PE IXTHTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE , ONTARIO), THURUSDAY, FEBR.UARY 13th, 1936 I ENFIELD Miss B3essie Pascoe ss visstsnig in Oshawa. Ms-. Edwin Ornuston is gradu- ally improving, isaving been over four weeks in tise Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. George Hubbard has se- turned much imps-oved from Osis-1 awa Hospital where he had a ser- tous operation for ruptures. Ms-. Wallace Scott died ves-y suddenly on Suxsday. Feb. 2nd. He hail not been in thse best o! healtis for some time. He was buried f rom Columbus Chus-ch on Tuesday. A number from here attended tise funeral. He was highly respected and much sy- pathy is extended to tise familyî in their sudden and sad bereave- Miss Muriel Gilroy is attending thse short course at Hampton. Our mail service was hindered two days lust week with bad roads. Brotherhood o! Enniskillen cir- cuit will meet here on Feb. 21st. Friday evening. Mayor- W. R. Strike o! Bowmanville will give an address. besides music and singing provided by tise commit- tee. Women's Association met at Ms-s. Fred Smith's lasV Wednes- dayu afternoon. Aftes tise busi- ness had been transacted tise fol1- lowing program was given: Ms-s. Russell Os-miston gave a papes- on Missions: instrumental by Miss Ida MéCullocli: Scotch song e hv Nliss L-illiati Piekard. atuil bible isMre or.Ensiln Bessie Pascoe, a panes- on Val- '.ud vM.LxrneNaclu. isviiig Miss Grace Hastings. entines by Ms-s. Ai.!. Prescott. A ,lîs MNasion Ta les- prusetîd the M-.Bads omnil.vs bountiful lunch was served. Ms-. topic which was followed bw a dis- ited lies- daugistes-, Ms-s. A. J. Smith being on tise losing side o!f ctssi'on r. EgrEr'-'tia- Clar-ke. tise coppes- contest. she Vseated oured sith a pianîo solo. Ms-. and Ms-s. Gos-don VanCamp them Vo an ice creamn sunday. Bowmanville. visited hier mother. -- -- -~Ms-s. Geo. Stepisens. 6 Mr. Cochrane, Bus-keton, visit- I B ACK TOC ICADMUS ed at H.- Cowîîng's. BLAC STO K l ;' - Ms-. and Ms-s. C. E. Hor-n and Golde RI îîi Bnd tt at W'osship at Leagite on Thus-sdav daugtster As-y spent Satnrday in eVetîing suas taketihy 'NIiss Leahi M.adMs Wn on e the homne of Ms-s. McNally on Sat- McQuade. TIîe topic 'on the life of Ms.adM-.W1Yugse us-day aftes-uoon with foustenups-e- Schttî est' as saketu hvi'.sBirdie 5-ed t. .ohtis.onmo! lies-fati- sent. Bible reading was tknbu Gibstqi. atîd M..Helen Fosules- gavees.JL.Jln.o Mndyae- Mis nn Tomso; ais e I a ioneymoon trip east. Ana hopsn;NlssBeyla rvaîîing. Miss Noreen Lang, Tor-onto. is Larmes- sang a solo "Hear the Pen- NMr. and Nirs. Ceil Fus-guson, NIs-. at lier uncles', Jack Bs-os., and nies Dsopîing"; Miss Ruth Bell s-- atîd Nirs. G. Fosules- atd Helen wes-e taking tise domestic science -and ciîed "Ten Little Fingers"; Mfiss guest'. at iMr. A. E. NI\cGill's. clothing cous-se. Miss Jean Ho- Lucille Fos-des- necited "At Night'; Nfi'sNîrNiven spetît the wuucutIen garth il aple Grove. is at home a story "The Friendîess Cbtld* was 1wth hir parents. Reahoro. and taking tise samne course. reatI by Miss Lois Las-mer; Nirs. Mc- M Niss Crystal Fallis. R.N.. i'. bol- Ms-. and Ms-s. Fred Tamblyn Nally read a sios-y "The Bible Teacb- iiîasing wîith bus- parents. NIr. antI Os-ono. spent Vise weekend is ing us te belpi others." NMreting ýNrs. NM. Fallis. Ms-. and Ms-s. L. CrYdermani. closed witb a hymn "Our Mission Ns-. and Nfrs. G. Fowles- and, Hul- M- i ase eundV BandI is Oves," ollowed by the bene- en visited at NIs-. Clas- irce Parr'ý. dt tteformls f , diction, ____of_______________omei Ms.adMrs. F. Bailes- enteriaiturd '-- 'we !scns th oei Mr. an Port Perry. a number of friends ai tebre on TYRONE I îveasîes as-e quite prevalent in Fsiday evening. u vilg -moepcatn Ms-r. E. Eckel and Ms-. Allant spent 'ou-ll ae -ms- rcato the wek ed wii frinds l To1 Wonets Itî'titute suppes- aîd con-codbeaen te eseenox x' fins iT r-- I cestrpositie(d oi'sacrotît cfbad Tise village was saddened te ono.joads. iseas-o!fVise sudden death by ac- MisFo se xiied 's. ' opeedTiuts'dus uxeiiig cident of Has-ry Campbell, Ty- Mires uieVn ap.TsonItîharge, Mn Niss Susie \'auu Camp rone. wiso was lies-e wiVh tise boys Mis Suie an amp Tylole, :,chageduvotiotial periotI: readitug, attending tise short cous-se in ag- was wiih ber pasrnis.i Kathleen Dudîe's; prayur bu NIiss riculture. Miss Lela Monntjoy. 'Mount Cas-- jEdia Cames-on antINifr. Cliitten Big- A pleasant party for tise boys mel, was xith bier parents. eloxu; duet hy NMisses Stîsie Van andi gis-s attending short course Ms-s. W. Chaptean. Port Pers-y, Camp atîd LolaRcarsàTIeOt was iseld intieT nHalo spent lasi wrek Tsith ber parents, Rttggrd Cross ;" Prograte suas itn Tuesday evening. Ms-. and Ms-s. James Strong. charge of the Christiatn Felîowship Ms- Gos-don Ham, Petes-boro. vis- institute was posiponed last week uîuîx'nes-, Miss Adelaide Annis, who ited at W. W Horn's on Tuesday. on accounit of sîos-mv wratber. gave anis ttes-esting seadiîîg on Kting Ms-. C. Deviti, Ms-. L. Bs'ess, -. George V; seadiîug. Mliss Edtia Cam- In spite o! tise coId weatises and ___________________________ s-ii,"I ;"muica slecio buNI-.condition o! tise roads 91 attend- _________________________-L. N-tsotî "Silver Hais-et Daddy"' ed Vise Institute "tHm"o reading, Miss Helen Tritet "Pat- Tisursday night. President Ms-s. sent Mlother"; solo, NIs-. Dane Pas-k Chas. Johns opened tise meeting. j "Pass me Not 0 Gentle Savions-"; Group 1 then took charge o! tise INIliss S. Van Camp gave an inter- progs-am. with Miss N. Hern in esting ialk on bier trip t the coast ; tise chais-. Ms-s. C. J. Kesslake AUTO musical selection by Ms-. . NIos-son and Miss Vera favous-ed with a oni the motntain". NMeeting clos- piano duet; Ms-s. Affleck o!fO R edwith contests anîd beniediction. , awa gave tise fis-st part o!flier DI~7Ifl('W. Ni. S. met in the vesî-y on address on "How tise League o! DII1Yft3 urssday'. Feb. 6th, afies- the open- Nations Began": Miss G. Cawker D RIV RS. i ng exes-cises ifhe study book on favored with a piano solo: M"s. Af rtca suas continurd. BadI roads andI Af!leck then gave tise second pas-t VUW 1I1T~PII weathes- prevenird sevus-al ladies o!flier adds-ess "How tise Leagne 11 4 UN lE taking pas-i. Has Succeeded"; Miss Vera Ker-t ATTEN ION 1 Deepest svmpathy is extundrd te slake favored with a guitas- solo 1 family, je the sudden andtI sagir mother; Rev. W. Rackham gave a Are death of their son Has-sy. Repos-i of reading, "Tise Irrsitating Saint." Ar ciet per npage 1 isF'rayneJon presented Ms-s. Nirs. WV. Smith, Tor-onto, Miss A!fleck with some nice flowes-s in Renia Farrell, Bowinanville, xisited apprectation o!flier address. A ths- parents, Ms-. andI Nrs. Bys-on conteat was arranged. lunch ses-- Y ou having Farrell. a- ved and!a ocial lia!li ons- spent. Nirs, onHte1 n on r u oteasneo! tise Ps-es- trouble with visjtiiig hrprns M.adNrs. ident on Friday evening, tise Vice L. M. Roach, Boumatîxille. President opened tise Young Pee-t Ou re zin Ia-.-- - ple's meeting and conducted tise0 ii r e in - - business pesiod and program.a IN OU CA ? 