r yI PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAIq, BO>WMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THUR-SDAY, JtYNE 25th, 1936 il a.în.-Morning Prayer: 7 p.ii. -Evensong and Sermon. I_____________________________________________________ Rev. D. R. and Mrs. Dewdney and two littile datîghiters moved The ewc stl Ind pen ent into t.he rectory on Thursclay. June 18t.h. since whien they have already made many new friends and acquaintances. All who have Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vieiko 'ei 1 n of Fishers, md.,at Little Bit- not previoushy met the new Rect- and little daughtem xwere aga.rn an on Tuesday. June 16th. She or and his faihil wihl have a de- weekend guests of Mrs. Mlton .a.s the ', te of Dr. J. H. Ahin. ightful oPportu ty of doing 5 Long, Oyapella, Ne scastle on- onh\ survivng'broth ei of th~e ate at the garden party on the re- the-Lake, as they have been on D. T. Alin, Orono. and aunt of ory iawn on Thursday evening of__________ ____ two previous o>ccasions this w.eek. Mr. and Mis. Stanley Dix. Little th:s week. Mrs. Percy Brown left on Sun- Bita4,n. who nuînber many New- Mi.H.W DReyvHieSle day for a weeks visit wth fri- cas;tIe people amion.- their fi- cousins. Dr. and Mrs. Latta. .BRH ends in Rochester. N. Y. endis. Kinz.ztoii. makinz the trip by Mrs. W. H. B. Chiaplin eceived Lieut. A. Brown of the S. A.. 1mIotor with hiem son. Mr. L. Dud- PARK.ER - At Newcastle, June the sad news by wire of the death Bowmanvihhe. Mi'. Gilbert Jones.; e TI oio nhi vyt t 3d 93,t r n r.A of her only sister, Mrs. Edwin cornetist. Mrs. Marie Clark Bell. taiva. O. Parker. a son (Edward Orni- Melbourne, at the home of hem pian;st, and musical director. M:rs. J. R. F.,sher wt%ý re-elected ion son, Mm. Grant Melbourne. Dele- Bowmianville. together %wîîh Lieut. and Mrs. Percy Haie eected as - ware. U.S.A., on Sunday. June Shaver and Mr. Jeffries. Port mnembers of the Board of 134rect- 21st. The late Mrs. Melbourne. Hope. recently spent an enjoy- ors of the Chi:dien',s Aid Society DEATHS formerly Miss Marie Grant, was able musical and social eve-ning a* Port Hope on Juine 1&h. a native o! H4ope Tp.. having- been 'ithMr, and Mrs. H. C. Allun. Messrs. Fred Fligg. C. R. Ca r- AKRIL-theWsri born at Wesleyvihle. She had Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Kerr. Mi. 1 veth and Clfford Dougýlas spent Hspital Tor toWetr n been a resident o! the U.S.A. sînce and Mrs. Lawrence Kerr and sonsj a profitable and enjov able day HoptTrno.S nday early girihiood. The late Mrs. Weshey and Donald. and Miss! fishing in the vicinity -o! Mar- June 21st. 1936. Harmy Baskeri- Grant. hýer mother, was wont to Ethel Webber. Toronto, spent, mora andi Crow Lake on June 17. iilhe. beloved husband of Al- corne tca Canada each summer Sunday witli Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bemian bertire Maynard, in bis 74th and spend the season with her Allin. lwent on a fishing expedition year. Interred in Bowmanville daughter, Mrs. Chaplin wth Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Carveth are frôm Thursday to Satorday to Cemetemy. whom Mrs. Melbourne and son leaving th:s week on a trip to the Sparrow Lake as guests of Mr. DUFT-In Oshawa Hospital. on Grant have been frequent visi tors' Canaddian West and a visit %with S. Alcorn, Lind.say. June 23rd. 1936, Mark John in tinaes past. his parents, Mr. and Mrs.Arthu Miss Mary MacLean. Port-tr- Adam Duff, Myrtle, in his 42nd Miss Catherine Teeple. Bow'-i Carveth, Victoria, B.C. T-hey