F-lï1 TEE CADIAN STATPISMA24, BOWIMANvMM, .ONTARTO. T1RURSflAY.APÉ1.IL gth- 10.1 treli, Peterboro; Mr. Vinceni Tuoker and Miss Nora Tucker Oshawa, Mr. Leonard and Mlis Mae Bottreil, Mr. and Mrs. Frank BottreMI, Mr. Glbert Joues, Helen, Bobbie and Bernard, Bowmnan- ville. BETHESDA THOMAS BOTFRELL IS HONORED ON 79TH BIRTHDAY A pleasng surprise was given Mr. 'chs.wBottreli on Sunday, Avril th, hen he oelebrated bis 79th birthday. Twenty-one mein- bers a! the family were Present and joîned ln congratulations sud eu.Jayed a social time together. The table was prettily decorated and centred with a birthday cake on which were 79 candies, which with the gaad thiugs served, greatly enhanced the occasion as they enjayed the re-union sa de- llghtfully planuedi and carried :'lt. Telegrains o! congratula- pns were received from twa eandsons, Basil Tucker a! Lan- don, and Bernard Tucker o! Windsor. Rev. Father McGuire, on behaif a! the f amily, offered a very oangratulatory speech and presented Mr. Bottrell witli an armn chair which was greatly ap- Precl.ated by the recipient. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Normnan Bottreil and baby Jim- mnie. Miss Edua Bottrel, Mrs. E. J. Dopp and Miss Carnie Galla- gher, Toronto; Mr. Ernest Bot- Let Us Prepare Your Car For Summer Driving *. We have the most up-to-date inside wash rack in town. y Cars washed and * . vacuumed .--.-..-....75c Cars washed. vacuumed * and polished .. ...$2.00 Large Cars . ...........$2.50 * Called for and Delivered Yaur ear is iusured while being drven ta and fro-m aur Station Batteries Charged and Rentai Bupplied 75c General Motors Greasing Tickets Accepted Highest Grade Lubricants and Motor O11 Hodgson's White Rose Service Station L---et & King Sts. Phone 23 BREAKFAST BACON miSOM PORTERNOUSE ROAST WING ROAST M-a- VEAL LEGS gu î"u 19e FILLETS cRemr . Fon21C CUTLETS - lM. 29C CHOPS - - lb 25c awmIst Circle 8, maple [,eu aM sunnylleli PICNI CS St. 7 Aveng lbM. e Fruits and Vegetablea Bananas CkMen 3n_.194 Oranges Jla2 d-43@ Spinaeh 3 lU-,1%. onflons Cedg10-111- 19 Lettu ce r ei58 C bae -- .4@ T toes - -&.171 A & P DIL Y FEEDS Oaiy Egg math 1008 ... .82.19 Delly Egg Scratch 100'8 .11.75 Dandy Bran 5' .... 64c Dandy MIddlinge 5' .... 84c DaIIy Growth Chlck Starter ......100,.... .$2.58 DalIy Growth chick Scratch .'*"**100b... . $Lis 20% Dalry Foed 100'.... Je 24% Dalry Food 10-8.... $1.73 34% Dalry Feod 100'.... $1.93 A & P, STORES CLOSED AL VAT 000» FRIDAY IPl tc I Pi ii 1 oi-i W"dth ha, m 27o m 25. e 22o FISH SPECLS fteab Haddock Viet .. .U< Vremb Cod Pm ,Mlb. 1131ceIoL b.ne amok"i Flunan Raddle ... lb. 12%f Smoked . Ueb .. ... 15.U Cohoel Saimon PmeIL.18%. Steak&,ILb. e WjteLqsi..........M. 140 Halibut Pm ,Ml. 18cSteaks.,IL.Ne 8lverbrit Salimon .........pS., DLb.ne Steaks à Centre Cut.,ILb.140 The Home sud Schoal Club met lu the school rooni Frlday even- ing, Avril 3Srd. Ater the opening exercises with President M r s Hexlb. Rundle in the chair, the follawiug program was given: Community slnging led by Mss Alin; an addre&s by Gordan Os- borne an bis trip a! last su-mner tbrough the- States and Canada; solo by June Sweet; readiug b31 Charlie Smith; solo by Qordyn Breut; andi a skit. The club as- ceptsana invitation ta visit wlth Clarke Union Club in the near future. Miss Sufferer had an accident. She cut ber corns. Naw she uses Cress Corn Salve. Sold by ail drug stores. reanan act of faith,-but7-itis-a GOODRICH 01v.. You..