PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. MAY 2lst. 1936 tilýt-'. i-rale quali fic at , iilnta t CînfI 'r it i te brt-ed 1ý cînîIparîi'. - News fo the1 <II)u or1e d cat l 1.t Bu y Fa m r b enijiariý-r'. \ i> -ti in i thtciria.. t -rtîiX h, dx x'igtlî't _______________________________________ ,'r ;îg 'alidibrtIl ialth it îd Whinii ()f tittlit.r, and lgooîd boni'rnatlî'r. Poultry Breeding A\ dean eutlit hat i w i clear. bright Too o fte n in selute tig s ,tocîk for an d Jîtini ii n ît tee iii the lienai i andi breeding, high egg rtco r(ls or -om cftiiîaii. j- a Curtain indication oi outstanding feature of thte sire or brain ,,, .ei. r antd lire, us utiergx andI dam arc allowt-d to inifluenîce the the hlîl-nark (f high vitalilîx ati vitality or good breeding quali that May or May flot lie preseni The selection for vigour and YGUE NDNEY ODI I I agent DEAN HODGSON White Rose Service Station for Lime Not a Fertilizer frStrictli spe.akiiîg. lime in an% of- ils forms. is îîot a fertilizer. but rather bcioîigs to the ciass of soil amcîîdnieîîs. It dots flot coîttaili any cf the tiîree essential plant foods: nitrogt-n. phosphoric acid and potasît. Ils main elenîtiit is calcium which j'. jreqtiîreil in rclatively simaîl quantities for planît grow.tb anîd most stîis coui- taint suf ficiutt tif ititaturalîx. A-\il abîîndaîtce oc ihit eis harmfîi tog ta' s. lutlb.5 sticli a'. glaîlioltis. îo- tattes. antI îuierous tthcr planîts Dr. and Mis. L. B. Wi wlîieh tbrivu btst in att acid or iid- Miss Luella Arnot, only dat IV aeid >tiji condîition. 011 the s.tlîcr B. Wiliatns. Toronto, bride of Xu lI Iaîttl. it i.. helpfi to tlle It-gumnes. stich youngest son of Mrs. and the lai as tIti-citivers. ticas iîcidiîg -ici-et Ont-ario. Tht-y were mat-t-ed tr jes uta-. -aragîls ait(]sti îe ctIitr critti Mr. and Mrs. Purdl, will resîdei wlîiclu i >il aei ilitx ha rîîî- The maitn Iil-e oif luit.. tiîîrtfîrt. is- incorrect-j iw >olacuiite attîllît%itiiitg theU w R eîîîîîc l nitionîtof Itea' e cIa' soilis. O R W R It ti,.- thi. littur lu% ils acti' i îîonthe subttlte titat cati-se tht ciax s toInut-j BY JOHN C. cciii te x ait il -lia Itartî . Iliii t I Copyi slioitld I ttf1erc lrehi ut-ilrather as- a st'tl ,jtti ili, ii t l iîît pîiuîarilY a, a ftrtilzur.A great captain of industry who before be h hd ;',I'alceI'tate wthnot a bawbee, gave at litre(ntc(tititiçti 1co, mnylectures and addresses dur- bure it-lietir ttgrtliiging his days of power and famne. - it.îrtt. Thx sir'a Some of them were addresseel to J Tt u- tf -eati r young men. I feel disposed in ià a rotyt îîi.rîing; 2. Ilttlise "t a Statesman to pass on some of bis j itav e ltartn altouît .8 t-i 10 fIcit lonig sayings. in the hope that they jdrasîti aertî-- tht field: J. tht lis(t-i mas- be instructive. inspiring and 'i~j lrtat ii a'.bo I(ile at ctiwholesome to my readers. I shal somretimes eut tîeo acres a tlay witii not use quotation marks. thî, tool: 4. inî sot ca-es a intwer i C K ina'. be it-eui. Tht cornî shcîîîd bie It is wt-îî that a young Iman e utl-viieti rY and burne-tItht samnt sodbt-gin at the beginning and \ titb r<f ugetcîî ecOccupy the most subordinate posi- mAI tht-of stgeseton wee ions. Assuming that you have maeregardiîgt ratî ieto corilt obt-ained emPloyment and are stubbie. It was agreed that s tîblile fairly well start-ed. my ad-vice t-o over 4 itîches lonîg ouight to be crtî'h- Iyou is. Aim bigb. Say to, yourself.t cii tr brociîîoff befiîre pitiîghing. J' My