PAGETENTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVWILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER l7tli, 1936 1Iar£ce circle of reliatîves and fri- iendis. iAniong * tho friends and :'a tives present fifrniolitou0f cg'vn THE NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT were Mr. andl Mrs. Gro. o-ri Harry R. Pearce, Correspondent, Phone Clarke 1114 Power. Haldtl'Ol: Mrs.D. Pollard1 -iand M~e Maud and Haze: Powv- or, Oshawa: Mr. Gordon Power, Mr. and Mis. P.F. LeGresleý United Churchi Rev S. Mac- Mr. Norman Samis s LS c callylJ . and Mis. J. J. Gilfillan. Mr. visited Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Grubbe. Lean. BA.. Pastor. Sunday. Sept. .11. 10OA. GamsbY. Mr. W. Davey. Weston. over the Labour Day 20îh: 10.15 a.rn.-Sunday Sehool: Mr. andi Mrs. R. Bruce visited Oo0 is Mlss tvn ______________ weekend, attendeti the C.N.E. anfi Il a.m.-Morntng Worship: ï p. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stringer. C M CourtîcSteens a c c o m p a n i e d Mr. and Mrs., m.-Evening Service. anville. ArticlesForSal Grubbe on a motor trip to M vid- St. Georges ChLrrch - Rev. D. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Gibbs.ý Porti BIRTHS R SAtclesROGRS A land,. Owen Sound and other R. Dewdney, B.A.. Rector. Sun-:Cai'ling. called on friends here. KNOWLEDGE uS FOtRySles - Rado G cERS40,BAT- Georgian Bay points. 'day. Sept. 20th. lSth Sunday af- ________;_____ -__i MOFF'iTT-In Bowmnvilîle.on nuirylen Radio, Mcdeli. l Mrs. John Lord. Shaws. ac- f er Trinity: 9.45 a.m.--Sunday i . ONLY POSSESSION ody Sept. l4th, to Mr. and isinutHe wintiabGuamaphone- companied her grandson, Mr.'School: 11 a.mi.-Mor-niing Prayerý OBITUARY Conzinued rn pg ) Mrs. Allen E. Moffatt. a daugýh- cords: extension dining table, Harry Cryderman. Bowmianville. and Holy Communion; 7 p.m.- _________le____ r pae1t Shirley Elainel. mission oak: centre table, wal- on a motor trip through the Nag-; Evensong andi Sermon. nut old-fashioned walnut sofa. ara peninsula. to the fails 'and Mr. Albert Fisher, R:verside, , John Hall, Oshawa north througlî Europ.e. andi Chaireiihd-niuhl tered to points across the border. Calif.. has been visiting his bro-: The death took place on Mon- Aif reti the Great ; n Englanri weîc MARRIED al.wt See "Coming Events" for Par- ther. Mr. J. R. Fisher. day. Sept. l4th, of John Hall in the great leaders.________________ mirror. refini5hed. Aptply te ticulars of 3-ac, play 'An Old A large number of their New-'lu eightîeth year, at hîs late In the nied'aevaî Normaneti Mrs. E. V. Scobeil. Incsurance Fashonei Moher" inComun-castîe friends were pleasedt 1 see residence. 110 Alma Street, Osh- ucation. a boy was in the care Of BROWN-HAYVA.RD - In S". jAet Bwaill. 