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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1936, p. 8

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"Our- -.'-- '- -i.. PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN-tînLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. JUNE 18th, 1936 SummE By BARBA Wbe' i! -îtntnr ' ',t da% ucu' our lite". w e coIîîî: tv aht t'tr w inter s prtograiri. \\',:i osu o tnjItusiasm fo'r w'îrk. or atI1t pt p. our hearty appe tite. and il, wanit toa aopi the Mi't ii manner of st"pe:iidiing lie amid iiess for a quît t intt.rInde at MI' (lay. A siesta at jie puak, of a h 't i( wil do a lot for the harasst d Ib' 'n maker. She needn't 'iîel. NMai people find that thev: ici belter they doni't. Ail -he t'. d du'- - ini a comiortable chair in a darl encd rooîn. thouight" ce 1 hr aîtywherc but oim lier \ îîrk. .11: rt laxing for a whbut. frîîm iituc mnîute's to an b' 'tr acb afterno,î wiiii make lier fet i li' 'e a llt\wai much More charmiitu îer"oii t' the rc5t 'f the day. A\ cool cdriîik iniattf-, c t a-- l have aIi lier \v1w t':;: u r, tiii give li er a goîîd rea" 't ifor .ýta'.iii dormnant, if "in-to ' ici'u tut dIo it w ithott t iti e Tii wumaii w ho îlo,- ier wt ii\,r! ,jhotid planît t "In ii l e ire h it'. i nii tie moriiii.g 'i th,,t il w iii h.a' rea<lv i'îr ier 1wliîl 117- "t reapcfhth' ir ow c-t t (Y) la er i' '11 laui. Iced cf fe' tiel tlea. m"- ad", a fruit punrch. Ri-ai1 co'iici or wbatever the fat" r7ite tbir"t quenlcher May lic. ail niake ' c long, cool dfriiks The wl-e Manager i'-îtiare, ftO unexpected caier" a- wtli a->itiar ning for lier owîti-ta. Coîkeý and smaii dainty macar' titi. 'ir ait crîsp littie - weet waft n g" w eII w id a cold beuerage. and make tlit iel- feel that mucli More thuit re!e drink has been ofiered ini thteuay - hospitality. Reirigerator cookie" mnav he mad'L ino dougb aînd kept iitdeiiiiiteiv if careiuliy wraîîped iin waxeîl lalier. Then. when îherc i opîrttiiit; or necesstv ahatch of cokIeý car i bake wIth i. ts at ail.Once H EALTH. Insurance The best healthis nsurance is good body building f oods. Doc- tors wil tell you that - nsik Win give You thse strength for that exrtra drain on your vitality by hot weather and strenuous s1mrts. Bowmanville Dairy MiIk will give sou all the elements Yon need for energy and good health. Bowmanville Dairy Phone*446 or 703 Shirts Finis When ever requested by ci in wth the f amlly bundle TRIRIF-T."" This Includes msinor repas rinu thse higis quaity work of oî OSHAWA LAUN CLEANING Launderers Dry Cleaners Ph. Bowmani ALL SET FOR J MADE IN, CANA AND HERE'S A CHANCE FOR CAMERA-FAN DETECTIVES Ithe scrtptural expectation. Thtehzink.;,,v-iig. Chrtst hias been Toronto Choir Coming _____________________ cr-oss hadi becoine a ft't: ftd c\ŽCtt"d ort cie a the honor stumibltnz block ta the '~':pt xu t il by h,,s faihawers, but The Trinity United Chiurch ~r S e t sand he showed trteni thie' rca'i. - bttçauIchle 'xerîs suil an influ- Choir. Bloor andRoetS iR .BOK They wýer-e ta dtscoer ail !mt hallt et\t!-btetore. Hîs is a na.rne ta the Boys' Training Sehool sin exprtece h:ct heyrt',ittd huh : îicu; c'c'y nawte. Sunday afternaan. .June 2lst. at as trageey was ta bt\'oiitc the'hree o'clock. This Choir render- ai i-.