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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Apr 1936, p. 2

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luw .w THE CANADIAN STIATESMAN, BOWMANVTILLE. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL . t. 1936 pavements, sew ers. wtrok ytns ie pipes and ail the ilUs concomitant n eg i k nwalks, and lias protected themselves %vith police ç 1 J therewith! forces, tlieir assessments have risen eonltinuial1y. For six weeks we domnciled at Estailished 1854 Inanusel rgesieieQlisbenmJkdT e t a a S o l h Aroadia with our daughter who A Weeiy Nwspapr deotecito te inerest 0f he lua nushel progessienessliasheier rke wit heraundad andfamiy ha A WeklbNwappa devoefoteitrst fteb enand for' the paynîent of an ever ni- A Weekly Revlew of National AffaJrs corne out here lasi. faîl. At this town f Bowmanvilie and surroundng count ry, issued ltl o n i o ae h a t at King Street, Bowmanville, every Thursday, by M. A. creasing share of comnties expenditures. BY WILFRID EGGLESTON ltl on1 oae h at James & Sons, owners and publishers. The Canadian It will be readilv seen that so loga h Anita race tracIt, said to be (and Statesman ls a member of the Canadian Weekly News. rural vote lit the CoiimCucil 0sns thoe I can well believe it), the moSt Papers Association, also the Casas "A" Weeklies of whelminglv larger than the urban vote this Ottawa, April 7th. - Premier subsidies, requiredi an aniendnient beautiful plant 0f the kind in Canad;L. Aberhart and Hon. Charles Dun- o! the B.N.A. act. The necessary the world. A l:arc o! the old inovemnent is likely to continue. The arguimenit. ning occupied prociinent places petition to London was drafted. Lucky Baldwin homestead, it nes- SUBSCRIPTION RATES quite îiaturally of the faringi comiinnIities is on the political stage Jast week; The provinces at that tinie agreed tles against the foot hills o! the Anywhere in Canada, $200 a year; in the United States, that they have been througlin terribly liard and an important issue came to a with the idea, but one or two Sierra Nadre mounitairis and the $2.50 a year, payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. times. So have the towns. It is true that xnot head. The correspondence be- later on expressed some doubts Ylsta from the club house terraces onl hve hetows ad o arefo a artween Ottawa and Edmonton re- %bout IL. Ottawa has not pro- i s snply intoxicating (with no onyhv h twshdt er o a garding the Alberta loan was ceeded with the petition. government permit neces5sa ry). greater number of relief famnilles, but they have tabled in the Rouse, and after- 'M.~'et a a ~ Te immediate !oreground, a nib- THRSAARL9th, 1936 7ree.i Atecn ftîusnso ad teMnse !Fiac 0,0 letachamdu oan oJan.-,bon o! track, marking the racingE THJSAARLbeen b couihteeaeo huad fwad h iitrofFnne0000wic aedeo a. rse, encloses a jewelled settingE transients. In addition there is inuch knore received the Press Gallery in his lSth, and which it was unable to!'o blazing flowers, emerald turf,( The Church's Oreatest Festival unemployment ini the urbani centres. which oficefor a prolonged interview. mneet. The federal goverrnment trmhdeo1wctfndtwrn liasincrasedtaxtionstilifsnher an appropriate place to camne to the rescue, advancingthe palans, aIl merging into a rugged bas icreaed taatio stil in the slxnplest Language great bulk o! the .money, and with 1 'krudo aJsi ek "Wyseek ye the living among the dead? From the purely urban viewpoint, urban what lias happened. no conditions o! any kind. But baiecground o! minandesticheak He îs not here, but is Risen. " Witli these words municipalities wotàd be better separgted from 1. During the depression the it was lndicated that it was the lng away to right and to le!t tiUb the wonld was first acquainted with the res- the Counties. In control of tlieir own affairs four western provinces reached a 1ast boan on those terms. lost in illimitable distance. Tow- aurection of Christ from the dead, and tlie first itsdotfl heeraxs oudbasig. position In theyr could nfot oollect 8. Premier Aberhart took the ering sentinels, immutable and EaserDayha bcom arelit. n undy e ut undweersta sthat the faes have .sufficient -taxes to meet their <ob- stand that he could not endorse 'unchangeable! Yet ever chang-8 Baster Dy had beome a rality. O Sunday e quiteunderstaigttionhe.fTheys were lunables toeytheeban councithe ben auseiIt meant itingan as dayas sweepseels i arcrc!In next, the anniversary of that great event will been throtigh an exceedingly difficuit time, but seil bonds to the public at an-y the surrender o! the province's learly morn enshrouded In misty be celebrated in churches throughout the there are very few who'have flot ivec1, and ternis short o! ruinous ones, if at vright te borrow as much and as robes, tlirough whlch, an on, world. Easter, the Churcli's greatest festival, lived better than the av'erage town rsdn al If there liad been no one te often as it should deem advis-1 creeî,a the rislng sun, a bail o! ceiet turn to, they would at that time able. Its financlal autonomy, in living fire, energizlng, vivefylngc will aitract greater nuinbers to worship than They have îlot been penalized very greatly *~ibe ople odfut rohrwod.1n oplig tmddyte any other event of the chureh. year. the expenditure of relief monies. and their reacli a compromise with their 9. Aberta had an issue of stand ln the garlsh ligiht, griin, c It is riglt that this slould be, for wtlout taxes compartivey are much lower thanl in the credutors. $3,200,000 comling due on April 1. 1ire-scared andu foridding, untila Egaster, Christianity would not have been poss- bowns. 2. The Dominion govern.ment, t had only $550,000 on hand tofapproaching eventide enslirouds t] ible. The birth of Christ, and even lis death And so it is, that whule this arftistice lab aigtesadta o lo ne t ttw askdt h1 nprln rbso y ti theCros wuldhae mantnotin la ben dclaedaidCohurglis ensetedtoprovince to default was a blow to tupply the remainder. on the Uglit and lazily athwart their face upon h rs ol aemat ohn a endcae adCbugbscnetdt federal credit, came to their as- samie terms as on Januany lst. dri!t swansdown cloudlets which P he flot risen from the dead, as prophets from remain within the fold, we doubt wlietlier it sistance with boans. Thiese gnew 10. The Minister o! Finance*at catch the golden raya o! the set- a time iin1emorial had predieted. Easter is a will prove the end of these contentions between !rosn about $25,Mo,000 in 1931-32 Ottawa reiterated that nio more ting Sun andu scatter benisons o! O gret esivla esiva tatreals hecoin-_ h ua u îbncnrs to a total at present over X110O,- money was te be advanced !rom reflected glory tili sable night el pletofs riafstiak upon eal. tepre rua-ad r cnre.000,000. the federal treasury without an takes sceptre in hand, waves ~ Plto fIrssts pnerh "rpe 3. The present goverrinm e nt undertaklng to go into the loan Lethran wand and the whole sents the final event in a series which led Up shortîy a!ter it came into, power, council. world sinks te, rest. ti ttern life thulifîe savîng ae ossibTelusaEpeienttook the stand that this business, 11. Aberta said in reply that We have lait many glorlous B etena lfethoug te avnggrae f heTh_______xprien could' not continue; that to allow a!ter having obtained the April rides up and through. in and c Crss Tos o s hoenbrc Crîîiniyit te, go on would be te destroy 1 lst sum il woubdi probably not around these mountain ranges, w should be thankful for this yealreidno A grea many Canadians have taken gneait federal credit and bring about a jhave to ask Ottawa again; and but neyer cease manveUling at the n the greatest event in world historv. We eacli pains to see that eveny opportunity is taken to collapse. taeclined- te enter the boan council divenslty o! the fan flung panor- 4. At the Dominion-Provincial ýcheme. As an alternative it pro- amas that greet one's gaze at ev- have a definite Christian function to penfonm eiticise the Russiani expeniment ini human ne- con!erence in Decemben 1935 this 'posed a compulsony conversion! ery turn, and at the ingenuity o!f on this earth, and if we have failed iin cannying I lations. Those w-ho have been to Russia, while attitude was made known. At the !'Scheme and asked Ottawa for a mani wlo las woven inte the pic- out our duties as Christian-, no hetten finie tb not in agreement with the pobicy of states soc- samne time Ottawa offered to as- guarantee. ture. garlands of perfect high- stant exists than lit Easter time. iali.sinon with that iiation's opposition to ne- sist the provinces to rehabilitate 12. Dunning pointed out that1 waYs - the tousist's delight. Bowmanville and West Durha:m hres ligion. nevetleless admit that thene anrenanv themselves in any mutually satis- the pnoposed scheme meant un- But if ever you corne this way Churhes!aotory ruanner. The plan whicl fain discrimination between one George. for sheen glasnrio, let me should be filled to capacity ou Suniday.