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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1936, p. 4

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PAG~E MUR THE CNDA STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO. THUR.SDAY, JUtNE llth, 1936 WHEN PARLIAMENTARIANS PLAYED BALL Sunday SchooI Lesson JESUS CRUCIFED Sunday, June 14th Golden Text : 'Qod commend- eth his love toward us. in that, while we were yet sinners. Chist <ied for us."-Romans 5: 8. Lesson Passage: Luke 23: 33-46. "Ail this I did for thee. What hast thou done for me?" CIDvary, 33 Ail four gospels tell the story of the crucifixion. The whole public ministry of our Lord was a prelude to tUis climax. Good Fni- day is the holiest of our holy days. Even after nineteen hundred' years the moving story has lost none of its pathos. The cross' tells us that Christ's own sur- render was without reserve. It teaches us to take long views of life. For the time being Christ's foes had a victory. but Christ won the victory that endures and it is more; it is a principle of, conduct and an attitude off mind. It teaches us to live sacrificially- even a life of ser-vice is insuffic- ient. Daily we must crucify our- selves. that our pride and selfish desires may die and that our souls may live. God's love was' el>- back of the cross. The heart of the Eternal was suffering in or- der to win men to him.self. On the cross Christ was flot a victim; lie was a victor. He won his vic- tory over death and the grave't;and Uis sacrificial death enables ~' p us to have victory over sin. If we seek Vo live in the power off the cross we must take our relig- ion into every phase of if e. There must lie no unconsecrated. areas. Christ loved to the utter- most. He held nothing back. Forgiveness, 34 In his "Meditations on the1 Down in Ottawa iast week a group of! members off Parliament met Cross," Kagawa says that "Christ' the Page Boys in a baIl game for an Ottawa charity. It w~as a thrill- had the experience of lovîng lus; ing game with two casualties. Denton Massey. the Beau Brumnmell off the House. spraining his ankie, and Colin Campbell from Front- H EALTH.. .Insurance The best health insurance good body building f oods. Dc tors wiUl tell you that muilk i give you the strength fer tLb extra drain on your vitalityb hot weather and s t renuou sports. Bowmanvulle Dairy MiIk WMl give you ail the element you need for energy and goou health. Bowmanville Dairy Phone 446 or 703 Friday, Saturd, FRED McMURRAI ikThirteen I KEN M "Heir Tý neceived a note from Capt. C. W. E Mtath. neading "Frank got three of the nîne M.P.'s hits and was one off the stars off the gamne.' In the picture above. top lef t, Denton Masse3'. Parliamentarian hurler. is seen in action before he sprained hîs ankle. Colin Canwbell tsalaso ena4'.fl4tAaLo gt.nÂa a LJatrC.> . i'. >JWUl4.neL 0 tct ese CjlC>Cin aion as cat4en>4 LeL. I. kiL oo, >.wasoeore ne Lc >2u4Ilt. tie Sail youthfui page boys won the game but rot by a very large margin. in his eye instead off his hands. In the lower Ilicture beiow Frank1 Frank Rickard. Durham's popular representative at Ottawa, played Riekard may be seen at the extreme lefft with other meibers off the in right field and apparently piayed a ieai game for next day we team, in the borrowed sweaters in whicb. the gaine was played. enemies. At the very moment spoken in derision biy the enemnie.s- Rob_. Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. T. when Chris:- was hanging tipon off Jesus. The religious 'ulers off CowI'ng and family, Mr. Percy the cross. he ioved flot onIy those Jerusaiem couid flot heal the sick OBI1TUARY CDiboîne and Mrs. T. Watchorn. Ito whom he was bound by ties or reclim the sînful. Their .teal-» The peariy gates were opened. of affection, but also those for ousy off Jesus fîlied thern wth s.ToaCriEmklen Aeteviý ad-oe! whomn he hiad a natural aversion. venom and they taunted Jesus on rs hoa CagEniklln A etle voir-esid "Corn This love is immensely difficuit to the cross. saying "*He saved oth- There pa>ýsed to rest in Enn:s- She calmly entered Home. practice. Although among the.-ers." They couid not understand _____o___zsay ay27h famous men off history why the Christ. the chosen offklnonWdsayMy27h there are flot a few off superior God. couid flot save him-ciff from Elien Clya-dale. belovcd wtffe o' Edward Galbraith, Blackstock character. there are nonze who the cross. Over is head was the late Thoma.s Craîg. Mrs. There passcd away at Bowman- showed any love for those who placcd an inzcription wrîtten in Craig was born in Ccunty Cavan. ville Hospital on Sunday. May subjccted thcm to death. B u t Hcbrcw. Lat:n and Greek: "This Jrland. on November 18th, 1873. 31st. affter a prolongcd illncss. Christ. who feels as God f cels. is the King off the Jcws." It was coming to Canada with her par- Edward Galbraith, aged 80 years. forgave his enemies for cruciffying a studied insult. but "In summon- ents in 1877 and scttiing in Cart- Deceascd was ýL son off the late him. When we hear this story off ing three off the leading languages Wright town.shtp where she resid- Edward Galbraithi and Mary Anne e Christ's forgivene-ss. our heants off earth in that day to bear wtt- cd untîl cornîng to Enniskillen. Hooey. pioncers off Cartwright :e re tired an wewih tat e nssto he oyltyof newho O eebr2d 1898. she wast>ownship. He a born in Cart- too could forgive as he did. But hung upon the cross; tn summon- united in marriage with the late wright and has spent his entire 's when someone ever steps on our ing thrce f orms off civilîzatton. the, Thos. Craig off EnniskiUlen who 'hf e here. X- toes in a street car. how do we Roman with il.s genius for polit- prcdcccased her on March 22nd.' The funcral was from the Un- v11 act? We feel like giving him a ical administration and mateniai 1935. There ,vas one chiid ffrom ited Church, with Rev. H. J. Bell Lat piece off our mind. and we grum- dcvelopment. the 'Greek with ils this union.incag.Teeaes ersx Y 'ble. Our practice is flot in line gentus for philosophy and art. The funeraI. whicli was largely ncighbours and ffnîcnds, Luther us5 wth our wishiful thinking. But, and the Hcbrew with its genius attended. took place May 29th., Mountjoy. George Crawford. C. Christ. who shared the heart off for ethics and religion, 1'torto- f rom the United Church. Ennis-, Devitt. Osmond Wright, J. Ford- God. was able to say without a ffess the Kingship off Jesus, they killen. Rcv. Wm. Parker officiat- er and Harold McQuade. shadow off constraint. and with1>wrote more wiscly than they ing. Interment took place ai'ý Deceased leaves to mourn his absolute sercnity off spirit. 