PAGE IGHTTHE CANADIAN STATESMIAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAPLIO. THURSDAY. AUGUST 6mb. l 1Re na Farr~ell) on1Iheir maririag.? uSa turday aiternocu a: Tyrone TH EW ATL NUI~N L I[Mrs. Clara Ban onavle THE NWCASLE IDEPEDENTvisited ai Mn. F. L. Byamns and Harry R. Pearce, Correspondent, Phone Clarke 1114 Mr. and Mrs. W. Raisey, Mr. ___________________________________________________and______ . HCpraiiil orno - iitedi Mrs. James Storey. Mr. John J. Arrnsîrong and Res'denl.s of Newcastle xiere eanor Nesbiîî Bai rett. at Windsor Misiîing he sîse rToroni niece. Miss Janey Singer. Tar- treaîed ta two band conc.ert on July 29th. Shie was in lier Moore. onto, spent Civic Holiday week- withini the past week and showed 87th year. Shie had always been A large numnber of young pea- end with Newcastle fiiends. the their appreciatian by turnine gouît very active in the work 0f the ple gathered at the home ai Mr, former principally with Mn. and in large nunbers. On Thursday W. A. of the Anglican Chunch Byron Farrell on Wedniesday ev- Mrs. Beni. Moise, and Miss Sing- evening. Juiy 3thi. Durham Regî- and was known thlroughouî theenn adpesndMisRn er with Councillor and Mrs. Earl mental Band rendered a choice beadt and legt te o Frrli wih iMseau Walton. prograrn on the community hall minion as Canada's Grand Old shower. Miss Doris Allin. Ida. vîsited grounds. being lined with cars of Lady af the Conservative Party' On Friday aflernoon Mrs. A- ber grandmýother. Mns. Oea. p. people who had corne in fromib e and had been bonoured by premn- ber~t Hiîîs entertained the rnem- Rickard.. countryside. Then on Sunday ai- iers and many cabinet mînîsters bers of the Beginners and Prim- Miss Margaret WrightTair- ternoon Belleville Citadel Salva- af Conservative goverrnents. It ary classes. The aiternoon was onto, is spending the summner lion Arnmy Band lield a ser-vice was miainly through bier effort.s spent in pîaying games. after with ber grandmnother. Mrs. H. and contributedi a prograrn ai that the splendid cenotaph. a wVhicb a delicîous supper was se- Wetherell. since Mr. Wethemells sacred music at the beach. mienionial tathie city's war dead. Ved on the lawn to about 35 small deatb. ~~~~If the Kendal correspondent. %vas erecied in Windsor. Amonggil.Ms Bsiead Mtr Mm.EdmndThakra rceiedwho writes of the near faminle in the two hundred floral tributes Ralph Hill made charning hast Mr. dmud Tackry rceiecifruiit and vegetables in that local- sent to the home were several and hostess foir the happy coccas- word of the death of bis nepbew. îty. had corne to Newcastle anyv fromn different miliîary units. ail ion. Charles William Thackray. an lime in the past tîwo weeks. shie of which were laid on the ceno- Sunday Schoal next Sund3y at employee af the London and could have seen and procured taph aiter the funeral. 1.0an North Eastern Railway Ca.. Eng- abondance ai fruit, c Il e r r' i e s. S10.S3ic0 ecrs e ______am.________ land, who felI f rom the fourth raspberries. currants. goaseber- Sa' ydct eue e stary of the company's lhotel ries, ai very reasanable pices. Grain Separator building in York. He was bonn in And if the correspondent would The Shaw's Threshing Synidic-j ENNISKILLEN Cobourg. ont.. the son cf Mm. like to see a field of raspberries. aIe have traded in thei'r old < and Mrs. Chas. Thackray wbo Ion, rowvs of canes. dlean. stron, threshing machine foir a newv al ]ived for a while in thîs village. and> thrifty. raspbenries groivn ta mietal machine fnorn the Oea. Mrs. John Barton, Bowrnan- Mr. Thackray having w,-,orked in perfection. let hiem tisit Mm. A. o White & Sons Co. Il is modemn ville. visiled Mr'. F. L. Rabbins. 