STAESMN ,IxN V MIrT J ,T ARIO~ ,,, ..D, A..,------- 193, cion by r.h spnstors ofh e- Misses Iva and Florence Foley and lier companion. Mrs. Striiwger. f cive frm te sonsrs f te Jcontributed a vocal duet: Miss are j..itjng at the rectorv. event a hearty vote of thank.i gaveHiacfiHik n g R o u n d th e W TorId nary chilru, le r. a d 7fn,5I rýt The N ew castle Independent s~engtheir play "The Rotters, H th Hi ig R u d hJo i work in Afr:ca. Maple Grove had iord, with Nlra.M:n'broilher, Dr.I at Janetville on Friday evening, BY ELLSWORTH and LEROY TOLL charge of the recreation period, J. Nfc.-rthiir. April 24th.j after wihlnhwssre. Ms uhNalwadNisCr The Illustrated Story of a Year's Wanderings Mr. Roy Pen.iington, Toronto, oline Sims, Toronto: Mrs. William-' TWENTY-1J IN «THE SONG MURS. E. C. BEMAN NENETY BOARD F EDUCAION ThroUgh TwentySeven Countries wsavstrwt i FEST OF THE SEASONS" ________tr ithhi cousin, Son. Omenme. with Mrs. Jamce .Nlar- Fiends Honor Her on Birthday At the regular meeting on Mon- r. d rse . ee Miss Marjorie Nfarlow. Toronto. A DegightfuI Operetta Directed Nedî o tats it5Ca ian f a eciP H ai Lib gues.satdMr. EertO ie'w it e mteMr.JhnMr By Blrs. C. A. Cowan NdcasleoAprtlael ttnesrwRev.ier H.. Jhnasonw newest nonagenarian. and a Most Impr0flient and Ren o v a t i onBe' hesda. isBarc Waon ndM The Operetta "The Song Fest estimable lady, Mrs. E. C. Beman. Coniiittee of the Board of &iu- Messrs. Gordon and Jack Pick. ndr. -Wld T. oonth . w r Of the Seasons," recently present- ion her attainment of 90 years of cation, reported the purcha.sin fandDtotae ihreaNvs is. . mar tDh. Trno~ edata eein 0 teMusic worthy living. Bright and inter- books te the value of $72.00 to- called home by the sudden death lier sister. Mrs. H. J. B13e]]. StudY Club in Bowmanville under;ested in lier church activities and wards the founding of a Wilmot o f their father, Dean Pickell. Th horofS. on hrch the direction of Mrs. Chas. A. lal the affairs of the com xunity. Memorial Library at the H-igh ' S m ah is etn e to The h e choir ofr Sct oic an ef lud a ce Cowan, was repeated before a she is happily in possession of aUl School. The books se procured faiiyo r olyWlisilsoc i al cn,,,i ig at the rectorv o' n ~AUoeUl highlY Plea.sed and responsive ýher faculties and can read the are placed in a section by them- the death of Mrs. Wilkinis, and da% niglht. audience in the United Church printed word or a written missive selves in the school libi-ary situat- to the Pickeli famnily in the loss Miss Liilu Wright, To ronto, who adtorium on Wednesday even- without glasses. She was ninety ed in the Teachers' Room. A o! their father, Mr. Dean Pickell. spent the weekend a e &ng vi 2d.I rvdno er fae nlierApi 4 ale aIb lce bv hm r atrSndri iitnhttrondsm iltred u B1T RUL I only a song fest o! much excel- and in the afternoon held a re- stating that this additional sec- raasilcle oetrug a feno nteoc lence but was a feast of beauty ception when many o! her friends tion of the ibrarY has been in- the seriolus illness o! Nis mother, birthday. and loveliness as well. including her pastor. Rev. S. Mac- stalled to the memory o! thé late M.SniT TEI. Rrnk VA LUEsreurec Splgciein singing, Open Lean of the United Church. and Samuel Wilrnot. and each volume r. Nm nPondr. Masbon. Fcrsnk in ha int Wid.e the Gates of Spring, repre- Mrs. MacLean called