3- rvea dnc Mr. and Mî's. Arthur Allin of Los, awa. The late Mr. Hall had bren hk, mother un-il the age of ýeen. Johin's Anglican Chiurch. B'%-FRSL ASYHRI and party for Miss Jean Rickard Agls ai. woaevsti i!frsm îe He then served as a pare :n the mavlebyevC.RSpnei corn~ binder, used single andi Thusda eenig pevousto ertheir many relatives here. 1 Born in Darlington township in hall of a bar-on, learnin e'r on Monday'. Sept. l4th. No:,ah agpo.tofrrw ndn deatr o oot.'iee Mrs. Effie Jenîson Day. 2nd'Durhlaml county. on March 24th.1ence. obedience. to s:ng and play Georgine Hayva.rd. daughter of'po.Mse-arscei I \Ire o Trnto Tire1' Gdco. \W. Patrîck. Bov pow a.ý Hrrscr were about forty young people Vice President of thei Doitfinioii 1356. John Hall took up farm- the hai-P. courtLesy and .rh, 'îuuii jng. Mr. Hî- separator. W. S. Staple.-. Mas- andi ladies present. Miss Rickard Board of the W.M.S. wIli addr--s in, in the Enn;skîllen district At 14 hie becamne a squire, and inanville. an th aeM. *i- ey-Ha:ris Agent. Phone 81. th .M.S. of the Unitedi Churelý. untýî1 n:neteen years ago when hie careti for lus nma-ter's horçze and wr.t r akBou o 38-1* waerese ntbeti iofth lai' den.- ere on October l15;mo. A 1h iil epe miou et i h Mrs. Hall to Oshawa. am.At2 ewas eJgibe or of W . H. Brown. Maple Grove.1 er set on bhaif 0f thoe oresen ,.kn'ht.liuod, w îth the dtuy tao- teleMr.Bon FOR SALE - MILL BUILDING. by Mr. Chas. Buckley. Orono). ac- Congratulations to Mr . Walte. Four years ago 31r. and Mis. cur'hrata- 1wandthe30x 4 ft. jMat. 1 broemve. coenpanied by an atidress reati by CoU1ch. prominent local appIl ai celeorateti their 2olden wed-j 1- V WERRY-RICKARD- At, New'- frm reissealtu- Miss Marjorie Lycett. Mrs. Hare'..goerat ar and briddng anniversary. andti des ' t.repý tep:etod.po castle Unitedi Chui'ch. on Sat- and feet of gooti lumiber. Rea- home presented a brîrght and gay formerly Miss Ruby Scaman. Port w %idow 11le is suru iveti by three tect thie w onien and the poor. and urday. SeptenVoer âth. by Rev. sonable. Apply Geo. J oh n s. appearance with many lights anti Hope. on their marr:age on Sept. li;t.-s. M.. Elzabeth Reeson anti do hspart in h preservaz.on of Rov H. Rickar-d. Coîborne. \Vini- N-ltn 32 a profusion of lovely flowers. l2th. Mrs. Mary Aune Oi,'r,:on o:f tnifred L.. daughiter 0 r ni_________ Ail young people of the United W. A. of tre Unitedi Church ýBrooklin. and Mrs. Robert Griffin The pre' cnt systeîn is to00 well Mra. N. L. Ri1ckarti ecate RASPBERRIES-LATHAM. "THE Church are specially invileti to meets today. Sept. l7th. in the in Manitoba: two brothers. Thos. known to enlarge upon. Mr. Day- 1.0 Mr. Kenneth G. Werry. son bat ail-round midsummer ber- attend a wiener roasi and camp- S. S. Hall. Mrs. Percy Brown's Hall. of Coluinbus. and Richard idge saîi. I would however like 1 0f Mir. anti Mrs. W. G. Werry.i ry,. an exceptâional yielder of fire meeting t0 be helti by the group is in charge. Hall of Whitby: and one grand- you to think on those who do the Salem. large brigi red fruit. A lim- Young Peoples Union. at Hanna's The Golden Rule Mision Band son. Seiber: Hall of Oshawa. mork of educaî:1ng. In