With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME 82 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 25th, 1936NUBR2 H iiNflPFfl MAKF MFPPV AÇ CITIZENS TO OBSERVE DECORATION DAY ON SUNDAY SUNDAY SPEAKER :onl mma90%11901 É9 iliN1m .II ILMIMI 1 IIU CANADIAN LEGION MARKS KING EDWARD'S BIRTHDAY UUIUIAM CUUUNIT[YUuUUL TRUSTEES SHOW LITTLE Successful Street Carnival WILLIAM SAVAGE COMMITTEES ARE i Speaker doae and Dance Staged Here MET TRAGIC DEATH',IAPITDFR Hat us evc Tuesday - Miss HelenR O T A R Y C A R N I V A L ' F or R u a Di t c s - Pritchard Wins Major Former MIanager of Bo4wman Slni d Cash Prize in Draw Oshawa Horne - Was NetPasAeUdrW rRtary S pHer ____Well For Some Time Plns reondeJuly for5Bo ance and Division Streets. wa Death came wth tragic sud- Thee re 100 rualsch5l i t)'e mecca of a large crowd of1 denness on Friday evening, a f ew I nerte iecin fG ý.arcing fans and carnival pat- minutes before seven o'clock, toChs.Fi Mage, ran-Co.EE.SdrBAPtHp, ron.s on Tuesaynight, when the Wm. Savage. aged 50, who resid-ChaetsFr th aRnagrClb'ran- aCol. . W dEl.BA, o C a n a dja n L egion elebrated th e fu a i an d g reatest air a n d C a r- 1 b ou rg , re q i n 30 tr t es t King's birthday with a street e at 75 Bond Street East, Osh- 'f nival are being speeded up as' administErteraars beie dance and carnival. Prom nine awa, and who was a former Bow- Wednesday. July l5th, draws1 the few thuad1! ua ae o'clock until one in the morning manville citizen. nearer. Committees have been 1Payers in h ont.0 h the cro d pack d into he blo k'ý He ring th soMayofra Rot, TSErike appointedL&NVand are at M ay rrk carry- totalloi tenuanbarr w worm c rry-betae nu t h e co w d p c e n o th c e r n th e funnf a.h t H E T A C O O M N I L E C M T R W h o w ill d e liv e r th e a d d ress in g o u t th e ir a sig n e d ta s k s . A s P e c te d t oe i t r st d i o a !Vincent McDougall, who lîves at Where hundreds of citizens on Sunday after- 'F'raternial Societies, Pire Brigade, Boy Scouts and at the Decoration Day service in in the past few years Mr. Chase school maesadtr n t Nearly a dozen booths did busi-1 the saine address, ran downstairs floon wiIl gather to joîn in an impressive me.m- Cubs, and other organizations will parade f romn Bowm.anville Cemetery on Sun- will be mianager of the whole a!- tend the ana etnso h ness in a wide variety of lines,!and looked into the bedroorn, orial service for those who lie buried within. The Central School to the Cemetery, marching off at dLay afternoon. 'aM.Te commnittesfloDra onyTutees' n but refes dmnes oths seeme where he foln Mr. Savage service is ointly sponsored by the Town Counicil 12 o'clock shailp, D.S.T. Members o! the Ministerial with the f irst named as chair- Ratepayers soitoaot1 an graetd em cowand t anot stretched out across the bed, a and the Ministenial Association. The Legion Band, Association will conduct the service and Mayor man: or 20 werprstatheN- a sendng rod. nd any0frevolver still clutched in his hand. Town Councîl and Officiais. Canaci Legion, IStrike will deliver the address. Paad CmùteeP.C Har asieConunit Hl o St the wheels of fortune did not 'do While no de! mite reason has been Parade________________________C._______________________ C MCET peced gve fr he ctontaenbytheFO D CO ATON T. W. Cawker, eo. W. jaes urday aftenoue2Oh Th as ru hing a busness as wa ex- given for he acion aken ytheC H OIR~ FO D EC O A TIO F.. WlWiasliM.A.,N al. P r.ha- i ttal ttendi>cewtotaltncudin pected.unfortunate man, it is known TORONTO CHOIRfl ISKa II I N ~1. DAY CEREMONIES in onite-so E hs 5- or 6 visiosalgetaek Each hour during the evening that he had not beenhmeffr IE R U D YA I If rLn lit.Fe yemn r.Teeae6 ua co] drwswremdefo ucytick- several days. George Ives, also "F U R GE ER TFishF P. lod-Mr i Cri. î ersmanaeb20trsesiIn eta. At ne 'clc h wne omr ntehmntfi1 TRAIN ING S HOO Legion Band Wlii Provide Music Ps od s e.Eliott;Hot age nînMs. E A coc the w înnep- e a ocmerand te M.home notf ý - f u9 1For Service at Cemetery - Iogs,--Harry AlUin, Groceries- spectoratE N. i i at rg was rs. E. A Mathew, T mp- the olie an Sg. M. Bow an T A M ~ Ib M "~, ..I III< I~ H I~ IMany Former C izens Ex- Mrs. Harry Allin; Horse Race No. jClarke. rI ngo:n a vr erance Street. who received a notified Coroner Dr. R . McMul- Trinity Uited Church Choir of ,I Y Jd d ~ petdHr o ekn 1-C. T. Ross; Horse Race No. 2Twsis n 3i h ula kitchen set. of bread knife, bread len. The coiner stated that nf0 Toronto Provided Program of! _______ -M.VA. Neal: Sof t Drinors-W. p end o!nspecoaeN.2 a board. carving knife and paring inquest would be held. k being an S-M.Mui A. Nf ~U WT"WWU Cr ett: îlBoth..A.Ksp. i-aed of tutes til r st knfe A eno'lokMr. hO.obvious case. The tragic affair Y I L K "' L UK IA I On Sunday afternoon, Bow- ty; Lawn Chairs-W. J. Challis: uated in CvnadHp on McMullen o! Bowmanville won a was investigated by Sgt. M. Bow- At the invitation fM.eo mnieciinsptadpr- Money Wheel-W. E. Smith; sis ra ete em t stainless steel carving set, and at mnadDtcieSt H ln aby ebrofthe.Advio3 ____________FO R____________I mcnillpay triues t th'ei-Rmsn o-T.H Ki ht:haeortae"oprtinte s helevte lck Mrst i rckettte!!. Board of the Ontario Training lustriolus dead at the annual Blankets-C. E. Rehder: Bo~t tiî i sociation ath u h he a m e- shereeivd crvig et laie Mr. Savage is survived by Church Choir of Toronto, under to a complete washout of theDcrto er Booth-Mrs. M. A. Neal: Nov- the localrsien dpina About midnight the draw for two daughiers. the direction o! Mr. Ernest Shil- Plyd Iprat at dam. Mr. Vanstone reconstruct- the Cemetery. Plans for this ev- elties-Frank Williams; Tinware visitors. thecas pize ws mdeby .,The late Mr. Savage was fairly drick. visited the Scîhool for the ,~ Dra Hso ~ c the dam and compietely equip-, cnt have been compieted by the -Wýes. Cawker; Advertisng-T., Comparrghenm ro!ps F..Rckad. .P.Thelucy.Pn-.eThenon i Osawa haingsecnd ue n Snda whninT" edshealan.i. ru aicapcitecMonderil Asocatinnad Cun-H Kigh sile pteder wih te atua ners were: Miss Helen Pritchard, iived there for several years. He they presented a varied and en- Mark Fifty Years i n While this was the first in- cillor C. G. Morris representing it was nowndrtaPeset Bowmanville, $25,00; Miss Eileen was formerly a resident of Or- joyable program of music. The ]Bowmnanville Location stneo h5asoeFml heTw oni.totA .A 11ddell. Orono, $1500: Mrs. M. angeville. where he was manager members of the choir were