---ANDA SAESABOM-VLE OT---TURDY-AG-T--h 96 AE HE l n The Dim and Distant Past FFTY VEARUS AGO From The Canadian Statesman. August 13th, 1886 Cart.wigh:i*: While Thos. Free- born and ffa,,iily xwere at church Suinday. some zŽneak thieves~ broke into their liouse and stole five dollars. . horse and covered i buggy belonging to Miss Sarah Deac<>n off Cae.area hiad a mis-' understand.ng on Monday. The result, was a oadly demoralized buggy. Solina: A :arge numnber off re- latives and ac-quaintances fromn Whitby, O-shïl.a. Bowmanville. Pickering. Courtice. Enfield. and this place gathered a,. the resýi- dence off Edward Pascoe at a lawn Party on Thurý,daY. Ennisk:lenr, The Ladies' Aid Society in connect'on with the M.ethodizs: Church was establîsh- ed last week .v:th the following officiais: Presdent-Mrs. Salton: Vice-Presdez-Mrs. James ;Pvo; Secretaiy-M.\. F. Vrtue: Tireas- urer-Mrs. Huti*c,ns.n. ..The Young mari from Hampton who has been payinc his addresses to a Young lady west off here should 'ave his wheel.s rivetted. on hîs ~ ggy before ho goes to that irighborhood ac:ain. Those jeal- ous Young men wvho removed the wheels should have provided a saddle. and flot obliged the Hamptoritan :,o r:de home bare- back, especially as he was un- accustemed to such xork. W. S. Russel'. W. C. Kng and J. B. MLLtchiell. who have been ab- sent as menmbtr.s of thie Canadian ALL the vear round , ou can en- joy this deliclous combination. Crisp, golden Kellogg's Corn Flakes, sliced hananas, and milk or cream! The oven-fresh good. jness of Kellogg's brings out the nourishnient. Insist on Kel- logg's for quality and value. Nothing fakes the place cf CORN ]PLANES team a:,\Wimbledon. î'eturnecl Io Bowmnanville Monday morning. They r'eport a very successful conipetition. Asnhad been announced tha:, Cap*,. Hind. Lieut. Staples and Ensîgn Builok would farevell a:, the Saîxa*tion Army barracks on Sunday night. an immense crowd gatheced ho bid hhem goodbye. A largo fine occurred ;In New- castle on Satr.riday morning. The fine or-igîna:,ed in the sash and door factory off E. Sîmmons. The whole building. machinory. tools. lumber and stock were compli te- ly destroyed. as well as Mr. Sim- ruons' dselling. and another res:- dence occupied by Johin Steor. A row off henement houses owned by R. Barrett. two dwellings off Mr. Eddy's. the rear' portion off 'ho Massey works wero also consum- ed. The :oss îc estiniated a: $20.000 ho $25.000. Mr. Simimon-s had no in.suranco but $600 on thei household goods. During the hhundor-torm whîci: was vory spvere on Wednesday nighr.. lightning stî'uck one off the chimneys on Dr. Tamblnsrosi- dence. knocking off sevenal br'cks. TWENTY-FIN'E VEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesman. August lOth, 1911 The place was ablaze witla il- luminations and fireworks as the Montreal express train pulled in- ho the G.T.R. station Tuosday ev- enîng with L:eut. Frank H. Moins, on board. returnîng frorn hi brill:an: vic*,arieý %v'.on aga:n th's yeac ah B'sley whero botwveen t vo and three thousand off the b,-si rifle shoha in the Brit-isit Empire meet annually ho strive ho win prizes and honors off the Nattonal Rifle Association. Lieu'. Morris was gîven a grand recep:ion foi- lowed by a banquet. He was pro- sented wuth a leather club bag in recoonit.ion off hus fine rhooting and off the honor ho had broueht ho Bowmanville. Results, off the reent High School examinations are: En- tranco into Faculty off Educahion. Edna E. Staplos. Ratio M. Steph- ens. Robert F. Trewin: Entrance inho Normal Schools: Florence J. Allin. Lillian Bounsal. E th e Cochrane. la E. Gould. Marjorie C. 