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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1936, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. AUGUST 6th. 1936 PAGE FIVE coin i. B. C.., h tii er bro- - - 'ei' Mr. C. H. PauDineat. Nir.J. . Hyds.Tor- Social a d Personal on:o. w,,,, %ere iboldav ii 'of ho Mrs. Nellie Garbut- i îng in Muwkoka. Miss Ruith Hanii relatives in Tonýonto. Mi'. and MnIis. Roc:s S:,1 relatives in Wî'oxe:erý. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Dc ed Lindsay friends rece à Mrs. H. S. Fowlcer. 'T v isiting Mrs. J. A. McCC Miss Leola Millers weekend with relat'vesi Miss Greta Wickett; her sister. Mrs. R. Hos coe. Mrs. A. Penningtoni her daughter. Mrs. Frec man. Mrs. A. E. GarnEr. Poî spent the weekend iit here. The Special Cleaiancý The Evlyn Shop conti: week. Miss Marion Altiri has from a weck's vacationa Beach. Mr. John M. James hotidaying at Kilcoo ci Minden. Mn. and Mrs. M. G. have been holidaying Napanee. FLOWERS BY Remember vour fr travelling by steani with Bon Voyage FI( Flowers delivered by mi anywhere to an.y-wl KINGSWAY FL( SHOP Phiones: Store 72; Xighi days and Holidays. -Mr Gale, 158. ___________________________________ iothecr. 'n. Jon n andeprs. s :o.:a~ Mi. A:hu Cu* ~ ~ NIr. and A. R. Virgn. ,son is M.MAis.r lgh Meonaid. John and daughter Barbara.ha s1:*:in Huli Mloan. aiben holidaying at Gu'il Lake. v:~e :hw Na seni MisS Vio1let Osborne spent Ilh \Irand '-. A Ne. sentweekend xith lier sister. Mrs. ;î; koa Lkenda B. Iii NU-Ti-a,,y A. Gray. Lonsi Branch. ?'1Zvisii- Mr'. and \Irs.F. W. Nelles and Mr. and Mis. F. R. Foley and ntly. children are visi*:îng liez- paren;.s son David. S*,. Catharines. visiied ronto. is a, Sudbury. .îrelatives here over ilhe weekend. !ellan. Mr. Jamt-s Welshi and son John Messrs. Ru.ssell Candier and spent ..e itled ela,\s î w over Clare~nce Oke spent *the veekendý n Detroit. the wveekend. with Lieut. J. Sloane in Toronto. is vsiting Mr. and Mrs. Jack McC:ellan. Mr. M. Comstoc'k. Misses Aud-1 ki. Sirn- Toronto. are holidayîng at Poit rey Comstock and Frances Roweý Bowmanville. Spent the weekend at Loon Lake. is vsiting . Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Knight en-I Messrs. Bain Elliott and Char- ýd Cryder- ioyed a motor trip to Ottawa over lie Hoar are spending Several the \veekend. ivieks at Kilcoo Camp. near Min- rzWhitbv. Miss Ruilh Wickett. Poi'; Hope. den. h friend spen, the weekend w::h Miss MranMs..J.Eltad Ambr ortn.Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hoar, Oshawa. 7e Sale at The Evlyn Shop offers very at-1 motored to Ottawa for the week- nues this'tiactive values inflsi. Summer ed 1Clearance Sale. r.BE.lg mad sreturned' Mr. Andrew Lambros. Gal:. has 1 r n r.B .Iga n it Wasaga been visiting relatives and friends s ons Mac and George are holiday- in Bowmanville. ing witbi his mother at Cnemong has been Mr. and Mrs. Arhur Elford. Lake. amp near Buffalo. N. Y.. vsited bis miother. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Dale and Mis. Anna Elford. Janet are enjoying holidays al, V. Gould; Mr. Paul Wilson and daughters Salmon Trout. Lake, near Ban- north of i Sheila and Milddied are hol:day- croft. ing in Brantford. Mrs. H. Casbourn and Irene Mî's. Fisher'. Saskatoon. Sask.. were weekend guests df Dr. and is vsi:ing her aun:. Mrs. Ei Wil- Mrs. Fred Crydeiman. Detroit. ý ý:son. Liberty Place. Michi. Mrs. W. Wilcox spen:, Civic Mr. James McDougall came Holiday with her daughter .Mrs. down from Toronto to participate I. Elfo:d. Oshawa in the bowling tournament on Di'. and Mrs. Partlow. Ottawa. Monday. were recent gliests of Dr. and Mr. Morley' Oke. Bowmanville. Mrz. C. WV. Stemon. and Ms Ruth Holmes. Oshawa. Miss Patnîc:a Wilson and Miss Spent the weekend with friends at VRE Ruth Logan are enoy:ng camp Mîdîand. WIE ie a; Lake Simcoe. 