PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATE.SMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO. THURSDAY. JULY 3Oth. IQ~f~ HAMPTONI Mr. and Mrs. Archie Szevens and son Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Lucy and daughter Cornne, Buf- falo, N. Y.. Mr. and Mrs. W. Nix- on, Mir. and Mxs. Elmer Boyd, Tororitb', sl5nt Sunday with Mrs. Enoch Stevens. .Mr.ý Und Mrs. Geo. A. Bari-on 'eft on a môtor holiday trip Tues- day for Ottawa and eastern points. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chapman are holidaying in Detroit, Mich., visitng lier sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Nash. Miss Florence Bur-ns is spend- ing a week at Beirnont Lake with Mr-. and Mxs. W. R. Young, Have- lock. Mr. J. L. Johns and Miss E'va Johns spent the weekend with his daughtex-, Mrs. W. R. Young, Havelock. Mrs. Arnold Venner is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Vivian. Mrs. Lorenzo Trull. Gladys Truil an-d baby Franklin Trull and Miss Ruby Clatworthy are visiting in Peterboro. Pleased to report Miss Rowena Stephens and Mrs. Geo. Stephens somewhat improved. Mrs. Chas Hastings has return- ed fx-om an extended ,isit at Bob- caygeon. Miss Winnie Cryderman and friend, Toronto, visited her fath- er, Mr. A. B. Cryderman. Rev. W. Rackham and f amiiy, are on vacation at Musselman's Lake. Mx-. and Mrs. C. E. Horn and Miss Acy Horn an< W. W. Horn s: Sunday, and a::en< of Deer Park chui the dist:ngýu:shed1 preacher. Rev. Dr. Mr. and Mirs. E. enjoyed a visit froor son, Toronto. and from Califonnia. Hampton vs. S garne at Nestlezon îng resulted in S6 ton 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ge daughters had a Saturday when thE themn and was ba Very fortunately with onîy a few cu Mn. Harni- Cow was horne over the Geo. Farncomb,i of Horn's rnUl1, is u of wheat. Miss Lena Whi: visited Miss Mary Mrs. John JolI. has been visiting h L. Cryderman, has manville on a furtl ,Miss Jessie Knox OA.C taking a sun ENFIE We wish to ac] en-or in the narne tance class as necei The correct list iý Honours--Dorothea McCuLoch: Pass-1 Elaine Ormiston, B( FOR]1 a 0F Summer Dressi A spectacular opportuaity-f able clothing of finest quality. E your choice. A large number t dress and you get another free- One Sale means. Thursday, Friday ant' Group No. i Voiles and Eyelet Dresses R!EGULAR $3.0 Two for $3,,00* SUITS Jea aHi Misses' Flecked Suits Silk Crepe Suits ""e$8 O Couch, Johnston & Cry PHONE 104 - F M I ci Mr. and 'Mrs. Myrtle Cowlingi, of Toronto on ~ ed 'n Toronto Satux-day evening. ded :he service ENNISKILLEN Mrs. R. Slemon, Mn. M. Slemon MAPLE GROVE tch and heand -an.d family. Mn. and Mrs. T. ;nghsh omaen Mnr.Alfred Redknap. New:-on- Mountjoy attended the MountFlrncjoyy ndM Maud ovdenville. Mr. Oswald Pethick. Ton- pîcnic at Onono on Saturday. H ssloec Fle-ad x L. Williamson onto. visited ai Mi-. Sheldon Mn. and Mrs. R. McNeil and Hoar Cyerman spent Sunda: -ni Eh Wilili- Pethick's. Mn. Gordon Cowling visited Mr-. wîth Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Browr h:s three sons; Mnr. F. Hepburn, Pontpol. Gormley. SM.and