guests tance o the Vowanone FMillh T Council . A.MoW.s Annise, Tyrone, expressedoin Crk. Bowmanville. $10.00: Qor- of a hoiel. He also managed the of the school for tea and were Samuel Vanstone ai one trne notices to numerous organiza- GOODYEAR PICNIC 1 the nuinbr rsn.H huh don Hennings. Bowmanvilie. $5: "Bowrnan House" in Bowxmanville taken on a tour o! inspection. In the DÙU anld Distant Past1 renîed and operated the Mill tions aski.ng their co-opei'aîîon. ' ~ because 0fteoa:tdeO h and Mrs. Albert Darch, Bowxman- for some tîme and he was manag- The program opened wiih ai column of last week's Statesman some years before. Prof. Squair and it is hoped tbat many o! IVRO HESER~.I, .Y. work of poiiga dcto ville. $5. er of "The Club" which opened in special setting o! the National under the 50 years agotnews, ap- in his book "Darlington and themr will take part ;n the par- oteY The chaimmen o! the several the Y.M.C.A. building, in Oshawa, Anthem and other numbers by peared an interesting item relate- Clarke" relates that Samuel Van- ade to the cemetery on Sunday Several hundred employees of I tion. of tEacigte h ud booths werc: Deck chairs-Arley some years ago. the entire choir were a special [ing that Jabez Cyrus Vanstone. isione was also at one time a part- afternoon. th oder Tire & Rubber amentalsfcesrtohelvn Living: Rereshmnents-H. Moses; funeral parlores o! the Luke Bur- astcry Garden" and "Dear Land removed to Bowmanville wherc if Clarke Township. In addition 1.45 p.m. D.S.T.. at the Central, ies and f riends. attended the an-,bcueo h nrosaon Groceries-G. Jones; Harrs and ial Comnpany. wIith interment. in o! Home." Ruthven MacDonald.ihe would operate the mîll there. tic also operated the Hampton Public ,School, and will march o!ff nual pibcnie on Saturday. The o! moneyexndo!tehos Sua-.Shotier: Free Money the Union Cemetery. celebrated concert singer and This reference to the Vastn Ml for a time. at 2 p.m. sharp. The aaewllpci hs ertonhefm !jsîrcofseggd !tepie -,George Meadows: Horse Races - f avourite o! Toronto audiences f amribrings. to mind the nearlyVas mdarmr-budrthcmado!Piabateusont er,'e.swrh fth rwmara, _-G. Wýatson; Prize draw-R. M. who has visited the school on di!- a century o! service ihis !am J.C.Vasone madeac mr-b ne h omn fPs otecrint RocherN. ez ot Cotton and A. J. Lyle. These lai- OSHAWA BOYS BAND ferent occasions, was present ily has rendered the farming a1 success off the business. An President R. M. Cotton o! the Y. The excursion ists iraveiied to, the boysan gilofhest, 1ýmen carried mosi o! the bur- EX SU D Y again and sang a hass solo, "Bury! community off West Durham :ý tin f Canadian Men" pub- Canadian Legion. and definite Oshawa by car and bus, to catch f or whth le . n o! the carnival on their HERE NEX ShAYI Down Deep." Re also gave a: Three generations o! the Van- f iisheà in 1893 says o! h1uim, "He Places will be allocaicd for each 1 the feriry which le! t that port li- o nse oda ioulders and a great deal o! r'eading in his u'sual enteî'taining astone famiiy have operated milîs' has now one o!fthe largesi trades organization taking pari when 1 siead o! Cobou.rg to make it more t omnt adnto u credit for its succes&s is due theni. On Sunday ev enîng. June 28th., style. Two