1 BETHESDAj Progs-am was as follows: Bible IN Y UR AR? ïb-1 1lesson, Miss Edtis Rackisam; de-t i- votional, Ms-s. Harold Saites-; top-S We have a cure f or Home and Scisool Club was iseld ic, Miss Doreen Pesrett; humes--t thi. ee s. in tise sohool room on Fsiday ev- eus seading. Rev. W. Rackisam.0 ti.Cail and se s ening. President Ms-s. Herb Run- Zion Yonng People will be tise0b dle prseented tise following ps-o- gnests o! Hampton Yonng People t grm: Community singing led by on Fsiday evening. Feb. l4tli. Pe.A. M. Wootton; readîng, by Prograte supplied by Zion andy R . E. Log n Mr. Millers-olo, Ms-s. Woottofl; Vseeseimet yHmtn recitation, Thelma Sweet;ms-terfsh ns yH po. E cal selections,Mr and Mrs. Floyd9 Phone 264W Today. Dudley; address and solo by Rev.i KENDAL A. M. Wootton. A contest follow- Bowmanville, Ont. ed. Lunch was served and tise _________________________meeting closed by singing tish e crugret tu learii cf the deatîsc National Anthent. of Ms-. Bell, Tes-ott. faîhus- cf Ms-s.a Milun Robinson, 8tls litie. Deccascdi ____________liv'cd ait the Robintson h~ome andI i FiSOYA MILLS LIMITED 1usd been in indîffes-ent bealîh forp 45 Richmnond St. W. - Toronto, Ont. sm it.S Nis. \\'m Grceîîwood, 6th lier, who r Wews o ANNOUNCEMENT lias brun il!, is improx'ing. a Wewihtaanounce that our modes-n Hydrautîc Press Plant at AMaty farmers bere as-c in a di- a: oyaS ean Meat prducn Sok a both rontoand Soya ifor0d . SoyaTFRBe prodcin soyaan OlI Moroatoand SoSe i. limma with regard te theis- wates- Enquis-les invited. susppîy, as mcmit wells andI cistersî bhave gone dry.n Watson's Weekend Specials Your choice of a variety of 15c cakes. Together with a rich Fruit Loaf. Both ....25c UTS QUAOJTY THAT COUNTS 'When you buy bread, price is a second,îry cûtsidi tation. Most people like gond bre;îd, and that's what von get when you buy W'atson 's fine textttred, puire qtsalitv breads. Try them. Specialý-Mother's Cookies .... doz. 5c Watson's. Bakery LUNCH BOOM PHONE 97 ' SODA FOUNTAIN sirs. Fred Cos-tish is in Bobcay- e0 get iîitiîîg ber daughter, Nirs. W\allace Tliiîsteii who gave bistb t10 tin iui us, s girl andI boy', on Ilt Janu. 27th. Boîli uuî,ttherrandI bah- i es are weIl. Congr-atulations ! 1ia Thrre tliitig'sse iighi wors-y a- f bout : Gurs- lmost iunlclieveahle c cu iv i e lbt ; Gurtusinit cd c(tuntieus' II bridge settuleent, witîi regard te U I)îîsharn; Our- uarisîseî railway ses--h vice, the ouly use cf wluicîs is madIe r b3, fas-mers placitîg slsafts te cents-ew aînids-riving beiwecn sails. V Fs-eue a copy cf The X'v'stpos-t NIis-scs we luare cof the cleatîs ofc Jamues C. Fors-estes-, ai liotrl Diew, 01 Kitngstons, ai the age of 52 ycars. Be- b( sitîts lus sife (who is a dauglites- I ,f Nir. aniditue laie Nîrs. Ruthue-n, a 91 %s'ell-kiii tu- fateily, 6ths litue, Clar-ke) , i andt fout-rîthildretu, Jack, Os-ville, gr HaroldI antI Nias-y; a brother,' Fs-cil, l f Perthî, andI two sisters, MirS. Ri- of c1has-tson anti Nirs. Patr:ck. rie wa tbsre yeass Reexe of Wrstpos-t an ei atîctiouuuer sud machines-y aent, a in andI.svwitîg bec will be combined w'ith the \World*s Day of Pras er, servtce to4 he hld on Feb. 28th. Congregational meuetitng which was called off on accounit of roads, was finallv held with an attutîdance of about 80. Ladies class provided a bountifttl supper, after which re- ports wurv given and interspcrsrd with tusical numbers proved a real success' Our Young People were pleasant- lv entertained by Trinity Young People at Bowmanville, on 'Monday cvenîng. C. G. 1. T. met at Catharinc Lowes' with a good attendance. No. 4 Mission Banid elected thesc officers : President-Louise Pearce; Vice-Pres.-Eddie Rivett; Sec.- Bob Rundle Treas.-Eileen Pickell; P>ress Sec.-Florabellc Marshall ; Cor. Sec.-Bill Marshall. Congratulations to Nfr. and Ms-s. iBill Allun (nec Mary Found) who iveru miasrtud at the parsotiage on Feb. lst. Nfr. Arnold May'. Toronto, visitrd lis ceusitn, Wil frid Jones. .Nir. and Nirs. Cecil Worden wure we*k .end guests in Torotnto. I'luasant eveniîîgs ivere spent bý friends at the homes of 'Messrs K E. Coitrtjue and F. W. WVorden. Seural from buere enjeved a "Lest 1-1<jr" lîurty at Mr. atnd Mrs. J. G. Lflnigr-natd *s, Oshawua, onti1hitrsîlax e\ ening. SALEM Church service ivas withdrawn Sutîday owitig te road and weatliur conditions snd the Young People's League inurting was also withdrawtî. 