PA~~E TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, A.PRIL 3Oth, 1936 9.1& a~în tttia Established 1854 A Weekly Newspaper devoted ta the interests of the town of Bowmanville and surroundlng country, issued at K ing Street, Bowmanville, every Thursday, by M. A. James & Sons, awniers and publishers. The Canadian Statesmnan la a memrber of' the Canacian Weelcly News- papers Association, also the lass -'A" Weeklies of Canad... . SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhcre ln Canada, $2.00 a year;i n the United States, $2.50 a yjar. payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. THURSDAY, APRIL 3tb. 1936 Benefits of County Music Festival The approaclîing Durbain Conlty Msi Festival ini Bowmiati-ille May 12tlh ta iStî brings once again ta aur attention the fie work this festival is doing in raising tle stan- dard of music in Durham County. Il was a difficuit îask before the festiv-al ta raise this standard, because views were so divergent as to the correct means of teaching. and of inter- preting music. The rural sections have always done their share ta inculcate a love of music among- the farm people. Everywhere you go yau will find mnusicians, mosi of them have learned more through initiative than through teachingo. While this provided the communily with a cul- tural pursuit, it could neyer have reached a high standard withaut t.he help of same out- standing adjudicator. such as those who ad- judicate at the caunty festivals. Back at Zioti there is a finle male quartette. at Burketon there is a baud, at Enfield there is an orchestra. and ini practically every sniall community there is a gruup oif interested per- sans trying ta l)rigbteil the liv-es of thieir coin- munity with music. tmnfortunatelv tliese p)eop)le coul(l oily go .50 far ini their work. Witliontthie proper instruct- ion anid guidance the% coul( aeceoniplisultily% a sniall part of thiat xvuicicuîhev w%-ished to ae- coniflisli. The eomning of the MIusie Festival has changed ail that. Tîtese insiciaîts eter the varions contests andl reeeive expert adjul(l- icafion. Thev go away. xvînners or losers. tii try and better their efforts for flic iext vear. and so the standard ofni suie in thie eoiîtinîiitv is raised. Each little comnîuniity. and thie counitv as ai whole. stands to benefit imuch ifroaxîthfliconintY Music Festival. wliich sliould attract large audiences next nîontlî. Bowmanville's Claim to Agricultur- al Representative Merchaiits and citizens ini gencra] ini Port Hope are protestinig viulently againsi the pas sible removal of the Agricultural Representa- tîve 's office front the lîillsidc îoxvn tii Bowiuna ut- ville. \Ve would likclv follow tuhe sanie atti- tude îinder siniilar cîreunîsitanee-s but re'iia re a few- îhings hawever that aur fricuds in P1ort Hope have oxerlooked. For, more than a qluarter ai' a tehitrv thle office of the Algriculutral Rep)resenitative Iha beeîi located in Port Hope. Orig-inally if xvai the strategie point, because lie served both te Counities of Durhiam and North unberlandit. That condition lias long silice hieen clianged with re presenfatives in eachî coîintv. We are infornied fliat records show the Representa- tive's services are in dcmand far more froni West Durham farmers than front East Dur- hani. This inay be partially explaincd ini that Cavan township is eared for iîy the Peterboro counity representative. In the townships of Darling-ton, Clarke, Cartwriglit and -Manx-ers where it is estimatcd that at least 75/ of flic represenfative 's work is carried on, il 's a ccc- tainty the farmers ai' tliese tow-nships would much prefer Bawmanville as mare convenient ta tlien than Part Hope. It is also a recognized fact that most of the breeders of purcbrcd live stock are in West Durham. Tliey %vill agree that the great apple orchards are lu the main loeated at Ibis end, and fliat the g-reatest îîeed and actual use made of