Mns. Chas. Shaw andan M, Congratulations to Mx-. Ear George. Onono. visited a: Mn. W. Houck on his max-nage. We wel Sohna football E. Sandexson's. comne Mx-s. Houck to our commun Monday even- S LMiy )lina 2. Hamp- Our Drama:.ic Club presented S LMiy thein popular play "Caer y -Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blacltburx Cornes" a Nestetonon ,and fanùly, Oxcoo,-Mrs. Berthk -oArmour and Conr1a eteo nJl 7 Rev. W. F. Banister delivered a Dra -.mnvsie iM nasy acidnt Sympathy is extended to Mrs. very fine sermon when he con- Howad, oearmon, Sîun at e4r car ditched Art hur Brunt on the death of hen ducted the service here Sunday. We welcome Mr-. and Mrs. Ferg adly damaged. sistex-, Miss Marks. Scugog Island. Mr5. Moody and daughter, Tor- Abernelhy and family to oi they escaped Mrs. H. J. Werx-y is visiting onto, visited Mx-. and Mrs. H. community, they having move< is. Mrs. C. A. Pascoe. Toronto. Gaud. Mrs. Gaud and son Ralph into their new home. -lng. Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Wilbur Penkins ,returned home with them for a Misses Helen Grindeli and Nel eweekend. and Men-in, Oshawa, Mrs. George viit. Master John Hurst, who lie Snowden. Tox-onto, spent ti new~~~~~~~ ppieo PeinMnan Mr.FMcG211. had been holidaying at the Gaud weekend with the latters Pa. nloading a car- Toronto, visited Mrs. Lievi Brunt.. home, alsa returxned to his home ents, Mx-. and Mx-s. C.H. Snowden Mx-. and Mrs. Walter Rahmn and inl Toronto. Mr-. Gaud motox-ed Misses Ha.zel Grindeil, B.A family visited Mr. M. Griffin. up on Saturday and spent the Guelph, and Mary Kenny, Owei e. ortHop. lacstok.weekend. and Mx-s. Gaud and Sound, spent Sunday with Misse Kazerson. Rev. and mrs. F. G. Graf ton. Ralph returned home with him Nellie and Maxion Snowden. Toronto. v.ho Toronto, visJted at Mn. J. A. on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Munday ie ic.Ms er~.Rev. and Mrs. Rogers, who have Mi-. Elgin Munday and Miss Icý gone to Bow- Mrs. Cona Henning. Toronto. been holidaying at the Squaiî- Stevens have xeturned home af ien visit. Mns. J. Everest and daughters. home, have gone ta Toront.o. Be- ter- a pleasant visit with relative xis ai Guelph Niagana Falls. visited Mrs. D. fore returning to their home they at Courtright. mmer course,. Burgmaster. will returnn b Salem fox- a short Mx-. and Mx-s. Charlie Greenx Mrs. Williamn Hambleton and lame. ham and Miss Audrey Greenhan Mildred. Rochester. N. Y.. viSited Rev. Mx-. Rice, brother of Mrs. visited their aunt. Mrs. Thomp. LD Mr-. F. L. Robbins. L. Squaix-, visited at the Squain son, Weston, on Sunday. ____a Mn. Edgar Wright and Miss home. Mx-. and Mrs. A. R. Scott, Lee Anne Oe vsied t M. E Lng- Satx-ay fterion urnd an.Donald and Joan, Goderich, Mr Anni Ok viite atMr. . Lng- Satrda aftrnon trne ou and Mrs. Fred Lee, Kedron, visitr ,know;Cedge aniaid'-,. Cobaurg'. to be rather showeny for a picnic, ed their cousin, Mrs. L. C. Snow- s of the en- MrS. Stanley May and Billy. but it cleared up latex- in the af- den. ,ntly published. Miss Maud Ashton. Toronto. Mr-. tex-noon and the Salem commun- Mn. and Mrs. Wellington Pear. is as