53 mpaths is uxtutîdedti tNIr. Francis atîd family in tlie death of a cousintiie voung son of 'Mr. and Ms-rs. J. Campbell of Tyrone, who was accidentallv killed while sleigh riding. Mrs. S. J. Hotîey is quite ill with a cold at ber daughtcr's, Mrs. W. G. Wt'rry, where she has bren spend- tng the wititer. Mfiss Thelma Werry ts sttffering with tonsilities and un- der the doctor's care. Mr. L. and 'Miss Lela Welsh and Miss T. Werry are taking Agrîcul- tus-aI Short Courses at Hampton. Is This Mater ialism By Scribe G While eus- beard is not ves-y long we have lived enougis yeass te find eut tises-e are at heast two opinions regas-ding Missionaries and Heathens. Tise one we hear o!Venest is tisat we sliould give of ous- sub- stance Vo send Missionaries Vo take cas-e o! Ethiopiana, etc. Tise other ta exps-essed by E. W. Ilowe lf Atchesen Kansas who lias been in Heathen countries more tisan once dus-ing lis eighty odd years on eartis. He says "Take cas-e o! your neighbo- and le'.tise Heathen go to helI." Thsis sug- gestion is not as uncisasitable as it sounds. Botis Heaven and Helh are wos-ds used Vo describe earthhy conditions and no one can be cer- tain that tise remote places they as-e commonhy chosen Vo s-e! es Vo actually exst. To ahi intenta and pus-posesa pes-son in extreme privation, hli stas-ved, dis-ty and diseased, will refe- te existence as a helI o! a one. On the other isand a boy and girl lying in a hammock look- ing np thru tise swaying bougis at Vise fuîll moon as-e likely Vo s-e- mas-k that sîl is eaven or close Vo it. Here in civilized Canada we pay two dollars for ten minutes unde- a. sun lamp. And two dollars and twenty-five cents for one isnndsed .itthe capsules conitaining tise Vit- amin D tisat a Nova Scotian ced- riish lad in tise oih o! its hiver. Out in heatisen Africa a Zuhu is sosn e! sîl but a akin that soaks up sunahine like a aponge. Wisat he lacks in stamina lie makes up n ignorance. These are tise gents we send tise missionaries Vo sc. Last week we wes-e visiting in a village fi! ty miles no-Viso! Bew- nanville. A dea- eld Canadian couple reside Vises-e on tise mes-est if wos-ldly possessions. Tliey as-e botis up in yeas-s. Tise ohd lady has worn lier teetis down te tise gums. Cous-ageously tisis Canad- ian citizen has been ts-ying Vo grind lier food on tiseir tende- *dges. 1V waa iselI. But a !riend o! ours isad a set o! false teetis nade for lier and gave tisemteo tes- for Chis-stmas. This is an examphe o! what la meant by Vak- ing cas-e o! your neiglibor. O. WVright and Mir. L. Muto at- HAMPTON SHORT fliberal in politicsanatd a member of the SUGGEST SKATING tended annttal meeting of MIaple 1 congregation of Knox Presbyterian Lnial Ins ombus CO RSS kA1N.JiA church whcre the funeral services RINK IN VILLAGE Ane nuaed Chrtirhnvali etingthe MUCH INTEREST iwer" huld on Jan. l6thi.0FB A ST C thseeUnitdfthChurch onjaiîed eth _______ lr. C. Tebl les sister, Oshawa.OFBAKTC basemun of the c urch on JatryRcodAttendance at Classes - i.vs-igwihhr.i1,ite adCuni eett Slt.Afur pt-lîcksupur sa- Frt-Three Boys and ]Fity- MNrs. (h'as. Titompson e n ics PasfrCmunt -satr eorswr ien of the Four Girls Register Friday fractured bher thigh . . fl n J DusPas.Inko ormx diffurent organizations of the chuirch Kgeon rn, si ttnac. tn an SmnavSeoo. hee ffces The opening week of the Agri- A, tîiiinul-r f rom here took in the At the regular meeting of Cart- were electéd: Sec-N. Miolttjtoy; cultural and Home Economics sk-ang at Eiaehil audywih oni nF'ray3d Board of Stewards- Roy Ferguison. Classes at Hamipton attracted a 1night. M:s. A. L. Barigt Curileyon Mbrs. rcy Cari