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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1936, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO. THIJRSDAY. JULY 30th. 1936 < G-2'ea Hospital. Toronto. and sisted by* Mr. Howard Gienney NEWC.'3STLE qe elp at the brry hr-whdelivered a fine addresz. of VF ý. spcialnitee-sto the inany Aitthoui fairly large ship- young peapie present. on Build- Mr. and Mrs. Eric Tonis and n'ents of raspberrie.s going ing. If any mnan's work abidel family. Belleville. are spendiii, a:out from îthis sectfon daily to the which lie hath buîlt thereupon. week in one of .Mrs. mek \oVs Toronzo. 'Montreal and other he shall receive a reward. Miss j cottages, Ariadnie Glen. Neivcas- markets by railway and truck. Hattie Mason assisted the junior tle-on-tie -Lake. theY are flot so heavy as last choir and rendered a solo. Rock Mr.H. . ho asvear. The miost on any cne day: of Ages. Another special num- Mr. H. E.Hancock. wh I*-'ast week. ive believe. was 60 ber in the service of song wasa very- iIl on Sunday, was taken t0 crates of 36 pints each. quartette. Seeking the Lost. by thM osia l Bwanit. Mr. Percy Tuif, Miss Sa.iiŽbury. Ross Allun, bass. Wiibur Biack- Monay.Mrs. Jno. Tuif and Miss Sybi burn. tenor, Marie Henning. alto., Miss Helen Lycett., who is tak- Tuif, Toronto. were Sun d a Y and Evelyn Allun, soprano. Mrs.' ing a summer course in English guests of Mx'. and mrs. T. F. Rickard read an appreciative'let- at the Toronto University. w,ýasiBranton.i ter f rom Rev. A. P. Brace thank-I home for the weekend. Her pup-ý Dr. and Mrs. Horace Waiton : ing the Newcastle congtegation B ils, both in the H. S. Entrance!Bal were weekend guests Of bisifor its generous contribution of and 5th Formi examinations. werei parents. Dr. and Mrs. W.H. Wal - '$44.10 in support of the work of 100 Per cent successf ni. ton-Bail at Harris Lodge on their th~e Ontario Temperance Federa- Miss Bessie Lake las been vis-. return from their wedding tour!, ion. The evening service was iting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skin-:in the Maritimes. . witlbdraiwn. ner, Tyrone. Donald Jose, eider son of Mr. Mr.1adVrcuer. B. C.. is Mr. Allan Barr. well known and Mrs. J. H.JSe, sustained a visitor with the Misses Chidley. Toronto artist and painter. and painful injuries to bis leg and "The Lilacs,- on the Harris Lodge Mrs. Barr and Captamn Wyne Of,ý had a blood vessel which bled Estate. the Commercial Review. wereinwardly ruptured when the hook . weekend guest.s of Mr., and Mrs. 'of the anchor chain of a heavy Miss Gertrude Bonathan had Hudson Stowe.; fence stretcher broke while the1 been homne from Toronto, where Congratulations to Mr. and srthrwsi prto.H she had undergone a successful Mrs. Jas. T. Brown, Shaw's. on was assisting the men by hookingoperatîi for appendicitis. just a the birth of a son. their third.. on the grab hooks in turn on the week hen ber mother, Mrs. AIf. Sunday, July 26th , links of the chain as they work- Bonathan. wvas taken very ill and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webber andj ed the stretcher and received the had to have the doctor in. babe. Bowmanviile, and Mr. and full force of one hook on his leg Mr. Ail. Bonathan. Toronto. Mrs. H. C. Alun and Ruth visited! when the tension suddenly gave visited relatives here over the their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ern- way. The chain also hit him on weekend. TA est