1909 on the building of thý. new Parker's for instance. just west in every detail. of equal capacity Miss Maud Ashton bas retumn-j addition to the Methodist Chuncb of the village. The cherries are to the old separator ai woad con- ed ta Toronto aiter a month's i Sunday School. not all dane yet and several var- struclion. but of much smallen vacation. Mrs. D. Whiticar. formeî'ly Of ieties of earîy apples are readv dimensions. Witb Ernest Ail- Mm. and Mî's. Wesley Oke, ac- Newcastle, was a guest of Mrs. foi' use. dread and Albert Pollard in cornpanied by Miss Aileen Rab- J. E. Rinch. Junior CG.lT. girls under the charge it began operatians o n bi ns. Man.. and. Miss Winnifred Mrs. Margaret Staples î'eturned lae'hpa r.A .Genv Monday at Leslie AndersonS k n m SalyTre home from a montb's visit in Reta Powell and Patricia Pearce where ils very first job, by way of Oshawa. enjayed a trip ta Peter-' Rochester, N. Y. of the Seniors and probably Paul- breaking il in. was the thneshrng Iboro. Miss Dorolhy Rickard %va me Deline and Dolly Purdy. presi- ai an acre af Alaska seed oatLi. home from Peter*bomo axer the dent and secrelary ai the Mission gon yGant ikad1Ma- Mm. and Mrs. W. E. Sandeison holiday. Bvd ot asre uutBha Lark Fanm. across the road l and family visited Mr. C. Robin-E Mr, Wm. Bickle. Canton. took tan.ay o aeaek' ampingusonthe ro1 Mr ndrons son. Newtonvîlle, and Mn. A. Har- the tenor part'in the mixed auam- shes ai a -ek scamg. o h ri Mrs. Gerono. ris. Oî'ona: Miss Olga Sandenson tette aIt the United Church San- A. Wallon. Seniorê.COlT. Lead-! BOWLING GREEN NOTES iema:ng for atew days Mr day morning and was a cuest for eîr. will accamipany themi . John___Synr n Sr..cxtende tli' dinner at "Tihe Grangc' :ththe iMr. and '%rs. Horatia Hilis and Four rnixed rînks chasen froinhiJo er.Mr m. Sanmtel deat ai quartelte leader. Mm. W. F. Rc- Mr. and Mi's. Albert A. Hillîs adte sad Wie' bwiýWipî'le. Mmn.SaneSemn j theMensand oînesnBoling\Vinipeg Man ard.M P. ad fin~y. hrcc sons. Tyrone. were SundayiClubs are thîs ýeason competing \'rs. Levi B, unt and Miss Glad- Mr. -ind Mrs. Harold C. Aluin guetîs ai Mm. and Mrs. J. W.jfor the John Douglas Silver Cup. y~ Page a'coompanied Mm. and and Rutandsc o nd nî:yGames are be:ng played eve:3 Mrs. F. McG"I, Toronto. an aý buce nd onta lwa nd Mi'. and Mrs. Heightnian. Mms. Monday. Wednesdlay and Friday motor trip ta Rochester. N. Y.. ta, spent the hioliday xvth relatives Smnith and miembers af theirl b- Ie vening. the fiî'st hax ing- been vizit relatives. in tbe Capital. ý:1v ýToronto. %vere Sunday gu;est; Played July 27bb. The four skips Rev. J. M. W'byte. 5Stella. Mm. Miss Mary Venner. Pasadena. 'ai their brotbem-in-law. Mr. W. are: George Jamnieson. Rink 1: and Mrs. Pemcy Patton. Orono. Calif.. bas been vîsiting lier Sis VanDusen. Walter Cowîher. Rink 2: H. îisîbed at Mr. Jas. Bradley's. ter. Mrs. S. Masan and daugh:er. Mrs. E. Thacki'ay is rnaking Bieî'etan, Rink 3: C. T. Batty. Mrs. Albert Cale and son Don- Newcas:le. and. other relat:ves a szalis faclamy recovery irom hiem e- Rink 4. The first .games' scores ny, Bowmanville. Mrs. J. Curtis. Orillia. cent illneQs. were: Rink 2, 16 vs Rink 1. 