place is at the top.' Be kingt i0 A pîîiîker tir leveler iva-stîggestud in your dreams! r foîr tliis îîtrîîîsc:it w a- aîlîittcd 1Oeo h raetdnest tlîat a disk- mun iver the rîîws twice c e0 h raetdnest migbî do the job. atnt. ini\Iav., wheîî a young business man ta that of tht- mot,- aret, otteii. a harrcîw tîîrnt-d speculation. Gamesters dit- poor. nîs-ite dtîwîî and tîîîî hotu waYss cer The man who grasps a morningt tht sttthlit%%'il] îdrag alnîo-t alcîf paper t-o see fit-st bow went his lit ttît.speculative ventures on tht- ex- itot.-ii5n iiiîliiz ee t changes is iikely to unfit himself Sti"gst(,izir, pouhin wreb-for the calnt consideration and tîîttîa l îro 12t-jîtelog i lria-. Tht proper solution 0f business prob-s J trrî 'w10,r-tiicli at v5 Thle tms vwth çwbhcehhe has t-o deal 5 iche - l " n ,eday. and sapa theth J!ep or' bu.ti tter. 6 iîîche- dee;î.- The aoures o! t-at persistent and pliciîî hlitil uetIltliiedl itl I concentx-ated energy upon wbichc a,-iwttlî adttcitiit-t . nire -tiic- ad pnds the permanent auccesa- feeot li a l'tîiiuîg() iruIîti a'. isý anoft-n the very safety of bis fec lýng Plughng>hýuIdala\ , ai business. The tman of busi- s fw nesa knows that only by yeat-s 0fa titi. la-t rtotutd hefurv Itle -ttlit n Ier,'iW patient andi unremitîing attention a: slîî 'tîlti uc rîtît '.eiîtî2 itîteht 'ftule to affaira can he t-arn bis re- t- -tIIt >() autlt t1cuthte-Ilt(\tNI rtutu w iard. wbich s tbe tesult. flot of t tht- tttblu l .t.tiftîi fiat iti t 11"Itechance, but of well-advised mean- Oi tIt-u,.',for tbhe attainment of ends. I tha î ikiig tti i I--itîil I you owe anytbing. aIl your ei be u-tî titeai f atîîthtdtuîîit-capil and aIl yout' effects at-e a ci soemn trust in yout- banda t-o be P _____ eld inviolate for thbe secut-tty of n, tboae ho trust-ed you. Not-hing Combatting Cutworm can bedone by you witb bonour 01 F-rîum thte'.icvpîinttof tht gartit r- wbich leopardises t b e s e fi r a t-S et- andîl'tht itgetable grîiwtt. cul- daims on you. n. worm'. are atoîg thteflic-ilimpiortanît J C KXt- inseets tri becîmbatei. Tht-'.(Io ant The question is. bow t-o rise isc iimnîtnse amnotînt cf tlamage aîîtîualî'.-f rom t-he subot-dinate position. t-h elsîecialyv in the sîiritig a îtî early tbt-ougb t-be auccessive grades of in stimtner whetî tht- plants are %y"ouîg. t-he position? I can give you the ai The typie cf ittjutx- causetl by these answer. It lies mainly in t-is: ci itî'.tcts varies ccîîsitîcrably '.ith the mat-t-ad of the question, 'What- specces rcsîîonsible for tht d(amnagte. must I do for my employer?' sub- M\ost coînmonlx. cttworms while st-lt-ut-e 'Wbat- can I do?' W( oi fevdirig ai the- grouîîd ltet-I cut There is one sure mat-k of t-be ca tiîrcîgh the t t-ii of the- plant. causiîîg coming part-net-. the future mil- w( it tsi falcivert(]nd ventîaillv tle. lionaire: bis revenues always ex- t-ht Ciimbing cîîw-ormns asccn<l thtelplant ceed bis expendit-ures. He bt-gins i es anîd fetîl on the fluage. '.ciilc tther t-o save early. almost as soon as uni. spi.cies attack tht- toot system. Mc'.