1 M',s. J. G. Garrett.. Brantford.1 iends Mrs. MIuriel Symons and Kel- areundt om vilad ship vin and Miss Vivian Bunner are hai'etounedltoBowmaile a nd visiting in Belleville. witloccSt. errsieceo Lieut. Arnold Brown of the Sal- QueesSt owers vation Army has returned from Mrs. James Nookes andsn ire fromn holidaying in Maine.1 James* have been visiting with Mr. here. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snowden and Mrs. Jos. Zacharchuk. Fen- Oshawa, spent. the weekend with eton Falls. A.Mto an IW R th~e Misses Brimacombe. Mr. and Mrs.A.Mtnad )WER Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dippell and f amilY'. Hamilton. visited their famîy ae hhdayng t Ci~nuncte. Mr. Donald McDonald. on and other western points. Civic Holiday. its, Sun- : r.M .Brogs acu Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wise, Tor- r. L. G. 'ver. B. C.. is visiting her son. Mr. onto, are holiaigwt e J.H. Johnston, Horsey St. parents. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wil- ' Mr LotusH. Alenof an-c9x. Queen St. mrs.Lofts H.Alle of an- Misses Peggy and Marjorie and ___________________________________ r Steady ' Tumb, Bancroft. Sleepy Appetites Warm weather makes sleepy appetites. Wake your appetite up with an Ice Cream Dessert. Combine it with your favorite fruit or jani in a delicious su.ndae I[CE CREAM BRICKS20 Now Only, Pint Size ...- .. ...................... FOR BETTER HEALTH Eat one of Corbett 's Health Breads regularly. You 'Il find one of either the Roman Meal, Soya Bean, Whole Wheat or Hovis just suitable to your taste. Stanit using one of these fine pure breads today. Corbett's Balkery Phone 3 Bom-manville Grocery Values On Sale Thursday. Friday. Saturday August 6th - 7th - Sth SU3131ERTIME (HOCE 2 AXTins 23 Red & W hite COFFEE, i 's................«-.............. tin 42c Red & White TEA, l's ...... ........... .... ..... per lb. 59c Falcon Sweet Mixed PICKLES .........- .. large jar 27e Red & White MATCHES ........... ................ 3 pkgs. 25C Llbby's Pork C& Deans T2 19I MANYFLOWERS SOAP ..... ............*.......... 4 bars 21c (1 bar of Karbol Free) PINK SALMON, 1's ......... ............ per tin 13e ROASTED PEANUTS .... ........ ........- .. 1 lb. 14e MARSHMALLOWS.......................... per package 10c (Gold Medal FLOOR WAX .............. ....... ........ tin 25c CHASE & SANEORNE 'S COFFEE - 37c Gold Medal TAPIOCA ........... ..................... per pkg. 10c FALLEN 6 Pkgs. For 25 0 MAZOLA OIL, 1's - . ..................... per tin 28c SHREDDED WHEAT . ......-...........................2 pkgs. 25c ROSE BAKING POWDER .............................tin 15e JAVEL W ATER ............. ............... 2 botties lic CORNSTARCH ........ .............. per package 10e FARNE FISH PASTES ........... ....... ............tin 10c RED & WHITE MUSTARD ............... per jar 10c LIB;,a heti 2 Tlins For l17C Balmoral CREAM BISCUITS .................. 2 lbs. 29e MOLASSES SNAPS ........................... 2 lbs. 23C Gold Medal HEALTH SALTS.......... ..8 oz. bottie 25e KCIPPERED SNACKS.................................... tin 5c JUMBO JELLIES .................................per lb. 17e NEW MILD CHEESE ............................ per lb. 19c Fe W. NÉ.LES" PHONE 599 BOWMANVILLE have been visiting ai thein une- le's. Mn. J. Lumb. Mrs. Fainbainn. Jolliette. Mich.. and Miss Fairbairn. Chicago, Ill.. are visîting the fonmer's sisîci'. Mrs. J. A. McClellan. Misses Helen and Mai Carruth- ers and Helen and Margaret Mc- Gnemoi' are spending tbeir vaca- lion Sat Shadow Lake. Mrs. DeCue. Buffalo. N. Y.. Lou Eddie and daughten' Janet were 'veekenti guesîs o! Ibeir cousin. Mrs-:. A. E. McCready. Mi.C. W. E. Meath bas ne- iuned fnomn spending a week in O0ttawa. Cap:. Meatb ivas aiso home for the weekend. Edion Gea. W JIIIne. and son Wlilliam aitiendedi ,he fanerai of i' lie lte Malcoli;MacBeth a: ..;eonon Tbhii'clay. Hu; nmanYi,4neî'mtis viii be pleas- lcd to know ilbat Mr. Neil Yello;v- l'ces is able 10 ge* .;rolund agaiun after bisz serions illne-S. M,\isses L. Holinan. A. Buiteri and A. Worden hav-e rtr ifi on; a nnolor tmip ta North Bay jand *,le Muskoka Lakes. The flower bed a:th*le C.P.R. station is particulanly attractive these days due 10 the special at- tention 0f Oliver Roberts. Mn. Kenneth Mitchell. Wallace- bui'g. and Miss Chai-lotte Speti- ding. Toronto. wene lholiday guests of Mi'. and Mî's. F. J. Mitchell. Mn. and Mrs. E. R. Freeniaf, St. C atharines. spent the week- ! end wilh bis sisten. Miss Chnissie Freemian. and othen relatives bere. Mn. andi Mns. Atlfred Manining spent the weekend wilh Mn. and Mns. Elton Manning and Mn. and Mrs. George Loehnr at Brighton Bay. Mn. John Eastaugh o! the Boys' Training Sehool staff has ne- îurned fnom a 1500-mile trip te Detroit, Cleveland andi othen U. S. cities. Mn. and Mrs. C. Folliott and daughten Donotby and Mns. A. Stevenson, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. W. E. Crago. Mn. and Mrs. C. M. Murdof! and Miss Bonea Murdof f. Lindi- say, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Frank Williams at Pont Bowmanville. Mn. andi Mrs. Lloyd Voss. Fill- more, N. Y.. visited thein cousin. Editon Geo. W. James. on Wed- nesday while enjoying a trip thru Canada. 1Mrs. Truman Powers. Miss Vena 1 Powers, Mns. W. A. Bunnen. Miss 1 Vivian Buriner and Miss Nan AI- lin bave i'etunned frnm a holiday at Varty Camp. Misses Marion and Gertrude Wagan. Miss Marion Wanden and Miss Marion Hammi are enjoying a week at Nairn on the Spanisb River wvest o! Sudbury. Mn. and Mns. Ai!. Pennington. Lois and Roy. Toronto, Mn. Han- old Osborne, Ebenezer. spent Civ- ic Holiday with the fonmer's sis- ter. Mns. Fred Crydernman. Mi'. anti Mrs. Frank Banthole- mnew. Billy and Betty Joan, andi Mrs. Hayt.hornthwaite, Slnathnoy. were weekend guesîs o! Mn. and Mrs. F. A. Dilling. Queen Str'eet. Miss Nellie Buî'k. Belleville. andi Miss Sybil Burk. Tor'onto, bave teturneti froin a tr'ip to Atlantic City and ar'e bolîdaying %witb thieir' mothe'. Mî's. T. S. Hoigate. Mr'. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston, wbo have been enjoyîng a v'isit with lier sister. Mrs. Ber'tha Bail- ey. at Mn. F. H. Mason's. left Sat- unday for Ibein boine in North Bay. M'. and Mrs. Alex Eliiot and son Ross, St. Johns. N. B.. are grisiting hen sister. Mis. R. E. Lo- BOWLING EVENT TROPHY WINNER ýContinued f nom page 1) Ager, Oshawa. 10; Routly. Pet- erboro. 17. Worden. Bowmanvitle. 4; Gould, Bowm-ranville, 15. 2nd Round: Detenbeck 15; Livingstone 11. Stanley il; Mellveen 9. Goodman 14; Cryderman 5. Routly 8; Gould 12. 