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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1936, p. 2

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PAGETWOTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANYILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. AUGUST 6th. 1936 lb, aiw iwrn -------m Establîshed 185-4 A Weekhy Newspaper devoted to the interests of the tcwn of Bowmanviile and suru-oundung country, ssued at King Street, Bowmanvihle. every Thursday, by M. A. James & Sons, owners and pubithers. The Canadian Statesmnan is a memnber 0f the Canaaian Weekiy News- papers Association, asn the Ciass 'A" Weeklies of Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RA.TES Anywhere in Canada, $2.00 a yeart in *he United States, $2.50 a year, payableein advance. Sîngie copies, 5 cents. THURSDAY. AUGUST th, 1936 Editor's Desk Cluttered With Free Publicity Puffs Ex-et-v businmessli,.sonîie Plirticulauu'butgbear whiclî tenids ho sl)oii eveii ttc c ýiiyieilt of prosperous times. Thie bugbear of the publish- er is the lituidreis tuf puiges of natcu'ial that conte to thie editor'-t desk askîîî-g f or free pub- licity of one kind or aiothier. Two xeeks ac- cumulation of tItis couigioneration ivas piled on our tlcsk (n> uiiretuirn fron tîme Press ('on- vent-mu. Looking it ox-ci- ne fiîîd thiat thue writers waunt. us to tell about soute Brit-ishi Col- lambimi Hohst-eiiîs; aubout the puo-rcss ut a gohd mine;: abotut a fiuqîu s pensioni phan just inautg- urated; somiietiingi about beer and wnme ut C'.appisoi's t ormners;t a notice froua the L'an- adian Youth Congress: sevecal reports froin the Accidenit Preveuitin Association,,;ail article frouus the Healths Leagute of Canada. a storx- froîn thie Toronto Conserva tory of Muisie t several fm'ontue Ontario Highn-ays Dept.. and others froua thie GreeîtI.akes Expoisitioni. Thie Canadiaus Instituite of Ecooioies. Hamîiltoni Bay- Sini, severa ilxvouud-be feattire uxriters t a securities firm: tan auîtto finîance cnunpanv; ta bank report: a Houise of ('ommons Debate t from Na tijonali Sa îita ian Associatijoli : a nd î hrief foi' David Meisiier. 0On il these ireports ive are, expevtetl to cuommnent our reluiiit lparIts, and pateui ail are askîn- for theie abso- lutelvx-fric is( ouf thle îîîl v tIi iiiij xeive îîxe to sehl. thme spa e ii nuuuiu-ale- . We iax-e i mlethod of Letting m'rid of nîmi-thoubuhles xvhohe- sale. so n ithînît paiizmfiiifvoi-ite-.. lier'> goes the whioie slinntiiiur i na u îtîutie wît paper baisket. Doing a Job WeII Reaps Its Own Reward W\hiie ini Winnipî-g atteiîdiuîg thîe t.NA Convenîtionî Ou- good friend. Wilbei' Huîtchiuî- son iutmoduiedus u-o ia shîne sliinep iu-iouîu' i-hiei prox-ed ho be a fuie iliusti'ahin tf w-hat can lut'acconpl îsiedluy (-(ui itenuil ilndpa i-- taking servive - Thls Pi> î'u,.k nwîîasthlut Empire Shunt- eltu>ilde lt :I >ît tM lorîtage 'A vie., us a xeryi-vhuî-x-piuRe w ith il Hi ifarrîis. andmFranîk Smîithi. a bloniide miandti uth th'i il brîunette. mi- the Weue fiiîr-~ Vt ivi' hauu ll ui îilkaliîui shslîe .iiuît hiitur thlog littht-n- n.v-t' x-->' sliii-thtla uihihiu' ii ois ilw 11>1?-.>ladsîl- lit tlueiî <'stuIiiei-. IFin't tteIlutu-.