PAGE FOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1Sth, 1936 Cherry Week to be Interesting Event From February i15 toFebruary 2 2 Kake A Prize Pie And Enter In Contest - Your Family Anc Friends Will Relish These Cherry Waffles And Cherry Nut Muffins Cherry ripe! That's what ev- erybady is thinking and talking about during the present foart- night. because the great Cherry Pie Baking Cantest ia coming sa close, The wide-open contest op- "e" ens on Feb. l5th, when ail the ...... good pie bakers of West Durham are expecteci ta take their pet version af cherry pie ta the Rayai York Hotel, Toronto; and a week later, the bakers af the ten best pies wil thernselves gather at the - hatel and right there, befare the judges of the cantest and the dis- tinguished chef of the Royal York, they will bake the best pies of their careers, in competition with each ather, for the ten valu- able prizes whch will be awarded that day Grand fun! This interesting event is span- sored by Canadian Canners. xnak- ers af Aylmer praduets, and it lasts fram February l5th ta 22nd. During that week local grocers wiil feature Aylmer C he rr i es. West Durham caaks, who have a -' reputation second ta none as bak- ers of iuscious pies, should enter this contest and bring sorne af Making the Pie for the Big the $150 of prize maney back ta Cherry Pie Contest this section. ________________ But to corne back for a marnent ta thase first words we used- fresh flavars are preserved ta a "cherry ripe." F e b r u a r y rnay truly amazing degree. seem a strange rnanth in which ta That is why, right now in the saund aut that particular cry. Middle of Winter-bound February But it's nat out of place, after we can make cherry pies that are ail. Modern canning rnethods, as very closely akin ta those we shall fllowed in the best plants taday make when we are buyiilg aur (and nane are better than those f resh cherries by the basket, in we have in Ontario) have given the Summer. uis new standards for ail kinds of The same is true af a great preserved fruits. The big canner many ather cherry dishes. We are begins his wark by colaboration gaing ta offer you twa - batters, wlth the grower. Inducernents are these. for muffins and for waf- offered for the very best fruits for fies; you will find each distinctive canning purpases. When the har-, in its way, made sa by the cher- vesting tirne arrives, the sun-rip- ries in it. ened fruit is rushed from tree ta Perhaps between the practice can in the briefest possible space sessions you are having. polishing of tirne. Pracesses have been im- Up your cherry pie technique be- proved ta the pint where the fore Feb. lSth. you will like ta try _________________________1Iyaur hand at these simple f amily- type recipes. ______________________ Cherry-Nut Muffins ~fl~ 11 i i~1 2 cups sifted cake or pastry ___________________________ fiaur or 13,/ cups sifted 31/½ teaspoons baking pawder 25<1 'à teaspaan saît 10 BIG 3 tablespoons granulatezl PKTS2 sugar VGETABLE SEED ýî2 cup drained canned red -ndyougel our 25c cherries bko.netiorde, ?1rft ilr. .ýu5.Ud IÛCP.ket Vge 5. St. 1-3 cup chopped walnuts t g,1. aodogt th- 2U tact.. Your a.xt oder bi, ..o fdIipgfdor250c1c ithth ÔROUft i egg et- rOdcc..etcoosta. CITI 7-8 cup canned cherry juice Lamge Packet Beautifui FIower-FREE 3 tablespoons melted butter 3C ta S4cd ps. 2E. oer pacdteso"Y or shartening N .NofelcCo0 abm.f Measure sifted flaur and sif t Uc* i edAHl sewcrco. îcech soeS only. DRC ih bkn u CUL Mc .yden Sud C LI with baZ5ngpowder, saIt andsu St. X. TtOco.c. Ont.. or gar. Add cherries and walnuts. i : Beat egg until light and add cher- ry juice and melted butter ar i e a shartening. Make a well in the dry lngreclients and pour in the wet ail at once. Combine with been faithful and trusted carriers LONG SERVICE 0F fewest possible strakes. Turn in- ail the year were under a ban ta well-greased muffin pans ta o..