9: Mrs. Howard Cale. Mi'. and M'. St. Georges Chuh - Rev. D. Maste:sý Bill.e and Jack Qu;a-i Rink 4. 16 vs Rink 3, 9. C W. Soucb. Hampton. vîsited R. Dexvdney, B.A., Rector. Sun- ',an and ýister. Miss Margaret. are Th1oe' lbhaecn r y dae. Augut 9h 9hSudy i8hlda:Cob in-rdpm-ciuded îbeiî' jitney competitions i Mi.s Leah Bell. Bowmianville terTnniy:8 .n:-HlyCo- ents. Mm. and Mrs. Jerry Bî'een. bv rinks ivith Mrs. Chris Law .Mi' and Mî's.Wmn. Moore and munion: 9.45 arn.-S. Scbool: il1 while tbe;m brother Tomin i visil -I Ms J. A. Butler, Mî's. J. R. Fislh- Miss Muriel Moore. visitedi Mi a.m.-Mamning Prayer: 7 pa.- :ng his aunts. Misses Marv and ler and Mrs. C. T. Batty standing Fred Cbapman. Carrying Plac~e. Evenong nd ermo. Elen reen Necaste-;-the I in points. In due lime Mr. and Mrs. Blake Alexander. United Church - Rev. S. Mac- Lake. Mr. Oea. \Vise, Tamanta.1 "g~e Lea. BA.,Recor.Sunay Aug. lsospet te ,eeendwit Mr. ,the will î'eceive their prîzes front Mrs. Fred Falis anc Leanard. Lean 1.15A. ec.Sunday. Aug. lsoisent the weend t Mr. 's. the club. At the saine tinie the Kendal. Mr. H. Thompsan. Stark- 11h 10a.15m .-Suindayrshoo:8p.WiSe a. rcden aIMm.andfollawing fourî'ladies %will eceiveville. Mr, and Mrs. E. Mitchell. il vein a Servam ice.Warsp P Ms.J.Bren.consolation prize.s. kindly offered Miss Jean Mitchell. Ball3duff m.~voingSe'vie Insecar Mr. and Mm-. J. E. W. Philp b- the President. Mis. J. A. But- visited at Mm. Chas. Boyds A. . Mrti. BA..B.Ped. a spn ta wek I BsktngLake.0 le-' Mesdames H. Biereton. H. S. Miss Ruby Adanis visited, ît BrightDn. will peacl rnomning Miles' nortb af i Lndsay, wilh thei Britton. Wmi. Kenefîck. P e r' c y, Miss Elsie Moore. and evenîng and at Clarke in the relatives, Mr. and Mn' . Adamis a i*o, n leewr on iil mse ee n en e aflernoon. Lndsay.Brn. hee eesan th MseHenadBeicL- Mms. J. R. Fisher and bier Sun- Mr. and Mms. R. S. W'itle. Ot laweî' -cor-es who m:'ssed one or Drew. Messr's. Floyd and Oswald day Sc-haol class ai girls hield an îawýýa. who hav-e been . Mare games: but these ladies %vill Pethick. Toronto. Mm. and Mis. n( r ec eive theiî' awards fan making- Arthur' Redknap and Alfred, New- enjoabl weier oas a: be he arsoage bae gae t ~.thIe lî po:nts and nal mniçsing tonville. Miss Verna Pethîck. Ma- beach on Saturday evening and bis people ai Wellani. !a an.peGv.M.HwadWgt lisîened with delighît t te pro- Misses Vida and Sybil Lang- ______________ pl rovee, rvsitedatd WighS gram ai accordean music ender- înaid. Oshawa. weire Sunday Peovidice,. Msielenai eMreS ed by a Toronta guest ai Mr. uscts, ofMm and Mm',. Narinan UNITEI) CHURCH Y'. PEOPLE adMs en Pethick's iî'Hee emaîn- Tba rso aI "Kiagl.'hlli.e ABLY CONDUCT SERVICES d foi' a ew days. M . Howard ______________________ Mr. Stanley Couch Èshoe'Wîght. Providence. and Miss Ver'- framn a week's vîisit a'vh fiîndS Bath services at the United na 'Peîbick bad a very enjoyable a', ~Burnt Riv-erý Churl'h on Sunday. Au2ust 211d. motor trip ta Lake ai the Mount- S treamlined i Mr. Har Couîi Jr.. and Mr., weme taken by nînmbtr', ai the ainls and the Sand Bank. Ralph Gîbsan spý,n the v. c kend Young PeoplIe'.', Union. Associat- IMm. and Mr.s. H. Slemnon. Tor- telaivesin Pteroro. cd ;îîthescident. Miss Jeanît oo. visiîed Mm. Hugb Annis. R exali Train i.