%vonth uluîîîht-lu-put hîthet- lut->. and it i; uk txvu torthm'î-' utuitu i sttittwhillî mtioui. Thon'hitliti't- ti t'h'î- t ih'-î .u>'futur uîii - u'miontiuti-. uit lji i tiiît-iiuilit-tr>'-tie i- huu xx-as uv( ii -itt . ;I)u\i lxuî-. t, it' lu viti 1uiishuî- t liit \v'. liai mil t-itu i n i u > tlitt1tlis xx-i tlt-e !t-st shu i lui' x t r ixti' li - h anot lie>. TLuiruthitr xiitlite ie> lu i xi uu'itl:;ut soiîal îiut-ct-.e nht--. tantI iiititiT - il- Pv-irx- ffiiiivu,- iitt tixît S'îédnlu riiii lutst :sluinutp and iit tt--i-îmuui 1 of lOt-. A : slopu it' -l iui uuui ;it, itir.-()ft ti- >uiitih, tliiius tfpt uîti.iîi u irl tjiunhpiiuîurt;iî t. luit the xuu-tii'-. lui- vtiit ;il 1lu lit tlir>t i -k greaitîx- iiiiu'ssi i. It iiuttt'i-uil ituit lA nieuia i x-i.the1! juihu uf sîiiil a uu u ir f s .l- 'lo thesp nQltu ipe'î x-us mi un îîuîtct nouîîl uit. and in duoiiimzthîtir- x-iuik tht-v loftnuthiiug tii lio <esîreti. Tho î-suuht o f tStirueffot-vi. xxliui t iii itrht be expot-ît-.Thiex luîvt- xxodl uu îauulnsh- oine biisiies-.. W> hiaul tue uppii'ui l unyIi tîc if u'e-oîîiiîndiigtiiîi '-hiîqtu t se îul othitr, xli wxalkc-j îmstothît->'sloe slîiit' pmîîhuuî- tt r-uil ibis (>11e x-lit-ie thîî-x- î-î'u-a s1-edit-lf a i -(oi jobi. If a mani niake- a bpieu>'noitisîtrmp t-hie wociui viii boutiampathi tut lis ditinu'.,.5 iii> uld rnaximn-i-il lîbnii- out mi this par'tiili i iii- stane. Txvobox-s eîîguugei i tih ixx- i hask of shiéii ug sWhite.lave i inde juîst uas (iutsA ni nz> a suîecess of hhiî' chosen -work aîs his Ht. Hon. W. L. MtKeîuzii- King, Priiîie Miuisti-r of Canu- ada.,ihi his professioni of poliies. The, hav-e both rciaetlied t lut'toupmuand ainit-lu i-ci-dit is t!due thesesio-inc as tire Prime Miîiisteî- of? Ca n a da. National Census of Unemployed The Fedeu-al (ioxecuîuueuit.thiînughi it*s Nuat- Ïonal Eînpioymeît t.Commrission is iiuga st-art on a soluitiotn to briuig uuotut au euîd tii Canada%'Sesirions iîinouuploviuint problein. Its first dutx-, aid onue xîhiu-lh is to uniertake iii Sept.emhx-r is a ituiionai euisus tif theunemn- ployed. xxicihs nl lie kt'pt- up tcî date ut al times. Practicuuliy evei-y gui uecnmentit h-ich bas workd oui îs prolîle sinue it becamu e aute have %bunwitk ini gup aî li lot i ltx'.Tiey have tnt kîîoxxithlit-exteîmt. of iueit' nptvuit. nor ti (-auhiu-..W'ithl tt pe usîî --isisthle gover-nmit uxili huave a fai i'y ui-iurate lpictuî' of the t ua tion>aind the M-tent of uint'unploy-- ment. Thev xiii thrliunumlhtt' 'eisuis furis learn rui abohi utîîîîthie iudividiiml to forc an> acaturmî îtux -î -o? thie ueusetuf uneînphny- ment, and i ht-tla inL, tlis iiifoiia t jou iii attempt uumt' pr'u t liol ollltîuuîî.i W~e ur'. iîîu-hiuu'uItiiheie-that tIi , ithîmîion 15 luot au'sernuli.w, îtîon iiîioul bvuîi'is thiîk. T1hem- wu t i>'li- i< i-uulîuiluandx tîythumulotf muet, xx-iui ould i1w xîiukletss ex-ihtif tht-cc xvms suffi-eu t xxoî'k t', cLi i îîuuuic!. iPither-aiwax-s 'as ini lth est f n t-s. T'heut Ihie1 stlmt nexclasswhich fiii> - hiu't'iip îii-u'd hy rtlitf au> id h tuîîa ' vprefex' t> lîve othte <-art-v of the tiixpa 'vers ratiier than work. fliîwiia ivillî' i, al vllt îtirelv free uft' t vh i ls-.. lla viii i itaiti;,ed the tesire(l iniformation t he "uVi'uii Shotlîiîldt hepreparet'> uiiii2Iiat a jîîOt)'-iî1î1 to alleviate aîiv lîstre-'s thlatex-. It -lii>iilil hi' re l)tlaiî( li t o taki' draîsti de- tiuî auîîîîtliise wlio refuse tu work. anîd thlose wv ii