PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1711, 1936 THE REALM 0F S run of a tie. Large drew a frE Royals Take Hagersville ticket to first and Moore snl him ta second. An infield grounc Recover Af ter Bad Start runners and a ln ù org byMiesent both men scurr3 t'ing acrossth plate. In the se' To S cur Clse V*ctrylenth they started ini on Dougt erty again and pushed the wi W'reak Sweet Revenge on Team only in the third wa.s le in1 den bit ta centre and when Clar That Eliminated Them in trouble. en filon tend.HîCosrd. 1935 - Numerous Errors In the third Osborne gave Up! sale when Thomnas f umbled an Ramper Locals' S t yi1 e- his only wal1k ta W. Clark who; Corden reached third. Bagne Dutch Huris in Important completed ,lie circuit as Large iw\orked a %vaik and after Larg Fixtue let DouLherty's single get. away, had popped ta third. Moore dro% fram himi and the bail rolled ta, a bit aver first and Corden an the fence enabling the Vilian, Hicks scared. Box -Score: After a rathler dubiau.3 start. catchr th)as r eplte wthHaersville AB R H PO A the awmavill Rayis. :iresaer St rea teptie. b.ut OO the BwmanilleRoyas, uih tvastrikes on HgHodgs gS n.,If. 5 1 0 2 0 of the Eastern Ontario O.B.A.A. -6Durh- thr*ev a vwaster that was Wdsor. b. 4 1 O1 2 0 Intermediate B t;tle for the sec- s:x inches above the batter's Wdwrtl.4 00i10 ond successive season. camne frarn. head, but Hadgson wit.hi a strake T.Cark. cf. 4 0 1 1 4 behind with a pair of twa-run that wvould have gladdenied the Thera. 3s. 4 0 0 O 4 sPlurges ta win the first gane of lheart af Fred Perry, drove ît aver Lampm, b. 3 O 1 0 2 the Ontario semî-final.s from the fence in left. for a two-run W. Clark.2c. 3 0102 8 2 Hagersville by a 5-4 score. here circuit clout. W.iClerkr. . O O 2 8 on Saturday. In'the faurth Eddie Hicks gotSivrtorDau 000 Harry Osborne. the gr e at a bit of bad basebali aut of bis Dugherty. p. 3 i 1 1 1 Dutchinan. handled the rnound system by bobbling H e r a d - -4-4 6 27- duisfrteRayais and re- graunder and then throwîng wîld Total34462 7 stricted the Vllians ta six hËs.ta home in an attempita get the Bownianviile: two ai which were of 'the scratchy same man. But the likeable Ed- Mie b variety. gave themn but one walk die redeemed himiself on the next Coisie, b. 5 0 2 0 2 and fanned eigbt. He oniy aflaw- play by reaching hsgh ta drag owl,2. 502? lewnlasdgsinsbd' for abtCarden, lb. 5 2 3 il 1 ed twa hits during tla dot s:x j F or hers fth as he ick.a. 4 . innings and on both occasions the orteIs fth ots h baîl stayed in t.he infield. With Vllians were as docile as lamb- Bagnes. f. 34(1 1 2 1 men on bases be was suPerb and kins. a prfet soryi Lrg . . 3 10O0<2 O ______________ The game ws prfMooiyLre, If. 4 i 2 3 0 for a film. The hieroes gat off taH oborne, . 4 1 2 O30 agid start by scoring a run inH.Obrep.41103 TH R I ltheofîrst but the big bad Villians TalI-38 - 1327-- upset the flowing- theme by taking a three run lead by the R H OJ iend of the faurth. but the heroes, Baw'ville 100 002 20x - 5 13 after being faîled in the second H-agersville 003 100 000 - 4 6 , d_ andtbreatenîng in almast every i nnsng. came ta the rescue ai the Runs batted in, Hadgson palpJtating crowd with outbursts Hick.s, Moise 2, Moore 2: Twi in thýe sixth and seventh, and ev- base bits, C. Clark. Cardei erybady, but the Vllians, went Home run. Hodgson; Stolen