d guarantee restfui sleep . of d the ns- books and alwahe rave eani Vo calthe attention 0f al PIC duo on Monday aftemnoon froin baoks aundry Vo Uic beauty 0fPhis OTTLE $1,00 Special Fri., Sat., Mon. ...... 12.75 CFRB's ciystal studio at the C. satisfaction.-affandsnetJoviltiesb a y N. E. Mn. Kean will be beard ;aninant oialinsngs by nigbt cach Manday, Wetinesday anti e are agents and Itfdtning tond i iegsns it PHOE . or isFnîtay at 5.30 p.m. oven CFRB.1 wl epesdta te Later. with the ativent of bettex __F LL IeM He is.%sponsoreti by a Toronto C1 b peae transportation came -al] the fun ____S F. F. M orris Co.breatl company. iyou onfl 8 tl e SY or of thle faim' wifh ifs brazen cal- ILA l M POE10 BOWMANVILLE Mn. Newfon Hacitney, for the quantity required. liope anti modemn contraptions.39Phn 92Ri "Comleteflom Furishigs"past two yeans the popular dlent0 ecI rHoe ine Today. tlîe picturcs, symphony 3 cPoe9 R "Complete Frnishings"anti apprentice in Alex McGre - S.YorHoerintr u orchestras, anti dinnens at s esf- Sgors Drug Store, hmas lcft to faite . aursnt, supplant the older ortien,- ieýuni:ng s:udy a* University of his course at the College of Phar- So i li i'orontoý miý'cy in Toronto. His ayfd ai -Mi ad rsGco.E. Robnson endsin flBowmanx îE:e sh in Soc al nd ers zia m i .Li d '\1ýeverv siiccesý in hi.;.std:es r.nH. Rehder. Parx .ia. R 'e *,,c'Rob- The A gricultural Fair Alr a:. d Mre. Rd SMiss-Jeaneo. Barton. ]fl ts Origlît, Iistory, and Purpose ofbis brothier. Mr. C. Rebdcer. iari'ed herself wîtb the work be-.------ 0fOzl,-ba. apcn- the iweekend wihb ReVx and Mrz.J. U. Robins.,. whoI fore MIr. Hackney ieft. Miss Co:a Scot-. Toron*o. Mse rncmeai e îc :urning froinxholdaysai -h %issIiicnb eypesn vnn a aku'ýVk.u'L,ý,adu,,:emo n h enn ited relatives here over ithe xxoek- *tLheir eottags ýa: We2lington. (al; eypesn vewsWl- 1 WW u an e arui e :nood i an opte meanfni end. ~~~~~~~M Fred Cowan. Orono. i.~s- ono: f dsh n d recentiy spent at Ashburn. when Gentlti.en .The .seso of:.cae:e.a -nopruntfo endbe.roe M oh o eday d rien. ere o -Mrs. Donald Purdy (nec Ruth agricu' ira, fair i-,;aiia.n w::,h uý .isoe.a.in*tercourse. While 1tIb ec enoue o isowl. Stuttaford' was pleaFantly sur- StartiroL ini Eastern Canad -ad grea: national exhibition a:, Tor- Mis H lLaendgu ints hol aîglwl epeac tet I r n r uslCnlrprised by about one hundred of on'sard- in rau:d s ilc c e.ss , o n ot tadiinacas self. 1 Liay. Hal aead onsn Miss Loughinan. Toron:o. sýpen-, aie holidaying in Buîffalo. N. Y. her friends who gathered and throupbcu',,. the West. aH the la:,- there are hundreds of agrîcultural Mr. and M4rs. Gordon Werry the wveekecd wi'i her uncles. M r. Frank Jennîngs L, acting presentcd her with a sbower of es: and be.s: exhib.ts ti connec- fair.- and e xhi b it ions h e] d 5and son Boyd spent the weekend Messr-S W. H. and J. Thickson. caretaker of the Federal Building rream and red graniteware. Af- tion wi'2b tac wori: and pro"7rcssý throughout the Dominion. 