THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVHJLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. JULY 23md. 1936 SCOUTS, CUBS ENJOYING LIFI.hvoe -apeLa Truck sets Economy Recordj Bricks andBuut AT CAMP AK_ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ Scoutmaster Mortlock Presented YESlonE.Osore WAE S TL With Officiai Lay Reader's Bad enc ev.R . sc o t t y Cameron's Intermned- Spencer i~~ates. after a couple of disastrous P rh G ie With seventy boss unde canduringthe middle of Jufle P rh G id rL With eveny bos une., ari-havepicked up lately andae vas. the 1936 edtion of Camp playing wnning bail and in do- Akela, fg so are giving a croxvd-pleas- Aklunder the auspices of thel n ipa hsoIdmk h r e tr FlistBo%ýmnvileTrop f Bydursilas t c siuckmak-th Scouts and Wolf Cubs, is uinder ~sîe lc r e trdi h way at Tyrone. On Thursday Previous to last niglit the teani 1a~t anadvncepart 0fsom ,.has had a ten day lay off fron Uam st-e oseoreted tens end been idle since an exhibition! Ju ly Clearance of Sum mier Fu n t r caphirte oysjreed to heLege omettnn andh! mak prpartios fr te a- .game at Blackstock with Sunder- rial of tepain bodfon thrîda- land on Orangemans day. On1 And marked at Iess than the original factory cost- Yo' ne r morng. Members of the Rotaryý that occasion Ed. Wfohr:dge fo and Lions Clubs and other fri- trimmed the Intermedýate CbyIes ends of the camp supplied tfls i t;tleholders by 10-5. transportation. Most of Friday Telcî Hot Weather Specials Continued - Bed Outf its ..... . 495U was spent in settling into- camp. Telcl deserve considerable Af ter the first night's campf ire. credit for the spirit they arei Folding Camp Cots and Mattresses ...... .Complete .5to79 when camp leaders and tent- lead-, showing. So far this season thev ers were introducied, a pý,eas;ant have used six catchers. But with Day Beds, Sliding Couches, Studio Couches........75t 85 surprise was the arrivai of Doug, Tony Mcllveen back in town that Elunt from Toronto. Doug. who I problemFos ttneCap Akela in 193- and lowing the game in Picton onis-als-Bdig -W a aeyu m n 1934. was to have been a leader'Jl o. hnteyhdsvn, qie et o an orh rsm e otg this year but was unable to attend '% INDSOR. MONCTON RUN WITH LOAD F CEMIENT MADE AT COST F 1/3 F A CENT PER TON-MILE men ohn the y a e benrretsfrla n och, orhey engcotage for the f ull ieriod. He stayed, Interestinrepisode7 in the record- Upper left, provincial police officer eral Motors of Canada, Liniited; Grafton here on the Saturday however until Sunday night. brakn economny test run between checks speedonmeter. Upper right, and Warren Hastings, secretary, and were only able to strip rnen On Sunday afternoon many f' ydoOtadMntn .Btemdm adteodfsine n ereHsigegne men. Bert Colwell went behind l Ont, and31oncon, .B., he moern ad th old-ashioed theGebat HaningsBuckieLarge FcameR RSin- the boys' parents visited the1 made by a Chevrolet-Maple Leaf meet in a Quebec village. Lower Ieft, Canadian Automobile aanBukLrecmi-' camp and made a tour of in- 2]I-ton truck, with load which a stock Chevrolet six-cylinder truck The truck and official pilot car, seen to third base. both giving a good' spection. Weekend visitors at the' brought the total weiglit up to 20,- engine for the test is selected by in the Iower right illustration, are ýaccount of themselves. PHONE 10BO MN LL campincude Dikie ishr ad 1000 unsaie pictured above. G. W. Garner, chief engineer, Gen- now on an exhibition tour.i Kent Fisher of New Hamburg. N. ______Osborne__________________ Y., who stayed over the weekend ý in grand style and followed up with their cousins. Ted and Jim-! ville Beach. A f ull accounit of the . Late Sown Crops this victomy with another over dent Roy Dodge. who coînes f rom maining garnas. 