and offered has afllxed to the inside o! its cnmnusorsnetehs i rtertKdonsO. B sented by Mary Clemence. Jean congratulations and best wishes. front cover a neat book plate '-e-'- take u s rerid e inen igSeetas is brAnnraiThumpon Rickard, Gertrude B on a than, She was the recipient o aysoigta ti bro! ast, O sa.eeoheKihaStbeet f nien& at ber home on S Helen Rickard and Marguerite gifts of flowers, boxes o! candy. the Samuel Wilmot Memorial EaOidbrsh. Found and fa il ee rcnoon ontherhomeon Siot v f Harris, gowned in green and ad- and other tokens of regard.* Two Library. In addition to the 13 -hv enrsdn erO-dy Orned with yellow daffodils. Sum- cars of relatives and friends mot- volumes o! Everyman's Encyclotwa. Mn. Lonne Bnadhurn. Ot dav mer was represented by five oth- ored f rom Cobourg and extended pedia there are 51 books dealing Hrwr tr er girls Winnie Rickard, Jeanp-t the weekend sitlî isjaei , er gils, inni RicardJeanheartv felicitations. Her daugh- with a wide variety o! sub.iecs.M.adNn.\.Bdb S r, E e n Al n Mai He -ter. is Emma Beman. and Religion. History. Science. Biog- , r B L AC K ST O C Kne - f uh a hig ocr and Jean Clemence. array- daghter-in-law. Mis. W. E. Be- raphy, Literature and Philology..aal Ire I hî aet e ed in Pink wth decorations o! Iman. ssisted in receiving the Economics. Manniers and Mora ]isDula',ytanLnietisantersr1 roses. They sang. June Song. an caIrs. and Miss Irene Ancient Myths. Modemn Govern- oga'Eyta iieti Nora CoIwill, Bernice Gilbank, Rnch and Mrs. F. B. Lovekin as- ment. Joumnalisin. Nature Stud .. nTedyeeigtevon nialdfrsed ele na -~ ~ ~ m'm GladysPollar, Margret Tms sised in ervin the dinty ta etc The boladiestitclassthsofaths' cniî od hehUnchd muscularcul rheumatism.. lmlame cback Gla ys ollrd. Mar are To s sste in sering the daity ea tc. The boos c nsttutng his .~ente taied the oung mens classes inflammation. burns and felon . :of u andBesie lakbun aperedmen. bdeectbl bithdymakenne.hbAay hvebee puchsede 4 .b. ad te enin grl'kcasinthe_______________have__________________________ asAutumn, d rdin gla ndof which ail the guests were de- fromn funds accrUed during the1 ~>______ cuc aeet h vnn a autunin leaves. Their entering ilighted to be served a portion. Past 35 yeams fron interestý on theî spet wh a snTho rgram, ommun Song was, The Autumn Wind. 1 was made by Mrs. F. B. Lovekin. Wilniot Trust Fund, over and LeRoy <left) and Ellsworth (right), the two University of itv singing. games and lunch. The fourth group to join the oth-1 wife of Reeve Lovekin. neict nei- above the amounts. that have: Toronto boys who, in quest o! knowledge and adventure. p egemto ensa vn ers on the plat! orin were Mes- ghboî o! Mrs. Beman and her been spent annually on the pur- cicled the globe, coveîîng 30,M0 miles, wîha rnpottin ig isee ountjoy avve the dames Edith Camveth, Louise Jose, husband the late E. C. Beman. i chase o! the Wilmot Gold Medal. outlay o! $75.00 each.I bible stuidv. M Jessie 'Knox fa- 1 Viola Cowan, Pearl Pearce and pomoLs and specialist in pear The original !und of $62986 wa.s .v ouned with ail instrum'nental: Mis Edn Bagg dape i ble ithcutur ad govemniment author- donated by the family o! the late NEWCASTLE UNITED i.. FURCIl Ferga Johuston nead "Emptv Front white triniings epr e s e n t i n g ity n ariete.caatrsisSme imtb ssn eis hrcersisSme lmtbbisosand Pws' andl "That