wilhr thur, visited hem oncle and aunt, year. Interreti at Ashburn. manville, lias been holidaying, be away for the rest o! the sumi- Rev. and Mrs. S. Ma.cLean. McARTHUTR-On Sunday a! ter- wth 'hem grandiparent.s, M1r. and mer.1 Mrs. (Dr.) Herbert Carveth. of noon, June 2lst, Charles A.,, Mrs. J. C. Hancock. iUie hrh-Rv .Mc ootvstdMs D. e. ae 2yas eoe ubn Two cars of Newcastle ladies jUenite. PChur - Rev. Ju . Ma- T rnt ist e r s Der.)homeof geC7har behowved huan attended the "Travelling Tea rLa, A.Ps-r una.J ne H.Carveoth at er somm er home TooCharlottermShaw MAhr !28th:- 10.15 a.m.-Sunday School' ecsl-nteLk.Hmso' Trno nemn omn held by the Concession Street 1 11a.m.-onn osi;8p e.H r.hsjs opee il eeey group of Trinity United Churchif . -oMug osic 8 isGeondH. Jr.. a .icaolei vlleCemeterligo us , m.-Evening Service: Musi by hs Tseonoyereteical tol- ACOE - n Drln136,ton phies W. A.. Bowmanvtlle, on Friday the Junior Choir at both services. lg.Trno ersnigte dy ue2r.13,Spi afternoon, June 19tb. This kind third generation of a family de- Walters, widow of the late John of afternoon tea involves extra A sextette o! ladies o! the reg- vo'ted to the practice of medicine. Pascoe. in ber &lst year. car performance with goes and ular choir o! the Unitedi Church, He bears in full bis late and hon- Puneral from the residence o! stops andi the getting out anti in Mrs. C. A. Cowan, Mrs. J. H. Jose uegrnftrsam.M.HE.TkSla hr- of the ladies seeking efresh- and Miss Bemnice Gilbank, ouredn gr ad!ahoe r nme Mm.H. E Ti, Soine2. at hu rs- ments and ideas at the several ranos. Mrs. W. D. Bragg, Mrs. H. on satwray nht o en a, June 20th. (sadr ie. a 2.30 t.e homes calleti at. The homes vis- R. Pearce. and Miss Gertrude onS ra ihJn 0 H amstanr tme)e.Builnte ited along the route where differ- Bonathan. altos, are singing at Chas. Gihkes, employed at Rus- RIHApton Bemetery. o sell Osborne's, No. 9 S. Section.RIHRSI Bwavleo ent itemns of the menu were par-' Clarke on Sunday. afternoon, usthscra h uno od Tedy ue2,13,Aei taken of at each were Mrs. Chas.,j June 28th, in conneotion with a upst hisf carbandthe tne od esayl, June 3, 1o 6. the a Wight's, Mrs. S. Chas. Allins.'1special W. A. service. broken coîhar bone. bip anti other Charles H. Richards. age 70 Mrs. A. R. Virgin's and Mrs. Wes. Mm. and Mrs. C. A. Cowan at- injuries. With him in the car years. Cawker's. Amont- the Newcastle tended Shiloh anniversary str- were Lloyd Clystale, who ha Fuelfrm heesdneo ladies taking in the fuhl course vices ast Sunday. playeti in the Bown's sof tball hiem brotbem-in-law. Mm. George i were Mrs. W H. Cooke. Pres., and' Mrs. E. C. Hoar accomparjti team. Miss Bessie Law and Miss Gilbert, King st. W.. Thu.rsday. Mrs. W. D.Bragg. 2nd Vice Pres. Mm. and Mrs. E. M. H. Ward t0 Audrey Jaynes. none o! who June 25th at 2.30 p.m. Inter- of Newca-stle Unitedi Church W. Toronto and spent the weekend were much burt. Other cars ment Bowmanville Cemetery. A., also Mesdames Clarence Ah- with hem aunt. Mrs. Mary Amm- brought the occupants home and WHITE-At Booklin. on Thiirs- lin, A. W. Glenney. Thos. A. Rod- strong. also the car which was no' bad- day. June 18. 