'Ring. Effie J. Manning. Kath- boen W. McGîlI. Norman W. Rey- nolds. Dorothy M. Sanderson. Clark P. Taylor. J. Bidwell Tuck- or. Police Magîstrate W. M. Horsev. who came ho Bowmanviile on March lst. 1858. tells us that .50 fui' as ho can remember Mr. Peter Murdoch. .seedsman. and Mr. Markîis Mayer. hatter and furrner. are the only mon noix living here %vho \veri'un business on thoîr ov.n accoun: 53 years ago. iThe meeting called by the Mayor to considoi' the hoiuing probloîn wa.s appacenhly off so lit- PRO TECT YOUR HOME I WITH A GOOD ROOF Yotil lvays bc Pmoud of thiS RC TIME TcW 1141fLut How about rc'flooring your Homc'? You*llbc :sui whcn you learn how cconomically it can bc donc vvith Finish*' Hardvood Floc-riin(,. And, vdiat permn),cntliy ful floors too! "Satin Finish- is suiper Q uality yet no highcr i and, bing more coný finishcd, eots less to ]ay. SAlI ~Lot us givc SAVON* IFINISI1 HARDWOOD F LO O PN G Rgnee a ,'oU cstimr PHONE 15 hIe interest Friday evonîn ' gthat only hiaîf a dozen citiz.ens weire pre-ent. încludîng the 'Mayor and Reeve. It is really too bad that nu effort : os madet o provide mure l ouses suitable for %vorkînen' ffamhles. Here is a chance for 'T those (capitalis:.s %who have neier yeai doreo any-thing for Bo.vmanvý-lk'- ow % ro'.but knock 4t. *to help the ai .Mîssze-: Annie and Amy Allîn:borr and May Vanstone ce'ýucnod lst Tho %veek fcomn thoîr trip to the Cor- livet onat:on off Ring Geor'ge. and te whe friend.s in the Old Land. having don had an exceedîngly enjoyable thoi tîme xith their English relative.ý. Bra: M.T. H. Follick. B.A..' S. deal Catharines. forraerly Sc ie n ceoRoi Master a* Bovmanv-illo Hîgh turr School. has been appointed ho thei witt s' aff off Cobourg Collegiato mest:- Bru toto.In1 C)k~ n Pn'n~n i Ilii?. Bc.n:O" I Bw'an August~ 9th. to Mi'. and Mir. FakOko. a son. Born: Ogden-Near Darlîngton.1 Aug'uý-1 t h. ho NMr. and Mrs. \Vil-j bur Ogden. a son. i NESTLETON WVoimen's- Inst:tute met ah Cao-- aieu Chucch on Tuesday after- 1 noon. August 4th. Meeting open- ed by U s'nginL, the Institute Ode.1 fcllcwýd oy the Lord's Prayoî' in unizon. The scripture ceadingi a-given by Mis. K. Burton. A.- ::was Grandniathiers' Day. al ..oýned in s'nging "The Little Brotsn Chur-ch" and 'Put on youî' I idi prey bonnet:"*: Mrs. J. Forder r ead 'A Hidden 7roasur*e": Mrs. IDaviîdion read "Gad thr Bible*': Mî's. Lor-ne Thompson sang "The Second Mînuet": Miss Marie Prout- read -Grandmoth- or's Lesson": and 's. Grant Thîomp.son read 'Opinions off Gr-andmiotherýs." Mcc. L. Joblîn wa n charge off a contost *Thinos- Ou., Grandmothers Miss- ci- ivhîch was won by Mis. Do-ks. Caesanea. The prise for tho oldest gcand.mother prosent was 'von by Mrs. J. Malcolm. and î or the youngest gcandmother presont was won by Mcrs. Walter Brown. Lunch was served to hhel twenty-seven ladies present. %vho had much enjoyod a pleasant and profitable afternoon. The Ladies' Aid met ah is Olive Brow'n's on Thursday oven- îng. Aftoc the devotional and gram was given: Readîngs. Miss Marie Prouhh and Mise Norma Hoooy: Miss Evolyn Sandorson and Mis. M. Mountjoy favourod wiîh piano solos: Mr. Arthur Stapleton sang. A dolich: f u ltiunch was served. The W. A. and W. M. S. off the United Churchi wi.ll meet ah the ýhomie off Mcc. R. W. -Marlow on Thursday. August 20th. Mirs. K. Samells' group wil! bc in charge. Service in thie United Church was well aîtended on Sunday morning. Mr. L. Joblin favouredi Iwith a solo. '*Ho Lifftod Me." Ser-1 vice wiil be xithdrawn next Sun- day morning ais oui' pastor and _his family will ho holidaying ah thoîr ro:îaize a: Highland Creek. Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson and daughters. and _Mcs. H. Samells. vî.sited friends in Lindsay on Sat- Miss Rate Deacon. Prince AI- bort. visitod with '.\I. and Mcc. Herinan Samnelîs. Mcs. Rahm. off Oshawa. ai c S. Hulburt's. Mi's. J. Malcolm. Port Peii'. wi th Mr. and Mcc. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mî's. Joe Fordor were prescrnt at Sutton Pair on Sahur- iday. M:ss June Moore. Port Hope. is holidaying with her aunt. Mrs. P. Edgerton. Mc. Alec Lang. Mc. and Mcc. Harold Lang off Omemoe visitod ah Mi'. C. Wilson's. Mr. H. Sam- ell', anîd with Mcc. John Hooey. h TYRONE Mu'. and Mcc. Claire Bombard and Masteu' Glenn, Truno. Nova Scotia. spent a few days with Mc. and MccIr. Harold Skinner. Mc. and Mcc. W. Ramsey and Miss Edjthi Craig Miles. Toconto, spent Sunday at Mcc. James Storjes. Mr. and Mis. Androw Ccaig-Milec ceturned home wth thoni aftor having spent a week here. IMr. and Mcc. Raymond Clapp I visited his parents. Mc. and Mcc. Clapp. Belleville. Rov. J. W. Down and Mirs Florence Down. Exeter, visted a' Mc. Theodoce Down's. Mr. Wjllis Stewart vsited his brother. Mr. Bon Stewart. Ceni- ftî'eton. Miss Catherine Macdonald ha'. retucned homo aftoc hioliday.nig Bef wth friends in Cobour'g. Mî's. G. Phai' vsited fiends ah Uxbu idge. Mu'. and Mrs. W. J. Tur'ner'. off j~ I~ Mau'kham. visitod their dauqhtem'. Mcc. Floyd Dudley. Mc. and Mcc. Luther Goodînan. nrprîscd accompanied by Mi'. and Mns. "Stn George Scott off Oshawa. are hol- .idaying ah Midland. Mr. and Mcc. Gordon Hudson. Petorboro. Mc. and Mcs. Buttons. beauti' Orono. visited Mc. Nelson Hud- son ah Mr. N. J. Woodloy's. Mc. George Byam. Toronto. Mi'. rior in and Mcc. J. Lillicrapp. Sr.. Mr. and Mcc. J. Lillicrapp and Doris. price - Canninghon. and Mcc. J. Henry, 11Pctely Blackstock. visited Mc. and Mcc. F. L. Byam. Mir. and Mus. Elgin Wight and mate- Mr. C. Doncaster, Bowmanville. visited Mcc. Viola Smith. Sunday School on Sunday ah 2.30 p.m.; church service 7 p.m. Bowmanvillo Representatives off thicty-five off the historie cavairy cegiments off the British Acmy will be seen at the Hocco Show ah. the Can- adian National Exhibition this yeac. The succecs off "Cavalcade" last year has promptod the Ex- hibition authorities te enlarge their Hocco Show pageant this yeac. It will be the Most bril- liant spectacle ever seen in the va.St Colseumn. tmi mel a n'ý iti Intý cony ors. par Bm ily bur ing or. RoI Ma, Ru, a ge st. Moý Kol Me] me( -duc'cd by Rov. G. E. Phillips. OBITUARY Pal beaiers wore W. B. Martin. BA K T C OBITUARY W. Wellar. Jas. Bolton. A. R. B A K T C Thornbeck. R. Hainstock. and A. Mr~~. Brandon. BJa kstock od, The la,ýt rites off oitheWi,~ n2 l Bradon Blcksork Mason:c Lodgc were performed a' 1 Vcto \Ve oitdaý affe:non rhere pa<.sed away in her 7: the .rvsd.Ati2tust th. at the home of Mis., r. on July 10,h. Maiy E.. w:-Rusa ,Il M\ounuitoy. wihh 5-d pr'cs-, off the .ate William Brandon. ('harles Thornton. Poterboro ent . After *he bus'ness ss.n her home in Blackstock.th oligpgrmwsc- rhe late Mrs. Brandon 'w'as The death off Char-ls Thorntor thoedfoloA v o ram WfiS M sn a- n in Cartwright, daughter off 615 George Street. Pererboro. \\ell ez Wirgh* and Mrs. E. Larmer: a amas and Elizabeth Bruce. and kno'.v among farmers as a cattle paper by Miss Norma Hooey. ed in the township until 1896. buyer. occui'red ait tho famîl%« . Balanced ration off rest. oser- on she married William Bran- residence FI-Jday. August 