'lbey v rin Toroto.rMr ad \fre aro]dbsaarcandter a voluntary program lunch o ocal. t.rovincial. and Dom:nîon, atford important, lession nthe Royal York Mi Tro.W.Jaetohw. Mas 'ew andk Cit. \Harod beir.r- - ad Moor. IMr. Tommywa.s served and al enjoyed a soc- agricu:'iire wili be on hîew. to advance of prcsent-day agricult- T M T UC guest of Mrs. Geo. W. James on, ents. Mr. and Mrs.' G. L. Wagar MooteIdandMr. J.r. Grandy. al hour together. Mrs. Purdy is mark, learn. and inward.ly d'ge,. ture. besides servîng as ln ok Wedesay iMrs Mril unn M. lfedMoui nd oîe J.b . wr n sitrsthe bride of Mr. Purdy of Bow- In no couîntry bas the ag.-icu> -ed-forward-to centres of socia, Two Free Gifts Misns MraeWgta n. To r .adM. raeDnk Cr.Alrediot- to Hoream of Brey Campisiosmanville Public School staff and tural fair been a greater factor'pleasures. The Domninon and the otwsweekend guest 0f Miss'or'ed t0 Rochester over tbe week- Mr. T. Harry Rob:nson. Rech-1 Mr. J. E. Barnet: Sillence. Toi- tnin sC:aada.enmr r on-eas pro; inrandgoernîens efî- J W ontr, Jwathn n and. eende. cn anc thes ally and thrw S n foae- FE oteo Maytwl.edetr. N . Y.. bas returned home1 edo. Ohio, was _guest of Mr. and dition. pecLliarly Canadian. Tbe cîn o the. f air . ndat i on a-FRE Btie fSi Miss Jean McCullougb R. N . Mr. Wmi.Brock and daughtciater sedn pe nlareMs co .Jms nSna.gregar.cu.,nstInct of be earlycu'0 h ra euainlSiu I Lindsay. visited her siSter. Mrs. Mrs. J. Hately and son. ha-ie becn 1 weeks' vacation wîîh bis sister. Some of our older readers will re- settlers. theiruner:. resoîve value of the_,e exhibitions thaz Cowan's Fine Walton Pascoe. vîsiting Mjs.- Zoa Po*ter. Frank- Mr Go ato 0ad :er r-cl r ln~a p" to conquer the innumera~ble dif- the Dominion Ex P e rimnie n t alI Mr.Ed.M. owrs. etrit.for. eo.Baronand',h, f- al M. illnceas Lamy" arrs o th Dni'iCOCOA................. Mr. Ed. . Dox~n. Detroî. fordend.-. Barrîett. of Tbe Statesman staff ficl1t1e:ý sîrrounicing tbem. theFrs0 b omno eat Mich., was guest of bis stster. Mis-, Haîn-e*t Bai'e*,. Toronto. Mr. anci Mrs. Russel: G. Wîi'- who lîved withb s uncle. Rev. J. hazards, of trait]ý. and the coen-emen* of Agriculture take an art- Mis ol Cwn.spcnt the weekend w.th ber uinc!-itanis. Mary Ruth and John. H. Barnett who about 36 years foresis prevenîting tbe extended, ive par: Thecxh bit the RHounre'sUnwTEn..... Mrs. Kate W;ght, las returned: and. aunt. Mr. John and Miss Exýa 'Niagara Falls. N. Y.. have been ago was pastor of the Congrega- contact of the pioneers wji; their .whic arExenprcp are nche H C L T from visiting frîends a] Bond! Hellyar. 1 isiling hîs mother. Mrs. E. B. tional Church here. They lived fellox men, all contributed î.o the!,Pubocithy adtens viopmntBran h on' Headi and Toronto. Ti'inty Suncîay scbootl orches:ra1 Wiliams~. Scugog St.. and other in thc Tait octagon house and al- mould'ng of îh,- Canadian char- io i aetdvlomnsi on' Mr. auiespn tewe , memnbers arceaskcd to be in tnel,, frîends. so tbe bouse now occupied by acter. niainly tb.rough the pecul- I agriculture. Through these ex- PEANUT BUTTER.. Mrs. S.Holate Fo th pat tr ephthe vovin ontheag-hibits of practical utility. by Rickard, Newcastle. at 2.20. pcaprchrtteHretI 32 years Ed. has been associated ricultural faîrs of the country. piitdpmhesadepaa Cake Fairsex Soap FrYee with spcrlprahe a heH Gs witb tbe American Sales Book Co. And there were fa.