'Fath-, knew. The One who hung therei Hampton Cemctery. passing. two sisters. (Maud) Mrs. en, forgive them. for they do not r in apparent hclplessncss has be-; She leaves to mourn lier bs. Robent Archer. Broadview, Sask., is know what they are doing.' It is come in ail these lines off human1 one daugliten Sadie, at home. and, and Jennie) Mrs. R. J. Hooey, i1h15 spirit which has flowed down advance the King off kings and- one step-daughter, Mis. Jas. H. Estevan. Sask. through the years f rom Christ's: Lord off lords." Demili. Burketon. and four* sis- Interment was made in the heart and has entered dceply in- Ufe Chang'sng on the Cross, 39-45 ý ters. Mns. Mary Mcçonncll. Mns. Union Cemetery. Cadmus. 10 the heants off those who long, Throughout the years off hUs iCharles Sayyae. Miss Sadie Clys-___ to know him and to be like him."! public ministry. Christ won men! dalle, all off Oshawa, and Miss Unconscious Eulogy, 35-38 . and womcn 10 God. The four!- Esther Clysdale, Clarke: aiso one Andrew Dever, Cartwright rHere we have true euhogies gospels tell matiy stonicas of' brother. Mn. Thos. Clysdale. Osh- changed lives through the teach- awa. Two brothers predcccased Tiiuc,-rc'ia.seci to resi '.ery hîcace- ing and sympathy off Jesus. This i hel'. f 011 oNla% 1ltiî. Aicreo' Dever I was to be expectcd as hie talked The paîl beaners wer fie itii i:'. tl i ear. Fiv o'a'. the cddest on the hli aides or read in the nephews and one grandson. '.'cîî,f tilt' late (c'îîrg'- Devc'r anid synagogues, but he actually won Messrs. James. Menvin. Sain and \l;crtiîa [txtli'.;iid 'a-a. bIoi auî i another to faith while hie suffer- Charles MoConnell. Lloyd Clys- ' .iceit tule c''r I'art of Ilii'. ifc' ili TH EA TR E Il ed on the cross. We are always dale and Thos. Demill. Flower it'artwrigut Ti'ai'iiieutre lte mwas T H EA T R E waiting for a convenient season, bearers were Messrs. Albiert Slutc, îIiugIbk -'.tceitidI 1 io-uic>kew 1'but Christ so impnessed one off lis Arthur Rahm, Herb. Henry. Lorne luîîuu. lu nia'. trtiI.'. b.'aiclo i »i ui VIAN VILLE Dy companions dying on the crossj Bradley, John Siemon, Henry De- i lut wa'. a goc>c i icigiic.iir. up)riglit in Town on a Hotthat the dying thief said. "Lord. mill. Harold Demili. . cîu iîîîî il aIl i>i'. 'aliiîg'. oitil t i To n o a ot ay remember me wlen thou comest Floral tibutes wcre beautiful. ý li: f liccw Ili. cuc i a grr'.t lover if into thy Kingdom." Christ ne- including a wreath. The Family; l itlIc ciliicireiî. [lhie olibe gre.îtly Iay - June î 2 - 13plied: -'Today shaît thou be with sprays, Mrs. M. McConneil and uiil' I iiiili,'>iui.. OhIrclitl~ me i pardise" Evn onthefamnily, Mn. and Mrs. J. MoCon-Wiluî' >'.>'.\>',ilraîl cross. Christ won a sinner to a - neli. Mn. and Mrs, C. Sayyae and Orr, auîifflaicgter \'iilc't oI».)carti Y and JOAN BENNETT higlier Life. "Helpfulncss was lis ýJean. Miss Sadie and Thos. Clys- for Iliini ci'ritig Iii.,i'.iîigtriig ii'. daihy. hourly habit. He could ziot, dale. Miss Esther Clysdaic and Mr. Ilv' aiso lcavt'5 to tii.uîun ii:. iii:' In pasa tîrougl a crowded street1 A. Farrow. Mrs. John Clysdale ciaugliter \Iae aîîci fic' ri>>ii, without having some suffet-ing and family. Grandsons Thos. La r-Dc.o)na.ld, .Nîcie.-,cîî .îîîci woman touch the hem off his gar- Henry and Harold Demil, The 1lar'.:. 