7. v-ery cise. work. and pleasutre":; a piano noff Algomia. and movodhSd Gen.Howa 6 yanod solo by Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy. ir ffarm ah These;ýalon. Mr. age Ho was born in Orno1n Lunch was served and a social andon d4ed. and afher the spen t he past 30 years in Peter- time enjoyed. .hh off hec sister-in-law'. Mis. boro. coming ffrom Gardon Hill. Teimah o h omn oerr. Bruce. Mrs. Brandon ro- Active in the general work of:h .Tesyptyof theco un -ned hoCrwih n ived ithution. he xxa.s a member off ty is extended the family anc ýh her bî'other. Mr. Robert George Street United Church. Ho freds cf Mrs. rh. oewo ire. untîl his death in 1930. was long a memnber off the choir pa'daa a e oeon 1934. hoî' cousin. Mi's. D. Heas- and a valued officor in the Sun- Wcdnosday morning after a pro came ho lîve wth hec and day school. Surviving are hîi Inged ilno.J.Bl rahd i nisterod to hec evory need un- wife and two children. Robct Rv -Hm.o eln race her dath.and George a, homo. Three si- special sermo to the Royal tIrs. Brandon was a devoted tors. Mrs. A. W. Callender off Tor- BlackPeptrinteUtd ,mber off the Un.ted Church. onho. Miss Kate Thornton al.o offl Churchi on Sunday eveming. Af- d also an active member off the Toronýo. and Mis. John Little offRihrdeserfvicebran draste:'R A. and W.M.S. Varcouver, aIzo romain. T h e icad ofPeebr adrsd 7'h fuera srvie ws hldfunfýral xvas held Monday ffromI the Order. Rev. Bawles will take lier home on Sunday. July 12 the ffamily residence ho LittlechreoftesvcenteUn- th Rev. H. J. Bell in chargeo Lake Cemiete: y. Rev. M. C. Parr led Church next Sunday ovening. Blacksztock baîl teamn were de- ýermen:, was made at Devitt'., officia-'ed. feahed by Myrile teamn on Thurs- rietery. besîdo hier hwo broth-1 a vng.tesoebi.15. ;. John in P oert. an ho,' ('harles Ruse, ' .Nlntreal dyeeiîa h ~or en 51 'ents. Thomias and El2izabeth uce. She is the lash off a fam- off four, a sister Sarah being ied in Carmen, Manitoba. ho leaves ho mourn her pass- three niecos, Miss Vera Mai -1 St. Cloud. Manitoba; Mrs. Roy ll1ett. Oshawa: Mrs. Kennedy. idoc: thhee nephews. Messrs. ssoll and Newton Jones. Port- Ela Prairie: and Thomas Jones, Cloud. Manitoba: and also a t off frionds. Boarers were six r elIat iveos. ?srs. Harold McQuade. Roy llett. Ed. Lawson. Marwood ,Koe. Bruce Heaslip. and Oscar ýQuade. mrs. H. Olveit, Blackstock 1Recent Visitons: A native off Solina. in the per- Miss Joan Marlow. Toronto. son off CIiarles Ruse. died in wth hec gi'andmnohhec. Mrs. J. Montroal on Satucday. August Marlow. Sth, in hie 76th year. Mc. Ruse Mr. and Mcc. D. McTaggari had been in îll healhh for sýevoral and Mr. D. Hall. Burketon. visut- weeks. led with frionde in Oshawa. Deceased was boum in Solina. Mc. and Mcc. Adoîbert Pronhico. Ont.. ithe son off Mc. and Mcs. Mc. Ralph Davis. ah off Oshawa. John Ruse. Ho had been a rosi- Miss Grace Willan and Miss Mur- dont off Toronto for many yeacs. iel Mountjoy spent Sunday at until hoe moved ho Montreal about Mr. W. Hoskifl's. two yeaî's ago. Hic thcoo daugh- Mr and Mrs. Joo Porder. Nos- tors. Hazel. Amy and Conshance, tlton Mrs. John Forder and live in Montreal. and remain to Miss Veca Forder. at Mr. John R. mourn the loss off a loving father. McLaughlin's. Tl'ere ar'e two sisters. Mcc. Wm. Mu'. and Mcc. A. Monk and Mason. Oshawa. and Mcc. T. J. jdaughtec Joyce. off Toronto. spent Clark off Wahecous. Sacsk.: andj Sahucday ar. Mc. John Cautec'c. two bî'othecs. Cocnelius off Bow- , Mc. and Mcc. Gilbert Shaw and manville. and Lou off Toronto. jdaughtocs. Tor'onto. výisiteLd