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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1936, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STAT~MAN, BOWMMWIU~. ONTAR.IO, THURSDAY, SEPT. 3rd. 1936 Royals Win League Titie Third Consecutive Time Connud ti e o Corden: St ke ouz.Oborne pntch as he attempteci :orop ou: 6. Chur-ch 2. Phillips 3: Bases on 0f the way. McQua;d go:, a cheap balLs. Off Osborne 2. off Wither- hit when his drive 'ýgianced off 1dge 1. off Church 4: Hit bY Osbornes glove ou: of ev-erybo4ý-spitched bail. by Osborne. Phillîps: ceach, and Leaven.s pushed a Winnmng pitcher. Osborne: Losinc single itc centre to srýor.e Phîl- pî::cher. Phillips. lips. For the re5t of the contes:, Ump:res - Cross-e*i of Por: *Dutch" heid themn well under Hope and .\McMalion of Cobourg. control. stcîkîng ou:, sx and pass- ing but two. The Royals got one run :n the first as Moise was iven a walk rcsadBuut secutive singles by Corden and Osborne. They lef t the bases loaded on this occasion and again By Nelson E. Osborne in the third when they had three on and none out but were unable About Wednesdays game-and tc, do anything about ît. In the th:s ta witten befoce the thirdj fifth they ceached the big Picton garne of the series is played. twirier for a pair of :alie.s. With TUe P1icton papers are unan:- the counit three asd nothîng. Os- mous in admitting that Bowman- borne slamnied his second double ville has the best fielding team to ieft-centre andi was safe at in the league. The Times says. third when Fillingham dropped ~This Bowmanville team is the the baIl in running down Osborne best fielding teamn in tUe league. on Williams' infield tap. Large Their outfield is deadly. and their then came through with a single i nfield is practically flawiess.- teo drive home both runners.r In the sixth. McIlveen opened This agrees with ErrLue Foote of the raliy with a single and went 'Cobourg who says tUat if he was to second as Moise was thrownI picking an al-star teamt he would out. Cole let. Colweli's drive go take the Royals intact wîth may- right thcough him 10 score Mc- be Archie Campbell, C o b o u r g lveen. Corden doubled. Osborne portsider. 10 help out Dave Os- p:OPPed out. and Williams singled borne. Do you suppose he drop- to set tUe stage for Bagnell who ped Campbell f rom that team af- ieaned on the first pitch for histe adn abuth gm i four-ply swat. abu1h aei Bowmanviiie hopes suffered a ,-iln setback as Phillips fanned the Bill Bagnell was hit on the side in the seventh. but in the head by a thrown ball as he stole eîghth the Royals belabored hîm second but. it takes more than for four markers. Corden socked Jt hat to hurt a basebail hi tter. his second double of the tilt to Bll ho has beeri in a bit of ai sta.rt the fireworks, but Philli B ih, sup tl Mce' really brought about his ownI Crombie to pick out a bat for hîm downfall when he dropped Os- in the eghtU and he pcomptly bornes high pop f13y to Put two it safely. __ men on tUe pathways with one __ out. Williams finaliy worked ai cty aeo tl he walk af 1er fouling off a few and! Pictnsignas on satrday. On Bagneil again came thcough in Pcosinlon atry.O the pinch, his tocrid two-baggec a squeeze play in the second. he travelling just Jnside the thîrd signaIled *Dutch" to caîl for a base lîne. Two runners scored Pitch out but the batter stepped and when Rorke faiied to get across the plate to foui tUe pitch. Bagnll t te pate n Lrge. sThe Ump cefused to cail the bat- taP, another run trickled across tierlmatfothofesana u and Bagnell scored as Camecon itm.ely scoced. TUat was the went out at first. Verily was i, onIY apparent lapse of eithec a crowd-pieasec. officiai. Box ScoreI Picton AB R H 1>0 A E Twice. in later stages of the Philiips, 2b, p. 4 2 1 1 3 1 game. the Manager caugh: the McQuaid, If. 51 2 0 0 0 signal for a stolen base and tUe Levncf. 