bas( home happy. Could'st At be that Herod, W. Clark 2. Doughert IN EV E Y fatewill favour the Villian in Hicks: Sacrifice hit, Lampmai lihe next chapter ai Ibis interest- Leit on bases. BowmianviUle1 PA CKA G E ing story? Next episode will be Hlagersville 6; Double p 1 a sbown in Hagersville on Wednes- Thomas ta Wadsworth; Stril< day. outs. Osborne 8. Siiverthorne Bowmanviile got aoff on the Dougberty 7; Bases an balls. right foot in the first when, ai- Osborne i. ail Dougberty 2; Lc ter two were out, successive sing- îng pitcher. Dougherty. les by Corden, MeIlveen and Umipires - Crosset of Po Hîcks for one run. With Corden Hope and Trott of Oshawa. on third in Ibis iramne and Mc -_____________ Ilveen on first, "Tony" started for second with the pitchers motion, ladas the second-baseman wen rcs n ouut -iover ta caver the base,, Hicks i Brcsad ou et * thraugh the em.Lpty territory for B.u[ckingha~mp the petiest hitting play of the game. F1NE CUTIn hie ixth, lie Royals scored B esn *on a pair ta put themi wilhin ane Twa Rayais shared tb'ý lfou - zr~.n hnnr onSatrrlov. The Installation WilI be as Good as the Furnace AND when swo tel. vou the furnace will be a fI IECLA, that's ail we nced ta say. Canada's mast famous fuinace-tme furnace tlîat saves anc ton in seven over aothler furnace-the furnace with fused, gas-and-dlu.t-tight joints. If we instail yaur 110W furnare. it wiII be the correct size, properly iocated, witlî the right size pipes and registers. And the cast will he lower than for vears ta came. HECLA FURNACES BOWMANVILLE This poor fellow gambled with Pire - and lost. Now he knows tragicaily the vital need of suf- ficient dependable insurance. Don 't stake ail that you own againht the chance of being wiped out by Fire. Keep up your fire insurance- and don 't forget to increase the amou.nt to caver ai] those new purchases yau've mzade the lest three years. Je.JeMASON U SON several mare in w:l three stars. "Dutrh" Osbori and Tiîn Moore rereived the t( ratîig Harîy was notbîng short osarvelaus out there on the mou' but according ta lin in bis e: clusîvoint.ervi~ew wtb The State man. he was away ail faim bý ho would be mudli ne- lime. A short tune aller tI Dutrhman said we caulti tel h public that any timo we saw hi stîaliing taward the pitcbing b( wo could nmark tle gaine up the wîn columa. Arnd wbile1 wasn't. a hitter when pit.dhîng. aallier limes lie wauld win tI gaines wilb bis big bal. Once duîing tîse game. wit mon on bases, two out and tv andt tbie on tIse baller. Brt Co v-oll rals,,out. "Gat g~hi Dutcb. if you dont there a s-:even mon aut bore wbo wi Dsitch iepliod. "Dan't vjoimy. 1 get bim." Ho slmuck lise mi nut. Tim Moore, whoso hits lia, been about as sarie as heî 1001h duîîng recent encauniter came back ta bis normal stric on Saturday witli lwo bits, ar drmving in the tying and winnir talles. Tbat's hilling wben b: cou.nt. C.N.R. EXECUTIVE ____ ____ ___KENDAL Young People's League was op- ened an Thurzday evening bv use ai the League Pledge and hymn. Minutes were read by SecretaryS Clarence Bell. and a financial re- er'egain bis formn for the scn port was given by Treasurer motion * * - ed game. Leonard Falls. A meoin wa dl- carrîed that $25.00O egvnt lbh Missions. Rev. E. Beech gave the ht In Kingston asat Wednesday first. ai a series ai ten minute 1 ýy Sbinny Moise dropped