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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1936, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~UN ST18Mt.h, 1936rT.. TT'~~r 1tTTrAV~r~ Mis. N. L. R.ckard reviewed th life and ,vrk of the le Ho,.. Wat.son. and Mrs. Wm. Cowa read an :nteresî.ing Sketchc The Newcastle Independent Arobd rown 'of . r fTobl ron rs. gT. i teres thepupils i r se Mr-. John and Miss Jean Rick- rA. whe. preached at Pontypool pres.sed in painting and drawvini ard were in Ottawa lust week get- 'S. S. enniversary service. Mrs. W. H. Cooke who in the pre ting acquainted with som(ýQ, 0 rhe home toWh rivais, the New- paration of hier subject spent th-eir fatber's M.P. friends an e castie and thtý Jascoe.s. faced each F day at the Toronto Art Galien mnemlbers of their .f amilies and ohe on the diamond in an N. studying specimens of modem: *seeing the sights<ôf thie capital. IthN Leag-ue game on June 1th. art and great master piece, Mms. Norman Gartshore, Brigh- with* the former winning by 4 to spoke of whiat site had seen an, ton, visited 'Mr.. Isaac and Mr. 1 Batteries were: Newcaste- hieard and displayed a secre an~d Mrs. Carl Selby with Mms. IBil Brunt. P: Chas. Brereton, C. number of e-productions0 SelbY and children, aiso called on Jascos-Geo. Walton. P; Tom famous pictures whîch she hai Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Osborne. Brown. C: Umpires: piate-L. brougbt home with her. Mrs. 'I Mm. Ken Pearce. Lansing, and!Savery: base-jack Glover: both H. Clemence also read an artici Miss Jean Cawker. Toronto, were!o f Newtonvilie. As usual a big 'Education in Art' whichi quoteý Weekend guests of Mrs. W. H. icrowd. inciuding many sittîng in apoigyfrm oke yM and Mrs. H. R. Pearce.i their parked cars wt.nessed the Arthur Lismer .AR.C.A., Educat *Mrs. A. H. Fisher, Belleville, game. Geo. Graham 4Sandy' who ionai Supervisor of the Toront( spent the weekend with her'has now taken hi.s oider brother. Art Gallery. Misses Bernice Gilý moterMrs Ge. P Rikar. !Reeve A. W. Graham's place at bank and Mary Ciemence demon. Mrs. Harold Dean visited berifirs base, bas been appointe strated another form of art ir parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Harris team manager of the Newcastles their execution of a piano duel in Trono. rturing y mtorfor the remainder of the SEasn Among the vstors present. wer( iTo rssto etr, isMguerite. Thos. Brown retains bis posiio Mrs. R. K. Scair and Miss T1 Robert Duck*s Beef Ring began as manager of the Jascos. 1 Penfound. last Friday. Mr. John Hendry. 1 June meeting of the W. M. S. i____________ Lake Shore, providing the first of the United Chiurch. Newcastle, animal which dressed around 50() was held in the S. S. roomn on MAPLE GROVE pourids. June 4th with President Mrs. S. pounds.MacLean in the chair. The meet- et the Sunday morning service ing opened wth prayer by Mrs. Mm. and Mms. Roy Met.catf. MtS. in the United Cburch Mm. J. H. J. R. Fisher: scmpture reading by Madaline and Masters Glenn and Jose. lay delegate. gave a most Miss A. Druinmoncl. hem text deal- Ross Metcaif. Mr. and Mrs. Grant iliteresting review of the impor- îng with the Kingdom of GOd Bennet t. Base Lîne. spent Sunday tant feafures and proceedings Ofi Movement. Various secretaries with Mm. and Mrs. Chaude Tucker, the ay f Qint Cofernceingave reports. Mrs. F. Lovekin's Stirling. Oshawa. An enjoyabie