* a iery reasonable and living faith and vadr tdoes bring hope. Again however t og I«0P et it be said that we need not post- Economyco me the joy of Heaven until wc pass l io the other side. Hcaven's high- Osborne Bros. he st jay Will be ta do the wilaf God lrfectly and ta have fellowship with King St.,Downmavil Ical îe living Christ. We miay, in some PHONE Z97 aI ieasure, do God's will naw and di av bis presence here. Whcu a, man ked what he could do for Christ a 00' O riv- i. -- Il t f he was' told, "You may give him one ss S nda Sch ol ere the disciples glad when they Lk saw the Lord." Wc may make that Easter joy our own. LessonQuestions For Biscussâon theresrretio ofthe bodyf JESUS TRIUMPS ()VER DIEATH 2. H-w many anticipate death ex- pectantly 1 April 12, 1936 3. What do we mean wben we speak of "The living Christ"? Golden Text: "Because I live, ye *shahl live also." John 14; 19. Lesson Passage: Luke 24: 1-12. Lord, 1 NEWCASTLE Ithe hurry of everyday life, and of \_________________ %ewuservic for m ane gan, Mvr. Aubrey Urry, the courteous Th A hridefd gtimesn la day, Commerce here, is leaving the The rie an godenleiure bank ta take a position as ac- To glance thus up ta thy face, couitant wl±h the J. Anderson yTo catch once more the sound of Smith Co. Ris many friends are thy voice, la.sed ta learn that althougli To feel anew the touch of thy t'h'y will ot be meeting him iu Ta hand, the fture in the samne business r oknow again that we live in thee. capacity as in the past, lie will The Unexpected Happens not be leaving the cormnunity. The followers of Jesus were so United Church - Rev. S. Mac- surprised that they could ha rdly be- Lean, B.A., Pastor. SUnday, April Slieve in bis resurrection. Thougli 12.th, Easter Sunday: il a.m.- 1they had been given definite assur- Morning Worship; 2.30 p.m.- ance about it, they did flot expect it SundaY School; 7 p.m.-Evening ta happen. The womien went to place Service, peil sermons an d spices in bis tomb expecting to find Music ait bath church services. the heavy stone blocking the door- St George's Church - Rev. way. When word came to the eleven F. H. Mlason, M-A., B.D., Rector. disciples they were incredulous. pet- April lOth, Good Frlday, Services in the church mornlng and even- er was 50 skeptical that he ran to ig the tomb to sec forliimself. Thomas î. A~Pril l2th, Easter Sunday: sai tht h wuldnotbeiev wih-8 a.m.-Ho1cy Communion; il ai. sai tht e wul flt elivewit- Morning Prayer; 2 p.m.---Sun- out visible proof. These doubting due School; 7 p.m.-Evensong people were the ones wbo were con-anSem . vinced by Christ's appearance ta them and Srm..Jsoaireera and who went out ta tell of his resur- purebred Holstein-Friesianj cattle, rection. Thus the cross did nat end oantributed twa milch, oows under in defeat, but in victory. Its mess- P. Op. tests ta the conilgnment age is flot that of death, but of life.sl tGepAr 7Heh - Instead of passing into oblivion salfe at Gued u pril 7.e h m- Christ is winning increasing inf lu- animais along with others fromn ence. A book, The New Testament, the herds of Fred Taxnblyn and and an institution, the Christian J~ D. Brown, Orana, weut by Church, are witnesses ta belief in his tfý0ik. Mr. JoSe's Offeriugs were, resurrectian. The change of Sun- Lula Burle Payne, a six year aid day ta the first day of the week inl cow, and a two year old helfer, Christian