a dsa 0of __________ ' ileci quantity for laie Septem- beach, haîf a mile South of Kurv 1 wîll neet for the f'st rime afer A staunch adheî'ent of epr 35 to 40 puP.s there are nîany ber planting. Sturdy youngF Inn, on Monday. Sept. 2lst. In the summen vacatino et2nepn cr~ h a c alPesnlte ersnei. There lA Ui canes 3c each, shoots 2c each. case of ain meeting w'il be helti lth. in the S. S. Hall at 3 p.m. atr:-bu;ed his lorevity to his i~s the only ýchtlti tllie ne,-Iected ______ I A. Laird. Maple G:ove. Bow- in the Sund-ty schiool. Everyone The High Sclhool îs planning abstinence fromn tobaccoi anti a1-j chiti. the indulgeetichi:d. To 0b- - manville. Phone 476i'21. 38-2* wishing to attend is ceques:ed tc to holti its annual fieldi day Sept. cohiol. A membber of King Street tain best lresuits the teacher nii5t GALE-In Colboine. on Monday.. meet ai the communi:y hall no'. 25th. in the comrnunily park.i United Church for inany years. use tact anti d;plomacy w'%h la- epeîer1 h 13.!ar ELECTRIC WASHER - GOOD later than 8 o'clock. Cat-s are be- There will be ruinn:ngý races.: the funeral Services took place a: iliZ theze types. The teach- Galc. edîtocr of The Coiborne1 condition. Cof leld. copper tub ing provideti for ail. j umping anti throwinr competi- his late residence on Vetin2sdav er.**; hours do not begin a' niine Enterpr' -e. nge 81 yerîs. In- $25D. Ternis. Maytag Sales J ____________________ nn.anti oh1i' athiet'ir events. u ihin'ermneu: in Union Cene - i t.monîganti- ztop> a. Dur. tei'ied in Bo.w'manville. Service. King Street. 38-t f The public is cord:ally inv;t"ed to0 tery. Srvceas conducteti bv In rtiral comnnuni:ieS the :eàach-- attend.: Rev. J. S.I. Wilson. 'eî"s work is nev er. done. He is IHA.-în Ost-'îa'.va. September 14. FOR SALE - QUANTITY 0F Mr. Fred Woodtiant i-. and' 'Public property ant iuist ucee 1936. John Hall, be'oved îîu, dry oak ant i brch coi'dw'ood, P RT HOPE iMrs. F.'zgerald, 'Toronto. ari e iss .Annie Spcar, Toronto refuse t0 a3Sss' anti yet in sonie banti of Elizabeth lEmima Bla:4r. an utiyo ril.Aso speninga pstseaon acaionrural comniunities a teachu' nre-' age 80 yeai's. In'ermien, Union man anti woman wanled 10o look 'ednaoat Mr.ason icott cat-Wo- J Mis3 Annie Spear. of Tor-on",o, ce.ves on:y $500 per annuîii. 1 Cemieer. Os~hawa. after a farmn. Apply Mesrs. S. Il ai M r Wota,coth a e \X ioc an ti in olen ays of Bo 'm n- M . Davitge beilieve ti ta- d- 'anti E. W ebb, Pontypool. R. R . hoIRMe" a: the lke. . J vsagi I'ng onîthe 'post officeýt2ff iucatîon %Vas s'iîî iPOWER -In Bowmanville, on 3. Ont. 37-3 Jcompetîtor in the min's bicyc ,le h lere. pac' -d away during t he Mani new expen:ments are 1-ein, Suntiay. Septeniàer l3th. 1936. - ALhES3TB ! t'h . . e hm f-isM. iIet 3farther anti farther from i le cul ni alraio:adeeýýl Bigger and Better Than Ever maVa ndetnî mteiJXictoî'.a St.. Bran:foi'd. where she anti dr.ed timne table. iVRI-nDInn udy aycrig.W .Bgel ma ahatirtnl oitd ldbeen visiting. She was in lier Chiltiren shoulti neyer be d' s - SepLenibei' 12,1h. 1936. Charles Bowmaniville. 