THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THUR.SDAY. JUNE llth, 1936 PAGE FIVE SUMMER IN THE MARITIES YOUR WOL dMINE Community Gifts Given Newcasslte (Copyright) On reading aver the catalogue, f of community gif ts appearing in ----------last weeks issue we noticed the If one could make a canva.&s of aften a seriousiy damaging impie- omission of the Walter Seldon1 the readers of The Statesman, I ment against the author. Exper- ......ieathervane. This the v i 11 a g le suppose that a very large number ience shows that is far f rom sup- folk regard as a very wort.hwhile af themi would confess that theY erfluous ta insist thattpn adaceabegfast helps would like ta be writers - probo- essential in almast everv phase -~t mt eemn hi as ably story wrters. I know that of writing today." ln n prtos tas meet many, many young pea- This bit of counsel may hurt to rpans nd prton to ls pie who want ta "write" - what.- 6anie would-be writers who have eternal verities and mysteries of ever -write" means. Doubtless it no typewrter and who ]ack abil- teuies.Tewn lwt mearis that they would like ta ity to type. But there are always where it listeth and thouhert earn their living by writing - persans, neyer very far away. who the sound thereof. but canst flot writing novels, sýhort stories. poet,- hv yertr n blt atell whence it comet.h or whither! ry, or writing for a newspaper. write. Their services aught ta be .t it goeth. Therle are ather myster- have s ohwntheselves abpe mpoydîleta As regards the Blue Spruce hav ishnotttthenselyounabpe ol rpoe. says M.nund the French budded lilacs, write. Inded. many whom I me-et i vital point in saiesmanhîp there seenis to have arisen a have never written anyt.hing at Efficient presentatian (the man- problemi similar in somte respects ail. excepting what they have ner of presenting what one hasi othtwic otrnedKn written at school or college in the written ta an editar or publishier Solomon when he was asked t-o form o! essays and -composi-. is flot onl.3 an asset in itseIf but decide regarding the motherhood tins"Inth as ! hemjo-also a commendation ta h cp of a son. There were a lot o! ity of these would-be write-rs. it ient of the businesslike. efficient ........r fe is just pleasant dreamîng j.ioned mnd of the sender. I tres lantedithe arll fte ta that universal desire of youth J C K buiit and opened and Necte -the desîre ta attract attention Begînners in the- writing busi- 1 began to develop a ne-w commun- ta aneself. the- desire for famne ness are pret.ty certain to think ' ity consciousness. The late Geri. and the worlds adulation. Whoa more af theniselves and their Eiibeck dcl for instance plant a among us is tjîere who. when he writings than of how editors and White Ash tree; Postmaste-r Oea. was young. did flot sec himseif in publishers think and behave. Be- Jamieson did plant a Spruce tree. some exalte-c place. honoredc by ginners are prone ta think that Others pianted trees. Old records th-whl ~oid eri ser et sthe show that Dr. J. A. Butler donat- J Kminmttr adbymnt I me-an .e ed and had planted aIl the French This prevalent desire ta writethe intrinsic goodness of waee udd iasintepak n has been macle- a source of in- 'written. Nawv. there may have that J. Scott Montgomery. formn- corne by a number of enterprîsers been much menit. much intrinsic er bank manager in Newcastle. whose profe-ssed business s -,o goodne-ss. in the aid Red River ox- . secret ary- treasurer of the Boarcd teach one how to write for pub- carts. and in old Madel-T Ford! of Eduaction. member of the licatian - how : *o write for ne-ws- motar car. but nawadays more 'Municipal Council. and secretary- papers .magazines and the- f:lmr than intrinsic goadness - of tesrro heCmuiyHl companies. 