lands is an indication of Lula Payne Korlyke, in lier( faith in the risen Christ. flrst lactation period, and Produc-( Relleae J'rom ea ing around 55 iba. or 51.4 gallons. Pagn lfe as oione byf er.of milk, a day in t.bree milklngs. Paga lie ws pisoed y far. Mr. Lof tus Bellamy, South of! It was no figure of speech which Newtonville, delivered ten wellf described the attitude of the pagan tlnished fat cattle at the C.N.R. world as that of sitting in bandagestc odn yashe P1Yc throughout a lifetime through fear o ig Th md e aretFrfda of death. The ending of life was amorimntho e zuadj a att o! tbe skeleton at the feast, the shadow andhapmew t o wenty-torcathle feared by man. Lt is a plain fact Moutreai nmarket by Drovers Fos-a of history that Christ bas removed ter adSnos this fear from the hearts of bis Mnd.Symn. rvstdi o-c followers. Ministers, doctors and auto over the weelcend, sano 0 nurses can tell of tbe peace and tri- Saturday evenlng attended a re- i umph of people dying in tbe Christian unio ofthe veterans a! bis bat- f aith, ready to trust God in the bour talion in the Great War o! 1914- < and article of death. Instead of think- 18. ing of death as the end of life wc 'riends, here were sorry ta regard it as a new beginning with learn t1iat Mr. Raipli S. Rowland < possibilities infinitely greater than ofWiunipeg, Mari., bas suffered the possibilities of aur birtb an eartb. another stroke. He had, sa nioeîY instead of dread of deatb Christ- reaovered. froua a previous one ian people bave a live and wistful and Mrs. Hallwell Rowland, iu 7, curiousity. Christ was sa sure Of able to motor tai Ontario laSt IR if e beyond that those who learn bis smaner and attend the silver trust in God share bis assurance of annversary of thse weddiug of Mr. t] a if e after death. Thase wba bave and Mrs. Holwell Rowland, in t( experienced forgiveness and a sense Augut. Ris brother, Mr. Frank of Christ's presence do nat think it Rowjand, Kingston, at whose P impassible for God ta gîve tbe high- home they also vlalted, left for ]V er gif t of immortality. Winnipeg au learnlng of Ralph's vi cJonsolatio I ou u iLama Faih n he esrrctan f hrst Miss Jean Hauna rturned On Faih i th reurrcti o ChiTuesday weelc front Bowmanvllle eï and hope of if e beyand tbe grave 1hsal where she underwent an for ourselves does flot mean that opeation for appeudicitis and P, Christians do not suf fer tbrougb the frMwiùch she made a rapid re- ai loss of their loved ones. Parents oeyThsw erigths 0 missthesoun oflitte fotseps in pital operation as she braveîy and 0 their home, but they think of titeir naiveîy reznarkeci an being ln- a child as entering the school of Christ, f ormed. of the necessk.y of' this fk where bis education wiII be cared for. jat.oi When aur aged parents pass beyond Msiss Drununoud bas returued 2I the scenes of earth we think Of from. Toronto where she spent the lc them as at rest in Christ. Instead winter, and friends were pleased D of tbinking of death as an abyss we tosee lier at churoli again on A think of it as a place ta which Christ palmsunay has gone to prepare a place for us. *M.rs. C. A. Oowan and a groDup We there fore dare to entrust or loved o! Newastle ladies under her dir- ones ta his care. Bereavement ection preented an operetta, A tbrough death leads us ta trust God Festa of the Sessons, at the Mu-F mare, flot less. Those who live in sic Study Club, Bowmanvifle, on