1936, Job White.T gem anti Ross Dick: nscn in an- Mm. Stanhey and Miss Winni- ly damaged except that the oil beloveti husbanti o! the late ather car,'and Mesdames E. C. fred Rickard were at Blackstock %vas ail spilleti for the time being. Amanda Wilbur, in his 8htt Fisher and T. H. Clemence. ast Saturday attending a meet- Mm. Gihkes. who suffered practi- year. Miss Lucy Brault, Toronto. vis- ing o! the executive o! Oshawa >:ahly aîî the injuries. played on ___________ iteti hem unche and aunt. Wi-. and Presbytery Young Peoples Union. the Lake Shore Teamn in the bah i Mrs. Wm. Kene!ick and Mm. Pat SI. George's Church - Rev. D. tournament. He is an active CAR DS OF THANKS and Miss Annie Kenefick. R. Dewdney, B.A., Rectoî'. Sun- worker lin the Young People's Un-_______ Mrs. H. C . Alin with Orono day. June 28th. 3rd Suntiay after ion. th1 . S o!the Unitedi relatav-s attendeti the funeral o! Trinîty: 8 a.m.-Holy Commun- hr adnuseegl i Tefmlyotelt M-.J herLn, te lte rs.J. . A- in: .45a.m-SudaySchol;attendance upon his duties. in J. Brown, Solina. wishes to ex- the church. 1Press their sincere thanks to ther F f Congratulations to Mr. and m a n y relatives, frientis and Mms. A. O. Parker on the birth o! neighbours, especially Mis. S.E. a son on the King's birthday. Werr, fo>r their kînd expressions S um m er D UV s i Inspector John Baker, Soina,0fSympthy anti floral tributes E1~ N .7was in this section last week call- extendeti during Iheir recen, sad c. ,' ~ing on apple orchadists and, bereavement. AreSa l d D ay s ber o! trees. greater or less. in wxeme ~regard to the control o! apple maganggot or railroad wraii-CHURCHES f ng tbem when to spr'ay and toi MAYONNAISE SALAD DRESSING . fcut down anti destroy al on-, ENCORE....... 8-oz. jar 15c ENCORE....... 8-oz. jar 15c spmayech apple tî'ees anti hawthomn ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTIERI.1- ENCORE.1-z a ECR..32-oz. jar 45c bushes withîn a distance o! 300 CHURCH ENOR ...16o. a 2cHELLMANN'S Horne Style 19 vards o! ahl o-chartis untier cer-i Rev. W. G. Blake, Ministe:' ENCORE..32-az. jar 55cHLMN'oeSye tification., Miss Louise Osbor'ne, Oî'ganist HELMAN'S . 33c Mi. A. O. Parker belti a stuc-! Sunday. June 28t1v Il a in- HELLMANN'S . 8-oz. jar 24r MIRACLE WHIP.8ý_-_oz. jar 21c cess!uh barn î'aising on Jone 151h. Sl ries: ..'oha HELLMANN'S . 6-oz. jar 43c MIRACLE WHIP. 16-oz. jar 35e uz'nz the timber !î'om the old Sunoiay Schooh a!teî' momning _________________________court, house which he porchaseti service. somne years ago. The barn with JEWEL SHORTENING 2 Ibs. 25e b.~ this addition and remotielhîng CT J H'RCNICA 4 ,w45 .as aIl finisheti by the end o!f T JOH'ANICAN th -seek under the capable dir- Rev. C. R. Spencer. Rector RED CRCLE OFFEE and b ection o! Joe Martineil. Kendal Mî's. J. A. Gunn, Orzanist RE IC ECO F EIl-ode b c contractor. ! Thîrd Sunday after Trinity: Mes.Lloyd Stephenson and HOhy Communion 8 arn.: Morn- PINK g'iLMONSstrîee2T~'I'g 23c 2 n'ý' lic Leslie lAhh-Idread are home from ing Prayer il arn: Evenin- Pray- PEA UT UT ER - 24n z. 3 White River whiere they weme em- er 7 p.m.: Sunday Scbool 10.30 PEANU BUTT R 23c ployeti in the construction o! the a.m. O r BRUNSWICK ARDINES 3 Tns 1 c t'acroninental highway. Ade ST. PAUL'S U'NITED CHURCH P C NA EAU CHEE ai~n or r?~ 29C Ragen, Toronto, are bolidaying RevA. S. Kerr, M.A., Minister - CHA EA CH ES rir.nto 2 kgs wth their grandmother. Mrs.! Ms L. L. Bragg, Organist. hI.h.W~Iiil@Toat TnsJno. Dugas 1Sunday, June 28tb: 10.10 a.m.- H nz O P to2 Tn 23c Others 2 Tins 25o Doga.I-Sunday School: il a.m.-The UAuT cnn<umclb~.Sacrament o! the Lords Supper HE LT C OKE - 2- b. 25 NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL f will be observed; 7 p.m.