~ that day as everyane wanted to CHURCH WORKER S2-3 fi. Bake if hot aven, 4001F., ValenünesI~ see the expected treasure start its PRAISED BY BOARD about 20 ta 25 minutes (depend- fiight through the wicket. I can ____ ing on size o! pans). These muf- ____________ shut rny eyes and see the aid post Ades pesgApeito Ifins are deliciaus served hot for office on that vaientine day 72 of Faithful amsingEfficitir tea, with butter-into whlch pre- By Alpha Pinch years ago. ofi Re ad EiAnt e- served ginger syrup or finely- idya nticctatth 2 tes ngoftrin Curcheet cbopped ginger might bc biended, lfeTh r is a mtre in a hi'sare nearly worn through tram i __o_____yChrc if desired. 11f eithga brin mae joyther n the thousands of feet that have A. resolutian expressing acknaw-I -3Chpbter or shortenino excitement greater than the passed them? Fleet feet, feebie îedgement a! a f aithf ul and e! - 1-3 up uttr o shrteingwbistle of the Fastman at th~e feet, big feet, little feet, all gain g ficient service of over 45 yearsl ý'2 cup granuiated siigar door or the sa! t thud aof mail be- ta the saine place in search o! rendered Trinity United Church J 2 eggs ing drapped in the mailî box, and appiness. information or pleas- Bawmanville, by Miss E. E. Hay- 2 cups ai! ted pastry ar cake the mail one day in the year at ure for the moment at least. craft was unanimously passed at haer rd-whet flussfe eti h poet ftelt When I think o! the Valentines the Jafuary meeting o! the Ofiic- har-weatflurfolks. Letters are on e a! the great an wittee nu thaught that w'cet ial Board. The motion was mov- 3 teaspoons baking powder events a! a lifetime. Vaientiiies fitherefiut trgh and sinkt ed and read by Dr. J. C. Devitt, Steaspoon sait É are visible signs of popuiarityte, utrn adsnigo Recarding Steward, and seconded cup miik or diluted evapo' friendship and affection. Valen- 1earts, the gsieand ters that by F. C. Vanstane. Chairman o! ated milk tines are messenýers a! lave ta 1 Theo tbaughts had poroduc te the Board aof Stewards, which was l1,ýteaspoans lemon juice chiide n llo s hild Tead o wr brwthteas foiiaws: 11/4 cups wel-drained haives ada !ucîde yeiiaw plaster failing off the We have, for a goodly number re ceris or aduits, ciass with the most walls becomes a shrine a box in of ears, had the help a! a very Cra ueredorhrtensgnd ipcrantwllee mbesinor lthe istwhich sacred things are kept. willing. devated, and conscient- grdalya ddite o tion unilandght throuh the postof he yfa- t Valentines are usually sent ious worker who has given liber- j igafterl blend in sugar, crearn- valentine that c a me ta m e witb no naine attached. It is a al !tm ndtln ate and filufýfy. Beat eggs until very thers box na. 6 which was 72 pr !teadcso.adad welfare a! aur church and who thick and ligbt and add. combin- years ago. and that giorified let- huht h neeto h ae as had no officiai recognition. ingwel. easresifed lur erhasneyr assd way ~ for we have the fun ai' guessing I fee confident that this war- m~ and sif t with baking powder and was in a plain envelape witb wa te sender'senae. Tting t wbat îîd- pesan doesionbat so fanth sait. Add ta shortening mixture stamp and postmark. It contain- mes Bthe sa maexigta chd-speilmnin btaa h aiternately with milk. combining ed two lhearts pierred by an ar- vrn. Bu to slom ehae ta n'ii. end o! this year, she is handing- after* each addition. Add li'man row. It didn't matter if there vr adtalcl hesne. over the books ta aur assistant juice and cherries. Place 1 spoan-1 were na blue ribbons; it didnt And the valentines that corne treasurer. wouîd