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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1936, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMANVUlLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. JUNE 4th. 1936 AW.TV could to convert to the religion of DEFIES LEGISLATORS - Rome. During this trne an in-r vasion of Scotland took place by NEWCASTLE Presbyterianism in Cartwright w ee Pcallor . Aus.Kiasofthe Tfl, thvee Pck or haldes. Kin ofthey'neddfrls ek MARYWritten By Pieks. drove Ronmanismn souîh of .n! 1- Xrn n'r DS MAYMALCOLM, NESTLETONteTed sataiinta Jeremiah came te Ireland and 1al"an S't:1u 1nl d I 1brougb: witb bim the Stone of livId ;.t Mr. I'ni uh Destiny. Througb intermarriages CIf~.May 2hhl. \NVii o Agreat rnany People are of the ious rnora]ity. The Pr ie s , or between the Royal bouses of Ire- .. Rev. S. MacLean ai the Empire opinion that Presb.%-terianism or- Druid was elected by popular vote land and Scotiand. the Stone of iginated with John Knox in the and that. has been one of the stinv -wenîto Scotland and the Day service in the United Church 17hcnuy h Piciples or tenets of the Pres- ýScoitisi-. governrnent was set uponSdymrngM'4h ,rin Church to ibis day. fat Score by Angus. King of the took for his text Matt. 24: 28, For bslbyerianis .se n&t Picks, and all the crowned heads wheresoever the carcase is, there land before Knox was boni. just The fit-st mani wbo came teo0f Soln eecondo h ilteege egtee e hYd rsyein att ej aeniterehortahre- Ston e of Restîny. Now the Stone gether. It is neot a pretty picture tain their îdentity? *Tgoac ligion was named Ninian. later usudr h et ftetrts to the rock from whence they known as St. Ninian. He f ound Coronation Chair in Westminster saeto b considerge ntU as l- were hewn," (51st chapter of Isa- the land Christian wben lie carne, Abbey. Fo]towing tbis came the i sg e a be omeidrdas uit- iah. Part of f irst verse). To go ln 390 A.D. Palladius followed period of Roman prosecution. Thers eahe was thin back we fànd that Presbyterian- turn and botb had different re- 1 butemdl fti e-1ois h rahrwstik ism is divided into five parts and ligious beliefs. However. t h e y boutca e ln Major, afuihiver- ing of our nation and sounded a M the root.s are divided into f ive changed thern on coming te Sot- iiod.pcamessJobn Mseajo riers- ithprhesoolteain Periods in Scttish history: ist. land. Palladius was sent from iiy prodessor. hîrnpeopla progres The Anient Priod:2nd, Te R-one te ake tefuiopanon decadentandpetopneymaasternt ThP e AnientPrid: 2nhe heRe rn to mak tes people onsth e Roman doctrines. He imparted warning against the vices of the a.e i ý nod flote nsuchmpanby aithItimes. The people and the stateI Pora ionPeriod 3rd.h.The PeRe-'iisRomes utwrhas bedodbsknweg t uh e sshould laite heed te their ways J I.' formation:Perid; th. The e in Romee.e udtha is able t do na. BuHannamilto n , a und repent and turn to God before it Of 1925. Its rmots go back tet the!I tiVe churcb wiîh a session of thesaanKoxpn 1 is too ]ate. The choir sang. days of 2000 years bef ore Christ. deacons and Presbyîers, a n d vaaihestakge v and aitx spet 19 ssed is the nation whose Goo In20 er ..thr a h hnedhsbles euned to carry the torcit ofi is the Lord. and led in te con- higitest focirn 0f civîbization al St. Patrick was bot-n in Durn- Presbyt&ransmtirough Sc o t gregationai singing of hymns for titat time in tbe British Istes. es- baton and was sold mbt slavery l and. Route by an alliance witit patriotic occasions. Before thte ___________________ pecialiy in the nort.iern part of in Ireland. His falher was a Frane tried t0 bring Scotland altar stood a stately house hyd- Caledonia. tat