- for a thillgs othen nationîseaui learui froin tlîer. Rev. was adopted. after caneful study class o! bondholder and anothen: commend tO you the peak o! great corponate act of thanksgivn o I A. J. Wilson of Napariee, w-ho visited the Soviet o!f five or six, was 1his: The fed- 1lUnd declined to recommend a Lookout Mountain when darkness Promise of etennal life containied ini th(, Easten last yean. gave bis version of the great socialist eral government agreed, on cen- guanantee 10 parliament.fasanthebeseoeyus stoy.Dout et s e jst(lîisianinna ne.noveinient iii Russia. iii Bowvinville Ilast tain conditions, to guarantee pro: - 13. Negtiations thus ended; fan as eye can envision. the kal- Ltrv us cxeil-, that Christiannan e.b wc.Temstsnkn hn aotlswo vinciab bonds so as toc ut the in- 'Alberta failed to secure tle mon- eldoscopic picture o! Los Angeles recognize the sanctity of our task by joining addness, or rallier of the wholc sN stem n voguie cent. to three percent on there- Imet ai maturity. The decision ored lig>ts which twinkle and in that great service of praise, lhanksgiv-ing ii Rusia, was the attitude of tic Soviet to, its abouts. meant that Albert.a was going 10 glow with aIl manner o! colDred and prayer on Easter Day. citizeils iin conîparisoîl with the aa;tide of Ger- 5. Complete refunding o! t he 1tdw its own canDe. in a financial ifines that change and change m anad I1a1- ow-ard It il izens. boans o! any western province! sense. The door ta funther nego-1 again with bewildering rapidity. many 1a3hlmwith a saving such as indicated1 tiations however. is not barred. It is Fairyland to the 'nil degre, Iu these latter dictator-g-overned countnies above would largely solve their lThe federal finance minister is and conveys 10 the onbooker more - Trying To Keep It Quiet the state s suprerne and( huiman liapl)iness. aîîd financial problemrs and enable sti11 prepared t wipe the slate i viythncudayterm- ________humait requineinenîs must çrive way to lte tlhem to balance their budgets. dlean and stant alb over again. lui, some feefole conception o! stt.In Ruissia the sy-stem is the opposite. ýThe Dominion only agneed, how- either wit.h Alberta on any othen the immensity, o! the ternitony snTusa ih oinwspse tae ever, b such a guarantee on province. in an attempt 10 neach covered by this Queen City o! the a peil eeig f l PblcScîolBonc erything is sulmissive bo the inidividual. He ters the province would' enrobi a mubually agreeable pban. Pacific Coast. to~~~ exld h rsirm hspniua et supreme and the state is secondar.Y. in a 'boan council', which would! 14. Other provinces wil b e As one contacts the population ing. The motion was opposed by Chairman Pensonallv, whetîer or mot the Russiaîîs look supervise future provincial bon- dealt with the saine as o! Soutlern California. le is im- rowlngus. Aberta. British Columbia is the pnessed writh the fact that tle W. P. Corbett but w-as othenw'ise unanimous. upon luis as a Christian doctrine. we believe 6. 'boan counicil' idea, in- next province wlth a boan coming majority o! the nesidents are not We stnenuously opposed tbis attitude by the that is one of the finest Christiant doctrines, volving a pbedge o! provincial due. native born but are ex-natniots Board and refused to leave tle meetiîîg, be- W e are confident lIat God is more inîenested ______________________________ from other states and countnies. n ~Canada, I regret 10 say, is morei lieving that any topie that las been bandied in thie happiness of His people Ilian H1e is iiin than well represented and many! around the town, and from w'îicî vague ru- the so-calbed success of a nationî. We are sure T'eDm a d itn ato! 1er sons have