38-1* THUSDA &FRIAY last wveek f rom the Eiat of ladites Js3, rd ' ' en- Miss Spear f ail-. couraget iîn asking Wne:ru esley V'rlue, belovetiusa THURDAY ",R;A%-ho rendereti valueti a'sistance 'ea jFOR SALE - OAS RAE419 ai Mrs. W. H. Cookes on the oc-i cd to a:,pear for breakfas.t on Fni- Questions. Teacheis shoulti nev- of Chrîstîna Saiider'.on, age 5 b3 ni. îdsef.Poe33 - diy morn'ng. Miss EpleIt entered eî' be too ti.eû rtodsneeî years. Interreti Be-hestia Cern- breadsil.Poe37,0 cason0fIhetrvelin ta. 'ter roornuanti fouintishe haticd 10 listen 10 what a pu'pl -ws-n:s. Iee1 .________si_______ SEPT 24 25 rghphoig frCareers prisseiaway.D. A. Marouis Mr. Davidige reer*ed to the' UFMOORA i, a10flE boy'SCage 16or 17 *~"' -1 I.. I cently left or are Ievn l, to hat death thcough her fwa:, one's Pupils iik NM M RA is class condition. Cheap. 01 comînry -1 ezncourses o, failure hati occurred ýseveraI their way in life. He relateti the LA.hrn.B mavle May ewFetues Jtîaininr for future careersarae'.h7ours before. that she had passeti careers of several os0 h 38-1 * t inldngaMss June Brown andiMs ui cuietly andi peacefily ini hec Training School who were doî ng REYNOLDS - In lovîng memoryFO AEGODPNO NDr Bucksaw Contest 1 cey Jaynes who went t 'leil le.magnifîcent work. Some t nue ,ý of our father, ArthurmJames FRlLe.ODPAN N J Sunday to enroîl aFs ':tdentîs at A service %vas helti at the Retti chiiren lîttle appreciationJ Reynoldis, who dieti Sepl th, stool. For partîculars apply to t Green Hlorse Races - IGirls' the Ontario Business Co:lege' anti Brown Funer-al Parlons. when they are being taugh:. bui)t 1934. Lawry Crydcrman. Phone 104 S .Miss Margaret Tomrs -who ac- Bcan:forti. on Saturday evening. later in life the3i look b 0ko -Ells anti May. on 527. 38-1 Softball - Trinity (Jollege Icompqnieti hec brothers back to Rev. Mr. Johnson officiating. On their teacher as one of their best FRSAEAC'WIHE. ScholAt.lti Tam Toronto on 'o commence Sunday mornîng a funeral motor frientis. Property For Sale FORale A NEWy WslyH Ta train=n as a nurse at the Wc-st- coach anti several cars with close Presîdent E. W. Crawford ex- JoTrn.3- emn Hospital, anti MiSs Jean R:ck- fr:ends9 came ta Bots manville pressedti he appreciation 0f the VILLAGE LOT AND BARN FOR b.Trn.3- MORE SPEUXAL PRIZES ard who began on Monday a wlî'ere the rema:ns were interreti club anti the several guests 10 the Sale in Newcastle. Apply to ErECTRIC RADIO -USED six year's course in Dental Nurs:,ng in the familt' plot. Rev. S. Davi- Speaker for his enlighenîng adi- Thos. Moffal. Newcastle, Ont. rnonlhs. perfect condition. $39. THAN A.NY OTHER FAIR ai the University of Toronto. On son~ officiating at the graveside. dl'ess. which throughoui' was 38-1 Ternis. Maylag Sales & Ser- _______________ Jthe lst of September Miss B e Mise Spear lil be mourneti by punctuateti .vth amus:ng anec- vice, BowmanviUe. 