Chunch Coing1 snlow. They sang, The Song o! the and qualities o! pears. when they daughtems of whom the only liv- i iHait': Miss Olive V<an Caip n)ead i Snowflakes. lived on the farm now occupied ing epresentative in Newca.stle is VW UUscla , I£a 6thtle first cdithrîî of thie leaglue Nicely rendered in d iv i d ual1 by Mn. and Mrs. Wmn. Hanna and Mus. D. J. Galbraith. By the8p.n.SanrdTm).ad n - orelnt- nurnbers and duets o! the pro- family. And true to f amily tra- terms of the declaration 8 .fn thadrdeie MrsE.Dorel-ntr grain weue: Apropeo f Spring-An ditions. Mrs. Bemans son. Mr. W. donors the Board o! Education or ADULTS 25e CHILDREN 15c taiuled abolit iftvnigou. on Fni- Open Secret, by Gwendoîyn Gil- E. Beman. who although living in School Trustees were expowered aI . .gi hnrofî- rd ___ nmer, Shiloh; New Life, by Hazel the village. retains and continues, to found a Wilmot Memorial Lb- __________________________________1 and groom, N. and Nrs. William 0 Reid, Newtonville, and Gwen Gil-j the management of some o! the 1ary when gthe surplus interest Hoocy.Th vli w S)ltiTI mer; The Spirit o! Spring, by orchard on the faim. was at the amuts miht have reached the ute book, etc. $3.25; H.E.P£.. sei-1 contests. Wm. Morley, song coînmunîty sîngîng, gaines and coui-a Marguerite Harris; The Storm, farm this a!ternoon attending to suin o! $10000 which they did a vice charges, $4.00; H. R. Pearce,r er, conducted com.munity singing r tests. MNfrail(]Mns. Hooev were tire- i piano solo, by Bemice Gilbank; the sale and disposai o! bis Nor- few yeams back and which have 3 months' expenses. $3.57; E. M. which was f ollowed by lunch and s i itd. a beautifuil -tern aid Summer - Drearny June, by Owen thern Spy apples o! which no fin- been kept intact and drawing an- H. Ward, H. S. equipment, $2.53; dancing.fet stand.Ai' daintv lunch was Giliner; Rose In the Bud, by Ra- er crops have even been produced nual interest in a savings account Thos. A. Rodger, supply teacher. _______________ ed.~A I~ zel Reid; Slng, Sing, Birds on the o1, Put on the Market than those in the bank. The capital fund is $8.0,0. WdusA. '.P Aeven xthetwetvtîon Wing, duet by Miss Hattlie Ma- growin in the Beman orchards. invested with the Toronto Qen- These accounts had been ac- WdneI . vein ith t si -cunti Son and Mrs. Bragg; Summer, The late E. C. Beman and mrs- eral Trusts Corporation at 4 ý %7r. cumulating for two months s the W E S T E R N Cli r~r~ oîstbÛ tf verse in French and verse in Eng- Bemari and their son W. E. Be- IThe other membeus o! the Com- BadhdntmtsceFer-etevts allthe meEXC.Mr CRanT.c Rutsoegaverashortnaand< r',cgc lis , y M s. R. . ut erf r d n n n n d w fe h a v e b e e n a m o n g m it-te e w o rk in g w ith R e v . . H . a mY th . T h e C h a irm a n re p o rte d M s ioC la r m t at t e oe eso n s f o n d g a ina sh t te R i nk."c i AutuMxn - The Lamplit Hour, by mosdevoed members o! the Un- Mason were Mr. C. T. Batty and having issued a cheque for $72.22 0 Missn icme t Hoî t heonmedday Mn Lavr e dvttgave a ho rt tak agi R o s n no f r e d i c ar d ; T h e L a s t i e h u r c h a n d a m o n g s t its m o s t P r in c ip a l E . M . H . W a d . in f a v o r o ! th e , A lb e r t B r it n e ll ' f i s nm n ie u th a m o n T e v a il d y o n . " S e p an e e h o o la v sor t . .F o m a l S t t o n lEak C n Roeo u.eb r.R. T.loyal and stauncb supporters. The. The Board passed the !ollow- Book Shop, Toronto, covering the o SPrt cios"Rv .C rmalSain nEs Rutherford; Good Bye Summe, !amily have been and are strong, igaccounts: M. A. Campbel, cost o! the books of the Wil.mot ,asincarge.hMadeneTo roey urt a iss Iaelale Cluiversta- G by Hazel Reid; Winter - So-dependable bulwarks o f t h esec'y.