î be - bt-egins t-o eat-n. Capit-alista in cît'.cîurms ar-eîoctîrîal ini habit. hid- trust t-be saving young man. It- wi: iîîg in th l b -iiib'dia'. andtlcmergitlg is not- capital wbîch your seniors st-i in the- tvtîIiiig tii ltast uîhiiî ilîcir requit-e; it is t-be man wbo bas sci favorite kiîîd oflplant. proveci that be bas business hab- W Utîder garden cnîditicons. cit- its whicb create capital. It is foi ceimi atibc cnîoll-d ix po~is- t-be fît-st bundred dollars whicb lis) )lt-ie(tait which is bruiadcast iii -t thetett-ls. Bt-gin aI once t-o lay up wa ;tii either liefore tht- sceils are plant- somet-bing. grE tI or pinon 1 the settitug cut if tht- You may grow impatient or be- tnt -ouîtîg plants. Tht- lait is ccompose(] come discouraged when year by if tht folîciwing ingrtdients-liran, year you float on in a subot-dinate ?0 ii'.. tmîiasses. 1 quart;paris position. .There is no doubt t-bat pr, rreîi 12 lînunîl; and watt-r about it is bécoming barder, as business at- 2 1-2 gallons. In mnakiîg tht hait gravitat-es more and mot-e t-o im- t-b the dry .iîîgrcdicnts shcuîld be mixed mfenset concernas, for a young man mi - -lrtgl first cf aIl. Tht- mcuass- without capital t-o get a st-art- for bot ,, htn stirred intt tht- water and bimat-If. sui. ff'i'. solutiont adîled tii the lrant and Do flot-bt-it-at-e t-o atart in any ser lie panis green. liî mixiîîg the. lait, legitimate business. Tht-rt- l no cot *d otItI tînie ough icattir to make the business in Anterica, I do not care ba, nattrial tht-e iisisti.iicxîof wettsa'.'- wbat, wbicb will flot- yield a fait- 1 atn I.lus..Il thist ot but matt i- pý profit if it- receives t-be unremi'-- tn )Ut thti ilcurbent, ting. exclusive attention and allIlst- 1 lands andti sli tlroîîgh tht- linger.'t-ht- capital of capable and indust-- -asile. t-oua tmtn. Evet-y legitimate huai- yoi Iîu asttuîCanda.thtliat soiid pt-oduting or dealing in an cor 'wt sptitui i îii3 tîtit thitiix o%-utr 1th,. article wbicb man requit-es is caî -tîrface if ltu grîîîîîîî a few- dha%, bounci in time to be fair]y profit- t-hi îefî)u ediiîg or trausplaiuîiig.It ', able if properly conduct-ed. 1up( lutri 'iat bi.t slîhotil b- îi lt Here is a prime condition of a t i arm tlax --ticîi t -ii ttg}ît- i, i t-ht ittit it-tillg s'.iiI take îlatî andtl, kI à hYa )ait ill '. 'KeepMinad'. Uandyla the boue.IYfu eyer on '.xn tne tolIowing rt-suIt-s: V. Woolner 3 br, 5 min, 14 sec-a Richards 3 hr, '7 min, ý26 sec- SBott-Ill 3 br. 7 min, 44 st-c--c V. Woolner 3 br, 8 min, 19 at-c. ~'Bott-rt-Il 3 hr. 12 min, 22 sec. Richards 3 br, 17 min. 50 sec. t.Dilling 3 br, 26 min. 27 sec. L. Dilling 3 tir, 28 min. 43 st-c. a-b-c pool winnt-' Fret- Chocolate Bars Anot-ber Fret- Chocolat-e Bar daî t Ct-tar of Bat-lt-y Park on Sat- t-day, May 23rd, at 3.30 o'clock Ne want- every mot-ber and chilcI in Bowmanville and surt-ounding c ountry t-o come t-o Cream o! Bar- lt-y Park t-o get- a chocolat-e bati free cf charge. Come ont-! ComEJ h al I gives us pleasure t-o meetj y-ou t-btrt-. ni0v ed for use* IRuLb in M=nr &reely for any' MU&. culai Pain& or stiffnesmore feet, rbeum-dc aches, etc. s ai 7iiams' Daughter Wed ugbt-er of Dr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Mri. Hardy Edward Purdy. BaSc.. e Mr. E. H. Purdy of Port Pe-ty. int Kit-kland Lake on April 25tb. at Larder Lake. Ont-ario. LD and MINE KIRKWOOD right) success: concentrait- your energy. thougbî and capital exclusively upon tbe business in which you at-e engaged. Havîng begun in ont- lmne. figbtitî out on that line -to lt-ad in it. Adopt t-very im- provemen-. have tht-bt-st machin- ery. and know tht- most about 11. JC K Th- habit of îhrift constitutes ont- of *ht- greatesi dîfferences betwt-en tht- savage and t-bt civil- ized man. Tht-tft is mainly at t-be bot-tom of al] improvement. Th-te are few rules mort- salutat-y t-han that whicb bas bt-en follow- ed by most wise and good men, namely. 