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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Apr 1936, p. 9

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* .5, '. '~. THE CANADIAN STA7TSMAN, BOWMNVIL.E, ONTARIO. THUPMSAY, APRITT 9th.i1936 S. V . S.GRADUATE RE El VES HONORAR DEGREE IN TORONT Dr. W. A. Parks, Once A Stude Here, Given Doctor of Laws Degree 'me degree o! Doctor of La, (honorary cause) was conierri on William Arhur Parks, B.. Ph-D., prof essor of geology ai head o! that department, aI V) asteein held by the Sena the University o! Toront President H. J. Cody reportq last week. The degree was coi ferred in absentia on account Dr. Parks' illness. Dr. Parks one lime lived in Bowmanvil and atilended high school here. Dr. Parks has been on the sta of the universily since 1893 ar has been promoted frona one stai to another throughout the yea until lie has ýbecome an internai ional figure. He la an outstan4 ing palaeontologist. And sinx 1915 he has been director of C, Royal Ontario Museumn of Palaï Ontology. To his work la due Il fine collection o! dinosaurs in tb inuseuin. Dr. Parks is a brother-in-law c the laIe Sir John McLennan, h wfb"ln Jean McLennanc sutr~ford «Dr. Parka was born Hamilton, educated in Hamiltoi Bowmanviile and the Universut of Toronto. He is a Fellowc the Royal Society of London Pellow, Royal Society of Canada FPellow, Geological Society o Ainerica, Mernber, Canadian In S-itule of Mining and MetaUlurgy Hon. Life Member, Royal Canac ian Institute; president, Geolog cal Section, BAA. 1926; presi dent. Royal Society cof Canaiî 1926; president, PalaeontologicE * eeps each ULSTRENGTH ~ ROYAL YES CAKE q0 ent LWS ed .A., md ýhe LIte to, 'ed >n- of at ILe ff nd ge rs tt- £1- e e- hl lis in of n- r- ýa, s il e e k c( A Use Royal Yeast Cakes and Roy al Sponge Recipes for these tempting breads .. . Cake of ol1 Yeaat will retain itsaabsolutefre!neuLfor days-weeks!, A arcial air-tigbt wrappinq sue full eaveninq power and uniform re- sulta every lime. No other dry yeast has Buch protection. That's why 7 out of 8 Canadian housewives who use dry t niton Royal. Order Royal ;reasl' Cakes today. BOOKLET FREE! -Mei Royal Bake Book" gives tai ted Royal 5ponge Rec! pes A for the bresde Il- Iustrated above and masny others. coupon todapi BUT MADE-IN- CANADA GOODS STANDARD DRANDS LIMITED FraserAve. andULberty Se.,Toronto, Ont. Pl«eumond me the r«. Ryal Vesat Bah* Book. Nen S. ToC- rmv. - HOLLYWOOD BEAUTIES FORM A "WON'T GET MARRIED UNTIL" CLUB SALvATIrON ARMY draxi OFFICER SPEAKER jam No. 9 H. & S. CLUB'Bd itn esag iden - ear ddaeus iii On Wednesdlay evening, April "Romnce0f hil Lu", st, a party o! eight men and six The ostpnedMarc meeingladies from lie Bowinanvýille Bad- Thepospond Mrchmeeingminton Club were the guests of was ield at tie school on Wed- teBaktc lb u a nesday, April lsI. Due 10 the re-th lcsokCu.Tiwa imore in the nature of a !riendly lirement o! Mr. Howard Bowen 'visit Ihan an inter-club match. as president Mr. R. Osborne oc- U the request o! the Blackstockj cupid te whlch was formed about a At liais meeting it. became nec- year and a half ago, the more essary 10 elect a new president. experîenced Bowmanville players It was unanimously carrled liaI gave exhibition games, onle o! Mr. Chris Barchard be the 110W ladies, one o! men, and one o! president. Mr. Barciard to0k the mixedi doubles. Points o! interest chair and opened the programme. were discussed and helpful in- A gils'tri, Mrie Pewei, Bet- formation asked for and given. O ty Osborne and Patsy Fenton, Man.y gaines of. men, ladies and sang "Sleep My Little