38-1 ______________________-Lawenroletias nure :ntran any friends in Brantford. Tom- dotes of schoollie in.,at:"v-tt ircuiMa .Bapaeibfr h lbo the Ger±eral H,.spital onto anti Bowmanville. she hav- Dr. Lyman GîtTord of Oshawa For Sale or Rént F'OR SALE -APPLE BARREILS.À Are Yo R ady A ce pru'ou:ohriavn;Talîson. only a feu' weeka ago. h:if of the Oshawa Fa.r. George FAMFRSL R ~ fPoe omni 3-2 Riet n ftecbsgeî Wester'n haîf of lot 7. con 2. .fMissororooiae PowprofBowmanvIe J t he onaeianftioal sgExhibi- Townshîip of Manvers. known FOR SALE - ELECTRIC WASH- stien' ~ ~ ~ ~ io i Totonto on Satur-day. gavej as the Chamber's Homesteai. erwilelfobanc0fp- an enoyab e eng yat hc our i hor memberi0 apinera report 0f the tiay's happenings. tc'onsisting of 100 acres. more or menis. Ternis. Phone 145. by -way of a facelpryan fmy: b: i'itPaesýedti 1 lessa Hou' îuch iwill yDu give) 37-1 F or W inter ? , 1; h h î ~ eton Siiîuday,. SeV.). 11hinhe iIwn osei py A h wudplace 'hem 111 oniLAd't.'of the la'e Mr. andi Mrs. MAPLE GROVE Chamnbers, Box 23. M.l:ori. Ont.1 Live Stock For Sale Does your home need some i carre ýpoutence 38J-4 ?wc\a}' to" ht O AE EHR U re-ecrain? _______i ycv r. Thau'ýh b-'srn in Dam- FOR SALE OR RENT S IX les andi Ro«k piîit','. layîng l lo îv.nhîo ..she lias livemi \ li i iIi cii roonieti homse. 2 acres landi, iow. bredti 10ay stra:n. Cia.s. J Nous' ..)w t iit tt't- io i t sut h NEWTONVU LLE t*'!-,e zc a: er pst", o: hec lîfe ;ii! r1,ntI.tii.\rINIr. l.yAp:a K:nues;vay Flou er Sliop, Hwai .R .Hmtn s1w'iîi Vs'i î: 'Bî'vns'..U shr- e f 'r nany LtN i' ituta '111d:unt'vle. 38-2 Pi ,one Bowiiians ille 167,-32. ya~ ean'dihec ý;:secr Ait i ra reeintît. \Iar1in oitIuy yv;siteti 38-i tsi î, Mr. .1,V. Si.i. .'ti iTo: -. .FeuinroSte. .rmstc.îrî'ed on\i iti .-\iIr,.Ir_ a l',k\,r, i.(tîiFOR SALE OR RENT HOUSE; ono te-enîs'. ' u akmý etsbl.shur'n:'. Ir i~î.ii aitn otcFOR SAL.E--GOOD NMLCH COW c.andti Ic~ l liti Lutand î' "a e k. : ttc:: .covJ\ -('î,t ulNI r.huIte-1andtigaraîge,221.j acres of land. is'rneset.. 'l'nte pr S unworthy And h 'ab~e weekienti 2iic~szo: c iîun'il the ~frii:sOf aeiht ~t t'îi, ~t lN .lyr.Apb' tciJ. CîliuJbred, JoluinM~ Hm o S untested S'cc a' %:ae leIen' a'd o tri l . .1). TII onlî i iitclav. plione 382i-14. 38-2' 38- Mr. andtiMt's. W l's ,Ione.anti J andi this has been u&ldonc bi, t t .tt 1iai,,itiît.t% I r. I lFi'i t. t- - ______ fau::vsp t uncc~swYliMr., Mr. anid Mrs. St.anley Be"'k-tJîî îî-tîir,î.ut1iil,suv,'k fiNli1.Hue oRn O SL \EVECOC If votu; i tiiti~ liiandi Mca" Laesti ls"-Sanie tiys a-o she feU antidi d'- \\-uat, uii. ue wccti ,vell breti barret rock ples atti-iv' finîislitfi)vouîr j . -ock. i' usl' htclihasten'et NI r ll ito ourii' ttluliiuty. IFOR RENT- A VERY DESIR- "ar4lztie 10h.nreasonaole. 1 Congratulations ta M-:,,3 E. A . her'atinlierav- John Mtlls. Hamnpton. 38-1 N'oood somk w"*(>î rtf1i,_.v hip'i ii..