a remark talks on the histoîy af the Books SO ýv that he had played wth the ai the Bible. The Bible reading h- Knitting team in 1923. Inquiries was read by Mi. Swarbrick, and n-rev ealed the fact that Bil Car- , a splendid topic on "'Carelessness" I leo ýr den and Bert Colwelî were alsa was gîven by Arthur Thompsan. a xk mmbes oftha tem, wichwasOther items on the prog'ram were n playing Senior in a league that a piano -solo by Helen Meicer. and as included Cobourg, Oshawa, Lea- Bernice Langstaff sang 'Dawn by rid sîde and several athers. the Old Mill Strea.m." Offirers d ll for 'the year were completea aus. ge We doubt if lhey got anly mare folla'as: Presîdent, Mr. Jas. Sasir- LO W S u m m er P ricespb ve kick out of the bîgber rating or brick: Vice President,. Mr. Arthur i d had any more thrills than they Tbamipzon: Serret.ary. Clarence are ogeting hi ya Bell: Treasurer. Leaniard Fq i.-. ea.Pianîst. Mis. Swar'Orirk: Coîwi*Pi1 For C ei Stili Prevail E ers: Devational. Arthur Tlioiip- 0 Melbour'ne Wiglt. Providence sýn. P.sât. Mr.; Rer. Elliot: 'Mis- but we can't say for how long - so better have that A suport oftn e . oand an e t.h e ~cs:onary-. Aima Bell. Ast. Jenniie1 empty bin filled today with 0 a Wright: Citizenship. Mr.Fe O raigte paesfrI.Cornîsh. Asat. Lloyd Glass,: Liter- B3LUE COAL - SCOTCH COAL 1 raigte.t a heaping b)as- iaîry and Rerreation. Annabelle ailsiu plsa.teHendry. As;st. Margurt gaine on SatuLrday.,urt Bell.O ESH C A 0 S. J. HUNGERFORD Mr. and Mrs. H. HoyeOshava.! We Also Have Trhreshiiig Coal 0 NO MORTGAGE ON THE FAýR31 Appointed Chairmian of the Board daug hter. Mrs. Cecil Tebble. _____of Canadian National Railways. mr. and Mrs. Harlwell Lowery- 2Mary. let's kill the fatted cali and and famnily. Kîrby. and Mi. andl A~1i i ii~ ~ S ceerteteday. r.Ll Lwr.Oon.ýeý N ew a l tL w C s For the last dreadful mortgage Hungerford Selected Sunday visitors at Mr. Ir a 0 an the farmn is swept away: him n tB ad Thampsan's. 0 av ot the papers with mie, Car a fB ar radMs TletFna If yau have a partition 1 they are îîght as îight can be. Canadian National" and Mr. and Mrs. Sanders FMn- omvoranwnet 1 "e s lug and sing together. lay. builil.cald on red a r aid walls that need 2 for the dear aId îarm i fe. r.Hngr'-dbinsTohs eeonhill aldonfied 02o* l aain fee ree. M.,ugr1r b;g t ishr1 o una.a new finish, we recommend 1 first day ai July. îng fity years off ser%-irEý with îng took for bis text. "Aller this adr bfreproofsy 0 eas ofdrto hnii-bath the major railway systems manner pray ye.- stîessing the1 decorate wallboard. For ease O ed us in unity; af Canada, and an intirnate ýfart. that t.he numeraus invent- adsedi plcto - Why shouldn't we then celebrate. k nowledge of the transportation lions and s0 iartb have so speeded anfpe napicati- 5 and Ibis day neer forgel? requirements o ai!aU set:ons of up the modernie thal prayer and its non-i-warping, ie Where is Ihere any ireedo>in lîke the Dominion. He bas beld. in bas bien crowded out. E being out ai debt? succession, important positions of ._____________ proof qualities, it wiII pay 5l1'esponsîbîlits- in conner'ion with *Iyau ta use- 2 'eriz up Manly a morn;ng an th'Il ain 2 haur before the sun, w lceaion.nd aiintnac, on-ofCOURTIrCE 2,An nîght bas overtaken me be- it he Canadian railways. Rail- * SHEETROCK fore the task was dane. j roadîng bas been hius life-worki Miss Adlaide Wilson enter- THUE FIREPROOF WALLUOARD ;es When, weary wilh My labar. 