Webber, Little Biitain. the forehead. He was confined Bowmanvilie Orphans turned 4 Miss Aresta Martin and Miss to a couch in the house for some in 12 runs to Newcastle's 2 at the 1 Phyllis Williams, Toronto. visited days but was up around again on local baIl park on Monday even- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Parnaby Martin. Monday. ing. Newcastle Intermediate girls 1 Mr. Tom Spencer is steadlY Mrs. N. L. Rickard. lst vice- lost by a smafl margin in an ex- improving in healfh and gaining president of tbe W.M.S.. conduct- bibition game bere on July 2 lst, WÀ in strength since undergolng a, ed the service at the United! while the Juniors easily outscored 1 minor and major operation at the Church on Sunday morning, as-'Newýtonville in a brief game, cut 1 short by ram., on July 23rd. 1 Mrs. Harry Finney. Akron, 0..!< and two children wbo are visit- ~IT9UI7911 ing her brother-in-law and ss SrLuIALS FOR WraErEND 'ter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hooper,1 Bowmanville. visited relIa t iv es here. 1 13UYEIRSHave you tried Mellow's Choc- E ______________olate Drinks? Tbey contain Bow- mranville Dairy Milk - a guar- White Purses, regular $1.00) 79e antee they are good. 9c Bowmanville Dairy prides itself Surnmer Blouses. reguar ta 81.9598 on the quality of its cream. Try t Bathi-ng Suits. reg-ular ta S2.95 $1.59 it and be convinced. Jantzen Bathing Suits, regular S4.95-Cl Play Suits. sMart styles. regular Si.59 Sicirts. whte and colors, 14 to 20, regular Slacks, terry cloth or drill, r2gular $1.50 fc Sport Blouses in Terry Cloth, assorted, re Halters, several stylts and materials Pique Suntan Dresses. also Porch and Picr regular to S.95 New Pr-nted Crepe Dresses, 14 to 20, excep values House Dresses. fast colors, 16 to 41, regula Plain or Figured Chiffon Dresses. reg. 81 Linen Skirts, white onlv, reg-ular 81.93 for A-1 White Summer Gloves Balance of Whit.e and Colored Feit Haf.s String Suits, 2 piece styles, green, yellow, natural. regular 84.95 for THE EV LYý Phone 594 Holiday Weel Iearing S3.95 cou FORMER NEWCASTLE LADY r95e for 59e DIED IN OM1AHA, NEBRASKA or..98c___ egular 95e for 79e Remains Brought Here For Bunial ~39e nic Dresses, The remains 0f tbe late Mrs. SI.49 ýCharles Tamblyn. only daugbter- . of the late Mir. and Mrs. Richard, S4.95 and zr 81.00 for 95, Clearinga white and Bowma kend SPECIALS FOR TABLE, OR LUNCH BASKET] WATSON'S STORE Choice of 15c Cake and Fruit Loaf ..........SATJR: I Dozen Cookies and Fruit Loaf ............. ONLN JelIy Roll and Fruit Loaf ..................... 25c A full assortment of Cakes, Pastries, Pies, Bu: Goods and Cookies on Rand' ORDER EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTME] AT OUR SODA FOUNTAIN Neilson's Deluxe Ice Cream Bricks ................eacl Fresh Fruit Sundae, Saturday only . .................... Large Canada Dry .................................. ...Bottie Phone 97 0Bowmaî" CIVIC ROI Food Sp Chase & Sanborn Coffee lb. 39c Baker's Cocoa ........ tin 1 7c Krunchie Pickles .. 27-oz. 25c Fine Old Cheese....... lb. 25c Crosse & Blackwell Branston and Sweet Mixed Pickles jar 15e Certo .............botle 27e MacLaren's Peanut Butter 25-oz. jar..............25c Golden Bar Honey Butter Carton ................0ec Rubber Jar Rings .... 4 doz. 25c Parowax............ 