1>inu'acil ciof'- Ne'.tIetolii Flours By A ir"7 ment for ier recovery. He could Indoor Staff off R. S. McLaugh- u IllýraI ecv.c akcihji not enter leicho withou.t picking lin's. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. M. JI lastr. Rv'. J. l"iliiof lk'tîk a sinful man oui off the cnowd, H.awley, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Huli- %%i1,> c iitecliitiuiritil.tIiiil iiîe'.' ALSO leaving him renewed. a son off bard and Marion. Mn. and Mrs. hitericueit t>îk llace iii 'liiteîl Abraham 10 wlose leant salva- Arthur Hubliard. Mn. and Mns. liiCii cîiter . Biack'.tcuck IAYNARD ln lion had corne. He could not suf- Walter Slute and family, Ennis -______________ fer uapon the cross witlout carry- killen Women's Association and o I ing a penitent roliber in his at-m-s United Church. Mn. and Mis.C D U o Trouble" imt Paradise." C D U Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. News Wednesday, Thursday - June 1 7 - 18 SYLVIA SYDNEY ln "Mary Burns -- Fugitive" Cartoon News Matinee Wednesday 4 p.m. COMING "UNDER TWO FLAGS" "CAJ5TAN JAN*,UARY" "LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY" "THESE THREE" A Last Prayer, 46 In limes off crisis. words off scipture came Vo the lips off Jesus. In the wildenness. at the bcg-innmng of hUs ministry. le met the three temptations witl three statements off scnsptune. Off the seven words f rom the cross, two 1were quotations from the Psalrns. His mind was stored with the cloicest passages f rom Hebrew literature and he interpreted his experiences by them. Ris utter trust is shown by his words: "a ther. into hy hands I commend! my spirit." Though he was dytng upon tle cross. God was stilUs, Faîher. His faith had not chang- cd or weakened f nom the day when his disciples had asked hlm to tcach them to pray and le taught thcm 10 address (Jod as -"Our Father." In the Garden off Gcthsemane. Christ had sought 10 icarn the Father's wiii. Once he was sure off il. he dîd not lies- itate toa ad even though it mcant giving up life at the age off thîr- lty-thrcc. Christ would have us live in constant trust and depcnd- ence upon God. and whcn the hast hour corne. could wc take nobier words upon our lips than to com- mit our dcstiny int the keeping off tle loving heavenly Father. Questions for Discussion 1. Can Ihere be service wthout sacrifice? Spend youir Vacation in The service aI churcli on Sun- day morning was taken by Mr. Western Canada! Hasard. K.C.. off Toronto. who r spoke te ntri New Low Summer Fae Temperance Federalion. N e x t Enjoy a DIFFERENT vacation th*iSul arvesysricswl year. Spend your summer holidiays in le taken by Rev. Joblin. Scugog. Western Canada. Take advantage of In the mornling the Sunday achool the Ilw REDUCEO round-trip sum. choir will Provide the music, and mer fares 10 visit the Prairie Prov. inces. Canadian Rockies and the Pac. aI the evening service a ile IfIc Coast . . . ail outdoor sports. quartette from King St. United PRAIRIE PROVINCES Church, Oshawa, will be present. OnEl..TUN E 15 . p.ctSTt League was witl drawn hast RETIRN LMIT ~c.~t ~ week. ONE-WAY FARE FOR Recent Visitons: ROUND TRIP Mn. and Mrs. Batten and f am- Good n coaches onîy ily. Oshawa, Mn. Wm. Brown and SLEEPING CAR PRIVILEGES sons. Sunderland, at Mn. R. C. Passage tickets aiso on sale good il Bnown's. TOURIST SLEEPERS - a.1110îîo Miss Helen Powlen with Mn. and tares, plus berth charge- Mra. Gordon Stnong. STANDARD SLEEPERS - at 1.113 Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Browxn.' tares, Plus seatcor NEW LOW Troto Ilhercotae berti, harge.Trnoa hicta (A 1 .' ..