'was nd, by rasn ihs lact. he îamed a number of young f riend th Iis thaugb.t Ibat nervdm knw and understands the dut- at heî' bome on Spet. 5th. bher ty. arm,. ges and probleis af all grades bîrthday. n: Each day wiil help ta pay thlelrom apprenlice ta executive of Miss Marion Orchard, former i, mortigage an the larmn f icer. singing teacher aitIbis district. Better take advantage of tItis fine weather and do e- AY.yu aedoe u His :Iengtby reriod of service bas been succeedeci by Mis. Don- that paint job rnght away ce nMary, yuhv oeyu has given huim residen.-e in seven ald Robb ai Orono. part B lain roeggsndtthesrate af the nîne provinces af the Do- Recent visitars aI Toronto Ex- ff y tkin egs ad btte totheminion. He ham li'ved and woik-,hîbîtion include: Mr. F. VanGon- m- little village store, . ed in the Maritime Provinces. in ton and family, Mr. and Mis U se C an a dia ra rn And did nol spend the money iniQuebec and Ontario. in each ai Wmn. Essery, Mis. S. Paternoster >rt dressin.g up for show, the tbree Prairie Provinceýs and and Mrs. Wmn, Hobbs, Mrs. Raipb as it covers more surface - lests longer and is But sang frainmaion till evening in British Cdlumbia. Lîkewîse. lie Tooîey and sons Rex and Chriscepeti h ln 'u lai your f aded calico. bas served in the State of Ver- and Lawrence and Robert Court-cepsintelg u And Bezse, oui aweet daughter- mont, wheie the National Systemin ie. PROMPT AND COURTEOUS DELIVXRY I God blessalher loving heart. now operates the Central Ver- Mr. and Mrm. Paul Antil visited IThe lad that gels bier for a wîfe mont R.ailway. four one-tîme neiglibours. Mi. and I I must be by nature smat- 1 His carier is a .,1ary aI on- Mis. Carl. Bridges. Castleton. re J (11f, She's gone wthaut a piano herjdeavaur and arhievement. The cently. To liave a hand in payin'. off -,e wkas3 an apprentire in the loca- day xith Mis. E. Ward. IUE ur mortgage on the iarrn 'motiv.e zhop.s of 'io Scuth Ewast- Mr. and Mrs. G. Reynolds ind LMTDBwav.l 1.5li mdIern Railway at Farnbain. Que., Msster Glenn spent Stînday w:îhi PHONE 15 Bwavn lb L buake a ittle cittage .soan. 'a i1 886. basbeosî n 1936. the Mr. and Mis. H. Prufer. Oshawa. neh 11.1 u your bea:'t rejoJce. cian at the head of -ne larges' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brock have! modpaot ow:hjrl's~~~ r h o:r oe 10Obw._______________________ OPj oui Bess.e's voicie; jHr:,hr~ T,'.e ' ~ni n r Mi. Robert Courtîceba o- You shail not niake Mour biitter I1 fifty 'ea:- box' -îsown -îs t h-?taîned emplovnment. wîth The Gay TEMDR RN witb that up-and-dioin con- ha.s 1tl'î w.:l 'o .in- Company aI Ihe Boyr' Trainingj CADMUS Tie littie girl was asked by her of cern. du.lstrv anîd ti:dy !,, .n mp)-i'ian Scbool. * ___ - ather what 'she intended tb be ýnd For lIlI go this 'ery day and buy I fter psitiaitet :ýncrea-sed Loal imrovoînnts iclude ýX- the patcnt. rhum s ponzl:bil:tv i Elecrmcitv înslallod by Mi. Lloyd Mis.s ;Mild.ed Arrher visited we , ahi giew, Aes- i.:l;- f cHne-Coitc. Mm J. orng',s Mis. James Mailow. , csck el ad, h ole." ut Lay by your faded c.Uýco, ani -j Ars ceer li:nd:oM."' r.