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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1936, p. 8

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r-- - - .~.' -,--,'~ .~- PA fr. r'TrIulr THIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWJMANVILLE, ONTARIO,, TH3JRSDAY, JUNE 25th, 1936 primitive people had been f right- DOLPHINETS SHOW i eed mn-a agany by the farces a! Sunaay Sc oo nature. Christ spoke freely and fcequently of COd as aur Father. -- I His cuire foc wocty was a fuller ...esson faith in GOd. His source for un- - faiIJng lave was GOd who loved ii~i tPe gaad and bad. The Pighest REVIEW: JESUS 'MEETING standard Christ cauld hold upI HUMAN NEEDS was tao tell men tao be perf ec t even as the Father in heaven is per- Sunday, June 2t fect. Il was difficuit for the dis- <"'- -&S Golden Text: -Jesus o! Nazar- -ciples t-o learn ta trust O-od as , etb... wen abou doin good - Jesus trusted him. but gradually Ata 1.. . n bu on » i they iearned !ram experience the Lessan Passage: Acts 1: 1-11. elt !Oa speec n Moveto he fre!leading. Throughout the centur- Say at noter 3 fut-n ýieS Christ has been heiping thau.thausands to a rich and real ex- Shamne ta thy shrinkrng up -1 ineo -d We eias s f ace hy tas ta surrender otîr iils t-o God ~.r Own thyseif equal toalaî a soul adtuttehael a-e May, împlicitly. he has met- ane a! aur Cease thy evading-G-od needs Ima udmna ua ed. .V..aa...- t-hee today- Character .î~ Move ta thbe f ore! We have a deep rooted vearn- k~ ~ ---'r. O-od hi.msef wait-s and must, ing foc aoodnesa. Tbough we may j~ wait- till thou came: tay wit-h sin. we secretiy hope ~ Men are GOda prophets though -that goodness wiil win a final ages lie dumb.1 vict-ory in us. Whence cornes t-is Now tbat balmy breezes and bright sunshîne Haîts t-be Christ Kingdora with "challenge for the good. this sensehae îredte nuaplgmgeaOt-rs conquest so near. rof the wrongness ai sin, if not1 Thou art the cause. t-Pou soul from GOd? Christ made the will lakes and rusers. the droixning bazard is 'igain in tPe rean. aio-aGd t-Pc rule af i bs hfe. and cancein ta many parents,. Artîfîctal res- Move t-at-be fore! Pc bltod othera that tbey might ipication js bcîng taugbt ta young swmmers sa Human Needs learn the wilaiof -ad for their 1 th at lives may be saved. Here are t-wa comciy Huma bengshavedee s-tr-lives alsa. He dared ta sav that-t Doîphinets, members o! Canadas leading womens itual needa. WPen we Pave at- paerGd wiicud e swimming club, shawing juat what ta do with a tained material aecurity wc are made known if men wauld but!- persan wha Pas been pulled f ram the water in an still not satisficd and ask the listen and do what O-od's Spirit uncons-rious condition. As part a! an intensive question. What- lack I yet? Bot-h urged them ta do. We may- sec safety campaign. the Industriai Accident Preven- t,.