become patent mours have resulted, is of public iinterest, aînd fIat Christ's wvhoIe doctrine is built anound InT eDfln ita tP s factors in finance, commierce, ed- that the real facts sîould le neported in thc the pinciple of lifting up manî as the nmajor ucation an.d science. It is a mat- Th usinudrdsusota fobjeet of life. National on gnoup advancement ten o! regret that these talented am i, TIcy question underiapinesdiscussion, fYYEA batOSeofTrea.home-bnewsGroudsould notscouhavethav eene ten'ng aong flic pupils, is a seriotis oneNoîyscnav1 h apieso h î HYYA. G e.Tes-Jh ye rud anchoned in the native leatl to anlihe general public, and particularly th dividual. omte-a.Dy nJh pa 15 hvea ihttoknw vatisorlis Russia nîay have many methods of doing nmTeSaeln ye .S Mocat ac oun own dominion, but the trek palis ae ihtt ko ha sorbsApril 9th, 1886 Comiittee-W. Blake McMumtry. tl osohl aaasor bee rgo,;ig on. Thene is, according 10 numours. things which are iiob good iin our wav of look- Newcstle MattewoGnviniR. M MithellF. J Reh another deploraîbe and unlealthy condition inii n(, at them, but at the samenfiie it las set a who was until ately superintend- Membership-J. B. Mitchell, JohnEuoefrcnefetepa- which tle Board and imeinbens o? the teachin- vcny wothy exaimrple iin placing tlîe welfane of ent o! the Massey Manu!acturing Helyar, R. M. Mitchell; orI staff are supposed 10 le invobved w'hicl 10 Ci îlhe individual befone everythiiîg cisc. Wc emayTotadnevd-JA.M banHarCnn hope to meet this afternoon at a minds is a disgrace 10 this communitv. For Canada as a nationî, when its govl' ntments and to that city witl them from New- With scancely a wanning a neception wlilch tle Los Anrgeles I casîle has taken charge o! the bilit Young life was suddenly_______________ these reasons we deemed it oun duity to be its people nealise lIaI human bappiness and jos. H»all Wonks at Oshawa. cabled from eanth on April lst, present at this meeting negardless of tlh nr-coteiment is more important than inere nat- Newtonville: Mrs. Wm. Jone lwhn Miss Mary Emnma Brittain row view' slown by thle majority of the BOard ionial pnide w-e are likcly to overeome sonie of Sr., met witl a painf ul accident passed away in 1er 2811 yean. when she slipped on tle verandal The funeral took place !nom tle to sce that the public lîad thc truc facts, and tIe gneatest obstacles w'hicli stand iin the way and broke 1er arrn. residence of 1er aunt, Miss Einma were not meneîy îîstening 10o rumours. at the present time-of more equitable living Ennisk.ilen.: Mr. F. Joncs, a ne- McClellan, Wellington Street. * The toIiowing editortai frontbihe 1'eterho7no leExaminer points 10 publicit3- as the cleartesi way out. We reproduce il as a further point in favour of our contention tlat this niectimu should be, fully reportcd. The editonial reads: " There are many people w-ho do not like certain items cgetting irîto thc papens, cspee- ially if the items have anything 10 do witl ait affair wihe the individual would prefen f0 have kept quiet. There is not a îîewspapen in the country which does not have to deal wibh sucli matters frequcittly. It is îlot difficiiît to understand the feeling of those wvlo wamt it kept quiet. When nothimug is said, when no P~plain stafement is given 10 the piublic, bleu it leaves tle field openî 10 numor and gossip. It las been found that a plain statemtett is the cleanest way ont. t may hurt at the nineni but the wound heals quicklv. j.Thene is a good exainple: of that i Bnitaimi at the moment. Thene have been ei,,ht cases reported ivhere wilful daimiage lias been don. to a British wanship. In tIc latesb case it is claimed that pieces of metailihad been placed in tIe machiery. Smevthat offdho u'son- thing which it would le nînceli btter to keep * quiet; it would le iunpleasant to lave it nosed about that soute man on body of mcnmi ad -~'suught to do dainage 10 the w'aships. t migtî 1 shake pulic confidence. But i hr Adniralt 'v Board imiakes the announcement; it prefens the plain statemient miet bd. and it tells low inarmv times the damage las been found amui nains the vessels, whcre damauLe w-as dlonie. The' people in Britaimi and in thie world know- all about it; those responsible for tle dainaiî' know their îvonk lias hern deteeted. Thelie - mon mongens have nothimmg onivhiclî to w-ork and aIl tiiose wvlo lave t o IwNith w'arships, thein construct ion ruîainiimaiîetor oemtoi are on tlieir guiard. The British Adlmirmlhv le- lieves imi the plain saeej of facî md pb lie anmd th-~ Admiralty is ripe iii expeienec.' Special Session of Counties Council Oiwe amgaiu thme ( 'tunies Assessmecmî wvar lias * ended iii an arinisl iu'é anid thle Towni of( îom'. applicant for sepa uut iomî lias been sat isfieul bl Jan agrecement wilh'i bniigs lime 19:35 assess- 7ments back for tliiý vear. 