it not be a kind- ul o! batter on each section of a mte htteVlnieisl from God are unsigned. no indel- ly gesture for us to afficiaily ac- I mtte tht te Vlenineitsifible ink mark, but xve who receive knowiedge aur indebtedness, and heated waffle iran and 1 in cen- was made of flimsy paper thatos ad pes tre. Bake uni-odnbon oi bekwt e ocns them know whos adsed show aur appreciation, as well as Se r ve hot, accornpanied by Valentines in those days weretemtusan Hivaeieshta'thwbecurhtaMs whipped creamn or ice cream; or flot the dainty works o! art we came ta us not oniy on Feb. 14th. E. E. Haycraft? serve with butter and powdered have today, but tie sentiment but wben there is need o! them. She has. as several o! us know. sugar. If desired, serve instead ta isi h hato ae-Gad's valentines are so f ull o! perforrned the cluties 0f assistant, with a sauce made o! the juice of tine is nat perishable. In aur besns huhtunsandta our present treasurer. Oea. W. the canned cherries. town of Bawmianville w"e had nonel love, that they cauld came f rom James, and for many years prev- a! hetrmmngo! heciy 'pc-na other source and cannot be iously. Io the late M. A. James iaitdelie- o ua. eoe credited ta happy chance or fate. Not only has she done this work. 1Veddings ad ta vo or send ta town forThyaetoscdfrtat but she has also prepared the their mail. and cbildren who bad AVlniemyb is data for aur yearly reports. _____ AA ribbon or a ring. Another place where she has O gr anysrt o!thlng. tha art, given a! her best is as a teacher Or ay srt o aur Sunday School. being so AlinFo.n IThe present does fat counit, bit, engaged before some aof us were Ili-on For that's the only autward even cannected wvith T r i ni1 t y A very quiet wedding was sol-tig Church. emnized an Saturday, Feb. lst, at The love that goes aiang with itI Now that Miss Haycraf t is re- 8 p.m. at Courtice Parsonage. ' ' AKE Il Makes real the valentine. linquishing the duties o! assist- when Mary C. A.. youngest 'Pretty lines that mun in rhy~mes ant ta aur treasurer, may we ex- dauhtr f M. ndMrs JhnWith even ebb and flow. press to her aur appreciation o! Found. outh Mrinan r. bJaohnA * JOh haw we loved aur Valentines willing services weil rendered bv the bride o! William M. Allun o! R P P D I!Js eet ersadtaao extending tD her a sincere and Bowmanville. Rev. W. C. Smith heartfelt vote o! thanks and as- officiating. After the ceremony MTE'FO ' suring her o! aur warrnest we-j tbe happy couple le! t for a short ________ FflL" corne. ta have her in bier usuaý,l honeymaon, the bride traving £ 'is plain ta me." said the farrn- plac at ail b ametins ain in a blue triple sheer dress. blue we recomend tat thi actio coat with squirrel trimmin.g. blue . . here taken be reported at aur ribbon hat. and grey accessories. aIToe boys wîi make their ogeainlmtn. On their return they wili reside marks in if e; cag1ainlmeig in SuthDaringan.The neer eremad taliadie Complimentary remnarks were in out Dalinton a oeadded by Rev. E. F. Arrnstrong. Gea. W. James and other officiais iAnd at once ta college they ought in tribute ta ber fine service. e-ta go: Miss Haycraft very briefly but H e lt T lkYes. John and Henry- 'tis clear feelingly expressed ber apprecia- H ealt Talhta me - tion o! the kind words contained Great mien in this world are sure ini the resolution and said she had i I.YOU CAN'T" îYcB tabe:sltl bv ol only done ber duty as she saw it' Certain questions addressedto S Bt amJbohn tl andovery astfo o-adwudcniu arne the ealh Sevic migt b co- SaJoh andHeny mut g tawhat service she coul for ber theHeath ervce .'