- w.hv andi,, lthe Doo dfiptîl he graduai victory oa! is raî3s- tian Ar-sociatin.s have issueclthese intstructions: onstrate the truth of the saying of Jesus that man does flot live by bread alone. Our hearts cry out for fellowship with God and our fellow men. We crave the conviction of unity with the uni- verse, a feeling that we are not atoms apart f rom the whole. but that God's plan includes us. Man also has a longing for goodness. Thase in the f ar country are neyer satisfied for long. Those who discard accepted standards ai rnght and wrong set up their own standards - even thieves have their code of honor among thieves. Man also evinces a de- sire for purposeful living. The worst lie sentence that could be passed upon us would be to be forced to believe that our lives end in futility, that we are here today and gone tomorrow, with no one to care that we have eith- er lived or died. Can Christ meet these needs? Fath Christ met human needs by establishing a f irm f aith in God among those who accepted his thinking and teaching. He saw in the world af nature a manifesta- tion of the mnd af God. He saw in the endowments af men and women proof s af the indwelling spirit of God. Instead af a Ood far away, "the Altogether Other.« he felt God near, constantly pre- sent, ready at any time ta guide. forgive and encourage. Whereas HOW TO SAVE LIVES T1 1L T CHO Ingingham dress, and pina.! re AIl stif! ly st.arched and white. ,With lit-tle shining dinner pail And book-bag swinging light. Buayant- ai step and blit-he ai beant. She cakes the schooiward way. There's nothing in the whole bright- world But Spring and Youth today. The dandelians in the grass Are lavish o! cheir gaid; The sky is like a sapphire bowi, As full as it ran Poid O! sunshine, and o! !ieecy clouds, Like apple blossom snow Caught up by Maytime's frolic ,winds Fram fmagnant drifts below. Upon the green, blue-vista'd creat- She tu.rns ta wave ber hand. For Mother, watching at the gaie Wiil see and underst-and. Anti no,-u th fo suoitude J" nfodsber in its cl lt-s vacal silences are sweet tic finger just tauching the iowest nib. witb theit h igebrahoblm thumb and fingers in a natural position and the [The shy wood pcwee calîs ta ber tipa o! the fîingers juat out a! sight. Witb arma In tender. pensive st-nain; hcld straight. swing f!orward slowly so that the A bluejay !lings acnoss the dcli weight- o! youc body £3 gradually brought ta beari His praphecy a! nain. upon the patient. The shoulden shouîd be dîreet- 1 Whiie youngling leaves on bush ly -ver the hbcd ai the hand at the end ai the for- and tree ward swing. Do not bend your elbows. ThJs op- Respond with quivering thriUls eration should take about t-wo seconds. Now im- That wake the fairy meladies mediately swing backwand sa as complet-cly t-a 0f wild wood daffodils. nemave t-be pressure. Ait-en two seconds, swing1 f orwand again. Thus repeat deliberately. 12 ta 15 The golden adder-t-angues are out. times a minute. t-Pe double mavement- o! com- And triiliums white and red, a co-înîprp reti-ujearjonn While frail spning beauties on the SLOT MACHI-NES BARRED oncruhance, slr'tiîl P c harrcdl. Thte fi rloxviui gaies sittril bc l-et u7la-,t lu.isinaking lau s r itl- Iirrillel ict-. crrtsvuî fuurh achuor, u(t cttitr ' 7tti rrîjr-tr aîrbr- I siell. rrl lodrî 17.,lutckuî. ttrt-t-card gattrs" at faîl fair>. uatr ren 1trute <isc. sxiuugiuug hall. îrunich dlrawicutup anbrIset Io t;II11exhiiiionsut. bI lr oin<-ttabllît ncuîrues - lte (<7 lic-. 77ith i uierelia îi -.r- !forr iriz r -1.\ tr ex iautrn -cti t terl shr il - 1 be are still 17'riiî-siblc. i rccpiirt'ti ho gis-c a îriz tot tue cent- Dict-, crrrwltauurl at7clirr. shi-Il. ro'll clil.irrlot frachu îplay.