enjoyable numbers'în West Durham. and hav ih in the Dominion o!fCanada. Ris they reach the cemneicry. convenient for the holiday malt- educationali sc prts The Legion generously providcd the Oshaw'a Saîxation Army Boys;. wcre a maie duet. "Watchman. out a doubi carried on th~e mos ionuciess is a re ofrkale ditionP' ncti t .S e hrmindiere! St.30ers.,hendoa iein oheat inve lntetshudbtan the Boy Scouts with a booth, the Band will be at the local Corps. What o! the Night?' and a sop- extensive muling business in the ia n his agve facope nttion auî's Unitdasîchirandfr P wres- .3sam. nd riv tedin o es-Citenaci,:smetn o proceds !om wich ere e be. Th ban undî' th leaershp rao an alt due. "Wispeîng hole ! th couty. nd iprovd failites i dene oden o! ehe MnistrialAssoia-seroaout- pterSevebouhtrs eem o inicat. Hewas leas donated to the Scout Camp. o! young peoples band leader. Hope." 0'The milling history o! the Van- pouto ! lu. M;Vanctommn.'itysacisceairan .Foi' te erc spents ind hFoering iOy,:t These proceeds exceeded $20 net. Chris Osborne, wîll provide the The boys o! the school had stone family dates back to the atone is ihoroughiy practîcal incmuît evie ev .F.lengsgasdnisopng n e10sec owvrranmbro The bootti was manned al even- , music at the evening open-air' their par't in the prooram. too. eaî'iy part o! the l9ih century,,honoblin hdis s elings. tad Chutncg ofil deitheUitocatheniselves o!trip cn viees te ina by gîup off unior ed iietin o Kîg Sret a 6.0 n T e Ltti Bown Chu ct in wen a mul V nt n, gr n -hI on be o!n hi e almo st !avo abyt io, h irc i s deivtoh ! e d by for dae n ci ng e forthich a sie dcid laîf te ai n a c. a e Scouts. and oranges and saîl- l P.in. and in the Salvation nmeet- the Vale" the baritone soloist. of 'father o! the present owvner. came lke Iloe un Cde Re fav rabli owdc s Praye immlie yordchstra rtid attc music Russell Osbrc o ,anm boats were the feature offeî'ings. ,in.g at 7 p.in. Adjutan: W. Lori- Trinity Choir sang the verses and. to Canada from Devonshire. Eng- ' Mtod iest inan adbea.He i!theLoing th e,iymn. Wity'orheautifudeaihrthemusic. inating commite 0bigi Tî'affic ttrouglh the town had tier. tLieut.e Arnoreld he te oys Brown i te ho! the Sal-n aLierl.Hefoloin tea greamniWthbeusucccss.r te ri th oflex i care ffth .th bysIone i i te hrus.'ý land. It is not known insu wten, as married June 26, 1877, to1LetArdBwno report'o!offiesltr to detour soutti for eastbotind Oshawa Corps. will accompany They alço sang -Praise to the i he started to opei'ate thc Tyrone. d o ation Army will lead in the re- Officers frtcesigya and foi-t for westbound. and; he band and wlill pilot the ser- Lord.' by Gesangbuch. "Glory, mili, but it la known that he , Mis Selina J. ol, augîer ofilb:Prsdn-. .R s the mianner un which ttc police 1vice and also thc short imusica! Song"-an.d iwo negr'o spirituals. eae tfrseea er eOre ae and ,carnagebuiler outcar-salnsi. ad tis ifitbe 3ollowed e: handled the situation was most i festival on làiwn adjo;ning the "Reav'n" and the taunting "Go tus son. J. C. Vanstone entered nir"atndwColie, a p roseosfar-e spo. niv rd ing l b o! ttc 3ih mand Mrs O.,DaninJoGsn , oreei the-rsîen-W.J ev~~~~~~~~~nh a io acdnt od.Cm! .C Vine eei18o7ura0.b couso ai oii