. be.. ol. cburch and ber Master. il t. to in g. something er" happen unqualifiec quack giveE 9 ~much respe Fi A diagnR Vigoroua doctor dae andRCOFE 1-1b. Tin z27e nsie t 6 examinatiar Sc tient are a R ED ROSE TEA BLACK 1/2-b. Pkg. 2 waman who WRIM @AD3 a lump in P~~~~~ th ATAgy vBSe answer cause al WITH tells us. CLARK'S BEANS PORK 2 ne1 o 1 LUFEBUOY SOAP TOMATO JUICE Cake 7o 3 0%-«3 FIC ROLLS MTEI2 i"" 27e COUNTR XISIT urTISSUE CORNI 7--25c 1 AVY 3REoms 190 lm aTinsTi CORN SYRU P m IRTin37c Be. Hive or Crown Corn Syrup 2 'i 31o- A & P GUAIRANTEED MEATS GUARANTEED TO SAISI'Y YOU OR MON"Y REFUNDED Portorhouse Roa:t . Mid fllb 250 Gu rMde Short Rib Roa:t Be Blade Roast Biue Bran s u lb. 29e lb. 15e lb. 13o Fresi Pork BU ttS Bonelees lb. 1f Smokod Side Bacon s"ff lb. 2le -FISH SPECIALS- SALMON silverbrigh, ' jktSl b. 1 2o eaima b. 15 FlUNAI IADE 12o SMORU FILLETS m -l. 14a Fruits & Vegetables ORANIES 'Sb doz. 2 7c irapfruit caL. 4 for 1 SPIIAGI T-z 3 lbs. 230 Oulfflower CaL Head 1 go Quality Feeds Daily Egg Scratch 1lOOs ..$1.75 DalIy Egg Mash 10's... $2.19 20% Dairy Feed 100s . . .$1.73 24% Dairy Feed 1 Os.. $1.79 34% Dairy Feed 10's. ..$1.99 Chick Scratch 1DO's ... $215 FEED MEASURE with every 100.1b. bag and 15c. aati.tn15t c.ause tney I :.- '_;ýý rather unlirnited faitb. " - 'Now. realiy. wif e.- quatb Farmeî ise questions w h i c h . Brown, Ln article ta show that ROYAL As he set bis mug o! cider down; many things which we YES-CKS Tom does more work in a day we do not know baw T" CAfoKme ,M.'s Than both o! bis brothers do in rds which are not used arethree. ne are "aiways" and ~ ulSrnt Bo learnin' wiil never plant Sa it is that we cannot Fullbeans or corok ir correspondents that Nor hoe potataes - sure as you'rE will "always" or -nev- ~barn; m. We cannot givu, the Nor mend a rod o! broken f ence; Id assurances which the F or my part give me common es because we have too RAISIN BREAD sense.' ect for scienti!ic truth. sis cannot be maote by ~- But bis wife the raost was bound ence; it is only possible ta mile, aguesa in this way. A And so "the boys" were sent ta ýs nat make his dîag- col ly on the syrnptorns as " While Tom, o! course, was le! t to him by bis patient; . behind. n and study o! the pa- For bis mother said he had no always necessary. The .mid. io writes in toa ask us if nber breast is cancer 7 ive years at school the students ow that we cannat give spent. ýr to, her question be- Then eacb one into business we knaw is what she went; Onîy an examination John iearned ta play the flute Il the nature a! the and fiddle. *And parted his bair (o! course) in ght and tubercuiosis 4 " . the middle. 'gether in the rninds o!f Thaugh his brother looked rather le who think o! tuber- .',. higher than he, they have SEen it. in STREUEL CAKE * And bung out bis shingle - "H. ages, as a wasting dis- . Brown, M.D." ican't recognize tuber-Men ie.aho , lether in children or in enhl.aho , their bra- weigbt. because indiv- ther Tom, o are overweight. wbo Had taken a "notion" into bis eaewihand who head; weight may havee Though he said fat a word but rage eight thetrimmed his trees Vt eat a meai in five And haed bis corn and sawed bis Ld. at the same tîme. es rfood properly. The But somehow, either "by book or .y may be iikened toa. crook," but it is much more He managed ta read full many a bhine because you can'tI book. tai health unless you iai satisfaction out o! Well the war broke out; and do. PARKER HOUSE ROLLS T "Captain Tom," peple are concerned T battie a hundred soldiers led; rpersonal. appearance. . And when the rebel fiag went id much time and a dw o! money on so-cýalled j Came marching home as "Gener- g." They believe the 1 ai Brown." You an'tfeedtheBut be went ta wark on the farm bbing in cream; neith- <'* . again. makehai gro byap-il'~; :..