2 Ibs. 25e 6 Bars Comfort Soap and SmalI Rinso ............25c Kippc Spani Boloe Jelliei Cornt Wieng Cheeg Lunci Quart Pint ( Northi Paj Flycg Full O'Pep Growing Mash Ful 0 100 lbs............. $2.50 100 H.Allia, C IPhones 186 or 121 For Sale or Rent BIRTHSFARM FOR SALE OR RENT- 180 acres, more or less, on Lot BROWN - At Bowmanville Hos- 15, Con. 8. CartwiM01hî. near pitl, on Sunday, July 26th, to cburch and school. hall mile Mr. and Mrs. James T. Brown, west of North Nestleton (form- a sn.eriy owned by the late John Samells), about 60 acres woods STACEY -At Bowmanville H-os- andpatur, balance workable. pifai, on Thursday. July 23rd. buildingsin extra good shape. to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stacey, Enquire of Fred Taylor or Stan- a son. ley Malcolm, Nestieton. 28-4 SFOR SALE OR. REN'I-A SOLID DEATHS brick ouse on Centre Street. alconveniences, double gar- Sage. Apply Albert E. Beilman. REPBURN-In East Whitby, on Phone 526. 7-tf July 23rd, Emma Jane Ormi-s- LveSokFrSl ton, beioved wife of William ieSokFr al Hepburn, age 69 years. Inter- ment Union Cemetery. Oshawa. PIGS FOR SALE--SIX WEEKS old, Yorkshire white. Apply to rAMBLYN-In Omaha, Nebraska Mike Vernon, phone 476r33, on Friday, July 24fh, 1936, Mrs. Bowmanville. 31-V* Charles Tamblyn, widow of the late Charles Tamblyn. Inter- FOR SALE- DURHAM C O W ment Bond Head Cemetery. and caîf. Apply S. C. Rundle. R. R. 3, Bowmanville, on High- VATSON - In Bowmanville, on way 1 mile west of Bowman- Monday, July 27. 1936, George ville. 31-l* Frederick Watson, beloved bus- band of Susie Carr Watson, FOR SALE -YOUNG PIOS. J., and late of 98 Dupont St., Tor- Stephen. R. R. 5. Bowmanville. onto, and late Inspector of 31-1 T.T.C. Interred in M ou nt FOR SALE - SIX YO0RKSHIRE Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. pigs. 7 weeks old. Apply W. L. VETH~~EREL-In Newcastle, on Barton, Bowmanville. 31-1* July 25th, Horatio A. Wefher- FRSL-ON IS P elI.beloed usband of Marg- PîY 10 A. Laird. Maple Grove. 1 aret Law. father of Mrs. Gor- Phone 476r21. 31-21I don Asb (Mary), Oshawa, and Mirs. Robert Wright (Bessie),Mselnou Toronto, in his 87th year. In -_ ______ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ _ terment Bond Head Cemeteî'y. HERE Is YOUR CHANCE TO 1 *jbuy a used Frigadaire Electric t Refrigerator at a tremendous c IN MEMORIAM saving. Original cost $387.5a, s be arraneed. Maytag Sales & c ,ENOLDS -In loving memoryl Service, Old McMurtry Block. b of Samuel H. Reynolds, beloved jPhione 141. 31-11i t husband and father. who pass- 1- ed away on July 27tîh. 1931. and WE REPAIR ANY MAKE 0 of a dear son and brother. Ar- ivasber, refrige'atoi' or elecr id S2.95 Varcoe. Newcèasî le, -weiëe brou'ght baby. who Perished in the only employed. Charges mod- back here for burial froni Omaha. Noîtbern Ontario Fiies. Juiv erate and xvork guaranteed. 89e Nebraska, on July 27th. The ce- 3th. 1916. Caîl 141 and we will gladly gîve it S6.95 mains were accompanied by de- Only a step. round the tuî'n. estinmate. Maytag Sales & ger~- 81.50 ceaseds son. Mr. Charles Varcoe round the bend. vice. Old McMurtry Block. 59e Tamblyn, Mrs. Tamblyn and On mbt happiness. wvorld with- 31-1 9e their daughter. In lier girlhood out end, LCTO 7e days the' late Mîrs. Tamblyn. Go oui- behoved. iust tbrough LAURA G0RM N-o& -Ta Thurza Varcoe. lîved witb bei'l the gate. ATAGOMA-AE-Ta 82.93 Parents and ber brothei-s in the Theî'e in the sunlight to smile cher of Ehocution. Phone 158,ý bouse now occupied by Major H. and to wait. evenings. 