'J'ie net resuit as fan as Bomwlmanville is eoneerned is thmt ihis town -fill have 10 pay abouut $150 more iin counities taxes. We are doubtful lowever iviiether ftue mat- ter wiIl rest here. It seviiis to uï that flue ur- Ian municipalities have, over a lonîg î)eniod of years, been penalized at thi" expemuse of the rural municipalities. Because thte towns have gone alead and modermized, by tle laying of '..utiitionstor eiui r'. n u. Who Needs The Aid of Prayer? TIc new-s items from England the other day. relating, that the Canon of Liverpool Cathedral had nefused 10 pnay for the King, and lis min- isters, because hie beievcd fIat thcy were adopting îlhe wrong attitude in thecm Europcan diplomacy,- w'as amusîng te say fIe beast. Not only wa.s it amusing but a littie incongruous also. We do not say that mînisters have no right to dabble in polities, but wve do believe t Iat. thci Christian duties, if pnoperly carried out, gives them litIle time 10 make a propen study of econ'oiic and political eonditioiis. \Ve doubt if any ainister las the knowbedge of iîîbicate diplomatic affairs that a ininisten of the Cabinet would lave. Qîîite ofîcuthie gov errniuent iill make a move whil sems out of aIl neason to the lay mmnd, but at the saine lime provides no other alterniative iii the liglit ni facts befone île gov'eniment. llow-evcn what w-e set out 10 sav- was tliis. Evem if the British Cabinet wvas nîakimîg a mis- takie inii is dealing with tle vital European probleni, and even if if xvas fairn b include lus Majesty in the indicîment as titular head of thue country, would tIat not be the mosf imn- portant lime to offer prayers for 11cm guid- anee. If they lhad a mistake, woîld il not le the lest trne to pray Ilat tîey miglit sec tîcir mîstake and netifv it before il led tlîcm iîîto serious difficulties. We are incliuced to think that thc Canon of Liverpool ('athiwIral took an utn-('lrisîlan attitude in the matter, not iii keep- iîug with tle charitable attitude that slould finatiate from so high an official of tIec durci. Editorial Notes 1 iît-i -ea-l iîsvimuan sa vs le n ever d ra nk or sioked or lIost am iIotir s 'ep for anY~ reasoui. - Wv eau. bel leve the last part. reniemiheriîg thla t le lias iu'en Iivimug in Lindsay. .Mos of the jrofessiommaî Ioekey play.ers are nowv oimmimugthe ranks of tlecmanîploved lit they sliouîd have enougl stowed awa' in flime old stoekçirng 10 keep flue wolf on bhe fan side ofth l ne lune. Australia 's mardi lack to nornmal fimnes is so far advanced ltat thc comnonwealtI is now iu a position f0 invivte new~ citizens 10 settle lu the country. The situation should nol pass unnoticed aI Ottawa. cent graduate o! the Toronto A Darlington bo?, wlo las won Veterinary Coblege, is about to lis sPurs by energy and lard settle down in our village to wonk, is Samnuel G. Brown, bno- Practise lis profession. . . . On ther o! Irwin L. Brown o! Hamp- Apil 7t1 a large numben o!f fi- ton, who las .iust graduabed f nom ends assembled althîe home o! the Presbytenian College in Mon- Mn. Thos. Mountjoy, Haydon, the treal witl high honora, winning occasion being tle manniage o! the E. A. MoKenzie Scholarship. lis third daughter, Miss Amanda Fred R. Foley and Mrs. Brima- Mountjoy to Mn. Samelbs o! Cari- combe gave an imipromptu At wright.1 Home te members o! the Wom- Betlesda: Scloob report for S. en'sMissionary Society at Green- S. No. 10 - Class 4, Jennie Han- Icourt, Monday, in honor o! their ris, Arthur Brent, Herbent Coudh, guests, Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Pneddie Harris, Blake Cole: Class Hanna, Yunnan, China, who ap- 3, Bertie Brent, Freddie Hoskin, peared in Chinese