the representative's services are at this end. Bearing these faets in immd, and realizing the prixileg-e that bias been theirs for so many years. fair nîinded Port Hopers will agrceta Bownianville lbas cverY edaim ta the represent- ati-e 's services ini our inidst for the next 25 yea rs. Change of Goveroment Brought Change of Policy at B. T. S. Aboumt a year ago lte Ontario (joverninacuf decided tauclose the MimaenIcJdustrial Seîtol, and tu 0pae ils iminat's liîthe Ountario Tlrainî- ing Sehoal fam- Boys at. Bwiauville. Att îuat timîte wc expresseil titi' opinioni tîat it xvas niit in the bcst interi'sts ofi'tite local sî'hiol tat tItis chamuge Ao umade. It ks trîle ibat in saine cases. laek of proper imfliiici' XVs the ineans ai' a boy )einmg eiiniittod tiio îin îstî--adl of eani- ing ta Biow'manmvillî. un milIe ivhWi e y werî a separate anîd îisîin iî- lss ai' boys. "?otbig ilMusîuates mi ei'i'eîtivî'lythe change made hp- theltî'iii -ruîmM. ' 'suys tOie Peterboro Exa nilutir. -"injthtIt' haraeter ai' thti Bowivman ville 'SoheltîIthlanu te or irimn Guelphi i'ti'the fti'în yeur aId boy xWhio las escaped uno fei-r tltha i twuiîvt-six t ities fromîî the Bow'unauivilh' inutstituit iun,.and is mtaw beimg hield in u lph 'jil ,iliunît il liii- aumhorities ('ami inake tmp tîtir tuhWtd whw tldo liii hhe uumn Continuiîîg theitil>'erîioo apim' ays."Titi place aut Bowmiatîlîhi- wa -nuîîîî ib Isil for lads ai' that i-ahuri' It uas lwiuwh-iid as a mîî'w experimentd-iîu'ltii ki'ep hboys froim drif't- ing imta jul"euui-iinii-,l'and ilo~îut'fthti ordimian3-refoi)uualoii-..-** nluis .,lte gavl'ru- nient had thei-ail if I lie Sr-tio'î'Clubs, anîd a Bownanvîlvici, là~. i w i -uH . 'j u-y, Whto dlouatî'd flicDut i Cfamitîwlî it tvas te' ueleus of' the preserit .- u iî uîjlîliîîg,. .1 îst w'lîcu the establishmuit t- l t iuallv îimisiiîa and was being iia la;'jiîm-î-ut uosî sat- isflactorily an th i, ~,oti-rimiallvl iteildc along came a chamîI' iti govcutuuiuttand tîte nioe eliaracter of the Boivinaîîvjlle seliool wws sooli transformed. As a neasure of eeononiy the change niiglit The O ttawoa Spotlight bedefenided. but as a policy of crime l)reven-1 tion we feel there is littie that can be said fo r A Weekly Revlew of National Affairs it. The mixing nip of yauthful crinlinals withi BY WILFRD EGGLESTON the type of boys that were in the Bowin,-anville __________________________________ so l cfidncet yabadhos ServiebCuab whose Ottawa. April 28. - A rich var- ways, with Canadian produce go- of cnfiencewiti thse ervie Ciib ývoseiety of subject.s came to the fore ing into the United States ata .mioney was tised to establisil the Bowmnanville during the week. "Mister Sage." more rapid increase than the re- schoal. the Wheat Board, United. States turn flow into Canada. A-ai we -re wit th Exaine whe ittrade figures, estimates totalling To be precise, the exports ta Agi1 - arewt teEainrce nearly $125.000.000 for unempioy- the United States for the first says, -Vie original purpose lias 1)een col"- ment and the Caniadian National, quarter were valued at nearly 70 pletely lost sight of. they at least sliould -et a Hiarbour Boards, and the appoint- million dollars, a gain of nearly refund of thie anmunts advanced tlle Govern- ment of Arthur B. Purvis of Mon- 14 million dollars as compared nient. treal as the chairman of the Nat- wth the first three months of jwere among the more interesting States were valued at over items. Fair progress was m.ade, 85 million dollars in the sanie County Couneil a Rubber Stamp althaugh in both House and coni- period. a gain of just over seven _______mittee quibbling and political millions. The increases are par- At Port Hope recently Reeve C'ecil G. MIer- iockeying continue ta exact heavy ticuiariy notable in cattie, cheese, -toil of valuable time and energy. lumber, whiskey and flsh, which cer of Hope Township expressed sanie inter- The gavernment proposes