One." mixed doubles were played with Y 'me guest speaker o! the even- the Blackstock memibers, and a '4 ing was Lieutenant Arnold Brown lunch served 10 finish a very en- 4 o! Bowxnanvifle Salvation Ariry. joyable evenlng. After lunch Mr. i.eut. Brown chose as bis subject L. W. DippeIl thanked the hosts j "The Romance csf Cild Life." for lie pleasant evening, and w P,~- ~t..4 Lieutenant Brown considered that congratulated tiem on having Wo tha kin cs First, Restlessness. This trait ers from Bowmanville were, Mrs. is evident in the baby, girl, boy, S. R. James., Mrs. D. Smith, Mrs. el and out. I lathee rugimc-E. Oliver, Miss B. Bagueil, Miss lions o! the body tiat are ta lie Doris Freeman, Miss M. Downey, i controlled and refined into lie S. R. James, J. Cailaghan. E. 01- L delicate movemnents of a sculptor, iver, E. W. SIssin, D. Smnith, J. a musician, a surgeon. Alexander, L. W. Dippeil and R. Second, Curioslty. 'me chlld Anaie. perceives tirougi tie seuaes-ea Th'e final Bownianviile club eye, nose, touci. 'me outward re- tourusîment la now in full swing sponse la that of curiosity. Here i I etos m iihn tie child acquires knowledge ly dates for eaci round are on tie- asking questions, Iu later adol- escence this curiosity tends to- Some of Hollywoods decidedly marrlageable movie stars have formed lie Spinster Club are ehown ini tie above layout. Upper wards exanilnation and criticismn. made uptheir inds tht thei career must onte beore an mat-owertrigvitdPatricia: cEnte, .ea Muremainht, fitanteiseigenrd e I ntation dThisi ahile to c senhow many o! these young ladies will carve their careers the opposite seems to be true for an crer ee t o ad n ad.Smeo tos hohvebeoe hy ucubt DnCupld. adults. ofn"Bilding aAn rnanael limnde theym develeanopmurînpi of:o¶te pl Stromatoporoids.' several broch __DURHAM_________SCyeTrnfo er is moîhr, then foro th S i uMerssnCre et at rs. Wtiý. Briuice Careti, Dffe roinDudas, FRS WofCusrRByScouts cr clousyea d Vie y ngis or, NI P ai ails it 1 i.Ge.Hatn atig.neMrrswr waddter e-poelywsigcltea and rica AlUn gave a misionar eaogftunbran.trLsitopee.Prhcmltdalerqiedtets.Iiimans Pofiicnv Bdge latie iVe Tcisl ad Hoed Sadi Mur hd carg o!Vie rX te oo Weing o n ofmsra, upianicvedav ie rcr îc h e biofteySoumile to Vo ethgeafil Otiaren vthy o ~ie prgr m as li peseta I te isrits f albuto, as moe ha 400 ii1 ckar . Thathe ho d t oral n le nct a e Ithendin 1-o o!lv i B nen clth andmeans 4.000 moreiterD j Wol CbaBoySchaeou t - fi lsyersn ai thneo boyis n ogil a beeenv a veryhifaitTheful member1oLia River),ma hesso Circle eirment MS. Wre te. . up ofý-\I tigoii, twek' aein.qhuBieExmie. n ano.d on okaithain ild ierved nd arso ial limlenton,. onceegainganed the- Ibroui a i cosopd W e bth rougb & A C. inihs wih adi M ir nd Duria , F onena , len arron o r s with a taotanof Er- deo sa te t ei eraity b lesooe, le s pe ker on cl-eu was givn by Aua Osbone. Air. Huron Lariak' LementLebas, por-endtedasaoseWenty-fivest, hvter sinifing foretNationalaunAn- acre amlsproitinvBde ie in the aosMt-emrrsint were 'servfe. A lli n g a ve m is i o n a r re a i n g , h u m b e l and 'O nt ri o , P e el . P ert c o m p etedo p pot e H u Isted testsh esBoyn S co u ts S h olfath atm and Mises Ad Annisand Hael Peerboro PresctThePrnoelony.d, riscraiuniquestacoihecidencee Ragu!sisibeessn IS ilbe ield frinone Victria oi with a todtl sf51bons wtbwhh mbedhi ft heBoy Scoutt etr at ota hnte Hadik uPatrolcharecoosee Wrtrgave ellintonPan Yorkmanyacistorieser-fine rcooleinAgentmaFord ando-mla will v a ofioservatin, trscingeaned cont tin f l'meel l Gren Hli arexu toînsTe ithe pins.te