î' vacation a'L:I% Dr. and Mi :d R";n : M &~nckard .-Pnr a lenece ,n hemomînp,- _______________________ MrS. B.Rca ar i-Pa:.em and mc.îd the 'criplyuie les- borne. -son. and Mr. Sýanle'. Riî'kardý Township Council Mm. and Mirs. H. J. Rageii. Tor- who cýame hainie iroax Taran:o I ani*o. .spent t er holidays '.v:lh ahere he is taking a .umr C.ARTWVRIGHT COL'NCIL Mm. agen', mothe".Mn Jno course a, the Unive,..s:*ý- 'ai Tcr- [C t ',onta and itaxe a Most' enlighten Reoiular mceting was hield Aug- M \r. anci b: -. BmauIiha'l and ing :alk on C.S.E.T. ,vork. He ust 3r'd. %vith mlenibers all presl- i * I fàIiomîl. Tc),'. aenov ld~' c-:"~ the procedure at a Icntand Reex C. Dex:tt pieîd :ns 2in Mr' Oea. Farrcni~b", ('Y- mdel Trail Rang,,er.', mieel:ng îng. ta2e, "The Bungalow." MI-. anla and elucidated by apt il.ustra- Communication wa', receîved Mn's. Faimn-oitb and daoght"er :ton. and staries Of famaous mcin. fron A. E. Wilson ne rntia n.-ur- Conis*ance biax i£, mavsd ta :ýeir, Ihe first fixe articles ai the Tirail lInce. No action taken. nc'. home in Hampton Augusî 1. Rang'-rs' code. A mixed quar- I-m Baes appeared bcfoî'e the Mr. Broughall is a nephew of telle. W. F. Rickamd, Wm. Bickl.-. cauncil l'e extension ai Conces- Canon raughli. Taonta.Canton. Battit- Mas'oiî and si0inaNo. 9,explaining .am wud jMr. and Mms. Scott, Tiot.Mms. W. D. Bragg, conîributed bea payîng proposition for~ the weeCivic Holiday guests af Mr. 1 two special numbers. He Under-j Township. On motaon sanie will _____and_____Ms.___ Eckland. Newcastle- on - stands. and, Lead Me Gently be' inspected by the counicil. Ilie-La-Ke. Home. Bylaw xvas pas-ed fixing gen- A head on view of the 350- Mi' H.E. Hancock was removod Miss Jean Clemience againleî'al rate ai 22 mills on the S. ton locomotive 4'hich draws from Bowrnanxalle hospîtal ta the conducted the evening devotions i Bylawv aas pas.sed to levy C the million dollar, 12 car General Hospital, Toronto. v.ier'- wl'icli took tic form 0ýf a VesperISchaol Tr~ustee eStimates as fol- streamlined convention trai n afl-er beîng gîven blood tranî.u.'- service. The cangregation bein7 low.ýs: No. 1. $150: No. 2. $60'0; of the United Drug Company. >ions be wa.s operated upan bY seated, Miss Clemence and Miss Na. 3. $200; Na. 4. $300: No. 5, On a 29,000 mile tour of the Toronto speciali.sls. Mrs. Han- Winnifred R:ckamd enîered bbc i$300: No. 6, $200: No. 7. -: No. United States and Canada, this cack acconipaaied hem husband to chumch and 100k Ibeir seals in '8. $100: No. 9, $225. unique train is due in Tomonto Toranto. 'the pulpît chairs. Tlîe choir.j Orders %vcmc signed as fallaws:- for a convention on Thursday NMm. and Mme. Babs. Toronto. iwitb Mis. Roberts, Bowaianx'ille.1O. Wright. maads and and Fiday, August l3th and ýspeat the xeekend vtb Mm. and qietly fîled mbt their place.s, bridges $1311 '34 14th. The train will be open IMrs. Win. Nem!. Mis. E. C. Fisher aI the aigan b- G. Wr'ighit, Sec.-Tiýca', S. C for inspection b3' the public on Mr. T. W. Jackson and daughi- gan piaying bbc accampanîment S. No. 8. Pt. M. G. 289.00 hE those days. Ask at Jury & ter, Mrs. Pecy Brown, are spend- for Mms. Rabemî.s wbo commencedi M C. Sinith. Sec.