-t- n t i' secret o' 2ood ne',s for tht' wcto!:dî Quelltions for Discussion ed a very fine pragram on the oc- -ttJir(::t'tattht:ntt casion of their visit last year. and tir~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ tii .kitrirtrt e eurctnappearance J le sI i Hw d% Crs ieus the the Schoo] ils lookitmg iorward tic. t, lietr ct' in-khul spend a large part af is o~ ttAit their visit on Sunday next. A t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~' I i ttrta atm nfnhrtahn ftt .Hu'~'ol ~ deai witb cordial invitation ta any Who ait t'warî i iii î'r a wbitl tac.!-,la\ d:sc:pIes. dottbt? wauld care ta hear the choir is 1'hiirîing Illtht ttlali/iiilz -itiemîtît ri Promise of Powier. 49 3. Can, Chrst preach as effect- extended by the staff of the id n ,I wîl1aaitihmr i Vely to-day as %when lie was jupon Scbao]l. il a'i wheii lafi.i b t ch nî.r i eu adhsds tp:s awat l.uai r-î'a hi iidmof the itot wanhcd i n Jerusaiem untJilthey shauidearth? a, nt k i iuci itr ct rfui îî ~receive power. Their watttng was 4. What is your thought of "He Who reforms himself, has e- hapI, t'dîîrtîug the wlr>t htat n't fot a period af idleness. They "The power fram on high"? ýdone more toward reforming the ifwt pn teUn npryr eal 5. Cani we have Easter every pbt.ta rw !niy i Ied Decaffeinated Cofiee îng the teaching af Jesuls. re-c ha rodo niy ,i!igth acsaihs îe.dy th earitmfpotenit patiiots."-Lavater. S\Iake c 'fi tue t ir in-ual inethori. telatso hslie k- i a bi f ii niiîinî1 death and resurrectian, and seek- r~ treiî,ii* fa coiiin pl'ait an'! ing God's leading about the next A D cý' ititli riiii'ii'e w l. Il vil!wiistep. The power was ta came ta I aki. ah. 'it a bal hîtîr tii c ,l ttv them as thes' prayed together. n. 7ýo iuii ,% vt The disciples olalhvee- crt ý >~i i1gtîar if ihe-iru 'i ' wsiP ih the living Lordi U-rnBtesic alonte. but they feit' a greater COLD-PLATE-LUNCHES Ail-Ban BttersotehPower when tagether' they ne- 1ecliguerrCoks dedicated themseives ta his set- ci'.~ i~ittti'matvice and sought ta iind !he w-iil 'i-t-lga OfGod truhhim, This ne-à i tving ofte aoero the Hoy cn~- f'uir uîlttSpirit was flot exclusively fan the _ arld -igar ove and obedience. Il, trans- iaJ t.a r0. iittr ,ili"una t:- Mi\. :' -aiutifl"rtgt.orns Chistians when they cease Io be hesitant and seif-centreci. Hefe's that toucl of pure SifIt itir tu-it haktiiLt p tric ate! atnd hase thernselves in trustti aiîîtiI d-îîdimtr ----- -wîl ihnzest that pm.ts à keen edge lti tii ', ini\xtitreu. lîie ti~ove ta the eternal Chrtst who on every ôppetite. tr'.1ai it 1\-2ttl it lt a t t"r t dwel îti hern. This power rî r ritati rtuti firnî. L'it iitt', vv'eakness into Divine strength. MeL AREN'S INVINCIBLE. thît -li-t- tt ihakt"uttt'zreatîi ""' ~w"~ WoshipandJoy,50-5 _________ _________________and_________50-53_ 10 iiiiiiit,.The resurrectian stories end ahiîtII i.iiiit. ..Ahoy ye camera Hawkshaws, and salve this oversized. ilt urnishes a photographic mystery. with a note af triumph. It is 7i cii: 12 iii ztuucoiiie- 2 tc~ puzzle. Anne Lynch May be testing out the sim- Ta dispel the solution that wouid seem most ab- difficuit ta îarm any satisfactory A NICE SURPRISE FOR DICK tutdiattt. ie, "*as much privacy as a gold fish," but since the ioius. we hasten ta add that this ilsflot a com- mental picture af the Ascension: Corn Fiake iDream Bars eye sees her swim.ming in the fish bowl, and in- posite picture, but was made on one negative, Oh, ail that we really know ils that aasmuch as Anne is naornidget andI the bowl ils not Mn. Ripley.. . the visible Jesus became tnvisible. i-4 cul) hutt' nr__The___ _____of__the__disciples_________1__WONDER___IF__THIS_______ - Te faih aSthe dscipls wa 1-2__cul_________7_1,1%;___ MAGIC AhING for thetE Wt-EN 1I TELL HtM 1 MADE i-2cut f i'u u-auttan kti-'ifniîtîittint"gfîtthetahtt-.strong. even though they may SA600ATHi"Tt GADCK h ttu' fotr : tvbicil tua- a iireu -tore c- ak.tiIltittAS t -r iwuiî u, b'ptiAnS hv benaHEtaepXi f ,- i.i. tatitiiîii- trrýnit ' w îtihicing. and the brut hanuint% anc thein 'ldittulat o aebe bet xli DSSY US L AI STES i ci; ri tutu -igar u' re-.ti. tii grace te taaîtc'- minn tret a na S hovents any mare than we can. A AT-) VEM 'uT- MOCSE S' -' v att " ii- 'Ail that thes- cared about was the A1C r 4ý, \atil t.