git tos,- work iiig to to p Nwork ani î>îd iirae.ini relief alwîî--.In mot iii-t;inîee tute îouîîtrv i. dealil-g giier- ousl.v lit h thle iiiieiî)lonved. and iii .'unîîîuîist hi>t ir.loîuld iiot he ai lowed t>, use thle ois- fortîiioe, of thle few to, prîîpa gatt telir anlar- el ist je doctrines. Tiiere are a few on relie f whli artc pe ia ps anft t rea tt I fa irl v, a nd i t is th li ueine Ilditv% to See thla t thlese famil- ilies reoieve Hie saint rîîtetiîtin i a-.tlîse in te li iiiicipa lit ies wlîcre, relief i,. properlyý Raising Money For Churches Onîe of minr favorite eilitorial tol)i. lias hecîu. -Raisinm-M ryfor Ulitirelies*«. su wlmcn we Saw- the' filloiing editorial ini The Oshiawa Tiies ive uattnrally prit-ked iip otir cars antd î'ead it. We pass it on to our reader-. lopng tliey ivill ulso agree xith it as iveli as praetise t he tiiouglîts thereiiî coitaiîîed: h xvas tle privilege anîd pleasure of the Ivriter duîriig a receit vacation to mieet the rectox' of nule of the Aimgyliekîu clurclies iin Broekville. and to leari fm-ni liî ii ta t foir Iiiii ears lus cliureli lias met a Il its obliga- tions witlut the aid of teas. bazaars. -work sale.s andt1hie iiîaiimy otlier sehiniîic resorted to todav to itiake nîoinev for tlhe eliîîreli. Ve iere iîitceestcd iii lea rîing*( that wlieiever fîiids, are reî4uîred foi' an ' brandci of tlîe eliureli xvnî'k a simiple aîîî iiuîwleunelit froîn thle pulpît is all thliit is u essa 1W. Thiis does not icaîithla t tlhe social life îof the coiigregatiojn i.- dead. fa r frîtin it. foir thîe clîiii'li has its, variuu5s or-aîliîatioîis, wholia vespev'i fic tiuiies tii pt-îfurm, lbit as al1rea dv iiotetl ni) Spciial ilnca>>-. tu laise ulle asieirteîl to anî i d in -.iîîi -.clarutd tii i'lîirvhli li a., îrieil on foir over fiftY x'ar-.. P(rlia lý inî tliese da '% of fiîaueia I str4ss w. heu illtiiiiv is lîaîdt t--et fori' î'lîîîlîas wellî als ottler' iiglit Steiii iliuîos-ilelcfuir ai1)v tlîito uti ariiv .11xithliît thele isiali bmî~e uit the e(luii'cluiii ha:ckili' li-d- nsoîstrated tlîut it eau l e diiîic. Nou uît it-' Iiilli)ers i'ealîze tliat mwlîî-iî thtv-v i'tlitiIIIi>1 thlîî'eiiveuiop ecaeI> Sîjîjîla , vtlîe uîîîîuuiit tlue'Shnîld -ive tlev lare nt Cetl upu>> it niake up iiefiiîinies -sh"louta>zes thrlîi ii diîissioîii fees to iiiîuieî'îiu e v e ilts. a il perlia ps the. wvoineii iof theeîe a url-a lize ton thiat e 'ciiîtii ', .i \iiiu.rthi'oigli ieilriiaivliailiels outhi viate-. foi' tîeinthe meî-e-'it vtuf lii ,vm.> s' a- iîtr., suliîi viket-. and wî'kîirtlieiî lit-ailsoft as *ii\ii'ir. iir neînlei's of tlii-. aîiil lia: uiî- iiiitteeu. It ' îî.t h- listat wlien vî-iiîi eu'uiluhp i a îiiliu t, .. r eaii'îiziiiz t1liat foi.t i' lîî t i,. ali ihliiiiiaiit spiriitiiul Iit tini'v il <'uinei-ltît the. ieli- riisîîv xthi,iît li .ail f'iujoii'iial ili'. Outstandirg Anniversary Edition fuutii -ti ii l i ttIl tVic . l' l iht- ; t h i- iu" Ilxilii -l;. îr uîîîu 1î-.i o -- v i 1 uuuîîî ui iuu iîi.i-,iiP'ii 11l. itîî t Ititii-u l i tui- . tr ; l ii t- tt '1 tu 't11'îîî1îtul- i iu It!il' lîîuî if.Siluit "Il.l'a i l ,,u-Ft il , iîe h w 1 Z,. I"uîl 1 îuuîx lu1îk ilu'xv t Il i fi \-.ili-xi-fi - 11 l! 1 u- ii', tî ii tIlt- 1 ( - ;1 t; l (li r1 ýl u- 1îî . î ' mi i l li'- tî-uîht 'i it l ( ait u1 it- . t 11 tî,ig ît, 1 'xx- 1. t 1 11i' ;u \,l a f i-a m't'l- 'liiif Siîi it l- Fuili-.1 miiix-l , t k fuui x l' ét1 !