Wright, E. Larmer, G. Wright. record attenda.nce with' forty- Mrs. Et]. White (tîec Viola Lux- VanCamp appeared before coun- J. Forder, G. Strong. L. Swain and three boys and fifty-four girls ni and ls1ie Underwood are cil in behalf of thse Victorian Wo- J. A. Johnston; Organiist-Mirs. Sad- present on Friday. If the roads sick with lîrotiçhitis. men's Institute asking for a slcat- ler; Ushers-M\urrav Byers, Brttce and weather improve the staff in Nr ~e Tmln \ d ing rn nBaktc.Atrds M\ouintjo>v. Arnold .johtîston. Ansoti charge has reason to believe this. cussion of the topic it was decid- Taylot'. excellent record 'will be eclipsed. bridge. îs visiting hier mother, Mirs. ed to have commnittees of differ- Congratitlations to '.\r. and M\rs. The special lectures at which Chas. Thompson. ent societies meet with thse Reeve Archer who celebrated their golden aduits as well as the regular stu- Learuri on Thttrsda.v cvening was and Clerk and arrange the f in- wedding anniversary quietlv on M\on-I dents are cordially inited are: iie charge ofMr Arthur Thompson. ancial details. dav. with their familv. Friday, February 14th - Farmn Bible readinz hv NMis5 Bernice Lang- Reeve Creighton Devitt presid- Mr. Ernest Larmer and Mfr. Carl Forestry, I. C. Marritt, Forestry ttaff: vocal trio bi-'.\isses jean ed. and a report was received of Wright attended a donvention of Branc. .. ercer. Bernire Lanzstaf f ar.d Ver- thse receiit of road expenditures the .Agriculutral Society in Toronto. ModA eraylt .3 aSa' ee "rthur Thompson: for the township by thse Depart- - p.m. Orchard Practices Wit h lo r. .Knn;rang metfHih ys ___ ra.fing nd uddig Deon-Tran M.\ercer. A bylaw was duly passed fxn 1 stration. by Morley Webster, a polling booth in the iicinity of1 NESTLETON 1 Brighton. A.'- Purpie Hill for part of Divisions Friday, Febriiary 21st - Poul- 1 I four and two. try. J. F. Friancis, O.A.C. Guelph. EBENEZER1 Auditors presented their report Women's Iiistitîtte ws heid at the Thus lecture will likely com.mence 1 4 and on motion was received. home of Mfrs. S. NlcLaiiglilîn O(n at eleven a.m., and continuel Women's 'M.S. met in the S. S. Clerk was ordered to get neces- We.dnesdav afternoce i.MNrs G. throughout the afternoon. reom F-. l0lth wtth ant attetîdatîce sas-y number of copies printed. Thonipson gave a talk on "*Ro'.alti-." Monday, February 24 - Cream pndwthtecî On motion Clerk was instructed tlusraitgaitewth pctue. ~Gadi ng ndTesin. C*A'DaSs to prayer by the President, anid 1 to prepare a bylaw for next meet- Mfari . Prott gv udn "t Dairy Brans-h. Toronto. pravur by IMrs. Wordeei; bible read- ing fixing salary of Counicillors V'alettine:" MIrs. L. Jobliti gave a Fsiday. February 28th - Soils itîg cnd talk was give by NIrs. F. at "500 each -and Reeve at $60.00. read.*ng "*Lifc's Lauirels:' The ladies and Fertilizers. R. J. Bryden, 0. zRul ;Ms .C mt o- Oeders signed as follows: enjoved comminîty singing after A. C.. Guelphs. trjud a ;îiosoloV.and misshazo- W. A. VanCamp, Sec.- s% hich a daintv lunich wa'. scrvcd. trbie in ooad'Is Hz ra.S .N.1 s2001 Cengratuilatilons to Mlr. and M.\r... elIRttndle a vocal solo; Mirs. Russel T. rce. S .-T . 1 200 I. Frdur, formerlv Ms-s. S. Mlc- Gay gave the lst chapter of the study R. .Bue -.Tes Laughilin. on tileir recunt marrtagc. HAMPTON 1 bec.hwsdcde opspn S. S. No. 3 200.001 Yîoîng Peoples Leagtte met Fnr- j.the cuming of the Trinity Y. P. play . Einesn Sc-Te. -i....... Tk.. t..4.. ... .1 iitrîîs'u'î,îr"eln,î; S. S. No. 9 100*00 O. Wright. roads and f bridges 176.87 W. Steele, janitos- 25.00a sGrant Vo Agsicult's-al Soc. 150.00 I fR. Ferguson, services as l L.Jbiarie Audito s- 10.00), - ReLcebin ricts s A usemett.ax0$268 1lun'teis- Ausm2.00.