and mem-; group wras in charge of the de- Mr. and Mrs. Alan Clark visit. orable aftemnoon was the one 'votional and progmam: Mrs. H. ed their cousins, Mm. and Mrs. S. spent at "Parkwood" where the Pearce read the scripture lesson; Clark, Oshawa. on Sunday. members of the conference were Mrs. Bowes, favored with a vocal Miss Mar-ion Snowden visited bospifably entertained by Mm. and solo. accompanied at the piano Miss Elsie Samis. Enf ietd. Mrs. R. S. McLaughin and shown by Mrs. E. C. Fisher and Mrs. Mman Mr.RR.Sees tbrogh be xtesiv an ma- ,George Alun gave a paper on Misses Dorothy Stevens and Greta nificent gardens. Rev. S.' Mac- JAfrica. Mrs. Norman Riekard gave Munday lef t Wednesday on a Lean conducted the service anda very fine and interesting report moto,,ti oGenRde .. gave bis regular Sunday mornîng; of the Women's Missionary Soc- t r~iip thformlenRiger.ndJ ~~ak t th chldrn. peaingon ety of Oshawa Presbyterial held brother-în-law. Mm. and Mrs. F. the fifth beatitude. Biessed are tOo. the rnercilful; for they shaîl ob- at Orono. and oLther friends en tain mercy. Mm. Jose also ac- NewAcastie blanked Newtonviliej route. companîed the pastor to Clarke 10-0 in a N. B. N. League game M~ Gladys W cese. Toronto. in the af temnoon and gave the on Monday evening on the East- spent 'le weekendid wth Mrs. R. congregation there an insîght into'ener's bail field. St evens. the woýrkings and accomrplish- 1'Hi-" many friends are pieased JMr. W. J. Snovden visited his ments of conference. i o see Mr. W. N. Buckley Out son. Raymond in Toronto. Mimes Eva and Mabel Vinson acain and steadily gainîng in A large number fron1 here at- in company %vith Mrs. W. H.i healI: and strengýth following his tended Ebenezer annlv"ersamy on Pearce and Messrs Howard and It-wýenty-five day stay in a hospital Sunday. H. R. Pearce attended the fun- in Toronto. Miss Symons. Port HoPe. vis:ted eral of their uncle. John Vinson. St. Georgýe*s Churcli: Rev. D, R. Miss Helen Metcalf. ,Taunton, on F'riday aftemnoon. ýDewdney. BA.. Rector. Sunday, Mapie Grove Sunday School An- Mm. and Mrs. J. A. Awde were1 June 2lst. lst Sunday after Trin- niversamy services will be held pleased to receive a visit fromr itY: 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School; Sunday. June M,. when Rev. J1. H. some Ameican'friends. Mm. and il1 a.m.-Morning PaeHIýtitn .ý.BDpso f Mrs. Geo. B. Wells of Senleca. S. Communion; 7 p.m.-Li"enirg . Centrai United Church. St. Dakota. iPrayer. Thomas, a former popular pastor, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glenney jMm. Chas. Clemence. Toronto-.1 wifl peak ai. 2 and 7 p.m. Special went to Osbawa Sunday te see i3 holidaying with is parent.ý music by the school under the their brotber-in-law, Rev. R. A. Mm. and Mrs. W. J. Clemence. leadership of Mr. A. Laird. assist- Delve. who is criticaliy iii at the Many relatives fmom this sec- ed by Mapie Grove Maie Oc- home o! bis son, Mr. John Delve. tion attended the funemai of the ltette, Mrs. (ReV.) J. H. Staint on. Mr. Frank O'Neil, Mms. P. O'Neil late Mm. Hamilton, brother-mn- St. Thomas, and Mr. Sam Castie. withMr.andMrs.H. rertonla.w of Mr. J. F. Osborne, in Mili- Special offering in aid of school wioth Mm.aTondtMs.H. reretoan brook on Tuesday. f unds. Monday, June 22nd, 3 p. brought Master Saniy Brereton Mm. and Mms. Geo. Wright. and mi. Progmam of sports for the home from the Sick Children's children, London, were weekend children: 4.30 p.m. Girls' sof fball Hospital wheme be had undergone guests of Mm. and Mrs. J. R. game. Courtice vs Maple Gro-ve; an operation for rupture. They Fisher. "Sunnyside". 