'expenses should always be lt-sa than income'. Tht- saving ne-c not be great. It ta surpris - ing how litt-lt- it takes t-o pro-vide t-be real necessities of life.Du- t-o save ends wben just enoul mont-y bas bt-en put asidet-to Pro- vide comfortably for those de- pendent upon us. Having millions îs avarice, flot t-ht-if t. Men wbo in old age st-rive only t-o icrt-ase their alrt-ady great boards are usually slaves of tbe habit of -toat-ding formed in their youth. MIoney owns t-hem. Tht-e a shoulci always be master.Ht should keep mont-y in t-bt posiio if useful servant. Ht- must neyerj le it master andi make a miser J We erelzdhwm.,,rtlpoe en,(alTyeTlpoe The f armner who cultivates a CADMUS mail fat-m by hts own labour is we dedded to have il Ibac]L Now we appreciate Two àub@cnhbers on a Une able to drive out of the field the $1.85 1 ~- ~eiea eehoerafyl. per nionth ambîtious capitalist who attempts l, - ll.l leA fine to yeurBelf oe fa r m u p o n a . la rg e s e-a le w ith t r- t W i ii i i te tî tI t e o t the labour of others. The triumph liit N(;lîiîlyt.nn~.f, of the small proprietor over the n lni ; !îý Have You a Telephone in arge proprietor in-sures thlw ' q îett. irîil,-îa ihtiOlHoe growth and maintenance of t-bat Mr X. 'rieiiHorme? e at lement in society upon which Mr.c. Htnîlt,,r. NfTii crii a M Fan Wim tvilzaton an oatsurely de- R. C. pend. for there is no force in a J3iack-îîuck Leaignei sîjteltri-Mnaer ation so conservative of that Lcagrue con TuesdaeveîîIling. Mfiss 'hich is good. 50 fair-, so vit-tu- Olive Van Cam gaet wrlî. rce f mn Ho till heI f roradrssswete giveri bv etng was slperit îîî games ad uch,-C. Brown on Saturday evenitig on M0or than 7,000 attetîde a recent anndexperience proves htinv ian carinot prof itably work moe l slarid. The remairîdur of Ill-e' laties sîtrlrisecd Mr. and '\rs. R. ing annîversar-. minster CathedIral, England. oil than he himself can tifl, with he aid of his own family. The nan engaged in thbe agriculturali Tht- mt-canic in t-be industrial rorîci. andi the- clerk in t-be mer- .nt-ile, commercial and financial ioIcs. bave bad mucb t-o do wit-h te est-ablishment of t-ht- factor- m. business bouses andi financial astitutions, wbicb are bt-st known it-be Unitt-c Stat-es t-oday. Bald- in Works for locomotives; Dis- bn for saws; Fairbanks for ae;St-udt-baker, Pullman, Zst-ingbouse; Pett-t Hender s o n )r set-ci; Harper Brot-hers, pub- bhers; Remington, Singer, St-t-n- ry- tht-se and many more t-at works were foundeci andi ianaged by mechanica. Tht- condition pt-tct-dent for romotion is, the man must first Ltract notice. Ht- must do some- ing unusual. and especially ist t-bis bet beyond t-be strict :undary of bis dutles. Ht- must iggest. or save, or perform some -vice for bis employer wbicb be aild not lie censureci for not aving dont-. MWen be bas t-bus :racted t-be notice of bis un- tdiate superior, th- fit-st great ep has bt-en taken. One- great cause of failu-e of )ung men in business is lack o! acent-ration. Every dollar-o! ait-ai and ct-tdit. every business tugbt. sbould be concentrateci )on t-be ont- business upon whicb nan bas eniba-kec. It is a poor isiness which will not yield bt- r r-t-ut-ns for increaseci capital in any out-side invt-atmt-nt. JC K HIete I ct-ast- quoting froin th- yings of a great captain of in-, istry. I have quoted enough t-o tht-art and ambition into aIlll y Young readers, and t-yen older. îea, including fat-mers. WEDDINGS I Mundy-H1unt rs .Vint-, cf O-i'ej iiîci s tlîî miriugc of iilurtuatgh- N I il(lred(l 1.I îî. iii (-tii,) W . idffy, souii tif MIr. tuttl Mrs. Cliarles iidc', SiînicueSt nut otiih Osh- ain Tîuri ii to onî Satiîîrdlay, NI utrch i, Rt-v. Erîiî-st harstî,ii, I astîsr Yîîîîgc st. UiîîICîtîtrcl offic- îg. M<rs. N3iittl.v '. a gr;ttîat- -st ofiTorotoî (eîîîral I lospita! 