~ia' iitltIF uSs-Jable esidence igoio o"al ty.' ______ renrunlTham'cýson wiîo celeb,,iated hec One of a larg~e fam'ly of bro- 1 îiIi.arjory ('ol]iiv, tttonialîee, Apply J. J. Mason & Son. plioneIF1 SA--0 AR-ROK- reiet ieril9rdbItda Rs. ws t hers anti sisters. only one bro- 'îî iii flic weî k5 tit itii tIi. forier's 50. 3- pullets. Apîîly J. H. Aberne:hy-. Ml-lz rdcs l,s IdaRoasvasin Toronto her remaîns. Mc. Wilson Pow 'ac. l'osiîts,,\Ir. andi\l rs. k. 1). "riinliîh' Invle.Poe 3. 3- Mrlondlaze.PW.dC.ts lasi"seek. Ottawa , who was preseni ai he A gtatîi rwti gruteti mjc pastr HOUSE TO RENT - 6 ROOMS ol 'n anvksl. Phone 3. 3 -1 Mm.ani Mrs W.C.Lan vsittifuneral on Tuestiay which took after lusii iiitIi's Iiûliilays. l'ite on Homaey St.. ail modiern con- FOR SAL-9 PIGS, 6 W'EK Paints, Enamels, Varnishes. Mr. aniMca. Harr' Lane, Col- 1 place fîom hem laie ste n c cir aýsishti îy tuie uciette rc'utiect.ii veniences: possession at once. 1 li ak rsHmin Canada's standard of exceli- bor'ne. Ontario St. Service wa.s conduct- Iaurî tIism.'TIc c 1 '.î ( etir .C Ha.poe 1,Bw Phione 198r13. 38-1' ence Mrs. Chas. Reidi anti Hazelieti by hem pastoi'. Rev. Sidney eil cjsa ',cctii whicîî wou eîijovcul h% manvilie. 38-if ivr eeedgesso M.adDaio f rntyUie Cucail. l-astr Smitîi gave us, a sp1tiiî'I FOR S O AL-25 BARRED ROCK IMrs. Hanry Peacock. Oshawa. wuTho gave a very comnfotîng adi- 'sermonui. Ouse10 e t.evcNrOmdm s ain Ge orge l.dWri g h t i M'ssAnnie Nesbitt visiteti fri- dress on the wocds "Absent from 'l'lie curai scli<)oIloir %vas lhelti ou convenioen: garage; oesin Neatleonte. W 37-3t ~ endisin Toronto. the lcidy, prezent with the Lord." :rjday, sept. 111h, on1the c shool ovnec;gre;pssin Nwatl.3- *VW~I i Mr, George Walke3' hati a The paîl bearers wene Mess. gttl(s aryguicut October lst. Apply to W. F. ____ Jteves.KnghtelA. mîr ulud. aro tiîrîz's. Ontarto.w Spl endid day for his sale on Tues- Thomas and-' John Snowd'en, J. D. tiiere w!i<îur scltool carrying of Ward, Barrister, Bowmanvillc, Vanted Iday.teen, T. H. ' ' 372 _C._A.__________Ontario._37-2 Phone 30 Bowmanv-iIe Tht' Young people helti anoîher Johnsîon. S. Beckett. The floral Axother <tit re',ide-nî ttis coin- ELDERLY COUPLE WOULD wiener noasi. Satuctiay night in offerinns were veny bcautt.ful. ex- mniiyîa.ciasvitn t-prso iof Apartynents to Rent Uike nice unfuirnisheti nni '1A~ ~ ~ t tsov. 2; new teani iacness andc monih foc 1 lesson pen week. oos-ïroîn libracy. Phone 2580.. TH CNDINSHREDDED WHEAT 1wcolrs ppc, ieti varietis THEORY Permanent Waves f rom $1,50 COMaa Pals - aAN.L d a 7nsti 0 a re o: îae cremis 1 :As nequii'etifoc the Toronto Con- 10 $5.00. Expert operafoma, with loada tnangei.s: 2 loads s'lecl srrvatory diploma and foc the o38iho-apo:1ens clouer iîay: a actesý standing higher cx.iuiinattons 0; f the Can-3-1 htkwheat; 1 loati nu:llet. 1 set atitt.n College of Organists anti'WEST END GARAGE AND MA- 'sl'~gs; cu'er 1buggn: foi the Unueristy tiegree. t chine Shop - We specialize in us