- 7 11757 us. thret-ca rI ttltue auud Oi i gainet-sîrinlîl a clharge of sinulha r gaui t s ire )reriiluiî r-rh. \Il utrme thlait 25 cet-utt..litie rîni tir. sînt îmachuines. the crîeratirru rof whIiclit lriubliitg or rranitirliîIg rof prizes ('11rîîs u chance. siiould he Parrcd. sltld hr ftrrhidleui. H-ent areth te regîulatiorus: Crncsii îcrtrssirul tt Appoint a îiartictulall siroung couin-ibcre îrruîîttetl trr re-îiurcliase prizes mittetc to l'e iiicharge nf tPe cru-n-it h y irl7yers. Iicist thatc oncss ion f. ac - ch arg t-. t bc tol rash. o -s v s o Pc îraid i adxýance. Tueliule ev c- Ire arlulf forgirl cîîtr rtaîutmvuts.t xcept cetilou to lcit-nadle iuî casr-s ot re- ho resîmo iible carîuixaI compunlties. hiable coîpnîrîies xshtrt a îircuttigte xcuiri îrrreliahle local persans slîeîuld Pc laid hefîrre te show openus sîrace sh iîolrlnont Pc si ItI ta uesslaper aîîd tîte balanîce Pefore it closes. <'r magazinel suîscrirtirri agitis. utor Colicessinultirit s ssitlittî txcep- îhr'îtl tti y Pc rerititteri te 'penate timu shtîri Id Pb- reqîuirt-d tr isugir a on tlt ît-g reîids.. crritract or agrecuncîti. I 0 iie-. hîr'nII o ur. 11 irl I -atUnchiallenged i uurr givxîl umirrrssr'uio r trlrper7ilr rSault Star) tiuîrler aulx- cirtulii-.tanuce..W'e are Orita and Tories first 'alinitiî.rs 'vcc ' sirrl.s shýjIrrutlr e !,and Christ-ian afterwards," de- rt->truet, 'itorr t ialle ,pr '<ettr.. xsîtr clared Rev. WT. R. McIntash at Iare xsell kuniosuttri-'cilsefficer. the London conference o! the Si' c7llerl ItigilI iitcli utîcît sn-iîo United Church in oppasing the (I r)er,îr" îî utirui' iu ruîrl uoîintroduction o! the achoal tax lie îdernt-d.question. And nobody contradict- All sI et mtachtinie-.. shiclî irîr rut' ii cd him. fon n endsflip in the .isc1p- ~Place the pailms of tne nanus on te mlaresou c el a oipeL t:>iiai i sop AD ENER les. At first they had crude lot- the back with fingers resting on the rifls. the lit- four or five seconds." 1hirtitd eisae pead WATENDER-CCX RSEI'VEALW&IF ions and were spiritually dull. but lMGCYNO gradually they began ta catch the Pascal, a brilliant mathemfttic- _________________________________ There. too, are scented violets. RCIPE?;;SE_ MAGIC spirit of their Master. As we read ian-. sought for peace and found1 Yellow, and white. and blue, AIN >we see that they had actually denilybcm luminous ta him. W ERE YOU THERE? Wn ist oy oamof mruewRFrtNC o!teaoslsa there tecs.1itwhen ha versa e acipe sd Aofmit36eaaw ue taken on his likeness. hr a hnli ida h g f3 Wrstten Specially for The Statesman Il a Durham County In balsam shades a veery sings, a contagious power in his influ- piece o! cioth was foufld above Boy, Gordon C. Ashton of Maedonald College, St. Anne Oh. sweet his morning psalm!MUFN ence. People in Jerusalem could his heart with these words: *Cr eBleuQe ~mksavs ahda il tell from the way Peter and John tainty! Fire! Joy! Peac I for -__________cool__and______ Now1 talkcedthmat they had been with get the world and everything but Tis ooroaid cool and cam Jesus. God. Righteous Father. the world A ftew v ear'. aLo the Ontario Agri- 1,c h ft froin Il a.rii. iniii 4 1.11. The use hrse ~t Hope hath not known thee, but I have cultural Cýollcgü iinaugurated what it Theremcaer adcor ius ha aes a vribrnmsi j The Bible says that we are known thee! Joy! Joy! Joy! chose IL eaiu a Farn and Home anid <tut-r vateîîfîîîattendanat,îthe chordr Isaved by hope. At first glance Tears af Joy! I submit myself \Veek. Froni a sinall begininine hi that seems ta be an exaggeration. absolutely ta Christ my Redeemn-lias grrwn far heyoîîd ail exp)ecta -kiddlu s wrrt entertained wiîhi gaines Deep in the soul af her. but in the deeper levels of our er." lons. Some idea -of the imp)ortant 2iffl -torius .