-treas. 0OS.T. & R.A., mem- - Mmra imu.Iasnd carayer sof aee. uine ss vou. ned thata dnc. unh'a- eunLii:~ flakes, by Wnnfed Riekrd: churcb. beusbip !ee and subscription te10 dpe rod !ol o earedinewssevnied. duaya ane Lnh a MY Lover, He Comes on the Ski. 1Mus. E. C. Bemnan. f ommemîy Canadian Scbooî Journal. $2.00:1 Peidflcwd arain ws tm ie:4 by Miss Hattie Mason. A chorus Mis lzabet1h Toms, is pobably H. C. Bonathan. ecuipment and Brown's School, Clarke given by Aura Osborne; a vocal srvecutVsios o! !!te n, pri g. un'mem and the lon survivor o! a class at- sundries, $1094: W . H-. Anderson. B owns Home and Scooh Club solo bY Mrs. W alter Rundle; the M . and Mrs. Roal W ited at I K T O D I A ' u u m , s n g T h W n d . a I t e n i n t h N w c a t î H g S c o o s u p l e s . $ 2 0 ; e l o w ' h l d i t s M o n t h l y m e e t i n g T u e s - s t u d y b o o k w a s t a k e n b y A d a A n - a m i l v a t N r . L . . \ c G u i r e ' s Yý e l - S C O A C HE S n t a r e s a p p r o x lr m t e l y 1 0 e r m Night. The operetta concluded School in 1859, seventy-seven Drug Store, school supplies. $2.10: day evening. Apuil 14th. M i s s nis. Present 16. This being a 1 .,ton' OMTSEPNGCR tfY p with a ful grand chorus, Woods yeams ago, under the principalship COPP Clark Co. Lt.d.. French books Winnifmed Rick.amd. 3rd vice pres- 'bitbday celebration meeting, ice M ý\1is s Vera Fonder aîîd Miss Eva 19.STANDARD SLEEPING CARS nt Lare. apoiaey1~ o mu In the Winter. of John Turpin, M.A. Two o! heu $1,88: Geo. M. HendmY Co.. map. ident. had change of the program. cmea.m and cake weme served . j Brown %witli tîe tormen's sister, MNirs. OTO ACCOMMODATION IN SLEEpIN ASADTOA Interspersing elocutionary num-- class mates at that time were the etc. $11.25: J. M. Dent & Sons, IMm. Foley contributed two recita- Young Peophe's meeting was ' Dunui. Oshiawa. bers were contributed by Margar- late Chester D. Massey. donor o! Ltd.. Frencb books, $7.27; Cen- t ions and Miss Annabelle Hendry held on Tuesday evening we n u isJh aitnadBGAE~ekd tpvzaP ituAmtog Lao~. et Tom and eita ooke; Plan-Newcaste's fine comm unity hall tal Scientific Co. o ! Canada. Lab. two piano solos. M . Fred Couch the M aphe Grove Society weme en- i family wvitl I rM. and Nirs. Hall J AS F RHM D I . ist.s were Mus. Cowan, Dîectress. and benefactor o! the chuuch apparatus and chemicals, $26,39; descnibed his trip to Prescott. Mm. 1 tertained. Bible Study was tak- 1 Causarva. and Mis atte Ma o .wbc he Bemans have he ped so red Graham , coal. $140.35; The A. B. M ainwa ing aise avoured1 en by Helen W ilkins: the topic by M s. Harcourt is ii Toronto, t jLAII I A T I i L A Mrs. Coa= h usantiaî to maintain for two Ca.Caia Co.. cash book, with a meitation. and Miss Rdkk- Stanley Covery; Miss V er n a tending the XW. A. Convention. Il, *CA N*D II N churcb board property committee generati dand the ate Eliza $3.50; The Municipal World, min- aid conducted some intemesting Petbick f!avoued with a vocal solo:r lier absenîce, Rev. Harcouts mother for the use o! the chumch, the sev- beh Ade4id Wl.o amebe eral artists Who had so abîy as- 1 0 a !amilyS long and closely sisted hieu in the Production o! the identified with the histomy and assisted in fashioning tecs-Mrs Er. C. Beman is still bappily umies, including Mus. B. Moise with us and hem innumerable fri- Who had helped materially in lends rejoice and take Pride in the p1 b eua Rf a A making the floral adorn.ments. 