-, hI t-i'E(tif hu' i ttit'-...., Editorial Notes 'i'ît (la ii liîi ihiue t i p tot193-1) ti iuiii id mt 4.4:12,700() larcrf-k- xuîieî'l uit *2421ltt miii i'irist - n t'î'tht u î'-îu-ihiî x ofii t fot'ur YOUR WORLD and MINE BY JOHN C. KIRKWOOD (Copyright) M,>st of lus cannot visit England cîplune us. mauntained withouu this summer to see that delec:-, friction. The membei-ship now able country. yet it is possible approaches 50.000. for uis to see Britain throughý J C K others' eyes. So this week I A new book deals wvith "The shal t-ry to provide some glimp- Ladies of Llangollen" - Lady El- ses of the Motherland. eanor Butler and Miss Sarahi In a forme> contribution to, The! Ponsby. known in their day ( the Statesman I spoke of June. the closing years of the eighteenth infant daughter of Sa1ly, a chim- Century) as the "*most celebu ated panzee. For a time Sally kept; vurgins in Europe." These twco ber baby hidden f rom the public. women biad forsworn the world but now bot-h nother and daugh-. wuthout religions motives. and ter are inviting admiration-and dvoted themselx-es to each other. perh-aps something more. Litie $0 amous did they become t-hat June was born hairless. and any lit was customa-y for any travel- liair which seems to want t-o g-row j er of family or faille, crossing t-o us rubbed off by Sally. Sally and ior f romn Ireland by way of Holy- June. I ought to say. are resident1 head. and putting up at the Hand in Lonclon's Zoo. June's father.: Inn, Liangollen. to pay b-is re- Koko. is in a neighboring cage.ý spects in person to these two with just meshed wire to, separ-' ladies. They were eccentrics w-ho ate hIm from wif e and chilci. owed most of thei- renown to the §ally and Koko carry on long~ fact that both of themi belonged conversations, but what they say to powerful famnilles. knew every- t-o each other has not been i-e-r one worth know-ing. and kept up. ported.1 by letters and visits. with the J C K Society of their times. They be- Another dweller in the Zoo is taeved in the noble savage, and a giant hamadryad - an 18-foot w-ere Products of the age which long king cobra. Wbether his re- beliex-ed in the delight of seclus- fusai te eat was due t-o sullciness ion and romantic friendships. or to some other cause. one does Theix first and un suc c e ss f u i not know. but his hunger strike fligbt f rom their Irish homes was began to worry bis keepers. who attended by ail the paraphernalia have had charge of himi for only of romance. Thiey corresponded 2 months. Now. hamadryads are un secret. bribed the servants. and cannibalistic - they eat other 1 hid in cupboards: they Ieapt out snakes. and so this giant snake of w'indows with pistols under was offered an abundance of their armis wben tbey couid have grass snakes and rat snakes. wat- as easily w'alked out of thîe door: er snakes and tizau-ds: yet he and they spent t-le nigbt in a would not eat. barn. They flouted theýir rela- Anxious ho keep this huge tions. snake ative his attendants put in It was fortunate for them that with him a 6-foot Malayan black- the spiot w-hid they chose in and-gold snake vatued a: £5. North Wales for tbeir retirement Wbatever the reason. this cost13 should hav-e been diu-ectly on the snake pu-oved temptinig.' and %vas route between London and Dub- immediatelyý seized by the king lin. Tbey kept a diarx-. Words- cobra and slowly swallowed But tv"orth wriote a sýonnet in their w-bat wvill be necessary next time? 1onotur. Their faine and the for- these black-and-old snakes house wbich they occupied con- are becomung rau-e. and £5 ineais tunue to this day. I reunember are not approved by the Zoo seeing tbeiu- bouse when I tu-amp- authorities. ed throngh the village of Llang- J C K oflen about 2.5 years ago. They have w-ild goats un Walesf J C K Here's an extract froni a lette;- A meioi-iai to King George V to the editor of a t.ondon news- is being erected a: Winudsor. The papel-: central feature of the monument Dui-inguny wanderines over will be a stone cenotaph of simple the els iron:an5 Ihax d ugnity. suronnded bY a rarv-ed came across many wvild goals. ePuesentation of the Royal em- In particular I remnember a 'blemas resting upon a cushIun. the large herd on Ar-an Mawdd'vv. whole executed in stone. On the A few years ago I saw a goat steps leading to the cenotaph xxîll percbed foi- houu-s on the edge b e carved tbis inscription- of a buttu-ess of rock on the east George V - First Sovereign face of Tryfan. and as recently of the Housze of Windsor as hast year ive came across a Belowý and in front of the ceno- wiole family of these aniinalý 'tap- there will be a rect.angula- quite lowv dow-r on the northI basin of wateu- flanked by two -ide of Tuyfan.1 raised founitains. The ov-erfiow-I Pei-haps amour my- readers are from these fountauns will is-sue1 -owethelsb eope b m through apertures representing knw h pacsnarned. 'lion nmasks. The rmemorual wîill J C K be backed by a semni-cuu-cular O; e:- 800 coats-of-arm-.s in Can- clipped hiedge of ev-euree. n 'erbury Cathedral bave beeni re- trees of columinar form 'a-il be i x'.iu,.-ed. and tbey make tbe cloi-- planted at the s'de and rear of teî a feas: of goreeous cclor. the iiemiorial. The designer î-. Th-eoats-of-arms- date back ta Sir Edward Liiu:yens. R.A. The bhe 14tb and 15th centuries. and site - thi: of an oId brewery foi ni an unix %alied collection. iunmeduateiv belon- the xvall- of The onlý- other comparable col-:Windsor Casile -xa.s gi%*en to Itenion î iS l St. Gear*e.s Chapel. King George as a mubilee gift by \Vînd-oi-. The ýhields lin Canter- aundon no donor. buiry rep)re-ent bii.. .:uwes. This rmeniariali i fot ta bc- con- arclib:so:- os , er- dftu.ed with the na:ional i neunur- i laynmen. ua: for xvbicb ftund.c; aie betng re- J C K cei% cd, anîd ut bcb ,înouunt at the Toc,-H. an in'ernatianÈ :oruan- 1)re-.enr tinIe ta abou: £1,50.000.I izarion zanding fa:or fla-ii JC K and ' e.t%-ce.'- ha- jast bad uts F1,on11the lover of a new l:îbit 'bday .Thtisnuganilatkouî eurcli be:ug euect£d a:t Iford. a an emnpire-vide sonial club 0'b Bîunmo:.will is- wvhich arose ont of tue xxar. and atUe the soundc of bell, .bat tbe xb»o5e unenîbe-5 are canipo.