'flhat is their zny Clark. Dickie Fisher also present week's activities at Camp,* I____ Cobourg on the next Saturday. Cobourg.aceuphsrsintgol spent a weekend at the Camp last Akela will 'ce iven next week. S- lsSchoolî t* for the third straight win oveî iabpled e or fai priad Tgoals.ta asaprnt h E itrs i year. '~~~~~~~~_____________ Prof essor W. J. Surel nai h ertwilpeg o arpa n n Two new boys joined the camp s impossible for that. man'Home and School Club HîldsPic-. olee ateaityfoyrsusenigam.the twonevldas Ualet on Sna and were made wel- to despaîr sho remembers thatj nic and Makes Presentation to Out of four tilts with the Lea- fieesfr n gm.ldfaenong evi aysofUnaie 1 corne. bringing the strength lfh. epri mioet oua eceMs o Winter Rye and Iinter Wheati gue Leaders. Bowmanvilie kicked -fedasrn emo lyr the camp Up to seventy even. Jeremy Taylor.oh Ha Winter rye or winter wheat, away the initial contest with er- Taking into account that the who want to play, they have HmeodDV.T-nt Casualties hv ee e few ______Auus 1Hthatth mrsinthe closing innings and? territ îc heat was enougli to0ruf- dropped out of the league. There Sn7y.4uy tHi13 haebenveyI hnur0 is ortyisorate oto busel 0f atsted roiavstan teote hmedi-fie the tempers f the mildest. is fauit ail the way through from afteron nd had ticon udgo hv tknhomehrthe, rv butisexecedbak o cmpin SC OOL EP RT Hoar and in the interests of the acre. will produce considerable ng Campbell out under a 12 to Dodge let the cuprits off easy. the coaching down. Several Of Dear Mr.Jae- __ 1~~~children of the section, a very 1 pa-sture in the Autumn. Results 4 barrage in Cobourg. winning 2- but t.he suspension will serve not- the paeshv eno ad A e erytet er r day ortwo. The Camp Directorejybepci a pnoeb xeiet nteaeaeo 1 behind a sterling effort icSýethat rowdyism will not betoi- for every game and have given going bakwthsxtoad 'when handiing a bottie of popl APTNteomleeand choolAs s sociatiyon t h ie tys a the avnraeioGog ie ndpudn u erated. It will also be interestingI their ail. To them goes muchotes1pa hmge ote hdhssetce mseanthofmhaes rand m o socBatio e Aricutrl o egeso ht9-5 triumph in Cobourg under a 1to see howv the fans wiii turn out praise. But t0 those who wanted eleven thosnfiv]ude hiad Ns seutaes sahe bo and ex-_ofShawsat the Ce o alyArclua oleeso htbaigsr.after the lutIle fracas. to be coaxed to play or who e- names engae nou odr pioded. The damage howevem wa. 3Mldsummner Promotion, Hampton' Camp on Saturday. June 251h. when the crop was close cut ~ u.i fused 10 take orders or quit.lie- fui memora<Vm ig. . not erios. S S.No. il Immediateiy after supper Mm. twice) wintem rye poduceda elthutt flot serious. ________ chairman .a- total tonnage. before damage by It was in this game that Bert That the suspension hurt was1cIs the isnt anything0bsadpopefmmyodh etonf Spencr, retor o St. ohns uniorRoom ed on Jean Prout who read an serious f rost, of 2.6 tons of green Colwell had to retire because of demonstrated on Saturda3- when Teepelet ftlntiiti opmvle e olflk V eac Scerrch adchaplainStoJhe'sm. Juior. 