-Tî'eas. i Lovell's for free passes to' in -' August a: Fenelon Fall3. Mr~. bhe service with a can'ýraIto solo. 1 Continuationi Schîool pt.h sVect this, strcamlined wonrer Eon Mi-ss'Audmey. Mis. Edîtlî Abîde wîth Me. Miss Rickard r-e- M. O. 5M0.00 c FREE ENLARGEMENT Miss Winniircd Rîckard. bride- Peterbaro, vi.sibed aI Mr. Will;sj joy and lIa Hoskin, cscorted by Stewvart's, and Mm. R. B. Scot's Ma.steî' Caicnce M o u ii t j o y. wlth evers ~ ~ ~ rlect and leacher for the past M.A.WAniacMaybatiuadusulp'- %it evrydollar's worth of fixe yea's of Braivas School, - r ndMsiA .î'. aeMaybauiu and Mmsu pes photo work. îeîîdercd a ans.,,cellaneous showeîr holidaying aI Roches Point, Cake ents weî'e iunwrapped, for wliicb by î'csidcnts 0f tic section and 'Sîmcac. the young p)eaple expre.sàed tlîeir Wh'lîn W1e Test Eyes It Is cîhci fricndsý on Frîdav evenmn. FMr. W. Hwuhson. Tomonto,. vis- bearticît apprcîatmoîi. A social Donc ProperlY. July 24, atthie home af Mr and7 ited Mm. W. Little. Mrs. W. Lit- timn was spent and a dainby Mis. Fr'ank Wcbbcr. A pleasatit tIc is n a x'ery xeak condition., lunch xvas served. social e'ening w'a.3 spent by ail Mi'. R. B. McCullaugb. Toronto. Il .speîi the xvekend aI home, "Lb a'uld do the %world good if Ju y & L v ,7I~H nesnBereaved1 awa, spent Suiiday with hem par- 'mnSci occasionally toa bshic PHONE 78 . MI. W. H. Ander'son and son cals, Mm. and Mrs. Jamies Dudley. utely alone. Most of the xv-orld's Bownian ville Ontario Hubeim, att.eîîded the f u.neral of' Congratulations ta Mm. andpoges lias came ouI ai -;tich ___________________Mm.s. Ander.,,an's mather. Mm.- El- Mme. Peter Bathgabe1 nec Miss 1 onelines.'-Bm-ucc Bar-ta. MARRIED BOUNDY-TROOP-At St. Paul' United Church P4rsoniage. July 25th. 1936. by Rev. W. F. Ban- ister, B.D.. Hector E d ni u n d Boundy and Mina Pearl, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mis. Wilfrid Troop. both of Cobourg. DEATHS E-AMBLY - In Oshawa. on Fni- day. July 31st. 1936. Art.hur Douglas Hambly. beloved son af Mrs. and the late- Hezekîah Hambly, 'n bis 52nd year. In- terment Bowmanville Cemnetery. M1acBETH-In Victoria Ho.spital. London. on Monday. August 3. 1936. Malcolm MacBeth. formi- er Editor of The Milverton Sun. in bis 68th year. Inter- red in Gneenwood Cemetery, Milverton. OLVER-At Blackstock, on Wed- nesday. August 7Sth. 1936. Jane, Penny. beloved wife of Harry! Olver, in her 77th year. Inter- red at Cad.mus. QUINN-At the Toronto General Hospital. Monday. August 3rd. Iriez Amel'a Travelle, widowx of the late Th1oras William Quinn. formerly of Parry Sound, Ont.. in lier 77th yeai. Interment Orono Cemneteiy. STINSON- At HoDsp:tal for In- curables. Toronto,. 4th. 1936. Sara Sn-on. datiebteri of the lite Mr. and Mrs. John Stinson. tnternint Bowý'>itai- Property For Sale F'OR SALE--16 ACRES. IN THE Town of Bowmaniville .sev en- rcom frame house, new cernent b!ock barn,.lien house. garage. There is a never failing .zpi-ing on thîs far-m. Suit imarket gar- dener or pouîtry farmer. Will exchange for suitable house in town of Bownianville. D. W. Armistead. Box 471, Bowmnan- ville. 32-2* HOUSE FOR SALE-SIX ROOM brick house on Carlisle Ave., ail conveniences; încluding p i p e furnace. Bargain for ciuick sale. Apply to M. F. Hooper, 24 Car- lisle Ave. 30-4* Articles For Sale FOR SALE-100 CORD6 FeOUR- foot hardwood. also white birch. Jack G. Smith. Drawer 6. Bob- caygeon. Ont. Phone 32rl-2. 23-tf FOR SALE-PIANO AND BENCH walnut case, :.ixtv doIliaî. or nearezt, offer. Geo. Davis. R.R. 6. Bowinanville. 