PAGE FOUR TH'E CANADIA.N STATESMAN, BOWIANIJJJJ].,E ONTARIO, THIURSDAY. APRIL 3Oth, 1936 THE 1936 EDITION 0F BLACK DIAMOND MINSTRELS I Lesson JESUS TEAUHES FORGIVENESS HUMILITY, AND GRATITUDE Sunday, May 3rd Golden Text: "Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, for- glving each other, even as God for Christ's sake hath fargiven you.,, Lesson Passage: Luke 17: 1-19. No one cou.ld tell me where my soul xnight be; I searched f or God, and hie eluded me; I sought my brother out, and f ound ail three- My soul, my God, and al hunanity. Influence, 12 It is small wonder if at times we become afraid af aur influ- ence. It reaches out beyond aur intention and its effeets are so often beyond recail. Evil, like goodness, is contagious, and it is quite possible that our lives may have blighted other lves without aur knowing it. We may flot be fuliy responsible for our unconsciaus influence, but we are responsible for the influence we try ta exert upon athers. It is inevitable that people wvill be tempted - Christ admitted this,- but we need ta be on g'uard that others are flot teinpted by us. Sa seriously did Jesus view this re- sponsibility that he said ter better for one that a milistone should be hanged about his neck 1 and that he shauld be cast into - ___________ the sea. rather than harm areligiaus faith of their pupi., Young Christian. a child, or a withaut putting anything truei weaker person. Al af us are go- an trne i t 7pae lng ta be tempted. but nane ofi Forgiveness. 3, 4 us need t.o be tempters. Teachers1 A college prof essor. speaking of especially need ta be watchful Of 'his college fifty years ago. recal the effeet af what they say and 'e. the feuds af student sacietieý do, because they are looked upon 'and the friction in the faculty, as examples. Calleges and uni- His mood indicated that thraugb- versities sametimes take away the aut half a century these griev- ances had been treasured. Ail the time they had been a festering sare in his uncons3cious sou. Christ put no limit upon forgive- ness. Seven is a number mndi- cating perfection in He b r e phra.seology, and when Christ spake of forgiving an affender seven times he meant tha. we shauld practise unlimited f orgive- ness. There are twa good reas- ans for being forgiving. Flrst, it takes hate out af aur own souls: we injure ourselves mast of aIl by nursing resentment. Sec o n d 1 y, there is a redemptive power in forgiving others. When th o se who have injured us find that they are freely fargiven they us- ually enter into a competition of good will. Let us remember that Soidyt! ig fr44jj* the One *wha tells us ta forgive actually f argave others himiself. STEELE, BPRIGS SME CO. H e prayed for forgivenessfo SUMITRO tose who him ta death, anc «Onaidiea Oref« o N...., he uttered this prayer even while IDDIIT.IAaTO.mupfMUNJJUomOusuffering the agonies of the cross. HumilIty, 5-10 Christ mentianed two good rea- A- CANADA PAI NT PRODUCT NEW permanent beauty for cernent, concrete or wood floors is assured if you use the latest triumph, "LUXOR"' Floor Enamel. Easy to apply and dries to walk on over niglit. "LUXOR" is more durable than paints or ordinary Enamnels: it does flot clip or crack and holds its marvelous beauty under heavy foot wear. "LUXOR" your cernent floors For sale by Sheppard & Ciii Lumber Co. FUEL, PAINT, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES PHONE 15 BOWMANVILLE On the Way By £Aph4a nneh5 Number 11 IThe hauses many of thern.ex I cept if cities. are flat-raofed, one story high. containing anly one raom. Homes of the weaithier class may have 2 or 3 stories, the j highest cansisting of only one room extending over the whale 'house: this is the upper room. It was