îrs and many of tions by word of mouth from the C IS Miss Kathleen Chabot. RN., r.Ciemrenl- Perey,. Bank of Festival services at Gores Lanui2W and this was bis first. trip to theinflfrom the beginning. exhibition staff. much informa- C IS ..... New York City, N. Y., visited Ïf n- Commerce. Smiths Falls. is holi- on Sunday night. when be was anvlensnce e l!t bre ii Bforetue îrs Candiancen end1 heeowaudy a ingWth bis mothier. Mrs. ass istted in the -service by Mr. B. 190 sus wastaken n186 the fun f vleKUg ________________John Perey. H. Mortlock.thfarwsrlgtdmi t lhuhCnd hmwre CO N FA E ..... Misses Muriel Mo'ore, Leah Bel, Mr. Bill MacNair and Mr.tefi a elgtdmsl outbougb anathdof bawrke C RN FAK S Jessie Knox and Winrnie Lancast- Thomas Pollard of the staff of1 prîvate celebratton afler the bar- oteer onalmet.ho 0finlarîngrxo Now We Have A er spent the weekend al a cottage the Kincardine Review-Reporter. 1 CHURCHES ter of pease, hemp, fresh and dry edcton utoknag- Aexn atBocagon atiM. nHMs.DaieMCraA* cod, salteti salmon, eels, seal and culture tbrough new things seen FLY CATCH ERS pros i.cabad iadhad h ds0 h gi Mr ha. lechr.M~netoTornt. pet unaywih r.ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CHURCH planks. drugget. boltîng clotb. cultural fair is as olti as the NUls. Special Biend L. YN. son of the late JOýs. Fletch- anti Mrs. Cliff MacNair. Rev. Father J. F. McGuîre, Pastor cloth matie from nettles. serge, Based on the experience of the T A. ...... E NDING... er. visited i hs motlher. Mr.s. Fie',- Col. R. J. Gi]] of Bnrcai. Suniy September l3tb: Mass leather and furs al Quebec. The pr.evious 1000 yeans since the T A ....... cheron undy. frmely f Bomanill. ba ~t owmnville 10.30 arn.: Mass es on Montrea]. whîle. atrneign of Sargon in Sumeria in L .. LIB ARY M.M .Rong.Fr Eibe roitdCmis nr0lrB .C. 3880. the code of Khammun- Whiz, made in Bowmanville UIK~I~ Mr M L.Rocigk Frt r:c ben ppontei CmmssinerVOat Newcastle 9 a.m. as the re.-ults ofth establishment Mrs.JohnDrewandprob poltica patisashi 10f agrîcultural societies in both abi. the Babylonian Emperon, B.C FLY FUME ......... On Sturay ornig w "i Drcw. Toronto. visîteti Mr, and charges a-gainSc govennment em- ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN Loie and Uppen Canada. agni-250 asdw thlwfote nSatucrda Lmoning we WIII Mrs. T. H. Knight. ploYces. under the Inquiries Act. CHUURCH cultural fairs bloszomed out int o proper conduct of trade at fains Northeru Tissue ofnthue vr a edgfictron. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy and~ In a letter fromn W. Harold Rev. C. R. Spencer. Rector full social economic and political and elsewhere. In China, the TOILET PAPER ... Bos thavery nletction. a Mc. and M\rs. T. W. Cawkcr en- William.s. Woodistock. be com- Mrs. J. A. Gunn, Organist institutions. EmPeror Fu-hi in B.C. 2852 issu- Bokse be en elA eed ofyja . ovetiaflitor tr:;p +0 North Bav îrten',s on how much be enjoys Sunday, September 13th: Holy [In pe Canada. the Niagara cd orders reganding agriculitunal Christie's the man utos re1V. Callan dec and Ottawa. the weekly v sit of The Statesînan Communion 