2b. 4 1 2 0 2 I f irst ti me Osborne threw the run- Rocke, 3b. 5 1 1 3 1 à nec ou: but the second tîme his Dainard, cf. cf. 5 O 1 3 0o0o egwas high. Cole, lb. 4 1 2 10 1 1 rcE Fli.ngham, ss. 4 1 0 o o 1 As fa r as bricks are concecned on Church. p. rf. 3 1 2 0 4 0 we couil throw a couple at Shin- Col Evans, rf. o o 0 o o o ny- Moisçe for being out of posi- ME Fcederick. c. 1 1 0 7 o) o tion on Churchs hît thcoughibic Total 35 9 1l 24 10 3 Bowmanville- Moise, 3b. 4 1 0 1 2 0 Colweil, 2b. 5 1 0 5 4 0 Corden, lb. 4 23 8 0 H. Osborne. c. 5 2 3 1 3 0 Williams. ss. 3 3 1 3 2 0 W. Bagnell. cf. 4 2 2 2 I11 LargeIf. 5 01 1 0 0 Mooe, rf. 2 0 0 1 0 Cameron. cf. 3 O 0 O O 0 Witheridge. p. O O O 0 O O Mcflveen. c. 5 1 2 5 i O Total 40 12 12 27 13 1 *batted for Moore in fifth. Picton 800 100 000- 9 il 3 Bow'ville 100 025 04x-12 12 1 Runs batted in: Rorke. Leav- ens, Dainard. Cole. Church. Phil- lips 4. Osbocne. Large 3, Corden. Colwell, Bagneli 5. Camrecon: Two-base hits: Dainard. Cole. Os- borne 2. Corden 2, Bagneil: Home i-uns: Philiips. Bagneli: Sacrifice hits, Fredecick 2; Stolen bases Moise, Large. McIlveen: Left on bases, Picton 5. Bowmanville 9:1 Double plays, Osborre to ColwellI TURE LAZY COLON Inaclivity of the large bowelo coln, eve poisons in the system. te cause serious and painful diseases. You cao prevent and thoroughly relieve this chronic form of Consti-' pation by using DR. CN.AE'S KidneY-Liver Pis, short in the firs: bo score two runs. but we would have to turn around and admit tUa: he was unfamliar with the Position and wouid have to give Uîm a bou- que:, for driving home Bagnell with the -winrujng run in the tenth.i C. tai THE REALM 0F SPC CONTESTA.NTS IN TODAY*S BIG SWIM SPEE]YY MERMAIDS IN C.NE. SWIM Most of the prîze money for the Women's Three-Mile ace in front of tUe Canadian National Exhibition Grounds at Toc- )nto today. accocding týo expert observers. wili be shared by the six intestants shown above. No. 1 is Neil Hurley-Pacrott. focmerly of Jemphis. Tenn.. but now the wife of 'Tolly- Pacrott. the six-day âcycle rider of Victoria, B. C. Hereafter she is going to reside in 'anada. La-s: year she led the race for three-quarters of the ds- .nce. but dropped back and finished in third place. No. 2 is Mcs. celyn Armstrong of Detroit, tUe veteran of the C.N.E. Marathon the staff. Apparently Manager Cameron*, worry will be to pick tUe righ: pitcher for tUe right day. "Dutch" saîd befoce the 1 game on Saturday tUat he woulcl TUenrn aybe Ted Bagne.i de- gel thcee hits and made good Utsý ',et-es a few bricks for le::îng a statement. His word to hîs pub- double-play bail] go through his lic is tUat this series with King- leg-s. which tucned into tlue tying ston will oniy go two games and score. bit: bouquets are due Ted that he ,vill be tUe hîtting star for handlîng eîghr other chances and if Manager Cameron gives flawlessly. one of tUe chances be- him a chance he will also pîlch ing a grea: catch ot a pop fly the boys to victory. wshile heading for centre field __ and then peggîng ou: a runnec at1 The fickeness of baseballia., first for a double pay. Besîdes ibeen ciearly demonstrated. Pic- Ted beat out a it t0 start the1 ton won boîlu games of the ceg- tenth and scored