\"tr'cf a uueddl'ir . anîd t" hu cit 'u SStinha .incurl gett ac t ,rt 1-4a atu 'outi I t îb ttt lii a e -tnt crtndias arie a n * erfact thiateChrist had won a vict- PWE a p . ttti((ls-mal (on o Ii ,ýadaiefrevermare. They UE Cilcomiliît-ittt efia ,tt re iai'ntii g 'hi tisîtiat I î'niiiadlu "nr i'urk'-d heliru thte hiti e s o e ut;' c' it k. t' i cin. uh"nîîh.n ut- ianuwworshipped hini, andI returned t-o y. tles rt anlhmttmollit rî a tI' i\-> i" iýnii.iii iit* i Jerusaiem with great joy. Nat- \,Id -1-cite"! c Il-(ut i-pi l rIinh gape I mxîo, lC ane"h1-.ritlu-iiJSSEXL D urally they went ta the Temple. ~ i. ' flrki.- or dt'iu aubl idetd tu-cl (ooý r le t-lItni' .u'.th g ad t tu li-kcut q> r iii %ihpraising and blessing God. Can - rti-nb', iilite-niidhlloiiW hak- wiu'il-p ietiltgien aip'i u'u Iuur iicrd Ili). oti,1lit ud Jn t we have this mood ai exhilana- 1 tih ati. t. î'm'hutiur-" u!'.'-i tc tti hi li lutte" ' "iin't ht- S.uhhiah? T hie lion and triumphi the whale yean 351î F') ahiout 15 miinit'i . 'n tri-îctu'ghît ienrtintath i.1a chutuncI'.' - tiit tvh'.el.vb ku%îJin( i Golden Textu" Wherefore Got round? Our prayers and anth- cru- i- i ii ut i~'~n te' î . .uiti i- iti' a thiti trc'uman lt ii!' tii Ihirailu tîtJoti, Il u%% iiilue binit witiî aiso hath highiy exalted him. andem atasetmeesud ih- - -g, ut cli. aili-Iuanna an,! ~a' -'n't i-tetta u atlae iî itutwurpe-guven him a naine which is above this note oi triumph, but can we (etilituIi t itît 'uti-ýl lniNtt'nt1, ýig ut utat' ptund iitt,thucltuud i lii trolui' -eu-ci-tore a miie.eeynm.'-hlp:s2 .appropniate t as characeristic liglit auid fltiif'. \uid n.,riI. el- in al "ftue futurue. Cilos - -ton itttnut->takîng tplace. Totnti Lessan Passage:t Luke 24: 36- of aur Christian living day by day -att cuiuau.ut. . flku a ii ti' m ta i inv atic'c'ui ei r. andtlile Ev-ait. tre makii' a 53. and yean by yean? Certainly Paul I mut-ii wil tnivea.r cingc'a rit-u t - drsaccitianiud ltnt Importntuîiumnhate. ai engage - The world can-iD-.burY Christ. had this unfailing joy because af DON'T RISK FAILURES ing powder can always he fui utîtî;îii ln hu-I hk'ilon tilniughît hic ier dtlmghlcr. tut iý itig, îîut a ling 'otne -hit -i-:The eanth is not dee-p enough the presence af the living Christ. . . . Baking with Magie depended an for deiicious tut-taiuîl-lîreui e cuit- kck ilte duciiratid cake <'ut ilki ut tgb-,t ~ei a bu i ig tan his tomb; It is a mood that we may share. wme an seasults oThat's aes muoren bsuia -riîlt at'dtu-rn <3511FIl. au e 111;. iighit hack mîmutie- <uf long. lonîg itu,huit a daîntu- diamtioni'. hit tii The clauds are not wide enaugh The resurrectian af Christ and Mles owy expertslednco- Whtsoe agic isvery minilt'. Reîtiue mt uabt 25 't T "ai utl irtle îtarid-'. uitl tue rariaîîce of, for his winding sheetl. aur hope af resurrection present eyeprsrecommend it. inexpensive touse. Lessithan it ta uarcs wh'iie tli warnî n iding it state in iilat 'glii prant. al] thuestars iii tht tueli filied ukt. - lHe ascends inta the heavens. a double ressont for warship and MdI~nd hynwhsaosa-1 ol ae ae h ut ,])it a gu-car i tat sadiv neeItri Nt, douut ut has thu sanie brilliaice - But the heavens cannot con- Nin40 I 1-2 inîchb 'irtý 9 rIacngiit oeofalae' at for' tihuegirl frieîuîlu mnttdon'.t - tainrjhim. 