8 a.m.: M o r n i ni g Penirnula bas alwavs been in- deistwitch by s scessr. hn- CHE SE l Redvers Dent. Ruby M. Avers, Mrs. W. J. Hall and ,,on Barry. and sends býis regards to Hanip- Prayen il a.m.: Sunday School tima:ely assctateti wîththe trade nug. the GreatAgnicu.tur.s Sylva Tompon. lornce anti Mr,. . evt] Tr :n anti Solina fiends. and Btble Class 2.30 p.m :Even- tiad bvaster 0 agiutu h ra l e n came-the Gret clt stivlad Maei"owavU Riddell, Edgar Wallae, Clive spent the %weekcnd witlî ilîcinar- Heice*s an ativance notice to ing Prayer 7 p.m. tu n135Jcue a ter iramelo th G it fstympian MaeAi omaF BAE Y Arden, George Gibbs, .Joseph ents. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devitt. Bwavlcmrhns e ST. ANDREW'Sq PRESBYTERIAN obse.Ed the practîce of memn- garnes: ancient I:aîy liadt. h vas,: Hocking, George .Agnew Cham- Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Pearce and w\ves and dcents. Keep Ttîesday CHURCH bers of a tribe tn the Peninsula annu al assembly al, Votumma: Whi7 beli.Mr. and Mrs. Edwarti Hartley, De- eve îî ng. Sept. 22nd. f ree for an Rev. W. G. Btake. Minister who wcre noted traders in tabac-f India. the grea*: annual fair at TOILET FLUSH ... bel -Ony2ca.a trolt Micbi.. were weekenti guests Iinmportant engagement. YoulIl Miss Louise Osborne, Organist co. noving frcc]y aniong other Hurdwar on the Upper Ganges. Renta - Ony 2c Day of Mn. anti Mrs. F. C. Vanstone, bean more about this event next Su nday Services: 11 a m- tribes antiaat tîmes staging an Russia witb Nijni Novgorodi: Ger- Csmr oqe iMr and Mn G 0 L. Wagar. week. -The Holy Gho-st": 2.30 pm- exhibition tha:, nowatiays woitlti - ThLepi adFan- Csh eBoqe Sun-Tested Walli M:sesMnin'n GItuefa you wanî to sec a neal good Sunday Sehool: 7 p.r.-"Weary be classeti as a tobarco fair. How- em;and wîn wth Slewzig anti Fran...- gar. have retnîrned from a pleas wholezome show sec S li i r l e y anti Heavy Laden.' ever tbat may be. the first agri- Barnet. anti Nottingham. an]holda aiJuipe ,Temple in "The Poor Little Rîch cultural siote.wit.h accom pany - Tn Papers Lah. itle a the Royal Thecatre, Sept. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH îng fatr. f0b eodt n pe uiotth gs hr a Quality and prices to suit ih 16Yulenjyvrym- Reî'. Sidney Davison, Pastor Canada in 1791 on the separation been no cessation. The agricult- everyone - as low as Mn. S. E. Keats, Toronto. was utc of ber cleven ant iriîsome Francis Sutton, Mus.Bac. of thie province with Lowen Can- unal fair is a perpetual institu- 10e a Rollin town Tuesday vsitng Mrs. acting. Oganist anti Choir Director ada was the Niacra Agncultural] lion. Modemn invention encoun- 10 oiBert Antirus. anti attentiing ftic Sunday. Septemnber l3th: il a. Society. S'milar' socîcties scion agers il. The more there is to fuea fth aeMs.Js i Mr Wm.Booth. sn0f Mrwmandîcm.-"Life's Opien Roati t 2.30 p.I spreiid *t other paru ts he rov- lan h igrtefi uh AR fillan. picplaofrte~s i er a -Sunday School. a]] classes be in m'icc. and in 1806 a:. York iTon- 1o.At sa atn0 ac Phones 186 or 121 Np ~Mn. W. J. Mornison. Picpl1be ntesafo h oa their places: 7 p.m.