6.30 League football game.l also called on Rev. F. H. Mason Mm. Donald Gibson's last lot of Tyrone vs Hampton. Supperwi ~nd rs.M.aon t teirnewincubator hatched barred rocks b>' served from 4.3» p.m. 8 p.m. home which tbey have fogt sor this season came off the f irst Solina Young People will present a rect.ory. bghaso f the week. His total hatch for their Play "Safety Fimst" under United Church-Rev. S. Mac <lthe season has been 1,010 chicks. the direction of Mm. Blake Stev- 1jen. .A. Pato. Snda, Jnean increase of 4,000 over hast ens. Admission-Adults Tea and 2lst: 10.15 ami.--Sunday School; year. Concert 50c: Tea oniy 40c, Con- 11 am.-ornng Wrshp; p. Be sure f0 come f0 St. George's cerf 25c: Children Tea and Con- il .m.-Mning er sipi8ce . Church Annuai Strawberry Tea cert 30c; Tea only 20c, Concert. m. W..eiing ervic .,Pny and Garden Party on the Rectory only 15C. AUl services Standard Rol.e. W.F. Rding, MA., Pntay- liawn. on Th-ursday. June 25th. Time. pol.excg ihnged pS.pifs undaB. Tea 5.30 - 8 p.m. Aduits 25c;___ evenng ithRev S.Macean B.Chidren 20c. Mrs. R. P. Butler Celebrates J HAMPTON j 86th Birthday CORCongratulations are extendedi Nir. Frîiiîk Ia-titig>. )Ia Mi o Mrs. R. ~P. Butler, one of our h nIe \rtiweked moteiderly and much esteemed jiNir.aî r.K ael and lady citizens who on June 4th faîli!ix, Tr, rît.) vj.jtud lier hî.re,îî.., celebrated ber 86th birthday. She Nlr. aîîd MmI,. C,. W iih.Nasterj - was the recipienr. 0f many con- i.iuîigla, Ca',erhy reîîîrtied homne witii Jgratulations and tokens of love thein. Jand affection from relatives and 'îIi.,..Eirîrîr Sýkt. i.. ati hîneiehaý'- friencis who attended aftemnoon iîîg 1etuheî uhr eotîr.e at .I.C, - tea. The members of ber f anily \ hitix. C"ISa- E S S <were ail present including Dr. NIi..ýl...e in,îi MpcG. mis land Mrs. J. A. Butler, Mm. and zin mt thie week etiîl ai t me atit bosS *Mrs. Floyd Butler, Mrs. Stella NIrr W. W. H-ortiîamuIdlDr. \Vaîl- IAnderson of the Newcastle AmsfaeHrî~ei ew da%\ witil TIHERE'S a crunchy goodness in Mr. George and Miss Cama But- ler brother. lir, NI ..r îfl toased fake of orr tha em alil of Newcastle, Mm. and Mrs . N ew 'irk. Wallace adîlrossud lthe othr eralcai gveyo. nd Roy Butler, Toronto. Chinistrv .\..rocatjr)ii otercreI C gv yu Adai Niagara Falls, duriiig when you enjoy Kellogg's- Uaited Church W. A. the .aii.cii the original Corn Flakes - you W. A. of the United Churcb bad Mm.r Fred Bjhhlett, Tr,oiit,) have the added quality of Gven moa lrg eatiengdac at teir ilie ast v.ek end. monthly meetingessatavMrs.-W' . J i fiS I>ermiee ! Roger., Mafle fresnes-machles favo . Rickamd's, Sbaws. on June llth, )'rîve J)eTit Sîiiday au home.. At ail grocers. Made by Kel- Ivrs. W. H. Cooke presided. Bas- Mi~- Gladyý-slaiamii . accoiui- logg in London, Ontario. kets and vases of iovely June ir;îiied liv liîtl, Jimim %Wroil!ey, 1T%- flowers the rooms, r. lie, sl)(r..ii iîr ek unîf ai lime. ldothing takes the place of bightened their appearance and Kiirîx, [Egvpî), a greeted the arrivai of the ladies i. trielast %weekeul from Newcastle and countryside . %fr. ai<I Mm. W jhl Gai uiîl fati;-1 Mrs. T. H. Ciemence's goup en- :1%. Toruîîîri, 'ilîdIi îaretitî,. Nm. ir a wte;ýrained and edified the gather- id \Ir,. W. Ji.