ta were leading items contained in esting comments at a meeting of the Women's spend $124.748,743 (to give the the treaty. Liberal Association of that town. Reeve -Mer- suni ta the dollar) on special ex- It is an interesting point that cer is a mom'ber of the Counties Coulncil, but penditures in the fiscal year gains in export.s Sa far are well see litlenee ofýcaryig o th exensvewhich began on the first of this abave gains in imports, an d ses iti ne o cryig nth epncv month. Thils covers the foilowing serves as a commentary on the gavernrng, body, when in reality it has so littie items, amang others: fear that Canada had given contrai of its affairs. Water conservation anlr-eryig and recevdn-ig Reee Mrcr pintd ut hatony 2.7 erclamation on *pra.iries, $1,184,000. vaîced by some critics after the Reev Meeerpoitedoutthatonl 207 pr Frm.settiement placement and agreement had been slgned. cent. of the entire United Counties expenditure reliabilitation, $2.500.000. The provinces are stili in dif- were actually controlled by the Council. At the EbGpenditure in national parks, ficulty about their boans. Sask- present tume a mave is under way ta have the over $1,ODO. atchewan has an issue of $2,WO2,-l To rovdebetter tanp 0rs- 0D due on May lst; and British provincial gavernment take aver full jurisdict- To rode r ra a Colunmbia has an issue of $3.500.- ion of the county road systeni. If this cames ti$1 aci5e0t0,00aea. 000 due on May 15th. Neither of about the Caunties Counicil wiIl have $30,000 Assistance ta fisheries, $&Wo, them appear tc, have any provis- less money ta handie. At present they handie Elirination of rallway cross- inmd o hs as n h abot $0.00,af he 0~ efrre taaboe.ings, $1958416. markcet does not favor the dispos- Sbolthe7.00,ofsyte 207cbe red oe athe National Harbours p r o j e c t s, ai of provincial goversnent bonds Shudte odsstmb ureoert h $6.000.000. which wauld permit of refunding. provincial auithorities they will hiave sani $40, New and old gealogical surveys, Naturaily under the circumstanc- 000 to distribute witli 39 counicillars ta do0 tie$3.0. es there are once more appeals ta rk. IIncluded also were $26.000,.000 Ottawa. But the federal govern- work If or grants ta the provinces to ment is taking the sanie stand as Mr.Mererver n tuall wndes wy vi. Icovr dret rlif; 39.00000tai> did with Aberta. The sanie Mr 'ere v ntualvwodeswlv eiovrdecrlif$3,0W0t treat.ment is ta be accorded to ail. need so mnany nziinta conduiet so sinaîl a 'bisi- Icaver deficits of the CanLadian No mare advances will be made ness. The Hope Townshîip Reeve expressed the National Railways in the current ýwithout better secu.rity.TeDo belief thtteTwsi otcl iha moe year: prajects started by the late minion's credit must be proteet- thattheTwshi concîs wtb oregvernment $30.418.341. ed - accarding ta the prevailing1 initrnate knalwledze of their ow-n requirenients Look After Unemployment view here - against any further eouild quite easily deterîninie the miost effec- The purpose of these speciai weakening by unregulated loans tîve ilrwasures and adîinister the publie funid. estimates. aside from the deficit ta the provinces: The total ad- t'> the hest interests of the coinimunity. an the Canadian National. is ta vanced ta the four western pro loak af ter the unempiayment sit- vinces has already passed the W e have for inany yv' ears expre.sseîl the be- uation. Sanie of the prajects. $115.000.000 mark. lief tlîat thîe < oiitie< ' Cuneiil shoiild be aboi- wauld probably have been pro- What will the provinces do?' ished. That w-e are, over-î,-,(oýitered k a jwel- ceeded with in good tumes. any- 'There is an unafficiai report that kiiow-n fact. adtitîs aennlt~-î way. but the basic idea is ta eni- Saskatchewan is agreeable ta ac- play as many persans as possible cepting the boan counicil idea. and lrlli iliteir taxatiois iifaiilv w,'ll established. and ta rehlabilitate the