'In the advertise-me-nt thought and mate-ial - is re-;MI, : Management Committe-e did buy af anc af the-se -institutes.- the quired by editors and pubIishersî and danate one Blue Spruce aluin ealns r. Hwdo and bs' the reading pub14C. Jus: t hc a planted at the north you knaw yotm cant write? Have raw native abiiity and aptitude < side of the community or bal you lever tried?- Now 1 ami not wont get one ta the t'op. AbiIJty ak going t.a say that thîs ancd other and aptitude require ta be coach- . Bute story isn't haîf tald. "institutes" do flot give value for e-c in order ta put the possessar Mn iien nIas athv the mone-y which they get from 0f theni inta the front rank. This givMandcitizes yarsst hagven those who take their courses . Altu.hapof ntalyt wie-s * i ad tersndabre sinlpvn I want ta say is the great major- but also to .iugglers. baseb ail and I o hi imoe and lau in he it ft.çs hotk- hi ours-- lai-rosse players. singers. fanmers I in. .- h ity f t1çksewho ake heirc anclperpublic he speakers.rea es do not finci the haped-for mar- ano thaieseakogaers o m deal of the work in levelling the kets for their literary offernngs. otseyugrar fTh The Maritime Provinces o! Canada. favored and long stretches a! sandy beaches over which cammunity hall grounds was dane This is because there are so many Statesman wham I arn acdress- as a vacation spot b' Presîdent Roosevelt and the Atlant.ic breaks. great forests wýit.h cool and by donated labour. They are a men and women writers: they of- ing. I say this: If you have a hundreds of ather clscriminatîng Pi.mericans as fragrant depths. lakes lying like je-wels in the sui memorial toalal who assisted.i fer~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mrt.acapsibye--.bunn deietwrt.peaewell as by thousands o! Canadmans. are preparing shmne- rivers rushing clown f rom t.he his ta melt Mayofte reso he street- cepted for publication. It is said yourself for writing. Do flot im- t welcame- large numbers o! :otrîsts again thîs into the arims 0f the- ocean. pastoral countrysides. ie have been plante by wil-: by one authaity that there are agine- that at 18 or 20 vou have vear. St. Anclnews-by-the- Sea. one- of the most !and accommodation as good as can be f ound an-. îng hands delighted ta serve in a over 250,000 men and women in ail the ablity needed ta be a suc- popular o! Canadian resorts. will attract many where. Canadian Pacific Railway hotels in Nova good cause. Much o! the work the Unitecl States tryîng ta earn cessful writer. Ability must be- famous golf ens ta lt-s beautiful 18-hale and 9-hale- Scotia include-: The- Pines. at Digby, open from 'on the diff erent community f 10w- their living bv writîng. ancl that .oined ta uncerstanding a nd courses. with their sporty fainways and greens. June 27 ta Sept. 9. where golfing. tennis. and er beds is freely clone by memibers f ewer than 2500 of thern - less ý practice and expenience-. R le a d Goif is iy one of the many attractions at the- water sports make a ple-sant day; Lakeside- Inn. !of the Horticultunal Society and than 1%ý - succeed. in making awhat aIder and successful per- Algonquin Hotel at St. Andre-ws, which will be- open; ne-ar Yarmouth. open framn June 27 ta Sept. 7, public spirited friends who cheer- lrvbnbly the- sine proportia ons !awrting.Ten r antthbarksthis year fronmJune 