(3. C:O]rN FL8I<ES ing with a weii arranged progmam .ldiîjUrîirui i li aiui abrac on -Canadian Art and Artists-. %%11I .e i ,,.rt!d nl .,,,i-i.t1-1 Geo. M. Bosnell, G. E. Garnett TORONTO OPTOMETRISTS TORONTO OFFICE 2143 DANFORTH AVE. - GR. 7078 PORT HOPE Office is open WEDNESDAY of each week from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Phone 248 or 525J. G. M. Bosnell in charge. COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of each week from 9 a.m. to .9 p.m. Gordon E. Garnett in charge. NOTE-Where at ail possible kindly make appointments for exarinnations. Between ail pointe in Canada. Taie advantage of the»e Jow rail fares f0 spend a delightfl Dominion Day holidayl FrARE and ONE THIIXD for ROUND TRIP Mijimum Rail Faro 25l Tickets good going Tuesday, lune 30, until 2 p.m., Wednesday, July 1. Rtura Limnit, ieaving destination flot later flian Midnight, Thursday, luIy 2. .For f1... and furher ifiormation appiy Ticket Ageti, CANADIAN NATIONAL IilCer,iiiI caruer oi onue (iii iis il, us cý i, .' '>)i, . hir. \\'alhaice Fîri a, rfiiu,fri the 1mai1 nage 'I ftlihu il. h irNrote. NI 1r, andîi'NI1 r n. Ï'11ivrrI il îumi j oy ;a 'a% dotu ailnI Mr. S.,L._Nlrrîuîîjrî i M'ieiN r. and Mms. H. A\. Bird, ai ) riiig Nr>. S. .NoIllitjrî\.ru- 1,îrti. il ,11lutivn w ,Itthurmu, auher a.*,,,,, l% -r k' \iijt , lilier iuIter ai (irimu, ho aiii lin 'ilium, NIr. Fratikl, riuia NIi-. iceeî aîl i 1>ctt Kuox .and NM i -. NarY Jîv h, h BwuuuimIll hti "f rtiî(1eiiu teîur .11 Ontiario r atid INir,. Alhfred SumitliTo- r ir i .ji'M Nr. andîlMNr.. .1 1 î i. Irir iu aîiiig ti, ilaul Nr.aîildNîrs.l'ratik aru atnd Ah e. N r. i~r l'hihhî. , ,'iil )avirl u,', ietr 1Irmgr ha,, lien tLa w ,,îi' Nla.îer ("rhui (rî..î. TrIr.itI, .B.N. LEAGIJE SCHEDULE Jun>- 19-Newcastie ai. Jascos 22-Bowmanville at Newtonville 24-Newtonville ai. Jascos 26-Bowmanville ai. Newcast.le 30-Newýcastle ai. Bowmanville July- 3-Newtonvihle ai. Newcastle 6-Bowmanville at Jascos 8-Newtonviile ai. Bowmanviile 1O-Jascos ai.Newcastle 15-Newcas.he ai Newtonviile 16-Jascos ai. Bowmanvilhe 20-Newcastie ai. Jascos 22-Bowmanviîi.e af Newfonville 24-Newca.stle at Bowmanville 26--Bowmanville at Newcastle Articles For Sale FOR SALE-100 CORDS POUR- Jack G. Sinith. Drawer 6. Bob- Halifax, N. S.. Charles MIhEler of President Geo. E. Chase, while K à,rç -Past President C. T. Ross pre- cayeo.Int.PUns 3-2.TonoadAfe eef sented the code of ethics and 2-fBalimore, Md. Pasi. Presîdent Fred Cryderman e- ~ELECTRIC STOVE FOR SALE - An inté&etiig feature of the presented his badge. He wa s Three eliemesmand kîtche n ,sum- 0f Willa.thJ. Obaliittio o rlb E. F. A msfronPrg.en SalY. Theeale men t anorw :ove meein J. Ue orali intionub .F. ommasteromebgreid. ____________ mer cottage thai. is wimed: aiso _______________________________ n ________________-___ -Forcoal annex affached: wili sell 5. , L-~~roperty AFeaobr rg ai id separatey. AHand Man la Any . etDEATHS FOR SALE- FMV ROOMED Phone 413 or Drawem B, Bow- A My bl n i n 1 in~anville. 2 - of brick house, on Queen St., _____ LdALI-A erreiene Fshr, as.,godgrdn n grge;____iTUE 7 CR M» aaa's Tow n F dian LN-tne medne , LFisheRs , PpEast. ood grdn adugre. O A1ESTtEEECRC le'. In diaa o ue 13 ia f r.,F wAi 0. RF. Purdy, DukecoditinSt e M. roadbeloed wie o!~ Bomanvile. 