$268 olunci ados$2.temee0o Mas-c 2nd at 2 p.m. E- o - MarWhBeacocktC2erk f W.saok.Cek iMAPLE GROVE f Nfr. Ves-non Trimle is visiting his E sister. Nis Vura Tsitiile. Ottona- Littîr Mfiss NMars Stîowden lias s-e-C tîîrtîed tii Tos-otîto a (fter xisititîg lier Igrandpareiits. j Nr. and l NIrn. J. D. Ste-vetîs enîter- f e r t Iý e n Iý t 0 A tg t: ;E tg b F e: t] ei IV IV B lv itaîtueithtie ststur'. sud hs-thes- et the v'.t' vc .formter-. aIse Rev. sud 3Irs. WV. C. Missionas-y ps-ogs-am on Sunday 1S-niitli. Ceutstiri': Nîrs. T. Peurs-,r afternoon waa in charge e! Ms-s. .Nu'.'. Nlissa Stueuns, Towne, to ý Roy Langmaid wlio gave an in- -qiuiltiiig enTtuia aftes-tootu. eresting seading. Junior girls' Gsi iug te the %veaîlues andtI s- cIs as gave a chorus, and Miss lasi Stidavtle Swtuîlss'Schosul atnd Helen Baker gave a missionas-y chus-clu ses-vire isas callutI off. stos-y. A'\niituihes- from ber r se taking Tises-e was a good attendance tini tîîe short corossses lieltI ut Hatnî- at Leagne meeting Monday even- titi. ing wisen Miss Glaclys Yellowlees. NIs- andî NIrs. F. Svallow visiteil 2nd vice president. isad charge. Ir. J. G. Crerurl, Scas-hero. Ir';. 1 was decided Vo enter tise inter- Sisallîxu s-ma:netl for a short visit. league debates. Devotional was I.iugite meetinug opetrd Wdus given by Neil Yellowlees: tise <las iiglut. Jan-. 29t1u, witlî cemnin-1topic "Christian Youth and Un- utv siuîgitug. Caîl te wor'.hiiî was' employment" was ably taken by li iveus atîdbilube s-ading buNifasion Ms-s. A. J. Balson: piano sole. iSrioiideii; wos-ship tory hy lua Fo- Miss Helen Baker; readings. Miss Icy; folltîweiî hi'ps-sues-, Nildred Ileen Balson and Tom Baker. j Stuosuderu; «île) b3 jeatn Stevens: Contesta wes-e then put on. Tise tope". Crîîsacîiîîg .titloss, N.Irs. R. meeting next week lias been witlih Stevuns, Evulytii Evatns, Gos-don Jas-- ds-awn as ens- young peoffle visit; vie: pianuo solo, Laura Dave; eus-- Enfield on Tnesday night. r"tît esenis, LlONd Nietralfe ; Solo, Sani Castîe. Presideni took charge. REEVE JONES IS I HAYDON j PLACED ON BOARD MNessrs Rolansd andI Lloyd Thomp- (continued fs-om page 1) soli, Cadmus, spenst te wrek ed at F. George, Bs-ightotn Towsnship, andI home. Reexe R. O. Jones, Bowtusanvullc. About sixty friends aîd nrih-Thîris- umîuieration is S4.50 a day and bons-s jounseyed in sleighs andI cnt- 10 cents a mile travellinegexpense tes-s te Ms-s. E. Sirntt's Friday ev- allowance. Other sppointmets wru: etîing te, sus-prise Ms-r. antI ls-s. Hars-y .-\ditns-s of cs-iriial sccouttts- Struti, recent bride andI groom, with Deputy Rerse J. C. Cîtmiyof a teiscellatirous sbowes-. The zcnm- Niajîvers andI 'W. H. Nelson cf Percy. panywascalld t ordr Ms-d. Wm. Thueir remnrîeraîiouî is $4.50 a day and panywascaîltI e osdes by10 cents S mile. -looiey. Thte bride was assisted le Itîspectors tînder the Cîs-uî Borts- opuning the nterons presents by Act-Norman \fcGill, I'illhs-ook. for M6iss Stella Struti. Short speeches Dturliagu, and W. H. Osbonue cf Col- were given by the bride antI groom bos-ne, for Northumber-laund. Tîîis-r and seves-al cf the neighhbous-s. AIl ioin.,d in singing "For ilîey as-e jelly gond felloxus." .- fies- wbirh a bounti- fI lutnch suas ses-xîd antI dancinig and cards inudtged iiinîntil tIse <sur stea' bouts-s. Wir . X.Thompinvisitetl ber' mri-. Nirs. J. NirfDotualt, Bexu- . tean v île. C"luts-ch antI Sîuudav Scco se- %%,1l attuidît Snd".Rrx.:\ i W'<otton trs-,culing an excellent ~r moen on. "T-Te bas wsitteiu His siguu . . - attire an lis." ;. FVFP TR"FIR S1Apr î Buttonholeq in sweaterq .0hould hp sepwnu1nMhefOrP MeRptr !i washM. Trpçqfpd In thii. way but- tonbolf-, will flot stretch. Special Bargain EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA Going Dates: Daily Feb. 28 to March 12 Return Limit: 45 days. APPROXIMATELY ONE CENT PER