1 IIr. Mindx-l lias jtust ctuîtîpicîed cosursein ii ori'stry at tlit Tes- ci Uiîiversiîy. Tlie yoting ctupic Siîîs.-îîtig a fcw weck' at Mr. idy's stîmmer cîîttage ciii Guili z I lalibtirtoi. -turît cf Aincnicati films tii hoslesvak-ia hia'. resiteil iii aui -ase iii tîîeatre audiences.- 28tl1 itid Mirs Lake Re Czeci iuicrei Ont- ride in a Six or SîraigIiî Figlît ixili prove to ytoî that Oltîsmobjît- is your bt-st buy. Compare tht- rc-mn.ikjly luiw prit-es anti ask ahbourt te nc-w 75VÉ GMAC Canadian plan îvhtcb grc-tîlt' rc-tlces the cosrtuf yottr lime pavinents. THE CANADIAN STATESM.AN. BOWNLIA."IVTIýT, . ONTARIO, THUR.SDAY, MAY 21st, 1936 MAPLE LEAFS TO STAGE ONTARIO DAY ON MAY 25th I i t- I- iî i thi îtua i's \u te\. t tht-jr tuaniît, itîilst tic, I.'àii dtutîîrînti il\ tetoria l)ax liii- Mtlitet l a l sus a i'. w lînt t--(,j tlic I cagnle chanîîiunslip la-, l. have ti t hi t st ring It tamii w it h h-avi- Iiii t(trs. ele'.et f i ederl atiffl îitclicr-s u' ith eîîtîtrî,i beiîîg theit toffenisive alil ilefetsi'. c vaîstîis. The Rox aIs iiiîisi fil a Ilîrce gaine seric w-ith tile Lt as at tlle Fîtect Street Stadium iln Sattirdae, Nlav 23rd. )11 Snila 'v, May 24th. thceI.eafs art n lttteai. but tliev hlirrv riglît l'ack tiïicutFlet Stre t t Staîlium for ii itning andciafternooti ganict w.ith tht Ro'ichester Red \Viîigs ont tht Mîuîîida'.. Victoria Day. The- Victoria IXie gaints mark the first altucat- a lice(if tflit R 'clitstuer Cilb atdtithtev týri îlt severai stars fronti the St. I u' Cardintal orgaliîatiitî Who tlia- e lîcli lîîrrit'd fr,îm otiier Car- filaifarîîî clui l, ordiii t o Iigiv. tflit Rt-il\Vitîgs a I i l iis t reîîgtb. XVîiiratiihwlin ;îlayîîIi îîlî'ur iille Ttrrx' vîinNt ivVîîrk, js îtitio firs-t tas- tcr-tflic Rticlîestoîr Cili )attdà l)tlker ha> taki niîvertfthtshori-tî',i 1j h î lit4 ru1) i ii i telndi sI lle -tt-r i i \teti na I oi'. iia', zalttî .it'an- tlle 1afs.Citiîttt .r. Tt'rîitti t itîtîtg titi(. Dir a hux i il lid a a-ii li n tgr tît -it tflic 1-lett Sl' t Statlîin icili îîrîviîeie tut'ft- tutrc attractin>. Monltri ai and lT, rin ti i w ii lav tt'. i igaîti e' Satutrtlae wh lit: RtClicst etr attdilToron îto pIii a nio rltilîg aîtldat- îuî gaîine-o Viîctoîria lDac.- Tliiti<.rilig gaine w iii gît tnitder '.ae <t 10-301 ock ;':'l tu f tlic iut a tair starts at i)esîite a un-up i't l itchlîîtg andt ititît- at tht- -ainetfitîie. Nfaliager 1k- itootît-ha, Ilis . i aîîlîîIttiîîg oîtali tit-its aga t î. The fea t nr,- of ftlet sîiritîg '.îasoîî has - l t fîtlit- fitlle liiri- ilii ,f Jake M t.a xi'tltlgsfer cet- Jox îg ii-stsecondtîl ttli st asiitin tir- gattizt-d lasehail 'Walter Ptrecev is 1uisii etulnitig to ftl- fronît ,îtliîgl ii lit..' bas litcîtlJi-fatitl of late. Fanl Cooki-,tht Inîtis e s4'f Lemînx-ilie, ( lit.. hia, ai- c'i i-r, tInthtefronut ae itlîi .rei*rai ihuit J'neiîiîtg pt-frn- atte'ts i flaie. (Onîtarioîhast-bail iân seul f ittiltut'e N\iaiiî (Leafs hi'tlîtît- lii %.ilif]îîail iii tr gaines.1ke I'u l'm ;tîandii s hues arce1 Itthtc eiitît i ttîtil ile astliaIt 'lit, huit rtttrtc. Tiex' art a tlitlt lt , (Ih_ i l l ali pi-ti it t t- ' sit