27 ta September 7. Tennis, whe-re yachting flourishes anci where arrangements f uily came to thein aid. Many proabl th sane roprtins f witig. her ar may boksyachting and swimming at famous Katys Cove, !have be-en made- for the- usual run o! summer have- cone thein bit. haid true. which would mean that eaing with the subie-ct a! writ- deep-sea fishing. dancing at the Casino. and bowi- 'sparts: and Cornwallis Inn. at Kentvilie. open ah _________ thee ae fewer tan 00 ensns în. Ak yur ublc lbraiantaing on the green are other chie! amusements. iyear. which has facilities for golf and which is outside the salariec staffs o! and awnu the baesofa!thbok. Motar trips can be macle ta such interesting place-s the centre- for mat oring excursions ta Grand Pre. OH, TO ENJOY THE LIFE newspaper and magazine- publish-,adwntebs fte . as Chamcook Mountain: the- re-versing faîls at ýthe Gaspe-re-au Valley. Canning. Kingspart. Halls* 0F A MMNSTER! ers, wha make a living by writ-- And what I say about wrtng Saint John; and by boat ta Campbello Island, Harboor. andl Blomidon. The pictures show a 1___ ing. Indee-c. one- wauld have dif- can be said with equaI pert.ine-ncy President Roosevets summen home- for several ýtypical coast-wise liglithouse: h.appy holiday- We heard someane the other ficulty in making up a list O! 100o about farming, retailing, singrng. se-asons. A celeightf u! boat ride f rom Saint John1 makers about ta greet the- Atantic; a yachting day express the- wish that he had me-n and wome-n in Canada-f ree- engineering. Re-ac much about across the Bay o! Fundy by the Princess Helene-, I scene at Lake-side Inn; Evangeline Weli and Me-- oined the church. sci that they lance- writes-who make a living ,yaur class of occupation. Absorb lies Nova Scatia. Land o! Evangeimne. which offers a rmai Church: and the unique and beautiful War couid enjoy -the easy turne" a fronm their pens. If any Canadian 'the wisdorn o! others who have ta the tourîst such attractions as rugge-d cliffs . Memnorial at St. Andre-ws. minister has. This persan very write-r who was sa fotunate as to Igane f an and h.Ligh in the- class o! iikely ne-ver f oliawed a minister hveya strynon ate op ub lisedoccuatin wih aeapre ar-nec coimttic ls lq uti n 'oil. Tlîtrert I.îmmîîîml. cl clover anc 15,- îit- rea lîrîgrani ofillixt-c iarinlg, around for any length of timne ta Theve-ry montht fun fons oe!1atm0ile-ad-ladvance.l ing magazine-s. he or she- oud hetut i tatfw ! s s- ti r-mi -lî35-vr 'rn 30ti( hu mîuic'.1a'-i.'- tlIoî gOwr. . arid n.No oî i i rcanz&. no us wat wr dle- es- get a maximum income- fi-romthis al aur powers. This is due. in 1pîîiiii'. A fair qiiîaniiýIii olîîtmxla' - l .aot 5Pv cn.Ia'.an .av(tprtt of ian hae- ta puldo. ine miiser ina source a! $1200. The fact is that part. ta sheen lazine-ss. We- necoil i, >t , i te iinith r aîrxîaeyIIlterpbih- nti esae writing for a living in Canada islfroin bard work, a! bath mmnd \a. rwtr.ii'înhw't-ntnîmyw<9yk but more anti more farmiers saie- months ago remarked that a disappointing occupation. ;- and bodly. It is within the- abîlity î)îîî-îri,, t.ill h i ]about <'elii!<'f 'rice. ht-mg laid grîwt-r'.. per clarcmîgtora l a or foleli oe mo! te most ifficitasks a!g I do flot wish ta quencli the- o! r af o! u htovgo fateradt i iclîîvtr a'l'î tii 'ti1.crtqc'. orr înml. ai.n c. eI gtraioes, rr on capiac îii'tulantiel)arieiîvîîvethe miisthe nia ife a t a g bt n ..;litetîvc 1eniiiiof antîii1ir t-0îcrn Ontanifisîami g V, Iigli truirl'. t-r the iixed fune-ral. perhaps ta a happy wed- man or woman. I jus: wan:ta ut aur advance-ment will deed 13c: inî th>oxîi'k i te: fîr a falfa nt,' ai 11lo gke rî cîea iîîi'ehtei.'