-\fter thé iloon hlncl But she is past the maple grave,- lives it is eternallytre Th Questions for Discussion pliace this atnmal ex'ent lias crm omî ;IIIan ftrrt w a-. madet t lia%-(e everv And past the tamarack hilI, entombed men in the Nova Scatia 1. Do you seek God's help i ocul the life of Oritarios fariti- And ptaea aastîîx<,~~ the beeches' whipring DNTRS ALRS Mgc.Sei tdentgv mine got a new lease of life when your decisions? ors rnay bc gained froin the fact thlat rr fti itene.temte' gloocm, 2.Whn ouhae pobem oera eroî o fxedas as nitsre theti frec trr fiii rîly thejOy And past the tinkling rll. .. Even a beginner cari use you the lightest, most deliciaus 1 they could hear the blasting and the o aeapoleoe cido fv asls 1n jknew that efforts were being do yau believe that God has the alpprioima'tely- 25,0W0 rural folk visi- % oflltuts- rograin. ThLc f'lbrltflgs an open meadow gleams ahead; Magie confidently because it la muffins, biscuits, cakes yau ever i made ta rescue them. The Mes- answer? col the Collüge. The Far anîd Hoine wercdte d r7t,,cora i n- C1The aid grey schaol is near. 1I whey danada le hat'ake mae!nsivagieo u seatalo tsx sioie op aftheJeishpeole 3. an ou'brngGods hlpta Vee i :îw n s~sxn a Gtîjr ernh;'ig te farutu lborne i îC-riShe sighs ta leavethelavly aad dxer s emed ir. Tokry peie tho use- akinu! M os adiCa ione example of the power ai others when they need his help tiîs week. Ili Illîi countiecs the aud like topfics. fi, theafern Familiar. friendly. dear. iýprsrcmedi.Tyl., hnl e aii!Md aCnd hope ta unify a nation and make most? agriculttural rcl)reisclitatixL-s orga[lii7 n wcrc xili- deaîîig witli I them purposeful. Christ ga ve 4. Has Christ freed you from lSîcial grnup to visit particular de- lialaricetl mIl-. enruationt i trus But when the tasks of day are hope tahis fo]owers b strengh- fearand gloso? niostrationls w liîeh %ere given in<id tuîliol-ttrud fîurilitire. and ie1r- dTheaistiimr wtCE T A M L Tp Bran F R S ening their faith in GOad and 5. Have you any ned hrstle îorning thuis leaxjng ex-crs ' -oîl lc-.ugdjfruîc telling them that God's lave for cannat satisfy? trectote )articilpate init- reLiular M laIIV îer île f, .71 the j1rogran For home lies at the farther end,( llnuimum Adtilts 75c: Childrie 40c)I them would be eternal. He said i i Irrerain If tlie afterlio(rii. -r IuIl and beniiil thatilte e A lure for lingering feet.FRD Y JU Y3fo B WM N LL > that Gad marked the sparrows r -îi.iild t Ile c eg lct f r nrrth1iAnd Mothers smnile will shine RD Y JU 3fo BO M N IL fali. Scince show thaW unîerE-AorîVer Il ati teofrtrhrai lottl i 1rirui-at.517 awy- Brantford. Buffalo, Chatham. Coliingwood, Detroit, Durhain, sal awsgovrn te aomsas wîl OR HOR CAK u i-uaut itl a ece.selole,,rîie utei tofil -- cofrr ur adtiGrihemrabyg istelfpare uHunerthvirlle. Queph.Hunavîle. incrdtn. hKt nhner lis- rard ap(7l 7 And peace will f ail like fragrant Landon. Meaford. Midland. Newmarket. Niagara Falls, North Bay, asç the planet.s - bath are wthin t-r r- d ini cafcteria -sl--. llie gir 't- esOe on.Pleao.PrsPnîn.S- ahrns ana the plan a!of ad. Once we real- Enhance your present shart- aflr r l1î,îs nu fiuulîssatîsfiud the satt, -ýiiI bI Ile c 1I t la I1 laI On ail asembewehen.S u tn.PSlmratod. Parta, Wndarg.St.oathkarndtSarnal ize tha G-' has benguiding ckerepertaîr te a brand new f heiiiir mail. wxstrt- thtl -(;i a~7, Il(rtlttr i .1 tiî-7 ,.rIiesand o.. been lco- Shcak e at-- v .