-"Songs in onto' an a*tempi, was madeti e t ttanes a trt f i s abg OHNSTu NOntario Scliaol for DCeaf. and'& P.Store. lias been appoîntedthe iWh. 22tnia po gre i e ctonfacuX be:endo]ywt ber STO E Te ats. M arioa Beleville, gave beno1fi8saf2ft2 oclt.thhegt' om rvewt iae e sty n fger thon de en In othen ie I amttr0 TheStaesmn afrienWly cal] on mbasachain. the Whitby brancb of ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCE I was in:.cnded as thc finst al- loss of time often untier ge. enamte fcnieal BOOKThurday.Mn. Harolti Sinrner, Tyrune. Miss L. L. Bragg, Onganist vemcntly crowdcd ntirrn go ta a fair a substantia] dis- . dîfficulty and inconveruence, if J. H. Johnston. Proprietor I Miss Pauline Wagan bas re- was a veny succcssfui edîibitor of Suntiay. Sept. l3th: 11 a.m.- 1o hu heps 10~tance fnom bis home in bis motor! not alm ost impossible. Insteati of turneti fron i Bg Win Inn and Li, Shrpshiredown sheep a] the "The Red Envelope or the Reti Truhu h at10yas car ini a camparatîvely short time. the buggy. the young farmer ___________________ oka~n t.hmepevos aCanadian National Exhbitt i on. Flag: 2.30 p.m.--.Sunday School:j toe adrr. ovrm-cl aets rDomtn-He carispenti exactly wbat time die i rd ntelts Mr. R. B. GlaspelI. Taunton. also 7 p "heUnpartionablc Si n." ai ro:mort.haveearkidetihe r an afford anti bcehome agaîn dres is cr d in teas]o wofaîns w:th morenthan a Hinpshire-ein qîîick order. If he des.ncs Ila downvr ram lamb. aqa n aio social prg-1:, npav anothier îîsit. or to mýaie a, olti the eligîble bachelor may meet 1818 the Legtslation of Lowem dailyvivsit. he cati do so easîîvhi desîreti fate at the agicult- Mr. W. Len Ellitit. Presitient COMING EVENTS Canada passeti an ac* grant.:ng Ffly years aga that woulti bav"euns] fair. i SEE OUR W INDOW S of Rotary Club. wii ohetrfinanc;al aid ta district couîity_____________________________ Ted nîgli ledgte2h Re -crie the date for St. An- a2rîctlt'unal sýou.eî:.cs ant i:n 1830 _____ ann:î ersary 10f ýserRoary de , hrhBza nFriday. the Proviniîal Par-l:ainen* of Up- _________ F OR Cltub a: wb:ch PauI Harris. Clii- cAbr4h71 per Cana~da mode an o:low'ance of! cic. bafondr 0 Ratry VOS On Tucstlay. Seplember 15h 100 ($50,ta encourage tbe es- PRICES the bonîrti gusî .donttni. the Chiciten P.c Slip- tý,b1tshmeti: of agr:culý ural s ýT1Mc. tack Cuilley. so OMr. anti per at Ebenezer at 4 p.mi.. stand- ictIes-. Sîîîce that tl'nie bath Do-Seia Ex r S e iaAal elrs W. J. Clilev. 'wbo servcd in.ad ulie. Meplay ILeoks , X.Iniof andi ?rovînc.iDcppartISe ca Stores. bas rcce'cd itlie appoint- Ilocal vaung people al, 8 p.m.A- *,;iiicd tIocîxe assistance lta 0cr - imon:, as muanag'er of the Kecîr 'tilts 50c, children 35c. M. Ad- Olf~r-. _____ T i e k E dand Dundas Street Branch of Do- 7-1fls Mn. R. L. Mitchell. manager of lbeltial, Yack. Cobourg. Part HopeN fl WAF R the Bankt of Commence, anti Mc.' Perth, Ottawa. Guelphi. Hailton SERVICE Mitchcll are ta spenti three weeits Nelson. Waterloo. Brantford. anti -_----------_HO_____R liolidy in Mntrealand th pro- hati pnoîcd of great -socialim-i-EeyB t Corbett's Bakery hldym Mnra nt h r- our Dair ypxngtesx o il. W EU M vince of Quebec. During their wyfrte absence