îhdn rgle wdigc-eba say that ablity to write well is or the- quality and the amount o!f'rat ha'. ite il îyIhiu h. ilrtc l, ,'15 c: o lai t ovt 10am tie i ar. tl-iimtli Riiel.-'.. ich ae ian, on taldvnsit inge aebday the- conse-quence- o! learning Ihow our self -effort. 16 i.i18: .ic'tc-cilr3 Io5c; ,mlrtlleî'v ..\i,î'.i if thtcl are ta rie nd f uc prctce J îlal:m.aiil. .'m a1ta,.-\,t ofIle ( lifiîv 3 tii;c: timli'.li 3 to (oc leni gond ibellh for laviiîlgia(l for tlt- a mother rejoicing with lier ne-w Superiar writmng ability is acquir- aiiai bit ga'ha>'. lie nlim.aiacl>o](1egrs' 3 ii irmitiicîiîi ni tîmA fktîofiita , ac-ornaby. and an id a orh ed as is excellence in cricket on Clave-r and GrssSee<ds ih(! traîmI - h Il xit'tiiaîi t i rtc'îiîch icscafl 'N.kc olaiîîtti rt- 1Onofl the drawingtelstbehatve hockey or ar'chtect une- anblack- 1t, po~mqrt'. f -<nm c-ltrai ml i of iiilit 11 iinwth i tii lait <Ilic (rliali'. oilt retilrmilglictaitainetr a pro'fitihe-ard about the neecls o! one con- smithing on fanming or juggiing il;iclmi î' ma.nicltî't r xi]l e carrit-il ov'.r by The Fa.nn Poultry Flock cver ccst oi ft-cii f roni $200 tii $5M0terrIpiating the ministry tels of or snging: nanely. by Imuch 1îiiî.m oiti grciwcr. Ici haut-, large- mie grci'.ve-rý, ti mît x .a.i.1'(iiltnv 1'. ai ia'.t dc fîitclî'.rt- a x tar. wiîich 1'. sotîîeiig iiti la stude-nt who once asked Oren- study and long and pui-poseful 1'.,iii the ilocal rctailitra.i.-F Rcîuîrî'Ironi i îi.rthi-'.'esttrît O1-- c ,iîmzeci-a'. omie nifltecssenitai (lu ic d.aît-tl uy v cccIilo'.t smc-ile KIeiser what lie- thought practice.i noh >>lintes.1alr iiI One is flot born a great tt-Ille 'tciiitu-S.Lw îiti imc i tai t t arit;atlea'.mt I)arinititil oclvt-rup-tii-date farli Fi eessfîîilarîtît s. were- the- qualifications for succe-ss write-r on cicketer or juggler or, fariner. Which means that tlie- young people who in their tee-ns C N DISDV NA DB YGCH E V and twenties say that they want CANADA___DRIVNG_ tcm write- and wha beiieve thern- îe-ves able ta write- are probably very "green"' writens. Their apt- itude- and the-in per!farma nce-s need ta be perfected by study and practice. Nature- grows grasse-s. trees. fiowers. wild hanse-s and cattle-; but the-se nature--macle productions requine cultivatian by man ta give the- glanies and per- fections. And it is the saine in ntcae ogiteror neing, bute- anj oy the ]Ride that Bas AUl Canada Swinging atve ase-fa! wniter: n-abute tans and publishers buy affly the- "ipoe"pout- the pro--.** u uu , WIA duc prfcte bi tuY ad ra te Bi, eauxiiui flKVRnDIiA for'1936 -wto'w ' JC K I have- on my lesk a book which describe-s itse-if as being a practi- cal guide ta jounnaiism and novel- writing. Its authar says that in his opinion a jaurnalistic aspir- ant taday cannat be toa we-il e-l ucate-d - that the-ever-necurring fault in aspiing write-ns is that they wish ta write ta ple-ase- the- se-lves, tie-y look round for a mnar- ket for their wnitings. This au- thar declanes that the write-r must write- with a definite market in vie-w - that the finst necessty is ta find the- most ike-iy autlets for one's particular gifts. Witing today, he- says, is a speciallzed business. Tis iitenary adviser-his name is Cecil Hunt, and lie is fiction -editor of the- London DailY Mai] -says. that mans' aspining write-rs defeat the-iselves by their dis- regard o! what e-itons and Pub- lishers insist on. "As one whose depart-ment hanches a thousand or more manuscripts a week," writes Mn. Hunt, -1 say emphat- ically that the lack o! method (an the- part o! offerers o! liter- ary wares) is and is "NERVES" SU1E CALLED Il Loaing interest- Iosing friend-a. never went out any *ore-alwaya bo tfred. "Neves, as thouglt- but t wus lier kidneys, the . Ste. of her blood, that needed attention 5h. took Dodd'a Kidney Pilla at once Restored t. normal action, ber kidneya dleared away blood himitiea. Faigu, headache, backache, diaappeaied. 