is in Caesar's deacon in tite church. He thougit i nto religious subjection. but fait- rne nfl lomsn£yMs time. Tite People were called 0cf his borne a good deal ands'xi ed. This xas a period of coven- - Wm. Pearce in memory of the Britons, so called il was or seven years later ite es fa an., Égning. The Scottisb parlia- lt M.Darwintu]p aesothelyho r nabii derived frorn two Greek words andi afler preparing bimsetfforap rnd I near thte close of ibis per- Datr.lP are Vase coir eedblt meaning Sons f the Covenant" I preacher. be went baek te Ire- 1 ocl passed the Relief Doctrine. 10f t. They were contribued by oosDae' or that tey were descendants of 1iand to aid the people there. Dur-1 which is the basis of the Presbv- .. Mrs. J. A. Butler. Even3 GeneralMors ears filM people whito oit the Coven-'ing bis life the cburch in tbieiterian confession of faitb. The Golden Rule Mission Band met ' Used Car bearing this 4-STAR anLs in earty Biblicat days. (Cov- nortit of Iretand and the citurcb ofsso fMaaywehv tca 23rd in the S. S. hall. After TAG bas been care.fully checked enant: Gods promise of btessing in Dunbaitonshire were identical. was worked out in il.s entirety in for nga Miss atdreterfrddece ndprop to be fulfilled on the performance His'redemptive work donc rnuch '15160. hncmee2 ear 0f ter minutes ereReadhandoadop-ci dfo eedbesr of a condition.) The pt-tests were for the churcb. He preached only conflict wiih the English Chut-ch te.mintewas eided tanid an V- onite o eedbesr catled Druids and were looked Up- one God and there was no mnen- better known as the period of thte afernoot e on SaturdayJunevce on as spokesmren of God. They t:on of lte Virgin Mary. He in- Covenanters. afth.rorn 4teon6 p.m. aro nl tauglit the One Supreme Qod. sisted tha: man bad to habýea In Novernber 1688. William. Franfcis E. Townsend Srniî led4 the chldrenin Hayrl and fhey worshipped no images. knowledge of tbe Biblete to aPrneoOrne addiFo- Oiitrofhe$0amnhSihldtecide npay. Thed sas ordth frovnAnsa nr etbisote bswrkin onsbabay. ai the request of the Englisb pension plan bearing bis name. and rnemory verses were taught 2. Quality riedGod wod fontAsi Mier: stalised is orkin onaand Scotch Protestants. T h r e e Dr. Francis E. Townsend figura- ad earned. Seripture reading to the Caledonians at that early &otland. He was of teRoyail wstknb Ms Ggr AtrÛye fne t rsDed Cas into iI dat of200 BC. Coenater 'ous o Irlan ad cme tethigswere demanded in Scot- tively thurnbed bis nase at a U.S. the takerngby Mhs. odwiger Apr- G e ne oos.Ded alrs stock ur dae of 20h 0 C . (CovPe nnter : HuS o f Iral tea da nd c 4 ae toland with te arrivai of William: House f Representatives com- gram waff e n : tbe fol owng pr- carry the 4-STAR TAG. Among O n e 0 f h e c o t isi P r s t y e ri n s c o t a n d a t h e g e f 4 y e rs. N o P o p e r y . F r e e P a r lia m e n t. a n d m itte e . s e ck in g f 0 q u ry h im a n dw a g i e : R i a i n . D - w ho entered imb in 1638-4 6 a sol- Scotland reaily ow es its preserva- t e P o e t n R l g o . A ft e a k d o n the d s u s . ns t te, r: r cea n fTe r:thhm e, wf l m d s, wim a ny I t emn covenant, for the reforma- lion to Columba. Scottand ev- t Prestoat s R eli A te r adt on theal disrcson . - Mficnr taceamtng afte theodteus fai mes, ithm - tien and defence of religion). 'entuaily came under the power of tb et fJms t h ore hel f ra o otmtAr Caesr sid het .hepeole f Ronansm.Quen Maare. li'-the belis in St. Giles Cathedral, brought furiher defiance from wtcaing ooryth metngciod o h ottndn otr Casa sidtik te epl o Rmaim.QuenMgaetlo-in Edinburgh. rang as our fore- the financier who deccared the ith inginyng f d's chand rcnpovmnt rogt u h Caledonia were far ahead of theled the sensational and outward faterscmltd te ltn eiltr wr atn i ime. by Mrs. Colwill. t'est of civilization in their relig-shworeiinadi l h bMs.CIl. ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___which as rernained te ibijs day. He later announced he iad n - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Emigranýs carried ther religious structed bis aides te aiso refuse conventions with titem. E a c h testimony. ____ OBITUARY 1 i. au citurch must do tite work witicit______________3hau God bas cailed ifto do. Ini visits. the Rev. James MacaulyJ course of events Irisit and Scotch officialed for a few weeks. but MISS Maud P. Squires Toronto Because of the great popularity of erigranîs éame t0 Canada. and particulars cannot be obtained of \î ¶~~i qîr. omr\ thesewenereale toffrs yo 'finalli m Cartwright Township. 'his career. Titen foliowed a con- of îî~u and ~itbC better Used Cars at the market's The beginnings of Presbyter-J siderabie period of no supply as am;1%,;l ut T 'rut.,. n 1Ninuîa.., I owest Prices and on easy GMAC uanisrn in Ibis Township is Ithte Churcit in Canada was dis- Sil %as lir outt3rd ',ear. ternis. strouded in rnYstery. Il bas nev- turbed by lte disruption in Scot- 1' ii hrngolIe er been the predoininaîing relig- land and nolhing was accomp- oiv dngitii.r]Iui nth umhut, thtc ion as in several other parts of lisited in the way of missionarv uî 0.ug4.urettDetalernrî Ontario, probabiy due ta the fact extensions for a few years.AsSur u a cii .cin 0s(hatw 1îxre..1 i eae that Scotch setlers wcrc flot se there was no definite organiza- Su a ucîe u(riaa SchoioReiaîlt numerus asin some other parts. lions the people continued ita ar- anul tatîi.gtu: il) tue tuirIv schotiîeru llit But her wee afew ellersfro rane ttei ow suply.In 850lie lai( Lyînn C. Siillr. beixîg '.iî'- bte loti of Ireiand retained the Rev. Joseph Steele. fornierly vriiiendrut atilibue binv. Slcwa, General Motors Dealers stand titeir affections for te churcit of 0f Dariington. preached and ac- net îiccu.fiit anid eIartu Inyrd Ver isquarely back of every 4-S R their faibers. and brougbt these ed as pastor frorn January till workurrh echinlrvii whu utr, ultr USED CAR they seli, and as re- info visible expression af ter a June. and Rev. Duncan McRuar 1uri- ual erhns r niu struggic. A few others had corne finisited the year. When the field Sl1e '.tndicd art nuntder M.îcgdtî are to please you a.nd retain your wcst fron the Townsh.ip of Cavan Passed under the care of the Pres- K te.andiinîrodixed art il Io Ill good-will. where Presbylerianism had got- tytery of Cobourg and definite (.hawa schon].. and l hel< thel Ix,ýî- ten a strong footitold in the flour- organization was set on foot. by i, ifor sou im iie. ____________________ ishing congregation of Centerville. sending a rissianary tbe Rev. Sulie. il t last of ii brandi of ConLbining their efforts the set- David Maciess wbo rcmained for îhvSîir.farimlv atduiber grandt- it tiers erected a log building on the sorne years and was f oiiowed by3 faththe lte Rohert Conrtice. ai fat-m of Robert Montgomery-, west Rev. Mr. Tait for about the samie greai -gra iilfat ler. Ille laie \Vittiam, It s Sp rin g a g a in ! o . msad pé addRev. time The Rev. M. epaicdiurie rep .oeüf ofl<lngo, 9 8<oticSea j Centerville and belp tbem te or- the first reguiarly settled pastor lncf rom De)(vonslhire. Enigiand, 12 - ota oc And Spring nîcans a gencral ganize. was te Rev. Mr. Boag. inducfed 1anîd tih eldur Nfr. Courîxce tok ni)2 -onic oc clean-up of the homne-inside The rinmes of Ferguson. Hooey. in July. 1853, by the Prcsbytcry crewn il fr<m te goveriinit Ul op and out. Couiter. Stewart, Archer. Larmer, of Cobourg. in charge of Carf- Thc nid heuiiîe-tcad stiit remiain.. PotacCop HwaotforMagill. Gabraitit, Watson, Ginn, wrigbf and BaUydu f. The strug- thle f aii. is 12 - il- sKih ea HwaotforHunter. and ]ater these families gles of these many years will nev- lic<ij<ies heing intîerestîc] un art. the l2WIysK.h ea fromt Scottand. William. James et te fuily known or rigbf]y ap- b.