likely in a room like this the Lord observed the Passover. Orver the upper room is a flat roof with a parapet or palisade araund it for protection. This is the usual place for recreatian in the even- ingS and ta called the hausetap. There aUl news would be men- tioned, hence the word af Jesus. jAccess ta the housetop was by a stairway, on the outside the bear- er ai the paralytic ascended, when they broke open the door, and let dawýn the sufferer into Y the room where Jesus was. Many af the 2 storied bouses with a palisacte around them are used by the family. not only as a rest- ing place, but as the kitchen and dining room, and in a corner af- ten the coaking utensils stood when fat in use. As they use a charcoal f ire they are coat.ed w.ith soot an the outside. and during their winter when the nights are cold and chilly they are a place af shelter for the doves and pigeons. I have watched some af those native Mexicans building a cbick- en house or shelter for stock or Pictured above is the cast ai the Black Diamond Minstrels of - igarage. for they have haost of Is 1936. which recently played ta packed bouses for the Sam Glanville LAhDrIosssosEnthSaro er enfi Fnd Alitl t te ef o te enreissen rs J Car LEAGUE the' premises, but they always ~Benefit Fud. A tethe stowth.lftISth cnte s ee Ms.J.Clrkseemed ta be short ai material. Bell wh dîrcte th sho. 1 FOR ED T Iand very little left ai faith. hope. )f MEETING HERE or charity, still they were in -, sons for being humnWe. The first 1 __ some cases long on hope. and the ýs i tht w aredoig s muc le--zTss clubs froni Oshaw~a and onie building ils made of packing cases. ______________________ JrOin vsch ofthte. follow ing towns: in which oranges and vegetables Ythan we might do. If we had ý obourg, Port Hope and Bowsman- have been trated. - suficint fith e cold acamp Bible Studiv at League on Wednes- ville were reprcsented St a meetin aenyrse nting t e ihfrmr hnw aeac- day evcnling 'ias taken by Rev. H. ,J.ii Boiwmanville Iast week to decide surpass their resources on earth. Lg complished. If we had sufficient Bell. NIr. Joe Bradburn hiad charge %,h-at %would he dlnie in regard> t and what an heritage it is ta be- 1- faitb we cauld do many things of th-, programi; Mr. A\rnold gave a grs~fbl for 1936. ThL election long ta God. which naw appear impassible ta reading; Miss \'erna McNally and ofofcer sthîntimora' oeimseaealoteda MIiss 'Wilma Van Camp sang a duet: lt-m ot hn.îness which resultvd il) thmnik that Satan holds possess- r wus. The Church has been slow in Rev. C. C. Harcourt gave a verv in the followiing being installe-i for tlliý ions here, and ta hear hlm talk o ;t the evangelization ai the world teresting address on some of- bis year: Sid, Little. of Bowmanville. an the roof ai the Temple when E ýr through fear and dist.rust. and happy memories of and experiences va..r-'lc lPr'o-i'l-tn.ard Greta he propased ta give Christ the 'l ýe unreacliness ta believe the te3ch- at the hospital which was burned re- Witheridge, nominatod secretarv. The Kingdorns af the warld. and the A - ng af Christ that it cari be done. cently in the far nortl: at Akavik. manager of each teani forni.. the glry' af them. one would think ', it that we are only doing aur duty Eskimo natives of an area about - h.' list. It svas d, cidvd to hold an- and that he was loaded down ;anyway. None ai us have done three times thîe size of the British other meeting ini Port Hope on with real estate. ,y more than might reasanably be Iis Thursday. April 30, when the sche- There are 1000 ai acres ai r Fexpected af us. A good servant The W. A. of St. John's Churchi dule will b'e arranged and ail necess- beautiful land, the home ai c n does flot expect thanks