11oydKes yadmss1 Ms Hareesiyig rp e are ndwntr hatte unad oborfmie hdahlsothnntPois osintw ad lishpe ta nx ltteeahwek fmytpo Chrh n hali t h S- I oJr I-LodKe yto lher efforts in the intemest of 0 w on fgen rpprhis 10 say about our Bert: slugfest to Graflon by a 14-il ye,,*an t ecu ill sedtat nwith itwheneveaoce l rmma SSus, ooka vspe sevic iniHý G. ohnt Hot ' the cooOndfriclml0he cr.ouodsotheencrop ote We hope with other players in'score. At the saine lime Pîctonlya h lbw Iatiihawee the camp. The usual visit to Ty- Pe:ýens1-. I JhnHo i H),Cec- the ohtfunss fr thchild.mto e'sancred fhor pathsturths Atno ti e~efrased eoeywr aqhn ot Hpebe densiate and settle down to I do not ko h alsr rofle church was not held this : e:: Jean Cowling. h-vinel weigfare enHnate usnsvc snw btwl otebs due to the absence 0f Rev. Pe::t. ~~~~npr they can be îeft and pastumin ntepr fBm owî.wo42cut1 i oor o h c year cdueedMisshHorabisencreadin eamly pring.unfortunateiy could not stand the League iead. Genial Ron Church'Oe 1teminfuîst c eareian n hrdy A. M. Wootton on lholidays. A J-.- : r I-obyStit n 7 1 M is orwt edn al pig n ftemi als ob the vesper service Rev. 'Mm. Sper - S. 1 .o Jm-. I-Alfred Olesen:. ame and Denîzel Anderson and Mlethat. B cut afem Bert isneafd aIl esred the fist b asedPseti fond ith this yeam's team isjuly l6tho he"sana"s cer presented the offic:a! Lav Hl. Dat id Caîg 4Hî). Gladys on Price pesented hiem with a If millet can be seeded under dayewocoular plBeIs oneofaur f the hîiils an ock nd et. their innbility to understand that will say bodbeGoretl1o wanttable for the use of books favorable conditions by July 251h. tems oua lyr nteAe il agdw ih six i they should still bie building for ha o enx ekfo Readers Badge recently granted Kersey. -Mermiann Olesen. Kath- and magazines. Miss Hoar thank- il will produce a faim crop of ha Royals nine and also is very Pop- hits while bis team-mates %vere the futue hsisolhh e M oajutbfelavgCr- Vsop B.fH.Torotlok y he :c -'enr.kneJoývceColnggili .edte hdrnofth cho nMar emy'uuo TeHungar lusamnoppos er inplliaye 0inhn neyfrtnsfte ond year for the club and iilils ada. You bisho 0f orono. Vv:ar. Jun Co-vUng Hary'Ma- 1 the Home and School Club for ian variety of millet i n fteiIu oeta eIwi eai As hisis niten nml inthet the rene AinnRo FpyorheinkieneA. estvaretisa1rusuad i shurdtoheeaoun fo th plyofs Thhiss evesBowanvlleBosldo tht atea ca tvn week. no account Of the ey J:-.,0oSm. 1-Isabel Vivian i points bebind the leaders 'vith 14 'hi ides etvreie oue'n tsol tille in less than three 3ears. The'Cr .Marad week activities can be given. Te H.Shirey P:rgle. James Grant, The chairman then caied on e seeded aIteme aot Incidentally. Cobourg as been and Port Hope are twxo more be-a sgigte il .., boy ar lokin fowad keni Joce ~:ir.i Rev F. B. Lovekin of Clarke three-quartersofabsepr travelling a rocky rond of late. hind Ihat. If owmnvlle take- Vo~~~~ Paetsrih.o Wdeda. St -moJm 1-Phyllis Nid- Wogv eyifraiear Foilowing the fistic dispiay put both games of the two scheduled aa.Do eaue when ýsoîne two hundred and fif- diem -'Hý. Audrey Kersey 'H. speech and commended the trus- Rape _Ion by Mitchell and Goody