Mn. McPha:l of tlhe bank Idesîreti provînce-witic onganiza-. r>HONE 3 ROWMANVILLE staff here ivill acf as manager. B<wmamville aiy sa 'lion wlîich a established imnlUEIt i 186.I hlyean, untier theSI v ii j Wîth the plate glassin anti the people's dairy. It is more aupiesafthMArîuNurT]s ___________________________________________ cora tive fwntofughe bnuniling, than just a business -it sociation of Upper Canada, a faimr the Public Utîlîties Building is is a real health service. was hel intr Toronto wbîch todav y 1 fas nearing completion. Thbe Drink more Bowmanvifle is of world-wide renown. The agricultural society i n O E Y the building by the fînst of cOc- Canada was îoinefbing very nec- Septem ber Sale of Beddîog ommsio oest iesfleiin Diy JJ frHal aseyftlithecountranoditions tobr.sayVotecutyatl-s. L. A. Tole, Mrs. John beccame typîcaliy Canadian. The PecMn. anti Mrs. Arthur Minis s VIurCOhencluso scilTWO YEAI 3-piece Outfit anti son LomneMr. antiMrs. A- rik contacts andte manuus 0faial Reua 2.0thun Brent, Mn. A. W. Clemens fThe New ChocoIft~e ws tsexas eianual aTe Sept Spcia an Mr Geo Anis ttededthesocieties met. once a month whcn Sept Speialfuncral of flic formers' niece. the membens anti guests dinedt o- Mns. A. Keele Gregory, at Lindi- Be sure and try this tîI5ty gethen under thie direction of H E Y J 1.5say on Tuesday. chocolate drink wth the stewards wlîa werc responsible for The engagement is announceti yeast content. For alilsea- tfli detafls connecteti witb the of Helena Mae, only daughten of sons it is one of the finest banquets. Ful] ativantage was Mrs Be, Bwmavile90nt drinks on the market. btit was at the faim that the CA lafe E. A. Boe, f0 Mm. Garnet hEa goif ke f hiSsciloponunt Roberts, onîy son of Mn. anti inhabitants of the district excell- o n ono alu - Mrs. Franit Roberts, Wbi:by. The e d fbemSlves. T- tha.t cannot be removed by mamiage will faite place ftbe lat- The faim usually lastet forfu IS o an ono alu -1e at 4-ti o t.Dn v lts s n h ui es sii h 0 the new scientific Uoyds Sale IOTTIES Me Guaranteed I-I Guarantee 33C L Guarantee 49c R-Guarantee 79c U Guarantee 1.49 ENO'S ' "FRUIT SALT SHAND SIZEDy4 rHOUSEHOLD SIZE 791 Save 8.45 Now on this 26-piece ROGERS SILVER SET (Made by Oneida., Ltd.) Every piece carrnes re- placement guarantee by the makers. Simply buy $3.00 of goods ln our store which must include one PROPHYLACTIC TOOTH BRUSH 25e - 35C - 50C 98 A SPECIALTY ~Creffor U GS We Deliver 33c -57c -89c .....3 rolis 25c ......pkg. 1loc ......pkg 2 5 c ..........in 19C ....3 bars 25c ALuIN Bowmanville "Let us ever thinit arigbt about those wbo have passeti beyond that blue horizon line of buman limitation. They are stîll com- pleteîy itienfifieti with that div- ine Lif c wbich itnows no endi be- cause it knows no begiming."- Christian Science Monitor. Week-end Values... Easifirst Shortening 2 Ibs. 25C ........tin 5c .....lb. tin 59C Furniture Polish and iver Polish .l... b. tin 25c ......../21b- 15C ....4 lb. tins 60c pkgs. 41 c 2 Ige. .3 pkgs. 25c ......5for lOC .lb- 39c I PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWJMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBFR 10,h. 1936PAEFV