for doing met at the bomne of Ilrs. Parr on ary ruIes drafted ont. speckled trout and the fisher- ' ethe work committed to him, and Wednesday evening. with tweilty ______________ mans paradise. besides the many ic ýt as Christian& we need nat look present. Mrs. H. Bailey gave the onesmall seams. yet rid thelad -for praise because we are just do- report of the Diocese. Delegates CADMUS anreWise n cavdianrdnartheir ifing what aur fellaw Christians were appointed for the annual coiu- ______________ _ hre.adicvsadace ,t are daing, and what Christ has ,,,îtioii, 1îrs. H. Bailey and Mfiss ane will corne across groups eevery right ta expect us to do. It Eva Parr. $25 was donated for th:e League was withdrawn this week. -studying prehistoric writings that -. may be that the disciples thern- building of the hospital at Aklavik. Mfr. and MIrs. C. Pearsaîl. N date back 100 years when they r seves ereshowing signs ai pnide Mliss Eva Parr was iin charge of York. have retitrie~f to their cottag. might be looking for gold or sil- î and self -satisfaction because tbey the prograni. Mmi. Harcourt read , bere. pveo isnstc.Qe p- ewere the comparions ai Jesus. If 'The Churcli and the Jew." Mrs. j Miss Vo- Pc .ha. returtied l(obecatnud aur temptation is spiritual pride \iabiood read 'He is Risen; MsToronto, after % iiiîng svith M rs. W~. ___________________ let us rememnber how much bas 'R. Hamnilton read 'If's Not TheI Fallis. been left undone compared with Church, Its You"; Mrs. T. Smith Mr. and MNrs. Gordon Brovn. Tor- INSTALLATION 0F wbat we have done. read 'ht Doesn't Cost Aithing: -" enda thi Ptty, 11-14 NMiss Plora Parr read Re:al'%Wife 0111. te en%.tthir NEW OFFICERS AT Il Tis prig Caadais o hae ý'atted" 'Mss va Prr eadcottage. a~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thssrn aaat ahv ïne" Ms v arBedjhMise Dri Ntckle has rturned IMPRESSIVE RITE son, wbo is concluding a tour ai read "'Wbat*s What.' Lunch %va'sPart Elgin. At the regular meeting ai the the world in cannection witb his served. Mr. Rius, Browîî., Toronîto. at Mr. Canadiari Legion held in the Leg- wark as secretary af the Mission The .\.Y.P..-. sponsored an Ama- R. C. Browns. ion Hall on Friday last. Camrade ta Lepers. As a young boy in an leur prograniii the Comnmunitv- Hall Sorry to hear that Miss Lsdia W. F. Lack a! Oshawa, Zone Re- Ontario tawn Mr. Anderson be- on Fridav evening. The prograîn con- Gini: br;ke hber arin while plasn. pesnative af the Canadian camne interested in the wark for sisted of twenity-seveni inter-..tiîg at sehool. Legian. in an impressive cere- 1 lepers. He served for years in items. Mr. John Smith actede as India, working among lepers. and Major Bowes, and Mr. H. Bailey as was promated ta be secretary for local announicer, the prograni coin- India, then secretary of the world ing ovwer station B.L.A.K. Thîe first organization. He bas w r i t t e n prize was won by Mr. Joe Lucas, scientific pamphlets about the Scugog. who plaved the bones and cure and care ai lepers and at the mouth organ.' Mr. Gilbert Mar- present he bas institutions bous- low, and Miss Madeliîîe Marlow ing about five thousand lepers played their mouth organs and guilt- and ten thousand untainted chul- ars, and were s'oted second prize. dren ai leper parents. What made The third prize was given Miss jean him give up a promising business Malcolmn who recjced "A Leap Year E career ta engage in tbis form of ProposaI," anîd sang 'Wbenî Apples E Christian service? Natbing but Grow on the Lilac Tree.