'fact. 111thraid.,a The OPeretta was presented __________(iefoo. ie.Jprefoonarcl Grahan's group o! the United CELEBRATES 90hB'1A n etaohroepie CUndr heW .Auspic e o! M rs Fe Oh B R H A i e eohro .I served re!resbments to the cast Mus. John Reau, wbo resides at Jutl ilke il for onlg andl at the conclusion o! tbe pmogam. the home o! ber grand-daughter,ON CE Tji1 ______________ Mrs. Robert Worthington. 106 O ECN Kng St., Lindsay, celebated eurN C N The Many-Purpose Oil. - Both 90th bithday April 17. In hon- 5 Bx In the bouse and stable there are ouu o! the occasion a big party 25e Tube E clectric Qil. U se it for cuts, and ! i n s g t e e o wsse srs os e s or ho a ' w pan i n d when many reshlie sK L E N Z O lB OS buseburns, scalds, the pains happy eturns o! the day. A B9 O! uheumatisin and sciatica, sore three-storey birtbday cake wasiD N A throat and cest. Hoses are 1- made and the 90th birthday o!n orPn able very argely to similar ail- Mus. Rear was puoperly commem- Moug1 mentsand ishas asafflit oMELOIDSEM mankind, and are equally amen- Mrs. Rear is a reniaukable wo-Fo able to the healing influence o! man. She is extuemely active and Thbs2 cj this fine old remedy wich bas keen for ber yeas and ber in-iTk tbuadso irm friends terest in current affairs is still 2for 6 during the Past fity yeaus. strong. She is a hockey fan o! the first wateu and, while she gets heu hockey via the radio, she sti11 en- joYs it. She is a keen fan o! the Toronto Maple Leafs and partic- MUSIC ual o rmawoepr Thursdlay, Frlday, Saturday, APril 30, May I ai2 ets she knew in Lindsay. She TEACHERS., umbers Pse iwt mns PUI-- Mus. Rear bas lived in Lidsy Rexail and PureteIt CEYSEIL IlR008T ie ed f or3,8 years and is t-be widow o! -D sI L IR S E oo se èê . r Ille the hate John Rear who died 13-.f,« eiTuyod$ 0Mar MationsMd leufro tw o k.nown lhroughout the district as Rmde Tw g 1e b <. Coavt d Sflt lte X ) u abidebuanrfr h CN74jAU BO . BT imv i »£ n dtY a t;rSa ndrî&&; *n1Mu. am s AE , I E u C i coa..2f1 1 51F C PAGEMOR THE CANADIA.N sev.NEokn.Gt i<e3l i nîgn prize. witb Mu. Donald 5ear Rxall Cheat 4 Àà I 1Itxa" eave c 9 ning thbeconsolation 2Ru ,for 2for.26s2f.5 r' Iogg's today at your grocer's award. Tue Players weue veuy2ctueAagl r .-oven-fresh. Made by Kellogg guateful to Mus. J. A. Butler and Bal ......... 2 fo.26 in London, Ontario. greatly appueciated ber kindness 5Oce tube Analg.e W 40eVITub e ED in. donating the men's firsl 5etbesa M Oint-2f«.51 m V EDOue. NetI.gtaks pr i.f £s won by Mr. Cecil Horrocks, met ......... n..2f-.36 J___ MENTHOLATED ý9Cauveth. They appueciated 100 25c White Uiniment.. 2 for .26S A I O d wMs. Percy Brown. FoUlowing e- mide of Quinine Tbe2f.26 We e etEyea fueshments was a peuiod o! danc- Phione 7 It is Done Properly B w a vâ e2for . c lr p u ing t-o the music of an electric 4 radio kindly Ioaned for the occas- ýTATMSM-AN, BOWMAN«tM.T.r nwmAl:?Tn ruTil:)czrAxr