32-1- Bu-siness Directory LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD. B.A.. Ll.B. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Phune 351 Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrîster. Solicitor, Natary Solicitor for Bank of Mantreal Moncy ta Loan. Phone 91. Bawmanx'ille. Ontario L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor- Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688: Horne 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lge, Toronto. Office: Jury Jub- lee Bldg.. Bowmanville. Office hours 9 ar.. b 6 p.m. daîly ex- ept Sunday. Phone 90. Hoîise phione 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service. any hour. any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car Caîl Phone 10 or 34. Assistant, 573 BO>WM*NVILLE NlORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funeral Service %odemn Equipment - Ambulance - A. W. G. Northeutt - - Aubrey Sniith - Phone Dtays 56 Nights, Sunday.s or~ Holidays Phone 523 or 276. SHOE REPAIRS R. PAWSON Boot and Shoe Repairlng Sales sewn on by Goodyear Stitching Machine. Pnices reasonable King Street East - Bowmanville music FRANCIS SUTTON Mus.Bac., F.C.C.O. A.T.C.M. diplomias in Piano, Singing, Violin and Organ. Private or clas lessons. Pupils prepared for ail examin.ations. Phone 42, BowmanviLle - NATURE'S GARDEN NOOK Family Re-Union The maoss glows dark an1l soi' FOLEY FA3U1LY PI('NIC Dcep-falded cai'pets delicate a., Ah lace: Eacb weabhered wcdge af homely One ai the modernmi n't:iu::)n', bmaxvn and gray ta oaînunty ie s he amil3-i Is aiellowed by ils yielding velvet ne-union. Sanie ai the 'ig[ f ace. unmî.s enîoy their aîîaual gatber- îîîgs, but the Faley Famîlx'have Heme is a feasi for hlm who loves pi'agmessed anly tathie pita the breatb Houses to Rent an oýfficial gaîhei'ing oncr afie~pnen ede b' h ______________________ 3 crs.sbadowed glade; BOUSE TO CET - 6 ROOMED The f mîst was celebrated in 1931 Here Grace and Beauty shade the hiause. newly decomated. liard- ta camnîemaî'atc tle huadred slumb'rous pool, xvaod floors. aIl canveniences. years since Richard Foley amnîx'cd In every slender. slvcî-sbaken Apply Mm's. McKnîgbî. Centre riiamDexvanshire i 1831. Be took blade, St.. Bownianville. 'near Os- up land aI a place wbere il isb- borne's store. 32-1' iieved the cîty of Peterboro stands Thie bloonis hiat star bbc gently- iaday. Aiter two ycams cutting curving slope FOR RENT - DOUBLE BOUSE down thie forest and prcpamîng Bang low wîth main, as lulled by on Concession Street, freshly for a bomestead bie retumaed ta droning becs decorated, new bardwood floors. England for bis bride. Thîîee They dmowse tbru all thie long, fumnace. aîî coaveniences gar- yeaî's later in 1836 lie caame to still afternoon. age. Apply to A. H. Cleniens, Canada again. il weeks ta bbc Scarce stirring in the lazy sum- phione 237r3. 