53w Rado n erf cet ondition There are ver-v few jobs that D. R., black- - jJmantie model.ucheap.ofpthy X.d t J.h aln.daElgzer !th e ra PROPERTY FOR SALE- SIXI Leslie Phillips. Box 81. Bo~-: smith and General Repairman ta flot equipped to handie. r. LatteJohn ain Elizabet rad, ooms and ahi conveniences on- manvîhle. 25-1 Staff of four capable men to assure you prompt and ,0 Little Britain. nement at Church Street, suitably priced 1 I eff icient service. O Little B ritingmtery.o I t for quick sale. Apply Miss E.J FOR SALE-MASSEY IAet o ao uhpeAdronMcinr n -BONLnDaintnonatiNeads. Phone 355, Bowmanvilhei Sepamator: Massey Harris re- AetfrTc uhp-Adro ahnr n ura ,ne 13th,19,365Mar buill Mowe: McCorimck Mow, Implements, and Dille and McGuire Lawn Mowers. n garet Brooks, beloved wife of _ _ _ _ __25-__ _ _ _Ï I e; 2 Frs oo o e s e. J.J rwi eet er.,I pamen-to Rn ed arriMas e ariltDump, Acetylene and Electric Welding - Lawn wright. Lot 22, Concession 2, on'mnsoe otct mt o.1-5i isae ne-M wr hree ee! Th Bucda, Jue lltbhomas Funeral Pariors, ail convenienc- national Ensilage Cutter. usedBlcsihn F. ruc. eloed usand0f es. Apply Mrs. Alan Williams. one season. Also fulli une of Elno trn. nhi 3r 159. 22-tf Genuine Massey Harris epairs. JHAMILTON-At the prîvate hos- JWS. Stapies, Massey HarrisD R e A 1 r a Pifai. Millbrook, Ontario, Sat- TO LET- 5ROOMM APART- Agent, in West End et ktngRn -s uday Jue 1thJosph am- men inStaesmn Bock Ap Phone 81. Bowmanville . 25-V* KingStetE x kaigRn d ilton. belovedi husband of piy Stafesmin Office 23-t_______________________________ t Bert.ha Osborne, and brother of' SHUTTERS FOR SAL-21 WIN--_____________ y Samuel Hamilton, Milhbmook. Farm For Sale dow shutters. useful for sum- LOCKWOOD-On June l5th, ai..L..,.____ mer cottage or chicken bouse. jthe residence of lhem brother.,: FOR SAL-75 ACRE DAIRY Bargain for quuck sale. AppiyW e k nd S ca s Mm. Thornton Huycke, 44 Ken-, Farm 9 miles north of Bow- Geo. W. Jaumes. Bowmanvilie. W e e d S e i l nedy Park Road. Toront, Ma- manville. Going concersstock1 Phone 53. bel Josephine. widow of the and implements. Cr(p in. hate C. K. Lockwood in hiem 78th Towvn or city poperty part pay- FOR SALE-- SINGLE RI.DING1 CokesOkeDse jyear. Mother o! Mms. Geo. E. ment. Mrs. Lillie Mountjoy.1 Plow, McDeeing No. 13; Cakese neDoe Chase, Bowmanviîîe. R. R. 6, Bowmanvilie. Phone j Deeing Mowers. 5 f t. cut: 3 Choice Date and Fig RATCLEFTFE.On Tuesday, June 320r22. 25-tf. Massey Mowers. Sm2 f t. cut: Hermits Cookies 9th. 1936. at lier home, 14 Glen' Massey-Harmis Cream Sepamat- O L OR Almond Morris Street, Toronto, Jane FOR QUICK SA.LE-FIVE ACRES or: McCommick Mowem 5S f. ButterscotchOeChiehryFut late George Arthur Ratchîffe.1 Good standing cmop. Apply T.11 10 horse': M.-H-. oil bath inowerJî jand dear mother of Mrs. George H.-1 Lockhart. Bowmalnrvihle.j new. jusi. eut 30 acres: Frosi.& Ji Dandy cake R.aspberry LE. May and Wilii Ratcliffe. i Phone 516. 25-1w 1 Wood mower. 5 fi.. eut. L. R. AberneFruVit La e±yRî Intement Park Lawn Cemetery. - Wood, Mc-Deerîng Agent. Bow- Frui Lof JllTi ol TIGHE-On June 15, 1936, at St.! Rooms To Rent manvilie. Phone 597 or 555. Dt MichaQl's Hospit ah. Torono.'i- 11-c eua 0 ec Ehien Mary Tighe. daughfer oftý FOR RENT- TWO F RON T;Dae eguar30 tUe 1sf e Chas. Tîglie and Bmîd- 1ooms for light housekeeping..,Sryd pCa uiyRî get Burke. Brampon. Coiusn ' Write C. M.. Drawer B.. Bow- Stae IcalJlyRl of Dr. F. Tiglie. Bowmanvilie mavîhe. 