udrengagement o! their youngest'Ai!. CoulteCan e-Te. comedableficj. Atnor tim e as 'itll aith8.0 msgeMr. WatdsnDw ossjt ii n170 i This trait o! honor and relia- the dir'ection o! Francis Sutton. daughter, Ethel Nora, to Mr. John-S E. erySnaDicts atiomio cidn.wrd o J .n tTone ransive hmpton, biliy seems 10 have been inher- Mus.Bac. The scripture readings Bernard Mitchell o! Si. Cattar- i-db u oFe .Vntnrwl ecrie u yLet a.ms n. o !M.adM S. Er~wh. R ohsW; a CARS DESTROYED andalso at Botvmnanvulle Gram- te reei enrsfrOnt.,la o tcsavainonyad odrcfM.Mtcelr! eleaCnrd M S iale;HoeM ith Pesntownrfo i isSlanofth Savaio Amy ndRG -ý an, L. S. isoMilroc W IB R T RA S R VDEI IE O D T in the dy go insort doubîful if in the whole County Rev. W. G. Blake o! St. Andrew's'vplae n.TemriiakM WHIBYbusiness. offHAM LT N FRMDurham one could be !ound'Presbyterian Cturch. vilc en.tc mariag to taken HAMILT N FIRM but as this was foi to bis iiking. whof i oersctd ohu Afier ttc hymn. "GOd Reveals. uctyuylSh onnednPae) the enterd is !ther's miii. bhis business and personal lie. is Presence. RHis Worship May- P ROGRAM AT LOCAL LUNCHEON Seventy-Eight Cars Were SoId To 1 Eighi ycars later. in 1878, te: Fred Vanstone was eigt yars or Ross Strike Vli dclivci' ttcIIINUIIED GRASS IS FIRS' L C Be Used for Serap Iron o0 purchased the business from tus asd dres .Te ym TTd Wt __ Y~~~~~~~~~ old wten his faiher purctaeh drs.Tchm AieWt -Work Removng Deris 1Ifaiher and opcrated i nhsown tcBwavleml ~ 1886. Me" will foilow. a! ter which the Steve Keown Delivered Inspir- DRAWS TICKETS Commenced account. In June 1886, as relati For several years te assistcd hisPraycrs will be rcad by Rcv. A. S. itemac!rredtoeMasfahnrin tc pertio ondtcKerr, and Rev. C. R. Spencer o!fJ cd in tht m fre o r.1fte nteoprto fteJ MES MARR TELLS LO S C U ing Addrcss on "Lives, andT tc seven y-eight Gen ral M o- Vansone Pu chased ttc Bow- mii, and then in 1902 became S. Johns Anglican Chuaich. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W hy Some Live" Dr.i tors automobiles dcstroycd in ttc mianville Stone Flouring M Il1ttc ownca wtcn te purchased it Bandmnaster R. Fountain wilI Graham MacDougall Presides disasirous f ire ai Tayior's Skat- 'fromn Capi. Rayncs. C a p t a i n jf rom bis fatter. The fout gen- sound the Lasi Post and Reveille, NEW PRESIDENT Interesting i atoa drs in iko ue1thv en1Raynes was a son -in-law o! eration o! hqfmlMre and Rev. E. F. Armstrong wiI4 Ancesiry. wcalth and birth arce sold 10 a Hamilton junk company. Cai-les Bowman, o! Montreal, Vanstone, is now cmpioyed. unthis gîve ttc beniediciion. The simple on a s merm not ttc attribuies by wtîcb one The company tas had a man on1 W11o owned a store here and a!- Mili. but impressive service will close -New PeietItoue is rcmembered a! 1cr death, but guard aittce rink te proiect tetc r wtom ttc town was named. The present building was ereci- with ttc National Anthem. to Club ratrth tiiaisn SevearMc- cars. on IThe Raynes pi'operties wene ex- ed in 1849, but was cnlarged and As usual thc Canadian Legion ____ activites onecarnesAskcd if t would be possible onie and ndd what isnowîmrvd roitne otm. Band wiil lead ttc parade t t on in life, Rot-ttaRotaraPark.Willias'-fIis, oe rm iet i.t h Keown o! Whiiby