with The romain.s wece taken to Mc. and Mcc. Joe Ashton. Toronto Tuesday morning. In- Messrs. Arnold Johnston. Ans- terment took place in Mount on Taylor. Bill Grace. and Bruce Pleasant Cemotecy. Mounhjoy enjoyod a mohor trip ho Oillia and Fenelon Falls on L. G. Lorriman, Thorold Sunday. Mc. George Cachou' and Miss- The doath occuî'ced suddenly Ethel Carter visihod frîends in Monday. Augush lth, off Lorenzo IToronto. G. Lociman. who for 45 yoars M r. Roy Sandorson. Toronto. s was principal off Thocold publi c holidaying with hic grandmohher, school. Coming heco in 1886 Mcc. S. Swain. from Port Robinson hoao Mrs. H. Hooey and Muse Nou'ma charge off a school off hhcee tah Hooey spent Sunday with Mc. ors, ho saw the hown develop and and Mrs. Russell Boct. Ocono. the schools athain their pî'osent Roe'. and Mis. Eugone Bee'ch statues. During h:s regime the and son Lawrence, and Mcc. Han- Prince off Wales school succeoded Per off Goodwood. Mr. and Mcc. hhe West Sýde. and the L. G. Lac- R. Gciffin and daughtecs Ruby riman school the Eash Side. With and Tholia. and Miss J. Cook- him. corporal punishment paseed man, Union. at Mc. Austin Lac- in Thorold. Ho celiod upon his met' s. teaching ability ta intonos t th e Miss Helen Rire. Tor'onto. and pupîls and discipline was easy. Mr. Bruce Wood off Brcrh Cliff. When lie reticed five yeacs aoat Mr. John Carhei"s. aff:eu' finîshing 50 yoacs as a heuý- Mc.* and Mcc. Jabez Wright, cher'. the towvn tondered him a Misses Annie and Effffa Wright, publiceffacowell. un whuch scores Mc. and Mcc. John Larmer mt off pupils and ex-pupils came ored ho Woodville on Sunday and from \idely distant points to vusuhed ffî'ends there. show theit' approciation off hheir' Miss Mau'ie Lamb. Linîdsay. and former heachoc. Ho was a native Miss Helen VanCamp have u'e- off Bowmranville. and in his 78thh ucned home aftec holidaying at veac. Besides beung an able Mu'. T. Smith's. tearheu'. ho 'sas a gftod actish. ________________ many off hic fiends havung been- rcrpients off portraits. landscapes CADMUS or' otheu' works off art painted by _______________ him. Whien the Mthodist Chui'ch Trinihyl was cenovated some Messrs. Maur'ice Samelis and lears ago. Mc. Loriman super'- Elmer Archer enjoyed a bicycle vised the work gratuitously. Ho trip to Bobcaygeon. whoce thov bcaves hus widow: two sons. Jame.s are visiting friends. \vho us general manager off thc Mi'. Sidney Ferguson je holi- Eastern Steelwares ah Preston. daying with fciends in Hamilton. and Pi'of. Fî'ed R. off the staff of , Musc Leah MeQuade visihed the University off Toronto: anidfcionds un Toronto, one daughtec. Mî's. Chas. Lowe off Mc. Albert Goodou'ham. Port Thocold. Hope. visjted at Mr. J. A. John- Deceasod was a son off the late ston's. William Lorcimian who ffou'erly' Mr. Sidney Ferguson and Mcc. uesided on the Somers farmi now Cocul Ferguson. and Mcs. Pay'ne_ part off the On:ario Boys' Train- Montreal. who is visiting thone. ung School property. spent Friday un Peterboco. The more haste evor the w'orse "acabe haste is the dir'- speed"-Churchill. oct road ho rcor'-Moliero. liý if EÂG RI(U LTU Mrs. Harry lver passed away ai her home at Blackstock on August 4th. after a prolonged ill- ness. Mrs. Olver. beforo her marriage. was Jane Tenny and was born in England 77 years ago. Onl Feb. 25th. 1933. Mr. and Mrs. Olver celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. F i f t y - threo years ago they were mar- rie<1 in England and enjoyed their wedding trip to Canada; sînce that ime they have resid- ed in Blackshock. Besides her husband. she