32-tf old sailing vessel, wth bis young mer breeze. iwxvfe and anc son Johin and set- - ____ LE -AT24 IBE-lied at Pomt Bowinville, xvest This is bbc shmine ai elfin spnite BOUStretO.EA T 24one LIBrER-t side. About 1850 bie pumchased and gnome ty Striee StAppyKango eSt- tbe farrn, lot 18. on the Base Wbere spiders spin their amry, ai nimles Sore Kng t. Line. At that time it xvas virg-ini glistcning dreanis: Bowmaville 32-1 foresî a'iîh a log bouse on bbc 1Tliese winds thiat shake the fox- corner. Here he establisbcd %what glove's pumple crown Wanted bas long been known as the Fol- Bave dappled glcamning, f ern- ey homesteqd. la 1857 a fine embowered strearns. WANTEDI-OLD FLEURY GANG brick residence was built occupied Plow, No. 6. Apply J. W. Aber- laber by Walter Foley and still in1 This sanctuary, est epitom.ized, netby, R. R. 2. Boxyranville. the family possession, noxv oc- Is soothîng as bbc lotus-fruit of Phone 183r14. ' 32-1- cupied by Hoavad Foley. bis son. aId WANTED - 2 YOUNG CALVES. On Monday. August 3rd. Civici That freed the weamy exile of hi:, forx'ehin. Jhn ichols R..1 Holiday. tbe clan gathered again grief, for ealig. Jhn Nchol, I at Maple Villa. bbc spacious and Empearling hostile skies writh 3. owmnvlle pone133rl ' 1beautîful grounds ai Mm. and Mis. rose and gold. 321J. D. Stex'ens. Mms. Stev'ens be- SGB Live Stock For Sale FIly " bout50 nen Gergtie_____________ ered and a most enjayable hie FOR SACE-FOIIR GOOD BOL- was spent in games. chît chat. sten eier:anc Jersey caw ta sir.giag and a sumptuous supper. For fo da rcnexvIbis mainîhi. J. C. Met- Aflet' supper. souvenirs ai the caîf. phone 1831-5. 32-l' happy occasions .vere presenbed T m by Fred R. Foley, St. Catharines, FOR SALE-YOUNG PIOS. AP- % vibb ward.s of wit and wisdorn lly ta A. Lair-d. Maple Grave. Thie pmize for Itie oldeat aîeai POPULAR MUSIC Phîone 47é6i21.- 31-2 pres eat wca: ta Mms. Walter Fol- ýg.sre ey. Maple Grave: for tuîe young- Latest hits of stage cre Lost est presca', ta Charles Edxvard and radio carried ini stock. White, Oshawa. aged 4 mnths. From 25c -Thc pnize ta bbe nexvesî bride LOST- BETWEEN NEWCASTLE wcnîta Mrs. Bert Calwell iBilda Special orders can be procured aîîd Nexvî-onvîllc. basebaîl equîp- Foîeyî. For thie party comîing tbe in 36 hours. aient. Fîider îilea-e ire'uri 10 bongest, distance, totahie Falcys W. J. Bagacîl. Bawaavillc. from' St. Catharines: and a me- LENDING LIBRARY 1nîcaîbrance ta the bastess, xs'tb Miscellaneous a bearîr vote ai tbanks t0 Mm. 25 new books added this week. aîîd Mrs. J. D. Stevens fa:' their Popular works of fiction. ELOCUTION lîospîbality. CAIJRA GORMAN-GALE - Tea- Rev. H. W. Falcy. B.A., B.D.. 3c Per Day cher af Elocution. Phone 158. Springbraak. gave a very inter- evenings. 19-tf esting rex'iew of eamîy hislary and1 KNITTING __________ _______________anecdotes of the Falcys ia Dam- ý WEST END GARAGE ANSD MA- lingtan. enlarged on by Ernest Plain and fancy wools: cotton- chine Sbop - xve specialize in Faîey. Howar'd Foley. Exta Foley' and wool string: wide range machiinery epairs. general gar- Blackburn and others. Mme. iRex, of colors. age repaîrs. welding. towing C. W. Smith led in bbc musical service. J. C. Demerling. Pro- enteilainnical. PICNICS prietor, Bo%,vmanville. P h o n e One ai bbc bappy features of 81. 23-tf the evening va.s thie chîristening Everything to save labour - ai anc 0f the clan, 11111e Charles Paper cups. plates, serviettes. Edward White. Rev. C. W. Smnith forks. spo>ons. table cloths, and COURT 0F REVISION Perfarmed bbc ceemaîîy. assisled baskets. _______by Rev. B. W. Foley. A Special Sesion or the abox'e As bbc tîme came for gaodbycs - Cout illbchel i th C n bl hiere was a general feeling thial J'aW * iew ell Chambr onThurdaice years was far too far apart C3hmber6.athu8sday, Augustfor such a happy ne-union. and 13h 96 a cokp'.m. it was the hope af alI present that 1 Phone 30 BwavU Camplaînt.s ta respect ta Slatute Cabor tax and PolI Tax only, vll an annual gaîbermn mighît be ar-' afler thîts date xvîll piraceed ac- cardmn 10 axv S. \'entomi. ChîifaifPolice. W. F Wai'd. i ((I&Ror A SALE 0F Cliait maiî Courrt of Rex itu. lm Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Edward Galbraith deceased. Ail pernsons havitis c I a i ai s aQain.