told thc Rotary puî'chase an engine oui o! n fteRoayPrWllas ltWhen ttc Vanstone !amily pur- cemetery. and will Provide ttcTie l ttc cars. ttc attedn eid ttc Goodyear location and ttcche l twa tn lu music for ttc hymns duning ttchsesoe omwlbw i n Club on Fxiday. Mcmbex's o! thenatc ne b o'repstit-BeitFarms. cae t twsasoeforpsemo Wib Clb eddb atwîth a mhtc"o"H tt service. Providing cvcrything is xcl Presidnt Dr Grahtu Mcoug- dtat it was possible one or When Mn. Vansione purchased 1 (Continuied on Page 7) run to sctedule. ttc service tour ahdy adtemne two o! ttc engines would be o! stouid be completed before 3.30 'i bc tslm sue n Bail, ll adaiClubn fortthocte some use, but lte doubicd it. rA ip.m. ifvcstcd, dtrinsyirsc club viît o Witbycarer n l is undcrstood that theywih J nir lno Scores o! former citizens are fcesnleJms arJcer tcu' veek. tc enimye roîam oti!ncrsuunciserbFarmfers E jo nnulicccidt rtm t ay to s inbl t ion lbnavoain thRamiTeenieprganlt ofims onu ttc under-thisedecrte ttc gtrveso!r teldayotivs aidh i'esoiodyng a was staged by ttc Whitby lub. f sîanciing that tbey be broken up anp~~t 5 lying in ttc cemetery, and with thc Balmnora oe.M.M Atcr cxiending a welcome to for scrap mron only. "There isn't Picnic a t BethLL a urd y arcnewcd interest quite notice- eirda tevstran ocuiglclany motor car company that able, ttc Decoration Day cere- lime picces. business President E. F. Ar'me- would care to isk its reputation monies are expecied to be attend- " .' nuierotrdsadas strong turncd ttcmetn over boy using engines wtict have been Spiflted Program of S'oftba.ll; were: Tyrone-Coombes, Woted by ttc largesi crowd since il htcreude h edlgo to ttc Whtby membeis. Sce subjected 10 suct test." Men Games and Sports Carried ton, Morison, Hall. Rundie. Wcr- was restarted a !cw ycars ago. ihe jcoerybsnsar ou- tary George Asticy iniroduced tthae t obccniguftc Ot A a .ry, Richards, Coilacutt. Smtt:..........th elr visitors and coniribuicd two fine debris andi removung the cars. nuer uiupervlsîon 0f .heon erous thatIfun myefw - voca sols, wth A R. irgi atAgricultural Representative Copeby t-Hrs. hmCutsto ne, ersM riddeaing aust wa uic ol ttc piano. Jack Prost o! Wtitby lTeEtac ls fteCnBannon, Davey. Coctean. Years Marout, îoc.a soosnw t A. R Virgiof co un n i______ CoopernuPattunroonarT- tomm er on.. en £ atal ou M .raingi. h ci f prod o! c m. uni i rai Schooi tot e number o n lJnorfF1m- T tc Standard Events drew a b ck-, 0 W.F inarMP. nain7g.pls comaie yers Pli Day at Bethany on large entry and wcre wcîî mcciv- Girl Us RememberedE.FRObe Tt ges seaer ws ir- . . lcar, .P nary 0 upls acopaic b iSaturday, June 2th, daew an cf- cd by ttc spectatoas. E.F.R.Oboneae__oe The_____speare. spokeno-tho! tinhett Meses. . 1arli f th luccd by Gordon Whit!ieid. Posu-e Who rciurned ihis vveek f nom Ie eces ess .M. try o! fourteen boys' and four' n ndMsSeariomn Prominent Clarke TownshipdasotcBil.Whthe master o! Whtby. Ma. McKeown tus firsi session as Duham's e- Thomiason. A. B. Clark, D. Pur- grs fbi lBos'teamsMr faon fStwat d a ~ooe n tc ubier ".h' 1~ ~esnttiv a O ta n r y ad is M.Colagtirbl ' otblltans ronttc foi- iwpo. r~,~ . -- .