3-1 STRAY--ED-FRO)M PAS-25 onu WILLIAMSON - In Cartwright-.t-rCOW arSugar 25c CoconutoI on Wednesday, June 10. James 'Wanted stue. famm east fyTy.on. Hol- W. Willamson, beloved hus- - ker. Bowý:nanihle. Phone 94. IEC EMS E IL h bandi of Mary Me i n his FFURNISHED HOUSE WANTED CREAM SPECIALSda 73md year. Inferment U n i o n for July andi August. At leasi _____ 2L FehFri udeloc Cemetemy. CadmuL. thee bedooms n e c e s s a r v. S P YM le il i lv r O Town of Bowinanville pmefemm'- HEIFER STR FD-FROM LOT Mle ik l lvr o I..'eti. although beach front pr - 6. Con. 5. Darlîngton, Durhamn Ice Cream Sodas, ail flavors loc P-erty wii be considered. When lieifer, grey. 2 yeai's olti. Net- Neilson 's DeLuxe Ice Cream Bricks 25C ______ OF_______ answering. give location. num-1 ifs' Frank Weriry. Phone 146r4. Canada Dry Ginger Ale, large bottie20 Mr. nd ii . Wodwxd. necessary dei.aiis. Address J.H..i Miscellaneous Mm.ani Ms.R. oowar.'Drawer B. Bo,.wmranville. 24-21I Mm. and Mrs. J. M. Woodward. i - -I ELOCUTION8 k r Mrs. Hawley and Miss Hawiey;WANTED-WORK HORSE. NOT LA UR GORMAN-GALE - Tea- wish f0 express their thanks te aged. true single om double, cýher f louton.Phne1S 19-tfofPhone 97 BowPhone 158 cifizens for their timeîy assist- cash. Apply by letter te "H.M."1 ance ai. the f ire in Taylor's Rink. Statesnan Office. 24-2* WEST END GARAGE AND) MA- j I ~~~~~~~chine Shop - We specialize in _____________________________ Mms. T. F. Bruce and famihy, For Sale or Rent maciuinery epaîrs, generai gar- Cart.wright, wish f0 thank their- age ,epairs, welding, tovýi many relatives, frientis a n d!FOR SALE OR RENTA SOLID servic e.J.L. Demerlîng, Pro- r neighbours for their kind ex- bi'sck bouse on Centre Street, prieter, Bowmiani île. Ph on e Pressions of sympathy and floral'r ahi conveniences, double gar- 81. 23-tf tributes extended duing theire- age. Apply Albert E. Beliman _______________ u r cent sad bereavemeni.. Phone 526. 7-tf The famiiy of the late Mms. Win. ___FoundI EBENEZER NATIVE Nixon wisb fe, express their s-n-______- ______ AWARDE8WH(D cere thanks f0 Mrs. Smythe and MONEY POUND)--N BOWMAN- A A D DDG E the nurses of Bowmanviiie Hos- vill. O1nm nîy hav sam pital andtito Dr. Birks who have by pmoving property. Apply 1u-uîî IIr,,ii Page 1) l atendeti their nother during bier Statesman Office. 25-i etseecreul ardit lasi. iiln anti also to ahiý who POUND-MONEY. OWNER MAY tiv0 groups. One' group was plac- sent flowers: f0 Rev. M. R. Sand- have samne by proving pmopety. ed in tUe ieguiar grade classes erson, Toronto, who took tUe Apply Wmn. Lonsbemry, B. T. S. taking megtuiam work ahl day. TUe funemai service. anti to ahI others 1 Bowmanvilie. 25-1- other group was segregateti and -Ral ol o f who have helped in any waY dur- J- covemed all the regular school Ral ol o f ing their sad beeavement course in tUe foenoons for the hnisRalFr h Mm. a d Mms Ppmmn ant thei j D r >i.êi ~ ',î entime iwo year period. In the W e e e l v F e l Ms. erinandthirBusiness Direcory af ternocn i.hey took extra art son Alfred,. R. R. 2. Newcastle. womk, music, drmiatics, IWish f0 thank Most heartily alh fece bos hl dsuain the frientis and neighbourswb LEGAL A &elctdboksCel dFcsioEfg 50 kidiy ave o ther tim ant M. G V. GOULD B.A., LLýB factomies. pamks for nature sfudy,4 ofsIaor .dul ru energY aftbe barn raising on! took up French, and visitet nuis- 0T ofefaoi obyi- Satumday hast, and f0 the ladies j