13ilc j'h a> atamîg ui tilt w all \a o 1i ;e n in 7 h intagirtelduewtnatua tit- n ii utmesilice it uta. hi-r He still lives - in the Churchi 7-7 i ut tini it a usiîîw'. living with a Inuther getting a rnug, anilher- fathen which burns uncansumed ma'rnied daîîghter w-hu a a-aiso paon. hthumhing, autdlstammvrnîg, sat-mng art with his love; - an'd middle aýjed. therume h onettIini' tNit like lil? In the truth that refiects his Wrlfl o wL ... ikulu ut-au futl ai cant s. anid truîg- Again, shoppiig oiiithe taint sre'-t I image; I ~ ~ gles thiat giowi'uhî usorr'u, and uctty uit lift- thnotigh tus-,w indoles (ourt- In the heants which burn as he Sh pp ng ucîlnimu', there w-au net-t-r iaîv mouevt î5) ue Iwr-e at firsî ut-iat looks likt- talks with them by the left .etr Ita ie spunt fin dt'ar umail a tit tf ;teoplte ail striving tu, gui way. A LPHA4[' tHpitastures. 1-uittîh'v were wiutoriu îch. ant i uake motev. huit there are-i Givlng Peace, 36, 37 Sho pipingg . j -t like n ,ei .m aut thingu mu re vt aiîît le ibai T h e s g i i a t t g i h Wha licatîe i gxe tu al auuîgmeiiie'tant il it iamaziîîg that mem.-Tenincnttiginte~- NIat -tett w.Shngb t' îh htnîtut cstet htus' i ave isaluane r i lxti te . Teuiigistonies ai the resurrectian ap- 'w -1aînteuhtc s, iht % th h uîe Ni rent.t-cir b cpath'ua' liereuti i îînxinuxîvr ime uid.fmne nveymchtesano thtstîatîtvues. ' it-),,, ii ht'earh rfuur-uipearances ofV A R IE T IESthe ct ut ip'nin'. ansd gaietuof ai ttuh. h sont- f,,it -tIl.amni alkiuîîuu(if hardships. Tht"il],samie things andI showed the -troJled drsnIain .Sîrtet, itutwaik- \u sec thum i "itte wjutdctw ;asmake altitut auy sacrifice, . ng 11 as wentiudeon eard th.lerdid He îu.g tu'us, % gvndsiatont loeJaS ore ac cnfr.haith, ît-eiicame andI stood in the midst aof % htIrn'.itg bintu. uot euen walkiîîg ifr Sî,metimnt s uni\ a hint (i wha' we hetutun ta obtain it. bhis disciples and said. "Peace be \ec~t.uuuuigutfcutaicdi-ma% ltuu-e-- oe r tîmish hgrs i unto you." AIl through his pub- en 7vreis sitluiucIiîtt nti2d.tiitg ti he i.ita% . itiiuson%,a t ý iî'.isiuît alilii'. huit thils is hecaumue thehatve lic ministryhe *"'k away the a'Hez57artss tut uinmg a suit ai imagination. liaite icf glas. a diitorîed t ew ofaifle. fears af people who did nat un- ,-tinaileriiig make bi-eoillari.otu Thie uiîta. siîriw tif a iloiurst. Hcaiîh h motre vaahibe thauirt an h ol nwihte a uic ut bai. coat and ,hiies.. îinill. i i oldaws lit- mutuiet. Muiuieipe give their iîcaith dere ivng. thwonlida hc n-theyN luit' ciahl huion. 1 t-wereissliving.c T athis 'day e cn- AÀt i.u-u,îhth lt- w orul ie- hanui lîrtutii.în -nois u î teih.aulinttuto-gîtetinues ta give peace by nvn E N atcýt i fi:ieîi uithi ,the cbuicei.t vi- th-iutg-ausilong as thi nt are wuirtow, tht ir mutet tryiitg tri gel a retuîrn awaY aur fears. We lose the fean aiiîtg tht wa% asuri ttucuuu have j f lbt'a o<f~ ~ tvuga ur fellow-men because hîs pla uriist as micu t% if ut' o w'u u'-tie.spirit gives us courage and makesHEN ,dill temu. if t' 'n the gantri. 2,St itituttiu" vuirtht moîre thiaitaur iellaw-men aur iniends in- EN opH I Z aine utimagination. l"' m iut -auüot- utthaîukeîlGo(tifuir stead af aur toes. lHe takes away MdHBaeIN -IThiet- anc \tîntsas m ntchî astii eali ri a' ut uhi i it ueoif 1lii.lttIe a ur fean af death by giving us a STR AINL U ToMcd. 