-ed 1belfrý uvili contýain no belis. In- so1el'y af ex-s er% ice muten. takuIne 'stecad the touver uxuli be equipped no note of rank. xxitb loud speakers nd an am- Toc H w-as born in a brew-ery PlUi ng apparatus. wbich vulIl bel- hap bouse uni the x illage of Pop-' used ta .sonnd peals of belîs re- eringbe mn the Ypres salueuît. In. corded on guainophione rcrs 19 15. I: us recou-ded that whîen These tlond speakers can b, used the room a: Poperunghe xvas op- t' bu-oadcast zeminons and s-,c encd. by tbe Re%-. Tuk)by' dCay- %*ices. aon. the padre founder. be put up J~ C K anotice un the rooun. -If you spit Scotland is ta havýe a national tIi the carpe: a: haine, yon inay exhibition un 1938 or 1939 - an spit hee- Another niotto %vas, exhibition wbhich wull porti-ay the Abandon raîîk ahl ye %vbo enter tife and industry of Scotland. here.- Inside the bouspe-eerrone, Scotland %vill bav-e an exhibit w ion a footing of equuality. wxhule thLs year's Canadian National1 n;media*ely ontside Armiy dis- Exhibition. 'lOtton. Edna Trewin. B ess ie 'this article, expression us an art.! The B'entft ulidn-, d:. iWetherell. n u s worth thinking about and plays a: -1he Canadian Natiorý,v Miss Eva Sheppard, Orono. has practicing. There are words in'ExibIiin. :hs yeur emnbrace uý.K. been engaged to teach Salem . eepaî ii'0 utn~POUt i school for the coming year. the Englishs language oepanhbtolntulPrdci Birth: Poley-In Bowmanville, every circumstance or* siuation in mianutfà,4'ured articles from A>i July 2lst, to Mr. and Mrs. R:ch-: several different xays. I is a traia. Ceý ion, Scotland. .-. ard Pooley, a daughter. ipleasure to listen to a person wvho Zealanci. England. South Afjric,> Death: Mason-In Orono. July drsss ceas clearîy. Ind;a and France. t2lst. John Mason, age 83 years epessi _____ V HaYdon: Lorne McLaughli and Thos. Siemon have 5een re- MountUoy is building an addition to his 1uouse.I S D AT Take Care How You About MeClary SayIt -7 Finer Furnaces B>' Scribe "1G" Many furnaces look much alike Expression is an art that mo-st - outwardly - It's the INSIDE 3People who live in the countrycosrtontacot. have developed naturally. Verycosrtinha ut. often it is Most peo- pie wvho live in the city can not Buy Your Furnace From express themiselves nearly as well. 3We are flot certain what accounts - The Inside Out for this difference but we hav e I I '2 noticed it time and again. 1 v. col Ask us about 24 points of lie- A person in thle city wiUi sav an individual o hn sluy Clary superiority. Comp e t e n t What they intend to convey ji ' etigegnes aedsge that the andividual is mean. self- ' - heatMcClaieryu a e timoe 1ish. tricky. dislionest, or a liar. thev ajustaheating plat -is r Or that a thlng is 10w grade, rot- ta utahaigpat-II ten, poorly made, or cheap. But a lifetixue of heating service. lousy us apparently the only epi- thet they know. It gives us a Phone or cali for specifications. You will be sur. grotesque idea of what is meant prised at the low cost of instalinig this finest of Canada's instead of a clear idea. Listen to an average city per-J furnaces in your home. son give her impression of a fun- eral she lias attended. It will be something like thas: "The f lowers 'were awfui nice. It is certainly The minister is an old friend 0.VÇW . Len Elliott theirs and lie spoke very nice." HN-4 A farmer's wife would be more Plumbing and Heating ExpertsPHN 34 likely te say " The floivers w-ere smply gorgeous. h onttink ___________ we have ever seen anything more beautiful. Mrs. Smith apPearedý s0 naturai you would think sh1s SPECIAL BARGAIN was sleeping. The ministe>- saidi a odmte.adatu edse had been a faithful wife. and S EAR He told us she would be rnissed