-Minis- G: flRCHARDF RUDIIT .18<i1 I I. S -ýM- -1---- j H AMS Maple Leaf or Wilsf's Best, Smnoked, Whoe or Hait - - M. 8 PICICS Boneless Smoked - -- 23e PUCNICS Sunnflfyeld S- - es 19e BAB3Y COTTAGE ROLLS Smoked - lb. 27c PORK DELICACIES Smoked - - 'b. 2 GE'%UINE SPRING 1936 fi~ B LEGS................................ 29e LAM LOINS, Fiank om...................... lb. 27c FRONTS, Rolled if desired.............. 19c SHOULDER cHrUCK ROAST - - lb.10 FRESH WHITEFISH - - - - 16. FRESH FILLETS ------- 1e SALMON RESTIGOUCHfE --B, j lb. 24c Centre Cut. and Steaks......... lb. 27e TOMATOES-------- - - - --- 25e BANANAS-------- - - - - 3lb-. 23e WATERMELONS 24-!h av,. - - Ech 59C CAL. PEAS------- -- - - - ib. 1 ORANGES Vaienc!as - - - - na.. 2ic FINE SALT - - - 39C '"t' 69c CATTLE SALT - 59Th !-.in39C Iodlaed 45e Gèo. M. Bosnell, G. E. Garnett TORONTO OPTOMETRISTS TORONTO OFFCE 2143 DANFORTH AVE. - GR. 7078 PORT HOPE Office is open WEDNESDAY of each week from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Phone 248 or 525J. G. M. Bosnell in charge. COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of each week from 9 a.m. to 9I p.m. Gordon E. Garnett in charge. NOTE-Where at ail possible kindly make appointments for examinations. tors F~arewell Message. A cordial Standing for the Year 1935-1936 welcome to all. o! Lower School TRLNITY UNITED CHURCH The folhowing is the standing Rev. E. F. Armstrong. Pastor o! the students o! the Lower Prancis Sutton, Mus.Bac. School o! Newcastle High School Organist anti Choir Director, ifoi' thesechool yeam 1935-36. The Sunday, June 28th: il .m.-, n ames are in order o! menit ac-r Communion anti Reception Ser- cordîng to the average percent- vice: sobject "A Universal Bene- age fo;r the year. The students diction; 2.30 p.m.-Decor at i on wbose namnes appear pa.ssed in Day Service aI the cemetery; 7 p. the Deparîmental subjects. Art. m-Musical anti Patrîoîic Ser- iBotany. British History anti Eng- vice: subject 'The Landi o! Prom- lîsh Grammar, witb ai least 50 lse or the Art o! Facing Life." i-o cent. Wheme the name o! a Yoo are codially invîtedti 1 these sobject appeaî's afler a stodents !arewell services o! the minister. name, however, the stodent must The union services duing July pass in Ibis subject on a later wihl be helti in St. Paul's Church. exmnto.Form 1 ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CHURCH Cla_:ss1I Honors) (75 tao 01 :R.ev. Father J. F. MeGuire, Pastor James Lovekin 79.7; Gordon Cot- Suntiay. June 28tb: Mass aI ter 79.6. Bowmanvihle 10.30 a.m.: Mass at JClass 11 (66 ta 747<ý): R eiî a Newcastle 9.00 a.m. Cooke 74.5: Edith Hendry 72.«5-; H AVAINAM Vivian Dock 71.8: Mary Painter H AVTO R' 69.5. Bowmanville Corps Class III: Ross Aflin 64.4 (Bm. Lieuls. A. Brown anti J. Shoan Hist.; Bruce Van Dusen 63.8: Sunday, June 28tb: il a.m.- Walter Pail 60. Holiness Meeting; 7 p.m-.-Salva- Cetit (50 t0 59%ý): Audirey lion Meeting; Speaker, Mm. Wat- Jaynes 57.7 (Frenc); Je an son; Topic, "The Christ withi Holmos 58.8 (Bm. Hist. Botany: wbom we have 10 deal. Oshawa! Wanda McKay 55.7 (Br. Hist.); y'oung peoples S. A. Band ti Ithe Annie Tkatch 52 (French, Latin, evening service. IEng. Gram. Bm. Hist.. Forrm 11 Class I (Horons: Patricia BOWMANVILLE WINS Pearce 85.1: Margaret Pearce 83.4 Jon Alin83.. 1Bowmanville puleti out of ils 83.4: John Alîn B83.3. 