drought that British Colurmbia is not. Ot- Whiei a nenîl)er of tlîat ecaunciil. like Reteestricken areas of the prairies, sa tawa had just about given up the Merter l)elicvvs tuint tute lody is of p)ractieallv I far as that can be accomplished boan counicil idea: il didn't seeni tiovahe iereY arulberstaip.the i.:swith the propased expenditure. as rhaugh any province wanied it.t hO~ ~ ~ a vau mrlyaIu)e abotp.n it N The trade figures between Can- If ane daoes. it will be necessary urn snîehi~gxva dueabot t.ada and the United States are ta create the cauncil. or ta evoîvet The Proviineial Governuiierit ow- lias a De- under close scrutiny these days sanie substitute. Il is by no means1 prnetof Municip)al Affairs. This depîart- because of the agreement whichi a campleted task. this federal1 paîmntcame inta, effect an January lst.: task of lending the provinces a1 ment igltt xell iniake it anc of its duties fi) The first three manths show a ýhand ta reduce the intolerablei stuidy the present gaovernmental setup in thîe substantiai gain in trade bath burden of interesi costs.r iiuinicipalities and counities. and recomîinenid ta thegvennt the abldition of sanie of tlieset cvespeniding l) odies, whichelilutter I Tc i nd D sa tP s upI thîe wlpecl: oaiiiiiiiiv iipa I a(liluuu-tration and n h Di a d is ntP ta add ta thje iuereasîn glý load aof t heo oerburdlied tapYr.FIFTY YEARS AGO i near Bradley's School. Darlingtan. « _______Mr. John N. Lawrie has pur- From The Canadian Statesmfèîcbsed Mr. David Darch's nice Are Farm Boys Better Students ? April 3th, 1886 ý" à dence an King Street 'E., âhd On________H Wbser' È Darch has purchased the On Mnda Gea H.Neads property an King Street List wevk at thi eriuofi taRt epw s~bak-keeper for Cawker and AI- f ram the GÔadwin Estate. Assaîatauî.Rev ( larg. ~îs<îi ilin. had the inisfortune ta step Assoiatiii. ev. aso Tl1l(l( il onI backwards inta the store cellar. The arganizatian b a se b ail1 Par-isan lw"v""rual and ur)lStilents 0atht-e daar having been raised with- meeting was held at the Balmoral the loeal hghsclol. ('nparisoîis of ibis ty-p. aut his observing it. The fali af Hatel on Wednesday night. F. H. are at hest odioaus. aîîd tend tii Tlav iee or nearly six feet gave hini a severe Morris was chosen as chairman. >~ nc i shaking and a few bruises. and Frank Battreil as secretary. aiMer of' the g-rouîps eonl)ared iii an nuiifair Easter Manday Vesiry meeting Thes6 are the officers: Han. Pres.. liglut. Thie follow-itiîr editiirial frin the OsliaWU a t an Cuc a edJ. Mariarty; President. Chas. H. Dail Tiies exlai~ wliy t i prbaby tuc fhentJhs appointmens wereAnderson; ist Vice Pres., D. C. Dail, Tmes exlaits wn i isproabl, tre wen hes appintent wee Betts; 2nd Vice Pres., J. A. Mc- 1 liat farta boys appear to lie hetter stujlenîs., made: Wardens, S. . Esal an Clellan; Secy,-Treas., B. A. Sis- tlian urban boyýs: J. Wesley; Sidesmen, Dr. S. C. 1er- Manager, F. H. Marris; Man- Hillier. J. Adamis, T. H. Spry. gn omteW aaah -Thie Minister of Educeation anioneed last John Maynard. Arthur Sutton . J aigliamsAmitteeW avanaW.-J. week tlîat thic rural school curriculum would Manning, Edward Pethick, an Bagnell; Official scorer, L. Bat- bc widcned, wlîich reminds us of a belief. wide-1I ý .,--A x treà-- ly held, tlîat tlîe fanm boy xvba-has gradîîated fron bigh sehool or unix-ersitv is more likely ta makc good than tbe boy froni the City or taxvn. So it is af interest ta sec whlat is af the botton thIis belief. Frini information supplîed by flic Edîîca- tion Branch of tbe Dominion Bureau aof Statis- tics if is learned from a censîLs report that 01)1v anc countny boy in five is at sclîaol be- tw-eili the ages of 15 ta 19 w'bereas tw'o or mare of every five city boys ini the sanie age bnacket are at scbaol. In other w'ords flic proportian aif boys who go ta bighi sebool is lcss than half as great front tlîc fan's as frc>m the taw'ns. At univensify ages. say froni 20 ta 24, there is only one-third as large a perceuttage of tlhe eouitry boys w-li are still studying. Tihis srnallcr sciection fromnthie fanms is like-. Iv ta include those w-ho have been tlie bcst studeuts ln thein carlien yeans at sclîool, foi' parents iil make a greafer effort 10 -ive their briglitest sfîident a lîigbcr educeation. Sa it W-ould not be surprising if thie fanm boys with at higlislio or university education would inake a lietter average ttacademic showing tbaîî the htuiuni>u., gr)uips fnîsmn tlîe t4.owngî. 