heelbai ;uss . by fork anti car:' BowinaniilIe, Ont. machinery repaîrs, general gar- rîttoci ouîs other uc' itIePhonu'42. age repaîrs, welding, towîng SRD1E m2> HT 1th:'1'ýng ý,,nîus: be solti w'.; hîtu an" weck ' secrvice. J. L. Demerling, Pro- ~ A E N CAN DA - OF C NAD k N 4'H EAI~ 50camne earîy ant i ste disap- loaItr h. .anîatliniil tliit fed, prietor, Bowmanville. Phone Room and Board BO0A RD AND ROOM. ALSO' "oonis to cent . Apply ta Mrs. F. Mclntioo. Kin-, Street, Bow- nianville. 38-1* For Rent TO RENT -SHO? FORMERLY occupieti by Jamieson's Tire' Repair Shop. alterations to suit tenant. Rent $12. Apply The' Siatesman Office. Help Wanted GIRL WANTED FOR F AR M homne. Mc-s. Beri-,J o hnso n. Bumketon R. R. 2. Phone Bow- mianville 177r2. 38-1, Lost LOST-A $5,00 BELL ON KLNG Street or in one of the stores. Rewarti ai Office. LOST- LARGE COLIE DOG. yellos v ssth wh'iîte breast. ans- u'erin" 10 flic name of Latidie. sîtrayet au'ay on Septemher 9t. Anyone knosv%-ng lis ssherc- abouts please phonc Mc. Doug- R. . 4 B.u iion ile. 8-1Repairing LOST-6 HEAD DURHAM CAT- IIARN'ESS, BOOTS AND SHOES tic, 1 grey heifer,. 2 ycacs pasl: 2My long expecience in the fîve year-oldis. 2 grey. 2 red, 1 'leatheur busiîîe.s fits nie to d'o final î'ed u'ith wshte face. Anyone:clas ssork wîich I alwsays try to k n ows'i n rIhîir u'hereabouitsido at a'reasonable price. S'ltîiS- please notîfy Ted Marlou'. Nes- !faction guaranteeti. Try me with tleton. Rew'arti. 38-2' 'your nexi ortier. Gus Black, Mc- ________ Mumtry Block. King St. W.. Bow- Used Cars nianville. 38-1 FOR SALE-OAKL.ANd COUPE. in gooti runîîing condition. only Si>gn rPainting $60. Ar.ply Hcwvard Halîman. 'DU L U X PAINTING - CARS, Bo-wmanvtlle Glose & Mitt Co. iTt'ucka ,etc. J. H-. Needham, 38-1' 1 Centre St.. Bowm'ntville. Phone .,, , -. . . ., 441. 3- PLE.ASE NOTE When ad eirtisem.-ent.s i sk for rePl.eS to a BOx. relli s shoulfi be sen-, in wrîn the~ number of the Box. The Statesmnan cannot re- veal the- identity of the ad- vertiser or give any further particulars. as this is the adverti-er's bsnsno t ours. and the fact that a bo*x is used indicates as a rifle that he does flot wish to give his name. So in replying to a Boxî or Initiais. please do so by letter. and save Your own time. and ours. Classified Advertisemnents should b e sent in by noon of the day previous to publication. 1 Ativerlisements under this heati- îng, one cent a w'ord each inser- tion. Minimum for each inser- tion. 25 cents cash. 25 cents adi- ditional if flot paiti by Salurtiay follosving insertion, anti has to be chargeti. Wlîere it ia desireti that replies be atidressedti f a box at the Statesnîan Office, a charge of 10 cents i, nmade. S iv i' ','tti t' " t i ss t1ii to l or our trtttitc.iu, unlcsyut tait OIt tlinîuii su titi v sII i tt it lawiýit. Notice To Creditors [n the Estate of Amanda Branch. deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all pei'sons having dlainisa aain't the Estate of Aniantia Braîîch. late 0f the Tow'n 0f Boss'nanvtlle. in the Eounty 0f Durhlamn, uiiow, de- ceaseti w'ho tiied on or about thic 9th day of July. 1936. in the Towun of Bowsmanville. are hereby not- ifieti to senti in ta the under- s'gneti. or their Solicitor. on or Meore the Sîli day of October. 