MILE Good in Coaches only Sleeping Car Privileges Passage Tickets also on sale, good in: (a) tourist sleeping cars at approxi. mateiy 1V4c par mile, plus regu. lar berth tare. (b) parlor andý standard sleeping cars at a pp roxi ma tely 1 2 c per mile, p lus regular seat or berth f.are. RtOUTES - Tickets good going via Port Arthur, ont., Arnistron g, On t., Chicago, Ill., or Sault Ste Marie, returning via oîame route and lin, only. Generous oîional routings. STOPOVERS - within limit of ticket both golng and rùturning - ut tort Arthur, on t.. Armstrong, Ont., ani west; also at Chicago, Ill., Saîtit St. Marie, Miceh., and wst, in accord- an ce with tariffs of United Stat,, fines. ________ Full particulars front any agent CANADIAN PACIFIC 1# you'il forget your fork, take It Up tln your hands . .. . and eat it ail- AYLMER KERSLAKE'S SRVIC We examine your eyes free of charge. Make your appointment now. N;mal Aspis-in 25e - 40e - 75c Fî'essî "t Aspirits 20c - 50c - $1.00 Bayes-'s A.spîs-st 22c - 39c - 98c Scott's Emasti . ...... 49c - 98c EXt. Malt anîd '. L. O. 1 lb., 59C - 2 lbs., 98c Iren & Yeast. ta)S ....69c Ilalives- Caps . .................. $1.00 Wampo]e's Ext ....$1.00 Ayes-st 's 10-D. Oil 67 - 1.69 Babv's Ow'n tabs .... 22c Steedman Poe...........22o Pablum......................... 45c Dextri Malt . ................ 80o J.&J. Baby Po. .....25c Baby Pants......... ..... 19e Vip ........... 29e- 59c -98o WE GUARANTEE OREOPHOS TO STOP A OOUGH PHONREColigPhm. B. w "P.R.CwlingDELIVERL In teresled. Personal Service ? That's what you get at NELLES' GROCERY Cherry Pie Week--- February l5th to 22nd Cherries At a specWiai ý25c Specials for Thurs., Fri., Sat., Feb. 13, 14, 15, PLUM JAM Peppermint Patties. Prumes, large meaty P. and G. Soap .... Cloverleaf Cohoe Salmon 5ODAq .. amaa a 1/2 lb, 12c ... ...2 Ibs. 23c 5 bars 19c 2 11M.bags 23e 32 oz. jar a-a- .2lc Red & Wbite Salt, plain or iodized . 12 pkgs. 15e Gold Medal Ploor Wax 1Fluff o tin 25c S 1.12 lbs. for 27o Red & White Spices, in glass shaker . .10e BISCUITS, Orange Cream ....... lb. 15c Bulk Cocoa Grapefruit flramnes 2 lbs. 23o 5 for 25o Star Toilet Tissue,.. 1 Libby's Pork & Beans 5 roils 25e I. ge. 10e - - 1 aLu ... ... .... .per doz. NEW CARROTS- NEW CABBAGE - HEAD LETTrUCE Very Special --- Granulated Sugar, 10 Ibs. 50ec Poe599 Fe W. NELLIES DELVR jnim e ti is $3 a da\ anîd 5 cetits fort slould be made to meiet this OBITUARYa mile. irw situation. The Otîtarie orn ----BIUA YFîîllowiing Iigli Sulioluol n ' .1- tment lias assttmud the lttre co<t ]cgiate Iiitîtîttetr t.s repru..entiflg of constructitig and maintaining MNrS. Chas. lWright, Toronto ItR'cîîîtjtih'.s ceitiRil ver 1ur ovinciiul .uki igwyand does flot lIsta~iI.NI. Gt;. \Goul :Catiip- 1lpropoel cpn oit od la There Passed to rest in St. Jos- \\li.'I.X'. 1). \W.)dil: Lolbirtie. H. et iîosv. The duliartiflent is wiîlitîg ePh's Hospital, Toronto, on Feb- NIas hcsw; Celsîur-,.1._- L. x Ne\%-se allow -its plovvs to be uscd for tbis ruarY 6th. after about six weeks' ca'.tlv, I losi as-il . -t' I-rt Hope. w ork proviiitg it is assttred of pay- illness, Euphemia Jane McDon- W. 1. l)avids.'îi. i nit.* ald. widow of tise late Charles . To Hospital Boards Dpt ev dodtnBw Wright, fos-mes-ly o! Bowmanville. Ceittiillrepresetitatietis te ho'.pitaliDeputy Reeve dmonsteponciBal tise la ite M r. than d M rs. W illia m b oards 'ar : î I.. te(;rt-e r, ai low s w ould iot b e available until theoi C heis-gtlî aishighivays lad been op ned. MD oaldand was bnland live- Hospîital;BReve R. J. Editxids of TIhe council's opinion generally Bd i Bowanvlle ntilaft res Port Hope te tthe liospitail board in was that thîe witer ts-affic on the marriage. They were ma.sried inii îît town: aaid Depîîty G.evu . coîtntv roads lias te