- lepers. Mr. Anderson an.d the or- met at the bomne of MNrs. McNally on ganization he represents has tried Saturday afternoon with thirteen to carry' an the bealing ministry present. M\eetinîg opened ssith a ai Christ ta lepers. This society bymn followed by a prayer by Ralph bas cared for far mare lepers Larmer; Grant Ferguson took the than Jesus bimself helped. It is bible reading; Thelma Ferguson e- an illustration af the fulfillment citcd( "A Rainy Day' ; Ruth Bell ai Christ's wards, "Greater things jpI ayed a piano solo; Raîpli Larmer than these shall ye do." Wbat told a story -A Friend of the down Christians today are daing for' and ou"; M1rs. McNally gave the lepers ta a tribute ta the example. story f romn the studv book The the teachings and the lave ai Learning of the Whit er en Meet- ..-.~ Jess Cris. ng close(] witb a lb in d Ibent- Gratitude. 15-19 diction. Gratitude ta mare thangd Recent Visitors: ..i -~~." manners. It is a store hous i Mm. and Mrs. J. A. JohnstonFma. . . . ' motive power. The nine lepers and Arniold at Mm. John Rolaîîd's, 1 . wha rushed ta the priest for a Millbrook, on the occasion of their .'- dlean bili ai health f elt gratitude silver wedding anniversary. na daubt. but tbey did flot take Miss Jean Wemry. Enniskillven, with- the time or the trouble to express Mmr. and Mms. A. L. Bailey. their gratitude. Onîy one mari Miss Leah Willani, Port Perry, - turned back ta tbank Jesus for withli em grandparents, \Im. anîd Mms. - healing. and this man was a \Vi. Steele. Samaritan. As fellow sufferers Miss Audrcy Grahani. O.,hawa, -.......... fram leprosy, tbese Jews and vîsitedl Miss Alma Grahami. I Samaritans had braken dawn Mm. I)eck lias eturned t.) bisi egaisIn? bp scored two of the Pontiac C U TC 4. Why hawaad < goals and registered twa assista. lepers?Hi second goal won the champ- 5. Can every day beThnk lshi. Taranto newspapers gave giving Day? Dunlop major for the wln. NOWAfI 75 0 pier qlo THE BEST BRANDS 0F PREPARED HOUSE PAINT The undernoted top quality brands of white lead paint are now reduced in price ta $3.75 per gallon. Their fainous quality is uncbanged. Why risk using paints of less reliable qua- lity when you can have the assuired beauty and protection of these time- tested brands at this popular figure? Any one of tbem will give you a job of ontstanding beauty, long paint life and economy front first to Iast. There is a store in your vicinity that can supply you. MARTI N-SENOUR SHERwIN-WLLIlAPMS CANADA PAIN nony installed the new ly e'ectedoa the local Branch tagether wth offlcers af the B o wm a n viile l the Boy Scouts a.nd Cubs will at- Branch af the Canadian Legion. 1 tend divine service at St. George's ['hase installed were: President-i Anglican Church. at Newcastle, A. J. Lyle: lst Vice Preident--J.1 when they will be addressed by A. Living: Secretary-Treasurer- Padre Rev. F. H. Mason. R,. M. Cotton: Sergeant-at-Arms -J. Goodaîl. One af the commonest corn- It is proposed ta hold the an- plaints af infants is worrns, and nuai Zone Rally of Legion Bran- the mast effective application for ches if Bowmanville during the them is Mother Graves' Wormn nanth af May at which time leg- Exterminator. onaires f ram Oshawa, Whitby and Uxbridge will be present. 'It is tranquil people who aci On Sunday. May 24th. members camplish much."-Thoreau. to, within reeson. Remember, iPontiac is priced just above >st cars on the. market. W. ou can help but becomne as we are a6out this big, extra- . .particularly when purchase ed through the easy-to-under. AAC Canadien plan with its A time payments. PRICED PROM $995 (Standard Six 2-pass.COui) 8-cyllnder Models begin Ut $1183 09dwed St Fut.,, Oshm FW 1 d LFroi1ht adtoUwmuu Iitnu. Fu .Imi ni BOWMANVILLE MADE BY THE MAKERS 0F THE FAMOUS 'ELEPKANTr BRAND' WHITE LEAD PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STATF-3MlAN, BOVV-34ANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, 1936 1 1 1