Christ have hope. They feel that ta Wedriesday evening, April lst. die will be tbeir gain. Recently a on return.lng home Mr. and Mrs. father and mather received the sad Cowan enteçtalned the artiats o!f ultimatum their oldest boy had only the eveningi ta lunch ait thedr a f ew manths ta live. For a. few bomne. Memrs. C. R. Carveth, J. hours tbey were stunned, and then H. Jase and Wilbur Blackburn, lhey met the future bravely as dis- Who had ldndly driven cars ta ' :îples of Christ, seeking ta give their canvey some o! the ladies to aove in its maximum farm ta their ________________ boy while he is yet with tbem, sur- rendering bim ta the loving care of God in Christ wben the hour of de-£ parting cames. These are the- vic- tories won in the strength of the risen Christ. FIL_________________ Abundanat Lfe m Christ said that lie came ta give a t people if e, in order that they might -uEa'air. ive mare abundantly. He also pre- ksestp- dicted that through bis life bis fol- Th aowers would bave an accession of c piritual if e. "Because I live, ye susttufor ha ha1 ll alsohiv."-his-xpeiene o e Bowmanville, were also present. i Misses Gwendolyn Gilmer and y Hazel Reid, Newtonville, who had tassisted in the progrram, remain- ed ait the Cowan hone for the night. 1 Mlr. and Mrs. Gea. P'arncoml, and Miss Constance visited Mr. -and Mrs. Cecil Horrocks and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. LeOresley. Misa Lorine Batty provided an enJoyable occasion for a nusnher a! lier girl friends March 231h, when she took them, thraugli the co-operation of some young. gen- tlemnen drivers, ta the theatre at Osh1aw-a ln the afiternoon aud re- turned with them ta, the home a! lier plarents, Mr. sud M.rs. C.*T. Batty, for dinner in the eveniug. W. Are Nalied to A Cross By Scribe G The Rt. Hon. Winston S. Church- ill said sometbing ta the effect that every man is nailed ta a cross of eitber thought or action. Men in higb places sbouldering tremendous responsibility are nailed ta crosses of thaught. When ever they move the sligbtest bit out of mental posit- ion the naîl hurts. On the other band the brick carrier wih the weak back is nailed ta a cross of action. Every time he goes up the aid ladder witb a bod full of bricks he feels the nail. Whihe Nature is generally regarded as being f ree and unrestricted we do flot think this can be said of Man or anything that cames under bis notice. Wben man gets possession of a caw lie tics ber up. It's so long f reedom, goodbye milk. A horse lives with a halter on bis head or a harness round his body. Years ago Man, Woman and Ox labored under pretty much the same sort of yoke. Now of course this burden is being transferred. Man ob- structs a stream of a river and this damming up is another manifestation of harnessing and the yake. Then tbink of aIl the mechanical impedimenta a human being is bur- dened with. Wooden legs, glass eyes, false teeth. Before we get tao far into the dis- cussion of Electric Belts that re- generate vim. vigor and vitality we are reminded of a hopeful utterance, 'Camne unta me aIl ye that labor and are hcavy laden and I will give thee rest". These are Christ's words. Such an invitation must be a source >f great comifart ta countless Christ- ans the world aver. IToWnship o ni DARWINGTON UNCIL Darllngton Council met Mardi 7th. Mesnbers ail present and Reeve A. L. Pascae pre-9iding. Communication was read