tUe winmnng ular schedule from BowmanvilleI run. Not a bad day for a fellow vvith Phillips giving the locals but1 playing hîs first game in a month. Inine hits in t.he two games.BU,, in the playof fs. the Royals took Then. too. Witheridge threw thcee straight. and Phillips was nine straîight -balls 10 tart h fItUe ..ith vev lss game and failed to geltUe firs man out in seven 0f the ter frames. But af 1er looking oveý his entire game, and conlsideriný his cooiness under f ire, thos( bricks magically change tco bou. quels of the fineal Arnericar beautnes. To tUe reat of lhe teamn, w( would have te hurl solid platinuri bricks înlaid with diamonda, s( let's jus: cal l is part 0f tUe col- umn "Bouquets." Eddie Hicks is back in towî and although his leg is still swol- len from the effect 0f a spidei bite.,Ucwih be on hand for Sat- r urday ready foc duty. The grea: Harry OsbornE pîtched like tUe big leaguer he iý on Saturday and accordîng th Pee Wee McQuaid of tUe Pictor teamn. he ia tUe best pitcher or swms. She was in the money in 1929, 1931, 1932, 1933 and 1935. No. 3 is Lucy Spence of Toronto. a powerfu' swimmer who is better over a longer course. No. 4 is Janet Sheather of Port Credit. winner of the Century of Progress swim at Chicago two years ago. No. 5 is Mona Looney of Warren, Ohio. who finished sîxth in 1934. which was her first year in pro s-wimrnng. No. 6 is May Looney, sister to Mona. who won fourth place in i1930. third in 1932, fifth in 1933. first in 1934 and fifth in 1935. She i.s in aplendid condition and is regarded as the most dangerous contender. Ye: Bowýmanvi]le. a much biggec I'm teliing you it wiii be a gaine : tov.n. not only stays away fromn weli wocth seeîng. There'sn the games in large numbers. but adînision f ee. but the hat will b Homing Pigeon Club some of 4ts citizens have the gal, pas.sed. se bring along a couple to stand on the corners and con- !big nickels, to make the coliector. Inte-national Pigeon Race fîde confidentially to whoever wlil smile. listen t0 them that the team îs TUa: pleasan:, and aippr-ec:atc-d' Bownianville Homing Pigeon going to throw a game for the social dîî:y at local football ganîes Club took part in the interna- gate cece:pts. Sometîmes we lion- 0of serving lunch 10 the players tional Pigeon race fronî Toronto esî.iy wonder w hy they Uung :of oth teams a*, the conclu'sion Exhibit ion on Saturday. Augu.s: Hauptmatî. o1h aews otciat 9t1î. witU tie folloving re.ults: At the end of the season we Ilooked aftec by the Clarke Union F. Boit trel. 49 ruins, 26 sec.-ý hope to be able to print 1t-ti ladies. 1551.4 yards Per min. Uow mucliii, ta costing these bal Carke U n i t e d - Goal. R. Win. Wooiner. 49 jiiins. 51 sec. players to play. and then wve Thompson: fuil backs. K. Fraser.,1: 1. yrs per min. would lîke to know how much the J. Stobart: haif backs. Tomr Lew- L. Richards. 55 mn. O ec. street-corner knockecs contribtît- iis. Bob Keene. H. Davey: foc- 13,94.4 yards, per mi:n. ed to the support of the team. wards, Pat Mantle. J. Bogie. J.1 R. DilI'ng. 55 min,. 50 sec.- Cooper, Tom Evans, J. Osborne. 10 ad e în BowvmanivîUe - Goal. F. Gil -__________ ICLARKE UNITED UN 1ibert: full backs, T. Graham. T. TUE W TH LO ALM Wils,on:k half backs, A. Lobb, S.B ÏIE WTH L CALS iMudc .McKnight; forward.,. usine s irct rv t I N SOCCER FUNALS B.Graham, B. Bates. P. Bath -__________ Dae br.sar s iomggate, D. AMin. D. Bathgate; sub. DaveOsbone*sarm s coingLEGAL than yo. ad h Enhusasti Crwd eesBowan-forward, A. McKay. ýg along nicely, takyu n i nhsatcCodSe omn Referee-R. Preston. Enniskl-' ;e miay be ceady foc action on Sat- vlo-Clarke DeaUock-Play len. M .V OLBA.L.B 1- urday. Wît.h the lanky one ready Here on Saturday M._G._._______B.A.