duîinz with Port Hope this week they Mum w;hat becomes of a ty~~~~~ vsosarexcedateEh ie-tH-Bob Cagtsfo-terie-eti te This is one of the good late;t he last. Royal visit, when they ,vill be assumed of a playoff bertli car-when il, gets too o o i un? epse îig ae yasc cchoopShorhspeches eresîvenkastum cmHarolndif t canOcLloysd heir eadsand invaded the ,but iin order to reach the top "Somebody selîs it to youm training'"Btbgnessata camp The guestt seechasewre given aeture crpsS rn-.f iloydnAllin.t teir top. Mr. Per-cY Cherry of Tor-onto. ?,-i-rer -.lar. Kane. June Kane'by Mm. W. J. S. Ricknmd, Mm. Geo. seeded in the next few days wviil stands after jeering fans. Presi- notch they must win ail thîee i-e- father!"te o. President of the On-ar-.c BD Ori:-eii:tl an.Alun, Mr. Kyle Squniî- and Mm. produce worthwhile pastume by Scoutz Amociation. Mr.'Cl'e'";. H-oo Hemman. Mr. Rickard officialyv late Autumn. It can be seeded in a summe'- resîdent of 30 ;vrnan-, G-ace -. Ca';kei ýeicher. thanked Messrs. Hemman and r-ows at the rate of 1 ';î 10 2 _____Weinstur for their generous gift1pounds of seed per acre, or may ,o0f f ive huge %vatermelons which be broadcasted at the ate of 4 w ere thorougbiy enjoyed after the,10 5 pounds of seed per acre. This Vil- orîam. Each cbild wa~s gis-en 'cmop may be pastured satisfact- PRO T CT Y UR H M E n ice creami cone and a souvenir omily by beef catlle, hogs or befoe leaving for home. ,sheep. There is sometimes a, WIXAVODR O e were vei-y happy to welcoine danger of nmi laigi WIT AGOO R OFMm. Kay. the pîoprîetor of Kurv turned on the pasture when hun- I Inn. and akso oui- new teacher, gmy or wben thbcrcop is wet. This Miýs Ella Tamblyn of Omono. and danger may bc iargcly overcome fîiend, Mis-s Marion Green. aisoI by ailowing the animais to stay o f Orono. on the pasture a short tîmne at K a Hme an Scboo Assoia-fîst and at the samne lime iettinr As on He aoud Sho lsoike-1them .have access to a gi-ass pas- -hank artfclaml. ture. The Dwaaf Essex variet.y is hakMr. Moi-den and biis staff1 ior tbe use of the beautiful camp- one of the best vaîîeties to sow îng ground. the many conven- foi- late pasture. inces and means of entertaîn- Marrowstem Kale imn of which the ýchu dren and ibTis cmop, which is mnore stemn- grown-ups used to the fullest en- 'iy and bas a smaliei- leaf growth, 7--vient. than rape. can also bc seeded at i I ternoon was a basebali gamne be-I wbile pastuîe befome there is dan- r îtween the pupils of No. 9 scbool cmr of serious f rost damage. It _____and Shaw's. refereed by William1 should be seeded at the rate of 1 Barchard and Brenton Rickard. to 2 pounds of seed per acre in, PlI*Sbaws being the victors. rows, or- may 'ce boadcsted at 4 to 5 pounds of seed per acre. jCt.le hgsor sepcan 'ce suc- ii:i ~ ce taken astuin pasturi ap. ..,~,NESTLETON but the saie precautions shouldI IIIIJW. A. and W. M.S. met in the Any of the grain crops seeded c.umch1as-mn-- on __ u say.