6.4.tbree week slump ta tiefeat Co- Class III: Dovelynshm66.4.he bourg 2-1 in a Lakoshore League SeChas I: orsJo0s6:.thlf!xtum'e bore Wetinesday night. Credit: Maurire Powell 55.6 (Latin I. French 111: Haroldi Colonel A. E. Davitison, an Ho-'kin 55 (Eng. Gram., French aide-de-camp) to the King, bas II). [completeti 5,000 miles o! sculling Edward M. H. Warti, Principal., n his boat oin the Thames. NEWTONVILLE Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, Mr. JUI and Mrs. Milton J. Elliott, Bow- manville, Miss Mertde Weatherilt,f Cowanville. Mr. and Mrs. Thomp - son, Kendal. visited at t he horne of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Reid, ci "Homewood Farm", and attend- Excursi ed the Orange service at Eliza T t 'bethville. Socks made in Japan are be-C ing sold in Britain at 85 cents a N A 1 dozen pairs. ob-- - NdD TRIP RAIL From BOWY to$0 0IPotHron $4.45 ion tickets also sold to Windsor and Detroit July 3rd. ci u iijpils ra ii[i fn ri a t in -i fra i -A pif ç Ask for HmýndbII. NADIA N ICA-NADIAN TI1O0N A L PACIFICe * CALVES WANTED -2 CALVES -on à ..- -a--wLor 1soitable for vealing. Howard ROTARY PROGRAM EDGER - In loving memioi'y 0fi Gibson. R. R. 4, Bowmanville. oui' deai' father. William Etiger.; Phone 300r3. 26-1 t.1)îîulFr i Xc who dieti June 27tb. 1928. 1 --- Sweeî memories Xviii lingýer for- Hay For Sale said. but if we do our womk as ever. Rotarians and carry the spirit o! Tiine cannot change them it's , FOR QUICK SALE-FIVE ACRES felloivsbip. fmientisbip and good trueo! bay. clover andti tmothy. ethics throughi our Rotay lfe. Our loving rmembanc eve 0f H. standing crop. Apply T. Rotai'y Wil live on as a tribute 10 Our ovig rmemrane o H.Locelchart, Bowmanville. tbose of us who now car'ry its -Ee ieerbre y ail. Phone 516. 26-1- banner. - _ ___i You cannot by a place in tbe Property Fýor Sale_ Articles For Sa-le __ mnemory o! the world witb a cen- FOR ALE- FIV ROOEIDFOR SALE - BRASS BEI) AND brick house. on Queen St. springs. chîffonier with mirroi'. East.. good garten anti garage. wanut couch. Rev. A. S. Kerr, ~g4wm Apply to I. F. Pordy, Duke St., Cbu'ch Street. Bowmanville. e n s a Bowmianville. 25-3,1I Phone 230. 26-1 pROPERTy FOR SALE - FIVE FOR SALE - SPRTNG WAGON, Orsoewl ecoe romei oue ndsu prc, arya ton anti a hal!. J. W. Your bread and bakery si ail conveniences, on Church A ernethy, R. R. 2, Bowman- wl aea xr ag Street, su.itably priceti for quick ville. Phone 1831-14, 26-1* ORDER EARLY TO AVO sale. Apply Miss N. E. Neatis. FOR SALF-60 BUSHELS GOOD Insurance Agent. Phone 355, dry seeti buckwheat, 55c per Bowmanville. 26-2 boshel: also bamley. lc per lb. Apartments to Rent maniîfe7afRR. 26- W atson's< - Phone 97 TO LET -5 R.OOMED APART- FOR SALE-STANDING MIfXED ment in Statesman Block. Ap- Hay, Choyer anti Timotby. A. ply Statesman Office 23-t Hume, Manvers Road. Phone 231J.26-1* Farm For Sale23J FO)R SALE-100 CORDS POUR- A ad N FOR SALF-75 ACRE DAJRy foot bariwood, also white birch. A H n y~ Farm. 9 miles north of Bow- Jack G. Smith, Drawer 6, Bob- manville. Going concerns stock caygeon. Ont. Phone 32rl-2. M i' andi implements. Crop in. ___ 23-tf Toin or city property part pay-- There are very few jobs ment. Mrs. Lilie Mountjoy ELECIRIC STOVE FOR SALE - Smith and General Repairmai R. R. 6. Bowmanville. Phonel1 Three elements ant io1w oven, Staff of four capable me: 320r22. 25-tf., ideal for small kiIeben or su efcin erie mer cot.tage Ihat is wired: also efcetsrie Real Estate For Exchange coal annex attachet: wiîî seîî Agent for Taco Tudhop - - ___ ____ separatehy. A real ba rg a in. Implements, and Dille and à TORONTO PROPERTY FOR Phone 413 or Drawer B, Bow- excbange for acreage near manville. 24-2 Acetylene and Electr Bo wVmanville suitablo for farm - ' O A E - F A E B N o e s S a p in o c:cen. us hve twen ty by twenty-six f eet. gooti house andi ootbuîhdings. fourteen foot posis. heavy'Bl ks Pmincipels only. E. W. C. !ra.me. timbers sounti: 10 be lcs Sharpe. 