Barrister. Solicitor, NotAry' eums. * hte ce Cfitf2e a w h o assiste ti in th e p rep aratio n P h on e 351 p u î g t e f r i. f u o t . o r Wtanec Everything went off in splendid' W . TIK othe er serlt tfovailutews , cef (ce money can buy... A & P style and if surely will be a treat' W .SRK eteiabht ocvraiteCofee.! to owse aban n he I Barrister, Solicitor, Notary work in hialf the school time. By of0th no see ban nte ae oicitor for Bank of Montreal the end of the first year therei WEEK-END SPECIAL 0fsl the oneysoe which pmev-1 Money to Loan Phone 91. weme onily two failures by a smialli iousl mtnes gaze when pas- Bowmanville, Ontario margin. At the endi of two years, in.thity-six tests, mostly standard- VGRU -b j L. C. MASON, B..A. ized objective tests. were given AND WIEY O ATn27 BREEDERS HOSTS Barrister - Solicitor botb gi-oups. On twelve o! theseVGOOSOR 27 Notamy Public - Etc. tests there was a statistically i-e- PRUNES SANTA CLARA 7010's 3 Ii- 20e TO GUESTS FROM Law in ail its branches. iable diffemence and the experu- Kî~' NA B CE TE Ofceimmediately east of Royal mental class led in ten of these CORN FLAKES Quaker orS 2p. 15e NE RB C NT ESTheatre. i.welve. Stadard -lie. 2 (,itiie rmPg1) Phones: Office 688; Home 553. The Resuits IONA PEAS No Sie7e - 2 Tins 15e cu wswo y rc oulsIa;DNTLTbe results showed 41) That 1Coc o cu aswn yBrcDogasIa;D NT Lbrighi. pupiis now waste much RASP13ERRIES Quaflty - .TIn 7e 2nd, Sandy Muir, Courtice;' 3rd. - . valuable time>. <2) An enîich ROTARY CLUB unembemip.Mm. Chahhis repre- sents the vocation of Automnobile Wvesley Werry, 1Hampton. At noon between four and f ive hundred joined for the picnic lunch at the Orono Park. Harry Jose, Newcastle, President of the Durham Club, assumed charge oi the program by calling on W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., and W. F. Rickard, M.P. for short addresses. F. Pat- terson, Agricultural Representa- tive for Weland County, who spent seven years in thi.s capacity n Durham County from 1920 to 1927 accepted the invitation to re- new old acquaintances on this occasion and he was honoure>j by being asked te introduce the guest speaker, Dr. E. S. Archibald. Director of Dominion Experimen- tal Farms. Dr. Achibald's adclress dealing with some of the phases of the work on these Demonstration F'arm.s, was Most interesting. He .xtended a cordial invitation to alI present to visit the Central Experimental Farm, Ott a wa. Others who appeared on the program to bring greetings fromi their Clubs and Counties were:F Mr. ClemonLs, Secret.ary of the Elolstein Breeders Association, Brantford; Robt. HolLby, Port Ferry: E. A. Innes. A. D. Runions .nd A. H. Martin, Agricultural %epresentatives for Ontario, Pet- ýrboro and Northu.mber 1 a n d ounties. respectively. Mr. Hall, 'ast President of the Holsteàn Ireeder's Club for Victoria County ýoke on behaîf of their club and >Chas. AllUn, Secretary of the 9.rham Shothorn Breeder's As- cation, expressed thanks for he kind invitation extended to heir Club members to attend. E. A. Sum.mers, Agricultural ýepresentative for Durham, was i charge of ceremonies whîcb .cluded sports for the cblldren swell as the adults. is E A *ti F e: E g B P4 Ri i mn s DR. J. C. DEVITT program 0of studies: (a) Stim- Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson ulates the whole mental life of Gradluate of Royal Dental Col- the child;(b) Pupils attend more lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jub- regularly and punctually: (c) Dis- ilee Bldg., Bowmani-ille. Office cipline problems were greatly les- hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily ex- sened: (d) Cultural subject.s such cept Sunday. as good reading, art, music. dra- Phone 90. House phone 283. maties, etc.. were more fuily de- X-Ray Eciuipment in Office. veloped enniching lufe and lei- sure tirne. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Interestîng Faets FUNEAL IRECORS Among the interestirig f acts FUNEAL IRECORS brought to light through the tests Service. any hour, any day. were these: 1 F. F. MORRIS CO. ihhd Modern Motor Eauipment boys and 26 girls in class of 37., Ambulance and Invalid Car Cali Phone 10 or 34, Boys took domestic science and, Assistant; 573 girls manual training part of each BOWMA.NVILTJE year with good resuits. Toronto pays much more per NORTHCUTT & SMITH pupil to educate ber* sub-normal> Compieboys andagiServicespecial auxiliary Mompleqeuet-Ambulanice i than Cleveland does to educate M od e n E uip e nt - A b ul n c e b e r b rillia n t c h ild re n in sp e c ia l. - A. W. G. Northeutt- classes for super normal chiîdren. - Aubrey Smiith - Phone Days 56 At the end of two years with Nights. Sundays or Holidays but one exception, every parent Phone 623 or 276. and local inspector asked to have this special class continued. It SHOE REPAIRS bas now been in operation 4 years. R. P WSONIt began as a mixed Junior and R.PAWSONSenior Third. Senior Third group, ahl passed Entrance June Boot and Shoe Repii'g1 and have done exceptionally well Sole sen onby ood3ear in their f irst year at Collegiate. Stitching Machine. Prices reasonable In recent years many leading' King Street East - BowmaniUfe educationists have advocated spec- lai instruction for brilliant pupils. MUSIC ncluding Sir Michael Sadler of' musicEngland, Horn, Osburn, Rohans' FRANCIS SUTTON and othrs of the UnitedStes jDTis ciass bas pioneered in To- Mus.Bac., F.C.C.O. Fonto. Wth outstanding success A.T.C.M. diplomas inPinlnsc iisaCevadadi Singng.Violn ad Oran. Los Angeles it would appear there Private or class lessons. is a rich field for experiniental Pupils prepared for al I study witb this type of children 1examinations. f rom whomn our future leaders Phone 42, Bowmanvlile 1 will be large]y drawn. NECTAR TEA Blnde P &G SOAP Nahh GENUINE 1936 SPRWG LAMI LEGS lb. 330 LOINS lb. 33o FRONTS lb 20o RHAST BLADE ». 12c SHORT RIS - lb.S B01NELESS FANCY ROASTING VEAL ROLLS l.15c.CIICKEIS 4-1bAve.lbDe9 SWIF'-S PEmimfUM Side Bacon sur3-d l 1 Bock Bacon suffl 23.ý Cole Slow OIn'gL ' .23ec RS Potalo Salad W. Cale & lb.23e 1Fillets . . * . l5o Lunch LoafoUt .25c. FRESH Spiced daom >al.35e Whitefish - lb18 Cooked Ha. silIoeâ1lb.49e S2cSalmon BY the Plece lb. 24. Beef Bologna 2 l 5 CENTRE CUTS & STEAKS, lb. "s, F-es/g FRUITS and l/EGEIABLES ORANGES VaJencias .-.-- . 35ç'j~ POTATOES No. 1 New 3 - 1 7c O NIONS Txas Veîîow -.- -3 11-- 15e P EAS cauternla -2- - - 25e - - 25elb ' 3P1 O 2 25sle POOLTRY FEEDS FOO rhDI, STOR n ne.avn qatfE @Ammm * For ruai profits 'n poultry use A & P Do.iIy Egg Scratch Foed and Mfal, Food. Thos. foodi are Laboratory Teated, Youi- A & P Manager 1 THE CANADLAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO. THITR-qDAV -TTTWIl lQfl, lnýQ he .er an of :A. 41S ctn. 47C 1 i ý 1

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