follows: ira Trevaille. Oshawa. visited a: ity picnic got away to a good son, Lakefield. visited Mr-. aný Hall. N e i1 Mn. E. C. Ashton's. stant at the Cneam of BarIey Mrs. Fred Stevens on Sunday. Bill G il r oY. Mr-. and Mns. Wesley Oke, Miss Camp with ovex- a hundx-ed in at-- lob Stinson. Aileen Robbins visited Mr. George tendance and a iolly social time Robbins. Malvern. and Mn. Thos. ensued. with an abundance of Robbins. Pickering. fine luncheon.1 EBENEZER Mr. and Mns. A. Staînton and Mran s:TG.Ntoad LSMr-. Clifford Stainton. Toronto. M.and MrLocsl. wGeNrton and _4Svsited ai Mr. Thos. McGil l en il.weewek Dr. Clarence Everson. daugh- Mx-. and Mî-s. Lauîrence Wearr n visitons with hex- niece, Mrs. tex-s Ida and Muriel, and son Nor- visited Mn. Earle Parrottfs. Chalk Len. Richards, and also cafled on man, Mox-den. Manitoba. visited Lae.several other relatives and friends at Mx-. Horace Hancocks. MsEeOk.LakeSmo and attended the Prout picnic ofl Miss Helen Hancock. R.N., Loe visited at Mn. Wesley Oke's. u-a. Angeles, recently visited h e1 s'asMaster Bifly Pax-ker, Toronto. gnandmothex-. Mrs. Ellen Hancock. _________ _____ifxeturning home afler holiday- at Mr-. Hor-ace Hancock's. Miss ing with Mx-. and Mrs. Len. Rich- Hancock. who is a daughter of W. leuS HAYDON ardcs. W. Hancock of Winnipeg, ai-rived Misses Betty and Billie Ruthex-- here by way of the Panamia Canal Mx-. and M:s. T. Brown. New- fond, Coîbox-ne, are holidaying and New York and is returning ilecastle. visited a: Mn. A. McNeils. ith their aunt, Mrs. C. M. Car- by way of New Orleans. eleMn a.mad M\s.J. Graham, Mr* ruthers. ____î>________ and Mns. N. Hall and Clinton. IMr-. and Mns. L. Annis. Ton- Mx-. and Mx-s. H. Dell. Mns. F. onto, who are holidaying with heri NEWTON VILLE 19 Dell, Oshawa. vsited a: Mr. D. parents, retux-ned to the city for- Mx-. and rs. T. Ashton. Mns.IW. Cann. Recent .vistori with Mx-. an< Kecnnedy. Burketon. visted a: Mis Maxion Honey is X1itflgMx-s. R. J. Rowe: Mr-. P. J. Rowe, %DE Mn. L. Gnahams. friends in Toronto. M.P., Edmonton. and Mns. Rowe Mns. Ridge. Toronto. Mrs. E. and her sister, Miss Richax-dson. neemnts Wright. Miss Phylls Wright. Mn.r -. Petex-boro; Mrs. Rowe's cousin. ,cmns Bue Wright. Calgary. Alta.. aref Mrs. Pillars and lier friend. Mrs. efore. visiting a: Mn. J. Wight's. 1. ,IN R. Faye, Berea. Ohio: Mx-. and ktMn. and Mrs. E. Bradley. Mns. -C., Mrs. F. L. Squair and their son. ,ketM. Greenwood, Mrs. F. Ashton Mrs. A. J. Reynolds has ben Mx-. and Mrs. Lawrence Squaix- visited at Mx-s. M. Edger:on*s. - 0 f Salem, and her sister. Mns. Ponypol. isiting at Mrs. R. J. McKes- Irvine, Edmronton, who ai-e Mn. Mis Tho m so . socks and iss Mary Hogarth's. Rowe's cousins. MisMarguerite T - . Mn. and Mx-s. A. L. Pascoe Mr. Cadmus. visîted a z Mr. W. and Mrs. Geo. White výsited ai Miss Clarice Musselwhite. Tor- Thompson's. Mi- Poster Snowden's. Kedron. onto. who lias been visi:ing Mns. Pr.o ndypolMvs. L.ed a Mn ' Misses Verna and Joyce Cowl- J. Anderson, lhas xetunned home WPnitpo. vs- :n-,Mr J g. Hampton, are vsiting theïr accompanied by Mr. Louie Gold- - rgts aun:. Mrs. Sid