-e bous"rîintedM .and . oer ..Mi. and Mis. Cecil Foriuson i iink I would lîko besý ta be a ýxt wth me ta uaown. I'iîne of the .inu-37al experience Crook'sý bain re-PaJned M .pn, Sunday wJt.b Irîend.s in fr'gbtfully îirh yaung ) &iaw." àe And gel yourself and Boasie a 'iew i uhc enw rba o Chi-Ga a.,ipo isse by Oz..iwa. ils anid shining gawn: wbil horn. brnes t 'heChair Grayhas mpraSunbi ma.n'h:ýp f'h NtonaI vte:filling in. witb cartîs. iaund'h M.MainNsttsntS- .m Low prices for oui produce f i i1Barn near' Bpdford, Qu"e., on deep cernent cllai wall. Mr. day at Mi. C. Dovtts. I\iiigcaMei(r tli;iui f.îiilt-finding FOXa o Spru e u s notle ar her July l6th. 1872. lheen er'eod rail- John Moîîaw is brsckig lus Mi. and Mrs. Smith Feiguson --notal'ent, no slf-denial, no' brains, Ln nou u moile Mory'The air's 1 'srv e: Mv 86.a nhou..e situaîed on wbat was tho and Collette. Bowinanville. spent no chariirter ire iequiîcd ta set up he no mortatrpentie on th'ho South Erý mMa, 88.astean Cornîsb estate. Mi. Win. Robin- Sunday aI Mi. A. E. McGill's. in tlise gruimblii Iîiisine'i,. atWhîle oui heaits are >now sojy Railivay,. noi a par, af the Can- son.,.iust north, is building & cel- Mis. Fergusan. Oshawa, speat ho ~ Pc:lc Btwen 191 nd ai ndo bi bone.Mi.Hugh lasi. xeek ai ber sons borne, Mr. ful let u.s. Mary. nat foî'get adian S - **Bten191adlrune i om.M.C Frisn To tbank the God af Heaven for 1910 POasstiorn., held xvatI-he Can- Shiort bas cîeared the land around C egsnMNBIOSLC aur beîng out of dobt. adian Parîfi' Railwa.y -in.-ludedtecekbean bul a stane M.adMs r odianm'jriaD es1"ineenTr&ie Lbh For he gave' the rain and suis- Master -Merhan:c of the Western walî ta hielp rerla'in the lnand ndRrit ý sig.sen un va Dvîson bîdqartisSi. Clgav.keep the channel 'iliaigîit day at Mi. J. A. Jalusstn's. uck,ât-Aer,es) Wtoobiderfu wo and put stiengtb ia j oo Divisioy- t agr.TrukArpl~atjnei. die age. o My arm. iland Super:ntendont aof îl1" l'ar"'opruiyTaiotainpi.Saea im And lengthened out aur days t ooroieand other shopi a" 11W nîi %i')lu i, 01 ,iiiîiîig , to \II t anIic t5 ,va litfi 1u lWrieCHICAGO DIESEL INSTffuTE. .ee no mortgage on the farim Winni:;eg. In 1910 hi ac"î(pted liis ai îiu Dp.2.lVnpg J.- -Fioni the Old Srrap Book. the prý.t:on )f Super.nednteenof __________________________________________________ l'Il ___________ Rolt:ng ,,S'ock of 'he Ca na d ian anNoîthet'n R'îilway. h ise h.i " ~ ~'>~~ ~ ~ aiiiheadcluarlî'rs irst .a-,Winnipe'ýi itii- sa'ine aîîîîîim i l nt ii ofci lutandi late; ' oTron:a. Is 19,1-4i vollii Wîlî!I ii' t'a iil litîillî.îI 'iii. bor-ain G'en":Et i! Mana"er aIl (oI ýde ýne rsg BillI Crden was ýthe big bat- smitb for tbe day witb thîe saielmes. Bert Colwell pulleti the feature fielding play of tbe day in the eigblb wben a bail took a bati bound jusl as it got ta lim but Bert gîabbed il with his baie band andi threw the batter out J aI f irst. Moore also came lbraugh nicely in the field wben lie went ivay back af tei a fly. Eddie Hicks reacheti ligb foi ane that was labelod bit. Hagersville wero minus the:î regular second ba3eman on Sat- urday, Haziett being unable ta mnako the trip. Dougherty, tle pai'slsdei who .s0 effectively mai- lied tIhe Bowmanville bats far a few inriings, did not came wîth 1the teain as be turneti up sick in the moîning. It ýwas quite a sur- Prise ta the Vilîsans wlen ho ap- peareci. Tbe Hag-emaville teain presented an alI new infieldti t the one whicbi playeti in Bowmanville lasI Yeam. Davidsan, the sparkling fiist sackem. is wiib