1702 Metropolitan Bld c. taken of! premises. Apply Mrs. Torono. 26V D.B. Simnpson. Drawer 7, New- Fo-SleorIet castle. 26-1 D e R e A ] F R S E OR Rent 1FOR SALE-MOWER AND HAY King Street B. ~ORSAL ORREN-A SOLID rake. Apply' F. G. Kerslake. biýck hoose on Centre Street, Hampton. Phone 375r15. 26-lV aIl conveniences. double gar--__ age. Apply Albert E. Belîman. FOR SALE- SINGLE RIDING M*LIFT YOURSELF OUT 0F Phone 526. 7-t! Plow. McDeering No. 13; 2 Deering MOwer's. 5 ft. cut; 3 THE DRUDGERY 0F THE Indecision is.a. very near rela- Massoy Mowers. 3'2 fI. cut: ive 10o nhapp;ness. Mvassey- Harris Cream Separat- or: McCormick Mower. 5 ft. cut; Drill. il hoce; Gas Engine. BusiessDire tor i 10ýore:Frost & Wood mow- er. a ft. cut. L. R. Wood, Mc- LEGALPhone 597 or 555. 18-tf .G.V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. 'SYESFRSALE-22 WIN- Ban"'sier. Solicitor, Notary dow shutters, useful for soin- Phone 35h mer cottage or' chicken bouse. _ ~~oyai~~~~ BakBd. omnil _argain for quick sale. Apply Gjeo. W. Jam-es. Bowmanville. W-. R. STRIKiE - Phone 53. i Help Wanted WANTED-CAPABLE GIRL FOR housewoi'k. Apply Mrs. Hubert Stacey. R. R. 4, Bowmanville. J Phono 111r3. 26-1* Wanted 'WANTED - YOUNG COUPLE W'ouiti lîke ta rent two or tbre - oomis in the viciniZy o! Maplo Grove. Apply 'H' Drawer B. AUCTION SALE Saturday. July 4th -The en- tire househiolti effects o! the late Mis. Elizabeth Ann Elsworth will be sold by public auction on the premises, Mill Street, Newcastle. Sale to commence at 2 p.in. Day- lig-ht Saving Tirne. Ternis cash. J Coulson. Auctioneer. 26-1 Bammste fr Bankc:ofNti~ Moîc:omtom an o!hon'eme1, Bots manl :11le. Ont ar:o L. C. MASON. B.A. Barister - solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ahi its br'anches. )fice îmmnediately ea..t o! Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688: Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson maduate O! Royal Dental Col- te, Toronto. Office: Jury Job- ee Bldg.. Bowmanville. Office ors 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. da:hy ex- Phono 90. House phono 283. X-E ADRayEp entin Oce FUNERAL DIRECTOR Service, any hour. any day. F. F. MqRRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment Ambulance and invalid Car Cail Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Comiplete Funeral Service Modern Equipment - Ambulance - A. WV. G. Northcutt - Aubrey Smnith- Phone Days 58 Nights. Sundays oi- Holidays Phone 523 or 276. SHOE REPAIRS R. PAWSON Bout and Shoe Repairlng Soles sewn on by Goodyear St.itching Machine. Prices reasonable lei 11f bc ce FRANCIS SUTTON Mus.Bac., F.C.C.O. A.T.C.M. diplomas in Piano, Singing. Violin and Organ. Private or class lessons. Pupîls prepared foir aIl examinations. Phone 42. Bo-4mranviUe TRAVEL BARGAIN MAN VI LLE fLive Stock For Sale FOR S-ULE-YOUNG HOLSTEIN cow. due to freshen July ist; also 9 Young Yorkshire pigs. W. G. Wery, Phone 160r3, Bowmianville. 26-1 Used Cars MOO ARFRSALE-1926 Ford Touring. driven by lady in Summem' Onlyý, î'unning condi- tion Perfect, $40. Apply C. Hormocks. Newcastle. 26-V* Strayed IFER STRAyED-FROM- LOT 6. Con. 5. Darlingtlon, Durham lieifer. grey. 2 years old. Not- îfy Fr'ankc Wemry. Phono 146r4. 25-3 Found FOUND - HOUND DOG, BEA- r gle Black anti Tan. Male. BoxI 499. Bowmanvilie 26-3 Lost LOST-ON MONDAy, A AG 0 flour between D. W. Downeys I anti Bruce Metcalf's. Findeî' please noti!y Mm. Wîlcox, phono 475r5. 