3rd Round: Detenbeck 15; Stanley 13. Goodman 15; Gould 8. Final Round: Detenbeck 5; Goodman 21. Consolation 3rd Round: Cryderman 7; Rosevear 18. Alger 5; MeTaggart' 13. Moore 19; Livingstone 4. Gould 4: Stanley 16. Semi-Fina]: Rosevear 14; McTaggart 6. Moore 8: St.anley 14. Final: Stanley 9: Rosevear il. Now s The Time GET YOUR Roofs Ready For Winter Now W'e specialize in roof painting in either Aluminum or Black Paint. Get an estimate f rom us before you get your job done. WNe ill Save 3'ou money and guarantee a real job. J. H. ABERNETHY PHONE 431 1Bownianvifle Ontario1 anied bi sevenal officers o! the Guards andi a company o! N.C.O.'s and men, ail in uniform. maî'ch- ed by way of the Drîveway. The address waýs given !rom a plat- form enected in front of the Peace Tower by Rev. Fnank Mason. He took as bis text. "Only be stnong and o! good counage." Miten ne- viewing the conspicuous part playeti by the 2nd Battalion dur- ing the wan andi the subsequent events folowing the signing o! the Treaty o! Versailles, he vent- ured the opinion that there bad been rathen a tendency not only to kick the enemy when he was down, but to rifle bis pockets in addition. Refenning to the signs of approaching storn he saiti that the way 10 win through was by collective security andi by maintaining the true pninciples o! justice and fair play. He ungeti the men o! the 2nd to consecrate their lives te service as they hati done duning the war. A delegation nepresentative o! the diffenent bnanch associations o! the battalion laid a weath on the Altar o! Sacrifice before the battalion marched back to the1 Drill Hall.I The next neunion will be helti at Kingston, about tbe first Sun- day in August. 1937. Il was also decideti that the beatiquarters o! the Parent association o! the 2nd Battalion wiIl be Ottawa, of which Capt. W. W. Murray o! Ottawa is Dominion secret any. Those froni Bowmanville at- tending the reunion includeti Col. andi Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin, Mfiss Alice Eckerman and Mr. Wm. Spencer. "Singing pylons," huge trans- parent ligbting standards along the boulevards at the Canadian National Exhibition, w ilIlb e equippeti with radio again Ibis Yeai'. Music will issue froni the chandelier's aI the Bail Room. an arrangement made necessary because o! "tiine lag' in that ianîmnoîh dance hall wbet'e Rudy Vallees band ivili be heard lhrougbout the fourteen days and night.s o! the "Ex'. j \iriî i md aff udt- ý la\ s irL(iiuiii liecî pý lit .à S inle. alffl he uîdiig j101C if ita initers st a viccs Sm Jantles ,huan. Pliilosphies. BABY ~ REIlSITESý If Babies Could Only TaIk! There are so many things we would like to> do for their health, comnfort and happiness. Our stock of Baby's favourite brand of food is f resh. Our med- icines for Baby's ilinesses and aliments are standard strength. We have those comf art requisites whlch mother knows Baby appreclates. WREN BABY 1S ILL CALL YOUR DOCTOR Blue Mounitain Minerai Water Wins Bak Pep Try it for Constipation, Indigestion, Sclatlca, Rheuniatlsm, Neuritis, Arthritls, Aches and Pains l6oz.$1.00 Bottle PHOTO FINISHING. Developing -Printing -Copyuxg And Coloring When you entrust 3'our photo work to us you are assured of the finest possible resuits. Our work is unequalled here and unexcelleil elsewhere. PROFESSIONAL WORK PROMPT SERVICE ENLARGINO - COPYING AND COLORING ICE CREAM Bulk - Bricks - Cones Prompt Delivery UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENCY !MIAY FEVER [AN DE RELIEVED HEAD COLOS-ROSE FEVER JUtIE COLO -SINUS TROUBLE $iNPLE TO U$E-INEXPNIIV RESULTE - &UARANTUD SPICES Fresh and FUIlI Strength Cassia Bud .