-a 1-i1s ateone- wi i iiuciy p-m Yoitill always be Pmoud df this Roof A GOOD ROOF IS A GOOD INVESTMENT The entire furnishings of your home are de- pendent upon the roof for protection from the weather, yet the cost of a good roof is very, very small compared with the cost of the rest of the structure. There is no better protectionl invest- ment than a good roof. At the same time you get this protection, you get new dolor, that makes your home more attractive and more valuable. Demnand Toronto Ashphalt Shingles Long after other roof coverings have de- cayed and been removed Toronto Ashphalt Shingles are giving your home a new color- fui beauty. They provide protection, beauty, comfort and appenrance at low cost, and with a guarantee of lasting wear. Toronto Ashphalt Shingles For Sale By Sheppard & GilLumber Co. LIMITED Bowmanville July l6th. Mrs. Jackson took duce sunsatisfactory yields of charge 0f Ihe worship. Miss Nom-I grain Ibis season. mn Armstrong and Miss Mairion - Taylor favoured witb piano solos .\ i ii 11hir n a a%%i,-iiigtiiig glit- ~f S. e a lw g v d. . . a'l . «-iiII , t ,îiil iof -.îi IA deligbtful lunch was served bv iiunr rîî,thîi aitl cliirî)iuîg.liai the gmoup in charge. 1 m 1ialiiii -ti, I iwa a iii il, Ser vice in the United Cburch ,l). t.araîî>i ie ;~ on Sunday morning wns well at- -_________ tended. Mms. Rnnsom, a camper from Cae.snren. sang a benutifull -My wife likes tea for, I soo whcb as mch apreiate. vhile I like coffee.' sooThsympahy of h e cmmun- ýYou*ll soon get used to tea.- Te isymextendc Mfs.tSh comn inyi hextde hMroter.alc- bei-t Taylor of Alberta. Mrs. John Vealle Toronto. wiîb ue ton ar M ms. Peter Wright. 1 IMaster Lloyd Edwamds. Port Are you Iooking for I Cmry. aI Mm. L. Joblin's. Mrs. Harmy Philp with hem mo- hw ran edn thei- at Frankfort. So e n edn Rev. P. Cumî-ie, Toronto, with Gif ts bis daughter. Mis. Fank Mai- Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin at Mm., We have China. Glass, Silver, Malcolm Emeî-son's. otranPiues Miss Ruby Veale. Toronto, at Ptevad itrs her father's. Mm. A. H. Veale. ARE YOU GONG ON A Mm. and Mrs. Howard McMcîl- PICIC? len and Marion, Lotus. MN. Js Rowan. Miss Annie and MmRi- We have Paper Cups, Plates, ard Rowan, Mr. Evans. Lindsay,, Serviettes, Forks, Spoons and Mrs. John Sanderson. Tyrone. Table Cioths. Miss Jean Campbell, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. We.s. Camp- ARE YOU HAVING A jbeli's. IMiss Vemna McNnlly and Miss BRIDGE PARTY ? 'Jean Malcolmn are holidaying wîth Mis.s Evelyn Campbell. We bave Scores, Tallies, and a wide range of articles suitable f t ,, ' liti; c l- i,( ol~rfor prizes. St.; itilr T 0C I lilof-Il ARE YOU KNITTING ? a,, t i tI I iîiti~;;. I We have plain and fancy Wools, Pattern Books, Ili. ii it' a utiimltiti Iand Needies. t' riîîlt i i' tîri ywli~ ît of fi111r oil l k' it-k iiti';tif "1( lîl tiCi i î.wîî i t lîî .;-' l i J. W .Je wrell 1 Il înîîiita t 'Civilization needs a religion as Phone 30 Bowmanville a malter of lîfe and death."- , George Bernard Shaw. In Our USED .'CARS 1935 -Chevrolût Coach 1934-Chevrolet Sedan- 2 1934-Pontiac Special 6-Wheel Sedan 1934-Ford V8 Sedan 1933- -Willy 's Sedan 1932--Graham Paige Sedan 1932-Pontiac Special, with Radio 1932--Pontiac Coach 1932-Chevrolet Coupe 1932-Chevrolet Specini Sedan 1932---Buick Sedani 1931 -Chevrolet Special Coupe with Rumble Seat 1931-Chevrolet Standard Coupe 1931-Oldsmobile Special Sedan 1929-Chevrolet Sedan 1929 -Whippet Sedan 1929- Pontiac Coach 1928-Oldsmobile Sedan 1928-Pontiac Sedan--3 1927 -Chevrolet Coach 2 1927-Pontiac Sedar. RKoy! Go Places on Your Vacation in a 4-Star Used Car IT WILL FIT YOUR PURSE AND FUNCTION WELL «chois IL General Motors Dealer COURTi1E 1 j. PAGFOUR (~TP PHONE 15