ntere0mo ost a c aatertrain aihinng * "In1t e choowmolîl th rd, m il liwo a iskkNpisn sut f Twn ihddb ill dge eductothaente rwinto mainy oye g o h irsadboso Ladies' Blie n ddle Setooonexi onts.Morna ngb. CbatrClf SoTge sotenod Gvrn d ':a.It was decsded not 10 have 10th and will close on June 26th. the rctiring Cubmaster bidding fate- -n7. anniv-ersary tea. A su flio The Upper School examinations weIl to the group. The Cubs met naney was to be set aside for the are scheduled to start June lth Monday this week, but wilI likel% "und towards building a new kit- and will coniclude on June 26th. me ahTusa fe hs h c',in. Mrs. W. C. Snith gave a __________ Scouts wilI continue to meet on Diano solo. and readings were Tuesdays. given bY Mrs. Frank Rundie andFo Mrs. R.oss Pearce. Refreshments Former N~urse "The Boy Scout Mýovemenjt is a log- wreserved and a social time en- T '- ical source of that type of necded 'oyed. The executive were in Tells KHow S.3 e world leadership which is based on 7htrge of meeting. 1, ~ j1 courage, faith and détermination to Mbss Annie Holt entert.ained fteeps vveli work hard at anv given task."-Vice lier group of the W.M.S. on Tues- ____ Chancellor A. E. MUorgan of NIc- day a ternoon when the ladies P enwick Lady Praises Gi University. quilted* a cuilt. Dd' l.e il Tegetmjrt fSot h Miss Hazel Rundle was ho>stess ______u i "h ratmjriyo cot h to a number of young ladies on Ms balhHsUe hm corne to Western University hav.e Tuesay ftirnoo, wth uilàng m Adalah Hs Ued hem characters builded; we have'littie to asay t ernowthqitn For Forty Years correct. And on this Scout found- Mr.(Dr.) Norman Found, ot- PniOtArl8 S< ation the facuit3' can build further. Mrs.k n.,Ari 1 (ec -President S. W. Fox, University lawa, was a visilor with Dr. Il) - "When -a childi I had an of Western Ontario. Pound and his parents, Mr. and attack of rheuxnatism," writes- Mrs. John Pound. Mrs. A. Abdallah, of this place. Last year 566 Ontario Bov Scouts Miss Reta Worden. Sask. is vis- "A friend of my. mother advised itiing hier cousin, Ha.zel Rundie, gvn me Dodd's Kidney Pills. I and other relatives. i hv tinued< taking them flrom iMr. and Mrs. Bert Wilkins were time to tàme for about forty years. TYRONE lin attendance at the Wilkins-Rip- , amn confident 1 would flot feel ley wedding in Oshawa on 'murs- able ta do the great amount of Foilowing is the standing of day. iwork I do at present if it were pupils of lyrone School, S. S. No. Mr. and MM. Esli Oke and Mrs. flot for the benef il I have receiv- 18, Darlington, for winter terni Bert Wilkins altended the f uneral 'ed from Dodd's Kidney Pil]s. 1 Clristnaas to Easter: of the late Glenn Walker which iamn a farmer's wife, 53 years of was held at Orono. lage, and have always workedI Sr. IV - Marion Prescott 83, Friends nuxnbering about fifly hard as I arn a gracluate nurse Gladys Bradley 82, Howard Brad- invaded the home of Mr. and Mrs. and nursed for many years. " ley 77, Lillian McRoberts 75, Ar- Bill Allin and presented thern Such confidence as this in the lie Thompson 73, Joyce Park 71. wth a miscellaneous shower. beeis drvd fo aigVernia ORoberts 62, Iva Camnp- Gifts were opened and verses Dodd's Kidney PilUs is sh.ared by bl 7 read, after which a social lime thousand.s of other mien and, wo- Sr. IZI promoted 10 Jr. IV - wa.s eniJoyed. imen froin ail parts of Canada. Catherine MéDonald; 89, Lorne Congratulations are extended Frorn easl to west corne similar Yeo 75, Roy Prescofit 75, Alleen 10 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coverly reports of the help receivedi lrom IBradley 67, Winnle Brooks 