ý bbe E.state ai Edxva'd! Galbmaîîh. laie af bbc Village oai Blackstock intahe Tawashi.p oai Carxtrtght iin bhc Caîmnîy aifDUr- haîti. xwho dîcd an or about tbc 3l-st day of 'May A. D. 1936. are i requît cd ta send parîîcmlaî's cf! same ta the uadersigmcd ami or befor'e the l3blî day ai Aluguist 1936. afler vhîich date bbc assets of tlie Dccea-scd xill be distribut- cd amnong bbc parties entmtled ihereto bavîing regar'd only ta the c'.aaîms aiwbmcb the tuadcmsigned shaîl tiien have notice. Dated ai Oshawa ibis 2lst day ai JuIy A. D. 1936. PERCY JOBB. Execu ton. by bis solicitor C. C. McGIBBON, 6 King St. W.. Oshiawa. Ont. 30-3 OBITUARY Il'm. Chapman, Broadview. Sask. WVni. Chapman died at his famn- ily îesidenue, Broadview. Sask. on Saturday. Juiy î8th. in aiis 79thl year. Derceased %vas a son oflthe, late Margaret Jane and Ralih Chapman of Tyrone County. Trillic P. O0. Ireland. and came ta Ennîskillen. Ontario. when heý twelve Years old and resided there tilI his inarria'ie to Mis' Matîlda Bell of Harriston, Ont. in 1883. He then weni vesîtat Brýoaclviem-. Sask.. where he lived for a few y-ears befone îaking up land in Ihe Landsdowvn disFrict. saut h af Broadview. He lived on the iarn t iii. owing to iii bealth of his Wife. they" moved again ta Broadview jtIst twenty-five yearsI ago. Deceased was a life long miei- ber of the Methodist church and highly i'espected by young and ald. A faithful and loving bus- band and father. His wife pre-1 deceased himi three years aza He beaves to mourn his loss. three sons. Milton of Kamloops, B. C.. Ralph of 3McGee, Sask., and John on the old farm in Land down: anc daughiter (Aice., Mrs. Gea. Wilton of Lymburn, Alta.: . ve grandchildren and three great grandchildren. One sister s t i 1 1 survives, Mi-s. Margaret Thomp- son oi Bender, Sask.. who is in ber 86th year. Funeral services wveîe conduet-I cd in the United Churchi by Rev*' Iîigles, and interment made in the Broadview Ceietery on Jul) 20th. ID4cea..sed %vill be greatly missed by aIl who knew hirn IFamous boaps L UX TOILET SOAI' -m - Cake Sc SUNLIGHT IUDY--Bar 5 C RU NSO WHd FOR A Pg 20 L Ux FOR AI;1, FINE Lg.~22 THE HEALTH- LIFEBUO T _SGAP 2 Cakes 1SC5 KELLOGG'S PEP -- kg l10c A & P TEA SPECLAI BLEND - -lb.35e RED CIRCLE COFFEE Fullboded i b. 17e MAYONNAISE ENCORE » 2 'Ja-s 25e OLD CHEESE HI -l. 2le A & P VINEGARS O - t±'le 10C SALAD DRESSING ENCORE 3Z. 45c CORNED BEEF ElPXnh Tin 10C MAXWELL HO USE COFFEE 1-b 35 TOMATO JUICE HEINZ 15ozls BLUE BRAN PRIME RIB ROAST m m- M. 1 g SHOULDER or CHUCII ROAST 1b.0e 1$MB LEGS lb. 26c FRONTS l.160 SMOKED PICNICS Sliankless lb. 22c SIDE BACON Smoked Sliced m m M.29o DELICT FSSNE ARITS T GOF RIE [ EIATSE FIEVARTY 0FIGT RI Fresh. By COHOE SAL MON the Piece lé,. 22o Centre Cuts and Steaks ............ lb. 25e FRESH FILLETS ORANGES LARGE CALIFORNIA LEMONS m M "150 - - doz. 29c -3 - 3100 p~ 'i. 1 A&P FOOD STORE-S 1 . 1 a PAGE EIGHT