froua the Dept. o! Health and referred to the Local Board. F. L. Dudley Presented bis re- port an taxes wbich was acoepted. Mr. Dudley applied for an ad- vance on salary o! $80.00, which was grantedi. F. G. Kersiake, SA.O., present- ed bis report which was accepted. S. R. W¶lliams, rep. o! Cater- pillar Tractor Ca., Mr. C. Parsan- age of Int. Harvester Ca., the rep. of J. J. Case Mffg. Co., and rep. Df Cleveland Tractor Ca., each addressed the council re power rr gradlng purposes. On motion :f A. W. Annis and W. R. Pickell rie council aocept The Internat- ua1& Harvester Ca. off er on the lelsel 4,0 'ractar at $3,786-00. .n amendaient, mavedi by C. M. Fewer; Shorter Colds for Those 1 Rejoin your friends this EASTERYN*,04 -é MN~gdr m bCarruthers sud seconded by Thos. dStevenson, the council purchase a d Caterpillar Tractor (gas) 30 at, -$2,410.00. The motion was car- eried and an order signed ta pur- chase the !lrst named tractor. b Auditors' report was .presented .by RP. K. Squair and F. J. Groat, lwhich report was accepted and the auditors ordered paid. T. 1-1. Richards presented bis report and vouchers for February r1which were acoepted. Ou motion the buylng of road tlimber was lefitat T. H. Richards and Reeve A. L. Pascae. On motion, Ethel Stepheus was Pald $10.00 for extra wark in car- ing for tbe Town Hall durlng the Short Course held, here. Mr. McNeely, Provincial Relief Inspectar, vlslted our office and advlaed the cauncil that all able- bodied men must go to, wark. Foilowiug orders were drawn an Ithe Treasurer: H. MoLaughlin, relief -- $ 34.00 E. Pidduck, relief ---------- 4.13 J. CoUis & Son, relief ---- 51.06 B. G. Bennett, relief ------ 4.20 Maple Grave Dairy, relief- 1.40 W. C. Caverly, relief -----. 33.00 IL. J. Gatcheli, relief ----- 1.16 T. M. Sleman & Son, relief 8.001 Sheppard & Gill, relie! ---- 10.50 N aborhood Shae Store, 2.45 P.L. Byam, relief ------ 44.33 [Achie Virtue, relief ------ 8.3-1 W. W. Homu, relief ------14.00 G. A. Barran, relief ------ 9.59 Miss A. Haît, relief ------ 52.75 C. J. Rundle, relief ------ 9.60 W. E. Lysuer, cartage relief fuel..........---------------6.47 F. Rogers, cartage rel. fuel 11.50 H. Cameran, relief --*----- 1.75 G. A. Stepliens, relief fuel 4.00 R. Burgess, relief fuel ---- 10.00 F. L. Dudley, relief-------- 3.92 C. Allin. cartage relief fuel 1.00 Alex MoGregor, medical supplies................--------9.56 City o! Oshawa, relief ----33.»1 Twp. of Whitby, relief ---- 14.27? J. D. Hogarth, Hydre cligs. 4.27 IW. J. Clemence, refund o! R. W. on taxes........-----42.56 Bell Phone Ca. service ----3.83 F. Rogers, coal for office..-- 16.45 Canadian Statesman, prtg. 9.20 S. R. Hart & Co. supplies- 44.28 Stamp and Stencil Ca. do g tags........-----------------19.50 Counties Treas. maint. ac. 81.38 F. F. Morris Co., burial 300 S. Ferguson..........------ 3.0 J. D. Hogarth, excise and postage ------- ------------ 3.00 Roads and B.ridges------ 57.78 Thos. Tabb, re relief wood 5.00I Couch, Johnston & Cry- derman. relief ----- --.-4.00 Lorne Knapp, refund R.W. 12.77 F. L. Dudley, advance au salary ---------------.--- 80.00 Northcut & Smith, burlal H. Cambell - ---.- ---- 15.00 Hampton Churcli, fuel for Short Course...........