costume. Willie Cole. Cephus H o sk in; Cass 2, Mable Harris, Editl Hoan Mn. Levi Morris, wlo represent- David Roy, Charlie Hludson, Ethel ed Bowmanvibbe Lodge No. 99, Col; Cass1, estin eadngAncient Order o! United Work- Coble CRosy, best in read, al Grand Lodge, Toronto, figuesAdaHoa, Rchad Hs- astmontl, gave lis report at fiueAd r ichrdHo-Friday's meeting o! île bodge km. :W repeae o erwlen Mn. T. H. Spry pnesided. that Mrs. W. L. Law, wlo las Dah iteI yoe p been 111 witl inflammation o! tle îib 911, Edward L. Virtue, aged lungs, la somewlat bebten. . .. R.e- 42 years. Inberred al Bethesda. cent snow las once again filed Mn. and Mrs. C. Thorne Allen up the noads around lere. ar.nounce tle engagement o! Haydon: On Wednesday even- their daughber, Florence, te Mn. Ing, Marcl 31sf. about 60 friends IC. Morion Mundof! o! Bowman- and relatives met at Mn. James ville, the ma.rriage 10 take place McNeil's and proceeded en masse on April 27th. tl.rougl tle mud and nain to île reaidence o! Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Hooey, 911 concession, and gav 11cm a genuine surprise, il being Th dt rsM i the 1211 anniversary of themr un EdtrsM i wedding day,. Bmnîl: In Bowmanvible, on tle 23nd o! Februany, to tle wi.fe o! 112 N. Beaclwood Ave. Mr. John Wickett. a daugîter. Los Angeles, Cala!. Binil: Cole-In Bownanville, Mardi 28, 1936 on March 2011h, to tle wi.fe o! Mn. Geo. W. James W. J. Cole, a dauglfer. Bowrnanvible, Ont. Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Banbury, Dean George:- This land o! Wellington Street, ceebrated tle sunahine and 'dalce fan miente" 25t1 anniversary o! ileir wedding is île original breeding ground of on Friday evening. An invading procrastina.îion, that insidious de- army, 50 sbrong, led by Levi Mon- stroyer of good intentions, and ris, visited 11cmn and madle a pre- rigît blene you lave my sole andl, sentation during tle evexing. I admit, my lame excuse for not TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO writing you long ere this. ,We clecked oui o! St. Marys From Thse States>nan, January 15f 1, just a couple o! Aprili 3th, 1911 days before real winter negistered with you and througl central il- Annual meeting o! Darbingbonilinois founci more snow than we Football League was leld Satur- lad le! t in Ontario. All e way day ai tle Lakeview Hobel, down to Gabley N.M. (we came Hampton. Frank Werry presided. by bus), we ran into intermittent These officers were elected: Hon. snowfalls, with a keen air very Pres.-Dr. C. W. Slemon; Hon. conducive to good appetite in thel Vice Pres.-Frank Werry; Presi- travebier. Prom then on it grew dent-John Baker: lst Vice Pi-es- gnadually warner until we ianded ident-Clas. Stainton; 2nd Vice, hene on a glonlous summer (tIen- Presiden-Edgar Horn, HamP- rnoretericalby .speaking) morn- ton; Sec.-Trea.s.--Geo. W. Jamles. ing, wtl azure sky overlead. pal- Bowling Club met Tuesday ev- mets and eucalypti so!tly pul- ening and elected Ihese offilcers: sating in île genîle breeze whicl Hon. Presidents-W. F. A Il e n, percolated tlrougl onange-laden Richard Osborne; President-J. trees and breatled on fragnant Howard McMurtny; Ist Vice Pres- n o s e s and wax-llke camnellas. ident-Carl B. Kent; 2nd Vice- Some transition frorn snow and Pnesident-Chas. H-. Andu e r s o n; ice, coal and sales, and frozen Times is tendering Canadian Catalina, San Diego, and othe, tourists and whicli takes the f orm. points of lnterest. However that', of a tour through thèir very mod- another story. ern plant, followed by lunch and In the meaxitime. mother Joins a concert. me in kindebt regards to Mrs. Lorne and Mrs. Eedy were out James, the babe and yourself, and here for a couple of weeks, hav- w i t h thundering emotions to ing motored down, but lef t last Frank Morris and Jim Devitt, I Monday for home, via Grand arn ever, sincerely yours, Canyon, Pikes Peak, Detroit, and W. J. "Bil1yl' Mil]s. points between. Lorne's conduct while here was impeccable. Aimee Toronto, March 26, 19316 Semiple MoPherson was out of Dear Mr. James - Please find town. renewal to Canadian Stateanian. Last Sunday we visit-ed Sierra I look forward each week to reacl- Madre, a littie town about twenty ing the columns of the home