ît If- r-f1recf tilt- h ailseems fresh a ,!iteryear; intermediate pointa beyond Newmarket. Guelph. Grimsby and Brant- 1 rîîI Ll7 " Iirl tîmsat sh1s 7-te.ya &;orthern Otaialy., sinNpwsinOntral-on . nd on Cmsaain tmnue ta guide them. life takes n wntatruly distinctive taste- p)ara-le. \Iiiiv w -re tici- xî-..- l- 'iii r î-. 1717-eBt oh, 7Haw fa onaway.ta so mîn &Nartir na ario. bynd Cachrng etr alpuskand an Harsti a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~, ne1dgiybcuei spa-therili. try th:s Shredded Wheat 1 .îi.aturîad iejb irî(I1,w se.~ rîa 77e7 77wa nedan prpsefl.Th painvesin i or aa vorite % - rlit i ti l rrrruat- Wl,!i.-AND to Beavertan. Washago. Parry Sound. Ardbeg. Burwash. Sud- fact 's that people wha think that Straw.berî-y Satck It n atsa.lrrilttrarl'. ' ie-i -'*î777lr 177 ' ---With changing lights aglaW! bury. Capreal. Westree. Qogama. Tionaga. Faleyet, Oba. Hornepa3-ne, IEfe is meaningles.s or a cruel anly affers that tauch af original- 17711lîaîî'lîîLtrtlie- ,ilki g \ -'~ '~'~I- Xet Memory is light af wing, Lonaac. Geraldton, Jellicoe. Beardmore. pract'caI joke' hav-e nat the zest iîty. but an unusuaIIy delight-ful h rur-t.-aini tr7. H-'17h huhern-fe ayra audvJI oT rnoadH ml far endeavour that £3 natural ta flavor, 'and best af aE. it La si- .-t 145>).1 gu . ( u - r77tî7î Iri Sî'î. " And Love wiToronad aherHamilton those wha beliex'e that GOd is ple to make. opo (71jerjls-17 1. <. \r abides Also to AUl Towns between Belleville a.nd lhitbv Jct. inclusive. warking aut eternal purposes of!iiia *,1ccIiigfý Strawberry Shortcake ti'1r.rsrrtt<'ttlua lct rIrtiî17-7( With Spring and Youth--at home. Tickets. Gong and Return Limita. a-ici Train InformationfmAg xvsdom; and o! lave. 6 Shredded Wheat Biscuits i ffrIc-ptjrruîeî-.I.r7(lI-.aîestirr r , -Lilian Leveridge. Ask for Haridbiii. 3cýups slightly iashed and uîîsdfrrnr- rtstri7-ret- i'- ' 7(trt7i 7Ir 77;1 IAL o C A N A D I A Joy isano3 er hman eseetened strawberries '-tf lle uituntrou-.-.a-I,-.otgrain. -777,.771 aî.îiIl <î'- 7- Hate: Page-"Telegr-am for Mr. CA N M D 1 A N CA NAD 1A I that Christ satisfies. We are 4 tbsp. softenied butter il.drr.arlforrage croît-. .A-t the,- tidIlit h- arà."îrct 777. nrt Nedspondiavanci. Mr. Ne:d.spon- N A TIONA LP A C IF IC amused as we watch kittens and 1 tbsp. leman juice -ni ln le tet.. of xario,,ufeltr- 1audrl itrt, o 7- lt dciavancNAi10NA LP A puppies play. We grieve for aur lu teasp. vanhîla extract til/zer an ijtllaige trr,;itincit>-. verec ur Il.