____B n and fit for duty tUe chances of ____ Barrister, Solicitor, Notai-y tUe locals 1ook bright. 0ffoblgae înL C LN T T R Phune 351 tUepornt on CafoFo tba gm nL CALU N AT OHAWA Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanville 7e Tn'Mlve ihsetc League have been conspicuous by n les and cage held "DutcU" up inl tUeir absence in oui- sport page SWUMMUNG MEET W. R. STRIKE o0 fine f ashion on Saturday and tUs season we' are prone to ad- t Barrister, Solicitor, Notai-y 1- came thi-ough with a pair of h.its mit. However, a most successful Bowmanville swimmers did weîî Solicitor for Bank of Montreal as well as keeping tUe team Pep- and thrilling series ofl games are in the Oshawa Swimmîjng Club Money to Loan. Phone 91.i ped up wth his line of chatter. new dcawing 10 a conclusion With meet in Oshawa Harbour several Bowmanville, Ontario n Bowmanville and Clar-ke United days ago. TUe names of these 1- TUe second contest of the two- winners of their respective groups. winners should have been pub-L..MAO.B. rout-of-three games series with The first of the final games lished last week, but lack of space 1 .MSN A -Kingston çwill be played here on took place Saturday evening at caused tUeur being Ueld over. TUe araePublicio Saturday aftet-neon. How about Leskard, mestled amrong the hilis. local people who annexed piîes Ntiy ulc-Ec showing tUe boys that you ap- when the piaying field was sur- were: Alvin Weish. 3rd in 100 Law in ail its branches. .e preciate their efforts. rounded by motor cars -and a yards foc men in 25 mile radius: Off'ceTim oa [s large and enthusiastîc crowd Of Doug. Larik, 2nd in boys 12 and Tete ni There is one very defînîte brick fans. Botlî teams were in the under, 35 yards; Mai-oie Wise-1 Phones: Office 688; Home 553. n tUat we want 10 hurI, and that is pink of condition and were man, 2nd in girls under 14, 51) ciegarding those lamse-t on g ued equally optimistic as t0 the final yards: Chai-lie Somerscales lst.* DENTAL nrumbskulis who were telling one outcome. Play had only been in Ray Welsh, 3 in boys 14 years _______________ and aIl that Bowmanville was go- progress a short lime when il was and under. 50 yards; Marjorte ing 10 throw the game on Satur- quite noticeable lhe teams were Wiseman, 2nd in girls 16 and un-, DR. J. C. DEVITT day fer the gale ceceipts. vecy evenly matched and a close der. 50 yards: Len. Somerscales. Assistant: Dr. E. WV. Sisson How anyone outside of an in- game was to be expected. The 2nd in boys 16 and under. 80 yds;.j Graduate of Royal Dental Col- sane asylum could harbor such a old pig skin was booted. headed The-se swimmiers are ail membecs1 lege. Toronto. Office: Jury Jub- thought is beyond our compre- and passed up and down the field of the Bowmanville Swimming ilec Bldg., Bowm.ai1ville. Office hension. Il is quite evident that wilU an occasional shot on either Club and have been signally suc- hours 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily ex- they are talkîng and not think- goal at long range but nothîng cessf ul in every meet in which cept Sunday. ing. Tt coats about $40,00 tci nake serîous. Bits of com b i n a t io n they have taken part this sum- Phone 90. House phone 283. the 200-mile round trip 10 Picton, fcatured the play and brought mer. X-Ray Equipment in Office. and even at home the costs are forth outbursts of applause from________________ higU, with the