19-ff 1 W. Dudley and later in the Var- -Mrs. S. H. Reynolds and WEST END GARAGE AND MA- coe town bouse now the home of Family. chine Sbop - We specialize in C) r Mses Catherine and Esteila macbinery repairs. general gar- 0- lakburn. Rev. D. R. Dewdney age repairs, welding. fowing conducted the funeî'al service at CARDS 0F THANKS service. J. L. Demerling, Pro-1 St. George's churcb on Tuesday- prietor, Bowmianville. Ph on e Lanville ýafternoon and the burial rites at 81. 23-tf Bond Head Cenetery. Paîl bear- The lamnihy of Charles H. Low- ý ýýers were Messrs. T. F. Branton. ens Wîsb bo express their sincere AUTO TOPS. CUSHIONS. CUR- 1Wm. Kenefick, D. J. Gib.son. Fred thanks for expressions of sym- tains. Woodwork, etc.. repaired Fligg. George Jamieson and H. pathy, flor'al trîbutes. and otîser or replaced. Roaisters a n d Brereton. Mr. and Mrs. c. v. kindniesses shown in the sudden coupes recovered witli sport Tamblyn and daugliter stayed at passing Of Mr. Lowxens. materia! AIl or any trimming the Newcastle Arms w hihe in around Your car by an ex-pe-r- Newcastle. Mr- and Mrs. Arnold Wade. ienced auto triminer. G e o. r AT Newtonvilîe, wish to express their Ifroy, Liberty St. S. Bownian- ATsîncere thanks t0 those who hehp- ville. 30-2' Notice To Creditors ed in amy way and for the expres- 7t t1it w 1e sî o DAY In the Estate of Edward Galbraith them in the sad accident and deceased. sudden pas.sîng of their small Ail peîrsons having cl1a ii n. Bobby. Business ie t r against the Estate of EdwardD re t y Galbr~aith. late of the Village of rp tyFrSl in Blackstock in the Township of E A Cartiwright in the County of Dur- FOR SALE-THE NEW STUCCOLE A ham, who died on or ab>out the bouse on highway, Courtice. 6 M. G. V. GOULD, B.A.. LL. :NT 31st day of May A. D. 1936.« are i'ooms, batbi'oom. and kîtchen- Barrister, Solicitor, Notai-y required 10 send particulars of ette. conveniences m o de rn Phone 351 saine 10 the undersigned on or tbrougbout. bardwood. cbestnut Royal Rank Bldg., Bowmanvilue beloî'e the 131h day of August trim, double gar~age, 1 acre. 1936. after which date the assets Termis. Harold Woods. Court- W. R. STRIKE :h 20e of the Deceased wiîl be distribut-- ice. ---3- Barrister, Solicitor. Notai'y lc ed among the parties entitled HÜE SLrBn fMnra lOc rIu3ig egad lynoth FR Et0L -S...IXROM Solicitox' forBn 0fM tea lertobvîgread2y 0te brick house on Carlisle Ave., ail Money to Loan. Phone 91. e2 c daims of whicb the undersigned conveniences includingpipe Bowmanville. Ontario shahl then have notice. furnace. Bargain for ciuick sale. L. C. MASON, B.A. Dated at Oshawa this 2lst day Apply 10 M. F. Hooper. 24 Car- y0f July A. D. 193e. lisle Ave. Baritler - Solicitor yEC Excuo,304 Notai-y Public - Etc. ExectorCotagesFor entLaw in ah ifs branches. iviu ,' by bis solicifototae or Rn Office immediat.ely easî of Royal C. C McGBB1N-FO RENT -2 COTTAGES AT Theatre. 6KigS.WB%,aiil Beach, East Side. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. mmum i shaw, Ot. 3-31oneready for possession Aug. ---- Istfor balance of season, and DENTAL Ione Sept. Ist for balance of season. Apply Mis. Alan Wil- DR. 3. C. DEVJTT liams. Phone 159. 31- Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson IDA TY GraLuate of Royal Dental Col- Articles For Sale lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jub- FRSAL-iG CORDS FGTJR. boni-s 9 a.m. 10 6 p.m. daily ex- foot hardwood, also white birch. cept Sunday. Jack G. Smith, Drawer 6, Bob- Phone 90. House phone 283. 