îît . - 7l7:7aid jrLrert;r r M. Neidspondiavane7 - Wa S- departed childhood as we see the 3tap odcdsgr îil ThtFi-- *pe(rsrruîal oP-.erati'-uîl rr t" it tii nitial please?' ____ pranks and hear the laughter af i cup heavy creamn. whipped P1 ur lran a brn.Illethtguid(e, oi children at play. To see the sad 1 2 cup ight cream Iue uaturr- If te lrrrr,-is affrrrdted salemnity o! many an adult aud- Ater berrnes have be-en sweet- cai nt-iiil)r of the îrart> .an oîrîrrrr- ieceistobeenshrouded in a ened and juice is drawn, pour off tuIiitý to nake Pis owul cîînîrarisoîts cloùd o! gloom. Yet Jesus iived ms fi n eev.Nxad-u rwh. w ocuin a lufe that was radiazitly gad split the Shredded Wheat Bis-. e<îIceriiug tlîtsc factors wvlticlh mai Tohim .ioyfulness was natural utsradecdaiWihiP îuged Pv observatiron abrite. As living and he promises his joy t teaspoan o! the butter and aprin- il, rtcer scienlces s7) iti agroinmv.EH P oa' o CAGLNBIKpie his disciples. The word joy runs kle with i teaspoan ai the straw- n;aîîy rrf itue fitur c<inparisrîus smus; 1? Areî eS oa'sou.Btai-o,%cLuGeLINhoBuchmrie like a refrain thraugh the New Ibery juice ta which the lemon bo-nmadie b he uu useft dhue ardstick. rntnw ovu u ovuraiehwiuhmr Testament. Clement o! Alexan - i .luice has been added. Heat i the lalaicc. anilt-tîmuicroscorpe. qulytiaeerefryogeineeteealeto dria exclaimed: "The Holy Spirit!mdraeaenol75F'1bi- c P lime Iitwertn 2.30> and 4 LA HI-BICSfugrane Srisor13fr is a glad spirit" Christ gives Utes. Meantime. to the bernies %%;,> allgrte(ri forri rrcirof theNIc.Un HLdN-of I-ollas flers hat nliteres fofra fewvear peace, rhythm, inner harmony. ladd the whipped cream in which ether deîîartunt-îîtal îrrrrects, To des- h red ts f dollars less t can p o e forvour- ,1teaspoans a! the powdered sugar.t Ir-1sas t ii te xhîilruî s mo irtr- iY itl h-dopngi tou losrooî. m aking, F1haîfmithre, pamicuiswit s<ruî o eutrrtthn0uoltrthe new 1936 -NIcLA'.IILIN-Bt-ICK ouI for a (dri-e of v-our ai/fl halves on top, hollow side up. andclosen at raIlrmwil suffieteun l-,- -- fn-car dollbty ioeor uittioire vanc de vaton Sfili with the remaining berry mix- i clcate tlîe ailti of thue ei.îl,.v. For fnecr olai, ail i'rloe dvnedcmbn'to r J ture. Serve with the light cream instanice. tlîe 7animal hiuislritdrs rle- ---fpI./W of uit-to-date ntorinog adivanîtaIes' ian iiitese. i\owltere -mîxed wit.h the remainder ai the btrît-tslacrrnîIîîg -rt-iîJr nmade berry juice and sweetened withscr r;utraIttgritsratit -,. else can vou buy finer titan MýcL.4UGILIN-BuicK qualitv- W- &the remaining teaspoon o! powd- i. t)c Ir<f rrur t )îuarurrwillu. Poth -,.no niai er low înuch yoii 'l'lie facet is. thanks ta FLY ___________ itgiji tarb\ ss-ec arcaisse-s of -more per month titan yoit woîtld pav for aAHMTC ir-ierr u aii -ei- -r Y anetMLUILNBJC uiî O.r o u tl epairiIg Can Become a Great., Great, tîrir slughnr hiir<urofsiiui-f e low-priced car. That's whv wc sav. for the what we cars DO with A Few Weeks cral ,eîiel grardes ,f nmarket- but this fine MCLAuGHLIN-BUICK. A single female fly usually lays s Aiirthier versiitstruurtis e ex- Rit or Coat 600 ta 1000 eggs in her iem.hbt was ta"f ihîr d7jrs dlrrt Under fvrbecodtosthese nulti eitr-tht e %h' ),- iuîil k-Irend ct-r is necessary, don't discard yeux eggs hatch in ten or twelve days bail a eltaiitrt(,r catî ruii ntlliiug cf Icl fresher we can malie them. and there Is an opp3ortunity- for the Iatcst sctiuufit celrîîtuîiin seven or mare generatians in a Itit ca're andulmna7get ottrf dairy DRY A D DRYseason! In ther wards, this et iriilrtieti. At te .saiuclitie thieI ID Y A D D Ysingle !ly can praduce in only r cmsîirr s air t terorbserve ùî CO LTD.three generatians, a few weeks tilt etfiir e".fr -ui