Simcoe, being a high scloal teacher in tihat town. Clark, the third baseman. is also with S:n-îre, but is exîpect- ed la lie bark witb the Villians next yeaî. Laman was injur-1 ed at the lime tb«ey were bere hast1 year. The other two iniielders are jus' not playing. Chief Aaron was with Oakville this yeaî and L slated t.a gel a triai witl Philadeiphia Phillies nexl spring but we doubt if le ,tî'ks. He is 100 aId andti 10 Itoîîgh ta handie. S,.lverthamne. tIse 1); g iglt- bander. wbo slarted an Satur- day. is an import Iran lb" noi-lb caîîntm-y andi accordiaz la bis e cord duiinu tIhe soasan ma a much botter pitchir thon h sliowed here on Saturday. Ma'bo lie will The most outstanding collection of British Woolens in Tip Top history 1 Newer, authen tic style%! These are what the Tip Top representative is bringing with hirn. Be sure to corne in and meet hirn per8onally. If you wish, let hirn help you build your Fail wardrobe. His world of experience in the clothing business is at your disposai. Make a note of the date. You'Il want to meet our representative. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman, Lt. Bowmanville - Ontario WARM AIR FOR SALE BY BERT PARKER, Piuiuber PHONE 651w Eastern U:nes, Can',id:a;s Nortîs1- rn R.:ay. iiin 18 SA s: .V.cî- Prezýîdeîst af Operatian, .\ ain'en- I ance andCntuc:n and in 1920 ho was pransotîd ta vice- presidential îank %vth the Can- i adtan Nationsal Sysîtîsýi. iA iew yeai.s ago an intervie"wer closed a lon ' zby interview' by osk- ing two questions-,aofMi. Hungoer- lord. H:s answxers are zo char- acteristir' Ibat they desei've re- crd. Asked wbat lie rerairdeti as the nost important fartai in the acbievemeust af bis-,succcess,. tle Presidenl of tbe Canadian Nat- own busi'nes'.and do:r.r rt bor- ougb!ly." To lise query "Wbat do you regard as the secret ai gain- ing the goodwill af taris af Ihous- * : a nds aIemplaocs." Mr. Hunger- fords re:ply wa ' even more die2t fior le answered "Friendl co operation." The'.e twa aon.swer.s 'migbt loîm the koyacte aI bis careor. IHoming Pigeon Club I ave MoneywClub le hrHom:ng Pigeon SaveM on y Clb few teirsixtb yrung bird race on Sept. l2tls hum Chatham. Our tires are priced to suit lOnt., 2D6 miles air line. wi.h the ail corners. But we sell safe- îoîlow'ng results: ty, too-in Goodrich Tires. F. Ba't-el 5 his, 47 min, 24 'or. Only the Goodrich Safety i Wm. Woolner 5 bis. 49 min, 17 sec. Silvertownhas thelife-saving R. Dilling 8l is.481 miin, 28 sec, Golden Ply. AIl three Good- WVm. Woolner and F. Bottr21l rich Tires have the extra are taking part on Sept. 19kth in safety of special non-skid a combine race between Whitby. treads. Corne in and sec the Osbawa. Bowmanville, and Poil Hope, f ram Tilbury. Ont., an air values we offer.j lino d'stance ta Bawmanvîllo aof Goodrch »rures 216 miles. Early Sympomas- PRICED AS LOW AS Young Mother: "Wlîat makes you think our boy is goîng ta be a plitician?' $6*05Young Faîber: "Ho says more ttlnnm that sound woll a nd mean aothing than any ather humin O0sborne Bros. 1en __________ PHONE 297 conîperivat1on. 0,I tbî hIe, tisat noa mati can s:isceiely trî'vta hclp King Street Bowmanville anathor wthout liellp;na ,hinisell." _________________ Mr_____-Anony. Phone 50 INSURANCE AGENTS Bowrnanville 1. --, 1 THE CA.NLADIAN STATESMAN, BOW,\ÎANVnZZ, ONTARIO. THUP.SDAY, SEPTEMBER l7th, 1936 PAGE POUR