23-tf HOOVERVAUU FUNERAL DIRECTOR VAUM CLEANER, ___________ eredHering....2 tns 5<1s t- clasýs condition. onIy FUNERAL DIRECTORS eredHerrng ... tin 15e $2250. Easy ternis. Mayltag Service, any hour. any day. iish Olives .... I 8-oz. 25e Sales & Ser-vice, Phone 141.F F O RI 4 gna............... lb. 18e FOR SAL-LAWGE BLUE CL Modulem Motor Equipmear ýd Veal ............ lb. 29e umbia Bernies, besl for table, Abla ne nd nvald3Ca preserving and am. We de- CAîl Phon 10 or34 ed Beef...........fb. 1 5C lîver the same day we pick. BWAssistat,57 ers...............fb. 23c Phone 175F, H. J. Brooks. B 'I L 31-V* NORTHCUTT & SMITH se Loaf........... lb. 25e FOR SALE-DOUBLE GALVAN.. Compîcte FuneraI Servicee h Loaf ............fb. 23c ized garage, comTPiete ieady 10 Modern Equipment - Ambulance Put up. at a bargain. Apply - A. W. G. Northcutt - tGems......... doz. $ 1.25 Box 9, Bowmanville. 3- Aubrey Smith - Gems.......... doz. $ 1. 10 FOR SALE - MASEY-HAlRIS Ni hts lone Days 58 2-furrow disc plow; Massey- ghs Sundays or' Holidays cmr Tissue Toilet Harris 1-f urrow sulky plow; Phone 523 or 276. ýer .......... 3 rols 25e Cockshutt 3-f urrow t r a c t0or plow: Cockshutt sti11 - t o o t b SHOE REPAIRS ýoils............ 5 for 1 Oc cultivafor: Massey-Hari No. 5 jrebuilt binder: Used parts for R. PA WSON FrshFihMasseY-Haris and D e e r i n g Boot and Shoe Repairing Freh Fshbinders: Massey-HaiTis 500 lb. Soles serwn on by Goodyear cream sepaî'ator. W. S. Stap- Sfitcbing Machine. ~'cpEg M shles. Masýýse3-HaiiLs Agent, Bow- Prices reasonable )'epEg M shmanville. Phone 81. 31-1' King Street East - Bowmanville Ibs ................ $2.40 SEV RAL EON ITIO N ED Electric Washers.. some weli- music known inakes, imu.ýt he old ce- gardiess of cost. Thec h ave FRANCIS SUTTON been traded in on the New Mtis.Bac., F.C.C.O. irr o c e Maytag Aluminuni Washer. Ah- A.T.C.M. diploînas in Piano, 2ýo a few hand powpri and water Singing, Violin and Organ. Bowm nviî po~wer iasher.,. $5 and up. Private or class lessons, McMurtry Bhock, Phone 141. examinations. 31-1 Phone 42, Bowmanville N RE 3M Our Optical Department has been greatly improved and is now in full swing. Remein- ber - When we test eyes it is donc pmoperly. Two Register- a few moments every time you ed Optornetrists In charge. AIka Seltzer 33c and 69e visit Bowmanvllle. Your Rexaîl Store For Quick Service Free ENLARGEMENT Be prepared for a big Kodak Week-End. Among the recent improvements to our store we have just completed an up-to- the-midnute Developing a n d Printjng Departesent, to assure our customners of the best re- sults possible and fastest ser- Free - 5 x 7 Enlargement wvith every dollar's worth of Photo work. MAKE IT A KODAK CIVIC HOLIDAY REMEMBER No matter how loiw the prie- es you see in papers and cir- culars you cari always depend on as good if flot better value at our store. The following examples bear out that asser- tion. 1881 In 1881 our business, which was established in 1856, took on a new life. During aIl these years, hundtreds of famifles have deait with us continu- ously. For the past two years we have been planning to show our appreciation by giving this coninunity one of the finest drug stores in Canada for a towrn of this size. Many mod- ern drug stores have been vis- lted and enquiries made as to mnodern equipment, both in Canada and the United States, and the resuit Is that this week we are offcring the shoppers of BowmanviUle, West Durham and vicinlty a drug store that we are proud of, and that is a mcal credit