be faced, and March 1894 and lived here for a Etoîseec enai îet Ietitauut ln o fiin tsme Vo to Tor- ~~plowitîg atîd extetddfnigsol pnc hreioshe mo ing rsie.Boardl cf tîat liospît a]. buctadee. Tu e nsîjc a pased on ontc her aisea s inrsieJailer Is Retired to.tTî e asudidgje assemitoe her isusband passe awayDon1911. Cote-cil %vas notificd tlîai E. A. t h od n rde or Sise al levstofbothers. Doenald Htîtclîjtîsuîii. Jailer. atd iiNîs. Hutclî- sliichli ad already expressed the ~scDnado!Bomnvll.and ieiî.tarnathucntesai. ont that the county roads should Arche o! Oshsawa; and one si- lare nt le rî t hotiicli l, ad u kp pn stoc rsk ob. Lo. Wood- that F. J. Wight of Bo\wtîîaiiville suill____________________ Tise funeral took place from suce Cîmn. uîttee a-itloi I the funes-al cisapel o! Dodds & Seevu E. C NlcK:te lCitizplc dil ]Bates, Toronto. on SaturdaY af- E .vis.t Iîvscel ari fntiîiîiat- rdrYuîI ternoon. sesvice being conducted to viian %- Iigli . clîet ar d'. aof lco l- ina 'C r o I5 by R.ev. Mr. Gray, Pastos- of Paul- lionatdu igiiiie'ofr lietardsudcfl ru ne Ave. United Church. Tisherriaetii.Sritistiofl.rh utiti tte bearers were Chas. H. Haddy. eîîuu.îti f lisiltii srattiiig ilthe P'sed Osborne. Thos. Whale. Ar- sucetîiarv àuitis frildiliiini-s chsie Has-dilI, . J3. E. Staples and shunrî.îl aîîlsrîsani. T ru leo MIr. Barker. Many lovely fio s-shord ii n )rbin.ekelrecsciitl expressed the sincere sYmpati0xsyoar-; oterhero ý,ceeKuc rutlistu he numerous relatives and fri- a_ I are1jeerborok aiia e l 'itîit- ends. Among those presenit were: and il lîo'.. Woercotnu sr. and Mrs. Donald McDonald. Ruevi. uke lia'. buuii aîpoilitdA Mrs. Archie McDonald. Mrs. N. S. ilealtt'10.ijicfharu: 3. Jamies. Bowmanville; Ms-. and tcfhe uio iîpsittioner tie chinaii Vrs. Aschie McDonald and fam- ear. i tnille cfompthensecotnd Iy. sh a:Ms-s. R. McLeod. -'ieu" uI woriabl 1mplientCoru WJoodstock; Ms-s. Aif. Sopes-. Bal- tit sIceilii'itoirî, iî935. Ci' linafad. Ont.. and a large ntsmber sclioo lbai f I ' Priced TovSeil from T oron to. '.au, Putsbo r td Bellvi ale. at Iti Wr e d N eIT o u s e l C a Amateurs fs-om Bow1man v i le s 1tertîitebti.ssand.Blillesand iti- tano eelW nww and district are invited Vo com - îî.leî t u 'eieîe ii u t e aNUse d t eCar o pete in tise Amateur Contest 'o pa41I-t10 cilitatu ielie cinrth(" hc yuwl e ru.W be held in O rono Town H all pon t 'Iou <s a ' i s iloiu t il ! m ust offer ita t s d a r o u Friday, Feb. 21. wisen cash prizes srtarie ii.fure iftiecusit msars. tatapic ivill be awarded totise winners. sertre nftri eesr. will be anxious - and able Snow Plowing Froblemn - Vo pay! We must arrange _________ - X. 1. Bragg, MI.' for Dtîs-laîîî its payment tO suit YOU, flot Iatnd F red W.ut. ex-NI. P'.. iveru us. We'll fill tisat bill ! Come SOLINA visx.itor'. te tIi" uouîiciî. Niîr. Bragg in and Vs-y out YOUR Car! __________________ di'.tu'.ed te rcvlîllu xigutît ps-oh- Ms-. and Ms-s. Isaac Hardy and ]ciil of kecpiiig coutîtx' roadl' clear cf familY spent tise weekend v;ith 5i 5 atndl ..aIvd tlaî ithe 1epartilil;tR O Y friends at Lindsay. i f Iigîiw..ix Sua. ss-iîliiig te pay lialfI 1] O Mrs. R. J. MeKessçock is isit- "X c'o'liu in i.'ig .tel lat tlie ýN I nghs-duise.Mrs. Everett' eod feeceu-Drlaivi- c K N CO L S Mr.ottano s-VsOh. ages tise cutturs uttîtîl tîîe roads wure DEALER FOR Ms-.and s-s.Er-nest IDe-bars- opui te autoîsuobilus. sue suere 1t11 eerojoor(Cr and baby Violet have moved to tht tîurastru ic ittrs iiarsa 11rmu. dM .HitpTnkad1lace." NIr. Bragg said. Nitnuty pur, COUR Ms. n M-. ilo Tn adCuiit. cfotis- tarmucrs us.e nîoîîr cars C0URT1CE 'amilY, Ebenezes-. visited at Ms-. andI il is ubvioti' that a special cf-! and Bowmanville ý1 il i ~ k Habitant Vegetable or Tomato Soup . 2 tins 25c PAGE SIX ----0 -