WEDNESDAY, AUGUST l2th un the church. The empty pew i naroCrFrr tae 1vould be a silent remundisVaOtroCr er tae what he said. Mr. Smith as brok- Cobourg and Oshawa to Port Dalhousie en in spirit. He will be a lonsî RtrnFre$ ma.Nellie was devoted to her Chllrn H Fare 0 mother. She cried and unoaned. Cide afFr 2 O It was Pitiful. Death is a sad OPtional extension via electric traitn fi-m Port Oatuiouîs,. to visitor.' NIAGARA FALLS, RETURN FARE S2.50 The exception who proves the I rule is A. E. Rundie. a city g.en- II~ j * Teddy Morgan t Tap Dancing> tiemnan. noted ILit e UnderwA-riter Harmoni Ecelln rheta andS n cing and Attorney at Law. He came EflIrainmen HArnd Ecalla rchenrg r anS n cing from Courtice. Mu-. Rundle is a1 straight thinker and expresses Steamer aid Etectrie Train Sctiedute - Standard Tie himself cleau-ly and convuncingly. Lve. Cobouarg 7.0)0 a.m. Aug. II Lve Port Dalhousie 2.10p.n H is utterances are frequently !Lve. Oshawa 10.00 a.m. Aug. 12 -%rr Niagara Falls 3.00 p.. qutd norsuetdYs we Arr. Port Dalhoutle 2.00 p.m. Aug.U I .Ne Niazara Falls 4.11 p.m. shared a third floor cubucle un Lve. Port Dalhousie 511 P.m. Auz. 1- -%rr Port Dalhousie 5.15 p.m. wbat is nowv a Hebrewv settlement Arr. Oshawa 9.30 P.m. Aug. 12 The boys caIled him "Dad.' He Arr. Cobourg 12.30 arn. Aug. i:1 ixva-s a sort of oracle and thus ap- Purctase tickets front local Canadian National Agent or a steamer Propriate appellation has stuck to O T RmCA E R ýhum ever since.ON A I C R FE Y 9, 1As we said at. the beginning of The TELEPHONE will take you there s In The Dim and Distant Past 1we -l .inqa t- alil 36 pci- --t i vli- FIFTY YEARS AGO man: W. A. Parks obtained sec-! the lattert.ue th>ii oe Ijji tvý ii . _______ond clas bonors in Mathematics. - t lt-luitt-ciîtt utiuihi'uvt'l îhuiltY JFrom Thse Canadian Statesman, ýEng. History and Geograpby t W. JuIy Stis, 1886 ýE. Hassard passed but d id not Nuo îuuit tt-eli x111M it-'îît- xt uualit-.wxx>- Hampton: Wihe Mr. Trenout-h cIpete for honors. tIo> uot -xu-uî gîtuluvî c'l x-î-isit-u-t 'aitîuItîIIand men were going ta Council- viBt>o e 4t ops nsant.owman loir Smahes ow-ouk. uishorse ville. on r.St-li 4bn.soan.-i Surtie'tugiznî of t1wt'sers-!îy vlîuî elluwtun o0k fîtigbt making a sudden wf fM.S lopo.asn Ii-,. Ai t clmisýtiiicr1 lx til-itobiserxveri t.uu î spig:boxig h rx'rad Birt::Jewel-In Bowmanx'ille,. il ts iovv spingthrwin th drverandon the 21st inst.. the wtfe of Mr.'- su ps i~tutuhuuu abo-ruîlîît iut- uuuýIjIkuuoxvuiPiiu)loccupants out-. Mr. Trenouthu re- 'T .Je'i.a agtr di hi~x îîltfmilut .pmck-~of .vuîiuulOrt 111t~-ing un xerY severe injury Died: Sanîdeus - InBomn kîitxt'u tutiii-îtî inîîcontact with a tence - utillo -e2 nt.Ms pathyv. Evtui lityt-liasi-. lit-eu> hobi bri improving as rapidiy as can b e icoasners. ge 58 years iii th1i1tsîîî axtîv.- Altte Eruuu-st l)iîîîîtt. expect-ed. ihlsSneag58yr. Enfiehd t The Vice Bros. of Sot- WNY IV YE SAG ina are f itting a stone cellar un- TW T-FV YE SAG Lettus ieuîî'uî luli e otent with li xat n-e der Mr. Winnacott's barn-..Mr. Frm The Canadjan Statesman, haxýe. Let ci<1ofouir false estiunates. Wmn. Wotten bas an increase t-o suet- UP ail thet- lier ideals - a quiet- home. us family, a lit-tue girl.