to tItis comunlnty. If you have flot already scen IL. please accept this as an Invitation to, corne in and look arou.nd. We have many surprises for you in the con- venient re-arrangement of the merchandise. It would pay you to drop into our store even If only for JURY (& LOVELL Phone 78 AUCION SALE Saturday. August sf - The" hlousehold effects of the estafe 0f; tbe late Alexander Wight, 12 Car- lile Ave.. consîsîing of kitchien utensils. furniture, electric stove. Iining room suite, living room suife, three bedroom suites. Ger- ard Heintzman piano. rugs. gar- den tools, and otîer articles. wili be offered for sale by public auc- tion at 2 p.i. Term's cash. WVil- liam Challs. Au:ctioneer Cihas. Mason. Clerk. 30-2 COURT 0F REVISION A Special Sessý:on oz the above ,Court will be he'd in the Council Chamber on Thursday. Augus, 131h. 1936. at 8 o'clock p.m. Complainîs in respect to Statute Labor tax and Poil Tax only. wJi be heard. Collection of PoIl Tax af ter titis date will proceed ac- coiding 10 law. S. Venton. Chief 0f Polize. Coilect or. W. F. Ward. Cbairman Court of Revizjon.1 CIA TL.54 WligoSt STRAYED - FROM OUR PO perty next Kingsway Nurseries, Young pig about month old. Reward. Phone 141. 31-1 I-n d toper defitu.. water as an àiter-thuotiglît. SIMONIZ sealed and top dressing ap- plied. Prices reasonable. J. G. BUNNER Dependability Every General Motors Deal- er's Used Car bearing tIis 4-STAR TAG has been carefully checked and in- sPected-and properly con- ditioned for dependable ser- vice. *'-2. Quality Ony the finest Used Cars in Your General Motors Dealer's stock will carm-' the 4-STAR TAG. ,Uong them You will find many late models, of al makes, ith miany of the outstanding motoring improve m e n t s brought out in the last few years. 3. Value ecause of the great pop- ularity of the new General Motors cars, these dealers are able to ofer You better Used Cars at the market's lowest prices and on easy 4.A ealr 4. elal General Motors D e ale rs stand squarely back ôf ev- ery 4-STAR USED CAR they seU, and as reputable mnerchants, are anxous to you and retaîn your god-will. 1935-Chevrolet Coach 1934-Chevrolet Sedan 1934-Pontiac Sedan 1934-Pontiac Coach 1933-Wily 's Sedan 1932-Pontiac Coach 1932-Pontiac Sedan 1932-Ohevrolet Coupe 1932s--Ford Coach 1932-Grahazu Paige Sedan 1931-Oldsmobilo Sedan 1931-Willy's Sedan 1931-Buick Sedan 1931-Chevrolet Coupe l930.-Whippet Sedan 1930-Durant Roadster 1930-Btuck Coach 1929-Whippet Coupe 1929-Pontiac Sedan 1929-Grahain Paige 1929 -MeLaughlin Buick Sedan 1929-Studabaker Sedan 1929-Oakland Cab. 1929-Buick Coupe 1929-Landau Sedan 1928-Pontiac Sedan Also an Assortment of Cheaper Cars and Trucks 1928-Chrysler Sedan l928-Whippet Sedan 1928-Ford Coach 1928-Hudson Sedan 1928-Buick Coachi 1928-Buick Sedan l928-Oldamobile Sedan 1928-Nash Sedan 1928-Auburn Sedan l928-Durant Sedan l928-Packard Sedan 1927-Pord 1927--Buick Coach l927-Pontiac Coach 1927-Pontjac Sedan Roy GENERAL MOTORS DEALER COURTICE I n" NI'h@1e Rubber Jar Rings. doz. pkg. 5c Fresh Picking Spices, oz. 5c Bathing Caps- .-- 15c to 69c Our Own Sweet Pickle Mix- ture, gallon quantity 25c Parowax, lb. package 9c 50e Jasnilne Face Powder and 25e Jasmine Crearn, tube - Both for 50c Vacuum Bottles, plut size ---33c English Fruit Saîts, tumbler free 39c Chlld's Tooth Brush and Sponge il -- - 19c v m mi - . - --- --- a Au a m 1 1 q a 11 SPECIALS GENERAL MOTORS DEALER COMME

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