reg. 49c, 1 lb. tin 3qc 15e C1T-t i na die 20C I -HARRY ALE "lc LIN'S FOR rFISR EGG MASHR FOR BETTER RESULTS Ir ALLIN, Grocer Quick Dcliv ery Bowmanville p. i PAGE TEN X à-Li riol