Hockaday. thox-pe. cc-i5a M. F. Coulen owavillted , Miss Ada Allîn. Bow-mnanvile. Miss C. Musselwhite and Miss 5 ~M .Cand Mr«s. C. Chain San . Miss Marjory Couch. Bethesda. A. Anderson were gue.ds of Mn. Mr. nd Ms. . Chpin.Sanvasi:ed with Masýses Hellen and anld Mîs. R. Bebee. Bunker Hi2l. Francisco. California. Mn.. and Muriel Baker. Mrs. J. Anderson and Miss C. IMrs-. J. McComb and daughter. Mr. Geo. Hogarth, Mass Mary Mussýelwhite vîsîted Mns. Ander- ~~amily Mn. and M x -s T. Sand Hogýar*h and Mrs. R. Pascoe vis- sons sisten. Mx-s. A. Hamilton. fand fay. To ad rT. -S::ed a: ed at Mn. L. C. Pascoe's. Enfield. Port Hope. Mn. Erl. M ono. ,.id ' Master Bruce Taylor 4s visiting At the United Church Sundav be omuni yPicn iwlhis cou-an. Ralph1 Larmer. Black- evenang Mn. Lawson. Toronto CmuiyPcm vi stock. wiho repr-eented the Lords Day bchAld a: Orono Park Monday Mr. Clafford Pew-. Toi-on to. a: Alla ane, gave an addî-ess on [Seno.Agu:3d E:on1M- .L Pascoe's. j Ue Sabbath Day". and lie also condially anvited. Mrs. Edwin Anna. isv4sa:ang explained The Lord's Day Act. SA miscellaneou.. - flûwe - asher daughten.a. Harry' Jar- Mî-s. Alice Jones is visîaing Mrs. @mq@wumýgaven to Mx-s. S. Charndler nraedane. Kingston. Cornthw-aite. Port Hope. StMr. and Ma-s. Vail Thomp5son. Mrs. W. Milligan and Jean vas- Mary. . and Mrs. WJIiell ied na Lindsay. 1Tr:ck. Osha-wa, Dr. antd M:-. J. Mrs. C. J. Carlaw and John. B. Rvnols.ecome. called on Warkworth. and Miss M. Gawiey. M r. and Mis. . A. Miller. Jones.1 Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. Jim S. S. Teachers' meeting wasi S A L EHoskin and Ray, North Osha-s-a, held at Mrs. \Villis Jones., whol M. and Ma-s. Albier t Gldcrs, had charge f the discussion. Býowmanvîýlle. vsited a: Mn-. J. J. Mx-. S. Lancaster motored Mr. S A L E Brown's. and Mrs. Han-y Wade to King- iMx-. Russel Thompson. Jack stan. and Gerry, Toronto. M as t er Mrs. G. W. Jones and Mn. Grant Brooks. Povidence. visited Melville Jones visited the f orm- a: Mn. S. E. Werry's. ler's brother. Mr-. Chas. Moase. Mx-. and Mrs. Walter- Parran- Lindsay. der, Mary and Ev'elyn. visited at Mx-. and Mx-s. Hutchinson have it r.Har-vey Hardys. Oakwood. been away fox- a week's holidays. M.and Mx-s. Exvan Rainey, Mrs. Haigh spent two weeksi Gex-ald and Jean, Miss Maggie with Mrs. Arnott. Taorts edat Mn. E. R. the family of Mx-. John Meneely. for you to save on season- Miss Ada Wight, Edmonton. tex- a lengthy illness. Eet here early and take M-s. Herbent Cobb. Weyburn, Mx-. and Mx-s. Stan.ley Brown-! to select from. Buy one manvrïlx-svisitede ai Mr. Jack and Mrs. Clarence Thornpson. -that's what this Two for Baker's. Bud Falls is holidaying in Reeve A. L. Pasco.