umpires to pay, the rooters on tUe sidelînes. They're Workin'g on That Now-J new balla to use, bats - and two Screams. yells and cal cals here The Dictaphone is a valuable FUNERAL DIRECTOR were broken on Saturday - uit- and thece by a chorus of the fair asset in any office. It neyer takes keep of the grounds, gumo, and aIl sex when a player was kncicked a mans mmnd off bis correspond- FUNERAL DECTORS the ether odds and ends thaI are down or tUe bail was in danger- ence by crossing its knees. Service, any heur. any day. necessary. eus lerritory added 10 the inter- WUen we hear these rumors we est and tense excilement. Of f- F. F. MORRIS CO. long for a Pen tUat oozes sarcasm. ides, fouis, corner kicks and f aise Modern Motoc Jî4ipment There are not words in tUe Eng- throw-ins were detected by tUe RU1BS O UT Ambulance and Invalid Car lisU language strong enough to eagle eyes of Referee Preston who I1 ~UCail Phone 10 or 34, f iay these half-witted crackpots handled the game in a masterlyl Assistant, 573 who probably neyer did anything way regardless of tUe charac ter- 1 ~ ~ ' O MNI f or anybody but themselves in islic bawling out such an officiaI .OMANIFL their lîfe. For three years Bow- receives on such occasions by 00 manville Uasawen tUe League biased and loud-mouthed specta- Minard a odaé NORTHCUTT & SMITH tîtie. TUe other towns are un- tors who in most cases are ig- stIandby for rubbin< oSt animous in their declaration that norant of tUe cules of play. muauir point. Checkmng Complete Funerai Service theRoyls re he estclu in Aftr a hor'sstrnuos payand deang up skin dié- Modern Equipmenit - Ambulance tUeRoylsaretUebet cubin lle a hor' stenuuapla ~orders, ending colda. - A. W. G. Nort.hcutt - the League, and yet they have of good genllemanly soccer which New large ccmoyu.- ry aise. played te tUe smallest crowds in was a pleasure to watch, tUe -%.bre Smth" tUe entire circuit. Admrittedly game ended without eîther team U»6 c N ho Snedays oi58ldy lUhey have played some awful bail scoring. As tUe crowd broke upPhn 2or26 game.s and have shown some very there were lots of "ifs" and 'buts" Phone____ 5=___or__276. __ poor judgment aI limes, but no being cxpressed on tUe varieus game is ever enticely devoid of plays made whiÉch acccicding to SHOE REPAIRS interest. But when telling your tUeur reckoning should have been neighbor what you would have coriverted into the winning goal. 6 R. PAWSON done. don't forgel that you are But that winning goal or goals OIE F PAIN" only second -guecsaing. will lhkely be made next Salurday Boot and Shoe Repairing In Hagersville last year they at Bowmanville HigU ScUool Soles sewn on by Goodyear drew a ccowd of 1500 foc the Campus when tUe same teams Stching Machine. jBowmanville game and at times meet in tUe final game a: 6.45 L Prices resonable had played before crowds of 2000. 1 p.m. daylight saving time - and KInt Street East - BownmnvMle Tlîi. di iffrt nic( ..îill logcr.. ni lln in ail landl,. .\nd the jo' r wilzti RT 1~ 0NESTLETON )R T dayevening. Sept. l7th. ai the, 1hmofMrs. L. Jobi:n, with M: s. Is. Malcoins group in charge. The lades are asked fo- dona-' Lions of new or used ciothing for the baie. which ,vill be packed at zhe meetiJng. Service' w::: be he]d in itue Un- ited Church on Sunday afternoon., SeptL. 6th. ai, 3 o*clock. with our pastor. Rev. H. J. Belil in the pul-' The ice creami social which was i heid on Thursday evening wma.a I ecided success. The prograrn was enjoyed. particularly Dr. Bowies' address. On Sunday. Sept. 6th. at 7 p.n..; the L.OL. No. 43 are holding a specia] service in the Presbyter- iar Church. with Rev. V. Waiker in charge. Recent. Visitors: à à. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Samells. Miss Glenn Wilson. Mrs. John e * Hooey and Mr. Roy Hoy- tended Peterboro Fair and spent the weekend with friends there and at Omemee. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Neil. Beth- any. at Mr. Merxwin Mountjoy's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Todd, New- tonvilie. with Mrs R. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. H. McMuilen and1 family. Janetville. at Mr. R. Dickey's. Mr. and Mrs. James Dickey at Mr. D. Black's. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy. Mr. C. McGill and Mr. Arthur Staple-'l ton. with friends at Pefferlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Greaves. Toronto, at Mr. Harry McLau gh- lin's. Mr. and Mca. John Joblin. R.ev. S. G. Joblin and Miss Dorothy Joblin. Scugog Island, a: Mr. L. Joblin*s. » Miss Gene F'erguson. R.N.. and Mr. Jack AllUn. of Toronto. at. Mr. Perce Philp's. Lauaîî nîd lite wcrlî lailghý ,ît you if latîcli St x our t i "A merely falien enemy may1 rise again. but the reconciled one Agent ~a_1 1eDEAN HODGSON hearts.--Anon. * White Rose Service Station To ThoseWholJse The Highways At Nîoglit for either driving or walking 1 APPEAL te the motorists of Ontario te make night driving (and night walking) as safe and enjoyable as driving (or walking) by day. 1 believe it can be donc -by the simple expedient of applying thec principles of COURTESY. Let us make it an infallibie rule te dip or dimn oui- lights whcn meeting other cars. It will seon become almost automatic for us te do se. Oncoming drivers will respond. Within a vcry short time, this "delîber- ate gesture" of Courtcsy (as it now is) will becomne a fixed habit. De net crowd thec ethcr Fellow when meeting or passing. If he is incîined te be a nerveus driver, he may easily misjudge distance at night. Wc don't know. And it costs us nething to give him several feet of clearance. Let us give pedestrians MORE than ample space fer walking. We have ahl the advantagc when we are driving and the other f ellow is afoot. Let us net use that advantage in a bullying way. On the other hand, when wc are walking, let us show truc ceurtesy te those whe are driving. When we walk WITH traffic, we place ALL the responsibility upon the meterist. Always walk facing enceming traffie, and wear or carry sonmething iight that the lights of oncomîng cars will pick up, even if you carry only a partly epencd ncwspapcr. These arc a f cw instances only, te demonstrate the SPIRIT of Courtesy whîch I arn suggesting and rccemmcnding te flic peoplc of Ontario. Practise and prcach thc golden rulc of thc road- "Show te othcrs flic same courtcsy that you would like to havc shown te you". Sincerely yours, ffim.Ç3,~~kf*~ MINISTER 0F HI1 G H W AY S PROVINCE OF O N TA R 1O 1 3.1 i Sorne men just wen't learn that wood burns - especially when hot ashes axe put into wooden boxes! Wouldn 't they be very surprised te find a roaring fire in their cellar -eutside of the one in the furnace- some day as a resuit of their carelessness? Are you taking a chance? But ini addition te precaution, you need suf- ficient sound fire insurance through Je.JeMASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Bowmanville Phone 50 TRY COURTESY YOU'LL ENJOY IT 1 --41 1 PACvE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWALANVIIIZ, 014TARIO, THUR-SDAY, SEPT. 3rd. 1936

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