26-11 Miscellaneous ELOCUTION LAURA GORMAN-GL - Tea- cher Of Elocution. Phono 158, evenings. 19-If WEST END GARAGE AND MA- chine Shop - We sPecializei machinery epairs, general gar- age repairs, welding, towinI service. J. ri. Demerling, Pro- prietor, BowmnanvilUe. Phon e 81. 23-t! Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Elizabeth Susan Galbraith, deceased. AIl persans having c 1laiims against the estate o! 'Elizabeth Susan Galbraitb, late o! the Vil- lage o! Blackstock in the Town- ship of Cartwrgbt in the County o! Durham, wiow, who dieti on or about the 8tli day o! May 1936. are reqoîredti t senti particulars O! same to the undorsigneti on or before the l6th day of July 1936, after whicb date the assots o! the deceaseti will be distributeti among the parties entitIedti here- ta baving regard only to the dlaimis o! wbicb the untiersigneti shaîl thon have notice. Dateti aI Oshawa this 22nti day o! Jone A. D. 1936. Percy H. Jobb andi Herbert Galbraith, Executors, by their Solicitor Charles C. McGibbon, 6 King St. West, Oshawa, Ont. 26-3 etery memorial, Mr. McKeown, saiti in conclusion, but ýoucan dc somnething home on eartýY that will carry your name c - your pinciples on as an inspiration ta, future generation. President E. F. Armstrong ex- presseti on beh'aîf o! the club ap- preciation o! the speaker's un- pressive talk. anti of the programi stag-et by the Whitby Club. Mr. Armstrong wiltiehiver bis vaiedîctory address as president of the club and as a memnber thîs Fiday's meeting. Mm. Ar strong has made a real contrib tion to the Rotary Club, and bis leadersbip. support anti co-oper- Cutie (Chatham News) The niother o! that Los Angel- es baby who bas been smoking f'or a yeaî' Inust be mighty prouti. Imngine bavîng a chilti wbo cati is a Holiday 1aU day. PIease order ;pplies on Thesday. We SUPPIY. ID DISAPPOINTMENT. [ian lua Any Town that D. R. AlIdread, black- ,n s flot equipped to handie. n to assure you prompt and »-Anderson Machinery and KoGuire Lawn Mowers. ric Welding - Lawn ened - General nithing Ilireaul Next Skating Rixlk OLD FASHIONED KITCHEN Special Terms If You Purchase Now Lberal Allowance on Your Old Electric Range For a limited tîme only we wvill instali free of charge a Range Service and Distribution and Entrance Box, for any person bu.ving an Electrie Range who has not the proper uiring to operate same. This is a worth while saving f from, 25 to $30. Act now whlle this special offer is on. $ 10.00 allowance for your present eooking stove Three years to Day for 3'our new Electric Range, with specal carry- ing charges whlle this plan is in force. Make a snull down payment - that's ail y'ou have to do. Your new. modemn Electrie Range WJin be lnistailed in your home ready for use. With an Elec trie Range there lsnoneed ta cook Yourself in- stead of your f ood. No need to dread getting a hot meal in warm weather. Heavy Insul- ation of the oven seals the heat inside. There are no furnes or es- caping heat either through oven vents or through the walls of Bowmanville Public Utilities Commissi&ý HYDRO'S NEW THRII:r PLAN affords you an opporcunity to bu>' an Electric Range easily witbout strain n he famil>' budget. R305 THE HYDRO SHOP or Daler will give you complet* informa. $i nas to how you can sart cool likck.n cooldng in your hom. These local dealers wiIl co-operate with the above plan Rice & Co. Mason & Dale W. L. Elliott Dustan's Cash Hardware L. A. Parker 'E 1 , IN MEMORIAM ý PHONE 192 BOWMANVILLE