~Planted bis corn and sowed his icine-s ta the scalp. nor grain, salves or lotions. Royal Yeast Cakes and fence, 't break in a new pair Roa nng eiesasr And people said be had "common bhat you do is t ra .oaSog .cpSd sense:' eet ta fit these, light, tasty breds... Nw omnsnewsrte or my nt b a ain Royal Yeast Cakes camne ta you with rare, seern that mare moriev the protection of a special air-tighti And the State House needed a ilaxatives than on ail wrapper for eaeh cake! This assures ab- portion there: andsey solute freshness -full leavening power. Il ar"aml uc" ae n aonal constipation ab~YaYu can 'use Rayai Yeast Cakes the ta town, tent use o! laxatives. 1 day yo buy thern-ornionths later And people called bim "Governor get exercise by rîdîng wonder 7 out of 8 Canadian warnen And bis brothers, that went ta car, nor can you hire who use dry yeaat insist on Royal! tbe clty schoai, )do your sleeping for g, exercising and rest- Came home ta live witb mother's ngs you must do for Ic . BOOKLET fool. 'get bealtb tbraugb FREE! Persian Balm preserves and en- e. You must practise "Tme Royal Yeaat bances womnen's natural beritage ts yourself. 9seseBd Royal of beauty. For sheer feminine Sponse Rocipeu loveliness it is unrivalled. Tones umatic Pains. - The Iloran, b.,c ad rejuvenates the skif, and aches of Sciatica and and mianythe. makes it exquisite in texture. De- n should be treated .*. pREIut sed ligbtful ta us e. Smooth and vel- 'bornas' Eclectric Ou.copn vety. it imparts a youthful cbarrn iand beaiing proper- BUY MADE-IN- to every complexion. Indîspens- g faosrmd aecANADA GOODsi able toalal dainty women. Espec- istrated for fi! ty years. . ially recomrnended ta make hands sofor inflammatory isoft and white. Dellcately f rag- STANDARD DRANDS LIMrrKD rant. Preserves and enhances the scratches, briiises and Fra~ Ave. and UbertI'St.,Tooe, On îer in human beings' Plesa .uod me t e ,, Royalyut lovellest complexions. ranimais. i Bake Book. mCa alf level teaspoon a! om Briggs-I've lost my new car. 1er Is added ta every 8.. Griggs--Wby don't you report sed In rnaklng a souf- I_____the_____ It not all fterit hs T'Brlggs--He's the one who took ed from the oven. 1it. Householci Hintsj Menu Hint Park Tenderloins, Broiled Baked Sweet Patataes Apple-Celery Salad Steamed Ginger Pudding Foamny Sauce Coffee To-day's Recipes Steamed Ginger Pu dd i ng - One-third cup shortening. ane- bal! cup sugar, two eggs, one and one-haîf cups fleur, two teaspoans baking powder, one-fourth tea- spoon sait, and ane and ane-haif teaspoons ginger, one-bal! cup mllk. one-fourth cup preserved ginger. Cream the sbortenlng and sugar, add the wel-beaten eggs' and the sii'ted dry ingredients ai- ternately with the rnilk, and steam in a buttered mould for one bour. Serve warrn with any pre- !erred sauce. Faamy Sauce - One-hal! cup butter, one cup con!ectianer's su- gar, one egg. one tablespoon cream. one-hal! teaspoan vanilla. Crearn the butter and sugar, add the beaten egg and cream with vanilla, and stir aver bat water tili heated, no longer. CROUTONS Cut stale bread in 1-3-lnch suices and rernove crust. Spread tbinly with butter. Cut suices in 1-3-inch cubes, put in pan. and bake until delicately brawri or fry in deep fat. EWSONyou pay for. LA M PS MADE EN CAý'. CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Limited We Have Moved Bownîanville Dairy Ras been forced to vacate and locate elsewhere. Our dairy store is now located in the Cowan Block, on rem- perance Street, im.mediately behind the Dominion Stores. Always a fulli une of dalry supplies on hand - Milk, Cream, Butter, Eggs, Ice Cream, also Soft Drinks and Health Drinks. Bowmanville Dairy W. H. BETTLES, Proprietor PHONES 446 or 703 EVERY COAT GOES OUT AT RALF PRICIE Coudi, Joknston & Crydermnan PHONE 104 LIMITED BOWMANVILLE PAGE POUR k n it -e n