îîe Niss. Squiires. iook anit tercst At a surprisingiy iow cost you land John Malcolm,. John McAI- preciated tillt tiese men declare ni liierature an(] wa'. wideiv read. can renew your floors with Siew- uae 4tendMd ester, George M. W illiiarnson. their work before the Great ilewsancnero lcodMd 1928--Chrysler Sedan 'satin Finish" Hardwood Floor- iohn Dickcy, James Boyd, MoGill, White Throne. Sffceif tosy cif eihodist (Z'hirctu aud(tler King ing. Easily laid and in about HomeGitsons. wcre rcprcsented that these were faithful seul.s ini Sirect United Chiurch. Shc was. a 1928-Whippet Sedan Italf the timie for ordinary floor- in titis movement, and the de- tite humble surroundings and the iixtembe-r (f tire Os hawuî Art Associa-ý *ing. And such pcrmianent!y scendants stiti continue lthe workj lamp f frutb held its light ftlb lion hrall a disfîiay ai ire recent x-2 -Fr oc beautAiu floors 100, requiring so welI and worfhily tegun. There in the surrounding darkncss. Con- hiiition whiitiias littidil i tire Ge 12-F r oc less care and attention through- were other cenominations csfab-graios erbin formed in "s.ia iolet. Silice ailiuîg lbeaiîh out a lifetirne of constant use. lished but these people couid wor- bbc counties of Ontario and Vie- îrveie 1r front îeaciig sice has 1928--Hudson Sedan I I W sha be iad t giv you ship test in the onc te wbich fhey foria. Most of these congrega- ileimiclu tiitt lier citostn j £I e stia es-Tlphone g000 and bad been trougbt Up, and thus fions had the samte story of stress iîrofessifn i inte cit1\ of Torontlo. 1928--Buick Coach aur repes-etliephon 00cand this cburch came t0 Cartwright. and Storm. But wbtlc the work-, Site slwllitlier sîimel'irs irn Mitl- our eprsenativ wii cll.Unfortunately. there wcre dif- et-s cbangcd the work wcnt on. kîka. wiire sire fidlxtd ttlý t fat-I ficuities destincd ta loom up be- and tbough with sumali successu il tractive uttaburiuîl for s-nit i lier fore these people. The Rev. Jas. may seern. bbc home fires were j est lictrv-. Douglas itad a large. scatlered kcpt turing, looking for bbc bel- lier ltolier liruleceui.eui ber abolit! parish ta lok affer in tbe cast, ber tbings the people bclicved one. fifieexi %vars. ago axnd lier fatiter died 1 and altitough able to corne occas- day would came. onuthlie îomeslead i-ier f ifîsvears' Roghan rese L m erfo alionaiiy te preach, finaUy arrang- (continued next weeki) lgo. The ltle Mr. Robert CorîrticeO R o g a d D r s e L m er f r ied to co re every six w e is. T his lie__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _nd_ Ifa he , er Building Purposes arrangement was about fthe year wagonit takers anui îid a itruving 184., about nine years afler bbc 17,000 CAilLE busintess, t inte ariv dat-. in the S IN LEStownship was setflcd first. and TESTED FOR T. B3. iow'tsitij. itistory m.ay fairiy te said to bave IN TWO COUNTIES Elizalletit Carruxtiiers. of Pickering, - New Brunswick White Cedar Shingles - betgun. There is no mention of ____wiîo is wlli uu1)ixn vcars. There are - British Columbia Red Ccdar Shingles - any oversight by Prcsbytery. 