110 Dodd's Kidney Piis IA Cool Glass of R. R. Steve-ns & Son in the- miistry. Mr. KIeisers re-- ply was as follows: A Clergyman sliauid have- The innocence o! a lamb, The wisdam a! an awl. The cliee-fuiness of a cricket, The- friendliness a! a squirnel, The complace-ncy of a came-I. The- adaptabilîty o! a cliame-leon The- diligence- o! a be-ave-r, The fle-etne-ss o! a de-e-r. The- vision a! an e-agIe-, The agility o! a panther, The patience- o! an ox, The endurance a! an elephant. The tenacity o! a bulldag, The courage- o! a lion. And headde-d iastiy, The lives o! a cat. As the-ne are- none o! us blessec with aIl these- virtues. it se-e-ms handly passible ta get a re-ally succe-ssful minister. and at ROL E T Bowmanville the same tuie it rather belles the easy time" enjoyed by the ma jority of aur ministers. C. H.Tuck, Opt. .Eyesight Specialist Author of: Optametry Feature Serviee The Child and its Development Speýciaizmg exclusively in muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses. Phone for appointmnent 1516 Dtsney BIdg. Opp. P. 0. Oshawa.. Ont. FO0R 1 93 6 TST a few minutes behind thxe wheel of the 1936 Chevrolet jUwill convince you that it's the most complete car ever offered in low-cost motoring. Check up on what yau get: Perfected Hydraulic Brakes, for swerveless, straight-line stopping!1 Salid steel, one- piece Turret Top Body by Fisher! Improved, gliding *Knee- Action Ride!1 Economical Valve-in-Head Engine! Fisher Na-Draft Ventilation! And high-quality Salety glass in every window! No other car in the low-price fie-Id has ail these fine modern features. You can't get them in any other car, at any price, unless you're willing ta sacrifice the rock-bottom running costs that Chevrolet owners brag about. Sa it's na wonder Chevrolet sales are setting new records *..for people are swinging ta this proved value that gives them ail the qood things they hoped a low-priced car some day would have. Oqine in today. Take a Chevrolet ride'-2and get the final proof, at the wheel, that it's The Only Complete Low-Priced Car. Payments ta suit your purse on fihe General Motors Instalment Plan. The Only COMPLETE Low-Priced Car PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES . . . TURRET TOP BODIES BY FISHER.*' VALVEIN.HEAD ENGINE . .. FISHER MO-DRAFT VENTILATION . . KNEE-ACTION on Master De Luxe Models) . .. SAFETY GLASS THROUGHOUT *On Master De Luxe Modela Roy Nichols COURTICE BOWMANVILLE bl PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESM-AN, BOWM-ANVILLE, ONTARJO, THURSDAY. JUNE llth, 1936 the perFect summer drink' W'he-n the- sun blazes down and your appetite disappears, that's the time you need milk, plenty of milk! WVhat if it is 98 in the shade? You stili need your daily nourishment. Mille supplies the vital food elements tha.t are necessary ta health. More than that, mille stimulates jaded appetites as notbing else- will. That's wby it's the perfect swnmer drink. Phone 408J for dependable Glen servie-e. DMR AT LEAST 3 GLASSES 0F MILK DALYl GLEN RDAIRY 1 ý-«