+~~r hnc , -1 amer who was cleced PresiAtnt twvo subjectsnoen trAilf thia t '!i veë. an d wthy ?"Rickard officiated ait te-.pnîze There anc those people, ttc draw at ttc Canadian Legion speaker said, wtose lives continue Carnival on Tucsday. to live long a! ter tte undertaker tias laid their morial remains un orators, and were not great in ttc grave.' Those ch a r a c t e a s any accepted sense o! the word. wtict live on, live on because1 These namnes have iived on be- tey deserve 10 live. Wtcen 3'ot cause these men discovcred ttc hear a man say tie doesn't, want greai inuts o! h! c and livcd to be aemembened afier deat. ttcm. you know il isn't truc. Ma. Mc- ' Mn. McKeown gave several cx-, Kcown said. Ttcernan wto is amples o! poor men wto became foagotten is aiways a miserabie great, men like Timoty, John man. Knox, and other wcii known pea- What is ttc acason, thc speak - sonaiitie.s o! bygone days. He er asked. that zone naines live conimasted ibeir simple but gacat on ttroughthtt ages. and othesieswtoters ba ewat areforoten i dai? Jsia and bonor who made no worthy fcw naines live down through ttce record o!fthem lives. ycars, wtile ttousands pass 0f There are those who live, and into oblivion. there are those wto cease to livef If you examine ttc lives o! men at deait. tie added. Every man oif long ago. men Who bave come stouîd wani to do somcubing down 10 us as sbining examiples lhhc oudiv n !iabs o! ivngyo wii indthi icydeat. Wc may foi individualiy wcrc foi wcatty, werc not O!f be able tb accompîish ibis, tie noble bit. perhaps neyer !ought ici a gacat battle, weae not great (Coîîtititicd Otn Pag10 1 uw Ig centres: BOYs' tearns. Eb-1 an enjoyabie plcnic on Pniday a!- eeer lby liboTyoe icrnon a HaiptonMemoiai Pontypool, Lakeshore, C a v a n. Park. Games o! varions kinds 'Brown's. Courtice, Blac stock. wcrc played and an appetizlng Newcastle, Bettany, Failis U Lne: lunch, inciudiiig 5 gallons o! ice': Fairmount; Girls' teans, Bet- cream, baought ttc happy gat- ering to a close. any, Ncwcastle, Bailieboro, Fair- Newcastle won ttc girls' final Members o! Tiniiy Mission'for ttc second year f nom Bailie- Circie enjoycd a picnic on Thurs- br day cvcning wiib good cals and îng witt their ciosest gaine be- plenty o! fun ai Bowmanviile-on- if tinte peirinary gaine with the-Lke, ast ide.Betany. Bcihany won third f th-Lak, cai sie. oney, wththtt Faimmount tean un fourtPlace. The Pairmnount SINGERS WANTED tcam Playing their first gamne o! FOR MASSED CuEOIR softbail made a very creditable showing. AilUiheslngers o! the corn- Tyrone won thc final game in munlty are asked to form a ttc boys' tournament fron Kir- chorus to sing at the Decor-. by. Ttc semi-final game between ation Day service at the Tyrone and Newcastle was prob- ccmetery, Sunday, June 28th abiyte most interesting gamie at 2.30 p.m. There wilI be dunîng the louranment when an practîces on Thursday, June extra ifning was requircd tebreak 25th at 9.45 Pin. and Frlday, thc tic. Ncwcastle won third June 26th, ai 9 p.m. at Trlnlty inoney, wlth Brown's last yeaa's Church. Ail who eau help winnîers if fout place. The lune- are asked te attend. up o! ttc two teains in the finals ivu xa.u 1,a-,,-ist,'j ames Wood. Orono; 2nd, KennethWcr- ry, Bownanville. 