- enjoyed the Han-diton. Warden's excursion to, Port Dai- Mx-. and Mrs. G. N. Smith. housie last Wednesday. Starkville. were Sunday guests of Mx-. and Mi-s. Jack Baker spent Mrs. Thos. Stapleton. a few days at Bancrof t. Miss Allie Nesbitt, Toronto. Chux-ch services next Sunday 'Ras home fox- the weekend. Messrs,. Bruce Tink and Russel gamewere001determincd, as the ice attended the league excurs- pastame w-s culminated nather ion f nom Peterbono t10 Stoney quickly ,whlin some of the ladies. rderm an, Lim itedv Congrxatulations to our- Lower piaying field after theix- hus-. Scolae las Wednesday ker ans iousforsuhe r, uIt h onthe BOWMAN VILLE 'lFranci.s Wotten, Harold Balson: istingteamn werve le! t very mucli success in the recent exaia sixty lively appetites gatheredj tions.1 around a w-dl pxovided suppex- la- vn. arl el- [n- &r.1 g. )U- l1 el- Lr- n., ,n ,es ly, da if- ,es 1n- tm ee. Ir. bt- r- Liberal Allowance on Your Old Electric Range $10. Allowance for your present -Cooking Stove table. which in a very shoi-, tîme showed ample proof that eiveny- one had done it full justice r When everyone had seîdr back comfortably Mrs. Melbourneý Wight, president of the ne-union.ý very capably conducted the busi- ness meeting. In her wodso welcome Mrs. Wight said she 11as especially glad to have here thiz, year Rev. and Mrs. Cobb and Nel- son fromn Weyburn, Sask.. and Miss Ada Wight f rom Edmonton,i Alta. An interesting and %vell execut- ed program of sports was car-ried out by Miïss Aileen Wight and Lloyd Hoar. The sports commit- 'tee very graciously allowed Me!- boux-ne Wight and Milton Wight to settle an old feud as to which was the betten man. Aithough bath were found on the ground. Melbourne Wight was awarded the verdict. Following the sports programi Rev. Mr. Cobb very bx-iefly addressed the gathering. after which some. tired with the i day's acti-vity, betook themselves homeward. Others. uinder the guidance of our new gaol gover- nor, visited that depariment. and iust how some got t.hrough with- out getting behind the bars is stili a mystery. Officers elected for the year' 1937 are: President. Elgin Wight: Vice-President. Wrightson Wight: Sec.-Treasurer, Howard Wight: Management Cornmittee. Mes- dames Ruth, Verna and Ina Wight; Sports Committee. 'Miss Dorothy and Douglais Wight. JUVENILES LOSE FIRST LYOF (Continued fPLA-OFF i the plate to win the £ame. Yourth walked and neached thh-d xx .th one away. Hraynyk dropped a teaser down the thlird basýe lne and afte- Hooper had faked a throw to third to ho!&~ the run- 1 ner, lie hit Hraynyk in attempt- ing the putou-t and Yourzh scor- ed with Hraynyk going to second. Pearse singled him home with the .second run af the 'nnýing and when Nichols threw Aild to first on She*:owski*s grounider Pearse tallied. \Vith the baises full due to anoilher walk and a lit, Hoop- er fanned Wea-therup and fonced the next man to fly to left. Bowimanv-il]e made it close wî:,i-h a run in the ninth on McFeet-j er's hit. to right. an 'nfield out.. a stolen base and wýith :wo oui he scored when the second base- man let Mcllvýeen's roller go nighz through him. R. H E Bow'ville 000 100 201-4 6 7> Oshaiwa 100 010 03X-5 5 5 Ba*::erie< C:am and Peaz-se: HIooper an-d Mcllveen.i N are ir.' mi Iliii, cal] rhru ail h~e hx-h ,,]( *tati ii,;i. xxorind 'îrrliýllùdin it -tr1L, r ,,- ,. titla.