pap- miles east of here, to view, what er. There are a gireat many is said to, be, the world's mosb names 1 do flot know now, but expansive Wlstaria vine, cov'erlng there is often reference to Many an area of an acre, providing I do know. and the news about canopy for a forest of tea-tables each one is like a letter from which were crowded, by Lipton home. I am particularly interest- addicts. We saw it at the per- ed in The Dim and Distant Past. fection o! its bloom and the I can remember many of the in- thousands of mauve clusters were cidents of 50 years ago, but I was .ndeed a thing of beauty, accent- away from Durham County when uated by the fragrances o! orange the things o! 25 years ago lisp- blossoms f rom environlng orch- pened. Yours truly, ards. O. S. Pollard. A couple o! weeks ago we mot- ored to San Matro, just out o! Relis Share $1.50 'Frisco," going. Up by the inland Kitchener, Ont. - They're fil- route which took us through Pa- lng some pretty slimpy wifl at chec'o Pass, a veritable gate of Waterloo counAry Supreme Court. Paradise, and coming back by the One directed dilsbursement of an coast road through Manterry "estate." When they camne to div- and Santa Barbara. The former, ide the residue there was exactly the Capri of Aimerica, is particu- $1.50 in assets to be '"split.«" They larly well worth whlle. A seven- got ready to cut the money melon teen mile drive, alternating f rom. in another and found there was precipitous rock-1bound coast, ag- no melon to cut. The heirs dldnt ainst which crested sapp h i r e have anythlng to fight over in ocean swells tuinultously crash- that one. ed, to dim albbey-like chancels winddng tortuously 'neath leafy An Honest Man. 'lants, overhead, was ailuring, en- 'Memphis, Tenn. - A stranger, trancing and enchanting. Santa after purchasing, an automobile Barbara, a busy city o! magnifi- license from, County Clerk EË. ent homes, encircles a beauýtiful Crenshaw, handed Crenshaw $1, water front and is a tourists' and explained: "A clerk gave me mecoa. $1 too much in change the last Nexit week we go !urther south. time I was here." WE'RE AS NEAR as your telephone when- ever you want any information on insur- ance. Don't wait until .you have a chance to drop in at our office, or until we cali spupon you. We can give full details on the insurance policies you ought to have. Phone today - don't delay ! J. J.MASON &SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 50 Bowmanville j' CANADIANS AND THEIR INDUSTRIES-AND T'HEIR BANK TOBACCO GROWING TOBACCO FARM OWNER: "Henry, you and the other men are doimg fine work and 1 hope you know I appreciate it." TOBACCO FARM WORKER: "Thank you; I1 figure you know chat we appreciare out steady jobs and good psy, coo." OWNER: "Oh, well, Henry, I don'c deserve 111 tihe credir. 1 neyer could have started or carried on ibis business properly, withouct th assistance of my bank, the Banik of Morurreal. Lake hundreds of other tobacco growers, I have borrowed every year from the Batnk to psy for plants, fertilizer and labour; and soon aftet b began the Bank loaned me money I needed for barns and other equipment. Of course, Ive kept up my end by paying off the loans when I sold rny crop. There's nothing like BANK good banking credit for making a sound business, reguls.r profits-anmd giving employmenc- WOIUCER: "'So k's your bank, ton! I think mos: of' my frnends in chis district keep their savings st the saine batik. Some of us have safety deposit boxes clerc, too." la the developinent of the tobacco industry, as in other new aad old Canadian in-lustries, thc Bank of Montreal las played an important part. Frorn che cime the plants and fertilizer are pur. chased in the spring and on tîrough the growing season when rnoney is needed for labour, cquip. ment and buildings, tIc Bank's loaning faclties are at the disposai of its lundreds aof cobacco- growing customers. 0F MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1817 9 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Bowmanville Branch: F. 0. McILVEEN, Mamiagey MODERN, EFFICIENT BANKING SERVICE... TUE OUTCOME 0P ils YEARS SUCCESSFUL OPERATION .7 PAGE TWO 4 F r mi. domL su& 1 f 1 73 ý.

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