1220 Yard Dast-lsi, James Wood, Orono; 2nd, Neil Braith- waite, Cavan. Boys' Rciay Racc-lst. Mil- brook, Wainmain, Arundel, L. Fostoer, C. Foistea; 2nd. Clarke, Jini Woods, Woodiock. D. Rap- ctck, K. Werry; 3rd, Cavan, Braithwaite, Kennedy, C a rd, Theobald. Boys' Running Broad Juinp- lst. Wm. Bruni, Newcastle, 18' 7"1; 2nd, E. McCutctcon, Newcastle; 3rd, 0. Wainman, Milibook. Boys' Standing Broad Jump- lst. Garnet Ricitard, Bowman- ville. 9' 8"; 2nd, B. Brunt, New- castle: 3rd, G. Grey, Milibnook. Girls' Events 50 Yard Dast-st, Miss Bige- 10w, Bcttany; 2nd, Miss McDow- cil. Miilbaook; 3rd, Miss Braitt- waite, Cavan. 100 Yard Dast-lst, Miss Sykes Hampton; 2nd, Miss Blgelow, (Coiîîinued on Page 7) t' "I 1~. j at ac J t veydlgtftu~l atuonoStsso! bhc Durham Couniy Tusee istory couid be formed. The sb au vcy diigtfi pntyon &iafd Ratepayers Association at .lect 1 have chosen, howevcr, is urday afternoon and cvcning 0f Newcastle lasu wcek. .one wich everyone is interested ttc occasion o! ttc lent anni- _________ in, that tiny machine, a veritable versary o!fthem wedding day. box o!f'wonders, which is now Ttc rooms werc tastcfuliy decor- ENTERTAINS AT TEA 'iesting on your wnist or in your ated with a profusion o! orange IN HONOR 0F NIIECES pockci. Back in the days o! the biossoms, peonies afd iris. The1 pre-histeale caveman, we !lnd guests consisted o! thirty o!fthemr Miss Carnie Martyn beid a ne- I that even te scnsed ttc value o! nearesi relatives and zone f ni- cePtion on Fniday aftcrnoon at i ie and braided ropes made o! ends. Rev. Harold Stainton, un- b er tome, King Street, in honor, grass which te knottcd at i- cie o! ttc bride, wto officiated at'!o! hea nieces. daughters of Mn.1 tervals, and bef ore llghting, ttc marriage ccremony ten years!'F. F. Morris, wbo are eni oyin.g a damxpened thein so that they ago, was master o! cerenonies. n e-union here. A social cup of. wouid burn siowlY. The caceplng Thc afternoon and evcning wasitea witt re!aestments belpcd tp. spaak marked ttc fiight o! the spent in gaines and singing and malte te occasion more enjoy- tours for him in this way. ai 6 o'clock ttc guesis dld ample able as ttc joiiy conpany recail- Naturaliy as man prognessed li Justice te a banquet suppea. Dur-1 ed oîd limes and ttc fun o! zone culture, te developed more ac- ing the zupper houa the bride and 1 years ago. Amnong those fron a curate tîne recoadjng instru- groom o! ten years a.go wcre pre- distance wcac ttc nicces, Mas.ments. Flast, wc hcaa of the scntcd with a haridsomc tea zen- Paul W. Olsen, Los Gatos, Cal., water clocit for which credit is vice and waii mirror and other fMas. Wreford Souct, Halifax, ie to ttc Chinese as eaaiy as use! ul gifts. Mrs. Ralpt Rea and daughtei' 2656 B.C. Then carne tte sun- f Joan, Portage la Prairie, Man., dials o! ancient Babylon, Greece On Monday next, 25 young men 1 Mrs. J. W. Lafgmaid, Osiiawa, and Rame, and foliowing on, the faomn Bowmanvilic will go 10 Port and Mas. Ross Stevens, Bowman- tour glass o! Charlemegne wtlch Hope for them annuai Duramn ile; Mas. (R.ev.) J. F. Cbapman is stîli used in ttc present day a Regiment Camp. Ttc numbea an d daugtter Giadys, and Mas, a kitchen utensil for timing eggs, from Bowmanville is nom, atitis W. A. Bain, Toronto; Ms.R. S full compiement. Viatue, Oshawa. (Continued on Page 7) and t;an