- ..Miss ,u 7h,11 vims fnuroxî ;i, m e~hok îi i Julia McConnehh and W. J. Bray Ent-rance Examination Resu-t-s. \-ies f or on pantngz afewboos fll ibave credutabhy passed t-be En- Bowman-uhle Centre: Honors- tC inspir-atin of a g-uius; a feux frieîîds trance examinations.r Alan Gaie, Cyril Souch. Allun F.1I uxotth ' vtuf ht'iuig ived aind abîle ho lnx't-us iii Enniskihhen: A nuniber of young Annis, Greta Morris. Vernon tîur ; a Iiiuuudu'tîi îîîocî-uît pesie thuit 1rinç' men and boys were in bat-bing at-Baker. Mabei Coucli: Pass-Wil- iMartins Mili pond on Sunday af - ton Elliott. Jos. N. Burnes. Norma li0 painor tic u-lorse;t m simnple- ruligrioiî e-iflhtx- ternocon. One of them, Chuarles Loscombe. Nehhte Bot-trell, Gladys ouf ail )iiu:ttr 'v, fiill tuf tii-t, uuîîîl hope muul cu' Bray, age about 16 years. bad Bragg, Marion Baker, Greta Bell- mîit h su'h m îh$iscphy hisw-rh vil ix-been unn eoecnigt-o- man. Vera Giibank. Phyllis Hol:, 111 miii tht- t-uipîx- joitv i as.-Diaviul ~î~ the pond. He w-as a fair s'wimmer Afldrew Nicbohhs. Clarence Wood- i" and bati been swimînung around 'leY, Mildred Burns, Gordon Rice. about teîî minutes xhben a young:Florence L. VanNest. Arcbie Mun- man near hum notuced 1,us lips1 geaud. Muriel Chartran, Gai-ne: Frile>ît't lio.,' tisi xihavmixlt'aî rd -- u 's ning bicue and i bs mouth work- iMcCoy. Wilhiam Roenugk, Eva ahiiut nî- x- îtuî~îuitlhi~(ii!I-h;- -a t!ing but before t-be young man ýSpry, Haroldi Osbor-ne, Agnesi (fl'i' t'îîmlîîî - \t.qui' ut-ti.ilcw îlititcou"I reacbhlm i-e wen: dow-n. Christie, John Hills, Jack Meath.! mu l)II-i'hiu ( 'uuuuîu x Mi 01 tux--. -mî>î;01(jL" t'-It us supposeti be took a cramp Edna P. Vutue. Reynolds ConsinLs. - andi as none of the yanng unen Gordon Manning. Solina: Hon- I unuion in 19:'7? '1'hit- lui t u vitil'ht1luS k illit! îîeau could dive theN' coumîtinot- ors-Loume Annis; Pas&--Lax-ernel icIduiav Yuil' týi gîtmîulduialiv hilk mii. -.t fll rt-su-ue hum. The decei.scd was Orcbard, Mai-ion Orchau-d. Fior- - t miig abo g ut i!. -W. îîuuî x- i-f'i-ut uîît-î i ;t uxng xitb Mm-. R. Thonupson. ence Werry, Mildred Weri-y, Vidai Ft, parents ce.-.:de iin Baxtoan- Langmaid. Milton Sandex-son. An- lric--ois ini uîuîkiiig t lii- tltti 1 uh uii lituIle.nie Mountjoy. Newcastle: Mauti if au H"1,-uIlili i îuî- e hlu ifi xiil'u V ii At nbe Univ-ersit y of I'T)jojjto Ba-Sset. CIad3-.z Bradley, Veu a tu furui mit ui'aui/ui lut li ti,'uituc iuuiriiW- tuiîaionLs W. E. Jtîîue-.secui-- Cobbi'duu-k, Roy Dotuglas, Vuian wvuîuld iiket- tu i-uix-> httuu'vI'<ufrloIi, î-î'.I.uî-u- . rci fîîst cla-.s hiiîr.s un Mathe- Galbraith. Arthur Gibson. Beat- ,îan-- eond t-hius,; liHistory- nec Glanvile. Peî-cy Gonimnie. pubiliciiationu, >'igardiig i re-tunion. and'Geograpby. Fuencli aini Ger,- Harvey Henr-y, Grace Moise, May Cal i * 0 . . iu>O s jt' us, abOUl tlae fox aeeou inecait f ror the City- teu>dhO' 'le therebe -ne to bear Dad's clieery g9eenu>g¶to asu re h'n fl ili'as" 't bee n el h ting ir too mucilitrouble antI to reiniud ihua Of the thinngs lie wauSbrot1g'nt up îeyt w et. atoun the other endI Of enDde fe, gt real lkick ol Of ut ait - in >f act lie w o ua 't illis 'nakmlg dat sa reat C-a 1 for anut, and ut br ako a rouimie t On both "Anyone" and "Per&on. to-Person" cails, Iow Nighit rates apply every evening after 'Z, and ALL DAY SUNDAY. Frank Williamus, Managpr Il- --qr- PAGE TWO

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