*............ oz. 5c Celery Seed oz..... . e c Whole AUspice ........... ......... oz. 5c Pickle Mixture 1 .~.igal 25e 16o. D* MAGNESIA 33c PABLUM Pre-Cooked 45 INFANT'S soap 4for i19C HEIN Z Baby Soups i9 HEINZ 2 tins for19 Pure Olive Oil New Rigo Nipples 6-oz. 25c - 16-oz. 60c Extra Strong ... 3 for 25c Hospital Cotton Baby Botties ................. ...... 5-10 1-lb rolis ........29-39-49 J.&J. Baby Powder ............ 25e Boraic cid 10-5-2-35Robinson 's Barley ............ 39c Boroi Aed .. 1-152535 Clapp 's Baby Soups 2 25o White Vaseline .........14-23 Castoria ............................27c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex McCregor Phone 92 DIRUGS WVe Deliver Mmulm.- PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. AUGUST 6th, 1936 COMPLETE 20 YEARS WITH GOODYEAR I PARLIAMENTrARY JPROCEDURE US :1 ~~~EXPLAINED HERE R A IIA R 'i"' I . C n u ~im pae tBOWMANVILLE f ~~~ I ;sbxhn a vote îýs taken.TISpti ow The House of Common. s:h .i ooet na o only body able to or:g:na:ce legis- XE.,on rcganding taxat:on. ana no,- private men:her caniîn:tiate anvi Friday, Saturday Aug. 7 -8 nîeasunnr .bihpro-; ides for- ex- penditire. WILLIAM BOYD and JIMMY ELLISON in The Senate. Mn. R:ckand saîd. is a body 10 check up on *the gov- ennment and Commons actîi- 6 dies. They serve a useful purpose C ail of the ruw'ie"9 '1 în that they are experienced1 I tatesmen alt.hough they are not1 ALSO j ~~~~~~~responsible to the people for a jEW R VRT OTNI 71 rneturn 10 office. The weakest part E W R VRT OTNI lfteSenate. hie added, was that e sorne voted more for panty than " a t rs V i e for- the good of the country, and1 '4ps.,that the 96 members. only haîf Matinee Saturday 2.30 O f whom are usually present. can throw out any legisiation sent up Bill Rudd and Bill Kelley by the 245 membens of the lower Many Statesman readers xill lof their fellow employees. a: a house. recognîze the above two young 1 gathering on Juty 3. The memibers of Paî'îiament Mon., Tues., Wed. - Aug. 10-Il- 12 me sformer citîzens of Bow-1 Lou complimented them on are not self-seeking. job-hunting men a.s~~~~ t;eJr long and excellent service politicians, but men who realize G R O P RadJA R H Ri manile.bu;no 0 Ne Tn-and mentioned that they were their first duty is not 10 Party but onto. The fotlowing comments 1 stîll young and hoped that he to the nation. accompanied the photo in "The v.outd have the pleasure ofpre- One does flot have to be a good 66M r. D eed s G oes Wingfoot Clan": sentîng them wth their 25 yean speaker on a frequent. speaker in "Bill Rudd compteted his 20 p:ns five years from fnow. the House to be a good member. years of continuous service on He saîd lhe coutd recali çwhen Each man has plenty of commit- T Of July 1, and Bill Kelley on Juls' 6, tbey were both youngsters. and tee work 10 do. and this work is o Tw" and as bot.h were going on vaca- part icularly remembered the cute as important as any work done in tion at the same time, the pres- f iled collar Kelley used 10 wearth hossesns Somewhere in Dreamland News entation was delayed in one case11 when he was a messenger boy atthe oise aesos. illuttig1 aic odyadWdedya .0pm and hurried in the other. when Bowmanville. tia otdfiuttngtMtne nayndW nsa t230pm each was presented with bis 20-. Ketley and Rudd both l 'oiced legistate for Canada as a whole yean service pin and pension pol- thei r appreciation for the kinci ecause of the v'ast differences in _____________________________ icy by Lou Barrett. Division 'A" î'remembrance. and tbaniked their different sections of the country. bead, on behaîf of the company. fellow workers for thein co-opera- I would like you to nemember. and a Roîls Razor each on behaîf tion during the tast 20 years. 