0f course. this is ntt l sax- thaI the rural cltild 's intelligence averag-es higher titan the tow'uî child 's, but jîst tlîat tlie boys froua flie farnn wh-ut get a Iiiuhî'r cîjîeation are a nîueîh sinallen seleetýiaI ai' the toîtal." Editorial Notes Tlut Federal Govermrueut shîould niakfee-'rv eft'fort durng thîe lîrî'sc t sessiomi ta unudo thme liarni dituit'bv lthe fmei'adlmis.sion) ofii' t iled States nagaziuîî's amnd other publicationis imtî 'a nada. Aýlready mîumerous of tuiese inagaî- zi ut s wltiittteri, printed i(Caunada a re' eiuîî iîiil)islti'd lun the IU'mited States, wltile unît1- il nîds of ('aîadiaîî printî'ns Iavi- bî'i'u ttniiwm out ai' emuplovmui'nt. 'l'lie stramîge i'ae-tiims aofthue Iiiiuiai îtmil xv'e amuuiillustu'aîi'îl i . theImi' ci'iit M?.Ii) Rive'r Millee pu'iiiofNova .Stoia. 'fTh'oIivi's ofi tii i'> moiin tvlri' ut sta kî'.anîd tl - hi' lilo îumtrt- jiraYî'îIforîu t irt'satity. 'lltouutlsiii' wifiu'ds wr. i ruitti'uî1) %-liuuuîireîls ut îeor ap.'ui- aund atspî'eial nuadiot- imialî'asu tmade' hîryiotum oir so. Iut Chinîa tltoîsautds stalrv' Ii detýiti ; ini Ethiopia huuudu'îds aire'killed îlaily, andI in India mtillionts dii' front discase, yet w'e (Ioi iot stay li1ai' tlîe nigbi to foilow these tragedies as xvc did the tra.-edy ai' the Nova Scotia mmie. Presentatives to synod. vvu. IArm- strong, IL Hesketb and R. Vir- tue. -W. F. Vanstone, carpenter, was thrown from a scaffabd about ten f eet higb ta the floor of the cauncib chamben on Manday and sustained a compound fracture of the lefi collar bone, and other injuries, but not of a seriaus nat- ure. Cawker and AluIn have lusi put inta their store a new Patent Ax- tic Caaling roani about 8 feet by 10 feet 'by 12 feet bigh. hi bas twa compartinents, one for meat and one for butter. Lewis Lyle was tbrown from a ioad of empiy barrels near the station and sustained a fractured nib and a severe scalp wound. One of bis barses was badly cut by kicking against the f alling bar- Binib: Lyceti-In Clarke, April 22nd. ta Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ly- ceti. a son. Birtb: Coucb-In Newc as t 1e, April 25th, 10 Mn. and Mrs. Har-y Couch. a son. Birth: Rinch-In Newcastle, on April 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est Rmncb. a daughter. Death: Buckler-In Bowman- ville, May Ist, Elizabeth. relict of the late Aaron Buckler, in ber PStb year. T. G. Baker was elected Presi- dent of the Metbodist Cburcb League. How About Your Figure? By Scribe G. rels. We are wondering how many of Birth: Sution-In Bowmanville the old folks in Bowmanville take on the 21st 151t., ta the wife of physical jerks. In cutured circles Mr. Arthur Sutan, of a son. they are called Cailistbenics. Cal Birih: Washington - In Cart- themn whal you will they are the wright, on the 23rd inst.. ta the things you do for the sake of wife of Rev. W. C. Washington, suppleness. grace. dissolution of M.A., a son. fatty substance, or the despair of Married: Parr-Townsend---On same. April 15, at St. George's Cburch. Afier reading very carefully the Toronta, by Rev. J. D. Cayley, latesi book on "How ta Keep Mit" Mr. Samuel Parr, Darlinglan, we are in a position ta give the and Miss Camre Townsend of New obd folks some encouraging news. York. The autbor is Artie McGovern Cartwright: Mrs. Robert Vean- whose clients inciucle Babe Ruth. ing died on the 23rd