>it»:IrI- pprcirnate Mn. and Mns. Shaw and. daugh- ;'llI j'IrIl;l fi-.l iter Shirley., 'Toronto, with Mr. on.' ,'. 1r- iand Mrs. Wolfe. Mr. Wolfe has CANADIAN ROCKIES 'his dahliias planled. and his gar- NEW FARES surpr>singty Iow-only dens are alreadY attracting sum- i siightiy higtuer than 10 Prairie i mer viailors. Provinces. iMis. Corbett and daughter Eliz- PACIFIC COAST abeth, Mr. and Mrs. David Nich- Low-cost summer tares. good in oison. Midland. Mr. and Mrs. coaches, to urist and standard sleep- Burns, Janetviile, speint. Sunday: ers. in etfect to VANCOUVER. with Mr. and Mrs. Levi McGili. VICTORIA and other points. STOP.OVERS as authorized b>' tariffs Pull >itccmlii'uuc'lt iciun1.;I'pit. "Hîs vords are bonds: hUs oaths Popular Wedding Gifts 0 LIFT YOURSELF OUT 0F Back in the Nineties THE DRUDGERY 0F THE OLD FASHIONED KITCHEN 1r>iiîerI ItI, report .4 a i 0, t car.. ag" ai at thîatt iitu' r c> ' ii'.toer' t, jiie I i-lv'. 1il c k'riîet .îaiî>l I'e ' l; l1 >i ' ki' .;iil.t% c Iia>CI ii il l :1O iik'iv Ille iickie li'.1il '.a'.p ilc t .'. 'oîIIe % ar' Z. 'Z ' l he îi dî.i a;%i cx'. '.îî>>> I IIp traigctb Pie ru wali a giass .coiit .4 111roi'il '.iicer ba'e aiiî>li andit riiniiiig îiii ,)%"r Illei ),>p. ari l at fdic "ui,' wa i a plIace foîr il pair o>f toii >ýr piniCerý witliil aciaw-like arraligueelt aIt ili,________ e t ci. Tlii glas. cotitailie r wa, j < eraIlv grccîî or p)iîik. Tlii' pickei h' - Ilvrgot worll onit froin bheiîig c to'c îriicii. Il geîîeraii1 .t ii >11 '.dl. ar i aîi il o a'. iii c îî iiti Io ptit tut'pile i" i a d'h .î:i a .lIwar. tlîctît o itliîa fork. iîit Itle kruet t'.aîîd iii i îîci ii f,' iiic)rv ise. II w;4.. iik'ci civae plku t>at fiat >îîî toi) aîîd v. tIi 'l.ce Ir ia lait .cnd îîei>p)er >iîsiî aii for tlii e i iiegc r, aioci gvric raiIh r'oi f an' )tiur to b ici< ii stard ")r iwi>'îclii tiiîi. WV i il t - ti îît iii tue e 'tlrc of tuli ctabe i ockcci as'.tlioîiglî i lt' t.tule o c-ru iarlIv 'lut aiairtciv. Buit il geîîcrailv îîec'cIlc a fai r arn >îîîît oft '.Iiiîîiîig Iokeel t> i r.,iii tarîiî'.iiiii>. aîi(li i lt îî Ci e copi' aituIle ftir iii1 of tlilt' tl4ie (oilo a lt L r.ciii ii>Bo ti fie kriîtt '.tiiîciaîîi i c IIîec)iCkle, cisi'. liacl iijude a riîîi iii tIi-- ea>..m o f o >iliîe.. W ( lal4r a\, .l z>> cci Iiaîiy li> uielc'.ciii,! îroiiîicu tue -kitie ,. iii frc itii dittopi)îilf îcîcIa. Tuetý iiv ai otiii Iaii'.p>î' 'r ;ii' ýiierTii Hy n 'Special Terms If You uc. rcnctiii ie.îii f 'r Hor a Purchase Now loii,'î ii>>eait' îid i i lie 'ccrt I % f'cr ' 7 u-eîî Ttu itr spiio-eu ii ~ jJl.l LJLiberal Allowance onYour iietl ltiigter a '.clwiciiiU-ItD uOld Electric Range Cail.cîîîc i lroiliIlefrt t'ell. For a limited time only we wjli instaUl free of charge a Range Ple liil tilt' vtio Service and Distribution and Entrance Box, for any person tciciii>l it i»)t '.