1Mr. Rickard said in conc]uding. Wed., Thurs., Fri. - Aug. 13-I14-15 ----_ that most membens realize that gan. Mr. Elliot was found in his O SN O AIN [hey are not in Ottawa nepresent- GEORGE O'BRIEN in ROUSIG ov iriO inga political party. but repre- accustomed place on the bowling erycten ftei green Civic Holiday. G N FRnMLER sentilng y erltiess of pti- Bent and Eleanon. and Mr. John GfVEN Isenting 96O isa11eyoofthe Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnslon., 2ND BATTALION OC. cal îeanings. ,Beon m aoth r, ad B Jh- Rotarian F. z' onsexpress- sto's othr.Mrs. M. J. Bur- 'Contînued from page 1' 1ed the club's appreciation to Mr. roughs of Vancouver, were on a i iRckard for his instructive and d u t i ' motor trip over the weekend to :cusîomary way. The toast 10 informaI talk. Trenton and points east. Canada was spoken to by Rev. Guests of the club included ALSO MisGladys Jarnieson. with Frank Mason. of East Toronto, a Dick Richar ion and H ar ry Mns. Alton and Mrs. Smitb, Van-' former rector of Newcastle, and Black of the Oshawa Club, and couver, B. C.. and Mrs. Nanis. a former sergeant of the battal- Allan Knight. A letter of thanks Windsor, enjoyed a moton trip to ion. wbo said that the welfare was received from lte Boy Scouts the Thousand Islands, Ottawa.i and greatness of Canada depends thafking the club for providing 1 _________________________ North Bay and Callander. fol on its resources but on its transportation 10 and from the Mn. and Mrs. Wilbur Oke and men and women. such men as camlp. C M N Gloria, Montneal. have retunnedi those of his old unit. In referr- C M N after spending a week with rela-!ing to the tbneatening aspects off tives hene. Mrs. Gordon 'Wight war,.lhe said that if trouble is 10 'ROYALS TRj FOR "1SPEED" "PRIVATE lNt'MBER" and Barbara neturned 10o Mon- be avoided il will be largely by FIRST PLACE UN "PETTICOAT FEVIER" "COUNTRY BEYOND" treal with them for a vist. I Canada remaining loyal to itsS OR LAG Ei " EETH E"IT ADT HPE" Mn. and Mns. Earl Osborne,. best traditions.SH R AG E «'EETU E " AD OHPEN Miss Vera Power. Miss Vivian Idol of Suri'ivors "SAN FRANCISCO" Bunner. Mn. Clare Allin. Mn., The toast 10 the Second Bat- <Contînued fnom page 1) "FARMER TAKES A WIFE" Wilfred Hamley. were guests of talion was pnoposed by Capt. W. - h iî.'A WHO BROKE THE BANK AT MONTE CA4RLO" Mn. and Mrs. Leslie H. Guy. Paw- Hoey of Montreal. who assured Cordheningld 0 pe te ec kaska Lodge. Thurstonia Park. 'Mayor Lewis Ihat the men of the ond framne and was forced by1 Mrs. B. M. Warnica and grand- battalion wh'o came from Ottawa Bates. Bagnell singled 10 left,1 children, Misses Phyllis. Jean and represented the city nobly'. I and Moore and Large came tbnu' Shirley and Master H a r o t d was sevenal minutes before Col- with two more safeties 10 score held them hîtless in the last two The magnin1cent new bandshell George, Smithfield. visited the. onel L. T. McLaughlîn. who re- Bates and Bagnell. In the third. sesions. ils inbi snk- !t e andanuNationalhexfibi- formers brotheî'. Rev. C. c. I plîed to thîs toast, ivas gîven a Willianms teed off on one of ou: total up t.o ten. et iniseoquton the wrd h e fint- Washington. Toronto, on Friday. chance t0 begîn. --o demionstrative Wakely's pitches foi' a