1936, full parficulars anti proof of their dlaims, Inîmediafely af- ter the lasi mentioneti dafe the assets of the Estate will be dis- ribufeti among the parties entit- ced thereto. havingý regard only f0 the dlaims of whuch the Execulors shall ai that tlime have notice. Dated ai Bowm.anu'ille this 28th day of August. 1936. Perciu'al Greenfielti anti Charles Howard Mason of the Towvn 0f Bowmanville Executors. by their Solicitor Lawrence C. Mason, Bowmanville, Ontanio. 36-3 OIIONO CREA'MERY iSend your cream to the Orono Creamiery. Highest prices paid. This week: SpEýc.-28cý: lst-26c; 2nd-24c. Prices will be publish- ed each week. 36-tf For Sale POTATOES Best at ............ $1.50 bag Smaller ............. $1.00 bag Delivered RYE STRAW 5 tons rye straw, baled suitable for bedding or garden mulch. STOCKERS AND FEEDERS FOR SALE E. A. WERRY ENNISKILLEN 1 Phone: Bowmanville 195r2 TE CARTER FAMILY SAYS THANK YOU On Saturday last more than 500 Banana Spli Sundaes were sold in addition to practically the entire bakery output. Our opening far exceeded our expectations. and to ail those cust- omers andI friends who played a part in making it a success we extend our sincere appreciation. SODA FOUNTAIN SPECIAL Butterscoteh Nut Sundae 13c 2 for 25c1 Ice Creain Bricks Alil Flavour-Each 20c1 CARTER BAKERY SPECIAL Cream Puffs, Reg. &Oc Doz. .......... 50c Chocolate Eclairs doz. 50c Princess White Layer Cake, Fresh Fruit Oranre Icing, 40e size For ... ....... 30C Saturday Only Lemon Meringue Pie FIl ' sze. matie from fmesh fruit 26e EAT It's better because it's pure - It's home- CARTER'S made - It's quality through and BREAD through The CartebrFamily Bakery - Lunch Room - Soda Fountain - Phone 97 Special VALUES When you shop at Jury & Lovell's you are assured of widest selection, low.est possible prices, backed by the guarafltee GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED A Profitable List To Choose From Dextri Maltose ...................................65c Pablum ........................................45c Clapp 's Soups .........................2 for 25e Stork Nipples ......................... 3 for 25c J & JTalcum .................................... 25e Black Band Nipples ............... ..............5c Vacuum Bottle Kit and SPECIAL Vacuum Bottie 2 9c complete Listerine, Large .......................................79c Hospital Cotton ........................ lb, 29c Kepler's Malt & C.L.O ...... .. 85e - $1.40 Lifebuoy Soap ................ .. 4 cakes 25c Rubber Jem Rings ........................>...... 5c Phone 78 for Your Drug Store Needs JURY C& LOVELL IVIien M'e Test lies It Is Dane Properly PAGE TEN