(l lt gelti' buying an Electric Range who has flot the proper wîrlng to >iownitc troilIf1 operate saine. Thtis is a worth whiie saving of from S25 to $30. î>>tic -b>iîig. ciifilfl Act now while this speciai offer Is on. Ilt' fioc>r t wo'clci îît Irtak.lPro>- outli-ocliItle krîîc' ttiýI> .ciit1,> $ 10.00 allwanc for your present cooking stove ___________ - Three years to pay for youir new Electric Range. with special carry- ing charges while this plan iii in force. Make a smali down payment Hints For Poultrymen - that's aU you have to do. Your new, modern Eiectric Range wii i b inqt.alled in vnur home rearivfor use. Tii>' 'kilaîîld xpexlii'c îolvut'l in the' produlctioni 'f1 eigg'. cîlîiîîatt" ini te markettprie'ctii'l Thie ailli. therf>rt'. '.ii>îi l' e t' 'eclire tilt liglie'.t pune I b> î>cervitig thiiir frtsbîît"ss andîic liiiitv. kgg> . hiiîlu li'c>lucti ai lua'.t 'lice 'dil'. . andc iiirict c ery cîlîlandi c ri ' arin 'a'-ctîc c >ietiii' .i> uîîlb,'uîcl dl noi>li and i iiit t o> 4 >iifret'uiîîi c>'r 'ieaýitiîg. , >' c gssiîtîîî idlic u t'îmt'ilce t,' .a ci celiar ltr thîcre i.. a f.irlv i>>w tilîiperatcîre. It ilia, lie .'iî'- ýT RE modern and efficient housewife demands that the Range in hem kitchen must render a definite service for her investinent in it. It must help to make hem kitchen mod- ern and attractive-it must bc hem servant, flot her master- it must -ive ber more hours for leisure and enjo>ment-it must cook ab>le to open o>11e'Ir two wiîîlo mthds and suhctitîîte screens covercd i edcokngmehos chceýcioth for ventilation and to carrv off excessive rnoiture or 1 odour. l)irty eggs sbould lic dean- B( ed with coarse- sandpaper, but îlot washed. Stains inay he remnovcd, wia littie vinegar on a cian Public cloth. Washing eggs destroys the protectic'e coating andl lowcr>, thePH E 1 2 gradie. N 9 1)evp r>>' ni> îlests proc'ided for the liens %vill redutce breakage. Cleani pine slîavings ha;vt îroved th e iîst These local lies material. Shac'ings facilitate cleaning ani form a better cushioîî ini the Ilest than hay or cut straw. ~ At titis season of the year shells arc Rice & Co. more iikely to bc hrittle and con - utnsC teîîts of poorer quality due t0 hair cracks and so callcd "grass" or dark y'oiks> and careful candling is ad- visable if the hest prices are t0 bec FU! il oilta ined. 'OWMAN VILLE Utilities Commission BOWMANVILLË ai dealers wiII co-operate with the above plan Mason & Dale W.L. Elliott ,ash Hardware L. A. Parker 1YCI UP5 .SEI A Tkousand- Times a a a à NOIl *Did you ever see a man carrying a biUlboard unider bism? NO!t *Di.d yeu ever see a handbill on a reading table? NO!t Did you ever see a picture of the new bat or pair of shoes you Want corne into the home via radio? NO!e *Did you. ever see a live newspaper thrown into the waste basket withoutî being read? NO! THAT US WHY ADVERTISING IN Mbe %anumbian îtinan Drings Resu1ts t is Both Read for News and ts Advertising I IT HA.» TO wLIra., .51KEZ ME*L PINK- .'an.I >4V Liorv our en e areU oraies nisnert1,asi I ~~without feeling self-r i g h t e o u s Caladiail Pacific f rom fraud as hieaven f rom earth." ___________ _______________________________________ about our magnanimity? -Shakespeare. -i r t ;.Y4~->. HYDRO'S NEW THRIFT PLAN is the modern, easy enjoy the many exclusive advantages of electric cooking. The Hydro Shop or Dealer wiII gIadIy Sive yeu Campleti nformation ROYAL BOWM The CooIest Spot News Monday, Tuesday - June 15 - 16 MAE WEST ln "Kiondyke Annie" Comedy 1 Matinee Mond.ay 4 ",ANNE OAKLEY" 6'FOLLOW THE FLEET" "EXCLUSIVE STORY" "ismALL TOWN GIRL"

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