~ . .1 ltir aild h n r ir ',j: ra, hJi. ELECTRIC COOKINC MEETS. THE MODERN DEMAND FOR J Rage is the economies which can be made W in food costs. Meats cooked electrically show much Iess shrinkage and cheaper cuts can be used because the heat can be cantrolled ta, the perfect cooking temperature required. There is no wasteful flame or vazying heat. Flavor and nourishment are Preserved. The chace of cooking and baking failures are reduced ta, a minimum. An entire meal Can be cooked in the aven. Economy is only ane of many outstanding and exclusive features of Electric Cooking. HYDRO'S NEW THRIFT PLANR39 mal.ik f easy te own and easy ici pay for an EI.ctric Range AsI for complot@ information ai the Hydro Shop or your flearest dealer NEW HYDRO THRIFT PLAN Special Terms If You Purchase Three years ta paf for your new Electrie Range, with speciai carry- ing charges while this plan is in force. Make a smafl down paymen-that's ail you have ta do. Your new, modern Electrie Range wilI be installed in you.r I Fer a limited limne only we wilj in";a1 f ree of charge a Range Service and Dis- tribution and Entrance Box, for any per- %on buying an Electrie Range who has flot Ille PrOPer wining W oaperate saine. This is a worth while savizag of from£2ta30 Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission PHONE 192 BOWMANVI LLE These Local Dealers will co-operate with the above Plan Rice & Co. Mason & Dale W. L. Elliott Dustan's Cash Harware L. A. Parker I.. eS YUR ~1~ FUN - FROLIC - THRII DON'T MUS DoIwmanville LI Club Annual Cfri Rotary Park, Bowmanv Wednesday, August SEE THE SPECTACULAR PARA Generous Prizes - Watch for Annoui M.any new booths never seen in Bownxanville bi Plan bo attend. Help the Blind and buy a tic in the Prize Draw. GRAND PRIZES $210 Norge EIectrie Refrig-erator. 1937 mode] $100 Roger's Console Radio, 1937 mode] 8rnm One Kodak - 50 gals. Gasoline - 0( Chair - Gallon Thermos Jug - Table Lamp Oeil Flashlight \'o memnber o! the Lions Club or his imxnedjate fi eligible for these prizes. Plan Now to Attend the Bowmanville Lions Circu 1 1 PAGE POUR THE CA-NADIA-N STATESMAN, BOWNIANVULE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 30th, 1936 K erslakels ÎM Try our Sweet Pickle Mixture for Beets 1 Requires no boiling. Pfices reduced 1/2 gal. 20e - gal. 3We TOOTH PASTES SHAVE CREAMS Pepsodent - 23c - 37c Tang (with Menthol) 19c Listerine - 2 for 48e Par - - --- -- -39c Dr. West's - - - - 19e Colgates - - - 23c - 39c Colgates - - - 19c - 33c Palmolive - - - 23e - 39c Milk Magnesia - 19c - 39c Woodburys - - - 35e A new and absoutely different Armand Creamn and owde-t. You don't need to buy t4% ry. Ie give interested ladieýs z generous SA»MPLE FREE. Ens Fruit Sats 47 - 79 Bronia Seltzer 25-49-89 Pablum - - - - 45C E ealth Sats and Free Black Band Nipples 5c Tuxbler. Both for 39e Baby Bottles 5c- - il Noxema Cream 27-54-59 WNhen we test you- eyes you are assured absolute satisfa.ti<.m in fit. style, quallty and price. 49NE P. R. COWLING,PhnB TRUSSES 5EASON"S END Whagte Shoes 1A thrillhng value event that includes many of the most popular modes of the season. White kid, buck and caf - the last word in foot fattery and smart comfort. Core in now for best seleetion. l>nî.. Sra.. :-. I ilia16l~49 a 1~.89 .... ( ~.................................. ...... 799C *STORES Formerly Naborhood 1