insi.. f rom Jack Dempsey, Paul Whiteman a cancer of thbe stamnacb. She was and others. buried in the Methodist Burying The McGovern method calls for Ground. Tyrone... The sick ones ail exercises ta be taken bylng Mrs. Doney. Mrs. W'hite and Mr. dow'n. A very lazy persan cauld T. Harr-is, are ahl very law. take thern in bed. Conservation of vitality is one of the amnis of TWENY-FVE YARSAGO this systeni. When you are re- _______EYERSAG cllnlng you expend barely one tenth as much vital energy as From The Canadian St.ateaman, when you perform e xer c ises May 4th. 1911 standing up. It takes energy to A very quiet but prelty wed- stand up bet alone anytblng eise. ding was solemnized April 26th, There are iweniy-seven exercises ai 'Sprinighill Farm", T y ron e. suggested in the book. The posi- when Edith M., eldesi daughter tions are ail prone, supine or on of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Skinner, was one's sîde. united in marriage witb Mr. In case yau daubi whetber such George Scott of Oshawa. Rev. H. exercises can alter the shape of S. Spence offlciated. your statue bel us tell you what The home of Mn. and Mrs. J. Babe Ruth did to hlmself in three Thaorne Allen was tbe scene of a months of the year 1926. He cul preity wedding on April 27îh, bis weight down 44 potinds. Re- when ibeir third d.aughter, Flan- duced the size of bis neck by 2 ence Isabel, was uniled in mar- Inches. waist il inches, and hlps niage wilh Mr. Charles Morton 6 inches. He increased bis chesi Murdoff, Rev. Hugh Munroe offic- expansion 41i/ inches. Al1 ii n iating. three month. fellow citizens. Mn. and Mrs. James Je1bson Ta you wbo would ike ta ex-j and sans Harold and Cyril. and perimeni wiih youn posture there daugliter Mary, and bis sister. is an extent ta whlch nature is Mrs. F. Wilkinson, Yorksre appanentby willing tale yu England, anrived bere Mandayo enichange IL. If you wani lus ta do route ta their new farm home anythlng furtber mn this connec- PUrchased f rom Mr. Chas. Rogers, tion lusi dirap us, a une. HOUSE 0F REFUGE INMATE AT WHITBY KILLED BY AUTO King's Highway No. 7, between Whibby and Broaklin, clained its fifth bife in less than a month last week, when Patrick Gvethans, age 65, an inmiate of the Caou nt y Hause of Refuge, passed away in the Oshawa Hospital as the re- suit of a fractured skuil sustained when he was struck by an auto- mobile driven by Louis Roenigk of Bowmanville. at a point on the highway opposite the Brooklin Continuation School. From. information gathered. il would appear that the deceased Man was trying to make hîs way ta his former home in Rama Township when bis if e was sa suddenly snuffed oui. Mr. Roe- nigk informed Provincial Con- stable Ferguson, who investigated the accident, that he was pr-o- ceeding in a southerly direction1 at a moderate rate of speed. When aimost opposite the Brook- lin School a man loomed up in the road ahead of him and whii he miade every effort to avaid an accident the lef t front fender and headllghts struck the man. Mr. Roenigk Stated that he had not seen Mr. Gethans walking on the roadway untib he was right on top of him. H-e also sald he was wabk-I ing near the middle of the pave- ment. He f ixed the time of the' accident as about 2 a.xn. Provincial Canstable Flerguson was oalied from, Whitby. Mr. Gethons was still living and he was rushed ta the Oshawa Hos- pital where he died at 5.30 Frlday mornlng. The body was later identified by James Read. mana- ger of the Haouse of Refuge, and released ta the Robinson Under- iaking Parlours in Brooklin. It wauld seem thai Mr. Getb- ans had a consuming desire ta re- turn ta bis former home in Rama Township wbere he lived up ta the lime he was sdmutted ta the County Hause of Refuge on Nov- ember 2. 