-----28.50 Kyle Squair, auditar ------ 12.50 F. J. Oroat, auditor -- 12.50 Ethel Stephens, Janitor -- 10.00 Cauncil adjourned to meet ou April 4th, at 10.30 a.m.. J. D. Hogarth, Clerk. EGOS "23,o e= m&221@ L"m argvm o n sdluu U AAMS MUI b.28c NaNaI SLICE5. aim 1o PICNICS ' 23o BACON k&21o - 41 TURKEYS .27o LOGANBERRY JAM câddd C'a I-lb& .. i.390 KEIFFER PEARS NO2 f qualty quat Tim 0 GARDEN PATCH PEAS --3 11.00. 27e COMFORT SOAP - -- 10 si-35e OXYDOL - - .- - Lara Pahab, 20 QUAKER OATS /" -d 2Je CHELSEA BUNS vatj3e HOT CROSS BUNS «&sasvoe JELLY EGGS - - - - - 2 "23e PEAS and CARROTS ~172 ~23e 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE mulS am elies 23e CLOVER LEAF SALMON l'a i-33c W. Ta ýy, 1 ý A. -1 - m a -, --, M, durr '£Wâ, urm, rrying Viccs Plan Worth 0f Plan For Better HROM- Control Of Col&a Bhown im Te"tAÂmor 14,703 People 'URTER PSOVE»D I OM USE Canvincing resuits - lu fewer, iîder and shorter colcls for hose !ollawing this homne guide- ave been abtalned froua clinical ats a! Vioks Plan for Better 'otrol ofa! aîla. T-hese tests in- lded 14,703 People, and. he Plan Ms been !urtber proved in every- ay home use throughout the Vicks Plan la the practical re- Ilt of 30 years' specialaed study fcolds by Vicks Chemists and ledical Consultants. it is based n just .three simple steps: 1. To Helv Build Redastance to Colda Live normafly - avoid excesis. Lt simple fuod- and. keep elimin- ion regular. Drink pienty of ater. Take some exercise dally- itdoors preferably. Geýt plenty trest and sleep. ýTo Help Prevent Maay Colds At the first warnlng nasal Irri- blion, suiffle or sneez, use Iks Va-tro-nol - just a few 0ops up oach nostril. Va,-tro-nol especlally deslgned for the nose ad uPPer tiaroat - where inost Lds stiart. Used iu hune, Va-tro- Dl helps ta prevent many colde-- 2d ha throw off head cali lu 1To Help End a Cold Sooner [f a cold blas developed, or rie without warnlng, rb the troat and chest at bedtlme with ,ke VapoRub. vapoRub acts ro 'ways at once: (1) By stimu- tion througi the skin, MSk.ea Lltice or Plaster; (2) By minai- Jon of Its penetratlnemedicated kPOrs, direct to lnf]Amed, air- Mages. Through the zight, thus aibinect vapor-paultlce action sens phlegm. soothes irritation, IPs break congestion. What this commonsenise, med- lly sound Plan can do f or-you bd your famibY casa ta proved dy by tarylng ht. You'll flnd full vectiona for followlng Vicia anl in asy package of Vicka Va- -Dol or Vicia Vapolub. A4bstract Stateme .0t Receipts and Expenditures, Public Sclm@d Board, 1935 Audlted Report Published ln Accordance wlth the PruM&» of the Public School Act. Legislative Grants, General ______ $574.86 Less Teacbcr's Superannuation 342.70 221 Music Grant, Legislative- $17.00 Agricultural Grant__________________ 95.00 S. S. No. 2, Schaol Fees __________ 154.*0W Miscellaneous _____________________ 3.«75 Requisitian f rom Town of Bawmanville ____ 18.500.*00 Strathcona Grant ___ __________ 11.60) 19,682.36 EXPEIDITURES Teachers' Salaries 13,021.,99 Other Salaries 2,251.71 Property Improvement and Maintenance $342.60 Insurance 208.94 Fuel - -1,179.34 Maintenance Supplies -_____ 314.76 Light 241.41 Class Room Supplies - 238.58 Taxes -....________________117.15 Water __________117.62 Ag-ricultural Supplies- 122.80 Recreaticn and Phys. Training 72.12 Express and Telephone 42.69 Music 4.40 Nurse -___ 433.48 Stamps 1. Surplus Dec. 3lst, 1935 863 Printing and Advertising 23.26 4,40)8.76 19,682.36 RZCÂPITULATION Receipts ~$19,682.36 Experiditures 18,855.98 Surplus ~826.18 Total 19,682.36 <Signed) C. H. DUDLEBY,'Secy.-TMea. ~4niuaei6Te71m 1 ~' -~ - i.x~ - 'v