triple andl Two successive doubles byeti h ol.Tebs et Mail and Empire says among was the cneeting extended 10 h:m. came home when Corbetî ered !Moore and Large added a run 10 unes of band shelîs at the Cent- the visitons at the Guild of AU" for hie is the idol of the old sur- on Cordens fly 10 nghî Codenthe Royal total in the sixtb. In ury of Pnogness. San Diego, Hol- Arts~~~ Tusa inuddMsW ivors of the 2nd. He said bie was1 going 10 -second and compleîîng the seventh Colweli singled. was lywood. Cleveland, Radio City, I. McTavîsh. Toronto. and Mi.s.inota bly pleased that the two the circuit When Berr'y he sacrifîced te, second by Wilihams Anisterdam and Karlsruhe have F. . Mnnia. i'. F J.Mitb- coiifiiningoffces o ib Pe- ates grounder high ,oveî' first. and advanced t:0 ibrd as B'unt been efrîbodied in Ibis unique ell and Mns. Alan Williamis. Bow-1 petuatîng unîts weî'e formner offic- Bagneli drove out a double. the bobbled Condens grounder. Wîth structure and numerous new ones nianvîlle. ers of the 2nd. and o bserîv ecd ball bounicing oveî' the bannier in twAo oi:. \akely purposely walk- introduced. Ligliting eflects have "-Whene could they have go; bet- left, which held him 1 a o uble d Bagneil and Tim Moore been acbieved which, prompted A nunîber 0f.ç thouaving Enel:sh ter officers than froin a battalion accordîng 10 t.he ground rules. 'promp:l oedb t ibit iii- îlluminating engineers 10, opine motniîs wb bvebee mto'-which always acconiplished \vhat otohe1 outfield t0 score the finali that a haîf bout' concert in colon, ing in ~theirEgihcr hfuhPrHp ourt n erfrst runk two runs. R H E ýentiî'ely vi1,hout music. could be the United Sates and Canada, la hold that whicli îî gaîned» oîbe iebaltai 'B ow'vi e 023 001 - 8 12 5 given. This entireiy new featune :iîouh owm.nile Ol olnelMcaahlîn 'e v i e we d bvLanef mlg:an bad hopj Port Hope 000 130 0 - 4 5 4 of the "Ex" will be one 'of the passedf te oBrunaidiiLfaNgLt' 'Oboi ne andi Bates: anye:, Wedne~ay moninc enroute10 ~ ~auvtanino ena0Q~ owed wXith a single. In the nex: wkl n owlfe ___________ Mont ne ai. n_____fte___________ls______Wke an MrSd ors .,a-iii nied nso!'1 ia:t ding thePC inning. Browsn Was safe on an in-"tises. nts oi1 olv Mi. i. ori.Majni ndîd nacie ex:edn:g eld éeî'oî'. stole second. iven;t .01 sey.iti wrdtolv Ama. and Mi'. Robent Paw,ýson 1 Great \Var. i1 do1 asdb.ladcae Hsmn netsi adnafe h ol' pnoi ti have î'et:îrned froin visiting the itido a-ýe aiadcie Hsmn red nHyo fe h vil* pnoi ti formiers brothers. Messr's. Wil Meinot'ial Se'rîice lhomne on an ennor. With Row- and' Darling;on wîll be sorry toiesi otue 0lv fe R.oy and Neil Oke. St. Thomas. On Sunday monning a ncin;on-clfeO fis Crossett lifted a lcarn of *the dea:h OfMn Saniue. i youî' own: but the creal man is and Claude Oke of Richmond.l ial service %vas held on Parliaq long drive int the gî'avel pît in Isen;on of \Vinnipeg. Ris son.;1 he who. in the ii.îdst o! the crowd, Midi. They also visiteti other nient Hill. The mienîbens of the fi gb; for a bomne o bring thei Fight Lieut. Stemon and Mns. 1 keeps w'ith perfect sweeîness the relatives enroule. battalion formieti p in Cartier Ponts wit.hin one o! a lie. But Siemon of Ottawa lieft. Sundav 1 indeuendence of! solî:ude.-Em- Square tînden comnmand of oave Osbor'ne setlled down anti evening -,o attend the funeral. I enson-_ onel McLaugblini, and lieiddbt _________________________________ IOSHAWA RINK IS the band of the G.G.F.G.. underl

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