1935. To this desire is wandering an the highway when he otherwise wauld have been asleep ai the Refuge. It was learned that it was the second occasioni within iwa days that Mr. Gethons had wanderedr away. On Wednesday he wand- ered away f rom the Refuge and was picked up near Myrîle. He was brought back ta Wbit-by an that occasion. Thursday afiernoan h e a t- tempted ta secure his clathes, but he was iaid that he would be' locked up if he did not stay quiet. Apparently his desire to leave the institution was foremost in bis mind as he was mnissed shartly a.fter the supper haur. Afier a thoraugh search. without results, iwas presumed that Mr. Geth- ons had managed ta secure a ride1 and that he might be an bis way :a bis former home. JUST at bedtime eat a bowl. fui of Kellogg's Rice riie.Nourishing. e licious. Easy to digest. They promote sound sieep. An ideal meal for the daytiîîîe too. So crisp you can actually hear them crackle in milk or cream. At grocers everywhere in à the Mother Goose story package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Quality 1 guaranteed. *RICE ~they actually KRISPIES crackle in - ~ ,ilk crean "Once you drive a Hudson > 0 .no other Eight wiII do.'" "And hors is a car that wili STAY in stylet" E VERYWHERB our- local Hudson owners are ][jtelling friends how their Hudson's out- perform anytbing on the road. . . in traffic, on bills, effortless ail-day travel. he reason? Because this Hudson bas more power than any other Eigbt witbin bundreds of dollars of its price ... and the smoothest auto- mobile motor built. No vibration at any speed ...longer life for tbe car. . . les "wear9" on the driver! They are telling, too, bow much more comfort there is, front seat or back, because this new Hudson Eight bas more length, more rear seat room, leg room, head room, than any other popular Eigbt. ,Tlbey are praising Hudson's easiersaewa of driving, t...... with the Elecîi and. Gear shifting at a finger flick, without taking their bands from the wbeel. And at last, real comfort for three to ride in front ... with a floor ail clear of gear and brake levers. Let us show you what other owners bave found out about Hudson economy and long life. Then take your "Discovery Drive" in a Hudson Eigbt witb the Electric Hand. Hugh Rosa Hudson Dealer HUDSON SUPER ST RAIONT ElIONT Ross, Ames & Gartshore, Ltd, Oshawa Phone 190 Hudson-Terraplane Dealers- 135 King St., W. Phone 1160 A. A. EMMT Bovmmnvtle Representative, Some relisons why Hudson rules the Eights W180lbases Op toU17lschn-The big- geaI cars ever priced so low... more head roani, leg roam, seating rooni. 113 or 124 Snuot MHoropmwr-More Power than any other Eight within $200 above the Hudson price. Bodies AUilOf Stel-With seambeas roofs Of solid steel. . strongest body construction known. DU0-Automati HydraukB Br.5....(pat-. ent applied for). Perfected nydrau- lies, with separate safety braking systern operating from the saine pedal. Radial Safety Contrai (patent ap- plied for) .. . Tru-Line Steering... The Rhythmic Ride . ..The Electrie Hand (optianal aI emaîl extra coel). Hudson Eight Pricel Begin et $1130 an'd Hmdson Sixrices hegi>, et $107& notait szlý /atoyTi ay ait taxes >eid, /Teiht a d ic aeonly extra. Sae.... wfth the fleW HUDSON 7% PLAN 4CD637 tak av« Drive FlicIc a Fngr- and Goars Shfti Fariners- increase your grain yield by treating against smut wîth -z 0 Formalin .... 16-oz. 25c .... 32o.40 Math Moth Moth Larvex Bals Killer Pint Bot. 15 - 35 - 60 3 lbs. - 25c 1 lb. - 39c $1.00 60c Castîle Soap 10 cakes 25C Pompian Pawder Black Band Nipples 5c 29c 50 AnindBaby Botties 5c (Jreams Castoria 27- 59 ______Steedman's Powd. 22C Modess 2 for 39c Woodbu.ry 's Soap 3 for 25 Milk Wash Cloths - 5c ' Ffiters Proie 5 5 4JC 300 for $1.35 6eo9e 1 -2 0~ Large Listerine Toothà Paste BOTH 39 40C Masso Tooth Brush FOR 39 FOR SA&TISFACTION LET UB FIT YOUR BZFS P.R. Phm. B. WE MI 7497 PRU.Cowing IL 1 IN CANADA ARE: STILL UsI,ý 1 1 PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIT.T. . ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, 1936