'Me in Northnmberlmid and urh~am it) other tear relat Ive-. xcept a itost Whichever you choose, we have theni in several iade, ad congregafion was not organized $26.680 Out In ot cousins on hoih sies cf lte bouse, you find Shlngling this year quite a reasonable propoition. lonly as they organized tbemsctves Compensation livinîg in the iuttmtîlle <disrict anîd and arranged tbc puipif supply ____ hier points cf Canadla. Courtice wibh Mr. Douglas wbich lasted but Alunost 170W catie lhrouîghoîuîtue The furteral was helîl atite rc- MAKE YOUR OWN SCREENS a short period. Rev. Mr. Douglas courties of Northuiutterlautd and Dur- sideitte of Mr. Lec. J. Courlice, oni bad ta terniinate this arrange- ham liav-e heexi lesied for lubercii- Vtiiuesday, May 27th. Rev. J. S. 1.1I Now is the time te instail screens, and here is the place te get ment by sickness in his fannl. se, and $26680 lisIenpiicti\isufre iuilre it t Ah v Ry i Es Yva u Ai ceN TUàng m 4e P e t yt ery f a hing ton. U .. il ulue i- uei axiil ws iiit ii het7t tttev 99larger cangregation. 1 may stae Oshawa, Ont. was hel on F'riday evenlng, te- Rorse Breeders Meet because L'E VE O B USH MAR Sbcre bhc congregation was scat- i ng in charge of te senior boys' With te obJect of stimulating estùmate tercd; some members came from S . S. class, wlth their beoclier, interest in horse treeding anud in- _____________________________________ as fat' netf as Mariposa town-____________ Mr. Fred Cornlsh actilng as chair- vestigating bbc posslbillty o f be surpi ship across Lakte Scugog; others man. There was a large attend- formlng a horse breeders' associ- soubli near Buriteten, westhal anoe and a splendid program was ation lucre, breeders from Durham J. W . J W E Lway tPort Perry, east frmJomI5 .g ~ prescnbed as f ollows: Solos, Mes- and Peterboroughu Counties met us ts ereM enA-hri h eabebo giutrThe Preacher is greater than Bl and Js Swarbrick; reading, offices, Peterboro, Tucsday even- Sole Agent For Flo-Glaze Produets the pulpit, and the changes lI 1With a record of 60 years as a snost aajfr. Miss Wlba Carson; violin solos ing. Rcprescnbatives E. A. Sum- L I buildings were flot so numerous factory treatment for piles or hemorrbois, ty Ronal4 Burley. During the mers and A. D. Runlonss '7erei Bowmanville Phone 30 I as bbc changes In the ministers you can PomtivaiY depend on evening a presenliation was miade attendance. Up to bbe prcen Plumin -__ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ rein. Afte r.Dugls r-1 j Dr. C hases Ointm ent to two of lie classes' former no organlzatlonof hot-se breeders - fOur 1935-Chevrolet Master Sedan 193S--Chevrolet Master Coach 1935-Chevrolet Master Coach (Witli Trunk) 1935--Chevrolet Standard Coach 1935-Pontiac Coach 1934-Chevrolet Sedan 1934-Chevrolet Coach 1934--Ford Sedan 1933-WiIys Sedan 1933-Dodge Sedan 1933--Ford Coach 1930-Durant Sedan 1932-Pontiac Coach 1932-Graham Paige Sedan 1932-Buick (8) Sedan 1931-Essex Coach l931-Oldsmobile Sedan 1930-Pontiac Sedan 1930-Whippet Sedan 1930-Ford Coach 1930-Durant Roadster 1930-Essex Sedan l930-Plymouth Sedan 1 929-Whippet Sedan l929-Whippet Roadster 1 929-Chevrolet Sedan 1929-MLaughlin Buick Sedan 1 929-Studabaker Sedan 1929-Buick Coach l929-Hudson Sedan 1928-Bujck Sedan 1928-Oldsmobile Sedan 1928--Durant Sedan 1928-Durant Coach 1928--Essex Coach 1928-Nash Sedan 1928--Chevrolet Coach 1928--Chevrolet Sedan Also an assortment of cheaper used cars. iY W. BOLS Bowmanville :1V A n.mer is the ideal tine to have your heating system aled and repaired. You'Il find our repair service fficient and surprisingly reasonable. WHAT - NO FURNACE? ýv you lheld off the installation of a new furnace Dyou could flot afford. it. Just ask us for an t on the installation of a new furnace. You 'il rised just how small the cost . .EN ELLIQTT ng and Heatimg ExpertsPHN 4

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