60. (nee Ivy Park) whose marriage Dodd's Kidne3t Pills, when suifer- Jr. 111 - Yvonne Byam 72. was solemnized aI the home of ing f rom bacache, rheumatism Helen Smith 88, Lawrence Tabb Mr. and Mrs. Sid Venlon, Bow- or other ailments proibably due to 53. manville, on March 21st. The1 faubty Kidneys. For more than 2nd Book - James P a rk 81, Young couple wlll reside wilh Mr. hall a century Dodd's Kàdney Douglass Barr 73, Marie Thomp- L J. Court.ioe. Pills have been the favorite Kid- son 70, Charlie Campbel 53. Mr. Wilfrid Jones was a week- ney reinedy. Bretta Collacutt 52, Shirley Park end visilor with relatives In Tor- 5______________ 2, Stella Prescoît 45. onto prior to working for Mr. Honour standing, 75. Morley Wilkins. L. Mortson, teacher. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Courtice and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pearce were visitors In Toronto.I Mrs. WiII Foundi. Bowmanville, EN A was a Friday visitor with Mrs. Cecil Found. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Linton and daughter, Stouffville, are visiting her mother, Mrs. E. Underwood. Mfrs. XVm. Honey, Milligan, spent a few days at her mothers, Mrs. A. Jackson. M[cLeani's School was ciosed on Monday owing to road conditions. XVell we are about snowed in so il was witb an effort a f ew attended church and Sunday Scbool on Sunday. Tbe Pot Luck supper was post- poned on Tuesday nigbt owing to road and weatber conditions. Peeviali, pale. restiess, aund siokly cidren owe their condi- tion 10 worms. Motier Graves' Worm Excterminator wMl relieve them. sud restore healti. Lease '"Batterwo"j0 "Batterwood" tie home of Hon.JO Vincent Massey and Mrs. Massey Yr o! Canton, near Port Hope, has been adverlised for renit by tlie National Trust Company for the season at $2.500 or a lease will be given f or a ennocf one to liree years. At preseut Mr. Mùassey la lu London, where hli laHigi E B I A Conmîissioner for Canada. The * AS TE reaideuce includes twenty-three roomns and six batirooms. com- pletely equipped. 'mere are splen- T V PO SI; did gardens wllhIlily ponds. rock- etles, sunken garden, swlnmn K gJ~ O pool, tennis and, badi n t on courts. F EW cars at any price can boast more so evident in tbis fuIl-sized, smartly streamn- thorough faciory construction than Pontiac. ined car. We beave it te the new model to back up this Drive a 1936 Six or Straight Eigki. Take particular notice cf how each cf Pontiacs l01 fine-car features contributos to comfort, safety and performance. Gsi acquainted, first hand, with the advantages cf Precision Manufacture, We believe you will find thaï: your dollars go further in Pontiac. If, by now, you agres wiih us, remomber . . . purchase can b. arranged through the greatly roduced trne paymnents cf the 7% G M AC Canadian financing plan. P-256 COURTICE ]ROT NICHOLS BOWMANVILLE , a WSEAEL iie MRKSct w sheets. Please have your ies finished on time so as to 7ent disqualification. The fin- rmes are scheduled for Wed. iai-d the final dance and ing nlght, April lOtitL rCOUR5tïdYOU WANT 4E P tNI1r 14A-' Fe take It for grsnted thst ou want the very best of lmblng ln your home and iat YOu want to psy the Iht Price for the riglit nd of work. 1[fthat isthe 3se You will flnd It to, your lvantage to, do bushnema lth us. Our rellablllty hms ever been questloned and 1, neyer golng to be ther. 'A. Parker Phone 651 BOWMDANVILLE Plumber snd Ttnundtb Conaider the Back o! the car 8-flndr Models bilaut $1183' Ddvuroatfuuy.Ohwaoot Fmo NippiFrtistui mg mes! u.0swih. Fuulj .*a. TDAÉI-lc- wrrmilw

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