hf,îrtrrr a-.ter- o L r DC apart, as m any as one billin dis - tr t it utl saeI r' crîa o u ane We Cali ~~ease carrying menaces ta health. iut-rftt-tti r i r~îî ville 152 and DebVer 1 is obviaus that eve'-y effort iIr icfrie sIr 7a rtjliu should be put forth ta destroy tI ieruln- uuktrltdsrlno the first flies a! the season - Each atltî sruiu- uîku'aîric oaf the early flies killed means I twtrejli i P!ur rtiete~ destruction o! potential swarms. s-rdi utetti rat t -t I rrit ît ti Coirt- ON WARMsutmr ]vs a As a menace t-o health. to ay cet..0 aI7rtitrular rit -r -1t t' te - nathing o! its disgusting lbath- s I i frii:'ý ,!, l. i i v17I ge- how Iful of Keliogg's Rice -sameness. the fly is known ta be 17,ible autrl 17 gardri twhiich \was Krispies proviuies real a carrier o! the germs o! sum- 1î1iaîîuuer1 autel airî rut b%. IllePrrticui nourishînent in delicious, mec diacrhaea, typhaid and other Oeie(ilici. Fte heuet seriaus diseases. And. although ir1 cle 'rt- î-î lhit.rî cooling form. sàriitation efforts have been in-Pro u sîi'htiiît <alal Sa cispîhe cra1le-, stituted ta curb many sources o0ýl îîuc iti'd- P, "111- 1 atuta'.t Icantagiaus cial IleePa rith~sr'itu I..lauel'uut milk or ereant. beenlittle success in eradicating rvr i'.'fs e rt.andtr..l.... Ea vho ine. Easy ho il-1the common Pause-fiy. I 1uýcn tt5 t i-7-t ru iIt1,i ri]tEAst o.'s" r idînt is a mater requiring per- Al t ir t5 rr']'.tlrrtlu getIL. -..î.v.!rsonal effart ta keep the home Irtr they promote resiftil 'leep. 1clear aifIes. The eI;mination of! ,17 tu1717 .71 it4 ' a ..u..... . -.-.-..-.-. passible breedîng places such as 'i .tgt i~77 lt.,7 llr ,xr'-______ At gocer evcywhee ~ uncovered garbage, refuse. man- \\;rNet 'u iltI.(\( the Mother Goose story ure, rotting lea7ves, screens on lît t1'r i'raI 1,,htie-ti(tt'anrr gril1 package. Made by Kellogg, duors and windaws and cavering 'I- srrîI i lt1 lV in ai ~~of alI fods, are al necessary I.ît-r. r jiIlt'uîir ii u 'e r iîtI url iLondlon, (>nîario. Qiality - precautians. But. shouîd flies h rs-h'r- s.ires irledr l ' hir Luaranteed. ýenter the home, a few Wilsan'si57 ho d-îtlt.rru î;t a lîttlc -Fly Pads. use regularly accord- 1 >1r1, . ____ing ta directions. will kilI them i orui'I 'nulIe <lîs -- )rregraii SO CRISP 1 all in a few hours. rittitandîcrut. erîr\tri e! îirgh __________________ ~ ' *hnu ~a'*o.~IIv Optiinistie Note theltr-ritrtc xx iî ndg'(I5 tIof grrupl RtI CE LIeI a UalUUI ( St. Cat.harines Standard)r of rîuraluîl <îug îrrlr c ilig I RISIES crckl in ~ Iamn ready ai any time ta large andtrl ltIttCtati\ve aiflir uercî R Y18COL5$ * and u>, delivered al RS IS Cafei build several homes when I sec uaiiied forr hiee fretcoertrs. ROY N IC OL jao tayshavaOnt. I can get a fair reurn on my in- Ili tis usy rgrauntith-e tther COM M1IE BOWMAN VILLE Gove2 pnelec taxes, mikorvsment," declared a well knawn were 'ttrt forgottcit. Uîtrt-rue cap-____coupe)______extra. ____ eý3 AnlkPorbuilder yesterday. It is biev alîàle directîiinrof tilt r-sîdrlct <ctor -. cream 1 f- t+he tintie will nt- be lng in 1a tlayutirSryw-as itstalilishtui whereM31 Minor R done on ail garments cleaned You wtll be surprisedi Au Old Su ln these Urnes when economy i old suits until you see how mui OSHAWA LAUI CLEANING Launderers Pho Dry Cleaners Bownani i

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