2a23< 1 o, wn tu-t uiîr the' seuitg.giftu tIo manî? "Andras lonig atsitat is hop iabte i eod~-Tins -N I fti-iti iuupttuîuit- ut'ighhuîru etb- tu uîi' ua'unaisîtPagan people suttereci irom fearFO DR EN îaw'u INhî' antit it a utis tmiinIiti ai ofthe powens af nature, but F OAUB A N ls owuî1-% hthint.bututuhieare a!sti A goo onsuiccince-Sitt<mtre taiu- Christ bitIs us think ai GatI as For Babies A s e nTnaoSue Hetine. able titan mutitu. \Iaii% a tan lias aur Father. He still says to bus iac sprigsMedimn baHh. ,t m lho ut cummlîi 'ibh harMit ac-people, "Fear flot." It is a com- Po&& Beets 3 2 9cAaargu litut milte au s,'cl as bit the joytlces, anti loit his lîcace (ifutufor- tort to us tolciow tsbt the risen Cerclai Carots Green Pea Vegetable 3 Tn y *their iîiveiines-, la vîew. lever. Luve lis more t'aiîaile than Christ retains bis lave af men, Vegetable Prunes Beu Mushroom Boston Style Med. Tmn ied for 100'Thtv hlomiornt i n d are to a m onc au ccamînut i hv tht: esîet n ha esstl ansigSpinacb Tomato 'Soc rt BAKED BEANS - le dean, li no en fthîs. Ioin-their tears andest8ablihing t4eir Ge BIOxtail Celer7 Oyster Vegetariati MetI. Tins lustomers who send their shirts -s ,for my lriend lwh ive tt-u-se onle i h tore onfidencr e.Thed te ram s that TinseBefBrt BKD ENS2fo In the foUowing srvce-ail bis cgives t m re is frua t nd ithisgore*in- con fid e oTe nisen Chrs ht is2VegTibnsBef BoLBaked eAN S for Tin Thî 1 hmar icht hecause a gooti tan Idiw-s. umî'.luuiting thein e*ternal drama he cannat continue to be a bigb Clicken with Noodies BkdRdSmî i ir WASH-FLÂT WORK grew, ini swifîîperftormanice fuur e-yus Ihat priest, touched with the feeling Ciknwt ieKDE EN o RONED SBMI-FINSH -'ibcd <f Itulips fon ail ai tis tai wiii sCt'. of aur intirmities. Is it too mucb HEINZ ChcenwtRi KDE BEN -10 g, sewing on buttons and - tiul. -It ts gocuilta baie tonc uivtut il is ta hope that the Christ Who bas MAYONNAISE MedC HEINZ COOKED i larnî front this that others plant weîî ta check Ili)n w;II; t î<îI given peace ici so many fallow- c ins tir flnished t îî..nt.forme make suine we haut nuit hiçt ait%. of ers may one day bringpecta S EAdermn. SANDWICH 2___________5Sp g e t j .-idiw-bat îhey own, t>' ,oy ta>'yt îig tne'cîîuthî. the nations ai the wanld a rseTle rcs r ffcie4o)an eI DRY AN DR . aRashnu- ____________________ent arrned for canflict? SALAD CREAM Med. Jar lSîh ta June 2th, inclusive. Tins 10OC iCO. LTD. ,S t'-hsiibwhns nuhhf Removlng Doubts, 38-40 _________________ one Fe aU hais fneWEDDING I Daubts may leadtoi taaith if the -11le -5211,Cai hrowt for ntmelupon my utihuuî' ih at r rsne ateHIZ__1- motner was gowned in blue witb Teaching, 41-48 STANDARD QUALITY alange black hat. andI harmoniz- Much of the canversation ai Peocfne e f R l gn a e n itnp corsage. Laten the couple leit Jesus wa.s table talk. liow ten- e aMo. 2 elNo, 2 fan a mator trp. the bride travel- derîy he ta]k-ed la his disciples in uNo. 2o lCut T ling n a navy ensemble with blue the uppen roont un Jerusalein'Fins ibs.25 t bat andI gray acce.ssories. On their throughout his farewelh address 2 s 29)or(nt2 3 -- j etunn they will live in Newcastle. ta thent. Aiten the resurrection Mrs.Doeis n lager ninledhe jo'ned bus disciples at a meal j r.Dei olne rnldwith thein he taîked, as anly be 1 1: [)E Il W H EA T andI worried. She uses Cress Con caulddo As usual he explained dMl 05 1 t -w

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