leaves to mourn her loss. three daugh- hrs. Nellie. Mrs. G. Crawford off Blackshock: Florence. Mrs. Petch off Toronto; and Emima. Mrs. Newhon. also off Toronto: and one son Harry. off Saskatoon; and fixe grandchîldren. Miss Clara Crawford off Blackstock: Messrs. Arnold and Donald Petch off Tor- onto: an-d Miss Jennie and Mr. Jimmie Olver off Saskatoon. The funeral service. which wa-s [ffrom her home, was conducted by IRov. H. j. Bell. assisted by Rev. C. C. Harcourt. on August 7th. The bearers were six neighbours, Messrs. Henry Mountjoy. John Larmer. John Jobb.'James Byers. Isaac Whîtfield and George Ford- or. Floral tributos wore from: -Mr. Olver: thle threo daughters. Mrs. Crawford. Mî's. Petch. Mis. New- ton: Mr. Haî'ry Olveî'. Saskatoon: Robt. Simpson Co.. where Mrs. Newton is employed: from the \V.A. and WVM.S. Inherment was made in Cadmus Union Cinotery. Alfred Stephen Arnold, Shoal Lake, M'van. The Shoal Lake. Man.. Star off July l6hh, makos the following reference to a former Newcastle boy and a cousin off Mrs.F.M isouch and Mr. Frank Chappe.ý Bowmanville: Shoal Lake lost one off its out- standing citizens last week in the removal by doath off Alfred Ste- phon Arnold. in his 7lst year. Ho was born at. Croydon. England. November 22nd. 1865. and came to Canada with his parents as a boy and was educated at New- castle. In 1882 ho went to Man- itoba. At the age off 16 he work- ed for his unclo. Frank M.liller, on his stock faim. remaîning there four years, after which he pur- chased cattie on his own account and opened up a meat maket-' the first off its kind in Shoal Lake. In 1890 Mr. Arnold engag- ed with the M. & N. Railway. but aftor two years went to Toronto in the moar. and market business whichi he operated until 1897 whon lio returned to Shoal Lake and took up farming. finally branching into the grain business. On August lth, 1894. Mr. Ar- naýld xvas niarried ho Louise Bates. off which uinion thore are fivo ceiiîdren. all off whomn survive: Alirci E.. Harry. Mrs. R. A. Flom- .ng. Mrs, P. R. Fleming. and Mrs. ..J. L'wýon. Ail worthy enterprisies in this dstri1ct have received the support l off NI:. Arnold. He was mayor off the town. dire"hor off the Fair Board. socretiary off the Board' off Trade. soctelary off the Grain Growers P'cnic, life mnember off the Curling Club, a Royal Ai-ch Mason. and also connected xith the Maccabees and L.O.L. The funeral service was hold at St. Paul's Church Friday, con- Relleves itching quickly, thorougbly beaue beekin, anmont effeetive treatment for Ectema Lnd other okin troubles A record of 50 yeam. Dr. Chases Ointment .91 SOLS AGENT J.E.M. GENEST SHERBROOKE. QUE. Sheppard & GiLumber Co. RO0Y AL THEATRE BOWMAN VILLE The Coolest Spot ini Town on a Hot DayIl Thurs., Fri., Sat., Aug. 13, 14, 15 GEORGE O'BRIEN in "O'0Malley os the Mounted"l ALSO 6«UALICE FAY IN lMuie Is pMagic", News Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.ni. Monday and Tuesday, August 17 and 18 WARNER BAXTER in "1Robin IHood of Eldoradlo"1 Dummy Ache News Matinee Monday 2.30 p.m. WED. and THURS., AUG. 19 and 20 GEORGE RAFT, ROSALIND RUSSELL in "lt Had to Rappen" Major Bowes' Amateurs News Matinee Wednesday 2.30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, August 21 and 22 JAMES STEWART in "S5peed" ALSO JACK OAKIE IN "Florida Special"' COMING PETTICOAT FEVER' "PRIVATE NU.MBER" "THESE THREE" "COUNTRY BEYOXD" -SAN FRANCISCO" "FARMER TAKES A WIFE'- ,MAN WVHO BROKE THEf BANK AT MONTE CARLO" PAGE THREE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. AUGUST 13*,h. 1936 CANADUAN N ATFONALI